Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 22, 1922, Page 2, Image 2

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s22 Ycare Ueliiml
I Yi.-oi. Bars Is
1 Slayers Record
l ir.t Cniclfil in 1C93, Ou
Colt II fyfllt Moil of
Hi lime in lVni- .
1U( p-ilue bureau of iileiitiikstion
furtiilic4 lo County Attorney Shot.
; well let'jre tlie trial the following,
,,, which the uurrsu iWUrts is tin
I , itiitiuul rciorj o( the nun culled
Otto Cute i '
t - ,i Hithard lWtor he "
tntid to three ii Columhuc,
O,, riiintiarv ir tAirgUry. fiis
.' 'tlwfkicJ June J5, lK'b
'' lie srretel in JUtimiore.
, MJ, l ! Uter whrit he
, uunlit iii tlie net 'f burglary. lie
t Wjpcl (null the city jail Anitiut B
I t 2 in tlie iiiorniiitf. He Bve
I" In liable a Kiclurd Vsiiscourt on
I - tlut OCCSsilHI.
; Goes Back to Crime.
' A few Hfcki Uter, October 18.
'. 1 K8, he was arrested in Chicago and
a Kiii'iicH to the penitentiary at
i, Jrtlirt. III., (or robbery. J'srolcd in
.March, IVOJ. he ined the name
' Jjmri Ki'iinert. '
He went riht back to crime. c
; cordina: to the record and was ar'
; rrsicd that tame month in Ked Win jr.
: : Minn., on a charge of burglary, and
! was sentenced to the reformatory at
. M. Cloud. Minn, October 2i. and
! then transferred to the Stillwater
L iirnilentiarv fur violation of j'role
. January IS, 1W7, lie wa paroled
I again January 27, 1910. He called
if himself E. K. English.
' A Kdwin liiiKliMi, he wa arrested
in Chicano, April 21. 1910. on a
'.' iharjte of robbery and was sen
; luiced to Joliet. He was paroled
J! M.iy 2H. 1914. He wa returned on
.July 28 for violation of parole. Dis
V charged September 25, 1916.
, Total 22 Years.
One month later, October 26, he
t was arrested i.n Chicago on a charra
S-t of carrying concealed weapons. He
?:!was fined $200.
On October 15, 1917, he was sen
jitrnced to Joliet penitentiary on a
5'::iharge of operating a confidence
i.' name. Escaped from Joliet, May 24,
: 192t).
f This is a total of 22 years in prison
s.: since 1896.
I- This record was not introduced m-
to the trial because Cole refused to
jij'take the stand.
'-Lie Imprisonment
Sentence for Cole
j,. (Continued From Tns One.)
Iii' want to make a motion for a new
? i trial," he said. "
i "Jf you wish it, I will order the
SV public defender to draw up this mo
f Won in a proper kgal form for you,"
n ;aia juage tcsuc
Cole hesitated as he stood before
J tlufjudge. He seemed to reflect. Ilia
V.'r-ttnrt i hp hi owiii attorney had
I;,, only resulted in gcttirig him a life
wll.term in prison.? i - f
J.T:: Should he try a lawyer? 11 deT
t;:;icided. .'.' ' .''
tfcx "I wish you would do that then,
S'iiyoiir honor," he said. - '
Thrn ho was returned to tail.
;'!'? Although Cole lias exhibited the
jffcitterest feeling toward Chief Deputy
.iltounty Attorney Coffey, who took
"' little Dart in orosecutinir him, he has
iiiiihe best of feeling for County Attor-
ney Shotwell. '
"That argument of his was a won
klder. I didn't think he had it in him,"
!;:; Cole said this morning.
Real Name Engliih.
Cole's real name ,is said by police
"a be English. j
j'. He has told interviewers various
! ;6tories here. One is that he mar
gined a girl, 17, in Cfcicago last fall,
p;; He informed another interviewer
; ;i that he told his wife to get a divorce
tVfrom him if he is sentenced to prison
;-;in the present case.
But in the next breath he boasted
j that none of his relatives know a
thing about his trouble here, and
that "they couldn't stand it."
No Legal Shark. . '
t - Cole's reputation as a lawyer has
dropped much since the first days of
f the trial.
j "He is an ignorant man utuloubt
1 dly who haa picked up a few big
words, and legal phrases, and by be
: ing in courts a good deal has learned
ii1 the chief points of court procedure,"
I District Judge Troup said.
Second Attempt to Wreck
t " Train Is Made at York
L' ' York, Neb., April 21. (Special
J Telegram.) The second attempt to
r.:. wreck the Chicago ( Northwestern
, passenger train was tried in iden-v-
tically the same place as Wednes
xlay evening. A large pole was laid
: across the track with a rock placed
j beneath to hold it firm. Mrs. H. F.
( 'Chapin, vho happened to bex near
I the viaduct, discovered the log on
the track and screamed. At this
v moment a man from behind a tree
Lincoln Firm Gets Contract
i for Paving at Deshler
i . " Deshler, Neb:, April 21. (Special
t .Telegram.) Roberts Construction
J.-. company of Lincoln got the contract
r i"r iy,oou yaras oi oriCK paving at
p $3.19 a yard and 4,300 yards' of rcin
ptliorced concrete paving at $2.10 a
t jard. Taving district No. 1 outfit
i 'Mvill be shiDoed. from Lexineton.
I -Work will be started next week and
'.- completed by August 1. Deshler
will sell the contractor sand and4t0 abstain from meeting the king,
. gravel from its own beds.
, Missionary Society Holds .
' Its Convention in York
I York. Neb.. Aoril 21. fSoecial.1
The 35th annual convention pf the
I".. Woman's Foreign Missionary so-
: ciety of the Hastings district closed
i a two days session m this state.
Officers elected arc: President. Mrs.
i, Ernest Onnsby, Trumbull; first vice
i I president, Mrs. T. G. Lewis. Hast-
l uigs; second vice president, Mrs. B.
1 N. Kunkle, Harvard: recordincr secre-
F'tary, Mrs. M. H. Pirtle, Chester;
I. .tieasiirer, Mrs. Scott Wilson, Inland;
.7 secretary, M;ss-V. Shawkey. Fair-
In Solitary, Unlighted '
Cell,-Otto Cole "Writes
Own Story of. His Life
Sittii. iii hi. litar ttH 'r hrrd the verdict of
jury iitrnrinr him iHiprioni!ifiir. tht man ha i'luitiwf la lo
kuJin by the lume of On Cole. iote st-urm of hi. In and In bet
'r JU lien IJuuelf In the dim I'ght of the H and ih peuul and t'rtcli
paper wrote this statement:
ihe trul i over;'the erdict U
life in priwit. . ,
What h4ll I do? I have not de
cided, but it i robab 1 shall it
wrkra and continue to maintain the
barrier I have always guarded for
the protection of my relative and
frirndi when 1 am in trouble.
What of my al ? A a boy 1 had
a good home ith every advantage
any child should have. Terhapa my
parent were too liberal with me. 1
wa always iuick tempered. 1 at
tended one of the bet private schools
in New York City and another iii
Kithuioiid, Va. I injured one of the
profcor wiili a llate, ran away
from school and an indefinite tut
peiuiou followed. My father Rave
me a severe beating for this and my
pride and spirit aroused I left home
and went to tea.
I liked the old tailing thipa, the
tailor't life and taw much of the
world. x
Returning 'home, my father took
me into the machinery works of
which he- wat the tupcrintcudent,
Anally serving as a junior in the
drafting department.
Returns to Sea.
I liked that, but the call of tin.
sea, scent of tlie lands in the south
ern seas drew me back to the tail
or's life agaiu. The last time I taw
my parents as a boy was in July.
1895, and 1 never saw my mother or
sister again until 25 years later.
in the last Zl years.l have been
through more adventures than can
be referred to here. It would take
several books to cover my exper
iences. It is possible that I ntay
write a history of my experiences
if the opportunity presents itself in
such a way as to be a lesson on
guarding- against the misfortunes
that have befallen me. I cannot re
fer to my own relatives beyond say
ing that I have consistently sacri
ficed my own interests whenever
anyone needed help.
I nave held good positions but the
inability to hold onto the money
and use it for my advantage has al
ways held me short of starting into
Expert Draftsman.
There arc few better draftsmen or
machiniMs than I am, probably be
cause that is an inherited capacity.
Lffst summer I completed the de
sign and superintended the erecting
of a very large special machine, used
in the -mining industry. . After its
successful test I was offered a good
position, .buf because I "saw there
was more money in running whisky
across the-Canadian border than' be
ing at regular employment at from
$200 to $250 a mouth, I refused the
position. . . .
lliis explaus my presence in Oma
ha booze running. 1 was shot
Widow ZandertTailure to Lead
Bimbo to Altar
That ' Zander-Gump affair cost
some, of the bbys some real, cold
cash. ' : - .
Harry McCormick, traveling sales
man for. the Field-Hamilton-Smith
Paper company, will testify to that.
Harrr was sitting in the ' lobby
of the leading hotel in Albion, Neb.,
the evening of April 12, talking
things over with several other drummers.-
Naturally, conversation turned to
the' next day when Bimbo Gump
was scheduled to lead the wily Wid
ow Zander to the altar.
One of the drummers spoke up:
"Why that old Bim is just fool
enough to marry that vamp.". "
Oh no he won t after finding that
diary," chirped another- drummer.
and the argument was on.
Russians Willing to
Pay All Their Debts
(Continued fcrom Face One.)
sians, therelore the Kusso-Uerman
negotiations . were resumed, and re
sulted, in the. signing of the treaty at
Kapallo taster bunday.
' The German delegation believes
that this treaty does not violate the
spirit ot the conference and indeed
contributes to its supreme aim
pacification of the world and the re
construction of Europe.
No Reason for Participation.
The note admits that, after the
conclusion of this treaty, the German
delegation has no reason to partici
pate in the work of the first commis
sion, dealing with Russian affairs, but
says it will willingly participate in
the Other work of the same commis
sion dealing with European and Ger
man interests.
King Victor Emmanuel of Italy
will arrive in Genoa tomorrow " to
visit the conference. .--
He will receive the authorities at
the prefect's palace and give a lunch
eon aboard the dreadnaught Dante,
to which all the delegation have
been invited.
Delicate Position.
It is not known whether the Rus
sian delegation have accepted the in
vitation to the luncheon, which has
created a delicate position for them.
Italian communists are urging them
maintaining this would produce a
bad impression ampng the Italian
communists masses, which con
ceive communism as anti-monarchical.
Germany and Russia, asserted the
Cattidino today, have agreed with
the Turkish nationalist government
at Angora on a common program of
foreign policy. This, it argues, will
constitute a grave menace to the
other powers, especially the Balkan
he subcommission of 10 members
on Russian affairs, Germany now be
ing eliminated, met the Russian dele
gates this afternoon and informed
them that their reply was' satisfac
tory as a basis for discussio'
Otto Cole,
through the left leg and sis cac
of Scotch whisky were stolen.
My money gave out, and I wat
again injured, but friends main
tained me until I sot in touch jvith
other booze runners in Michigan.
My Views on Religion.
Mr. Shotwell evidently miscon
strued my meaning with relcrence
to what I belie veil. 1 don't believe
there is a person living with a mo
clean and confident conception of the
divine or supreme power than I have.
There is a nowcr. Call it God. or
what you will. i license; that in one month Mullen
The human mind can define God f.0'1 P1", 'or sustenance
or the Infinite power. CliriNt is a:"Vlv'.at his father-in-law's home;
i:... .....I :c.'.. ir f (..ll . .I..ltliat While Cinnloved hv tiff staff
dictates of roi.scieuce. not . clouded luIIen received, $3,300 for cngincer
by mental dirder. we can be as.m. work done in the cities of I' alls
good and pure in thought and actions 1 u,y and Humboldt.
as thru.t JiimseU, anu 1 am con
vinccd we are, every one of us, no
less divine than (lirist himself, but
I do reject the man-made idea of
heaven or hll as a certainty, and
most of these religion creeds are
based on a fear of the hearafter and
hope for the future.
Penalty is Shock.
The penalty afforded me by the
jury U a shock, but if any one thinks
I am a coward they arc mistaken.
I shall use every opportunity af
forded me to rise above this calamity
and develop to the utmost my man
hood, and some day-1 will have the
respect of all ncn.- :
I still think, in fact feel, that I shall
make my mark in the world as a peer
in the field of mechanical engineering.
I have the ability. All I need, is
concentration'1 and opportunity. I
shall fight to rife above every diffi
culty. .It may be a slow process, but
I'll win.
Crookedness docs not pay, unless
you can rob a bank from the inside,
and sometimes that is a mistake. Tlie
act of oae man causes the suffering
of many innocent persons.
Costs Drummer $10
The widow's champion then came
forth with a $10 bill, offering to
gamble' that little sum the knot
would be tied.
The next morning,' Bimbo's cham
pion was $10 richer.
Several days later, Harry was in
the dining room of the leading hotel
of Falls City, Neb., when, .he heard
someone utter soulfully, "All right,
Heaven Eycsl"
He looked up from his grape fruit,
and to his surprise saw another
drummer friend of his attaching
Bimbo's pet name for Widow Zander
to the pretty, vivacious little waitress
at his table. '
And the waitress didn't even get
angry. i
But Harry won't tell the names of
any of the principals in this Jittlc
hstory, for, as he points out, 'they're
all ardent dump fans but they, might
object." , , v . -Harry
says the Gumps are still
Lthe rage all over Nebraska. - And he
ought to know. He travels the state
from one end to the other peddling
At Your Service Burlington City Ticket
Office and Travel Bureau, 1508 Fa man St.
Let us help you with your
travel plans. We are here
for this purpose.
City Passenger Agent
County Attorney
Charges Graft in
i Road Building
UiilwrJsoii Official a) Stale
Dupiiiffr laI Payroll
OlijrcU to Totifying
Undfr Oath.
Lincoln, .April 21. (Special,) R.
C Jauie, county attorney of Kich
Ardsoii county, appearing before the
IJiihwty investigation conimittee tin's
morning, charged graft in the build
ing of state highways.
"Will you go under oath and nuke
ihii statement?" Governor McKclvic
James refund to go on oath and
continued: "State engineers have
padded payrolls."
"Jut a iniiiute," said Attorney
General Davi..v "This it the lirt
man who hat appeared before this
coimuiiiee and refused to go under
clli. I'll istuc a tubpocna for him
riK'it now,"
The sulipocua wa irucd and
strved forthwith.
Objects to Testifying.
George Johnson, stale engineer,
tcid he wanted to ask James ques
tion under oath.
"I will refuse to answer them,"
James taidi.
The committee permitted James to
place E. V. Duerfcldt. Richardson
rounty commissioner, on the tund.
Dnerfcldt read an official document
which, jn short, was at follows:
"J. V. Mullen, engineer, employed
by the state, charged $J2S for an
automobile hired from John W.
rowell. his father-in-law. while the
i-ouniy records tail to show that
I'owcll ever took out an automobile
Johnson's Explanation,
Johnson's explanation follows. Mul
len's father-in-law purchased the au
tomobile for Mullen, but tfje auto
mobile license was taken out in Mul
len's name, and it was lawful for
them to put in an expense account
for the use of .an automobile. The
law provided engineers on a job $2
a day for sustenance. Mullen was a
local engineer, living- in RicharcNou
county. Before he took the contract
he told Johnson he had contracts to
do sonic work at Falls City and
Humboldt. Johnson totd him that if
he hired art engineer to do this work
for which he had contracted at Falls
City and Humboldt it would be all
"Mullen didn't work a day on the
y alue You
Can Be
Sure About
XE try to tell you exactly what
" you are getting and what you
can expect of Bhoes you get here.
Our customers know they can al- .
Mvays "take our word for it."
IT'S that spirit that makes so
many "regulars," who come here
' every time they need shoes. We
would like to show ; you our. new
I ' Spring styles.
"Boyden & Bostonian
1 60 -
"Exclusive, but CSr
Not Eln.iv." . I - mtk,
hicage 8:11 fl.-M,
City Ticket Agent
ATlantic 5578
DOuglas 3580
oiler two jobs after he brgait wcnk
iiif for the state," Jtdnuoii 4iJ,
Shortage of Engineers.
"An tngioerr in the tute's em
lloye at this lime t'ould ni do such
i thing, but at thai time uumwt
were naue and we bad tu accept
nth 411 'Miiil'i"vni in order to id
Ihe work dour, Whm ruiiinreit be
rr more iilrutiiul I utued an or
dir tlut d.iii employment would not
be countenanced longer
At Ihe reine of Johiuon, Attor
ney General UavU wat aked lo pre
pare a written opinion as la whether
the statue fcivet S per cent en
gineering cot as the limit on each
job or the average on all work done
in Ihe state. This point was raited
again by KicliardMin county com
plainants who object to engineering
charges on one of their project.
The committee requested 11.
Bithop, chief construction eugir.eer
of Ihe federal bureau of roads, lo
examine the, field note book with
Dean Stout, another engineer, and
report their limling on the book
by tomorrow, if possible. Thee
are the book given lo T. V. Hamil
ton, .former Mate project engineer,
which disappeared from Johnson's
odicc and wa located while the
committee wat making its outstatc
Probe Sandpit Deal
At Johnson's request that every
man implicated in the s.ilc of the
Ashland sandpit to the ttate be call
ed before the committee, further
investigation of this incident wat
carried on. F.. F. Kallou, Anhland;
I con S. White. Ashland, and Koy
Swansoa, Homer, formerly of Ash
land, were the three witnesses.
White testified he purchased the
land for Swanson in his name. Swan
oon was the principal witness. Brief
ly his testimony follows:
Denied he purchased land on w hich
Mndpit is located for $16,tXX), fol
lowing a tip from a state employe
that state contemplated purchasing a
sandpit. Said he gave White v$100
for making purchase for him. Said
asked Johnson Ui purchase the pit
and Johnson didn't ask him. Said
be sold 63-acre pit to state for $18.
000 and remaining 100 acres to pri
vate individual for $10,000.
Would Take it Back.
"If the state desires I stated ready
tomorrow lo buy that pit back for
$18,000 and resell it to a private
concern and make even more
money," Swanson said.
George Wolz, Fremont banker,
presented copies of Dodge county
real estate transfers to show that
gravel and sand companies were
paying as much and more per acre
for gravel land now than the state
paid for the Ashland pit in anticipa
tion of a big demand in the future
for gravel for hard surfaced roads.
Refuses to Appear.
J. W. Robertson, former demo
cratic state senator from Holt coun
ty, who had made numerous public
statements against road building by
the state in that county, was re
quested a week ago to appear be
S. E. Corner
16th and Harney
Passenger Agent
fore ll roinmitie wiih hi fonv
ptaiiits, A Utter Irom Robeiton
declining to appear was ied.
However, L H, Skidmore, cluir
man of Ihe hoard of iipmlor, up
reared and dritaied citizen as
rule, 'who iiudcrlod Ihe principle
relative la federal aid, were satisfied
with work done there,
"Isn't it a lad (he county hoard
refused lo put one of those road
in front of Koberlson's place?"
Johnson aked.
Didn't Get Road,
"Vet. that's ihe cause of all the
trouble. - He ha been sore at the
county hoard and state highway de
Gloves for
Present Wear
Kayaer'a milanete
quality washable silk
gloves in ,black,
white, gray, beaver,
mode and pongee,
with Parjs point cm
broideries. Sixteen
button length, $2.75.
Novelty silk gloves,
also sixtcen-button
length are $3.25 to
Chamoisette sixteen
button length gloves
in beaver, sand and
covert are $2 and
Sport Hose in
Tweed Shades
A fancy ribbed silk
and lisle stocking is
colored in all the new
shades to match. the
fashionable tweed
suits. Price $1.50.
Main Floor
New Slippers
From Sorosis
A new sandal style'
has a patent leather
vamp and a sand
ooze ; quarter. The
.low block heel is obze .;
covereri.'to match the
quarter. ' A very at-
trastive slipper.
for $l(f
A new. sports model
of white leather has a
wide apron of patent '
; leather. The heel is
low and flat, the
plain soft toe slightly
for $8.50
Spring Haberdashery
The Men's Shop
New Selections
of Neckwear s
s Knits, $1 to $3.50.
Grenadines," $1 to $3.50.
. Silk four-in-hands fronO
$1 to $3. t
Bats, 50c, $1, $1.50.
ShirU You'll .Like
Manhattan, Eagle, and
Emery have contributed
their best styles to1 our
spring display. (Sizes
13i2 to 18i2.)
..The Men's
I SSs ofeyerw meal in'everu if
; ; . jd home showld he v , L x
j "" 'i -ffn
partment vir tunf,1 flidmitie i.
The I'hfiiy touuly iomiiiittoitrit
wrote Ihe t'lMiiittHire uo week tgn
I hey 4 itmifUmt. The omnia,
tee iiulamty nit tied them lo ain ar
here todo. One of the oiiuials
si4 he would appear, whkh
mean a hour f.Hai ntoi tsrfiue tor
the ruuunitif In if uuuiiii 4 oer
Sunday and Mouday,
Durivldt, Richardson rounty om.
missioner, .and County Annuity
James admitted, when uuestDurd
that the county wasn't roniplyints
with ihe law in distribution oi it
road dragging fund, decliriiijf siuli
compliance was impractical, Dur-
j Bright"Sunshi?iy Days Call For
New Spring Hats
Fashionable models in fine, soft straws
delightful combinations of straw and
taffeta or straw and crepe with trim
mings of flowers, fruits, hand cmbroid
. eries or smart bows of moire ribbon.
Tailored, dress and street hats in all the
lovely shades of spring
$5 $7.50 $10
Children's milan straw hats with
bands and streamers of gros" grain
ribbon. In black, brdtvn and navy.
' : Priced $2 f
Sonia Hairnets
In all shades of cap
and fringe styles. '
Single mesh for 50c a
Pouble mesh for 65c' a
Main Floor
Sleeping Wear
in Lighter Fabrics
Pajamas and n fg h t
shirts from Universal
and Faultless are of
fered in every desirable
style; and material.
Regular and extra sizes.
Union Suits
Superior knitted styles
in all styles.
Mansco Athletic styles,
$1.50 to $5.00.
B. V. D.'s now $1.50.
Shop to the left, a you enter
UtJt s.ul l Lt,f w lint setrial tfk
', id ihe tfmiH'!rr l the fee-aid
atiiMit it and ih decided la ro"
I ii He? bsnJiiKg the tund in
old war. It. h'4iii. will be ton
liimcd tiHiiorrevt.
lYlilnirg Furiiwrs t
Cattle Hcmly for Market
A ! giiineni' ol M head l "
iuiilird suns was mi Hie market,
l i.timiii in y Genu? krnUrftn of
'rirrbui He goi f Id a bun
dled I'T ft. slKpmrni. Mr. Kettle
n tad Hirie was quite a number
of hiiishrd cattle in the teed
lot around t'rtrrhti)f that will
teach tin market tomi.
Millinery Fourth Floor
Dress Cottons
Batiste - of ; a - f 4 n e,
sheer qualityjn. color
ful new plaids,
checks and stripes.
40 inches wide and
50c a!yard. -
Dress gin ghams in
pleasing new checks,
stripes, :j plaidsCand 1
p 1 a in shades. 32
inches wide arid .'only. -35c
a yard. . - ;
' . " Second Floor
Tailored Lines
Cannot be 'obtained
without the aid of a
well-fitting Tbandeau
or brassiere.
We recommend War-'
jier's brassieres and
bandeau brassieres to
all women who desire
a fashionably trim,
smooth contour un-
der a tailored blouse .
or coat.
A number of moder
ate prices for your
approval. ;
Second Floor