Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 22, 1922, Page 18, Image 18

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MB. BEE: OMAHA, StfflfftDAY. APRIL 22. 192-'.
Nebraska Will
Greatly Benefit
by Oil Pi)e Line
Omaha Hat Little Chinee fur
Refinery Unlen Action It
Taken at Once Kearuey
Kaetcrn Terminal
By E. C. SNYDER. '
Washington, April 21,djpecwl
Telegram.) Present Indications arc
iht the propotfd pipe lint (mm the
Wyoming oil lield will t to Nnss
City, according to officials of the
bureau ot mine, inn wwmauon
. Mil eiven bv Consretinun Jeiieris,
who is interested in the matter both
ior Omaha and Aebraka.
1 Aceording to contract opening
the naval oil mcrve in Wyoming
lor private enterprise, the Mammoth
Oil company of Delaware if to run
pipe line from the no-called Teapot
borne in naval reerve No. 3 to it
nil nine line in Kama Liiv.
, ' Inasmuch as thi pipe line would
, ' traverse a portion of Nebraska. Mr.
' Jefferia made inquiry at the. bureau
. of niintcs as to junt now much of the
Mate of Nebraska might be expected
I to benefit from thin line, lit
told that in all probability the line
would follow the North I'latte river
.' far a Buffalo county, where it
would be deflected south to the Kan-
m line into Kana City.
"The North I'latte river veer
northwards at Puffalo comity." said
' an official of the bureau, "and it
, oeeni logical that the pipe line should
leave the river at this point. Of
course that is a matter for the Mam
moth Oil company lessee to decide.
' ince our contract with them would
' not permit the government to die
' tate where the line should run,"
' Asked if a branch pipe line might
, not be run to Omaha and the east
ern section of Nebraska, Congress
'jiian Jcfferis was informed that this
".Avas an economic. question 'for the
'company's decision! "Whether or not
"it would be more economical to pipe
the oil direct to Kansas City and
, ship hack to Omaha or locate refine
ries in Omaha for the care of the
trade in that section is a question
. for the company to decide," accord
ing to an official of the mines bu
reau. -"
Furthermore, the contract will
bring about immediate competition
in the Salt Creek field and will add
No Heat, Baby Dies; .
Tenants Get Damages
'5 CpgJ
hey J'Jf
Mr, and Mrs. James P. D.
Simoon in a hit claims that his in
fant son died a the result of an un
healed apartment, a jury in the
Brooklyn. N. V.. supreme court
awarded a verdict of $.'.500 damages
to James F. U. Cochcnour against
George II, Jackon, owner.
Thounands of New York a ten
antry will be affected by the verdict.
It is believed to be the first of it
kind in American jurisprudence, and
was based largely on the new New
York rent law which make it man
datory for landlords to furnish heat
ior their tenants.
from 40 to 60 cents per barrel to
the prices of governmental royalty
oil now amounting to more than
5,000 barrels per day. .
1 he Pipe lines already constructed
with which the new pipe line will
connect, involve a present invest
ment ot 5II5.Uw.OW. and the pres
ent contract calls for an investment
on the lessee's part of $26,000,000 ad
ditional. "
Unless some clever work is done
on the part of the citizens of Oma
ha, the pipe line from Wyoming will
connect with existing pipe lines in
Missouri, through which navy speci
fied "bunker A" oil will be deliver
ed at any point named from Guan
lananto, Cuba, to the northeast corner
of the United States. ,
If this proposed pipe line from the
Wyoming oil field follows the North
Platte river, it will be of immeasur
able benefit to Scottsbluff, Bridge
port, Oshkosh, North Platte, Lexing
ton and Kearney, where it will be
deflected south. It will make' Kear
ney a real city. ,
-."Berg Suits Me"--
GIVING best values
has made this store
the logical one for
the thrifty. . It is the
fashion center of Omaha.
Matchless Values
exclusive patl
rlth or withov
$1.15 to $7.50
Shewing exclusive patterns and
designs, with or without collars.
Medium Weight
' Vaaaar and Superior
$1 to $5
Two-Trouser Suits
$35 and up
Gaberdine Coats
All Wool
$18 to $35
Stetson Hats
A. '- '.
Wonderful Model
$7 and up
Other good makes at
$2, $3 $4, $$
-Doctor TeBs What To Do
wm your Deere, force
akrned, all the rft&l organs of yoar
body loee their normal sUeuejfli and
' vigor, and aa a result, all kinds of
Mruiiug ayuiplonis may appear, snen
' as neiroua irritability, heart paJptta
; tk, iodigestion, pains in the front
or in the Deck or tne need, more
especially at the base of the brain,
'and a general weakened, ran -down
' condition. In snch cases it's worse than
foolish to waste your time taking
stimulating medicines or narcotic
drags. Yonr starring nerre cells
meat hare more nerre Ibrce, the same
aa a starring peiaon must here food.
Tata is beat eummyBahed by rot-wring
the 'activity aod power of the uuie
force making organs, the principal
ne of which ta the blood. This can
ha quickly and most effectiroty aecom
nahed by the free nee of Haw ted
Iron, which not nnlv Iiuimm th.
jacttrity of the Mood making; organs,
on u nan true rea oiooa food directly
to the Mood itself, thereby berpina; to
i rcawj muiione or new rea Dlooa cells.
This wonderfallT increases the umr
of the blood to help mairafactnre new
nerre force, the same as enriching the
sou increases its power to grow more
wheat, corn or oats. ' '
If itmamnflterhir frim mw rMMh...
tiea. yon can qvicklruid euilrprore ta rear
elf me pewerof Nauted Iran to help orer
come mar canditinn nrf mfr.. .i...
r1teroaaBia br the Mlewioc nraple teat;
nfti ni nwrTniif imnliBiia ! ii
ft check nut atfter ur that an left and ?o
can rvnce wee wjm n dm mm fbr nm. If
Tvm hatrae not obtained ramt niTiMirjiiK n
H and Cwen mom than vna mmwrn
Lftctamt wffl pronplty icfted yw
: Bowtrti Value-Giving Store',
Quality1-' Foraiiore
' 'Always
You t quality here without extra cost. To those who would beau
tify their homes this store offers every possible service and courtesy.
Spring stocks are so bountiful, so attractive in design, so varied in assort
ment and so reasonably priced that choosing new articles for the home
here is a real pleasure and profitable, too.
Pleasing in construction and finish are the many -
Overstuffed Living Room Suites
we are offering this spring. These suites! are in many handsome coverings!
blue, taupe, brown, mulberry and figured velour. A v pi j aah
The Bowen money-saving prices make them excep- I tS 9fH S
uonal values at .... ,
Other good values at. .$130, $152.50, $165
Three-Piece Cane Suites
Finished in 'mahogany, with loose cushion $14050
seats. Priced by Bowen at ." . . . IfrC
"This spring finds a great demand for cane suites.
Artistic in design and well finished, they are exceptional
values. You will save dollars by selecting one at
Bowen's. .'.
holstered in velour ; formerly sold for
( $346. Now priced at..'..;
, holstered' in mohairs has 'two extra
bolster; formerly sold for S395.
' xnow pneeq at. ..... . i ..... ...
pieces, up-
pieces, up
pillows and
Mahogany Standard
Floor Lamps
Complete with shades ia
many styles and colors,'
and long extension
cord ; now . offered in
three lots, priced at
$13.50 $18.95
at small prices are daily
features at the- H. R.
Bowen Co. ' . '
1 , rr'm?
Columbia (pink) and Ophelia
(yellow) Rose '. - iy "
Bushes, choice, ea., , C
i .... v . v.. . , .
Ferns Large healthy Ferns,
while they last, ; only 27t
Galraniaad : Wat.r ' aib
" Large sire, heavy handles,
special at . . .10f)
Wash Boilers Heavy cop
per bottoms,- - large size,
. at 82.59
GaWaniaeo! . ' Wash Tubs
. Large size, durable and
strong, priced now at 654
Bowea's , Batter Broomi
Sweep with a well bal
anced, well made broom.
Such brooms are now of
fered at the H. E. Bowen
Co. for .......... 2lfe
Auto ' Baskets Shown in
- several different s i z e s, .
Strong and durable, 25a
Iroaiag Board Made with)
rigid standards, good
quality wood . . . .81.85 1
Clothes ' Baskets 0 b 1 o n g
shape, well made, only)
. 98. . '.
Oil Mops With large bottle
of oil est
Values Of
fered This
Spring at
Are the Rug
Beautiful in design; rich in colorings; displayed to advantage
for the shopper in our rug department and offered at money
saving prices. v "v--V .
6x9 Seamlass Velvet Rues, tans, blues and varied d1 Kfl
color combinations; regular S22.50 values; now.. PlOOU
9x12 Good Quality Seamless Tapestry Brussels Rugs, in a large
number of different designs, making selections, . 41 Q QC
: , easy; regular $27.50 values; now. ............. P 1 J70
Oaa-Piece Seamless Tapestry Brussels Rugs, spleii-" dJ0 1 OA
. did quality; regular $35.00 yalues; now. .... . . . ' Pm A UU
9x12 Heavy Quality Axminster Rugs, shown in a splendid selection
of neat allover and Chinese patterns; colons, tans, 07 CA
browns and blues; regular $57.50 values; now at P5 OU
Those contemplating starting housekeeping
will find our 4-ROOM OUTFITS of ex-
ceptional worthpnd one of the best values
ever offered. Choosine from our immense
stocks will save you many dollars.
Furniture Exchange Dept.
7 Your Old Furniture Has a Value
Don't discard it when buying new. Phone our Exchange
Manager who will gladly credit its value toward any new furniture
selected here. We maintain a Furniture Exchange Department
for this special purpose.
Have the
Van &
Storage Co.
Move You
Howard St Between 15th and 16th Sts.:
Exclusive Store for Men and Boys
i . " ' "
Again Tomorrow The
Suit Selling Continues!
Lowered Prices Remarkable Values
Hart Schaf fner & Marx
With All the Other Good Makes
if: Ml
inn HH!Rja jGsmm
Stock Up
for the
1 4 '
Av A
9 W A
2,000 Pairs of Trousers
Go on Sale Saturday
- $3.85
$7.50 Values
A mighty purchase of men's trousers direct from
the country's greatest makers obtained at a con
cession that enables us' to sell them at less than
the cost of materials. :
We're Passing the Savings on to
You Make the Best of It!
And Many Other WellKnown
Makes of the Country's
Finest Clothes .
Values to $45.00 ,
Suits for Men and Young Men
;r; ''&:Marx J:
Together With a Dozen Other
. of the Best Known Clothes
.in the Country 1
, Values to $65.0C
Suits for Men and Young Men
Many Big Specials for Saturday
in the "Store for Men and Boys"
2,400 Boys' New i Wash Suits Set New
Values, 98c Crisp, new fast color fabrics,'
in tan,' blue, green, gray and many aore
combinations too numerous to mention.
' In either Oliver-Twist or middy QQs
styles for.boys 2 to 10 yrs. old, at vOt
Boys ' $2.60 Knicker Pants at $1.00
. Cheviots and tweed mixtures; sizes 7 to
18 years,' strictly all wool materials; $2.50 ,
values; sale Q"l
price .W'-a..
Special Prices on Men's Mercerized
Madras Athletic Suits All sizes. Values
to $3;
Saturday . . .
Immense Purchase and Sale Men's New
Spring Hats Samples and floor stock
bought from a New York commissioner at
less than one-half their lowest wholesale
price; all new spring styles, all sizes; $4,
$5 and $6 values, , JK
choice $aWaUt
1 Men's Silk Stripe and Woven Madras
Shirts E. & W, make; all sizes; values
o $3. Saturday
Stetson Hats Hayden y Bros, are head
quarters for the famous John B. Stetson
Hats. AH the 'newest spring
styles on sale at. ......... .
Boys' Hats and Caps Boys' Caps, one
piece top and eight quarjter styles; also
wash hats in white and combination styles.
Sale price, ;( AKp
Saturday, at tli
300 Boys Two-Pant Suits High-grade
suits with two pairs of knickers; tailored
of fancy woolen mixtures in green, brown,
l)lue and gray; .also plain blue serges.
Boys of 3 to 17 years delight in them be
cause they are smart and dressy. Mothers
appreciate this wonderful opportunity of
savings. $12 values on . fr
sale at..... p0ee7t)
1 ' 1