Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 21, 1922, Page 5, Image 5

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Bishops Open
Meeting Here
Communion Srnire Followed
liy Butinrti Snsion Visit
ing Clergy GufsU at
Thf conference of domestic eonti-
nntl bishop of lh Fpistopslisn
rhurch, u epifl at 7 yestrrday
morning with lh rrltbration o( lioly
communion tt Trinity cathedral
Bishop , V, Shaylrr of the Ne
braska duxes n cfirlifiiif,
business session of iht conference
started it H in duxes' headiiuar
its, JOJ-J Kennedy building. 1 here
as luncheon for the visit
iug biihopi at the Omalii, club at
noon yesterday, given by tmttop
Shavler and the executive committee
of the Nebraska diocese. Public trrv
ires were held at All Saint church
Ut night in, the interest of missions.
Binhon Nathanial 'I huitus of Wyo
ming will teak at the Chamber of
Commerce today noon on "Rev
I'aion and Business.' Rev. Carroll
M. Davi of New York, domestic
aecretary of the department of nti-
sions: U H. I-rankiui. national
treasurer, and lohn V. Wood, na
tional executive aecretary of the de
partment of missions. Mul be present
during the conference.
These bishops are expected to at
tend: Herman I'age of Spokane,
Robert Paddock of eastern Oregon,
L. A. Sanlord of San Joaquin. Julius
Alwood of Ari0114, V. B. llowden
of New Mexico, E. A. Temple, of
northern Texas. T. P. Thurston of
Oklahoma, Robert Mire of Salina,
G. A. Beccher o( western Nebraska.
Nathaniel homaa of Wyoming, H.
1.. Burleson of South Dakota, W. P.
Remington, assistant bishop of
Sjuth Dakota, J. P. Tyler of North
Dakota, Cameron Mann, southern
Morida: Juliua M. Horner of Ash-
ville, N. C; George Hunting, Nc-J
Association to
Mark New Road
The Dancing Master
cra mti
I-G-0 Highway Will Connect
D-L-0 and Lincoln
Ogallala. Neb., April 20. (Spe
cial.) The I-G-0 Highway associa
tion, formed to establish a marked
road from Imperial Neb., to Ogal-l.-la,
by way of Grant, was organized
at a meeting held at Grant at the
summons of the Keith County Com
mercial club. ...
The new highway, which will ex
tend over a 46-mile stretch, will fur
nish autoists with a well-marked
road connecting the D-L-D highway
at Imperial with the Lincoln and
Park-to-Park highways at Ogallala.
There is much demand lor a north
fftrd-south highway in western cen
tral Nebraska. The I-G-O, when
completed, will be the only well
marked north and south road m the
district between Kearney, Neb., and
Cheyenne. Wyo. . , '
Markings for the new highway will
be the letters "I-G-O" in white on a
black background. Forty large
road signs are being made and
will be put in place at a big get-together
meeting at Grant on April
25. Commercial clubs of Ogallala,
Grant and Imperial are paying for
the erection of the signs.
rtc,r. ( hi association are:
Dr. Stewart of Imperial, president;
M. D. Keller of Grant, vice presi
dent; and C, H. Fisher of Ogallala,
secretary-treasurer. t
Few Pay Personal Tax' in
Excess of $500 Valuation
Grand Island, Neb.. April 20.
(Special.) In connection with re
newed demands throughout the state
fo- the publication of the personal
tax list, and the suggested amend
ment to the measure promoted by
the newspaper publishers of the state,
i.., ...- hs. eurh list be limited
to persons filing more than fsuu
worth ot personal property, "
pilation has been made of the
--I, .,4, J. ftUA nniW the tetters A
.J R rtl C.ranrl Island citY. This
list sTiows that less than 2S per cent
of the people return more than $500
worth (net) of personal property, in
cluding securities, cash, household
goods, automobiles, etc. Out of 81
names beginning with A and 238
beginning with B. a total of 319.
only 73 show property to the value
. nf SVY1 nr nvrr and onlv 21 orOD-
erty of $1,000 or more, exclusive of
the $200 exemption for household
goods, i - . 'i
' Humane Trustees Meet
''Trustees of the Nebraska Humane
society will meet Tuesday noon,
a;i ?C in th TWoress-Nash tea
room to' hear a report of Secretary
Bradley and inspect plans ior a now
hir n hi submitted bv
Architect Prinz. Stereopticon pic
tures will be shown during Miss
Dickman s talk in the toy room on
the fourth floor at 1 :30.
: Road Conditions
Pltsaaala Iwrm. aa4r ui, tt
Mala tsar a anaslas. 1 In,, laka
a kail, kaa faata kwrii a
has a as aa aWaa,, aaas-aaaaa Iwk aa4
laa iii riMM lk mm aa.
?aai aala sa Iba fata! aaa
a M i. fcaa sa fat lu4-a. afc
I'M, a nk hw sa Iwk aa ta
aaaa, tataitss SaO aa Ika.
a ss 4aaM aMi Ikal k a aa
Ma4 umi laa aa m ma mt k
fata, fat unn ta lnt Ut la a.,
kka wajr.. aa taaMI laal MaaaaM
Umik, a ta,aa la.h. araa a tak
rka. a? kw. Ml l-afa.. amhk
mu, la la pay Ika Mlla. Huaank ka
laarb Milk aravr. la a Kak. ta la M
Maaaaia aa.iia' kaaxa. aka kaa taea-
aM aiaa. altk la aa4 aka M
la lata ailh h'm. Maaawa aa.ila lake
I ha H la ttm: fmrmf 4taalaa
raMat aa afck-k UMka atr4lt nanw a aan-r
laa Ika gut . Wa. aaa. flaaa bar aa4
fa k la ratata ka k- kaaw la I'll.
aaT, aa. .aia-- " a-- w.
aaa a Ilk Fwan. t M M aiiMMHa la
kaa at. aka llaM lata aaatk raam
akara k aaaaaalara fal. i
(CatiBttt4 Krm TrJr )
The baud t ill playing, and
th room was crowded with dancers
tt he wended his way through them,
looking to the right and left at lie
went for Mine. Senrlis, but tficre
wa no lign of Iter,
He spoke to one or two persons,
asking if they bad treu Iter.
"Haven't een her at all." so some
one told him; "don't think she's been
here tonight."
Royston found one of the stewards.
"Mine. Scnestis, have vuu seen
The man hesitated.
"I think she's gone: almost sure
I saw her leaving about half an
hour ago.
Royston found riiabcth's cloak
lying across a chair where Neil
Farmer had left it, and lie was croft
ing the lounge again with it over
his arm when fcuid Sanger, sitting
out on the stairs with half a dorrn
men gathered around her caught
sight of him.
She scattered her little group of
courtiers without ceremony and rail
down to mm.
Royston stopped dead, and his
face grew hard.
"Well, what is it?"
"I want to spcatc to you; I've
been looking for you everywhere."
ery well, presently; Jin en
gaged now." -
He moved as if to pass her, but
she barred the way. her eyes resting
ruipiciously on tlizabcth a white
"Where arc you going? Who does
that belong to.'" she asked.
During the short time she bad
lived with Royston she had made
his life a hell, but though she did
not want him herself, she hated to
think that any other woman found
him attractive.
His eyes met hers unflinchingly.
"When I interfere with your life
and question you about your friends
it will give you the right to do the
same with me," he said flintily.
blie shrugged her shoulders she
enjoyed annoying him.
Oh, all right! No need to get
ratty," she said. "When shall I sec
you. thenr
"I II meet you here in a quarter
of an hour."
She laughed. "I may turn up or
I may not; it depends." she said.
"Please yourself," Royston said
He walked away, and Enid went
back to the group on the stairs, her
eyes following her husband's tall fig
ure with a little vixenish gleam.
Royston found Elizabeth standing
where he had left her, but she raised
her eyes as he came forward and he
realized with a pang that their child
ish expression seemed somehow to
have been wiped out. and (hat it was
a 'woman who looked at hiin now
through their greyness.
He put the cloak around her
shoulders, trying hard to steady his
voice as he spoke:
T am afraid Mme. Scsestis has
gone. I have sent for a taxi for
you. '
1 hey went across the hall together
and upstairs to the main entrance.
Ihere was hardly anyone about;
everyone was downstairs dancing.
Presently the hall porter came to
Royston. -
"I've got you a taxi, sir."
They went out into the cool nisht;
Royston gave the porter something
and he moved discreetly away.
Elizabeth got into the cab, lean
ing back so that her face was in a
shadow- but. the light from the big
hotel door showed her little feet in
llmr fiigh-lierlrd shoes, hrr what
tkak, and tl bands tUfed sj tight
ly in tier up,
Royston stot.d bareheaded at the
open door. It was goodb)r, and be
knew tt; but the aer in him wa
driven to make one last apil, een
though the man; in tim knew it
"tlibelh " It was only her
nam that he spoke, but lliou.and
words would hate been less do
quent and would have told her lets
truthfully afl that he wi reneuiiC'
A little thruddrr patted through
"Von rail me a child." the said
tlowly. "Perhaps I am, but 1 shall
never be anyone de at long at
1 live. Good bye.
And the next moment .he had
gone and Royston was standing look
ing into the darkness,
(I aaf fna1 la Tka tWa Taawraa.)
Support of Norton
Is Urged by Wray
Third Party Candidate for
Coventor Favors Co-0er
atiou With Otber Groups.
Lincoln, April .U. Progressive
tupport of J. N. Norton for gover
nor and other candidates friendly to
progressive principles is urged in a
statement made public yoterday by
Arthur G. Wray, announcing him
self as candidate on the progressive
tiiket for United Slates senator.
He said in part:
"It is necessary to meet the new
national issues, and 1 would like to
see actual farmers, actual working
men, and progressives generally
join hands and grapple with the vi
tal problems of railroads, taxation,
money, credits, national primaries,
peace and war. and the other na
tional issues which are rapidly com
ing to the front.
"If I am selected as the progres
sive candidate for senator, I shall
make the campaign as a progres
sive only, and will not accept en
dorsement from other parties. But
my selection to again head the tick
et docs not mean that we should not
co-operate with other progressive
groups in an effort to secure a .win
ning ticket in state, congressional,
legislative and county units.
"In the coming campaign, I hope
that the progressives of all parties
will get together in a supreme ef
fort to press home the full program
of the farmer, the full program of
labor and also the great national is
sues which are crushing alike the
producer and consumer.
"National problems are coming to
the front. We must meet them. As
a progressive I want to begin the
national contest now in 1922, and if
progressives desire me to again head
the ticket, I will put up the best
fight I know how to make from now
on until November in order to Ret
before the people the full program
of . labor, the full program of the
farmer and the great national is
sues Which so vitally affect us."
Farm Home Burns Down as .
Man Takes Wife to Safety
Superior,- Neb., April 20. (Spe
cial.) The farm home of- C. 1?.
Wadsworth wis destroyed by fire.
Mr. Wadsworth was awakened by
the smoke in the room and he man
aged to get Mrs. Wadsworth, who
is just recovering from the flu to
a neighbor's home. By the time he
could summon help, the fire was be
yond control.. Origin of the blaze
is undetermined, but it is thought
the fire started in an outbuilding at
tached to the back of the horne.
Superior Couple Observe
Golden Wedding Anniversary
Superior, Neb., April 20. (Spe
cial.) Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Groves
celebrated their golden wedding an
niversary. It was also Mr. Groves
73d birthday. All the children were
present including Supt. Ben Groves
and family of Falls City, Neb.; R.
Groves and family of Hugo, Colo.,
and Mrs. Ruth Donahoo of Bost
wick: Mr, Groves is city assessor
and is very afctive in his duties.
Radio Message
to Tell Country
of Arbor Day
iWlary Wallace Will Extol
Montana and Nrlrada '
Irpinlaturrs for Hefor
rstration Kfforts.
W a-ktaslaa m $mvu4mi OaMa V.
Washington, April Jo. (Special
Telegram ) Significance of Arbor
Pay will be pointed out and the fore
tight of J. Sterling Morton and the
legislature of Nebraska In founding
tie day will be extolled, when Sec-
tctary of Agriculture Wallace per-
tonally speaks by radio to the people
of the United Slatct on Arbor day
With the Interest manifested In
this new science, and fhe consequent
number of receiving sets in the coun
try, it seems certain hat Secretary
Wallace will address the greatttl
concourse reached by a single human
voire time the beginning of time.
Radio expert state that there are
now over tW0,0iO receiving sett in
the country, and the monthly in
crease it estimated at liMi.tHK'.
The mctsage has been drawn up
and approved in the pretence of
Secretary Wallace, Assistant Secre
tary of Agriculture l'ugsley, for
mer editor of the N'ebraka Parmer;
members of the Nebraska congres
sional delegation. Col. W. B. Gree
ley, chief of the United Statct forest
service, and George I.. Rockwell of
New York, former Ncbraskan, who
suggested broadcasting the message,
following Congressman. Jcfferis' suc
cessful efforts to have President
Harding issue a golden jubilee
proclamation. In 4us proclamation,
thi president set aside five days
from April 17 as forest protection
week and urged a (treat national
movement toward reforestation on
the 50th anniversary of Nebraska's
Arbor day.
Wherever possible, Boy Scouts
will receive the secretary's message
and deliver it on Saturday next, the
golden jubilee of Arbor day, to the
mayor of their city.
Pioneer Schoolmaster
Dies at David City
David City. Neb.. April 20.
(Special.) Funeral services were
held here for
William II. Tay
lor, 68. in the
Christian church,
Rev. A. D. Har
mon, president of
Lotncr univer-
s i t y, officiating.
Mr. Taylor died
at his home in
David City.
He was a pio
neer school teach-
er of Butler
county, coming
here in 1880. He,
with' his wife and
daughter, moved
to David City in
1894. At this time he was elected
county treasurer and served in that
office for two terms. Later he was
sent to the state legislature from this
district and was the instigator of the
uniform text book bill, lie was one
of the county's prominent republf
canu and was also an active member
cf the Masonic lodge. He is sur
vived by one daughter, Miss Alma
lay lor;
Prospects Good for Big
Fruit Crop, Say Experts
Table Rock, April 20. (Special.)
Experienced fruit men say there
never was a better prospect for a
large fruit crop in Pawne'e county
than there is this spring. " Opinions
differ as to the amount of damage
done by recent frosts. Peach, pear
and. apricot trees arc a mass of
Owing to wet weather which has
kept farmers out of the fields, sow
ing of oats has been somewhat de
layed and some have decided not to
include as much oats as usual. The
mdisture has put the, soil in excel
lent shape for the crops already
William H. Taylor.
laratslMa- by tha Omaha AataajabUa Club
".cola Htbay. Ea.t Road, tood to
n.nnl.on and MarshalltowD. roujh M;
halltown to C.dr Rapid. Cdar Rapid.
port. road. Imp?"
.S?dl?. Car. coming- throuth tat
road, ara not Impaajabla. .
Lincoln HUhw.y. W.t Roads food to
Orand Ial.nd and wet.
0. Lu D. Hifhway Road. aooa.
Hlfhland Cutoff Road. fair.
S. Y. A. Good.
O Street Road Good. '
Omaha-Topeka Highway Good to tU
""cornhmk.r Highway Roa4 fair to
Oaorgo Washington Highway Road.
Uttla rough In .tretchoa.
Blaek Will Trail Roada good to Nor-
Kloc of Trail.. North Road, good to
Mtnourl Valley. Uttla rough north.
King of Trail. South Road, good to
Hiawatha; fair aouth.
' Caarer Battlefield Highway Road, fair
through Iowa. Improving rapidly la
South Dakota and several ran through
from thl. id of Black Hllla dl.trlct.
Rlvar to River Road Road work et
of Council Bluff., fair, detour otherwise
good to Des Molnea. Iowa City vicinity
road, ara Improving rapidly.
Whlta Pol Road Road work 11 mile,
art of Council Bluff, and attending Into
Oakland. I Otherwiea road good to Ie
Uoine and east roads fair.
1. O. A. Shortllne Road. good.
Blua Gran Road Good to Ottumwa.
Otherwisa bad.
Waathar reported clear and much
warmer at every point with Indication.
' fat caaUautd clear aad wanner.
Doctor at 82 Finds Mothers Prefer
His Formula to New-Fangled Salts
And Coal Tar Remedies for Babies
Judgment of 1 892 vindicated by world' approval of Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin,
a simple vegetable compound for constipation So safe tbousandsgiVe
it to babes in arms Now has largest sale in the world.
WHEN a man is in the 83rd
year of his age, as I am,
there are certain things he has
learned that only time can
teach him. The basis of treat
ing sickness has not changed
since I left Medical College in
1875, nor since I placed on the
market the laxative prescrip
tion I had used in my practice,
known to druggists and the
public since 1892, as Dr.
Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin.
Then the treatment of con
stipation, biliousness, head
aches, mental depression,
indigestion, sour stomach and
other indispositions that result
from constipation was entirely
by means of simple vegetable
laxatives, berbs and roots.
These are still the basis of my
Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin,
which is a combination of
Egyptian Senna and other mild
laxative herbs with pepsin.
Recently new medicines
have been brought 6ut for
constipation that contain cal
omel, which is. mercury, salts
of various lands, minerals, and
coal tar. These are all drastic
purges, many of them danger
ous, and the medical profession
from . recent portrait at
Founder of Dr. Caldwell's Svrop Panda
Bora Saetbrriiu. No., IMS '
is warning the public against
them. Certain coal tar products
will depress the heart; certain
salts give rise to intestinal
poisoning, impaction and rupture
of the intestines. If grown peo
ple want to use them no one can
deny them the privilege, but
they should never be given to
The simpler the remedy for
constipation, the safer for the
child and for you, and the bet
ter for the general health of
all. And as you can get results
in a mild and safe way by
using Dr. Caldwell's Syrup
Pepin, why take chances witn
pills and powders and strong
drugs, even if disguised in
candy? My remedy, too, costs
less than most others, only
about a cent a dose. A bottle
such as you can find in any
drug store, will last a family
several months, and all can use
it. It is good for the babe in
arms because pleasant to the
taste, gentle in action, and free
from narcotics. In the proper
dose, given in the directions,
it is equally effective at all
sges. Elderly people will find
it especially ideal.
The formula of Pr. Caldwell's
Syrup Pepsin is on the cover
of every bottle, and the
ingredients have the endorse
ment of the U. S. Pharma
tl ft OHO WortK of n rtmem"anct of mJ 6d fcirtkiaj I have set aside the sum of"Tn Thousand
p m.j,jjv TTvumvn rjoJJarj to be given away in half-ounce bottles of my Syrup Pepsin. Only one
S Free Trial bottle to a family. All are constipated now and then, and here is an
aMm Ppncitl kfao opportunity for you and others to try Dr. CaldweWt Syrup Pepsin FREE OF
J I Uf CfJWa ilCC CH.ARQE Ask for your free bode today, simply sending name and address to
" Dr. W. B. Caldwell, 514 Washington St, Monricello, 11L Do not postpone this.
Keep Aerial Away
From Other Wires
Care blioulJ lie Taken in
Svttiug Up Antenna,
A good serial it a big factor for
clrr reception oer the wirclcn re
criviiiaf ouilit.
In couttructing a radio rt too
tittle cctisidtMtioit i given to (lie ef
ficient dr.i.n of the affial. a wire
lee expat write. Experience hat
piovfii thai n ar-rut wbirh is .tiort
enouiili to transmit on JlKJ meters ii
too (liott to cive the best result for
recming. 1 lierefore, it is advisable
llut the up-to-date amateur should
lofc two aerial, a short multi
Mire i) i (or sending, and a long
single vine one for receiving.
In erecting any aerial, it hould
be kept a far anav as possible from
power linen, telephone line., trees,
till buildings etc.. a such objects
have coMeidrrable effect on both
the transmitting and receiving ei
ticiencv. Where it i absolutely
ncceitMry to erect it in the immediate
vicinity of power lines or telephone
lines, it should be installed at rielit
angles to such lines AUo where
two aerials are erected they should
be at rielit anolra tti rich other ill
order to inininiie their mutual ef
fect. 1 lie higher you erect the aer
ial the better. '
A survey of tue middle west sliows
an increase of l.tKNI per rent in the
umber of radio fans in the past six
mom li. The number lias swelled
from JO.OOO a year m to tW.uuO at
the present time.
Time's a "ham" in tliU civ who
us it I14S heard China on bis ei,
lie clly nmJirs understood, no
Three Drug Stores
Robbed by Bandits
Masked highwaymen held up
three drug stores in Omaha Wednes
day night. J. A. r.auin was behind the
prescription counter of his pharmacy,
the Highland Apothecary ahr
Twenty-fourth and A streets, when
two masked men entered and robbed
iheMdiee of $JO and a f IU check. T.
II. Daniel of the Minnc Lua phar
macy, 0716 North Thirtirih street,
was robbed of A. T. Thomp
son, proprietor, his brother, O. K.
1 humpson, and a customer, K. It.
Jameson, .TWO North Twentieth
street, were In the Thompson drug
store, JSUS North Sixteenth street,
when bandits entered, inarched them
ts a rear room and searched them.
The robbers got two watches
and t;.
H. J. Wing- Republican City, Neb.
(1) Can an amateur make a
variocoupler and a pair of vario
meters to be used in a regenerative
hook up? (2) Would a regenera
tive layout with loading coil and
tickler be easier to make? (3) Which
would give the better results? (4)
Can you give me structural details
for making the necessary instru
ments in either of both cases?
A (I) Yes. (2) Yes. (3) Vario
coupler and variometer hook up. (4)
For a variocoupler us Jt) turns
tappad every sis on the primary otl
and 40 turns not tapped oil the sec
endaryj (or variometer list SO turns
tapped on each coil
S'oll.l.luff Man Killed
When He draw Ue Wire
Serine, Neb, Aj'til U ($riul
Telegram.) ISeit Kiuhie, 5, single,
was killed instantly when be gra.prd
a live wire while engaged in moving
4 residence. Kitclue's home was in
Scottsbluff, where he has lived many
ytt't as the owner id a transfer
What will the Widow Zander do
about tho.e bills?
Stale and J tut ice WuAl
Measure Paswd ly S iuto
Washington, Af'f'l aU-1a. He
tul appiopiutan bi'.l for the $utt
jr. I Justice departments, sarivnig
SWOti.tssJ, n Hurra. of I.'J-sVmj
tu-r the tnta.ui as passed by Iht
Louse, was patt'd by the arnate and
ent ! ionlrirmr.
Stubborn Caaea of Stomach
TroubU Yield
raBB4Jr U
. 21,000,000 aUttlaa Said
His Safe
in the
Of the
5 iEng-
city of
ling tQ
3 this
$700 worth"of " stamps
cates was recovered.
and certlfiel
Clouds of smoke that filled the Vir
ginia restaurant and ' the Beddeo
Clothing store, issued from the base
ment and upstairs windows of Dan's
Shoe and Clothing company store,
1415 Douglas street, when fire of un
known origin broke out in rubbish in
the basement at 7 o'clock last night
Large crowds were attracted to
the scene. Damage, was mainly from,
water and could not be estimated last
Thousands of Dollars
Worth of Men's and
Women 's New Spring
Wearables Scented and
Soiled by Smoke
Great quantities of new merchan
dise just received and unpacked .
for Easter selling which was held
in our basement stockrooms was .
exposed to the odor and soil of
umntA This merchandise must be
I COURT ORDERS BONDS disposed of at once.
Basement Stockroom Filled With Dense Clouds of Smoke From
Rre in an Ad joining Building Thursday Night, April 13
Hundreds of the garments have been aired so that it is quite
impossible to detect even the slightest odor of smoke, and it is ,
only on the lighter colored garments that any trace of soil can
. be found.
Women's and Misses' Spring Coats, Wraps, Frocks
and Piush and Fur Coats
Men's Suits, Palm Beach Siuts,Q'coats,Boys'Mackinaws
7 m
Positively not a single garment that
was in our stockroom at the time of the
fire will be eliminated from this drastic
cut in prices.
New merchandise just unpacked as
well as our remaining stocks of ladies'
plush and fur Coats, men's Overcoats,
Mackinaws and Palm Beach Suits. 7
Insurance Adjuster Effects Settlement and
Orders Stock Sacrificed at Once
The "benefits are all yours. Be here to" get your share of the
money savings. The timeliness of this event makes the val-
ues doubly worth while. Remember our same liberal long
time payment plan of clothes buying prevails1 during this sale.
Value-Giving That Omaha Will Never Forget
You have encountered big startling tales at this store and else
where, but never have you encountered such value-giving as
you'll find here starting Thursday morning.
Be Here Early Buy as You Never Bought Before Tell Your
Friends of This Great Sale
f" Good