Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 22, 1922, Page 4, Image 4

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1 IT."..
Gross Wealth of
! Farmers in 1921
Third Below '20
Value of rroJuil ToUl
'$12,366,000,000, or Little
Mur Hun Half Vulue of
I Output in 1919.
I Wi.h.ngio". AprJ ;i -The S'om
ealth produced b f.riiiere in 19.l
(i4 a !ue of i:,J66.X'0.OVO, or
about two-third of the aggregate
lue of Iht frm product of
and little more than oi"-rialf ne as
irtt for the Department ol
Agriculture ftiiriutfJ today. Pur
ug ih mhi i M, 19W-2I. produc
i.o.i of !0 nop, which represent
ahout 95 per mil of the total crop
wtif. fell 8 per t'ni.
The total value of the crop, the
prtmnt mhI, declined from
I.M.Om.iNM in lii.,,.ootl.fmi
In I9J0 and to $7.o:."., in IWJ.
' J h de dm of Hi loul value of ani-
&il product on the farm Irom
M.miO.OiK) in W ! J.JM.'HKV
Oirt in 19.'0 and in $S.JJ9,0m,i"Kl m
Four crop of 19JI i-.pftlirr lud a
ilut grMter linn ntie-lulf of the
I.. til value of alt ciopa for that tar.
lorn mi v.lued at $UrU.ntKi.out. or
18.5 per rent of the lotat; hay and
forage. $1,165,000.1X10. or Inn per
fHit; cotton hill and seed, $755,'NNt.
(i0. or 10 7 per tent; wheat, $7.17.
000,000. or 10 5 per rent; and the
four cropi, $.1,960,000,000, or 56.3 per
Several group of iron arc promi
nent, the department added, the cer
eal $J.56J,OO0,OOO, or .16.5 per cent of
the crop total. The eiict-Jile, in
cluding poiatoe and swert potatoes,
$1,104,000,000, or 157 per cent; fruits
and fruit products $525,000,000, or
7.5 per cent, and fruit and vegetable
together $1.6:9.000.000 or 2.1.2 per
Of the total value of animal prod
uct in 1921, the dairy product
were nearly one-half. $2.4 10.000,000.
or 45.1 per cent; the animal raUed
$1,937,000,000, or .16.3 per cent, and
the poultry raided and egg pro
duced $94.1.000,000, or 17.7 per cent.
Further Argument on
Check Charge Expected
. Further argument in the fight
imong Nebraska banker relative to
he one-tenth of one per cent dis-
count on out-of-town checks arc ex
pected when Group No. 2 and No.
$ of the Nebraska Hankers' associa
tion meet at Norfolk and Fremont,
At least 100 bank throiiKliout Ne
braska still practice the discount on
I. 1 . - m.M. ..l.f knlf m.
Kleins null, uut'Ul'lunil iaiiia, vii.
Omaha banker stated yesterday.
.' The fnllnwinir hankers from Oina-
. ... - - r. -
ha will attend the annual meeting
Of Groun No. 2 at Norfolk: Ford
K. Hovey and VV. II. Dressier of
the Union Stockyards hank; J. M.
r lannigan of the W ar' 1- mancc cor
poration; William B. Hughes, secre
tary of the Nebraska bankers' as
jfociation; Frank Boyd of the Onia-
lut National bank; O. I. .Eastman of
;he Merchants National; J. b. Load
of the Packers National; A. VV. Pratt
and G. C Campbell of the Livestock
National; C. F. Brinkman and R. R.
Rainey of the United States Na
tional and E. F. Jepsen and J. F.
ilcDermott of the First National.
The following from Omaha will
attend the Group No. 3 meeting at
jfcremont: E. L. LVoste and A. II.
fchisholm of the First National
ferry Hendrick and H. E. Rogers
pf the United States National, and
E. F. Folda of the Corn Exchange
Says Hubby Parades With
'Women to Make Her Jealous
,' Siegal King is miserly in disposi
tion and often' goes out of his way
to make her jealous, his wife, Belle
King, alleges in a petition for di
vorce filed in district court yester
day. J King seeks at times to make his
Wife jealous by strolling by their
home at 2201 North Twentieth
Itreet ' with another woman, she
charges, and other times arranges to
meet her on the highway with an-
?ther woman.
. The Kings were married here No
vomber 22, 1921. "
i i m hi i i i '"i
Judge Foster Cannot Give
! Orders to Police, Says Chief
The campaign ugainst "paper tag"
ftiotorists. ordered by Judge Foster,
will be halted, according to Chief
of Police Dempsey yesterday. Demp
tey maintained that motorists have
right to carry paper tags in place
of licenses.
,"Any officer who takes his orders
from Judge Foster will be looking
for a job," he said.
War Finance Official to
, ' Be Guest of Omaha Bankers
J. R. Mitchell, chairman of the
.boards and committees on efficien
cy and economy of the War Finance
corporation of Washington, D. C,
will be the guest of Omaha bankers
foday. He will be in the city one
day for inspection of federal reserve
branches. A dinner will be given
for him at the Omaha club at noon.
Twenty-five bankers will attend.
. Brown Found Not Guilty.
i Charles Brown, accused of killing
JJ is wife by hurling a burning lamp
at her in their home at 1408 Chicago
atreet, January 21, was found not
guilty by a jury which was out just
long enough to sign a ballot in
Judge Fitzgerald's court at noon yes
terday. '; : i ADVERTISEMENT. ,
Easiest Way to Remove
Ugly Hairy Growths
(Beauty Culture)
Here is a method for removing
hair fronrarms, neck or face that is
iinf,lin anil i n,,it in,vnitiiv.
Mix a thick paste with some pow
dered delatone and water and spread
Oh hairy surface. After 2 or 3 min
ujtes rub it off, wash the skin and
eVery trace of hair has vanished. No
hform or inconvenience results from
this treatment, but be careful to get
gjenuine delatone and mix fresh.
.V r-i-,....
$20,000,000 Involved in
Gould Family Court Row
Ceortt J. Gould - V V,
I F"nk J- ou,d
Mb Mm"
Edwin Could
Kn.rr.f ntpil hv the I.itoet airav
of hi illunt legal latent ever . ni
gaed in a property fight. George
Jay Gould, opponed bv hi aibtcr.
Anna (Uiiihe de Talleyrand) and
Helen, and his brother, Frank J.,
Kdwiu and llovard. locked horn
tn the New York supreme court be
fore Justice Delehatitv in a finish
fiRlit their repcclive shares in
the $100,000,000 date of their fa
thee. the late Jay Gould.
Although the amount in question
before Justice Delehauty the
comparatively small one of $045,000.
lf.-rl fnlA
Mr. Helen Oould Shepard
9ked by George Jay Gould a In
hare 'of the income of the Gould
et.'te he allege his brother are il
'.rgaily withholding from liiin. it
ooit developed that the real issue
wa an attempt of the other heirs to
cVduct $20,000,000 from George Jay
Gould' share.
This gigantic sum, according :o
William Nelson Cromwell, attorney
and guardian for the children of the
Ouches de Talleyrand, wa fost by
George Jay Gould' alleged mis
management during the time he wai
one of the truster.
Policeman Balks at
Counting Rat Tails
Fremont, Neb., April 21. (Spe
cial.) Mayor Charles II. Green has
announced that he will give cash
prizes to the person who kills the
large. t number of rats, in conjunc
tion with the annual cleanup cam
paign now being waged in this city.
Mayor, Green requested all con
testants to bring the tails of the
slaughtered rodents to the police
station, where they would be record
ed. )ck Sgt. C. E. Davis was on
duty when the lust batch of tails
was brought in by William II. John
son. But Officer Davis refused to
fondle the remains of the pest and
ays that job will be up to the mayor
because it's hi contest.
This week the city street clean
ing department wagons hauled off
all garbage and refuse free of
charge for residents.
Woman Dies on Train.
Sioux City, la., April 21. Mrs.
Amanda Torcen. 59. of St. Paul.
Minn., died suddenly of heart disease
on board a Chicago and Northwest
ern passenger train arriving in Sioux
City from Omaha. She was on her
way home after spending the winter
in the west for her health.
Huge Ape Slain
in Death Baltic
With Zoo Keeper
Policeman Fires Bullet Into
Br-un of Animal to e
Life of Man Bomb
Hurled Into Monte.
Toltdo, O.. April 21,Tony, mam.
moth pt, who mlmlcrU had long
entertained crowd at Walbridg.
park, i dead. H MU4 by
policeman after he had attacked
Louia tcherer, chief of the too. an J
badly Injured bim in a terrihe battle
Swinging from a trape.e, Tony
leaped upon the keaprr, sinking hi
fang into his fleth ami claing hmt
with hi forepaw.
Alter the battle had toiitinued .ev
er. I minuirf a policeman rnt a bul
let through I ony kuu.
Formerly, Tony toured the touii
try in vaudeville, but in later J far
he became uuuuiugeable and wai
nlaced in the ion. On 10 pre v ion
occa-lon he attailtd keper, in
juring one of them eercly.
Shot From Behind.
The Pullc. Ore., Apiil 21 -Uianf
I long, o0. a member of the H ip Sing
toiiu. wa found dead near hi- place
of buinr here Ut niglit. He ha J
been shot twice lrm behind, police
Bomb Hurled Into Home.
Sair FrancUcu. Cat., April 21. Po
lice were investigating today the ex
plosion of a bomi) diguied as a
.tick of firewood which I-at night
hurled itself from a fireplace in a
home in the Richmond district here,
narrowly missing Mr. C. E. Pierce,
who sat by the hearth. The charged
log crashed through a window.
Mrs. Pierce' husband had found
the log, which looked innocent
enough, in hi wood pile. Police
said it had been stuffed cleverly with
some explosive.
Mr. and Mrs. Pierce could assign
no motive for an effort to harm them
The authorities, however, were In
quiring into the possibility that the
bomb might have been intended for
the couple' son, Wilbur F. Pierce,
an attorney, who recently defended
17-year-old' Henry Heuer. charged
with the murder of Manuel Cabrat.
Heuer was acquitted. The attorney
does not live with his parents.
Slain by Son.
Redfield. S. D., April 21. Mr. J.
E. Scermerhorn. living on a farm
six miles cast of here, was shot and
killed last night when a small cali
ber tin la h hand of her ion,
Miner, y U believed f l'-v aci-liuit-Ily
jih.u'ej. Ft. ring hf
would be puiithd. according i
Coroner Coleman, timer (hot h'l
father in th jaw and indicted
wound in hi 0n forehead. liivh
ph)i.ini -y may ptoa fatal
Falls Aeleep: Drowned.
New Veik. April Jl. After mii
lug the mghi boat to Albany,
Thorn Ryan el Watcrville, loim..
4-1 itriun ah ilia at ilia fw,t ni
Writ 127th itrret lt night, went
14 tleep, rolled on and n drowutd.
woman eentenctq tor inc.
lUmfnoud. Ind., April 21 Mr.
Marie Terll.i of Ft Chicago, who
thot and killed Mi Marie Page be
caue the latter relumed to wed her
on, wa enteiucd to life nnprn
oument by Judge Martin Smith of
the criminal court.
Oinalian and Srribnrr Man
i nCourt Over Auto Cra-li
I leinoiit, N'fL.; April 21, (Se
nal )-Joliii A. CarUon, Omaha
contractor, it tifliling for JIA'O
damage from Lew Spalh, Srribnn,
in district court here following an
automobile accident near the Sciib
ner ha-rball park In June. t2l.
Carlson wa enroute to Omaha
from Norfolk, accompanied, bv a
friend. While passing the Scribner
baseball park lie claim that Spath.'
driving a car, smashed into hi airto,
resulting in coiuiderahte
He asert that Spatli turned di
rectly into hi machine from where
he was parked along the road.
SpHth aert that Carl.ou wi
uatching the ball game instead ol
the road and wa traveling on the
wrong side of the highway. Jn a
counter-claim. Snath ak $J0O dam
age to pay for damage to hi car.
Scores Injured
in Oil Explosions
TweUs Srriuutly Hurt in
Wait at Station Near
Los Angcle .
Pawney, Cat, April 21 Trl
leople were -trioutly hurl and
Hairs were !ilnly injured luie
when o cnploku tallowed in
ipid kCquenre, sliatteiiug liuilding
and window, throwing drliii in
many dneiliyn and etrrcly dam
adjacent iructutek. The lirt
e.plotiou wa that of the unlcr
eround lank of an oil station at
IoiiiiIi and Cia(fd slice is. the
econd eptotlon wa that of an od
truck, w huh happened In be near the
taiion at the mtnt f the lir
Uecau of the uiallucs ol
HoHiiey, 4 law it IS mile Kiuilica.l
of l.o Aiigelr. Iht Lo Angelf
police and Id ilcpaitinciila were un
able la cop with the aiiuatum. Call
lor wet tnt t the fctieritl'
otine and auiomotulrt l-jadd with
ilrpuue wire luuiird out, utlowci
by aiiibulaiiic.
lr. C. I., Mauley, in tharse of the
local hu.pital, M.4 15 pruon had
been tieated at lii iti-iit uuon. ol
whom 12 weir crlntisly linn, but
that none of them would dir. lit
ad that tin i e appealed to tc a
Kicat many imc. ol pcrsoiu bauug
been throw ii la the ground bv the
shock ol tl explosion, sinuk by
liig luaintiiis and, tutoiding in
iheir letHirt. hurled bodily through
tile air.
Auxiliary of I'mteriial
Aid Union Metis Uffirrra
Mr. W. J. NcrryUld wa elected
pirsidrnt of the woman ausiliatv
l the I ratrrnal Aid union at an
oruauiatioii meeting held Ihutl.iy
.1 her hemic, IVI Capunl
Mi. Ada Ci'liuun nmei Ut
pieidci,t. M' I'rt Vw ,r
tary and Mi. MfU Jsililixn.
tirasuivr. The mw auxiliary will
mrct twue a iiuiinli at the bomr
of the aiHiu nimiber. tr. Ner't
licld is a-Tice in l iaurnal Aid un'"B
woik in ttuuha.
! Th. -
m m am
kf laf MlIK
11 For Infants
iL Invalid.
no cooaunc
FeoJ.Diink" fr All Ace
Quick Lunch stHome.OfTtce.aM
Fountains, Atk for HORLICK3.
Kkr Aroic! Imilalioos i Substitutes
Sturdy Youngsters Take
Father John's Medicine
The best health
builder for chil
dren at this sea-
eon of the vear is
Father John's
Medicine becauae
its pure food ele
ments build new
strength to fight
off diseaae, at
the iino time
building new
flesh 'and driving
out imp. ritica.
That is what the
rhililrpn nppd in
the springtime. That is why Father I
John s Medicine is and nas Docn so ,
successful as a springtime tonic.
No drugs.
'''' '''''
SO Tweed Suits formerly
told up to $39.50. Choice,
s (Praia
1512-Dou$las St
100 fin Blouses, Georg
ette and Crepes. Formerly
old up to $12.50. Choice
. t .
m -mmm. a - -vis- ar w n
w .
NDIVIDUAL in style and excellent in value are these new Wraps, Coats, ancl
Dresses, in rich spring materials, having many newer collar and sleeve effects.
These models are of the finer grade and have been in stock only a few days.
lp me
Offering Surprisingly
Some are a special purchase, others reductions from our own
stocks. ; Styles for afternoon, evening, and street wear, rep
resented in the newest materials and colors of the season.
Specially Priced at
Coats and Wraps
Mannish Top Coals
Graceful New Wraps
Alluringly new styles Beauti
fully Tailored Coats Swagger
sport effects Flowing Capes and
cape effects Richly trimmed
dressy Coats in all sizes and all
Chinchillas, Bolivias, Velour dc Laines,
Shaivsheens, Poirel Twills, Sporl Cloths,
Plaid Backs, Tweeds, Tricotincs, and
Herringbones t
Specially Priced at
1 9.50
e7U Vtort of SjKcialtif JJlcyvi.
Dainty Apparel
for Ike
Girls Misses-
Little Women
For graduation drenar-s, wc have lovely
little models In white organdies, voile,
and georgettes. Self-trimmed with tucks
and ruffles, or daintily trimmed with lace,
and ribbons. Simple and girlish, they
meet the demand for every ocenrion.
For aport and general wear, we have new
models for girls, miei, and mall women.
Styles are shown in taffeta, shnnlung,
crepe knit, and pussy willow. Reasonably
priced, from $5.73 to $23.75.
Knicker Suits $29.75
These Jaunty knicker suits in tan and
green wool check, with wide leather belt,
are the finishing touch for the girls' and
misses' spring wardrobes. For hiking
and general wear. Priced at 929.75. '
Gymnasium Bloomers 81,00
Girls Shop Second Floor
La May Talcum FREE
Saturday we will give free of charge one
La May talcum, usually selling at 30c, with
every purchase of La May powder at 60c.
This is to Introduce to the particular woman
the famous La May preparations which are
free from rice and white lead. ' "
Toilat Goods Shop Main Floor
Sale of Hats
. Value up to
A large and varied array of
the season's best and new
est modes the sort of hats
that usually sell for a great
deal more than we are ask
ing for Saturday.
Do not miss the values offered here
Saturday, but come in early and make
your Selection.
A limited number of smart
sailors bought to sell at
$5.00 on sale Saturday at
Hat Shop Second Floor
" - ,
A Special,
Corset Value
or $5.00
There is as much to say about actual Roberta
values as there is in regard to its superior r
. design. This year's charming brocade",
priced at $5.00, cer
tainly cannot be dupli
cated for this same
money. . 1
The' highest degree of
skill and infinite care
are expended, in
Roberta designing.
Each master model is
designed on a woman
of perfect proportions.
She w-cars this corset
to discover any pos
sible fault. This corset
we offer you is the per
fected Roberta.
Each model is soft and
supple and lightly
boned, but is also an
efficient figure mould
er. The Roberta de
signers keep pace with
the best that is offered
in modern fashions. Shop Main Floor
50 Dresses
Taken From Hher Priced Group
and Reduced for Saturday
The 50 women who, will become
proud possessors of these beautiful
dresses will consider themselves
fortunate indeed, for they were
formerly priced much higher. Made,
of taffeta, canton crepe, fceorgetlc,
rashanara, crepe de chine, etc.
There are innumerable styles, in
cluding blouse effects, tunics, and
straight line beaded gowns.. Cofors
include black, navy,, brown, gray,
copen, blue, mohawk, periwinkle,
and green. Remember, there are
only 50, and come early.
Dret Shop Second Floor
Phoenix Hose
r $1.55
This is a fine pure silk to the knee
hose with lisle hem top. Choice of
brown, black, nude, sijver, beige,
and. gray.
Other numbers at $2.10.
Pure silk, Paris lace clock, in gray
-and black, at' $3.50.
Silver Star Hose,' $1.50
XA perfectly constructed, stylish,
and long-wearing silk hose that is
shaped to fit at every point through
out the stocking. Good weight silk,
in black and brown. Choice, $1.50
a pair.
Box of 3 pairs, 84.00.
. , Hoe Shop Main Floor
After Easter
Blouses at After
New blouses
that did not
arrive in time
for Easter.
The assort
ments include .
Crepe d e
Chine, Georg
ette, and Lace Overblouses of
the various types. They are
shown in long belted models,
and the popular hip blouse, at
tractively trimmed in embroi
dery, yarn, and , the beaded
braided combinations. The
blouse for general wear with
wring suits, as well as the new
sport models in all the popular shades
Honey Dew, Canna, China Blue, Mauve,
Biso,ue, White, Navy, and Black.
Specially priced from $3.95 to $15.00.
Blouie Shop Main Floor
s wncr i at -v. i i lm
iw nr.. m