TUB PEK: OMAHA. SATURDAY. APRIL 22. 1922. 17 L P AT ! I F U N K K A 1. N O T l C li &. Ji-n;.;,! - i . . u ' i iuti.f, ! r'rti,.i, li.4. Ai.1'1 l i ? l i. !!- i t. .ui....j t r, Amsu-i lum, iiwimii - u rax"! !. H.imi t. April ;j, !;;, i...ai ike a-an.h It, en t.n.ii.l, :-! l-uil, l I in rr.li'l I. Hf nf l..ss.i liulg No I, A. F A A M Inlami'iil W ml I a an 'r. r Ihful waUtlu tl Clat4'Mois, III HH-U.ii. I u.i at lT " I.it Af"t AiJ 4i. I UluDllla, i , . , uaral aer.t.rs .iimly, J I a iii , ( st'sil'v- 4 liaw.e thpl i K'Ht"lu Mrn,..ill i hull b. ntimn rui. l-ti iiiiUr , f -" " - - - 1 BURIAL VAULTS. aT'IoMVIIi' s-lin iwrnt bu'iei 4V1U (-.,iniitsM-i hhi for eels H. ell lea.lll.g HilrilekalS. Wl-r. -'Mf, p. an! lo iu. tin Mw4 to li-etai m-. lk A I.' I oM ATM' M.Af.lMI VAll.T Inesufs- fur4 bt Hih anriti Bjrul Vault Co., lit ,,- :in Bigg - r'maawt- 1" r CEMETERIES. Visit Forest Lawn T gie.ihtM ar ry luiiful lie. a data. iMd-u ar v-iug rnaitail for h coining ea'i. Te salst-liim of a family burial .i .Im.ui.I It mJi all .o.,r. iha a.tual twd of H wh-a I ar uiihuirU-d jislgiu-M will m air a ola ilft lth.it Office at ' h i nii" n.ai'h ( fit l.iiuil.l and HianHo.a Tlli-alrr lll.lc. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. K. J. STACK & CO., Kucr to 5i:i!Ain?ULACEtti Thirl)f-(Mr. and Kiroam:, "HEAFEY & IIEAFEY. rnli-lat an.l linllnir. rhtnn II A. offira :ll Kamam Hulse & Jiiepen, Vunaral IHrn-inr. :;4 Cuming. CROSBY-MOOliE TSZt FLORISTS. T t?L' T A T5 VTnXT I 4 IJouiilaa. I'hmia V, SIvv it nil HMVKM ".ti8 jiw iimhi'A. 1 i u r a ... . . uV1vTii.:ii!Ui'N. T07 Karnam. JA. JIH i mi I N HATH. ! Karnam. J A. ltuj LOST. FOUND AND REWARDS. . ..... . ... .... avii I'il'ITflL. AVK. IILA.-K rAMFf' KARR1M) VALUKD A HKIKI.OOM.. I.IHKHAI. BKWARD II' RKTLHXBI) TO 12i TELLFJIONK HI.IHI.. AT. iQP t. s. JoUNU Two Tala k on ring. Owner nay ha by paying lor ad. Omaba H w a u t ad rounlnr. SKWARlAfi.r rlurn of wWich. nam K. M. K-nnly Inaiil back; nu quaatloaa. HA. 4J10. LADY'8 Kwlva wrll watch attaoh.d lo ham. Uola Collcgn. Raward. JA. LOST at P.O. Hla.'k vanliy ae. AT. H. Kt 1 1 'N 1 1 Ca m-0 brom- h. Cm 1 1 W.K. 4 245. personals! nn B. u.i UA'MfVM Armw I nrf uat rln I hoina ollclla your old clothing. furnltur. inngaAinpn. V i-oIIpti. W distribute. Pnun no 1115 an dour wagon will call Call and lntrct our nw bom. 1110- r'owlortn '. A. N.. Chiropractor. J V3. :. Office tira.. 11 a. m.-:M p. ni. SnONKT riiatllT" V lol.Tllny trcatnipnt w l-.f litBMlal5l4a. 'h. AT. 3SI. TliEATRICAI. hlHlorlial nmaqur comumea. for pla and piirtlfa. at l.lebgn'a. Omaha; bl l.I'HUIt bHihn. Kwcilbh iimwaB'. chl--ynrody. Kvfiinna lo . i" 3. 2'h Ml. i'lHtlf Imth. maw., manicuring. iU' Aj2burBWIgJ KXf KTiT ing. 4Dt N. l'ilh. Apt. -4 rSSAIiH. Wun. anil ev. aptm. AT. 6365. ""thUtH-fnr children, any time. KE. 8882. i..fr:KT MAaSAOK. ATLANTIC 54. ItKNT vacuum cleanra. 76c. Hf 1 071. K X P K K T niaaaMgc. 810 N . 17lh Ht. JIDMK for hunivloKi children. KE. 0360. ANNOUNCEMENTS. XTTSr TiT A rriTXTr HemHtitch- XSEjO. riuEjtlllW Ing. Cover lid Buttons, no f.7ii.- ISOt Farnam. Id Kloor. Accordion Pleating. ACCORDION. ld, knife, box pleating, covgred button, all atylea; hematitch- Ing. buttonholes. Writ Meal Button Pleating Co.. 308 Brown Block. Omaha, Neb. Telephone JA. H36, Contractors. KLRNAChi AND TIN WORK. VA. 8971. J'l.OOR laying, machine Handing. AT. 6633, LKS8ARD BON. 8081 CUMINO. AT. 11 Dancing Academies. V TTC1 t'C 1818 JYTjEiir O Dona rarnam street. iv,..i.i i4n Class and private legsona. Ten Inatructora. . . n . . v.ininii' academv. Detectives. 7"i'ivK'.s that eet results. Leary L. rlln. 40 Paxton Block, Ja. isi. t. Ha. 10?s. A.. I tela.. Hi-. Rureau. 304 Neville AT. 6501: night. WA, 4045; KE. 0466 in. rei.e.'"e Bureau. Railway Idg.. JA. 81164. night. KE. 3818. AJ-LAN, 818 Neville Blk. Evidence d In all caBea. AT lantle. 113. Dentists. B. C. DKWELL. DENTIST. .'. ur Building. AT. 1188. X-RAYS, 60 each, $3 a full set. uritles Bldg., 16th and Farnam. Dressmaking. A.K1NG, guaranteed and reanon- iVA. 6545. snd children's sewlnat WE. 3617. dressmaking shp. 432 PsxtonBlk. end, tailor; aulla. furs. Ha. 804. k.,. j . n. none Hauling. ' hauling and ashes, reas. at. . Kodak Finishing. IRUEMBNTS. oil coloring, developing. ntm. Kase ntuaio. nil neviu urn FILM 9 DEVELOPED FREE. Th Bnslgn Co., 1607 HQwarq at. Patent Attorneys, f itt .(...I. Pfli.nl itlnmnv. 171S Dodge, room 80s. Also wasmngion. u. U. 1 neip invniwra soil Ancir i..p...g. Painting and Paper Hanging. . PAINT., PAPERH ANQING. WALL PA- PRICES. E. H. MOORE. DO. 8671. 1ST CLASS painting and paperhsnglng. Douglas 4S0. PAPERING, painting; low price. JA. 3083. Printing. DDT Printing Ca 211 8. 13 SU Do. 8647. BR1TT Printing Co.. 801 Bromley Blk. Miscellaneous Announcements. DIAMONDS IU pw'T.h to buy back t small profit. GROSS JEWELRY CO.. Omaha. Neb.. 408 N. lth St. Telephone DO. 4. 1 WILL NOT b responsible for debts con. traded by my wife. Rose Raschke. from this date. Villlam Raschke OMAHA PILLOW COMPANY. Suitresses made over In new ticks st half pries of new beds. 107 Cuming, v JA. 8467. FULL DRESS suits and- Tuxedos for rent. - JA. Bias. 109 X. Kth St. I. Feldman. PRESCRIPTIONS rarefully compounded at th 6 aherman McConnell Drag store. -J)R A. a SABIN. RECTAL DISEASES Suit $19 Arthur Bldg,. 810 8. lth SL 1RONI NO and cleaning. 'Webster 4384. KUGS and carpets cleaned. AT. 9659. FOR SALE. Pianos and Musical Instruments. GBO A. SMITH Desler in arums, xyiw nhone. etc; Instructions. repairing; 471 Dvcnnort St. Pbon HA. I7. TRADB your used plsno on a new plsy r nlano. Balanre sa low as $10 per month A. HOSPB CO- 1619 Douglaa XF.W nlaver piano. M price. AT. 1115. Furniture and Household Goods. i-RiOM cottage rr fnrnilora for Sale. J. Uomloe, 4il X. lth St f THE GUMPS - - - louc kui k flock o TOKMIHS NtV. Cw BRINGING UP I'M OTTIN' ICK OF' WAVTiN' ALU OrVf TO A NUMBER I'M DOWN SN' TELL. THAT V FEW FOR SALE. Furniture and Household Goods. Omaha's' Newest Auction House offers gt auction Haturday. April ::. 1:30 p. m.. aplendid aaanftment of medium, high-grajln, and atapia furnl uie from homca and apartmenta. Included are Ihree high-grade bed ruum aultea It walnut, golden oak ant ' waxed golden oak, alaudnrd talking mHi'hlne. kitchen cablncla, dining room Melon. Period fumed oak dlnln room suite, golden oak china cabinet, oak buffet, Hlmmona beda. drcaaers, porch i-lwlra, chlffonlen. etc. You are In vited. , Dimock Auction House' lth nnd Cantellar. O, C. IJIMOCK; II. B. KnANClS, Auctioneer!. 2484 South 16tb St. Daks South Omaha car. tell conductor to let you off at Ulmock'a Auction Home. Clothing and Furs. DUNDEE WOOLEN MILLS. Kor sale, a few unolalmed, all-wool "Dundee" eulta, cheap, alteration frt. Northweat Cor.'Hth and Haniey 81. ARMY ahoea. 12.90. 70S No. 14th. Typewriters, and Supplies. .TYPEWRITERS AND ADDING MACHINES.' ' All MAKES bought, aold. rented and repaired. Sole agents for the CORONA. Get our price befor you buy. Every machine cuaranteed. . i Central Typewriter Exc, J A. 412. 191: rarnam. GUARANTEED typewriters. $12.50 and up. Midland Office supply u.. nu noqge. Miscellaneous Articles. POP. SALE Store fixtures: Show cases, counters, scales, cash registers. Of fl,. fixtures1 Desks, chairs, adding (m chlnes. dictaphone, comptometers, desk lamps, steel and wood files. Ware house and delivery equipment: Four Stueben lift trucks with platforms. 20 4-wheel trucks. 3H-ton Mack truck, good condition; 'H4-ton Master truck, good condition, 1-totw Republic truck, fair condition. Call at-116 S. Stta St. FOUR head of heavy horses In good con dition. Can be seen at our yards, 16th and Pierce. Central Coal & Coke Co., Douglas 0309. . GARAGES built, new - lumber, 8100 up. Mlcklin Lumber A Wrecking Co.,- 84th and Burdette Sts. Webster 656a. WE buy. sell safes, make desks, -how-cases, etc.. Omaha Fixture & Supply Ca. 8. W. Cor. llth and Douglas. JA. 8724. EXPERT sewing machine repairing. NICKELS. j Uth and Harney. BO. 1971 WANTED TO BUY. DESKS DESKS DESK New desks, used desks bought, sold and traded. J. C. Reed. 1207 Farnam. DO. 6146. HELP WANTED MALE. Professions and Trades. DO you want to Increase your Income? Writ the National Auto School, itS14 .N. 80tn Kt.. vmana. mr iv. r.-n vkAunn-D pni t wav. HVUbn ba"i, u w 11C 8. Mth. Writ for catalog. HELP WANTED MALE. Stores and Offices. YOUNG men for civil service positions. Railway mail clerk, 11.600. Postoffice, 81.400. Departmental, $1,300. Panama service. $1,600. Experience unnecessary. For free partlculara of examinations, write J. Leonard former civil service examiner), 909 Equitable Bldg., Wash ington. D. C. ' Salesmen and Solicitors. k FEW clean cut young, men to Intro duce a new phonograph attachment re cently Invented. Marvelous device and quick seller, nothing like it on the mar ket. Every phonograph owner will be interested. Splendid chanc to connect with a selling force In process of or ganization. Call at room . Wead build ing. vni-MO man- If VOU can PUt Up a 00 cash bond, a western manufacturer can nifa. vaii a nermanent connection wlttt unusual Income. Call 615. Hotel Fonte- nelle, for appointment (""WANTED Salesmen with reference rep-N resent best investment: opporiumu. Mexla Gusher Oil Field, co-operation and literature. MEXIA Richland Oil Syndicate, 1608 wain m iim. 7". . . . n& - tamt BOYS overall DUSinewa iwwiim".. k selling, big1 commission, repeat order natl Overall Mfg. Co. 33. Cincinnati. O Salesmen to sell paints and oils direct to farmers, commission banis. Big money for producers. Farmers' Paint and Oil I o.. 6 IS reaerai ngwi-g v INVESTMENT salesman with banking experience and acquaintance In Omaha and Nebraska preferred. Box " B-839 Omann wee. Miscellaneous. MAN WANTED by laxge Chicago manu facturers, who sre opening Omaba of fice and have opening for man who can qualify. $3.0"0 cash required dur ing term of employment: money lul.v secured, permanent work, salary $50 per week Plus bonus monthly. See Mr. ?G. Horton. Room 312, 'Hotel Fonte nelle. ANY intelligent person, either sex. may earn $100 lo $200 monthly correapondlng ,.fnr newspapers: $15 to $26 weekly In 'spar time: experience unnecessary: no i-anvsssins: subjects eugs-sted. Send for particulars. National Press Bureau. N. T. WANTED Experienced asphalt steam roller man for season s work out of town. Satisfactory salary to right man. Experience, record an reference re nuired. Apply Bey sjsutraction Co Standard Oil Bldg ! - iv , v i r r sr.:: - 'u: joo6 tMt FATHER vV ; I I rwtTTf- lO WII0N ovr or I'll -wW muni i i --" rtig AW VJOWVN' It. TT I lUslaUrrd D. . I'altm Ufflfg A COIN THINGS -'jifff HELP WANTED-MALE. Miscellaneous. MEN WANTED ' We can ' give a few more men steady em ployment hauling gravel t for road improvement. ' They must be - reliable and able to purchase a motor truck by paying a, small cash payment, balance easily paid from earnings, besides giving you a profitable job. Give phone number when possible, as quick action is necessary to se cure a good job. Box Y4860, Omaha , J3ee. WILL pay boy's tuition througn business : college for doing about an hour's lltrht Janitor work; no Sunday work. Call Douglas 7774 Monday. , HELP WANTED FEMALE. Professions and Trades. TEACHERS WANTED" PRINCIPAL Must have principal immediately, elec tion soon, MUSIC AND DRAWING TEACHER Election on receipt of applicant. -english and history. latin, home economics. commercial, manual training. agriculture, physics, domestic science, ath ' letio coach; teachers .for every department to be filled Immediately. : fargo teachers' bureau. - 412 Karbach Block. Saleswomen and Solicitors. TO ORGANIZE, and manage loca sales force for firm making the fastest-selling advertising specialty! on the market. Must cut up $500 cash bond. Call Room 615, Hotel Fontenelle, for .appointment. Household and Domestic. WANTED Middle - aged housekeeper .without encumbrance, able to take charge of home In small town. State wages expected. Box ' 105, Fort Cal houn, Neb. ' . WANTED Experienced white girl for general housework; no washing. W. D. Hosford. HA. 0087. WHITE girl, general house work, family two. 504 So. 36th St. HA. 4356. Hotels and Restaurants. WANTED Experienced cook in res taurant; good wages: references re quired. Address Box 321, Ord, Nebj HELP WANTED. Male and Female. Wanted. Experienced house to house demon strator to demonstrate for drug store, Venus toilet preparations. Salary and commission. - Venus Manufacturing Co., 692S Military Ave. WA, 0332. GOVERNMENT positions open to men. women, 18. over. Hundreds appointed 'every year. Good sglary. Write for free list positions. G. Robbins, 171 rope Bios., y asniiiaiuii. v. . ashli WANTED Men. Isfdies and aoys to ream barber trade; big demand; wages while learning: strictly modern. Call or write 1403 Dodge St. Trl-City Berber College EDUCATIONAL. DAY SCHOOL NIGHT SCHOOL "Complete courses in accountancy, ma chine bookkeeping, comptometry. short hand and typewriting; railroad and wireless telegraphy, civil aervice and all English and commercial branches. Write, esll or phone Jackson' 1665 lr large illustrated catalog. Address Bovles College, Movies Bldg., Omaha. Neb. Van Sant School of Business. Day snd Evening Schools. Omaha National Bank Bldg. jjougiaa sssv. A.VN1E E. GLASGOW, oice and piano, 603 Karbach Blk. JA. 108L .BUSINESS CHANCES. 1S07 FARNAM 5-room apartment, com pletely modern; suitable for ornces, studios, dental or dressmaking rooms, etc- for tenant wishing home adjoin ing T. F. Hall. 434 Railway Exchange. Douglas ii'is, FOR SALE A complete blacksmith tool , ready to start In businese. also new small dwelling house for $o00 on easy terms. Writs Box Y-186 4. Omaha Bee. FOR SALE Grocery and meat stores fully equipped snd operating. located In Omaha and nearby towns. Call at ' 716 S. 0th SU or AT. 0440. FOR SALE Soft dryik 4arlnr and barber .hm. :w! L St. Ml A. in: ' I yi' 1 1 A PEEP INTO burn twr raiiituatwiN..ikifD . I VoJ'Bl 6rtlKC T3 LfiO Ll I flit's 0h WtH MWt v I aa "fai ALL tHE CAvN iAy l"0UbT A MINUTe". A HOTEL. HKC THIS OUiHT TO HAVE FlRtT .CLAb.feERViCE? FOR RENT ROOMS. Furnished Rooms. TiAM'iWONTfOTEL - FIREPROOF. Farnam st 24th. Single room with privuic hath at $10.60 per week; for two, $12 60 per week. Two largs outside rooms with bath, $20 per week. SATISFACTORY PLACE TO 1.1 V K. "PLAZA HOTEL OFFERS TO DESIRABLE. GUESTS A FEW OUTSIDE ROOMS. ALL MODERN CON- . VKNIENCE3. $i PER WEEK , ' AND VI nril AND HOWARD, geY'vou iTroom through The Bte furnlshejl room di rectory Call at office for list of choice desirable rooms In all parts of the city. A service that benefils both advertiser and room seeker. 554 S. 20TII AVE. Two nicely furnished rooms: prlvato family: gentlemen or girls empWycd. Ref. exchanged. Walk ing distance. HOTEL SANFORD. 19TH AND FARNAM. HOTEL HENSHAW. 1CTH AND FARNAM Special rates to permanent guests.- FURN. mis. with prlv. bath; warm, com fortable, cheerful; prices reasonable, day or wK. Hotel Hamilton, at. iiiii. ATTRACTIVE room in strictly modern private home, close In; excellent board If desired. JA. 2781. CALL MA. 3467 if you want a lovely modern room in private home, good loc. NEW Woodstock typewriter, $20. KE. 4002. ' NICELY Wurn. .room for gentleman, close In, private family. $4.50. HA. 6664. ATTRACTIVE room for ladles employed; ideal home; 3202 Poppleton. HA. 2432. 3024 CASS ST. Two modern front room, furnished or unfurnished. HA. 2372. AIRY front room for gentlemen: with or without board. 218 S. 25tb St. AT. 62001 , CALL WE. 0529 if you want a lovely room In private residence: good location. PLEASANT rooms, newly decorated. 1537 North, 19th., Webster 0802. 1106 S. 31st St. Large room, . $5 par week. NICELY furnished rm.; colored. WE. 1897. TWO cozy rooms, private home. HA. 7460. Housekeeping Rooms. . TH1 GUIDE TO the better housekeeping rooms Is the directory furnished to advertiser and room hunter. Call at Bee office for free copy containing deslrabl vacancies In all parts of the city. ' . 2 LARGE rooms, adjoining tath; water !u kitchen, everything complete. KE. 8460. UNION Hotel. $2 per week and op. ' IT Board and Rooms. NICE room In modem home with ex cellent meals. Will make reasonable , rate to .two gentlemen. HA. 0417. NICE front room, two home cooked meals; Ideal home for gentleman. 2019 Douglas. PLEASANT rooms, A-l meals. AT. 7110. Unfurnished Rooms. THREE upstairs rms. Light, water, heat, gas fur. No children. 4247 Ersltin St. UNFURNISHED room for light house keeping, close in, strictly modern, rea sonable rent. Call AT. 8250. - FOR RENT HOUSES. Furnished. 12-room house, all in good condition. Elec tric light, city water, sewer, toilet and bath both up and down. 1128 North 16th ' St. Blrkett 4 Co., 850 Peters Trust Bldg. ' JA. 0633. 5-ROOM furnished modern bungalow with . garage. 8100. 4318 Burt St FOR RENT APTS. AND FLATS. Furnished. VERY desirable furnished apt., 2 rooms, kitchenette, bath and porch: eaBt front; first-class and reasonable, KE. 2450.' TO SUBLET 3-room furnished apartment In Dundee, until Sept;. 15, Reference required. Phbne WA. 2246. 572 SOUTH 26TH ST., 2-room apartment first floor, strictly modern, every con - venlence. HA. 6095. FARNAM ST.. 3174 Attractive 2-room Apt., also nouseiteepmg room. MA. lbzi FURNISHED modern 2-room apartment. 3837 So. 23d St. 51 So. 26th St. 2 rooms. Including tele phone and piano. Reasonable. AT. 605Lr; 2013 Chicago. 3 rooms and bath. Modern nicely furnished apartment. I OR 3 ROOMS, bath. 811 N. 86th. Unfurnished. Harold Apartments 4 large rooms, attractive building. Will decorate. Apt. No. 8, 27th and Jackson Sts. Rent $70. Payne & Carnaby Co., Omaha's Rental Men. 616 Omaha Nat. Bldg. JA. 1016. HOWARD ST., 2103 2-room all modern apt. close in, rent $40. E. E. AUSTIN. AT. 0783. 1305 1st Nat. Bk. Bldg. Peters Trust Company, WHERE OMAHA RENTS. (-ROOU apt for rent. THE W. J. PALMER CO.. " 616 Keellne Bldg. . AT. 8?80. STEAM-heated apartment. 4 rooms, do, in. O. P. STEBBINS. 1SI0 Chicago. Bee Want Ads Are Business-Getters. THE FUTURE. tit JICCS AND MACOIt IN FULL PACE OF COLORS IN THE SUNDAY 1U fV: H JUtT a r s gff ftS WANTED TO RENT. WANT to rent st 81 per month a fits. loom hous In good neighborhood fur Msy 1 No children. Good reference. JA. 3163 AT. 8980. FOR RENT Business Property. MERCANTILE STORAGE AND WARE HOUSE CO., llth and Jonea Sts. If. M. Christie, warehouse track's prop. MOVING AND STORAGE. "WHEN MOVING" PACKING STORING SHIPPING Phone Jackson 0281. FIDELITY "WcS. 1107-11 Howard St. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE Separata locked rooms for household coods and pianos, moving, packing and shipping. UEKINS OMAHA VAN AND 8TORAGU. BOB South 1 Kill. DO. 4163. iCSTIMATES furnished on storage and moving. Contracts taken by Job or nr. .Glob Van & Storage Co., J A. 433$. AT. 0220. 620-24 North 16th St. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. x Notice EFFECTIVE AT ONCK. WILL KEEP OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAY TO REPAIR ORRErLACE BATTERIES. Battery and Parts Co., . - 2414 FARNAM ST. LATE MODEL - Six cylinder, 4 passenger coupe: like new throughout; reasons for selling gladly furnished. Phone Walter Bqcrt, AT. 2462, Sat. or Sun, REAL USED CAR, BARGAINS. Cash or Time. Buy or Sell. . Fords, from $60 and up Dodge, Buicks and others. $100 and up. - Ford bodies winter top. GOLDSTROM AUTO CALES CO., 1 1318 Harney St, Central Garage. 1 1920 BU1CK roadster,, 6 tires; all in good condition. Ha been recently over hauled and repainted. Not a dealer. It you want the best buy on the mar ket call WA. C384. - - SOME bargains In used Fords; prompt dellvafy on new Fords. M'CAFFREY MOTOR CO., The Handy Ford Service Station. 16th and Jackson Sts. DO. 3500. BUT A GUY L. 8MITH USED CAR. A Stlfe Investment. 26th and Farnam Sts. Phons DO. 1970 1921 E8SEX Touring Car, .look and runs Ilk new. Owner forced to sell or trade for cheaper car. Phone Kenwood 3656. LOOK over our list of usa car. THE AUTOMOTIVE! MARKET. 2056 Farnam St. AT. 78S6. HOLLY, expert auto trimmer. $12 8. 84th: STUDEBAKER, 1921 special 6. 4-passen-ger, chumy roadster, run 8.000 miles, good as new. 8900 cash. KE. $139. FOKD Trans, complete, $10: magnets, per set, $1.50; fly wheel, $2. Nebraska Autd Parts Co. 1016 Harney Street. USED cars, worth your money, at Ne braska Oldsmobil Co., 18th and Howard Sts. AT. 1770. WHTTsTT V TIRE and RAD. MAN. W til X HlXJ I WK- guar. $20 8, 13, USED radiators, all make for sal. Gresa ougb Radiator Repair. 2089 Farnam. MAXWELL touring, good tires, good run nlng condition. Phone Short, AT. 8468. CADILLAC coupe for $350 or trade. JA. 1840. BRISCOE touring. $200. AT. 9585. FARM LANDS. Colorado Lands. FOR SALE 320 and 160-acre unimproved farms: price $22 H; good terra to right " parties; no trade. Owner. C. C Roriibaujh, Llmon, Colo, Nebraska Lands. 180 ACRES. . 2 MILES FROM HOLDREGE ' ... Someone ran obtain a real bargain In this 160-acre farm located 8 miles from Holdrege, Neb., the county jest of Phelps county. Splendid place for stock and has always produced a good jvhest yield. Holdrege offers advantages along educational, church and market lines that are possessed by few towns l.i the state. On main lino of Burling ton and 2 . branches. For complete description, write F. E. Young, trustee, Holdrege. Neb. Close to Omaha Farms- Wlthi,n 40 miles of Omaha. 1 have some rae bargains In good improved farms. Any farmer knows what It means to be close to a big market town like Omaha. These farm homes are near Herman, In Burt and Washington counties. Can b bought on exception ally attractive terms.. Soil is the most fertile In Nebrasks. All under cultivation. Improved, and are real farm . homes in good neighborhood. Write "E. W. Burdle. Hermsn, Neb. Near County Seat - I ran offer exceptionally . well Im proved farma and raches at attractive prices. These sre within 10 miles of Holdrege. Neb., county seat of Phelps county. Neb., one of the best agricul tural counties In stale. Some ar all farm land, while othera mak an ex cellent stock proposition. . R. m, . er- rill. Holdrege, Neb. Drawn for FARM LANDS. Nebraska Lands. 700-Acre Ranch With Railroad Siding Here la a dandy 700-acre ranch In central Nebraska. It contains 700 seres. 100 acrea of which la In alfalfa. A fin place for hogs andcattle. Load ing pen and railroad aiding on ranch. 1 also have well Improved all around stock farm one mile from town. For terms and particulars write B. E. Mcgrue. . wem la. Nen. V? A PMQ lt M. A. Larson. Central r AAV 11 D city. Neb., your want for screags tracts. lira. North Dakota Lands. LAND YOU CAN PAY FOR! -Our new plan of selling fsrm homes without profit snd under supervision of County Farm Bureau merits your In vestigation: If you sre Interested In get ting a farm home, write Land Depart ment. Cars County 'Farm Bureau, Couit House. Fargo, N, D. REAL ESTATE, INVESTMENTS SEE F. D. Wead 6 D. H. Bowman. FINANCIAL. Real Estate Loans. WC hav cash oo hand to loan on Omaha residences. B. H. LOUGEE. INCV 638 Keellne Bldg. Farm Loans StftE&aZ!tZ Kloke Investment Co.. 845 Om. Nat'l Bk. OMAHA HOMES EAST NEB. FARMS. O'KEEFH REAL ESTATE CO.. 1016 Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. - Jackson 2716. FIRST mortgage loans made promptly on Omaha real estate. Ubopen & Co.. Realtors. JA. 422$. 234 Keelln Bldg. FlOO to $10,000 made promptly. F. D. Wead & D. H. Bowman. Wead Bldg. Stocks and Bonds. LIBERTY BONDS bought and (Old. AT. 3644. Mack's Bond House. 142flst Net J. H. MITHEN pays most fr LIBERTY BONDS. 21 City Nat'l. Bsnk Bldg! REAL ESTATE WANTED. HOME owners In all parts of the city should know of our "HOME SELLING 8ERVICE PLAN." For Information call J. L. Hiatt Co., . "Better values." First Nat. Bank Bldg. AT. 9900. Charles W. Young & Son Real Estate, Rentals, Insurance, 1602 City Nat. BU. 'AT. 9668 To buy or sell Omaha Real Estate see FOWLER & M'DONALD 1120 City Nat'l Bk Bid. J A ckson 1426 List your home Buy your home. BINDER & OTIS, Real Estate. Loans, Rentals. JA. 2561. Charles W. Young & Son Real Estate. Rentals, Insurance.' 1602 City Nat. Bk. AT. 9668. NEW homes completely financed. Pay like rent. C, T. SPIER & CO., Realtors. 304 Peters Trust Bldg. Douglas 4857. gruenig q.Ve;t,r.,tb 141$ 1st Nat'l Bk. Bldg. J A. 1966 TO Buy or Sell Real Estate See D. V. SHUlbS tJU., 916 City Nat. Bank. JA. 0046. Grove-Hibbard Co. ""S" $27 Securities Bldg. AT. 4956. Please. 35 YEARS' experience selling homes. Cell A. P. TUKBY at SON. 620 First Nst. Bk. Bldg; J A. 4223.-- V A 11 1 or I -rouin, WWII luuom, ... .- dee, by the first; hav cash. Box 121. Omaha Bee.- HAVE Inquiries for homes do you want to Mil your property? List It with , A. Prlmmel. Omaha Nat'l Bk. Bldg. GEO. T. PORTER CO. Real Estate. Rental. Insurance. 10$ South 18th. - AT. 2996. Western Real Estats Co, JA. 3607: REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE. FOR sale or trade for city property, 120 acres. 17 miles of Omaha, by owner. 304 Neville Blk. Atlantic 5601. . REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN Dundee. 6 ROOMS, modern, garage: Dundee, oak trim, good condition; $8,500; terms. CHAS. E. BELMAN. AT. 6250. Florence. ! NETHAWAY sells and trades. KE. 1409. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. West. ', "West Farnam T-room. strictly modern. In fine condi tion; 4 rooms on first floor: 3 bedrooms and bath on second floor; floored attic; full cemented basement; south front on paved street; all special paid. Price just reduced to $fit3&f on your own terms. See us quick for appointment. Payne & Carnaby Co., 61$ Omaha Nat.. Bldg. J A. 1016. Will Pay for Itself $1,000 with t&Osf cish payment takes 6-room home In West Leavenworth dis trict. Evenings phon Mr. Shaver, KE. 37. or Mr. Maunlna. KB. 067. Equitable Trust Co., 1813. Douglaa St r AT. 2943.' The Bee by Sidney Smith Drawn for The Bee by McManut t Copy right I I0J1I. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. West. DUNDEE, $6,300 Two-story frame house; too largs for present owner. llss living room , arm nutrient first floor; Hire good slsed bedrooms and bath second floor; full basement; furnace heat; paved street -and alley. Owner very anxious to sell. Want offer as to pric and terms. $7,750 Seven room, four bedroomi; oak floor throughout with whit namel , flnixiy hot water heat: floored attic, full cement banicnt. Easy terms. $8,000, . Rraml new, just being finished: full two-story. Six rooms, til bathroom; large living room, fireplace. Well built and nicely .finished. Immediate pos session and essv terms for good party, GLOVER & SPAIN, Resltors. Jackson 2850. 918-20 City National. 321 S. 50th Avenue This 6-roora frsme house must be sold. Owner leaving the city. Living room with fireplsce on the south; din ing room and kitchen first floor: three bedrooms and bath second floor: stalr .' way to floored attic; finished In ma ' hogany and white enamel: oak floors throughout: Imminent divided Into . laundry room and furnace room; garage. For detsll Information call George & Co., Realtors. Atlantic 3024. West Farnam- f Fine stucco duplex, six rooms: tile ibBth; sleeping porch each side; all oak down; oak floors, white enamel, birch , doors up; south front: paved street; plenty of light; excellent condition; con venient to cars, schools, churches. : World Realty Co., New Phone AT. 3492. Wqrld The. Bldg.' ' -LEAVENWORTH HEIGHTS. . New, 6-room. modern: tile bath, built. In features, furnace heat; bound -to please. Price ' $6,500, easy terms. Hansen Investment Co., 1914-16 Douglas. AT. 0063. ' . - $850 CASH. Balance monthly payments will buy this modern 5-room bungalow, located In Leavenworth Heights near the csr line and on paved street, priced to sell. Call -Mr. McCallum. RASP BROS. 212 Keellne Bldg. AT. 0721. 1414 N a 3D ST Six-room modern, essy payments: buy for a horn. Crelgh, 1(9 Bee. Jackv 0200. , D. E. BUCK CO. buy and sell homes. . North. "WOW!" A SNAPPT MINNB LUSA BUNGALOW . THREE YEARS OLD. Five large rooms, built-in features; large lot; garage and djriveway; ad joins Miller park end close to Prettiest Mile club. Get this! $5,900 $8,000 cash. Eve. .call Schroeder, jr., HA. 0411; days csfll , Schr6eder Investment Co., JA. J261. ' Owner Must Sell at 'Once. Practically new strictly modern, newly decorated, five-room bungalow, having built-in features too numerous to men tion: oak and white enamel finish; , lo cated In a very desirable neighborhood; rloae to stores and car lines. Asking $6.600 ; wilt sacrifice tor cash. .Evenings, Harney. 2815. - W. J. Palmer Co., Keellne Bldg. Atlantic 9980 0TH AND FOWLER AVE. Here Is a six-room strictly modern, oak finished house on a corner with both streets paved. This property Is in good shape and we have a price on it that will sell It. Call Mr. Dlckaaon. KE. 2342. or office open until $ p. m. AMOS GRANT COMPANY, Realtors. 114 South 18th Street. AT. $380. YOUR OWN HOME1. . It may as well be yours If you obey 'that impulse and call Clsrk, AT. 7412, - or evenings WA. 2599. Ask about that 5-room. strictly modern: stucco bun galow In the West Ames Ave. District. FIVB-KOOM. MODERN BUNGALOW located in north part of city. Osk floors, oak finish, cemented tasement; all in fine shape. Small payment down, balance like rent. Call evenings, AT. 6947. VOUR CHOICE, $750 CASH. Two good houses, north. 4120 N. 26th, S rooms modern; 2310 Laird, 6 rooms modern. Call me AT. 5380 or AT. $136. VISIT model home at 2831 B. 34th St, furnished bv Orchard AY Wilhalm Co- built by C. G. Carlberg. Open week dayr 2too and 7 to 9 p. m. : Sun- I to a p. i COLORED, 6-room modern, small pay ment. E. M. Davis. 2530 Grant St. WE. 2420 South. 20TH AND MISSOURI AVENUFJ We have a seven-room modern house In this location, which the, owner I very anxious to sell snd has instructed u. to submit him sny kind of a propo sition. If you are looking for a home ni your own price and terms, esll Mr. Spicks. IX). 8216, or office open until N p. TO. AMOS GRANT COMPANY, Resltors. 210 Pmith 18th Street AT. 8380. SEVEN rooms, modern; paved sU cloM in. Se owner on premises. 1539 South 25th avenue, after 6:30 p. m. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. South. hiati NAf, if iii r ri4 in k iiiii. bsX a ! I . saw .4 Ik' li.t, prselhslly aw I tt slaty, a i sad fiBisk anaslw sly I ' r i i.i ffr frval, pai. lag ,.a. is..n..i l.is -' iraal. kr aesaTatuissi lri by 4 M It. t !! AY . aad, vill aaaw tag 44 for aly $4 HIT Milt fan Hly. It, hsaa HO 1. 19. HT ocitri.no, AT. (lit. 191 (eeiirilis tM.H. New Bungalow, $500 Cash Hanscom Park District Feur looms with fle.rae set-smix. aUfinn Harda-no., finisbi asma-isiel-modern t tafi sine; full rnie( men): ptt.d iii.et, psung raid I'm $.$. The Byron Reed Co do. :' llti rr.m 10 ABOVE COST -For working msn. a neat, new flv. romn house, ls lots. sll, otri lifi finished by first ef Msy. Thirty-fifth nd Polk street Terms, Trent Is Mil si one. Call Market 8189. tr $ p. m. FOR SAL; Modern bungelsw. sig room. . Will not Mil sfisr Vundsy, Jld If 4 sold then ll will b for rent. Will uk III) for this prapsrty. It Is war lb I6.st, This hous I new. See Tbemee il.ary, $414 louta Mh Ht, Vacant WK offer four fine residence lot j . as terms. In Clslrmonl district, Isy fui. all strut Impravsinetil In. Priced st $7t Men. subject lo paving. Cs ks old separately, II. S. MANVU.LK. Retlier. T AT. i40.t. 11$ I'.l.rs Trust Bldg. iooT LOTA ON EASY TERMS. - ' In Fontenelle park addition. I can sell you one of thee lots for only $44 on terms ss low m $1 down and $1 k. C'sll Clark. AT. 1411; evenings,. , rsll WA. $449. LOT On . side of l.srlmor Ar ketwMB 74th and llth flt. Will sell aey reyments r will build t our rdar. AT. (640. Ralston Lots nVtt,'1 2K. payments. Phone gt.wsrt. Rslston. 16-W. DUNDEE LOT - South of Fsrnam n list! $!.$$. Phon. WA, 4117. - Acreage. $ ACRES Improved ; l-reom house; bjock to car; barn, chlcksn house, plenty fruit, etc. $600 cash $4.80, or , will exchange for' residence. Acreage '. Is clesr. - - Home Realty Co., 1014-20 W. O. W. Miscellaneous. A BEAUTIFUL LOCATION. Just west of Miller psrk. 1 hav soin chnics. modern lot upon which I will build the hous of your eholc and let you pay tor it with a small cask , payment snd the rent money. I. R." Cars., $1$ So. 18th St. Call AT. T411 day. New Bungalow, $5,000 r Flv rooms, easy terms. JA-ii$. The most (12 conifn ments from horn and storage houses) and best (medium, staple and high grade) furniture ever of fered tt Omaha people; at AUCTION Saturday. April 22!, sUrtiag promptly at 1:30 p. m. The list blows includ some of th koines and partial Jist of (a!. Furniture belonging to M. ' J. : Pierce, from Omaha Van and Storage Co. H. C. Ridgsly, 8219 Avenue C, Council Bluffs. Mr. Hayward, formerly 221 N. 32d avenue. . v Mrs. Cox, 3602 S. 23d street. Mrs. Creely, 7601 N. 28th avenue. ' ' From 1329 S. 32d street, 3032 Myrtle avenue and another lot of very fine furniture from storage. We have never had any better furniture to sell and no better quality furniture has ever been sold in Omaha at auction. Complete mahogany bedroom suite, consists of poster bed, box spring aad mattress, massive drsiier and chif fonier: genuine (not imitation) walnut bedroom suit; brown mahogany bad. room suite; high elass dining suit id fumed oak; brats bed; Bundhar Wilton rugs, on mad to order, ill 12x21; many other rugs; Colby player piano, mahogany est, with rolls: very fia violin with jenuln leather cast; two' Schubert pianos: library table lamp: piano lamp) several barrels of cut glMS and dishes; big lot of linen, including new sheets, never used; horn made quilt; five fin Stickley oak rockers, leather drop cushions; overstuffed rocker; Clarinda electric: washer, slight ly used: five dining suite; mahogany davenport table, inlaid with maplat walnut chest of drawers: mahogany rockers: kitchen egbinett; refrigera tors ; china cabinets ; buffets ; high oven gas range i day bed: dressers: ehnV fomers: smoking stands; large mirrors; ball runner! email v-iie-a. anil a la. amount ef other good furniture. Stephenson 'AUCTIONEER n 16049 Capital Avs. ' AT. SMS Oa-hlf block of the pMUftic a Capital Aveaue Self -Supporting Home Fine 9-room frame house, arranged for wo families. Separate entrances, bath room, etc. Fine corner lot 60x 139, located on the southwest corner of 41st and Dodge Sts. Owner will sell either furnish ed or unfurnished with full lot, or hslf , and would make someone a splendid proposi tion, if taken at once. Further information, by calling R. D. Clark Company j , Realtors 621-2 Securities Bldg: ' ATlaaOic 3531 MINNE LUSA BUNGALOW on Bauman Ave, nr 28th sir', south front. Has large riving r. A$x2$ feet, with fireplace and I. cm, sun parlor, paneled tuning room, kitchen with breakfast nook. Lance bedroom, tiled bathroom, built-in tub, pedestal wash stand, oak floors, oak aad enamel trim. Priced right for ewiek sal. Even ings call Mr. Murphy. Webster 211 or Mr. Nelson. Harney 67. Hasting! Sc. Heyden J tSU Haray