Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 21, 1922, Page 4, Image 4

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    .MMille West Men
Testify in Ship
Subsidy Hearings
W jiiifr r)jilittic PuMic
Siitiincnt If Mainly in
l'or of Hill la Prtmde
Wellington, April JO. Support ol
ilit utiiMIc wet for th ftJminUtrt
i on snip subsidy program i ic
indent on a gusrantfe that trade
t.iuit.. t .uWiOied by the kliipi'inil
1 04rd (rum various ouih Atomic
anil ul pot. will not It ilisron
tinuH, ti rrprr .rntativc ol rnf organizations in the Mil
in'li lioin told tlie senate com
inert e and lmue merchant purine
committer today.
Alter more than to cfl ol
testimony l.y shipping board (rfficial,
i lie lomniiitre brgati hrarinir the
ic uf other promnrfit ol tlie
buicUtioii, Willi W, l Ware, (,'hi
tfo, representing t lie Mississippi
Valley association, the Cbicano As
oiiai inn of I'oiiutierre and the Chi
ae) World Trade club, and Mai
toltu Mew art of Cincinnati, chair,
man of the middle et merchant
marine committee, a witnetto.
liolli rmpluied the public senti
ment throuehont the central west
was in the main, favorable to the
bill providing an outlet for their
product to foreign market through
Miuthrrn port. They advocated an
Amendment, endorsed, thry iaii by
numerous commercial Iodic in the
Miiippi valley, which would rc
iliJre the shipping board to continue
operation of ship vn all established
routes' for five year. un!et it could
sell the vessels to interest which
would agree to operate the line.
The committees were told thai
manufacturers and farmer in the
central went bad fot "millions by
being obliged to move their Roods
to foreign 1 market through a few
congested North Atlantic ports."
' (oss-cxamitied by various mem
ten of tlie committee, both wit
nesses declared that hostility ol the
middle west to ship subsidy pro
posals had largely died down.
Mr. War said the middle west
. bad taken a "now or never" attitude
on tlie subsidy question, believing
that if a powerful American mer
chant marine was . not established
now, it never would be possible to
get. one on a paying basis.
Youth Says He Stole Auto
to Hurry Up Enlistment
Earl A... Noel, 19, Route No. 5,
Lincoln, was so eager to don '.he
nrmy khaki that he stole an automo
bile in Omaha to drive to Fort Croolc
and join the army, he told Lieut.
'Ju-ki Fszanowski of the police auto
: theft bureau.
Noel was nabbed Wednesday at
Papillion in an automobile alleged to
have been stolen at Twenty-fifth and
Farnam street from A. Roiney, 2580
; Crown Point avenue. ,
The youth admitted hi guilt in
Central "police court yesterday morn
ing and was held on trial on $1,000
.Railroad Employes Suit
( to Be Tried in Federal Court
' A suit fil'rH recently in district
court by . 120 railroad employes ill
-j tbc name of Jason D. Morledgc seek
ing troin i ine government a ioiu
nt tnnr ikon ?fl 000 for rvtra time
pay during their service-while the
', control during the war has been
transferred to federal court. Rail
roads named in the suit are tne ure
.Ron Short Line and the Oregon and
'Washington Navigation company.
v i. C. Net Income Declines.
. ' Chieago, April 20. The Illinois
Central railroad earned net income
.equal to $8.89 a share on its $109.
,294000 capital stock -for the year
: nAA T"lf-mhir .1 tact
. -. This compares with $12.41 a share
in J920. The reduction is attributed
n special charges of approximately
$7,000,000 in connection with the
company's accounts with- the gov-,
eminent. ' ' v..
of bmi or ehMt If mora
traatad wrUmally with-'-
Omt 17 Million Jut Vmi Ymb
When in Omaha Stop at
Hotel Rome
On of our rtmoul ta undwlthtt uid
your-chote o( cup of ooftM or bot
tla AUolto Milk,
etflr Jr Wwk ol APRIL 17 te 12
AU Six
On Face and Neck. In Pim
ples. Itched and Burned.
"When my sitter waa ttn months
old ecsema brofa out on btr face
ad oeck in anaO pim
ple, which spraad rapid
ly. It itched aad burnsd
so she was tusabla to
alaep, and her body waa
a tnaaa of tore truptiona.
Sh had to be carried
aroond on a pillow.
"A friead racommendad Cutkura
8oap and Oawanant and alter oalnc
on cake of Cottoora Soap and one
box of CnrJcara Ointment abe waa
healed." (Signed) Mr. J. S. Smith,
Boa 111. Lakota, No. Dakota.
' Qir Concurs Soap, Ointment nd
TalcotB the car o( your skin. '
rtMhaft. Sw.Tl Sfc.
The Center of the Stage
J&b Xl 1
Price-Fixing Is
Urged in Petition
Coiigrcssmau McLaughlin Not
in Favor of Plan Advocated
by York County Farmers.
Wa.hlmtoa ormpaadmi Omaha be.
Washington, April 20. (Special
Telegram.) Congressman Mc
Laughlin of the Fourth Nebraska
district today tiled a petition signed
by about 150 citizens of York coun
ty, farmers largely, urgently re
questing congress to enact a law re
viving the United States Grain cor
poration. The petition point out con
ditions existing last year, so far as
the price of grain was concerned,
and urges some price-fixing law that
will insure farmers against a repe
tition of the losses that attended last
year's crop.
Mr, McLaughlin, while presenting
the petition of his constituents, docs
not hesitate to say that the revival
' 'lie grain corporation would, in
dement, be bad policy at this
time. jvj I.
xeem to be recovering front
i... liuanciat depression .resulting
Hum war conditions,'' said Mr. Mc
Laughlin, "and we should do noth
ing to stop the upward trend
towards normal ways. Better prices
are bound to prevail when hysteria
Rives way to norma Icy. and a stead
ier market will follow, in the long
run than by creating some instru
mentality to fix prices.--
"Should we resort now to any
price-fixing proposition for a year or
two, in my judgment, at the end
of that period we would, in all hu
man probability, have to go through
the same depressing experience we
are now happily recovering from.
For one I do not want to go through
the same, experience again."
ohn Duval Dodge
Found Guilty on
Liquor Charge
Kaldiujiuo Architect, Son of
Late Automobile Mann.
fdtturrr. Convicted in
Michigan Court.
Kalamazoo, Mich., April 20 John
Duval Dodge, Detroit millionaire,
and Rex Lai I. an architect of Hah
nuoo, were convicted in circuit
court here on charge of illegal
poocision, transporting and furnUh.
ii:g liquor. Attorneys (or the de
friidatilt immediately cave notice
of appeal and Judge Wcimer witli-
nc"t cntcuce.
The charge against Dodge and
Farl rckultcd from a midiiicbt auto
ride bere on the tiitibt of March 11,
when they invited three younij
women into their car and drove them
into the country. During the ride,
the three tills testified, tbev were
offered litjtior.
Miss Lmeliue Kwakcrnaak, a
Western Slate Normal school siu-
dent, becoming alarmed, jumped
from tbe machine and wat seriously
injured. Tbe other women were
Ethel Clemen, a normal student
and Sue Stcgcuga.
Under the Michigan law, Dodge
and Earl are liable to sentence to one
year' imprisonment or $1,000 fine
and costs of the trial, or both, at the
descretion of the trial judge.
i ne present case was the second
appearance here within a few wcck
of the Detroit millionaire, who is a
sun of the lute John l Dodge, agio
mobile manufacturer,
Dodge recently gate nut a !.
merit declaring tlut with Uipoi
turn of tbe ,ce pending aint
bun here he was "llirouj; with the
law )le phtnned, be tod. ta u.
tie down in Detroit and i into bui
ne4 Disease Prevention
Discussed by Doctor
"More than ouO.Ou) pmoiu die
annually in the United State of pre
ventable rnuilmg an eco
nomic lost to the country of f 1,500,
OOU.iiuO." said Col J. M. BanMer.
Omaha physician, and former Unit
ed States army medical officer, speak,
ing yesterday at the noon luncheon
of the Concord dub at the Hotel
I Lionel Hanikter' subject was
"Disease Prevention."
"It wa wiping out yellow fever
and cleaning up Panama by the
United State medical authorities
that made the construction of the
canal possible," Colonel Banister
The Concord club voted to assume
the sponsorship of the Omaha Camp
l'ire girl. The girl need $K) to fi
nance their work until next fall, it
wa announced)
One Man Fined; Second Held
for Trial on Hum Charge
Jamc Areno. 906 South Twentieth
Jtreet, wa fined $100 for illegal po.
session oi nquor in Central police
court. Marcus Classman, 1118 Dav
enport street, whose plea that the-i
search warrant for hit place wa
faulty w as overruled, wa held to I
(rial under $1,000 bond on charirmi .
of illegal sale, manufacture and
transportation of liquor.
If your tongue is coated or if
you have an offensive breathl
Army Orders.
Washington April 20. (Special
Telegram.) Capt. George E.
Thompson,, quartermaster 'corps, is
relieved from duty at Fort Crook,
Neb and will ' proceed to Camp
Knox, Ky.
Two -almost unfailing danger
slgnula that show you are suffering
rrom constipation! Unless you elimi
nate till dangerous condition you
have ten chuneoa out of one hundrod
to esrape iiirt'ss for ninety Drr
eent of all eieknesa ha been traced
directly to conxtipntion! ,
you cannot afford to wreck your
health through neglect of constipa
tion or constipation symptoms!
Fight constipation as you would
fight Are! And. fight it with nature's
greatest natural weapon BRAN -
KellogB man. cooked and krum
bled! Your physician will indorse
the use of Kollogg's Bran for con
stipation! Kellogg'a Bran will keep you hale
and hearty and free from diseases
that come from intestinal poisoning.
Because. Bran cleanses the bowels as
nothing -else can, and cleanses them
in a natural way that causes no Ir
ritation or discomfort! Children
inriye wnen given Kellogg'a Bran.
It h'elpa them Id grow strong and
robuHt. .
Eat Kellogg's Bran regularly and
you win relieve constipation natural
ly and mirelv. Tint It in Imnnriinl
to use It each day; at least -two
neaping taniespoonruls; in chronic
cases eai wun eacn mcai:
Kellogg's Bran will sweeten an
f ffa 1 1 si I if a 1tant Vi t n A ilnn w 1 1 n
pimply complexion both beinir
largely iraceaDie to constipation. .
Ind vm, will annMrlat.A t h a Ha.
light of eating KELLOGG'S Bran,
couKea ana nrumuiuu. ji is ucn
clous as a cereal or spvlnkled on
other ceroals and it can be used in
and cooking! Grocers sell Kellogg's
Toys,-Baby Carriages,
Children s Furniture,
Shown on Third Floor
tlractive modern home at 232 1
Street, furnished from 'our
very moderate eot. These i
. are typical of our line of tnoa
crate-priced furniture. Open 2 to I o4
7 to 9 p. m. Sundays, 2 to 6 p. m.
Reduced Cost to Us Means Reduced Selling Price to You
Purchasing for our Wholesale in addition to our Retail, gives us exceptional Purchas
ing Power. We buy in large quantities thereby reducing freight cost to mini
' mum, anel obtaining, all concessions granted to the Big Purchaser ia the way of dis
counts. This saving is reflected in the selling price of our goods.
I Tir
Good Furniture for Every Room pf Every Home'
Here in Unrivaled Variety and at Lowest Prices
OAK BUFFET 50-in., in IUlian . -
brown, fitted ' with aoaciona NUFOLD BED in golden or fumed oak, with Spanish fabricoid
. - . , i i : l 1 ..u 1 i 1
upnoiaieryi easily convertiuio iiiiu iuu oiz.e ueu wilii icai
unitary eteel springs, and plenty of room for storing away
mattress and bedding when not in use . , . ,v A -$34.50
. -linen and silver drawers and
storage .. compartments, splen-
'V TM.UV. , I;, ) ,1 , iptf W,VV
Oak Chiffonier
With five roomy drawers, fl
clean cut construction and
finish , $12.85
Full Size 2-Iiick ;
Tubing Steel Bed '
In Vernis Martin, with
, Special Showing :
Hartford Saxony Rugs
The best wearing rugs made
in America for the money.
-These -tugs are almost exact
reproductions of Oriental
rugs. ' -t :,-:'
9x12 8110
8-3x10-6 . . . . $103.50 '
6x9 867.50
4-6x7-6 840.00
SEAMLESS VELVET; RUGS greatly reduced in price because
they are slightly imperfect, 9x12........ ...v. $33.50
ROXBURY AXM1NSTERS, slightly imperfect, 6x9.; . .$23.50
COCO MATS, 16x27" inches . . $1.65
Complete Showing of Congoleum Rugs in All Sizes.
did showing of new Cedar
Chests in desirable styles
, and sizes, superb finishes.
Two exceptional values
and $18.75
Ij 'i ii C .T"rm' ' , '. - 5
: I : J-
as i . ill , ' '
Attractive Inexpensive
Curtain Material
MARQUISETTE Plain 36-inch, white,-, ivory ;
and ecru ....... . ... ,18ti yd -
VOILES . of excellent wearing-
quality . at ' . . . . . -. . . -. . 32 .yd.'
CURTAIN SWISS, dots and small
-figures . 35? yd;.-
inches wide, rose, . blue, brown,
mulberry, especially priced '
at ,...,,.......75? yt-
FILET CURTAIN NETS, good designs, ivory ecru -. ; . . 50 yd.
CRETONNES A number of new and attractive designs.38 yd.
5 yards in length, HALF PRICE OR LESS. ; . -
- Ihi -
Sold oh
Artistry of design and
cabinet work make this
worthy of a place in the
most tastefully appointed
home, and yet it is small
enough for a small house .
or apartment.
Like illustration, in mahogany
or Adam brown, an excel
lent value $115
Reductidns of from 10 to 30
on many of our most attractive
Lamps and Shades
Floor Lamps. ;
Table Lamps. v , -Wrought
Iron Bridge Lamps.
Enameled Bridge Lamps.
Also a large assortment of Boudoir Lamp
Shades, and Candle Shades reduced from
I07o to 30Ct.
the Girls, Misses and Little Women
A SMART coat or cape for
the younger miss or the
small woman may be purchas
ed here Friday at a very great
. Special .
After-Easter Sale
at $575 and $Q75
Sise 13 l 17.
We arc offering tho favored
sport coat in tho popular mate
rials like chinchilla, homespun,
diagonal and polaire. Substan
tially lined. Colors of hague.
, reindeer, orchid, cinnamon and
of course tan.
' ' Separate
' la Cardura?
2.75 5.98 4.76
Vacuum Cleaner
On Splendid Terms
The HOOVER, does;
your cleaning quietly- ''
dependablyand gives ' j
you much more time for . ;
other things. ; Arid the ;
terms certainly the : '
down payment of $3.25 ;
is low, and the $5.00 ''
monthly payment will .
hardly be misseL Or, ;
if you wish the cash -price,
it is but $65.00;
A ')
Vacuum Cleaner Terms
It is only at rare inter
vals that the PREMIER
is sold on terms of $2.50
as the first payment and
the balance in monthly
payments of $4.00. The
present cash price of the
PREMIER is $42.50.
Either of these 1 offers :
represent an oppor
tunity that. the Omaha
housewife should not .
overlook. .
Fifteenth and Farnam Street
2314 M Street
MA rket 1500
1 :
'S SI S.I! Mi t. L I. S.I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I J I I I I I .1111 I'
I l l I l .1 i I I! : 1. 1: I I I I I I I I I I I I I I li:llj:!rll.linlt.lllll.lil..ii..liil:nl.l.iil..l.:.; lilliir