TUK PEE: OMAHA. SATURDAY. APRIL 22. V) jr. 5 1 i 13 u"5 5 .11 i. Ttoi 'i 11 Ml IU3T ADVICE. By RUTH LOGAN. ivr ,.t(nc4 to h votes o tht inn at ii rm to her over tht tele phone wire snd she tented. quality in it that bd never beta there, be (vie. Apparently lt wai chirgcd. with an cciment that caue4 bim to uy hit words too qukkly and too intluiiociljr. You ant to comt r'ght do a l.eie?" aked Vivian. "Why, Jim, of toure you un. You are always wel romr. Haven't you and I atwaya been the beit tort of pals? You could call me up at sunrise and I'd git up and hear your late of woe." After she hung up she began a rather elaborate toilet. At a usual thing Vivian was not in the least par ticular about htr appearance. Today die 4t before the mirror and re Mined lo every wile she knew to male herself more attractive. One tiling was certain and that was that Ccoigc had awakened at la t to the real value of her tricniU hip for him. It had taken hint quite a number of years. Jhe recounted them carefully. Ten to be exact. She had felt any number of times that he wat on the verge of proposing to her, but for some reason he had lacked the courage. But that was due perhaps to her failure to encourage him. "Men inust be encouraged," she told herself. "They don't decide to marry women, really. The women decide for them." Jim Thurston arrived a few min utes early and was forced to content himself with one of the books on the library table antil Vivian was ready to appear. "Jove, but you're stunning." he taid as he took her ringers and iircssed them warmly. "Good old Vi. What would 1 do without you?"' Vivian flushed and sent a furtive. little glance into a long mirror, Mie was pleased to notice that the light w as most becoming. . For a woman of 38 she was remarkably young looking. "You'd get along very well, I dare say, although we've been rather good friends, haven't we, George?" "The very best. I never have felt for a moment that you w ere an older woman. It's surprising how young your heart is, Vi. The woman was conscious of the fact that there was a difference of mite a few years in their ages. . "And my heart has matured quite swiftly," he went on. C "You've just gained a balance that is not natural to many men as young as you are," she encouraged him. "I've come to put my future hap piness in your hands, old girl,'', he said with genuine affection in his face. "You're such a sane sort of person I know you won't let me do anything absurd. It's time I was marrying, Vi. I'm 30 this month." 1 "Yes," she admitted, "it is time you picked out the right sort of woman nnd began building a nest. I have thought so for quite a long time." "Have you really? ; You never mentioned itand -I thoaght you con sidered the single life an ideal state." "Not for a man. He needs a wife ii he has no Mother. .. . "Just what I've been' thinking." "And you wanted my advice," her eyes met his frankly. "I can't imagiae about what." ' "No, I don't suppose you've guessed it. . Our association has not been of the sort to show you my romantic side. I'm really a dread fully romantic man." "I can easily believe that George. You'd make a woman very happy. You're so thoughtful." "But suppose there was a tremen dous difference in our ages. Maybe tremendous isn't the word, but it's a difference just the same, and at the girl's age well, maybe she wouldn't be contented with'' Vivian put out a slender ringless hand. "Never let doubt cloud your ky before the actual cloud arrives. If we stopped to analyze our every act, none of us would find happiness. If the girl loves you, she will make you happy. And if you love her the matter of age is a very slight bar rier. Sometimes I think a disparity of ages makes for greater happiness." "I've come to feel that way too." "Then what's , to be settled? . If you've already decided, surely you wouldn't let me influence you either way." "I needed a woman's opinion of the matter. You, think then that age doesn't make any difference." "Absolutely none if there is enough love." . 'The man rose to his feet. "Thanks Vi. You're the best friend a man ever had. I'm goihg right ahead and see it through. I know she loves me and I'm not .'raid to take chances on making her happy." Vi was standing close to him and she was slightly dismayed by his next act. He picked up his gloves and started to put them on. "It's Nellie Westcott," he whis pered. "She's just a little girl only 19. but, as you say, enough love will keep me remembering that she has not yet had her fill of ex citement and entertainment. I'll he on my way. Vivian. I'll call you np in an hour or so if she. accepts me. And don't forget you are re sponsible for whatever happiness may. come to -me. Without your ad vice, I'd never have hid the courage to do it." Vivian sank down in the chair beside her and pulled at the hem of her handkerchief; The ring of the telephone roused he'r from her anger. "Hello, is that you, Mr. Orvillc? Certainly. I'm at home. Yes, you may come over this evening. Will my young, admirer be here? Oh, how silly! George is just a boy. Do I what? Think there might be a chance for you to talk seriously to me if he is put of the way? Why, Mr. Orviilc, you surprise me. You want ray best advice on a subject? Well, 111 try to give it. No, no, not over the phone! What? Is it folly lor a man to marry a woman when there is 10 years' difference in their sges? No, not unless the man is the vounger. Docs that answer you? All right. Until tonight." Would you have done the same thing if you had been in Uncle Bim's shoes? I. Yf sir 0 Uniform! Utl t Vt.boUtcr Taiii In rr!i Washington, April Jl. MuUini iig in r'rtnre when they taw hug itoelt of America uniform! f!rd up in the Quartermaster'! de partment, itt! thought that one day these same uniforms would Your Pbose Orders tall Uoatlai KM. rarefal atleatlea la Ue fllllat ( rlfkM order Order at lijM r er art delivered I aay part of taa fit;. 9 Douglas pnonaAJ. "Come Once and You n ij j-ari-ri i i m. it- zr mS4 th Table sTz. i m rim nun i Ti laiBieaso sarlellei U fiwditaffs of ry kind foand at the Greater l'tral Market kat beet atseaihled frvaj nearly eiert eoraer la Ik wurld. tkey ar prurlded (or Ike coarenleac t( Umaka kieltfi who seek knewa aallty at rigkt prices. Meats of Fine Central Market Quality Fancy Steer Pot i f0 Roast, per lb.... J.UL Best Cuti Steer Shoulder per lb XOlC Prime Rolled Rib Roast, IT 22k Fnncy Toung Veal Roast, r...,.....17ic Choice Varieties Fresh Vegetables and Fruit Mra Fancy Strawberries, every box guaranteed, 1 per box ltll Extra fancy full quart OQ. boxes Strawberries... fv Extra fancy large Head Lettuce for 10 10JU ana Larg Cucumbers, 10 and 15c Fancy Radishes, "I A. 3 bunches .,7 , AvC Special Offerings for Saturday from the Grocery Dept. 10 lbs. Best Can AQi Sugar fxlC With every 2 lbs. OR Bulk Cocoa for.. 48 lbs. Pillsbury'a QO QQ Best Flour ,.ipiOV 48 lbs. Gold Medal CJO QQ Flour &.07 48 lbs. Sunkist or Q1 AO Gooch's Flour P170 10 bars Electric Spark Soap 45c 10 bars Crystal White ErEE".Vv48c- 10 bars Beat-'Ein-AU OQ Soap 7C No. 3 cans Kamo 1 Q . Tomatoes xv Monarch Evergreen - JXn Corn, can ll 2v Advo Extra Sifted ' OD. Peas, can AiOC No. 3 cans Del Monte Peaches or Apricots, i , Qslp per can wvt Jumbo Puffs, some- - f? thing new, 4 for LOv 3 cans Apple Blossom Of. Milk &OL Per dozen 98c 15c 85c Carolene Milk, tall cans, 1 2 for 10L Per A dozen Shredded White, 191 per pkg 14 jL Jersey Pancake Flour, fT i, tier uke OK L2k 5t 3-lb. can Ideal Malt 54c Welch's Grape Juice OQ n (pints) Welch's Grape Juice KQ (quartsj J7lv No. 2 cans Early June 1 0 1 0 Peas for 1V(2W Cigars Cigars Just Inside the Door. Leo's Hand-made 8c Kn value -' Bon 25 for 81. 15. FAIRMONTS o Ma l W O, ICE CREAM f It's Good For You. Ready for you now at good soda fountains as you like it. Serted daintily or in pint or quart package or ia bulk. fy fin n - II III Jr idom tht Ini'd of I'arUian UnUiln; imifuiin wight be ued, he eabt. That hat been their fate, how. '.tunnd to latitat tympanic. audi tser, thty ii,l thrni primarily with fie When the stoits were o!J In . ottjert ( tuiitg ihrni m driver Franc, the buyer tonwied a many , (li .,.,,, lfm ::::7.:.; " v;.:.v. lomobilt drivers. fcvert so. he i4 i big stock left and, depairing ever la find new ar or a new army where Your Mtil Orders W ship rdrri to all parti f the eoiilry. Address Or. df DeU ear Utk and Barar; St. Hirrwy rtontDOl 1796 Will Come Always" Fancy Young Veal 1A. Breast, per lb. .. lUt Lean Pig Pork " rt 1 n Roast, per lb.. 1 1 y'L MorteH's Lean Breakfast Bacon, f)Q 1 per lb.. 021. Fresh Cut Hani- - O 1 burger, per lb. JLufeX Are Offered in Cauliflower, per lb. 15c Fancy Wincsap Apples, OOp per dozen ...r. mOC Fancy Sweet Potatoes, QKn 4 lbs. for JL Early Ohio Potatoes, per peck 30c Extra Fancy New rt- Potatoes, per lb X UC Extra Fancy Ripe Tomatoes, per lb., 15; OKp per basket ut Standard Corn, per can 9c !9c No. 3 cans Green Gage OQn Plums Macaroon Jumble, per lb 23c f.... 45c English Breakfast )Kn Tea, per lb JC Central Special Coffee, per lb OUt 3 lbs. for 88t. . Extra Fancy Santos Oft Coffee, lb.. AiUC 6 lbs. for98tf. Butter and Eggs Central &tra Quality or Idel wilde Butter, QQ1 per lb. . ..Ot72t Guaranteed Fresh Checked Eggs " in cartons, OO ln per doz.v Uid2 Extra Fancy Dairy Butter in bulk, . 00 per lb OiiKr Fancy Cottage Cheese or Peanut Butte:- ICp - per lb.......... 10 V June - Made Domestic - Swiss "Cheese, . QH. per lb.. w . . J VA Wilson or Gem Nut Mar ::22c garine, per lb... Bakery Goods Cinnamon Kolls, 90 . per doz , ttUv Danisli Coffee Cakes, each 10c and 20c Chocolate, C a r.a m e 1 and Cocoanut, 3 large KH cakes, each eJUC Splanker's Famous 1 fT Nut Bread, each. . . . Lu L - vCandy Dept. McComb's 60c Home - made , Chocolates, AQn per lb.....; ykVL Home-made Chocolate Fudge, filled with delicious OA. marshmallows, lb.. . Our 80c Creamy Pecan Roll dipped in double cream car amels and then in fresh cracked pecans, per lh. , 69c -Vanilla Nut Special De-lish-us vanilla ice cream with plenty of sweet pecarfs. Fine for dessert at any meal and for social affairs. It pays to ba particular about ice cream he sure you get the genuine Fairmont's Delicia. 11 . ft m uiuwiMrr ui. rill, mui ',,ri iia'tv lu khuki afiius ill it klKtls ' Pleases Every Fancy r-Economicai And Easy To Prepare The Great American Dessert KINGSFORD'S CORN STARCH PUDD1NO 1 cups scalded Milk )i cup Sugar 2 Eggs Uaspoon Salt 4 level tablespoons Klngalord's Corn Starch !,' teaipoort Vanlna I ox Chocolate melted (optional) Mix the corn starch with a little cold milk. Stir the hot milk slowly into the corn starch and stir over water till it thickens. Cook fifteen minutes. Beat the eggs slightly, add the sugar and salt Add the corn starch mixture to the eggs, and cook, stirring constantly, one minute longer. Remove from fire, Add the vanilla or melted chocolate as desired. Serve cold with cream and sugar, (Serves six persons.) IT is not necessary to purchase both a bread and a pastry flour. By using quarter cup of Kingsford's Corn Starch to three-auarter cud of anv good flour the percentage of gluten is decreased and the starch content increased so that home prepared flour will make a lighter and finer grained cake. rREEl Atk your era. cor or write Cera Product! Sain Co. a III and Jackaait afreets, Omnba. Nb., far beau. pi 'yi: r) turn toid.r Kiniaford Cera recipes. t , We Want fo Talk to Milk Producers who are so situated that they can get their milk to Omaha in first-class condition. Our purchasing agent wishes to call on you at your farm to talk over the details of our requirements. Call Roberts Sanitary Dairy l HArney 2226 1 Dessert! x Bother the tjuestion! Order a generous supply of delectable Tutti Frutti Ice Cream ,. It's this weeks taste surprise in the famous Harding Special Ice Creams. And it's served by Ice Cream dealers in all parts of town . who display.the sin t "Get the Habit" ' Buy your groceries where both quality and price are right. Specials for week April 17 2 Cans Curtis Pimentos. . 2 Cans Basko Cocoa. . . 2 Large Post Toasties. .... . . . . . . , . SUGAR ?-?-?Get Our Price BASKO Small Loaf for . 5c Basko Baking Pow der, 1 -lb. can., 21c Royal Baking Powder, OP . an eatIV Arm Sc Hammer Q Soda, pkg. ... ...OC Curtis Tuna Fish, O C 2 cans 0C Apricots, Peaches, 1 (f 3 large cans . . . . P 1 UU Royal Anne Cherries, OQ targe can OOC Berries, all kinds, 35 C BASKO FLOUR We will sell at actual coat this week. 'Live Better for Less" mm The lout Day H ur )wui tut 4i-k J Willi r tott vfirr fur I ait Olfr la (IImI mt ArBIL IT la SJ OM, WELCH'S ail S el the Starch 2901 Cuming Street to April 22, inclusive. . . . .... 29 C ...... 29C 23 c BREAD Uf7re Loaf......10c Carnation Milk, can Basko Milk, 1 can Carolene Compound, 3 cans Cash Habit Corn, 10c 9c 25c 14c 10c 23c 23c Standard Corn. can , , Sweet Potatoes, large can , Basko Sifted Peas, can 'A (K 1 mM i EM wm 4 1 atk 3. ! aft I Just In II i m I I MidS ! i Apparel as I I On Convenient Credit What better way could you find Spring apparel than on Cheerful Credit low as they can be, due to our low rent location, and while you are wearing and enjoyinjf your new clothes ittle casy-to-mcct payment quickly, settle the bill. Lovely New Dresses Color is the predominating note in the new arrivals. There is Ilougc, Periwinkle, . Canna, Caravan, Broncho, Cinnamon, Dan delion, etc., in frocks showing new sleeve treatments cape effects embroideries fringe and bcadings. Styles that will be in good ta.stc until fall at I jl I New Spring $27.50 New Spring Wraps $19.50 Up Millinery Bewitching effects of straw and becomingly trimmed are priced as low as Saturday! 5,000 Patbe Regular 75c Values 19c Records Saturday At About Price Group 1 Nest Scrim and Notting ham Curtains,, each Group 4 Dainty Lace land Marqui sette Curtains, ca. 45c 75. Group 2 Pretty Scrim and Notting ham Curtains, each 54c Group' 3 Marqui sette Curtains, plain or lace edge; each Group 52 -yd. long Lace Curtains at, each . 85. Group 6 Marqui sette Curtains with lace edge, each 98c 65c Your Credit Ice-Saving Refrigerator with two food compartments, all white enameled intcriot and rust-proof sheiks stoyi en jnly , , Pati-TeUVS Ice Chests, $11.50 Up B. C09. 16IH A JACK... rrmmwsBservirr. . i,ua.t- New easoim redit Terms MM to buy smart, new I j I ;lf f 1 1 rcdit? Prices are as f f I l fy If Suits Up braid combinations tf0 JA ipOeOl 1 ,000 Hardy, Stocky, Potted Geraniums 21c These splendid Geraniums come in pink, white and red and are exceptionally large, fine specimens for house or lawn. Saturday! Special Purchase Q si L E Lace Panels and Lace Girt aims Group 7-Filet Net Curtains in new designs, each $1.10 Group 8 Attrac tive patterns in Filet Nets, each $1.49 Group 9; Dainty A 1 1 - O v e r Lace Curtains, each $1.65 Is Good- -Nearly All Curtains 2 s. "LLOYD" Bafev Carriages - ' , The new 1922 models are beautiful and comfortable as well as reasonable in price a splendid Carriage is priced OQ yf- only Va&Oe I D Go-Carts, $9.75 Up I Sulkies, $7.95 Up mv ini 111! RlAS si' IWy STS. Ideas in 4Vjr Ever- Blooming Rose Bushes ,.. 7c Big, Hardy, Bushy Ferns 27c 5 Group 10 Beauti ful Lace Panels, 2V2 yards, each $1.85 Group 11 Good quality Net . and Lace Curtains at $1.98 Group 12 Ele gant Filet Lace Curtains, each $2.49 Group 13 Lovely Lace Panels , and Filet Curtains, ea. $2.89 Group 14 Exquis ite Panels and Lace Curtains, ea. $3.79 Group - IS Rich Swiss Net and Lace Curtains at $4.25 y8 Yards Long IS Gas Stoves with four burners that are economical users of gas and. roomy oven Is moderately priced .at 0l TC 3nly PSekt.f J