Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 22, 1922, Page 11, Image 11

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    Tlir. REE: OMAHA. SAf L'RDAY. APRIL 22. 1022.
ii I
A -
Modification of
Merchant Marine
Measure Urged
.South CuVolina Man Al Pro
trrtioii fur Smaller Port
ami Shipping C'ompau
ic at Joint Hearing.
Wellington, April 21. Modiftcv
limit i( the iinmi.lfiitin merchant
marine !i1 o that it would
t-Hirall ufrguard the Ititrre.u of
the snullrr ports and liiipiug com
panies u advocated at today's if
aiun o( (lie joint roiiisrrioru hw
iiiK on the meaure by Matthew Hale
ol Greenville, S. C, pre lidc-nt of the
.Soinli Atlantic Sutvi iiiocbtion.
Inm'ittinK uii the adaption of in
amendment which would require per
peiustiuii for live year by either the
shipping board or private tonipan
ic, of trad route recently e.ub
Inhcd from nouili Atlantic and gulf
purl, Mr. 1 late declared Hut un
les kuiIi a provision n added to
t lie dill, buinet men of the south
mid luppcM in the ttiiddlewet who
export their product! through
Miuthern port in preference ' to a
few congested north Atlantic porta
would kviii away from "condition
al" kUHrt of the administration
program to a position of "cllcitive'
Another witness before the senate
1 commerce and houe incrclunt mar-
line committee wa Iheodore Krent,
manager of the Mississippi-Warrior
Jt.irgc line who urged congress to
clear up the 'conlliet in authority
between the Interstate Commerce
commission and shipping board over
inland waterway transportation. Mr.
Krent aid companies operating
bacge and boat lines on interior
water routes would rather be .under
the jurisdiction of the shipping board
than subject to Interstate Commerce
commission control.
Morris Advertising Head
Gives Tips to Omaha Grocers
Charles W, Myers, advertising
manager of Morris & Co., spoke be
fore a group of Omaha retail groc
ers at a luncheon in the Chamber
of Commerce yesterday noon.
Mc outlined successful sales and
advertising plans used by the nation's
foremost retail grovers.
A feeling of security and In
creased expectation of coming pros
perity is abroad in the land follow
ing the depression of the last two
years, according to Mr. Myers.
While in Omaha, Mr. Myers was the
guest of C. A. Nields, local manager
for Morris & Co., and . D. Buffett
of the Omaha Retail Grocers as
sociation. Body Company Cashier Ends
' Testimony Against Manager
The trial of R. C. O'Bryan, for
merly secretary and general mana
ger of the Great Western Commer
cial Body company, proceeded slow
ly yesterday in District Judge Goss
court. He is charged with conspir-
ev to commit a felony by obtain-
ig ohwy unacr iaise pretenses.- ... ,
O. J. Ilowland. formerly cashier
of the concern, who testified-against
O'Bryan, finished -several hours ot
testimony at 3:30 yesterday after
noon. ' ' i
Banker Takes Death
Ride to Lake Shore
-i Iwl -
W. T. Kenton (above). Chicago
bank officii', hired a tatieab to drive
him to the Lake Michigan shore,
where be paid the driver and plunged
in, ,
Try New llano No. II. tha sixth
alriilana built in Omaha, waa atvan a
K.H-i.nd trial fliaht Thuraday by I'llol
I II. liarrioon.
Brief City fit it
Nl I ft for Nw Yek n
r him ft aiBeM THur4ay went. j
Hit Injur -LuU Artiaan, f.
:j muiH k.hrnih irfl, was a,
taraly mjur4 an amomulil at
r.inin U4 M4on airwata itmr.
Ufauwy tkve trni 1.JS0 to Mot
quarta of lir vara deal re) 4 I'V
V, . Itohrrr, dry" nforramcnt ffl.
rr. In I ha f4ral building yetter
Hanta Atiun Hrfcl Omaha uolue
wfr rHUMd lo hold C It. Ac-tan
of Norfolk, ry tha aharirf ( Colum
bu. Nb., yrcerdy. JI la iharffd
nn anituimfnu
MoMnllea Hrk Her Adam
MeMuiitn of lfatrU-, rpgt)ttrn
randidaia for gnvarnor. r"k at th
nafiing of tha Trunsla ilub at Mo
tet I'oniantlie ytatarday.
fiiirwdrp llnnl raul M. Vndar-
korftir. boalm inairucior. tfesniia tha
bandieap of a eork lg, waa wri
tanead to five daya for r'klraa driv
ing. In pollca court -atrday.
To funUh Talkerb Judae It. W.
rairlek announca4 In munklil
court yesterday that talking In tha
courtroom mut t dlaoontlnurd and
that violator will b punched.
ttenarralMialra lllo K. Hamilton
Ie, i'hleaao'Umaha pilot, wa con
ratulatadj In paraon by rotniNtfr
tianeral Hubert Work, In tha rapital
thla waek. La flaw from Chieaao
l H:4nhiiyiuH lit a ' tint tu m ei)uit
rd hh radtoplium making tii
. - t j.. 7
tlM4ii4a? (1argnl Mr. :iher
Aiprrxoit alaiia, Itlrd auit fur di
trta aint alaa atkoviia In t'is.
Irut Ju4aa swam court yealorday.
ana atlrgca that ha tried to ttioka
awklicra l ,itifar T1a iiiUf at.
rauion at I ha ftramMa ihaier dur
ing thiaa daya, alarilng Tliuntday
avaning. May 4. la r:ila Janm and
her "gang.'' made up iuoily tf ex.
aarvKg Rifn.
IMi-i ltrkaira-jHix Omaha Uis-
alilvd tftt-raim (if tha world war wvtv
rlrtied Uvlcaaua to Ilia national i.
Vftiliuu in aidti KHiM'ivo, Juna ,
l mealing in tha illy bail Tttur
dty cvvuiiig.
Idt-uiinca rtoier An dmaha
roal man aaiil yeaterday that III
umili licld at tha Cftttra! iol.a
siaiin on a charge of autnmobiia
theft. U not Karl Coal, but Karl
Utnge of Lincoln,
IVrnilu al Itargaltt Journeymen
barbera ptat-'iiiing in imaha may oti
It'n l:j permit rard at l eaib
befura May t, a'cording to an an
nouneemant by tha naw barber board
K.frd. luster tha prlfg will b
lUrtU'lt lu HHak O. W. Hartlftl,
t rner4l mi Ira manager of tha Amen
can blieliig Mai-hma company of
Chieaao, wilt addreaa tha timaba Ad
rtiinf itellmg league tt Hotel run
tenella Monday.
blaier ,ka I'an'U Hurnell law.
aon, now aerving lUa Imitrtaonment
at Lincoln for tha murder of hia
wifa in l ha oll)rwaod aparimenia
here, la seeking parole, according to
Information raeeived hare yeaierday.
OncM'mute ,
Store Talk
Tho western repreaenU-'
tive of one of Amerleg'i
. largest knit good makers
waits until ha gets to
Omaha to buy clothes. Ho
said, "Talk about New
York and Chicago store
sen Ice. You folks have
it all over all of them.
No other store anywhere
ran fit me half so well."
He is a big man for sixc;
who will say that he
doesn't measure bg In
every way.
Kaye W'lfo bnuikea Andy J. Nifl
aon. Council lllurfa. birdman, who
Wo. arriaied by hia wife for wife and
rlilld abandonment title wetk, baa
nied a (roM-te(iilun aganiti ii.
Nivlann In tha dutrit-t ourl. lie
alirea exirema trueliy bt.u In
wife smoked rigarei and rrluaed n
allow tiiiii eisai. Mr. N-iln Cld
a auit for divorce lat liecemb r,
litotwtitr bia-aka Itcrf If teach,
lug ta to ba aucceaaful II inuM liava
public aeiiilment Ixbin4 il, "tld
Miaa Charl Ormond Wiliuma. Mem.
phia, Tenn,, reldent of Ilia National
Kducalion lailon of Ilia I niled
Hlates, Ktcklng yeaierday nHtn at
a luncheon In Hotel r ontenrlle. The
luncheon waa attended by principal
and aiiprrvitor
m ho(da.
of tiuha pv.Llii
Hailroud Grts Direct? I
Vrrdiit in $UW).Jiiit
rrdcul JuJit W'idi.Higli
urdav dnfvted a md.ct in Uor of
the MitMHirl laiiiic fadroad m the
im.ti d4insge suit .larted by Mt
t hri.ime AIU n fr the draili 4 ' '
hti.haii.l. Oda Alien, who w UUU
U (niorrJ while ridillg lit an iU"
.mobile at Twentieth itl "J
llrlt line. April H. I'l.'l,
Saturday Specials
Camels, pkg 14
Carton 81.37
Tiedmonts, Spurs, Chesterfields,
Lucky Strikes, 20c pkg-.15 1
Fatimaa, pkg 20t
Carton 81.45.
Tarrj-towns, pkg 234
Carton 81.80
Naturals, 10s, 2 for 35c
20s at 33c-
111, 10s, Erglish Ovals.. 234
10c Chancellors 83.75'
10c La Patinas 83.75 .
15c 1 Paxo, box 85.85
10c Topics, 2 for. ...... 15
Box . -93.50
2 for 15c Meditations.. 83.50
$5.00 Gillette Razor ..83.75
$1.00 Gillette Razor 70
$1.00 Ever-Ready 704
$1.00 Gem 704
60c Gillette Blades .....374
SOe Dsy Dream Face Powder
at ..204
$1.23 Lilac Toilet Water. .704
COc Herpiclde 374
$1.00 Youthcraft 834
$1.50 Vogue Perfume ...704
60c Chlora Dental Tooth Pasta
at 204
'33c Norwich Tooth Paste. 184
35c Palm Olive Shaving Cream
at 274
1 dos. Aspirin 04
35c Milk of Magnesia. . . .234
25c Hat Brite 154
15c Colgate's Big Bath.... 04
15c Lemon Soap 94
COc La Creole Cold Cream
at ....334
Any Gum, 3 pkga. for. . . .104
We are agents for all
Garden Court Toilat Coods
carefully and ac
curately compounded.
Let Us Serve
World-Herald Blag.
i ou a oave Money
By Filling Your Bins Now With
Carbon Egg
$9.50 per ton ,
"Less Cost-
' " . . ' ' ;
Carbon Lump
$10.50 per ton
More Heat"
Scores of Omaha homes know the fine heating qualities ,
of this fuel, and are doubly pleased by its genuine
dollar-saving economy. i ; 1 - ;
You, too will find much gratification in keeping your
house economically warm.
prompt delivery all over the city
Updike Lumber & Goal Co.
. WestYard
WAlnut 0300
North Yard
WA Inut 0557
East Yard
DOuglas 4452
sWM. L 1I0UMAN. Tresa.
Giving Supreme Ootkes Value
And Giving It With Great Good Will
OUR duty to:our patrons calls for
the tf'v.nK ol fambus Nebraska quality clothes
at new lower prices. Call it "trading dollars" if you
will, the fact remains that our every resource, our buying
power, our prestige in the markets of the world, is at your
service deliberately turned over
to youthat's how we've pro
duced the wonder values of 1922.
Smart Sport
New Style Ideas
Lively Colors
Sport models designed by the
clothes - creating brains of
America. A wonderful dem
onstration of this store's abil
ity to produce the master
styles of the hour at a price;
great feature showing of new
arrivals in Kuppenheimer and
Society Brand sport suits,
made I to sell at $45.00 and
$50.00, at
This store closes at 6 p. as.
Finest Clothes Made to Sell at .
$60 to $75 Here at-
"Customized" clothes for, men who in
sist upon having the finest of fine clothes
made: A feature here
Finest English, Scotch, Irish fabrics and
the cream of America's finest suitings.
Hickey-Freeman, Kuppenheimer, Society
Brand, Fashion Park. The master produc
tions of the tailoring geniuses of this
country, ready for you without try-on
annoyance. , ' '
$40 Values in1 New Spring
' Suits at-
Intense determination to give you more
for your clothes money is a Greater
Nebraska attribute.
. -You'll see it in' these wonderfully attrac
tive hand-tailored sport models, new our-
. pocket ideas and a host of semi-conserva--
tive worsted ' suits in scores of pleasing
, patterns; checks, overplaids, fancy mix
tures. Sizes for all men, and young men. ,
$40 values at $25. .
You'll be more than amazed
when you see what good gab
erdines $20.00 buys here.
Others, $25 to $35
Youths' Two-Pant Suits
Extra Pants at $5 $OA
Suit Sizes 31 to 36 J
, Younger Young Men Student Model Clothes are here at an
. remarkably low price for. such quality. Sport styles, two ;
and three-button sacks, single and double-breasted.
Worsted Suits
Every man gets suit satisfac
tion here. Well-made, long
wearing worsted suits $20.00.
Silk Lined Chesterfields
The top coat of distinguished style. Oxford fa
ray Chesterfields; silk lined, at. T aW
OftlAia etvin4- 4va innln (OA 0 Ef A kM c7
Two Pant Suits ' .
High grade suits with extra trousers to match.
Largest western showing and all from reliable makers.
Lowest-in-the-city prices. , , , v .
Featuring the Largest Western Showing of
House of Kuppenheimer Clothes Fashion Park Clothes ' Society) Brand Clothes Hickey-Freeman Clothes
Campus Togs and a host of other world famous fine clothes makers' productions
Featuring the Leaders in Haberdashery