Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 22, 1922, Page 3, Image 3

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    'the omaha nnn
Toilet Goods
2.50 Ambre Royal Face Powder
A fragrant imported powder,
Fi-a' LiU J.
S0 Dj.r Kim Veai.h. JQ
(I ar CM Cream, OVC
25c Mavie Talcum
Cram. Oil Saap
' Tr doifn bum,
Lat h, 6!il
Palm Oliva Shampoo,
ZS WaaoWy'. "
Facial Soap,
Lui, per iack-
age, '
30a Murine,
28a Spiro FawJrr,
2.00 Imporlad Vac
uum Belli.
Cant Raior Btad,
per package,
B0 Horlick'a MallaJ
Main Floor West
Pkillip.' Milk af
Moik Ball
SOa Malerea. Powder OQ.
r Cream.
1.00 Midi! Prfymea,
from Lair. Hovel'
aa ar Caarlaia.
Fam Sanitary Nap.
kiat. package,
Tooth Patta,
2.00 Combination Water
Bollla and 1 1 Q
Syrlaia at l IV
Tooth Bruibef, apecial
Caly'a L'Orlaaa
Eilracl, OS.,
60a Cutas Manlcur.
Riato Five pack,
Handicraft Novelties
From the Art Department
Kalkutta Kord A new material for making
hand bags, mats and rugs. Because it is coarse
it crochets up quickly and effective- t ps
ly. In tan, gray, heina, ecru, red, J)P
and brown. Large ball, each,
Dennison's Crepe Paper Rope Made into bas
kets, lamps, lamp shades, vases, trays, and
other things, it has the appearance and dura
bility of wicker. It's delightfully f p
easy and fascinating to work with. I
Per bunch,
Beads Made 'of letter wax, they have the look
of the imported article, q OA
Dennison's letter wax in HP anil ZUC
all colors, 2 sizes, each. UC UQ
Complete stocks in these novelties awtyt
you, and an expert instructor who will give
lessons in using them is here every day from
9 to 12 noon, in d 1 to 6 P. M.
Third Floor West
Special Sale of
Beaded Bags
French beaded bags are noted for their
. superiority in colorings, and it is
markedly evident in the fine beads
used in the floral and conventional
' designs of these bags. There are both
shell'mounted apd drawstring bags,
in king's blue, red, rose, brown, and
tan, colorings. All are" silk lined,
many with fittings. Bags such as
these would sell in a regular Q 7C
way for 20.00. Our price,
Another group, of equally fin quality,
but aomewhat ; iWlIer, ara priced
Main Floor East
Sale of LaTausca
essi .
- v-,. : . . . ? .
The Moat Widely Known Pearl en the Market for Quality,
Luster and Beauty.
Regular Price Sal Price
18-inch Necklace 17.50 7.98 and 9.9,8
24-inch Necklace 25.00 11.98
30-inch Necklace 35.00 ll98
Guaranteed French pearls, each string bears the gold seal
trademark of its famous maker and is in its original grey vel
vet case. The pearls are perfectly matched and graduated,
with a solid white gold clasp set with a genuine diamond.
A string of La Tausca Pearls is always a proud possession.
They are a superb gift and reflect faultless taste on the part
of the giver. It would even be worth while to make selections
at this sale for later gift occasions.
Main Floor East
Flapper Pumps
An extremely smart"
pump with patent gray
quarter, flexible soles
and wooden box heels.
Children's Low Shoes, 2.95
112 pairs, including patent strap slippers and black and brown
oxfords, greatly reduced for quick disposal. Sizes from 6Vi
to 2, but not in each style. '
. Third Floor East '
li fH Wk 11 n us St i & 1
Saturday -After -Easter Sale of
For Women
and Misses
Formerly Priced at
39.50 to 65.00
It would be difficult to think of a type of suit, dress or
wrap that may not be found in this comprehensive collection-more
than 1,000 garments all at the one price.
Eyery one is taken from our regular stocks and substan
tially 'reduced irom its regular price.
The Suits
Piquetines, Tricotines, and Twill Cords, in long
line models as well as jaunty box .styles, ripple and
cape effects. Simply tailored, embroidered, beaded
or braid trimmed, they carry a wide variety of deco
rative features.
The Wraps
Coats, Capes and Wraps of such
fine materials as Veldyne, Gerona,
Marvella, Normandy,' Twill Cord,
Canton Crepe and Silk Faille, are
shown in loose, wrappy effects, or
clever capes, embroidered in self
rnlnrs or rlppnlv frincrprl
rv e,. .
The Dresses
For street, afternoon, dinner and sport wear, in Crepe Ro
maine, Paulette Crepe, Canton Crepes, Crepe-back Satin, Geor
gette and Vellette.
Lingerie Blouses 1.85' Sport Skirts 4.95 Sport Coats 5.00
Over 25 vdiff Stent styles of these good
looking little tub blouses are offered at this
price. Of white dimity, voile or batiste, they
flaunt all sorts of gay collars and cuffs in
gingham, colored organdies and some with
edgings of filet or val lace. ' A generous sup
ply for the, tweed suit or sweater outfit is ;
not a bit extravagant at this low price. Sizes
36 to 46.
In Tweed, Homeipua or Prunella Cloth.
It will certainly b. good sport selecting a
skirt from this group. They are so good .
looking, with all sorts of novel features about
them. Tweeds and homespuns in lovely
light colorings rose, blue, tan or gray, are
often fringed. Prunella skirts with dashing
stripes on dark grounds are pleated. Then
there are conservative styles in navy blue.
Wool Jen ey Tuxedos and Sport Coata
have a conservative, well tailored air
that promises lasting satisfaction. There
are several styles, but all have belts and
practical pockets. The colors include
mixtures and a number of street
shades gray, blue, brown, navy, and
black. -
Climbing Rosea and Tea Roses,' for the porch, trellis, or garden. Not hot houio stock; all 2-year-old, hardy, field-frown rose.
Crimson Ramblers Dorothy Perkins Basement West General Jack Paul Neyron
hi iiil bossard
a ' r ii.iaSJu n S nil
v Lacing
BE yourself, but be your best self. For this isn't
a go-as-you-please season by any means; the
l deceiving simplicity of the mode unfeelingly reveals
every blemish of your figure you have not recog
nized and concealed with clever corsetry. Let
. us tell you something of the artfulness of the Type
Corsetry that Gossard artistry created.
Special Demonstration
- Mrs. Frayne, representative of the Gossard Cor
setJCompany of New York, will be in our Corset
Section just one more day in the interest of Omaha
women that they may consult her as to the proper
Gossard Corset best adapted to individual needs.
M Variously priced from the simple models to hand
some, elaborate styles.
Third Floor North
In theLight of Arbor Day
i a
IS to th tvrrliiaUitf clurr t
V.aft.aL at ikkft A pKaW t IM wt AFIaTi.
x palf.1 in Ihii atatt. Ay hark
In 1172, J. Sterling Morton, than
living in Nebraska City, conceiv4
the idea of having day upon hlrh
every reaUlent of this pratrie state
would ba impressed ilh th. duty
of planting trees. 'Plant Trees' b
rame th. motto of this day, and most
of (ha trees now groninr in Nebraska
uwa their existence to the very pra:
tii'l sentiment cultivated by Arbor
Haw Tha .! i a knlutav In K.
braska and as a tree planting oc
casion it la now generally observed
throughout th. United States aa welt as in other parts of
tha world.
Someen. one. called th. preambl. to our Declaration ef
Independenr. "a passionate rhant of human freedom."
Through Arbor Pay, a practical, aorvirrablo holiday, origi
nating in a pralri. state, "riant Trees" has become a pas
sionate chant ef beauty and sen Ice.
There Is a big tree now standing on Charles street which
reminds several people of an incident which happened In
Omaha more than twenty years ago. It was a few days be
fore Arbor Pay. An Omahan on his way to business was
attracted by three men with axes, saws, and ropes, prepar
ing to cut down btg tree which had grown just inside a
rock wall. With thoughts of th. approaching holiday, the
Omahan asked th. foreman why he was preparing to rut
that tree. The foreman answered that its roots were bulg
ing out th. rock wall and the owner wanted It destroyed.
. "But," replied the Omahan, "it would be an approach to
rrim. to destroy that beautiful tree, particularly just be
fore Arbor Day."
"Well," aaid th. foreman, "it isn't my tree, and its owner
says to rut it down. That's why I'm doing it,"
Then tho Omahan asked the foreman what he was to be
paid for the work. It was on. dollar a fairer price in
those days than it would now be.
"I'll tell you what I'll do," said the Omahan, "I'll give
you one dollar if you don't cut it down."
The foreman showed some surprise and then asked: "Do
you mean to say that you'd pay on. dollar out of your own
pocket to save that tree? Why would you do that?"
Then th. Omahan told of the educational valu. of Arbor
Day and the importance of saving as well as planting trees
in a prairi. state, and concluded with the remark: "For
these reasons, I'll give you one dollar or more, if necessary,
to save the life of this tree. And every time I sc. it I will
think of it as my monument."
The foreman was impressed and, with marked emphasis,
he said: "Say, stranger, I never thought of it that way.
I won't cut the tree, and you can keep your dollar. I'll
have it as my own monument."
With this the foreman and his little fore, gathered their
tools and departed. Later it was learned that when the
foreman explained to the tree's owner why ho had not car
ried out his contract the owner saw it in the same light
in the light of Arbor Day and decided that he'd have th.
tree for his monument. Today the old tree stands, service
able to all who can find "beauty in running brooks, sermons
in stones and good in everything." Incidentally, it serve
as a monument to a number of persons who offered prac
tical testimony to the educational value of the great holi
day which Nebraska has given to the world.
v. J. L. Brandeis & Son.
Women's Silk Hosiery
Semi- fashioned,
lisle garter tops, re
inforced heel and
toe. Plain, lace
stripes, and a
few clocks. In
black, brown, gray,
and cochin. Regu
lar and out sizes.
Per pair, 1.25
Women's .
Thread Silk Hose
Onyx, Victor and Black Cat brands. Full fashioned
lisle garter tops, high spliced heels . and double
soles. Plain and a few front embroidered and
clocked styles. All first quality in black, 1 AP
brown, camel and gray. - Per pair, lVD
Women's Silk Hose
Kayser, Van Raalte or Onyx brands, full fashioned
silk to the top with double silk tops and high,
spliced heels. In black, brown, white, castor and
nude. Regular price 3.50 and 4.00;
Children's Hosiery
Children' jsSocks Rolled tops striped in brown,
black, pink and blue in a fine quality. " 1 0i.
Sizes 51a to 9i2. IlZC
Black Cat, Allen A. Hosiery for Boys and Girls
Long .wearing, fast colors, with reinforced heels
and toes, in brown or black. r . QCA
Sizes 5 to 10. IJC
Black Cat Missfcs' and Children' Hose A very
smart looking English ribbed lisle, full length or.
rolled tops, in black and brown. CA
Sizes 7 to 10.
Main Floor North
Men's and Women's Sample Handkerchiefs
Of fine cotton and shamrock lawn. Men's
are white hemstitched handkerchiefs or with
colored borders. Women's are in several va
rieties, plain, with embroidered 1 1
corners, colored borders, in -1 OC
white or colors, Special, each,
Men's and Women's Pure Linen Handkerchiefs
-Men's are plain white hemstitched hand
kerchiefs, v Women's are white or colored
with embroidered corners. Also Of '
gingham handkerchiefs or ging- S
ham bordered ones. Each, fciw
. Main Floor East
- -