Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 22, 1922, Page 16, Image 16

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fllK HEE: OMAHA. SATURUAV. AWiR. Z2. lar.'.
Market, Financial and Industrial-News of the Da v
Live Stock
Omsk. April II.
Kwili'l f . '(Id H (
OrixUI Hal.., i... I i .I '
"ffieni Tmi ,., tl; nut Itil
trttieial .Juf,, .:t 4 l
fiiewi T'lar ,, (! I :
teliat rdt .. I ,!
! tin H.,.1. 4 ii li.lil
ama dsn le4 ... 4I 44.441 M H1
imir ituui KDi it. in it :i
iw(iiriui) ii i:i 4 its!
rteeipi a 4ipiiim r iitMiocii i
Ik leien i.k e, UMidi, ,av, f.r
urn tin a-cilot.
I'siil Hot kt..
. m pi r. ny I l
u fee. ttr I
men Faring R. R SI II
1'. H, W, Re, e., t ...
r. i y w r.. ir ;t
.. m. p., w o Hr.. 1 l
i', g. rtr i t
', R. V ft", !.. ., 4 1
'. H. I 4t " , Mai.,,.,, I I
r, r. a , vmi,,,, i i
lillnoi Central II X ..
Ttl rereipie II
UHII1lTION- 11 ,!.
talli. j4cs liep,
trmeur Co 411 i ll)
I'u.iaar Parsing t.'.,.. an l.ut
Ifcl4 P.kli'f .' 4 :f
ilorrla racking la.... 114 4
ifl ) li IU 11
i W. Murphy Ill
Haerte t'a ,., a'si Parking Co.... t .....
Msyeravirh Vail,.,. t
K. imaha I'kf. Co.,,. It . ....
J. II. Dulla I .....
II. M. Hurra.! la.. It ...I.
K U. (hriilie Ran.. 14 .....
John Harvey 12 .....
' V i Inghrent t ..a
V. P. Lewie 4t .....
It-Ken. )'. O. Co.. I ....a
J. R. Root a) la 1? .....
ItoaaiMtock Bro I .....
luiihaa Bra 1 ,
v. . Vaa Rant Co.. t
tuber borer Sll .....
uen Pkp. Co 141
tic Adam I
! ait
1.:7 (.111 I.III
fat I la Receipt. .it h'4. Thar wsa
. itimmii far baaf at.ara today and
,h mederl Friday supply aold r.adily
it food alaady price. Sh alork wes alow
uit mostly alaady. No toekra ami feed
ir war aula. Comparad with laat
..k'a irng elnaa aiaar pricaa abow u.
n daolln.a of lltIlo to In aatrama
it n wiii of tha plaloar weighty cat
la. Haavy raw pra al.a mostly 14
nwer with halfara and light yearlings
bout ataadr. Blocker pod ftdra war
guotatlona a ratlla: Oood to choir
wh. 17.1191. II; (air to pood baavaa.
; common lo fair baavn. I
17 11: pood I chok yarllna. IT.IIt)
1.11 fair t pood yaarllnpa, I' '"OZ t;
.omraon to flr yaarllnpa. I.107.l:
m mi tlu) f&. fair
HlV. W WMV.l W .1 . - . " w - - - .
:a pood halltra. I4.40p); chotca to
irim cowa. II 1994.74; pood to cholc
row. It.iOtl.Hi fair to pood cow.,
li ee9l l; common to fair w. II
I II: pood la (hole faadara. 17.1197.14;
. Irto pood fMrtira, (.l097.!t: Mmon
to fair faadara. H.749I.M; pood to eholoo
Hiorkar. 17.1197. 14; flr topood atock-
.14.7197.14; common to thlr atorkar.
IC. 4094.71; alork halfara, 14.1094 00;
.mck cowa, U40 9J.SI; atock calvca, 11.40
H I.OOj vaal ralvaa. I4.00O10.00; bulla,
lf. ptc, $3 T44J7.08 .
, No " A; Pr No. Ay.
J.... 7S 1 1050
' 1J04 7 !S !S. I33
JI 104 7 41 14......100J
, )..,.. .1114 7 li 4J 844
I7.....13l 7 45 - 1J
2t...... 142 7 7 II ilJ
..... 44 I i 10 U
JJ......111I 8 10
I la n. ... .k "
7 40 11 l
7 70
COWS. ' i V .
4 76 4 13871 4 00
I 21 I.....V04J It-it
8 80 4. .....Ml I tl
I 00 ' .
I II. 7 41
i io. It 11
9 . Ill 7 40 . .7I
I......UM 1 l 1......H90
1 1400 " III 1 J0
' 1......1740 ' til' 1......1I00
l.L M40 4 t ... r
T, t'ALVES. '
-'..'.... 147 4 74- 4....V. 450
S.i.... 401 7 40 . .,
tnVpa Rarelpls, 1,100 head; tradlnp wa
fatrfx actlva today, with an early clear
ane made, pricaa rullnp atronp to 10
hlpaar; demand waa pood both from tha
ahlpWr and packara. Llpht ,hopa aold
moat from I10.10O10.I0. with a toppyric
of !.:. Mixed load and butcher
wartpht. 10.10910.10, and packing grades,
IO.M910.00, with extreme heavies. 11.009
I II. Bulk ct aalea waa I0.I0910.1S.
X Jtv. Sh. Pr. No. Av. Sh.
s an - qj. .31 iav
7 :o
7 44
1 10
7 40
7 70
7 10
I to
7 40
I 88
- . L 1A1A
. 4. 1. ..1220
' S.I...14
,'4,. ....1141
7 00
7 80
7 44
9 10
I 18
4 28
Omaha, April 2!.
Th run of rcctfpti at Omalia
allowed an increase today and totaled
ISI cara, toiuiniii of 54 can of
fthrat. 79 tin of corn. U cart of
eat t, mo can of rye ana barley, and
Ihit, compared -willi a total run lait
yrt of 1IJ car. Shipment! totaled
vt trari, iirincipdily aeat and corn,
at compared with 139 cart laat year.
Liverpool t lute J JIJ4 up. Cold
weather iMiyiiiii leediux of iprinf
wheat in tlie rorthwer. reported
drouth in Australia delaying plowing
and ieedliig of wheat were Mint of
the item of newt aliening the wheat
mar kef 4, w hich allowed comiderable
Krrngtli in the early eiion. It Ma
laid, alio, that about 400.0(10 bu.heli
ef wheat hat been told from Kaniai
City to go to Chicago, probably for
delivery on May contract!. About
2.000,000 busheli of wheat reported
lotd for export, moitly new crdrp
wheat for July and Auguit ihip
nteitt to Atlantic coait or gulf.
liana on our caili wheat were re.
duced 1c to 2c today and the demand
at prevailing pricei waa lurticient to
aborb the offering! t pricei rang
ing from lc to 3c above yesterday a
laic. Demand for caih corn wai
good and pricei generally J jc higher.
Oati aold !aC to lie up. Rye wai
quoted 2c higher and barley firm and
No. f dark hard: I cara. 11.41
out); 1 car, 11.41 (amutly); I car, 11.41
tanipp.ra weianil.
No. a dark hardrt-l car, II 44 (amutly).
No. 1 hard wlntart 1 r.ra 11 la, a r.r
II 14) I cara, 11.14.
No. 1 hard wlntrrt 4 ear. 9l.SC; I cara,
11.14: 1-1 car. II. 84: 1 car. II. ta (
dark); I car, 11.44 (7t par cant darkl.
No. ! hard winter: 1 car.; I car,
II III I car, 11.40 (ml-dark, amutty);
1 car, 11.11 (armi-dark, amutly).
no. a nara winter: 1 car, 11.11
No. I hard wlnlr: 1-1 car, 11 M.
Ramnla hard wlntart 1 P.r. II SO
Nil. v.llnw hrnrA. ..m at If
No. 1 yellow bard: 4 cara, $1.11; car,
II S4 (I per cent dark).
no. yellow bard: 1 ear. It. II.
No. 1 mixed: 1-1 car. 11.27 I7.I nar
win lurymii
No. 3 mixed
No. I rulxad
ti ll (amutty).
No. I mixed: J rar It. II (durum)
No. I while: 1 car. 14 Us (aneelal bill.
D(. a
no. 3 whna: 7 ears, 4 J Ho.
No, S white: 1 car, 8Jc.
No. l.yallost: 1 sar. 14a laneclal hill.
Inpi; 4 can, 834c
No. a yellow: 14 cars. 13 Vie.
No. a yallowt 1 cara, Cvjc.
No. 4 yellow: a cars, 82c; 1 car, SIHo.
No. 1 mixed: 1 car, Cl.c. '
No. t mixed: 1 car. ilko (shtDnera'
walphOi 8 cara. Sl'icf 1 rar, 8:o
Inear yellow); . car. lie; I car, 830
(near white).
Mo. 1 mixed: 1 car, 1140 (near yellow);
1 rar. Ilfec: I cara. 41a 114.4 nar cant
molatura); I cat, 80Hc . . .
ua 10. .
No. I whit: cars, J5W '
No. 4 white: : cars, It'ae.
8am pie: 1 car. 34c: 1 car. 33'io (rorn
. RYE.
Ko. I: 1 fir, c
No. ?; '1 car, 9,c. ,
Ka. 4 : 1 car. 44c.
Sample: 1 car, tCo (45.7 ner pent).
t car, (durum.
1 car, 11.11; I t ear,
Omaha Grain 1 1 Chicago Grain Financial
sn..a4 loo
87. .m ...
41.J77 ...
o.4r 4
74.J11 100
ti. Sit
II 74
0 00
10 00
10 10
10 20
IS 75. .243
I 15 44 360 310
10 04 ' "8. .231 ....
10 II 84. .200 200
1 26 ,
Rkaan and Lamba IleceiDt. 4. COO head.
Th. tnarket waa astlv today, rutins
straRpt to 15n higher on both wonted and
1 tlnir Umh. tinnA demand from local
, porRara waa lp evidence and a complete
. claarmac waa made early. Wooted lambs
solar: from 118.00 9 18.31. with a top price
of tlkiO. Bulk of clipped lamba moved
' I (real tl3.2ieil.50. the latter top price for
ed ( today' ofterlnpa. -'
, Oiaotatloni on sheep: Fat lambs, good
I dhole, 114.80914.30; fat lamba, fair to
toad. it.Oi14.IO: dinned lamba. 112.25
V; ahearlng lamba. 113.78914.50;
fooir1 lamba, I13.I09U.78; cull lamba
. JtJM 12.00; tat yearlings, Uthta. 113.609
14. ; fat yearling, heavy. 11.60910.60;
. ftuaiii. a.. tun
-' . . . m ...... :
J ;.' Kaawpa Wtr Livestock. . ' ;. '
, ''Khiuisk' aty. April tl. Cattle Re-
, a&e ,Mii..iM.r .tear, ana miq
stoott, Pteady to atrong; beat atcere, 11.40;
othlr. I7.44ft.40;. email lot plain to
-ckofeo eows, 14.7496.60; heavy hetfere,
I7.4f; yearling, 17.4001.00; other claaaea,
ataaply: io4 vealera, 11.00; better grades
canXars, .11.28; bulk. IS.4.I5; feeder,
ftpge Aecalpta, 2,400 hea-d; market
opeped alow,, closed fairly active to both
packara and eblbpera; ateady to atronp
witt yesterday; 180 to 220 lbs., 110.064; top, i 114.16;. 210 to 230-lb.-averages
ta.M910.ll:' mixed loads, II.I494.I6;
''.Luna, a m! 1S.66A10 18: throw out
, sowl 4.76I.I6; ato-k pit. Steady; bet
" ter thlnds. tlO.OOfflO.J6.
ateep Receipt!. 1,200 head; aheepJ
' eteaSy; ahorn Texas wethers, nioatly
yaasolda,; others. 44.25; no wooted
- laaikp on pal, (horn offerings strong ; 41
' lpd, tll.10; , heavier lots, 111.00.,
' f" " Chlcopo livestock.
Chkago, April 31. CSattla Receipts.
S 04; active, baaf ateera and fat ahe
iimI itudf in atronv; nuailltv mnatlv
maMm. near cholc beef ters, 11.70,
top.-weight 1.372 pound; beat yearlings,
...... HW.n, . . o . , " , . ,vn. " I
tocker and feeders, ateady; bulk vaalar
I7,V7.I to packers; a few heavier
I catvtaa to ahlppera upward to 19.00.
Hoc Receipt ! 5,001 mostly ! to 10c
- Ulakar than yesterday's average; closing
atropt: shippers bought about 4,000;
holdover moderate; top, 110.70; bulk,
414.10 O10. 45; packing sows, strong; pips.
, atronp to tie higher, 100014.00.
Sheep and Lambs RaVelpt 4.000: klll
' Ing clasaaa moatly 2 So higher; top wooled
lamba. tll-71: bulk, IU.00tJ15.76; shorn
Iamb top. lit. 76; bulk desirable kinds
tll.40lJ.75; no cholc lights here: shorn
yearllnre. 112.00; fall ahorn Texas weth-
er.'i 11.23; odd lots wooted wes 11.26
down: shorn 11.00 down; good 68-pound
. .bearing lamba 114.26.
j - St. Iul Ltveotwck.
East St. Louis, III., Ap11 21. Cattle
Roealpts 400; vest calves 6O0 lower;
other classes steady; two loads of light
weight beet ateera brought 47.76 and
44.71; one load of 181-pound ateera and
halforp ecored 7.60; bulk beef cows. 15.16
4.0; bulk light veal calves. 47.600
7.78: (tocker steers aold at 16.86.
Hoga Receipts 1.600; moatly 10c lower;
top. 410.54; bulk lto to 330 pound aver
ages. 410.15010.40: tew heavies, 410.000
10.11; packer aowa moatly In .7 6; bulk
II - to 16 pounders. tl0.00O10.40-: bulk
10t io 120 pound averages, I9.OO0I.T5.
Sheep and Lamba Receipts 1.10O: 25c
hfglor; choic native aprtng lamba,
Ili.tO; Tanease springers. 416.75; good
llO-fcound shorn wes.' IS 00.
84sx City LIt Stock. .
Sioux City. la., April tl. battle Re
cetpta. 1.100 head; market atrong. 16c
hiaher: fed ateera and yearlings. 17.000
J). 28: warmed up ateera and yearlings,
Ij.l097.e0: (at cowa and heifers, 1400
7.21: tanners, lt.4O04.M; veals. 15.000
.!: feeders. 15.641 7.041; catvea. ti.oa
f.4; feeding cows and heifers, 13.600
1.40; atockers. ti.5007.26.
Hga Receipte. 4.60 head: market
atroag. 1 higher; butchers. tl.00e10.20:
llphta. 110.26: heavy mixed, tl.6001000;
heavy aekere,lt.764H.0: star. 16.760
7.;-bulk of (tie. Mn.0e910.2s.
AntrNo reipts; no inarket, -
Wheat .'
Rys ;..
(CAhLOTS.v ;
, Today.
1 14
( 1
, 40
Tr. Ago.
. -- 7
-' - S
bushels , .Today. .', yr. Ago.
nbeat and. flour... .Al nan aaa
Corn . .. 614.0HO 22!ooo
Ca riots Today. TearAao
Wheat ...... .if . ;., 33
Corn' .............. .., .71 ! 3 .' . m
Oata .. .6 ' ., r eg
' Carlota . Today Wk. Ago rr. Ago
Wheat ......110 .. 64 ;. 16
Corn -44 V , 24 ' .' 14
Oata 3 1 . t
Carlota , V Today tear Ago
Wheat S8 73
Corn .St ' .) II
Oat 13 14
Carlota Today Wk.'Ago Tr. Ago
Minneapolis 174 Holiday 242
Duluth 68 Holiday 24
Winnipeg ,,....117 Holiday. .10
'.. Xew York' Cotton. ' ',- v "
New Tork, April SI. Scattered support
from trade lntaresta and brokers operat
ing for Japan account and Increased
local week-end short covering carried' top
day'a cotton market slightly higher, de
spite the favorable weather map. Be
fore midday,, the list advanced 10 to 17
point after opnlng 2 to I points high,
or.- Jn later dealings tha market ad
vanced to new high ground for th dsy
under more active auoport from apot
Interests which were tnong the moat
peomlnent buyers In th afternoon. 'But
afPer being up Wo a pound, the market
receded aomewhat near the close In th
fice of , profit-taking;.' and finished to
18 point above Thursday's final prices.
Spot was- steady, 10 points advance,
11.05c for, middling upland. -
.Southern spot markets were: Galvea
ton, holiday;. New Orleans, 16.18c. un
changed: Savannah, 17c, unchanged; Au
gusta, 16.81c, unchanged: Memphis. 17c,
unchanged; Houston, holiday; Little Rock,
17c, unchanged.
Now Tork Coffee,
'New TorK April. 2L Th market for
coffee future opened at an advance of
4 to I points on fairly steady Bratlllan
cables and' aome further coverlnir by near
month ahorta. There waa realising around
10.42e. tor' May and .6o for September,
however, and the market eaaed oft dur
ing the afternoon when, there also ap
peared to be some aelling for a reaction
or a little preaaur from importers. May
reacted to 10.38c and September to 4.100.
with th market closing at a net decline
of 6 to 13 points. Sale were estimated
at 87,000 bagi. May, 10.28c; July, 10.01c;
September, .7lc; October, 0.7 6c; Decem
ber. .70o; January and March, t.6tc.
Spot coffee ateady; Rio 7a, 11 to llHei
Santoa 4a, 14 to 15c.
: j,w York 6inl.
7ew Tork, April 21. Wheat Spot,
firm; No. 2 red and No. 3 hard. 11.64;
No. 1 Manitoba, 41.40U. and No. t mixed
durum, 11.44 H c. I. f. New Tork to r
rive. .....". .
t Corif--Spot, firm; No. 1 yellow and N.
t, white, 7114c, and No. t mixed, 74 c i.
f. New Tork all rail. -
Oats Spot, ateady; No. 3 white," 44 i4
944c. .. x
Other Article Unchanged.
Turpentine and Bavin. '
Savannah, Oa., April 31. Turpentine
Firm; 77c; sales. 521 barrels; receipts,
364 barrela; shipments, 818 barrels; stock,
1,740 barrels ,.
Rosin Firm: sales. 621 caaka; receipts,
1.076 casks; shipments, 315 casks; atock,
51.726 casks.
Quote: B, 34.05; t, E. F, O. 4.16; H,
I. 44.17-4: K, J4.20; M. 14.10; N, 15.00;
W. O. ta.SO;' W, W, 5.80.
St. Jiiaeph lire Stock.
St. Joseph Mo.. April 31. Hogs Re
ceipts. 501) iiead; strong to lOo higher;
top.; bulk, 49.16910.10.
Cattle -leceipts. 400 head; steady;
steers, ti. 6008. 50; cows and heifers,
t4.6u08.6O; calvea, 15.0097.60.
Sheep Receipts, 1,600 head; atronr to
3Dc higher; lamba, tl4.76016.6: eWes,
Xew York Vrygooda.
. New Tork. April 21. Cotton goods were
steady today, with a tendency to higher
values aa aales rroadened to Include more
of th converting trades. Tarns- were
slightly higher. Broad alike moved mora
freely, but at very cloao prices. Wool
markets were firm with prices unchang
ed, th best demand being for coarae
gradea. Burlaps showed little change.
w York Poaltry.
Xew Tork. Apr!l 21. Live and dressed
poultry, quiet; prices unchanged.
Xew Tork,
bar. Iltit.
Mexican Dollars 52 'ic
Bar Silver.
April 21. Silver Foreign
Flax See!.
( TuIuth, April 21. Klaxseed 13.724.
I 1. 1 4 . -
Oanaba He I a sod Mir. '
Chicago. April 21. At no time
writ wheat pricei a low ai the (in-
in 91 me previou! say. ueavy ouy.
ing by ahorti and houici with tea
board and foreign connectiooi car
net valuei up 1 J.4'ii4e over the
cloit of Thursday. Whit there waa
very heavy profit taking and a good
reaction, final trade were at net
gama ol i-mi l-'c. I av radtne.
Cora ai higher to I -8c lower,
oata I -Be higher, and rye 2 l-4(2 J-c
nigner. .
Buying oT a large amount of July
and September ai a hHgc agaimt ex
port talet of about 2,')UU buiheta new
crop winter! for July-August ihi
nient ana Mrengtu in UvcfpooL,
nhith wai up I J-4c, mainly were re-
iponnbie tor the early nje which ear
ned the May to 1.47 1-4 on new
high on the preient movement. The
i a a ...
aeierrea aeiivenei wer within a
traction of the beit pricei of the
Good Htiylnc ttroall,
Inf wheat earn out freely on ike !
vane.. The break which relieved led to
a renewal of buy Ing. The wheat want
into atrong hand. Th Modern Miller
leport uated yield of !!.
bushel for Kanaaa, Oklahoma. N'ebraa.
ka and Teaaa compared wlln 114 40
bushel karvMied laat rear. That waa
regarded bullish. Foroiga erep re
poria remain unfavorable. The May
July and tbo July-September apread
widened with July at th last I'.e pver
th Sevtamber: May waa around lis over
July at lime. .
Whil th trader have keen anticipate
Ing tbat l.quidatloo la May corn would
rarry price lower, th May ehowed mar
strength than th deferred dellrerle. At
th laat It waa 1st under th Jul
glnt I '4 nndt for several day. Thr
waa a fair trad en with soma buying
age laat export !, Commission boueo
s.ntlmnt generally Is more favorable lo
mo pun id mo ruaraet. caan de
mand wa (low with spot grsl about
better Compared with May, Receipt
12 r.
Oata avrf4 higher In avmoathv wlih
wheat, bat failed to maintain the beel
price, duo to profit taking. Weather
condition over the west were much mor
favorable for field, work. Some eiport
kualneea was put through In Canadian,
but th domestio call I limited. Re
celpt. It cars.
Houses with seaboard connection wer
free buyer of rye. Th filling of a
liberal order t th last wa reaponal
bio for th cloelng bulge. Houses with
Duluth connections and. th local (le
nient wer th beat sellers. , Li porter
bought 14.40a, bushel here.
tit Nte.
Conservative operator r . advising
agalnat getting abort of May wheat on
braaka or long an th sharp bulge. Ther
has been conelderabl covering of May
wheat by commission houses, ' with soma
selilnr of July In th last few days.
May wheat alao is being exchanged for
tha cash grain by exporter and almoat
dally orders com In lo glv up Msy
whsat to cash house representing bual
nea at th gulf well aa in' Manlto
baa.. A Winnipeg meaaago aald the caah.
demand ,waa excellent with- a big eiport
business. -
Country offerings of corn and oata In
Iowa, which have been practically 'noth
ing of late, gave evidence of Inrreaelnt.
Ono houi bought 10,00 btuhet corn
yestrdy to arrive, paying .o under
May for No. t yellow and 0 under for
No. 1 mixed.
Most of the recent export' uufhesa In
corn Is secured from th northwest. Brok
er aald there waa a large buelnesa. but
wer unable to give -the complete figuree.
Trader who lately have been beariah
on corn are on tha other ajde. They .
aay th elevator Interest hav bought
May and sold. July for mora .than a
month and they expect tho market to do
hotter, especially should wheat value
continue. to harden.
William Kldaton, who ha been abroad
mor than two montha. wa back in Chi
cago today. Ha aald th crop he aaw la
Franc looked good.
To aupply the Importing countries from
April 1 to August 1, tho exporting coun
tries must ship 204.000.000 tuahele, ac
cording to Broomhall. Ho eatimatea that
Argentina and Australia can ahip 88,000.
004 buaheja and Canada. 40,000,000 bush
el, leaving 64.000.000 to be furnished
by tho United States. Of this quantity.
30,000,000 buihel of new crop ran be
ahlpped In July, leaving 36,400,000 bushel
t b furnished from supplies on hand.
H believes that demand will hav a
Creator .influence than usual.
By Updike Grain Co. DO. 2637. April St.
Umbo tie I ossed Hie,
New York, April 21,The atock
market wa If. the renter of Iman
cial interest today than on any oc
canon in mure tlun a erk. Thii
a not hetaute of inactivity or re
act i ii -r nrtrri: luiticn exceeded
I.UUO.tXVj alum fr the I61I1 coiue-
t utive tune and uncei at a rule Vent
higher, with rather numrrou iter
garni ol a point or two. Hut there
wa4no repetition t( the liytencal
iiitAemriit or huld profctaional
mampuiaiiou whuh marked Uat
week 1 rioting and the opening of tin
wee a. all Hrrr t tleacribed it a an
"orderly market." which wai Wall
atrert'i way of admitting that Moil
day'a itock market, before the mood
had been inhered by the incident at
Genoa, had been growing duorderly.
What wii lacking in Oie way of
excited trading in the block market
wai largely made up by investment
bondt and wheat. i"hrre were few
movement of con sequence in for
eign .bondt and none in the United
Statet war loan, but hi bondt of
home railway and industrial com-
pamei the activity at ruing pricei
wai greater than on any previoui
day thii week. A remarkably long
liit of tuch aecuritiei icored advance!
of 1-2 to 1 point, with a good propor
tion moving up even further. Today's
advance in price! wat more unking
in the cac of outstanding bondi of
the inferior erade. That naturally
indicate! speculation, yet speculation
of that sort it uhvayi present on the
heels of a intamed recovery 111 le-
curitiet of the Irigher grade.
Wheat Market Advance.
Th wheat market itvnced under e-
live buying to a -point where prli e
pres closely on th high mark of the
eoaeon. Kor May delivery, valuing what
I left from Hi crop of 1151. It touched
11 in: nrice notched on only two
previous dy and comparing with th
high point of 11.41 brury. i.
for July delivery, valuing In advene the
growing winter wneit crop, in pri.
f 11.21 retched today cam within Wo
of th hlgluat of th aaon.
Th May wheat price I th most Im
portant became It repreaent lb mr
kel mur of known facta, wherea
th July prlc measures only (xpecta
liona, which are aa likely aa not lo b
mutakan. But of th windfall to th farm
ing community tber can te no doubt.
It m.v or may not affect the fall elec
tions: those sr still a good dlatenr
away. In th light of harvest develop
menia. and even th farmer will hav
other score to settle next November than
tho decline In wheat. What it ha meant
tp the "frozen credit" problem I sue-
gealed by in lart mat in. average
Muni ratio of tha three federal banka
at Dallae. Atlanta and Minneapolis, which
ws 43 per cent a year ago and 45 V at
tha end of 1421. has reached T0H in th
present week s statements.
Today'a turn of events at. the Cenna
conference, with the unexpectedly meek
ubmiaalon of th Ruaalan and German
delegate to th requirement of th
other power, found reflection in moder
ate recovery of European exchange rate.'
None of them, however, regained the high
level of last Monday. Tha ' Herman
relchabauk again contributed to th con
ference In the hipe of weekly state
ment showing t, 250, 000. 000 marks further
increase in paper currency.
potto Hi. tier .... ,,
Hetail Stereo p l
u r. .... ti
Vir al tat t hem 14
-roiai a. lea. i,i;i at
44 4,
W--f Itper eeaij Tkuiadtj clM
. p seal.
c'tao ,Mlt Tkuradif rloM.
.fHhg cioae,
fU. 14 414,.
:, ,ltltpi Tburvdty'i floes.
It l?l Tkurar'.
New York. Bonds
4J Ni on re Is . ..!; IW 4S
14 biBcisir Oil t-i t..l lee !'.
mi, re ,,,, pita
a l.o rr a 4
II u fa I 4a
II u ra I 4a ,,, li
I; Kwu Hail lea IS,.
It Ka4 Hall vaa I ,, 4
II 4, J
. (Thb Bea la the only Omaha
tiewapapar which pub li shea the of
tkiai cIom of the New York Stock
cubttg bonds.)
Near Tork. April I'.iblio utillly la.
to wer lha furetttuet feature of I,
d-r tfit n4 tiioad boiul market, r
p.MiHC in tiat puvrnmeut oKerlni
a ad pupuiar fails.
New York. West Chester n,l Boston
S iwaa aver 4 poinia. Iiuuaon nd
ttabhaits 8 ailat...d ;'J nd the re
landing te It, point. .arl tra.tloa
M Improved, aatably Interiwrough and
Third avnu lue.
New yrk Central, Peoneylvmla. Read
ing. New Haven. Hock, I. lend, outhern
I'a.ific, Central Pacific, Canadian I'acilie,
Mlaaourl, Kanaaa. and Teaaa and St. '
Louie and ban Kranciec ihun wer In-H
elu44 inong th rsll i-eucs whli h lam-
li eve Hall g.n 4e ... (
e r )ie Mug t.. u
,11 Hn OH 11 4 t.,l
IJ Third Mo d 4., 14 'i
. It Third Av r.f .. tl
! Tide oil IS eif..l4: js ltt
T.b Hrod ft S Ms It-!
..., -- 11 m... SIX VIS
I! t siiit Has tv ft'. II1,
I t'nioa fee fef 4e ,, IT f
t foion Tak Car l..l3'i li'l
a I niud lirug I ...ltv 1st.
I I HI Itv I lal km 4. eat. l.L kill
St I aj (t.,11. L
ti I' H Hublwr la .... a
;t r a aie-t f t
I'teh I'uwee I. 8.
t V Car i'k tSe . II i
I a Car C'b lit . l
4 ir Ur I .
Waaa.n ,t . pftl
I Wen Kleelrl I ,,IS 1"S lS
a " I eiary lit e,, a a
4 weal fieine la ... II II
II l aion is.e(i; III
II Weat'gh'a Kl I. lT
It Wheel I L IS 4S , il'J
4 Wlrk-Spen rill Te,., 0 lit,
9 wii a i s t :s.iis ii
14 wii a t'o ev !.., l: Hi,
IT Wl cent tn 4a . I Ti.
J lS
III. ts
u:s 1'S
is ts
4 i
41 US
4 ',
N. Y. Curb Bonds
Art. I Open. High. Low. I Cloe. Te '.
Wht.. I
May 1.44 1.4T4 1.44 1.4SH 1.41
1-444 1.454 1.43H
July 1.144 1.26'i 1.27i 1.25
Ml iV ' 1.8714 1.S5H
Sept 1.11 l.J. tjyjj 1JI
' .'. 'Ml Mils
May . 1.0IU 1.10 1.0 1.10 Iv l.OtH
July 1.014, 1.0814 10114 1.0314 l.Olli
orii, : ' "..'. .
May 41e It tlli tl 41
4114 . . 6114
Jul tiS ti- tt . U 65
66S ,..' -" - 14'
Sept , 4714 ' 44 47 ,4T
- s. " " . " 47 'a
Oata . - ' ..i... . " '
May ' 31 38 J 7 14 38 ; 37
July 40 4114 404 '404 40 H
404 ... . 40V 4044
Sept I 42i 41 4J 42?, - 4214
, . 42
Pork I V t . ' ;
May . 21.10 21.10 21.10 21.10 21.00
Lrd j
May i 10.SS 10.12 10.80 10,83 10.82
July 11.10 11.20 11.07 I 11.47 11.07.-
Hlbs . f : J 1 1 ' '" ,
May I 11.45 J1.50 11.45,
July I 14.44 11.10 10.44 1 74 10.42
Ww Trk Sugar. .
.New Tork, April 21. The raw sugr
market was unchanged at S4c for Cuba,
coat and freight, equal to t.fto for ccn-,
tyifuval. Ther war sales of 11,000 bags
of Cuba, prompt clearanc to an oper
a tort at quoted price.
Th raw ugar future market Wa eas
ier under liquldsllon and trad aelling.
closing at decline of 4 to t point. Mar.
I. Jlc; July, 2.42cj September, 2.82c; De
cember, i.t7c.
Th market for refined sugar was un
charged at 6.21 to t.40o for fin, gran
lated. Trading wa light and tt. waa re
ported that eome reeelllng wa going on.
at blow rsflners" list quotation.' The
only l In refined future wa on lot
of May at I.TOs, a decline of II point
from th prsvlous close. May, 1.72c; July,
t.OOci September, 1.20c.
Mlanoapoll Ormia. '
Mlnneapolla, April 2t. Caah: Wheat
No. 1 northern, fl.21.4S; May, 11.64;
July. 11.4414.
Corn No. t yellow, I24)(4e. ' . -Oat
No. I whit. II 14tl44& "
Barley 41441o. , .'
Ry No. t, 11.01 HOt2H. ' v
Flaxseed No. 1, 12.76 4J3.TI. '
Mlnnsapolll, Minn., April fl. Flour
Unchanged to lie higher; family patents,
tl.2S4Jil.70; shipments, 18,014 bbls.
Chlcac Ptato.
Chicago. April 21. Potatoes Weak;
receipta, St car; total U. S. ahlpments,
741 cars; Wisconsin Round Whites, sacked,
II. 4C1.40 cwt.; Minnesota Round Whltea.
sacked. 11.4001.44 cwt.; Idaho Russets,
sacked, tl.to1.4S cwt.; new atock.
steady: Florid No. 1 doubt headed
Spaulding Rose. IT.tSO7.E0 barrel; No. 2
moatly tt.00 barrel; ISO-pound sacks
Spaulding Roao No, 1, I6.009t.24; No. 2,
14.00. .,
New Tork Dried Trait.
New Tork, April 21. Evaporated Ap
ples Inactive.
Prunes Easy
Apricots Scarce. : :
Peaches Steady, . '
Retains Easy. -'
Ksnsa Ctty Grain. ,
Kadsas City. April 11. Wheat Caah,
No. 1 hard, ll.874Jl.45; No. I red, 11.279
I. 41..
Corn No. 1 white. S5ie; No. X yellow,
Hey Unchanged. .
St. Iawd Grata. ""
St. Louis, April . 21. Wheat May,
I I. 424; July. I
Corn May, Sltfcc; July, 31ie63Hc.
Oats May. Sc; July. 41c
Chleat rrodsjec.
Chicago, April 21. Butter Higher;
creamery extra. 1714c; first-. 24837c;
seconds. 324M3c; standards. 37c.
Eggs t. nchanged ; receipt. IS, til cases.
London Bfetale.
Ijndnn, . April 21. Copper Standard
spot. f. 14a; electrolytic. 444; tin. 155.
17. td: lead. (22, Its; sins. 27.
. .. - . '
1 . : . -
New York Stocks
Range of prices of th leading" stock
furnished by Logsn Bryan, 248 Psler
Trust building: . j
. Thtirs.
Hlah. Low. Clone. Close.
A.. T. & S. F 1014 10114 101 ',4 101 4
Baltimore & Ohio.. 4914
Canadian Pacific. 144
New Tork Central.. 12
Che. c Ohio 65 H
Oreat Northern, r. 1
Illinois Central 108
IC. C. Southern.... 21 -
Lehigh Valley 43
Missouri Pacific... 24 S
N. T .IV N. H 2414
Northern Pacific. TTS
24 284 t8'4
.13!4 137H 1311a 131
Am. Car Fdry'i..,.16214 162 ' 142 1.4 16114
Allls-cnaimers ... t.1 biihi sti'ii tu
Am. Loco, v.,.n. 117V4 116T4 116 lit
UAiawin jupao. .1,1111 1 m 1 1 ' iir
Chlcsgo ft N. W,,
Penn. R. R. ......
C. R. I. ft P....,
Southern Pacific.
Southern Railway
C'hl., Mil. ft St. P 24
Lnlon . Pacific
484 48 4IH
143 143 14214
114 1 '
65 65V 66'i
' 7S14 7S' 76S
107 107 108
i'lH 27 14 2
62 424
24 2414
23 -.2414
J'l iIT,
41 '4
24 :
24 '4
77 '4
Bethlehem Steel,. 7144 7814 7914 78
Colo. F. ft I.... ... 22 32 32 2114
Cruclbl V' -4 14: 14
Am. Steel Fdry... B 38V4 39 3814
Lpcka. Steel...... S614 64 14 SS4 S414
Midvale Steel 34 34 25 24,14
Preued Steel Car, 83 42 82 82
Rep, 8.' ft I...... 66 85 65 66
Ry. Stl. Springs .,.103 14 102 103 103
Sloss-Scheffleld .. 44 . 44 44 43
U. S. Steel 99 98
Vanadium ....... 43 42
1 . ' COPPERa
Anaconda .1. ..... 14 , 5.114
Am. S. ft R. Co... 68
Cerro Da Pasco... 37
Chili 19
Chino 28
Cal. ft Aris e S
Green Cananea.n.. 2114
Inspiration ......... 41
Kennecott ........ 12
Miami ...... 29
Nevada? Con 17
Ray Consolidated..' 14
Seneca 14 -
Utah tl
:; -;. - OILS. '
v It- 3 .-It ;tt
. 41 41 41 41
te eo - ,d oa
i -
1 18 18 ' 18
41 U
" 2414
' 58 ..
41 '
. 2
. 16
Oeneral Asphalt.
California PeteroL
Island Oil .....
Invincible Oil .
Mexican Peterol
Middle States..
Pacific Oil.,;i
Pan-American ,'
Plerc Oil
Puro Oil .. ..
Royal Dvtch...
Sinclair OH
1.12 131 H 132 130
16 14 16 14
68 . 48 68 68
64 43 64 ' 63
28 38 , 38 38
I 9 I
34 S3 63. 23
63 63 63- 63
23 32 32 32
standard O. N. Y.- 180 177 171 177
Texan Co., 46. 46 46 - 45
Union Oil 22 21 21 '21
Whit Oil 10 t 10 10
Chandler 77 74 77 76
General Motors... 13 .12 13 12
Wlllya-Overland . 8 7 8
flerco-Arrow 2.1 22 23 - 22
wnito Motor ..... 49 47. 49 47
Studebaker ...... .123' 120 123 120
tiuisuaa. Ainu tikes.
18 18 18
Goodrich .........
Keystone Tire
AJax ;
U. S. Rubber
Am. Beet Sugars. 42 41
A., O. & W. I , 33 38
Am. Inter. Corp., 46 45
Am. ' Sumatra..,.. 36 " 34
14 .
Am. -Telephone... .123 122 121 122
American Can.... 49 48 49 46
Central Leather... 38 37 38 " 38
Cuba Can 16 16 16 It
Cuban-Am. Sugar. 33 22 22 22
Corn Products. ...104 103 103 103
Famous Players... 81 81 81 81
General Electric. . .164 143 164 163
Qret No. Ore..,. 42 41 42 42
Inter. Harvester.. 94 IS . 94 95
Am. H. ft L, pfd.. 69 61 69 69
V. S. I. Alcohol... 48 48 48 48
Inter. Paper? , 4 48 . 48 47
Inter. M. M. pfd.. ,83 83 83 83
Am. Sugar Ref... 76 76 74 7S
Seara-Roebuck ,.. 77 74 76 76
Stromsberg ....... 56 55 t 66 66
Tob. Products..,.. 69 66 9 69
Worth.-Pump ....S3 62 ' 62 63
Wilson Co :. 44 43 44 . 43
Western Union:... II 98 98. 17
West. Electric... 63 2 62 62
Am, Woolen 93 93 13 12
Am. Cotton Oil... 25 25 25 21 -
Am. Aajrl. Chem.. 39 31 39 .".I
Ant.' Linseed 33 31 33 34
Union Bag pfd..,. 65 1.1 ' (5 ....
Bosch Magneto... 47 46 46 46
Brklyn. Rapid Tr. 21 S2 23 22
Continental Can.. 44 65 t6 6
California Packing 71 77 77 77
Col. Gaa ft Electric 45 83 14 til",
Columbia Graph... 4 ' 3 2 3
United Drug tl
National Enamel.. .17 - 3 87
United Fruit ......144 142 144 143
Lorillard Tobacc..ol52 no 150 151
National Lead 93 93 02 03
Philadelphia Co... 38 38 38
Pnllmin 127 124 12. 1J4
11 Punt' Alcrra S car 401. 2i 4914 40
eu rrm large nation to 1 tiotnt.
I.lbertle wer Inclined to . nil the
prominent International war fiuiallon
wer lrrular, pv Maalran 4e end la,
rrnro.Atnrlrn t and Hem
M'eflf Ih-ned wiUl Amentin Js. ,
The day lerft pew offering of H
. ihilah tail Indie aternl la
waa overatitMtcribed. wer i.n th
II.l0t.Oo Indiana steal and I).!.
nation! tub underwriting. Total tales
ipar iaii'o aggregated 1.1. 391. 0u.
lolled tUlea Hand. 1
aalea (in II.OvOI lltgl, Low Clo.
:t Liberty I..., II. i3 21 9l .it
Liberty lat 4a M.;
2 l.liriy 2l 4 ., lilt 91 42 91.41
tl Liberty 4th 4 '.a I tt:; til
SIM Liberty Id 4S, 144 19.44
14 :t Liberty 3d 4', t ; 9' 14 ' li lt
1141 Liberty 4th 4 99 9- 7 11
414 Victory 4'. ,.o0.a2 l74 1.74
tl Victory t ..100.01 101.14 141
foreign. Government. Dial and Municipal.
tt Argentina Ta 100 100 loo
4 4 'nines tlov Ry. Is 4 IS IS
It City Metgen I ...111 11 110
17 City Hern I .....113 lit 113
tl i lly Rordesux te.. II in M
It City Chtisllsn Is. .Ill II 110
It city Copen ! .. 13 II 18
It I'lty I,yis c II II
It City Marttllle fa .. II 18
It I'lty R D Jen I ..;05 104 104
ti t'lty H Ptulo Is''.. 104 Hi 10S
4 City Tokfo I .... Tl 73 73
1 City Zurich ...Mil lit - ill
1 Danish Muni t A. .112 112 112
ii Dept Seine Ta .... 17 16
M) Do Can I no 29.101 lnu 101
I Dom Can 4 21.... 98 II Id
ttt Dut Kaa Ind Is 47. 14 IS 44
244 Du Ea In 4s 12.., tl 14 tl
31 French Rep I ....104 104 101
111 French Rep 7. .101 103 103
3. Jmp 1st 4s . II 10 91
II Japanese 4a 77 77 77
King tseigtum Ts.ii
It King Belgium ts ..103
tl Kins; Denmsrk Is.. II
2 King Itsly 4s ... II
14 King Nether 4 .... ti
II King Norway 4 ..112 112
44 King Sweden 4a ...101 101
tit Par Ly Med 4a.... 84 84
1 Rep Chile tl 46....10S 104 10S
,. . Rep Cuba 6 44..,. 10 10 90
'. 'I Rep Uruguayan ...104 106 106
.4 Slato Queens 7 ..lot 104 109
. 21 Stat Queens ..101 101 101
1 Stlt RODS 81. .103 102 103
21 Swla Confed ! ...117 114 117
tl UKOBftl 61 22. ..107 107 107
1 I KUlitjl tvis 2
122 UKOBftl Ss' 37
SO V S Brasll 4a ...
44 V. S Mexico Ss ..
21 U B Mexico 4a ..
. Railway nA Miscellanea Bond.'
1 Adra Express 4s. T6 76 76
,16 AJax Rubber 8a ..101 100 104
J Am A g I'll Ttt ...10 103-4 i4
S ADt COt Oil b ..... 7
II Amer Smelting I.. 93
94 Amer Sugar 6s ...100
1 Amer T ft T ev 6a .116
,3 Am T ft T c t IB...-I1
II Armour ft Co. 4a 91
51 At T ft S F en 4a 88
1 At T ft 3 F ad J4s 83
' 2 At C L lst-con 4s 88
217 H ft O f II
24 H ft O CV 4S... 82
t Bell T of Pa 7s... 108 14
t Rrsden Copper as. II
ie BKiyn ua gen 7
20 B R T 7a ctf stpd 12
4 Cal Oss ft El Ss... to
4 Can North'n fa..H2 -10S
Can Pac debris.... 10
1 Cent of Georgia 4 99.
31 cerro lie Pisco I. lis
63 Ch ft O cv 0
if un ft o -or. ... ss
Omaha Produce
Fur!. kr plat tt 4rW. da.
retmeai t rlagiiwr, f w.
keif tnirktiiiigi
uvr potxTftf.
Wboleaal Mhal.tsi
HuiiHg fr. Mums ',,
H..II.I ik lesion it
II. aa. light ,,,,,
Ilea, beefy
.) ,.1
.It ,T
! ..
('MS ,
liSKaHKD lil'I,THT.
,... 14
13 ti
.. 6
.. 41
107 107
101 101
107 107
SI tl
Nw Tork, April St. Ttn,rtien on
'the New Tork Curb Bond imrkil today
, wr a folium:
I tmll Monde,
i fali-e tin II eeei llisu i'ls
4 Allie.1 I'i'ker . 1, 11. 12
10 Allied Pik I elf 41 41
11 Aluminum T 13. ,.104 104 oi,
t Amer Cot Oil I .. II l
4 Amer I, ft T ....11 107 107
t Amer T ft T 4a tt. .10 lot 1 00
5 Amer Tob 7 11. ...102 03 o;
T Anacon Copper a,,10 II tt
4 Anacon Cop Ta 29. .101 jei 101
4 An.Anur Oil f..ll 101 103
1 Armour ft t'o ;.,.l4 lot 104
It nronlall la ,,..,.si 10 i mi
1 Hath Nieet 7 SI, .11 101 108
4 Moth Steel Ts It, ,.12 102 In-
t Cent Steel I IIS 10 105
4 t'olum Oraph Is .. 40 40 40
2 Consul liaa 7s ....101 101 101
1 I' Teltll i.. It 91
t Co f.x Am Is 142 I0214
t Co y.x Awn ta 24.12 102 102
1 Co Kx An l tS..tn4 104 S. 1044.
iv r rnpir u r 11
t Oalnn Slg Oil "a
1 Can Asphalt la .
t Goodrich Tiro T
T Urand Trunk ta
11 Hersuey Co Ts.
1 Hood Rubber 7
II Humble Oil 7a ...
10 Inter R T 7 ....
Inter R T Is 13...
IS Kenn Copper T
It I.lbby McNeil 7
t Manitoba T
1 Marland ref 7s.,
23 National Arme 7 97
10 National I.eath I. 100 100 100
II H I Ml til ll v, 11 II 10
11 Phil Co Is 44 17 IT IT
I Phil El t '....101 101 103
I Phillip Pet Tf 21. lit 110 110
If Pa Ser Co NJ 7. .104 100 100
20 Robert Oilr 7s .... 98 tl It
T Sear Ro Ts 23. ..107 101 101
3 Scars Ro 7 13. -.101 101 101
1 Skellv Oil 71 ....102 102 102
. ,1 ft W B T Ts 103 103 103
1 Stan Oil NT Ts 2S.10S 10S 105
2 Stan" Oil NT Tr 21.104 106 106
I.Stan Oil NT T 27.105 106 105
t stnn uu ni 7 30.107 jot:v . is
2 Ktn Oil NT 7s 31
51 Swift' ft Co 7 24
1 Swift ft Co 7 it
I Texas Co 7s .....
S Tol Ed I ton 7s
20 I n Oil Prod I .,
4 Vacuum Oil 7 ...
14 Warn Sug Ta 41..
1 West Electric 7
' 88
. 99
111 '111
Tl 84
99 . II
114 115
0 90 ;
, 86.
I C B ft Q ref 5 A. 97 97
38 O ft B7 III S....-,. 79 79
132 Chi Gt Weat'n 4s.43,.2
98 C M ft Bt P ctr 4a TS 71
12 CM St P r 4 64 IS
1 Chi ft North'n 7. .106 106 104
14 Chicago Ry Ss..... 81 80 U
231 Chi R I ft P ref 4 12 .. II 62
-11 Chi. ft W Ind 4. 76 - 78
1 C C C ft S L gen 4 81 81
f Chile Copper 7s.. r. 102 102
271 Chile' Copper s... ID." 9
20 C ft S ref 4s.... 88 . 87
14 Con Coal of Md 4a If ' 81
13 Con'dated Cat 7s. .117 117
I C Can Sag deb l 15 84
t Cuban Am Sug t..ltS 104 104
- 19 Dl ft Hud cv Ss;'. 7 97 97
7 Detroit Ed ref 6a.. 103 .12 101..
11 Det Utd Rys 4s.. 84 83 84
' 4 Dia Match Ts...ltl 107108
1 Dl Securities Ss... 42 . 42 42
. 22 DuP d Nenv Tl.l07 106 107
If Dequena Lt 6s.. 102 102 12
8 Eri gen .'...?. SS ' 64 SS
. 7 Fisk Rubber 8s...lfT 107 107
S3 Fram Ind Dev 7st101 100 101
4 Oen Elec deb Ss... 19 ft 99
31 Udyear Tlr Ss 31,103 v 102 102
s 6 Gdycar Tlr 8s 41.116 111 lis
I G Tr Ry of Can 71.112 112 112
Il G Tr Ry of Can tla.lfl 103 103
.114 Great North'n 7s A. lot 108 108
11 Ot North'n Ss B 98 98 98
40 Hud ft Man re 6 A 83 82 83
221 Hud ft Ma a I 6.. 46 43 . 64
IS 1111 Cent 6s ,.,.101 101 101
32 1111 Cent ref 4.... 87 87 .-'-87
37 Hll f Sleel d 4.,;- II 0 91
jnaiana oteei it .. 19
:. 2 Inter APrio 6 ... ... 7(11
'aT Inter Met 4 ... 1
'il Inter Met 4s ctfs 14
. 26 Int if M f Si..... fTli
15 Int Paper ref Ss B 86
6 Invincible Oii ts 68
26 Iowa Cent ref 4a f
36 K C F S ft M 4s... 80
86 K C South Sa 88
21 K-S Tire Is .......109
2 Lacka Steel Sa 21.. 91
10 L 8 ft M S 4a II.'. f
17 I. S ft M 8 4 31., 13 '
1 1 Lehigh Valley 6a
2 i-lgget ft My s
17 -
108 108
a9 19
4 95
92 1.1
..102 102 102
67 ,
2 Lorillard 6s ...... IS- 95 '95
12 Louis ft Na ref 61.102 102 1(12
; 1 Marland Oil t ...103 102 103
14 Mexl Pet tn 105 - 106 105
37 Mich Cent deb 4s.. 91 91 1 91
2 Mich 8 T 1st Ss .. 98 ' 98 98
12 Jtldval 8teel cv Sa.. 87 87 87
" 1 M ft S L ref S 47 47 47
12 MSPftSSM I ...102 102 102
25 M K ft T n p I Ss. 80 f 80
201 M K ft T n ad Ss A 48 68 E8
28 M K ft T 1st 4s .. 12 81 12
, 6 Mo Pac ref 6s 23.. 100 100 10
48 Mo Pac gen 4a C6 . 66 16
1 Mont Pow Ss A.... IS 95 96
6 Mor ft Co 1st 4s.. 85 85' 15
46 N O T ft M I 6s. .. 70 7 70
ilt N T Central c 7.. 106 106 106
40 N Y Central d 6a ..104 103 103
1.1 N T Central con 4s 83 82 83
1 N I Sill ref 6s...ll0
68 NYNH ft H cv 6s 48 78
. 20 NTNHftH de 4s 67. 44
4 N Y O ft W rel 4s 74
69 N T R ref 4s ctfs.. 39
3 N Y T deb 6s 44.. 106
20 N Y T ref 6e 41..
120 N Y W ft B 4s.
2 Nor ft Sou Ss A . . .
40 Nor & Wes cv 6s. .
12 Nor ft Wes con 4
7 Nor Pac p 1 4s. .
,. 2 N 8 Pow ref Ss A.
8 N W B T 7s ....
118 Oft Cal 1st Sa ....
, SOS L g S ctfs.. 101
20 O. Sh Lin ref 4.. 42
SO O-W R R ft N 4 81
44 Pao Ots ft El Ss.. 92
10 Pac TAT Ss 14
13 Pkd Motor Car 8s. 103
11 P-Am Pet ft Tr 7 ft
11 Pa'R R fs lot
36 Pa R R gen Ss..... tl
. 6 Pa R R gen 4s.. 90
26 Pere Msr ref Ss. .
1 Pierce Oil deb 8s
92 Reading gen 4s.
70 Rep I ft Stl col Ss 94
42 S I. I M ft S ref 4s 88
67 S L ft S F ad J Is. 82 82 '
12 S Ii ft S F ine Is. 70 69
10 S L ft 8 F p 1 4s A 74 73
40 St. L Sou'w'st 1st 4s T84 76
1 8 P ft K C S L 4s 81 81
" S San A ft A P 1st 4s TS 76
80 Sea Air Ltne con f.s 60 60
42 Sea.-Air Lin adj Sa 38 21
78 Sea Air Line ref 4s 44 44
14 Shar Stl Hoop 81 A 99 II
109 109
76 78
47 47
73 74
3 88
106 -105
103 103 103
55 SO 64
69 69 69
109 108 109
88 88 88
43 62 63
93 92 93
106 106' 106
19 11 tt
100 101
91 91
.. 112.44 trU4t
.. I 4 II i
,. 7.01 1
., II tow 1; i
.. 14 4 II 44
., To
.. I0t .10 te
,. I too III
.. S3. 54.
.. II on 4 St. 10
,, II 0O. II 4
.. It w 14 0
., m.oot 11
.. tone 100
.10 100 10
..10314 10 ins
..144 14
..10 10
,.104 104
..103 103
tl II
.101 101 101
. 13
. 91
. tl
JiO 90
12 13
106 106
18 98
94 94
91 16
101 141 108
.101 101 101
.103 103 108
.101 101 101
.17 106 107
.101 lit 109
.101 100 100
100s mo 10014
108 101 108
3 Winchester 7a 21.101 100 100
II 90 96
. tl 18 98
. . 99 99 99
..101 101 101
..101 101 101
It 9 i
14 Allied Pack 8
10 Char Iron It ...
24 Del ft Hud 6a.
11 Freeport Tea 7s.
t J Kyer T . ...
10 Kan O ft E 4a..
70 Mo Pao Ry 4a 100 100 104
If No Am Ed fa 12 tz 12
3 No AI u Ik if aa.... I
tl N Y N H ft H 7s.. It
1 Saks ft Co 7s 19
x btew warner as... 109
3 Utah Sec 6s- 100
Foreign Bond,
IS Argentine 7s S3. ,.100
20 Hamburg 4
s Russian 6s
T Russian 6 ctfs,
24 Swiss 68
SO C Elberfeld S ..
3 C Solssons 6s . . . . .
. 4t Pa Ly Med Ry 6s..
84 Hot Amer L) 4s.. 1
23 Mexico Ss .......
SS Russian Int 6s .,
41 U 8 Mexico 4
60 N Y N H.4s
789 N Y N H 7s ......
.10 Mexico 3s . ...
101 101 ioi
I 5 6
f ,
61 1
86 "
' Boston Wool.
Boston, April tl. Tho Commercial Bul
letin tomorrow will say:
'There la more miatnes reported In the
wool market this week and th tone of
the market 1 decidedly better. ' Price
have not shown any advance but are
very firm. The greater part of the busi
ness has been in scoured wools, manufac
turer and dealers operating. Th good
market-1 steady with some' repeat busi
ness on woolens, especially on overcoatings.1!-.
"Seme Of the business I reported from
th west, chiefly In Arizona, at steady
prices., The foreign markets are all very
firm." .
Th Commercial Bulletin tomorrow
111 publish wool- price a follows:
Wisconsin half blood. 36 ft 37c: blood.
42934; blood, J2t33c.
Scoured baalsi
Texas Fin 12 months., 11.05; fine I
months. 10c. ...' v '
California Northern; 41.05; Middle
county. tSc; southern. 80c.
oresajtr Eastern No. 1 staples. 1 1. ns a
1.10 fine and flna medium combing.
tl.:' eastern clothing.' 85c; Valley No.
1. 9. -
Territory Fin staple choice. I1.OS0
1.10: blood combine;. tScCttl.OO:
blood combing, 70075c; blood combing,
10 6 5c. "... ' ;' ,-.
Pulled: . : , . . -
Delaine 11. 06; A, A.. ISc; -A., supers,
80S 90c, . " " -
Mohairs Besi-comblns:. .ASwoQc: best
carding, 40846u.l:
nun' Trad Review.
New York, April 21. Dun' tomorrow
will ayf
'Not Without accompanying Irregular
ity, yet with yiuMlstakabla clearness, the
trend toward better business continues.
Uniformity' 'of progress is prevented by
trlke and other impediments, but th
present unevenesa of conditions Is not
surprising, aa no other- reault was to be
xpected during tho period of commer
cial revival. Gaina that have occurred In
recent montha. If not extending In equal
meaaure to all line of enterprise, have
ben Such as to giv encouragement and
Instances ar becoming- mor common
whero report from various sections car
ry a note of optimism. Basle Industrie
with a jew conspicuous exceptions dis
close a stesdy renewal of activity and
the .coun'-ry-wtde cxpanaion of building
operation, which I evidenced . by a
special survey of the situation made by
Duns Review. Is 1 highly slcnlflcant de
velopment. , A wholesome and gratifying
feature Is tho fact that tho Improvement
In business has been a gradual process.
although certain phases In iron and steel.
because or coal atrike Influences, hfvo
suggested possibilities of temporary- re
action. Generally, -however, buying If still,
confined within prudent limits and prices
are kept under .control, conservative litter-,
ests recognising the Importance of main
taining stable conditions and a solid
foundation for subsequent recovery."
Weekly bank clearinga. 16,730,745,000.
Foreign Kichange.
New York, April 21. Foreign Exchange
Steady. - .
Great Britain Demand. 14.41' cable,
14.42: 60-day bill on banka. 14.39.
Franca uernano, .0931c; caoie,
.0931 c.
Italy Demand, .1541 e 1 e a b 1 ,
Belgium Demand, .0156 c; cables,
Germany Demand, .t05te; cabin,
,0036 c.
Holland Demand, ,3790c cablet, ,3792c.
"Normay Demand, .1900c,
'Sweden Demand, ,2600c. ,
. Denmark Demand, .1120c. .
Switzerland Demand, ,1948c."
Spain Demand, ,1,62c. -
Greece Demand, .4B3c.
PolandDemand, .0002 c.
Cxecho-8lovakla Demand. .0200c.
Argentine Demand. .35620.
Brazil Demand, .1387c. .
Montreal 97 lS-16c
. 1
New York Moaey.
New Tork. April 21. Call Money
stesdy; high. 1 per cent; low. 1 per
. p11n ..t. Ill n. n.nt .I.,.,.
bid. 'l per rent: offered at 3 per centi !
last loan. 3 per cent: call mans againet
acceptances, t per cent.
Tim Loan Easy: 60 1ay and 94 days,
4 per cent; f months. 44y4 Per etnl.
Prim MersvaV! Por 494 per
I ...........
N. f ,
ten count, rete ft.
Cresmeiv. prima .1..,..
Creamery, tub
t euntry, ben ,, ,:it
Country, ramineit .1 ; a
wwiw ia, i pr .It
Upland prairie No. 1 ,,,,
No. 1 praln ,
No. 1 pram
Midland prurl No. 1 ...
No. 1 piain , ,,,,
No. 3 prune ,,
Lowland prairio St. I ,.,
1 - No. 1 pram ,
1 Alfalfa, cboli
I - No. I
1 tndrd
No. I
I No. a
1 straw. t
Rtncnasi Pound. Itic
uraniea; His ait and lamer. It Sod
t 40; la -SO. :i ;tifjli; u til, IMS
(f4.t0 slue, 324, !7.tO(7b.
lmonst Tor box, ,.004tT.I0.
Orsnofrult: Crate, f 1.4014. ill.
Apple (according lo t and
Delrcloui. 13.10414 00 : Home Beauties.
tl.SOtri.TS: Black Twig. I1.3SOS Tl; Wlne
ap. 11 004.00; Arksnesa Blsck, ll.SO
4 04; lien Davla, It.iiffl.tO; Newton Pip.
pine, l.S0I.0O.
Strawberrle (crate 24 nlnt boiesl:
Crate. 1.S0.
Klg 114 pkga.. I os.) 1 Ter bog, I! IS;
bulk, per lb., IStflOc.
Polatoca: Nelraika Karly Ohio No. I.
per cwt., I1.SO01.7I: Coloradp and Idaho
Whites, per cwt., 12.0043 21; Hed hlver
Ohio No. 1. per cwt., tl. 1002.11; Oregon
Netted Oemt, per cwt., 11.50.
Swet potatoea: Per bu..
Celery: Doxen, TtoftS.OO,
Head Leltucei Cratet, tl.SO0l.4t;
doxen, 11.2,01.40; leaf leltuct. doten, TSo
090c. .
Rubtrb: 40-45-pound crate, 13. SI.
Kg Plant: Doten, 13.00.
''Onion: Red, lb.. 10fJlJC yellow, lb.,
10012c; Texaa crystal wax , 41-lb. cratia,
3.2504.00; onion aela, lb., 1010c.
Cauliflower: Crate. 11.0002.75.
Cucumbers: Doien tency and extra
fancy. 12.7601.24; Florida, crate of f
doxen, 17.60: basket of 2 doien, .12.60.
Carrot: Old, per lb., t04c.
Turnips: Old, per lb., S03c
Reeta: Old, per lb., 20tc.
Cabbage: New Texas, per lb.. t04e.
Tomatoes: Crate, 14.0004.64; lug,
11. 00 01.6. .
Toung Southern Ittdishei: Dozen, 400
46c. ' ,
Young . Southern Carrot; Doien. IOc0
11.00. - , '
Trrgng Southern Beet: Doxen,
11.00. t
Toung Southern Onion: Dozen. 35c.
Young Southern Turnip: Doxen, lOe.
'Spinach: Pound, 11012c.
Shallotts! Doten, 46 0 76c." - '
Uroen Peppers: Pound, 20036c. ; '
Parsley: Dozen lunches, 45 75c.
Nuts: Black walnuts, lb., Sc; Englleh
walnuts, lb.. 2:02tc; Brazil nut, large,
waahed, lb., 16018c; Brazil nuls, medium,
weened, lb., 14014c; pecan, lb., 22030c;
almonds, lb., sack lots, 28c, peanuts.
Jumbo, raw, 1010c: Jumbo, roasted, 100
14c; No. 1 raw, 101c; No. 1 roasted, 100
12c. I
Honey: In comb, per case, 15.1006.60;
extracted, 10-lb, cans, per lb., 20c; Air-1
line. 14-oz. Jars, S doz. to cae, IT. 60.
Wholeaals price of beet cuts ar as
follow: No. 1 Rib, lie; No. I Rib. 17o;
No. a Rib 13c. No. 1 Loin, 26c; No, 2
Loins, 24c; No. 3 Loins, 20c. No. 1
Rounds, lie) No. 1 Rounds, 15cj No. t
Rounds, 130. No. 1 Chucks, o; No. 2
Chuck, fc; No. 3 Chuck, 8c. No. 1
Plates; 6c; No. 2 Plates, Sc: No. 3 Plates,
4c . .
Beef hide: Green sailed Nc 1, per lb.,
!0tc; green salted No. 2. per lb., 406c;
green hide. No. 1. per lb., 304c; green
hide. No. 2. per lb 203c; green lalted
(old atock). per lb., 201c; green aalted
bull hide. No. 1, per lb.. 3o; green aalted
bull hides. No. t, per lb., 2c
Horao hides: Large, each, 12.60; me
dium, each. 12.00;' amall. each, I1.S0; pony
and due, each. 75o0tl.OO.
Sheep pelts: Green aalted. aa to ft
and wooC each, SO 075c; (hearing, twits,
green aalted, to lt and wool.- oach,
1010c. - ... j
Wool: Choice, fin one-half blood, per
lb., -3024e; medium and three-eighth
blood, per lb., 18821c:-downd one-fourth 1
blood, per lb., 1501 tc; bflrry wool, , per
lb., to 10c.
Gill Conference
to Plan Finance
for Cattle Men
((frntr MrKrhic nntl F, V
TliuiiiM Suimiiuiitnl In
Yuteliiugtoii Iy War
'' Loan llutly.
I.ovrnirtr XltKrKir and I-'. V.
Tliomak, cliairntau oi i tie Omalia
4cnr' oi tlie War I irum't ctfHra.
licit, have tircti uiiiiiniir( o Vali
ingioii 10 aittmt a tr.-ial confrrrnrr
next '1'uf'd.ty on the agricultural
tittution in thii Mate in comirrliott
wilh tli lcndiii ttl iiwnty lor live
itock joqof! in the 4f weiifrn
part oi Nelirailta. They will leave
Omaha tonik'ht, ami will also appear
in cotifcrence ttith Chairman Me-J-'atldcn
r( ihe eomniitire of cur
rency and banking: in cougre la
fjitctiat neveral bill, now irnilinR.
(or the handling of War i'iiuiue
loam after July,
"Cattle men from the vftt rn part
of the ftate are teekinic more loan
from the government (or the breed
ing of additional liveotock." aaid Mr
Thotiu. "It it expected that the
War I'inance corporation will act on
tlii matter at the corn belt In the
stale ha already been well taken
care of. To date, more than $11,000.
000 hat been lent to farmer! and
ranchert in thi Mate. Iowa hf
borrowed $20,000,000."
Classified Advertitinr M
14o per llne( count I worn to lino) 1 far,
lo per line p-r day. t eonacutl oar.
lSo per lln per dsy, T onscutl r
14o per lln per day. i coiiaeoutlv day
No ad taken for leta than a total of 11.
Thee rat re apply ithtr lo tho Dally
"under Bra, All advertisement P
In both mornln and vnlng dally paptn
for tb ono chart.
Want ad accepted at lb following of
MAIM OmCB.r...J7th '' Farnem ft
South Bid 411 outh 14tb f-
Council Bluff It 8ott bt.
THB BEE will not b reponlbl foi
mor than on incorrct Inaertlon of
advertisement ordered for mora th
Evenlnf Etlltlon,... 11:1 A. M
Mornlnp Edition i'V.,:?,,.a
8undy Edition l:0t P. M. 8tttrdl
Edward and WUhelma Btraun, hotpltal,
Glenn and Gertrude Thorn, hospital.
Anton and Barbara Plrovar, 1T1I South
Eleventh tret, girl.
William and Catherine Jickton, .7tl
Parker avenue, girl.
Charle and Rnsl Tady, 11S6 Soutt
Seventeenth street, boy.
Jesse and Ruth Oeorg. hospital, girl
Jiik and Wlllc Drakullcb, 4722 South
Twenty-eighth atreet, b
John and Vary Chalupa, 1613 Z ttrtel
Angelo end Rosarla Sortlno, .804 Fop
pluton avenue, girl.
Howard and Beulah Walker, hospital
John and Edith Ryan, hospltsl, boy.
Rosco and Loa Griffith, hospital, girl
Raymond and Margaret Sprlngsted, hos
pital, boy.
Owlght and Elsie Smith, hospital, girl
Edward and Kmma Helgeaoo, hospital
Scren Madsen. 14. 141 Charle Unit.
Mario Holmes. S3, hospital.
Niels Sorensen. 74, Routo No, t, Flor.
enco. .
Blanche Turner, 44, !6?5 Cuming atreet
Kmanuel Ingren, 41, hospitsl.
Mrs. Nora Quick, S3, hospital.
- , v . UiicAgo aioeks.
tlmir of nrlce of th leadinr T:hIcaao
stock furnlahed by Logan ft Bryan, 141
eier j.rut; nuntiing; ,
A rmourv & Co. pfd . . .'. . .'. , . . . .
Armour Leather pfd....
Edison com.,
Diamond Match
Earl Motor
.:. hi
... SC4
.. ill
... 154
... 13
... -14
... 21
... 10
... 45
... tl
.v. 61
Kansas City Produce.
Kansas City, .April'" 21. Eggs Un
changed. "
Buttr-Cremcry, 39c packing ;np lc,
., Foulty-Cnchanged. , : ' ,
Moniaoinry-Ward ,
Nat. Leather, new:,
Plggley Wlggly ....
Stewart-Warner ...
Swift ft Co,..
swift int.
Union Carbide .....
New Yotfc Prod nee. ..
Tork, Apr 21- Butter Barely
Eggs Firm; frelh gathered firsts,
2?'c. ' '-. , . -' . ,
Chicago Poultry. i ,
Chicago. April 21. Poultry Alive,
higher: fowls, 21c; broilers, 60 If 60c; roost
ers, lis
The following couples have been iaiueii
licenses to wed:
Roscoo Miller, over tl, Portland, Ore.,
and Alolse Wade, over 21, Omaha.
Walter Tucker, 2, Omaha, and Matin
Lewis, 20, Omaha.
Frank F. Lang, 28, Omaha, and France 1
K, Kleme, 26, Omaha.
" Reginald B. Lester, over 21, Tiffin. O.,
an.l May 1. Weitzell, over, 11, Omaha,
.Tame F. HInes, 22, Omaha and Jos- '
Rudolf Zvolaek, SO, Omaha, and- Moure 1
Karnik, 11, Omaha, , , .
William O'Connor, 25, Omaha, and
Kathryn Drozdowski, 23, Omaha.
GREELEY Edward T., entered Into rent'
Thuraday, April 19. at his . home, 921
South 65th St.. at the age ot 41 years.
Funeral services at St. Peters church,
2Sth and Leavenworth Saturday, st 9
a m lesvlng Hulse ft Riepen chapel
at l:ll . m, Interment St. Marva
.cemetery. Friends welcome. He la Wr
, ylved by hi wife and fiv children, and
four sisters. Mrs. Cora Toung, Mrs. Msg
gi Whiting. Miss Minnie and Eileen
Greeley, all reside In Omaha.
BENJAMIN William T., entered mZ
. reet at hi home, 2317 North Forty
ninth treet, Thursday, April 20, st th
age of 11 years. .
Funeral aery-ices Saturday, April tt,
at t:10 p. m. at Walnut Hill Methodist
church, Forty-first and Charles tret.'
Interment West Lawn oemtery. Friends
welcome. Amerlcsn Legion will hav
uurB at me cemetery.
MEMBERS of North Omaha lodge Mo. 11,
.scales ui xiunor, ere noiined ot in
funeral of our late Slater Maggie Cot
ter, to be. held at I a. m. Saturday
from St. Cecelia cathedral. Fortieth and
Rurt. Ruth Powers, Chief of Honor,
Haiel Rysn, Recorder. .
WE solicit your consignments of all
kinds of grain to the Omaha,
Chicago, Milwaukee, Kansas City
and Sioux City markets.
We Offer You the Services of Our Offices Located al
Omaha, Nebraska -Lincoln,'
Hastings, Nebraska
Chicago, Illinois - .
Sioux City, Iowa
Holdrege, Nebraska
Geneva, Nebraska
Des Moines, Iowa
Milwaukee, Wis. 4
Hamburg, Iowa
Kansas City, Mo.
Cct In toudi with on of thai braack
office with your nasi fraiD shipmtBt.
The Updike Grain Company
"The Reliable Consignment House"