Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 21, 1922, Page 6, Image 6

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'lilt: her,: 11.4 AIM. t mtUi, m nu 'it, K...
The Omaha Bee
IfO! lf ft'SMSHfNI roMrNY
ejaawtt (Uu4 IMMH t.flulh all
IM aval NNiM Ml 'l r'wi af wywuttti
aI lll tua Paa4,
Tka Paata Mkl ' Ik ! BJ'" at Cl-
Tka eiratjlallaa af Tl Omsk B
far March, 1122
Daily Average 71.775
Sunday Average . ..78365
R. BREWC. Gaaaral Mtl
LLMtR S. ROOD, CtrtuUliaa Muiif
Saara a aa awbtolWa lar this Ilk t
' (si w. ii. quivcy. nu tm
frl'SU Braur T.vktngt. A.k for
liraarimani vr I'lrao WaniH. tar
Klahl Calls Aftr 10 r. U
Dtrtmnl, AT laait 1021 vr IQIi.
AT Untie
Main fiffira .Uih anil I-arm mi
Co. Blutft U twoit tit. KoWh Hula 4!J& 8. SltB St.
Nw YorK l lfill Ava.
Waihlaitsit llll J. Rt. ihkaio 1159 6tsr DM
J'aria. t'ranea tiiS Kuo bt. Honor
America Thanks Its Stars.
Thus far nioit of (he attention of the states
men at Genua la turned to the frantic effort
to keep the conference from falling to pieces,
This object perhaps will he achieved, but the
prospect of any advanced step toward the re
generation of Europe is not promiMiig.
Viewed from this diMancc the dissension there
appears to arise from the iiiichastened desire of
each ration or each group to slip something over
on the others. Particulars are not needed. There
is absent that old-fashioned conviction of sin
that always is necessary for redemption. All na
tloni fall into error, and the pretence that any
one of them has a monopoly on either vice or
virtue can not now be maintained.
Americana may thank their stars that Presi
dent Harding did not accept representation in
this conference. The w isdom of Secretary of
State Hughes' note refusing to participate is now
clearly apparent. He wrote last month his
regret "that the proposed conference is not
primarily an economic conference, as questions
'appear to have been excluded from consideration
without the satisfactory determination of which
the chief causes of economic disturbance must
continue to operate, but is rather a conference of
a political character, in which the government
of tht United States could not helpfully partici
pate." This sAvarnmanf " f r 1Ino1isl .rnn? iriiiavrl
"can not be unmindful of the clear conviction of
the American people, while desirous, as has
been abundantly demonstrated, suitably to assist
in the recovery of the economic life of Europe,
that 'they should not unnecessarily become in
volved in European political questions."
Europe, according to the somewhat exasper
ated view of the American people, ought to re
duce its armies, cease to issue fiat money and
practice economy that would fit its expenditures
to its income. The subject of reparations should
be opened up over the protests of France, Mr.
Hughes was pointed m his objection to any
scheme for obtaining special economic advantage
in Russia for any nation.
Foreign economists and statesmen recognize
that the only hope of saving their whole policy
from impending bankruptcy lies in the participa
tion of the United States in their affairs. But
their whole attitude is one making such help
impossible. The American note of last March
expressed the hope "that progress may be made
in preparing the way for the eventual discussion
and settlement of the fundamental economic and
financial questions." That time will come, but
it it not yet, and it is well that those who urged
American attendance at Genoa went unheard.
, Our Own Landru. !
Omaha has just had the privilege of observ
ing a remarkable exhibition in the criminal di
vision of the district court. - A man accused of
murder acted as his own attorney, and displayed
in a considerable degree familiarity with court
procedure, coupled with such shrewdness and
even adroitness in his defense as to attract at
tention of able attorneys and much commenda
tion from the laity. His plea was that he shot in
self-defense, coolly admitting that he fired the
shot that killed his victim.
An interesting problem is here presented. It
ia either the honest, disingenuous effort of a
man who feels he has right and justice on his
tide, or the impudent attempt of a criminal,
whose effrontery i such as will lead him to trifle
.with Justice in the hope that he may be able to
mislead the jurors and secure immunity for a
shocking deed. Whichever way it be considered,
the incident is comparable in some respects with
the recent sensational trial of Candru in France.
There the defendant tookpart in his own de
fense, and regaled the crowds who gathered to
hear the proceedings by his arguments with the
presiding judge, with the witnesses, and with at
torneys on both sides. His conduct was such as
to bring a rebuke on the judge who heard the
case; the trial in Omaha has been devoid of these
features, for the defendant has managed to keep
well within the rules of decorum and order, al
though he now and then did take advantage of
seeming ignorance to plant an idea to his ad
vantage before the judge could correct him.
Whatever the end of the case may be, it will
be remembered as one of the most remarkable in
the history of our courts, and it also does much
to discredit 'the old saw to tire effect that he who
acts as his own lawyer has a fool for a client.
Whatever else this man may be, he certainly is
not a fool in the ordinary acceptance, of the term.
Easter Egg Rolling
Why Whit Houm Uts Wss
Adopted by Capital Children.
How to Keep Well
Qwaatiaa mnraia ftyataaa. aaa.1.
aa4 ) al at, awk.
'M la l. ttaaa kr , at
1 I", iU a a axwully
to ar.aat Immim. a
., oaai4 u a.
la!, I. ( u mi mtk,
aiataati a a, W tar feaitta,!
; to al
i t aw.
Kary now un4 Hint h'alih run.
Home Building and Taxes.
It is to be hoped that the agitation over high
taxes will not discourage the building of homes.
Something more than mere complaints is neces
sary, if good instead of harm is sought. Heavy
taxation discourages improvements, but there is
even more menace in making the burden seem
heavier than it really is or in empty talk that
does not consider where the greatest public ex
pense arises or by what practical means the cost
of government can be reduced.
Omaha today is a city where almost half the
f.omes are ownea Dy tneir occupants. .Meas
ured by the ideal, which would have every per
manent resident !ive under his own roof-tree,
this falls far short. But compared with all the
other cities p more than 100,000 population, the
showing is excellent, la New Yotk the enr
hip ii only ont-eighihj in Ve-Mon, on-nfthj in
St. Louis, one-fourth, and in Kinui City, a litila
over one-lhild. Only three cities have a larger
rercenuit of borne ownership thin Omaha; l'e
Moines leads, with Grand fUpidt and Toledo
An encouraging thing ( that in the last
twenty yean Omaha hat steadily reduced in per
rentage of tenancy. 1 he census of I 'JO showed
44.499 lioniri here, with 48 4 per cent of them
not rented, but occupied by their owners. This
progress should not be slackened. Loanable cap
ital inut not be frightened, nor builders discourv
aged. Taxes are a burden, but one pays them
whether he owns or rents his home. All have an
interest in lowering them, but this result I not
to be achieved through mere grumbling.
Arbor Day'g Fiftieth Anniversary.
lomorrow .Nebraska will te generally as
sisted by the people of the United States in ob
servation of the fiftieth anniversary of Arbor
Day. In 1872, at the behest of J. Sterling Mor
ton, the people of Nebraska set about the work
of afforestation, undertaking to supply by plant
ing of trees a deficiency in the natural advantages
of the state. Today all over Nebraska huge trees
nod and wave salutation to the author of the day.
Great groves stand where half a century or less
ogo there was no sign of a tree. When the pres-
iucius mcsuge is oroaacastea irom namiiigion cutom oi rowing c?k at the Capitol was then an "juare wtir ha livanr It cannot
tomorrow, it will be a tribute to the memory of a I old one. When , Washington was young the be dona, anl yet consiloit mm
man whose foresight gave birth to a practical ':""a.P, ?0Ul ",,w" W l iutmJZu
, , . . . . . . . lone in Washing on unproved with turf, trees and rt no woui.i nava raranai It.
idea of great benefit to his home state and, awtr. .. ,i tUit , h . lnM ra"i. oven though we
through its general adoption, to the nation. have an Faster picnic, and with their teacher. B3.PI.ovr,.r:n:i 7, I'.0,!
and their batkets of lunch they would go to the verdk-t run,
Capitol park. At the west front of the Capitol I rne or those r.-omptlhnioni
were steep sodded terraces. In sitting at the nirn pava in a health way la cltv
top ot these terraces ami eating their lunches, of ""
(Front the Weahington Star.)
The sun bis not been kind to lle little chil
dren oy. t should have mad I lie ciiy waiiu
and golden, as this it iha day of the rolling rig,
As yeterdy was th dr I the raster bonnet,
this is the day of the t.ier egg. home rugs art
roiling, n toui. itecauie there are some cluN
tlreu h4 wilt not be deuied their ancient rights
ana will not (orrgt) tlieir ancient run. Put on
Hie whole it lus been rather an offdy fur roll'
Some relictions are in Older. The dved 'U"M ' the cities linnrova mark
Easter egg is a thing which goes batk deep mio I .tnJ without any raalty uml.r-pre-Christian
tunes at a tutjiii of the people ol w'iT.,, . .
northern fc.uroi.e, and It may be llial they aot the .i.J. i.Tr"'? f"r ." showa
hahij from ldr peoples. A writer has set forth j, are
that "from the lestital of batter as obaerved u'.. ... . . .
" " ' i'w aim wis i iiic I orM in aniaiipnu. Cxhtilllll'llitn
Latter egg and (he Latter rabbit si prolific re end uphold rvrr. hut why iha am
produivrs of species, and the color of the Latter Kn 'J'0 ) not rl4id ig any
Three and a Half Per
eggs red, blue, yellow, etc. w a borrowed Irom P"" nlta ru.r
i Boreal t-nort hern liehts .-"'"". .rnii'aiin iie in tha
-and the dawning hue oi the Latter sun
1 1, m mm ..I . L. A . . . . . ... . . 1 : .1 , 1. .
a 1.7. v, nivi. iiuriiiriii ngma I i....... ' " YZ :
ind the dawning hue ol the Latter iun.M ,! n't hVa linJih u tT -S ' . 1 " 1
The Norsetneu did not roll tha rest. Wait,. unlL". h'nu w
ington children were the firtt to nlaV at roll,., u., i.ZlZ' ESZZZL "5, Ji?.!
eggsbut there i no rlironicle which sett forth hax-ne diwmw. yet vrrl.oiy know
wnen anq now ine pastime came 10 pe. in nrst " witn atrKt t leaning,
reierence to egg toning which, lias been found vr nranma. inr nut nmitrr,
occuta in the Lveniug Star of La.ter Monday, ,, '.,u 'toiy solug to prova
1874, and that reference has to do with sme in- ,bwho S ihVi ir.!.n.n til
terruption H the egg rolling at the Capitol by davaK"
rumans. The rratuiiab Ic iufrieuce it that the iha ..f .kl
Forettry is a live topic all over the United
States today, many of the older states having laid
bold upon the science in a determined way, and
with great benefit. Nebraska lias not as yet set
about in a systematic way to get all the good
possible out of the custom which had Its origin
here. Forestation holds great possibilities for the
state, and as it is applied will bring much re.
ward. The Nebraska Forestry association ia
working quietly but energetically to attract pub
lic attention to what may be done, and with
some success. The Omaha Chamber of Com
merce has just given effective endorsement to
the purpose of the association, and other agencies
are being appealed to, that the work may be
made prosperous.
If Nebraskans take hold and improve the op
portunity that is open, the centennary of Arbor
Day will find the atate producing lumber and
other forest products, not only to supply the
needs of all the people who will then live in the
state, but an exportable surplus. All that is
needed is to develop possibilities established by
extensive experiment beyond a doubt as to suc-
IFrw Iba wt Ttam-t
It 1 o'4 n that the trtatury
ia ama iu ixirruw aa l'tr lent Willi.
nut n h nu im ij acnrala a n.HrJ
Mia rt"Uiin ( wir luaua il Iha
.moi.ry ntt. tt w iha nut-(i
ll4 i ! i4 Ha) for tr l.
iTImi wmi, ta 11 Krvaur liuun linn
ma rrlif v( Msiera ty ilii.,on
f driitaiwu on tha itniry (,r in-
lor"-'!. fc,rn In M-ara tha trcatury
mutt 1 n nri, jrt n,BI- w
nu i.4 vt piuilvnvM rvrn in llui.
rttH-eiiiiy ih ii4ury lu fulloweij
a I'plli'V r nrnir. nu; iiwll a4lnl
I lie mammy of ii iiu-unktviiixni
amount vt alionly inulmui (umlt-j
iial't. Ii has (lone tlna ty ault.iinil- j
na lurtrr aniiiiiiii vt mjn.g nu
Imuirji t t llnatitiir it-lii. I ha m.
erraw fit fioiinm tl't la l'j-tioii.
al'lo. but It w a kinatl prh-a ta .y fur
Iha iu-raa r rnnvrniam in rtl
IMK wnh li'ttiiirlnil I. till. iit Piio-a
Iha war w lrv4ily time reduced our
nailoual Ult tiir tlun tha imal vt
ur fivil war ilel't. Cnnidratloii
tot laxnuvrra nuaht iisi.i it alow
rr rai vt imyiin-nl, tint llio thawing
of imilonal aolviu-y ia cnnvint'liiK,
Oti tha aaitia d4V that tha treamiry
radtii'"! Ha rata it linouiu'ed thai
Iha nttlHiial t-tt ia :i lutir iha
loial In II7. wlim lnt It imld i
nr tent. W a ura Jnct tatanclug our
linagft thla year. A dnini u tail
matad nt saar. tiima wa are an-
ITcMrlilllir WfMRrr lUllnnt Willi tht-ir
clertolit, iha leant ran do In !'
rrnry ia ! live within our tax ml-
Irt'tlnna. When tho trisury lU's
within IM Income It hli im't In
rxtiMiilliiif to oilirra tho Innrllt ot
rhanprr runUa. loiliiy iha creatrtt
diMtrvMi fi.f l.k ot unils rxltta
Maybe wa cannot nrova It
which dyed Latter eggs formed part, some child ,?!;0,"l ?Lta.w f r ,!. coW clMJ
or children discovered that the colored eggs fed f h,7trf, . "J
would roll down the terraces. In that way the ' V,.", ... "ZLl WJzttiTZ
custom siarn-a anq oceanic a p.ri 01 me r.asier toning la to atablllsn tha valuta of
lettival 111 Wathingtoo. hen the incident ot property. That reault from coning
1874 occurred there were several thoutand cm!- anybody can undaratand, nj tha
dren rolling eggs down the sodded banks. Con- ,roof con b etbllahca in any
gress in 1875, notinz that because of the Easter I.1...- .
. n:. .. , ... .1.- . I nan a man invraia m a joi anij
" w" ' build on It a house or an apart-
races, forbade the practice, but egg rolling fes- ,ent It I not fair that nomt one
tivities were observed tn 186 and 1877 just the should build a livery ataMa under
same. On Easter Monday, 1878, the children hla eavra, and thereby destroy
were turned away from the Capitol grounds.
Some one thought of the lawns and mounds in
the White House grounds. The word paused
Irom child to child, and the march to the White
House was taken up. They invaded the execu
tive grounds and began rolling eggs, and the cus
torn survives.
Baseball as Usual
Baseball levels rank in America. The office
good part of the value of the man's
Thirl toning etabllizra values of
property need not b argued.
ic wa tre koiiic to nulla i-itiea wny
la it not rood Judcment to plan them
thoroughly with a view to the use
to ba made of tha property in oil
saetlon with a proper retard to
everybody' .rlshts? Nobody ran
objact to that, if everybody tolea
fair, even thouich tha start wi
made SO years later than it should
have been. What Ioglo m there m
planning for water works, ewers,
,k. n,.. u.. .... : k .;. i u. hi.,ri.. u.;K!n ;h ( u; and streeta and then slopping?
i -fmj uaa nvi itaiiim tia u, i iiv.v,t, tihh'i f . i city de&th rates of 70 years
Gallery for Nebraska Immortals.
The Ravenna News, noting the proposals for
statuary at the new etate house, suggests that
certain Nebraskans be substituted for Washing
ton, Jefferson, Jackson, and others. While not
agreeing with this entirely, for it is proper and
fitting that the eminent Americans named be
given a place m the decorative scheme for the
new building, The Bee seconds the motion that
place be made for Nebraskans who have brought
credit to the state and honor to themselves in
public service. Nebraskans have not shoWn
much inclination to set up permanent memorials
for citizens who have given their time and ca
pacity for public good, and -this neglect has given
rise to the thought that our people are unap-
preciative in this regard. The Bee has no
thought of nominating those who deserve to be
honored, although it could fill considerable of its
space with names of men who had large and
honorable part in building the state, in making
its name known beyond its borders, and to whose
m me granosiana, ana 00111, in critical moments, ,r, roof enouan that disaster
A La & . . A. aVai. J 1 L . . a. . . 1 .a. a. aL.aS. -...Al-mA-iS, I I- I . M a
anuui aiouu mc piuus noi'e mai viuitni ucam i mmra If Dlannlna is noor. inen
will be done to the umpire. why atop the planning short of ton-
A president and his cabinet nudee one another insrT There la no logio in sucn
in the ribs at the Washington aame. even thouen nmuaiion.
the New York team which wrestles with the de
fenders of the capital lacks the aid of the great
Ruth, sent to the bench for temporarily tainting
the national pastime with a touch wf super-
Baseball is a fine American tonic. It will re
main so as long as it is kept straight and clean.
In the achievements of the heroes ot the dia
mond the people can see their own ambition for
physical prowess attained. 1 he players do tor
them what they would give almost their all to do
if they only could.
Aslda from tho main good from
zonlnr. there are health Jama that
are nona tha less real because they
are Intangible, Zoning gets more
sunlight into homes, and sunlight
kills the germs of disease.
It letsena duat and amoke in the
tone where people live.
It secures quieter, more peaceful
home surroundings. It lessen the
discomforts of stinks in home
It lessens flies.
It decreases the overflow In sew
The sport ought to live forever as the great ere and Increases the watee supply
I American institution. It will if its managers re
main vigilant in keeping crookedness out of the
diamond. New York Irtbune.
in the upper floor of dwellings.
It shirts the crowd on tn street
ear. Anything wnicn lessen me
Jams on the street car during the
ruah hour of the morning and aft
ernoon decrease disease.
When a city becomes well zoned
health Improves.
Who Shan ay tnat tne roresignt
of the oeoole ha not earned the
When Justice Boyle of the children's court improvement lor mem t
AmniAmJT An Tasatftrf i-.s 4t.Be TtY. a IH.vMrkM ktv I '
.hM.1,4 -a . -,r,l,il frnm'tiis Ana Rao rfiir. Food for a Diabetic.
: us. ..... s- : ...u:.u I. u.Al Mn. Tj. D. J. writes: "Will you
constructive efforts a great deal of present pros- b - comra tted a9 a wai he showed qua,ities o 'm gOT. ffi
perity may be ascribed.. Every office and every heart which proved that devotion to the law tlo.n c0Iscep,i;n fheeJ or good
corridor of the new state house should bear evi- had not made him callous. eream harmful
Boy and dog were alike homeless, the tor- "2. What would be the effect if
dence that Nebraskans do appreciate the service
of their public men.. Such displays are not vain,
because they stand as continual reminders of
work done for the good of all, and will be inspira
tion to patriotic' duty for all. We do not know
how far the plans for providing for the deoora-
tion of the new atate house have progressed, but
hope that somewhere provision will be made to
properly honor Nebraska men and women who
eserve to be honored by the citizens of the state
they helped to build.
Farmers and Motor Cars.
Nebraska specializes in corn, in hogs, in
politics and in automobiles. The latest figures
give Nebraska a tie for second place in the per
capita ownership of motor cars. Iowa leads
with one automobile for every 5.2 inhabitants;
mer turned adrift on the world. To Rags, how- patient should eat all the nuts or
ever, he was a beloved master to follow as long raw appie n imea an me ra r
. Hf, lxted. Ever since ouooVhood on the "3. How long can a patient live
" ' 4- . - m,14, la, mam iiat fpaa 7 HA WO ft h i
aai uiuc naas uau uu. v. vvihim v
and it will be written in letters of gold in the
book of good deeds that when there arose the
danger of a -forced separation the lad refused to
go without his faithful dog.
Tradition and custom were alike shattered
when Justice Boyle signed the papers committing tolerance.
Pairs if tliA inctitlltinn nn Sfatpn Island alone 1. No.
with his master, but nobody can fathom the joy 2. Apples and some varieties of
which his action gave to the devoted friends, for nut; contain a- ir
which better days would seem to be dawning.- foutnt. Jin Hion. a rlcl UW
.t - 1 u...u i - - -
iMew lurn xici4iu. f,ta than he can nanaie.
I 8. I cannot answer this question,
even In a general way.
year old when they first discovered
he had diabetes." .
I can only answer your questions
in a general way, since diabetics
vary ft good oeai in weir sugar
Drooping IiWs May Be Cured.
w. V. B. writes: "1. Can a
Honor for Vice Presidents.
It is orooosed to rename some of the larger
vessels controlled bv the shiDoinB board. At
present these vessels bear the nicknames f some ".veiid he cured?
nf the stairs. This IS obtected to as infringing ran u ho'an hxed ns to hold
Nebraska, South Dakota and California, tie for their dignity the dignity-oi tne states, mat is. so up the jid?"
.....j ...:.u e 7 i. .... v.:i. t. ....... it is sunfirestea tnat mese vessels ue rcium tcrui.
tiuuu Will, itu f tylt rti auiuiuuuuc, basi Jai I , v . . . , 7rt,,1J it ,a, k
better to rename them after some of the vic
presidents? This could hardly be objected to as
undignified and it would be far more educational.
The names of a good many of the presidents are
California was second, with Nebraska third.
The leadership of Iowa, Nebraska and South
Dakota, coupled with the tendency of California
to slip backward, testifies to the practical use of
the motor vehicle. Compared with California,
few automobiles are used for pleasure exclu
sively in these three states. The high propor
tionate ownership tells of a farmer demand which
meant the use of cars for practical purposes, for
hauling products to market, for lessening the
economic losses due to' time spent in getting
from farm to town or from house to distant acres.
That demand is a permanent demand, for it
arises from a real need.
Tes by operation. .
Taresls Is Incurable. s
B. writes: "1. Is paresia
c :i: U..t. ...U U. nmaa nf half CUrablBT
. j' : r..:A.ntc ,ith ihf. .rrmlnn of tie now ion ia vuo uuwuuu
a UU4CI, vice pii.omvw, . - - ---- i AtB.t
four it was four, wasn t it? who became presi
dent upon the death of their chief? We can not
think at this moment of any method so well
1 adapted for suddenly raising the average of what
is called general information in this country as
to name a few well advertised ships after a few
. ....11 nJ....i!..J .-i . nr.e!i1.nll Ttin-
0,,7?cu.uu v ruiiar ronduc . Wild notions. Rest-
dentally tne practice migni aurdti uigc, , " "
York Evening Post.,
the disease?
"3. Is it hereditary?
'4. What are the symptoms"
1. No.
2. May be years. ' 1
To a very limited extent.
4. Delusions of grandeur. Fe-
Unless young girls cease to paint and powder
o heavily, the day will come when they will be
frightful, fat and forty, a New York physician
warns. That's all right probably heavy
Oriental veils will be in style then.
Omaha not only faces the possibilities of a
prolonged coal strike, but must also sustain a
suspjnsion of an order awarding lower rates on
coal shipments. -It is certainly a great life.
If the coal strike goes on long enough it will
test one theory now being advanced, that there
were too many mines and too many miners.
The statement that many track laborers are
underfed may suggest to the farmer? the possi
bility of extending their home market.
New York is boasting again that it is bigger
than London. Too many people down there think
it is bigger than the United States.
Dogs, cows and horses are found in heaven,
Sir Arthur tells us; that's putting automobiles
in their proper place. .
The difference between war and peace is that
then people were "pro" this or that and now
they are "anti."
Quizzing Mr. Bryan.
Before electing Mr. Brvan senator the Flor-
ldatlS Will be pruaeni Hi nnaing out irom mm
whether he will try to live on his salary or
whether he will expect to do only part time serv
ice, reserving certain months for his work on
the Chautauqua circuit. ueiron rrec treat.
Uncle Sam to Be Absent.
It is evident that the Soviets think they are
going to Genoa to be kow-towed to. Perhaps
they are, but there is one long-legged individual
in striped trousers who will not be found kneel
ing with the rest. Boston iranscript.
World Keeps Turning Around."
The discovery that "Maud." an Egyptian
mtimmv fust arrived in a Philadelphia museum,
has bobbed hair merely confirms the saying that
there is nothing new under tne sun. springnem
WhoTl Be "It?"
Tuiitre Landis is supervising baseball and
Will Hays is regulating the movies, when what
the country really appears to need is a reliable
and energetic mediator for the strike situation.
Washington Mar.
Well, There's Trotszy.
"Lenine has been ill for a number of months."
We wonder whether there will not be more
hope for Russia after Lenine has been nil for a
number of months? Philadelphia Inquirer,
Among the later symptoms are
profound mental and physical
weakness, delusions, dementia.
3 Convinc
ing Reasons
why you get the best
service via C..M.& StP.
1. Company owned and
operated equipment
2. Company employed
attendants. .
3. A standard of service
that has proven success
ful in operating famous
trains over 11,023 miles
of railroad.
To travel over this rail
road is to be convinced
use the
Leave Omaha 6:05 p. m.
Arrive Chicago 8:05 a. m.
- Observation club car,
sleeping cars with draw
ing room and compart
ments, coaches and dining
Ask ui about your trip Eatl.
Wt will a glad to arrangt
tht details. Phone pt call
306 South Sixteenth Street
Phone Ooucltt 4481
or Union Sutton
WE. Bock. General Agent
Paateoser Department, Omaha
& St. Paul
Select Your Spring
Curtains in the Big
Sale Saturday, at the
Union Outfitting Co.
You Can Save Many Dol
lar in This 1-Day Event
Easy-to-Pay Terms. .
You can get two pairs of Lace
Curtains at just about the price
you would ordinarily pay for one
next Saturday at the Union Out
fitting Co., due to a special pur
chase made some weeks ago.
You can find your favorite
material in a' wide range of
beautiful patterns and plain ef
fects, including those popular
panels that are bo decorative in
the living room or dining room.
Sale prices will be lower than
they have been in years, and, as
always, you make your own
wiitr ovtrmtiemt are mott libera
Hi tUvie ir4my tinJnt tij aula
lrittiinf. our fiiHitt ur tltMi'tr.
IhuUai't thy tU4lly era drutaainx
in luut. tuily our said rcMrte it
lurrcaalilff. Our I a.laral (aarv
not litte iWrraw.i titer Ituo.nuS,.
OS in iir, T!i ai'i'mnil pti4(a
In tlia tlirH ileum vt the ti. t vt
tnotley rutiurrnlly wMh III fie
-rrdk! 'f miy it tpUineJ .y ti
aeiioriiif ni in autiuy ana tn in,
rrM) ut tiili iMtniil twciily.
KjiIi U'lHtr of Bold 'l'lt tvrrl
dulUr of r-OMiMx rredii.
jtitity and prii rmitidered, our
ria'IK im the pai in tha world, anJ
therefore tli t'titt in ttitn-tinn
witli t'otu of pru.lii'i itn. r'lrtl
lUaarv rhmia thow Hut nfv-Kiet
of lire ro nearer prewar ( hera
limn any lint elea in tli woii-l, and
hule4l frlct are lower. Our
porta are lower limn in the war, hut
spurt sain inc the war ai areat
eat tiera. Wa r etperlenulna fr
ourtclve, and ahnwina tt th" world,
that the beat money w the theapeat.
Zrnw the Clfan, Viiitrpiic
L'quiJ. G'cs Pionipt lieltff
Tlier I en Mfe, Jru i.hl
irtatinent 4hat tlcvea 1 1 I, m tsr lr
tii nil. hl ilraiiK and tupllir
lit tWin.
Ak any .l.iifti.l fur S o or ft
IhhiIm ii f Kiiiu ail't it (' it a
ir.ird. Km mi will iti.t ,
riUll.iP4, 1'IMII'lc. I i. kin.,
l.i-4xiim. I.Uiiilira. luitiiw.Mtii and
tumUr akin trulra wi li.t.4r.
y.ri,(f, iii Kiiiviratiiis. .iuiiii
liquid, ia all ihut i iiriUil. tur it
l'4iillii4 lil"c tklil rrilplliint In. kit
na aain f. amiHiiii and lialthv.
Tee Want Adt I'lodme Krtuttt.
It disappears instantly
in water
Piano. Bargains
Mirrnd liuji-rt are sore (o lake adiaolage vt this grrnt nppifr
f unity, fur It l In be a real hoartt-to-goodneta sale, Mo drrat
mi tbiMlv no wild statements or claims. He are not eun flc
lo rxairgerate. To begin with, w are not offering any old black
rated, worn out pianos, to If jag are looking for a Si.1"! plane
at sj donl rome here. On the other band, If jou would Ilka to
d't a good, himett, mudera and sp-to-date piano, pa that
nmld not fell (rum new, at stiout ooe-half price, then J' should
tee our nffrliii;t at once.
Ia This Sale You WiU rind the
Steinway, Weber
Cable, Knabe
Vose, Kimball, etc.
il H M. i ..u.u. I'KOVK ruiTUK. No Drajaee barge!
$15 Cash $2 Weekly
T", '-Z-
kimball Used uprifiht grand In
rich mahogany rasa. One ot tbe
finest Klmballs eter COCPI
built, at OaSlW
Gerhard Used upright, laris
size, dull finished mahogany
case, Ivory keys, 3 (Pt HZ
pedals, etc., at Ol I O
5chmolIer & MuellerUsed up
right, plain mahogany case, just
like new. Ivory keys, 285
BriKgt Upright, fine maboaany
ease. Extra good tone COI fl
and action. Triced... V-S."
llardntanu Used upright, rich
walnut case, beautiful (JJOQCC
tone and action y&OO
Allireclit Used upright, one of
Ibe finest toned pianos we have
aver seen. Looka and COP
I aa good aa new.... v&ZO
K 1 n ? s b n r T Used but never
ibused. Cost new 1 550. (29 1 ft
at only..3tlXV
rhls Is a gem
Player Pianos, $25 Cash, $3 Weekly
Bench to match and 115.00 worth of mils jour own selection
wltb each Instrument. Free serrlce for 1 year included in city.
Uracbtnan Handsome mahog
any case, full SS-note, fine tens,
splendid player action, brand
new; 115 'cash, ?2.50 QQQC
weekly tj)07tl
Stelnbaeh & Dreher Used, but
In perfect condition, fully war
ranted. $750 value, AMOK
going In the sale tyxOO
Reckmnn (Aeolian made) Satin
finish mahogany case. New, but
shopworn. A real buy. GM OK
$25 cash, ft" weekly... VwU
Troubadour Beautiful walnut
case, 88-note player. Sold for
$775. You can t tell It fi4 QJZ
from new. A siera. all. JrxOO
419 South Sixteenth St., Omaha.
Saturday, April 22, 1922 Arbor Day
will be observed by this office '
as a Legal Holiday
The Conservative Savings & Loan Association
1614 Harney Street
'u- F .vT . I 'Oh.VmtmH
,T w v5 1-
ma ROTTEN." "It
THAT all TaHtLYKO. lfllbritMmvou
vpi glvm you trsh vlor ana new tilt ana malm a
thaataf man of you m ajlfft-"
Every American Needs Nerves of Steel
Muscles of Granite and Blood of Iron
A surplus of vigor and strength is
required in these strenuous times to
maintain your position at the
"front." When you allow your
mental or physical strength to fall
and remain below par you are court
ing certain defeat in Life's pursuit.
ine course or numan ex
istence, demands every
ounce of vitality you can
muster. 'The great cry
ingneed is and has always
been, for ruddy, robust,
red-blooded men. It
takes etromr. healthy
brain and brawn to scale the steep
TV Crett Gtatral Tonic
burdensome handicap of a subnor
mal condition.
Every day "LYKO" is making
men strong and swift vigorous ana
virile putting them in the pink of
condition keeping them fit to
fight the battles of Life.
xms wonaenui tonic
will bring to you the
physical vim and tha
mental keenness of per
fect health the capacity
to do and to dare! It will
give to you that su
preme confidence, that
undaunted courage and that winning
Inclines of human conflict and still nower that health alone Imparts,
possess the necessary reserve force Buy a bottle of "LYKO ' todayl
''to go over the top." Then Tteep it on hand at all times
The puny, emaciated, run-down, in the future. Take it whenever
nervous, overwrought,- lack the you lack appetite, have indiges-
"puncn, tion, leei exnausiea. worn-out,
the fire, the nervous, "upset" or debilitated
spirit and from any cause, whether from a
tne "pep" general run-down condition or a
to accora- specific illness. It has wonderful
plish tbe health restoring powers because of
things its prompt aid to Nature to re-
worth Dlace worn out muscle, bone and
while; to nerve tissue the ideal tonic and
attain to strength builder,
the heizhts
I of sublime Sola Manufacturer,!
' " Ml
endeavor, ivifft umtriNV mMPAMV
1,1 nu muviviiiu wvtiianua
LYKO UaaMlnariflaalaacfc- CaStoff.
aaaa-tiir.itaaptciur.aaoM. . 1 -aahMaallmbnitutaa.
tfien. tn
. For Sale by Beaton Drug Company. 15th and
Farnam Streets, and All Retail Druggists