THE BEG: OMAHA. FRIDAY. APRIL 21. 1925 11 PERSONAL. fclM'lo H lei., lit). ..... HI 'Tj -"il $. a. i nil h. H .la, , i lutttHUUkt, t'. tAPKRT 4.4 X I iih, am i Axiit; mii. .""im' AT U I'AKirr . htU'nrllf. KK. IJ lit im l:FKhT M tax AUK. ATLANTIC tit. fcfcNT . I W. HA Kxl'th Tjnf, t ' NJlit t " II.. Hi; fur kiii.lM i4til...n. KK. 5a ANNOUNCEMENTS. NEB. PLEATING irr .1 Bulla, IIDt rtrntm, t floor. I 0 SST. Accordion Pleating. A ' I'tll'luN. id. Waif., beg pl.eling fcuttaaa, .11 atilaai p-mantra l.if, kuiianholu Writ. .tt Hutm pirating ii, ft Urown Iliac k, Vmli, Contractor!. ItK'll black teyif manure for gtrd.n r .nvr.d. PrK reasonable. I til WA, Hit ". KUlSAji K AS it TIN WOKK. WA. .flT KMkiK It In, mar hip landing. AT1 i.rann tuts, ion crwisa at. mi Dancing Academies. Mtro MrMI. XVEiil O ie..i.( mio HO Oat and private leeanna. Ten Inatmeliira- LKARN lo "daero .1 Ktlpln'tV trt'mjr, rim una private l.eeone DO ti "jjetective. DKTKCTIVl.el that gt "result. l.rv f.. cihertln. 401 I'aaton Block. J a. I.U. N'ghi. Ha. , ln.i-penrt.nt Del acute 104 SevillJ Blk. AT. SI : night. WA. "iKH.tii KV: I.U 111.15 Bureau! Hallway K. Bid. JA int.. Bight. KB. lll. 7aMK"a LAN. Ill NIHeliik. ridaac .scored In all rata ATlanlia 111. Dcntitta. Oil. M. r, UKU'LLU DU.NTIKT. tit Arthur Hull. ling. AT. IHI. IK.STAl7x-KAVH. tu eariCS! fulfiitfc It Kerurltle Hid., Isth and Kamam. Dressmaking. DKKSSMAKI.Mi. gueranlt.d and rtaaoo- a lila. WA. $MJ. i't"iiTraTn.7rhil drii' wln g. WK. lt I L Nouvaau dreaamaklng abp. 411 Psiton Blk. (LEAN, mend. IkllorTaulla, fiira. Ha. (ID" "V.W'TanTria. draa.ea. AT. e:n. Hauling. IKS', hauling and aehea. ra. AT. MSt. Kodak Finishing. ENLARGEMENTS, oil eolorlnf. davaloplnt printing Kaa Studio. IIS N.vlll Blk FILMS DEVELOPED FREE. Tha Enelgn Co., 161)7 Howard St, Patent Attorney!. J. W. Martin, ratent Attornay. 1713 Podg. room tnt Alao Wt.hlnrton, D. C. I halp Inventor tall thalr patanta. Painting and Paper Hanging. 1ST CLASS painting anJ paptrhanglng. Linugla 4t0t. PAPKR. palnl. rlan. plaalar. DO. 8S5T. PAPKRINU. panuing; low price. J A. 02J. Printing. KDOT Printing Co. tit & It St. Do. S47. BRITT Printing- Co.. 101 Bmmly Blk. Miscellaneous Annpuncements. T-kT A HrvXTrC W pay th best UliiUJiS UO nrlo. with urlvll-.f to huv back at anill profit. tiROSS .1KWKLRY CO.. Omaha, Nab., 402 N. lSlh Ht. Telfpnon -1JU. tu. OMAHA PILLOW COMPANY. Mattreaaa mad rvaf tn new tlrks at hlt Prlc ot new bada HOT Cuming. JA. t47. rui.L DBBSS aulta and Tuxedo fo rent. 3 A. 'tHt. TOt N. Uth fit. I. Feldman. PRESCRIPTIONS rarefutlr compoanded t th 6 8bermn McConnell Drug 'tore. DR. A. C. BABTN. RECTAL DISEASES! Suite tit Arthur Bldg.. lid 8. Hth St. UfilNINrt nd cleaning. Webater 4224. Ruil8 nd crpeU cleaned. AT. 1868. : FOR SALE. FOR aale or trade for Hty property, 120 arret, 17 mile of Omaha, by owner. 304 Neville Rlk. Atlantic 6501. Furniture and Household Oooda, FOR SALE Three-pleee mahogany and leather parlor at. 41a. w cj. j.. Pianos and Musical Instruments. OEO A. SMITH Dealer In drum. lylo phonea, to.: Instruction. repalrln; !71 Davenport St. Phoh HA. t67. TRADE) your od. plaKO oh plw r piano. Balance at Jow tlO per month. A. HOSPB CO.. 161t Doutfa. Clothing and Furs. ', DUNDEE WOOLEN MILLS. For aale, a few unclaimed, all-wool "Dundee" ult, cheap, alteration ire. . . .1 . .. atm p.ortnweT -Or. loin aim n.i uj i'URS remodeled, rellned nd cleaned, KNEETER ALASKA FUR CO.. tOI 8. 16th 8t. . DO- Mta. ARMY hoe. t8.0. 70 No. lth. Typewriters and Supplies. TYPEWRITERS AND ADDING MACHINES. All MAKES bought, eold, rented ! and repaired. Bole aents for the CORONA. Get our prleea befor you buy. Every machine guaranteed. . Central Typewriter Exc, .TA. 412. GUAR ANT EKP typewriter. 112.60 nd up. Midland Offlc Supply Co.. H0 Podg. Miscellaneous Articles. Auction Sale MISSOURI TACIFIC ' ii. R. CO. Will eell at Public" Auction April 11, at 10 a. m.. at tholr freight, nouae, 16th and TJfcholaa Sta., four car of Chero kee nut coal. For further Information call DO. 4543. ' J-'OR SALE Store fixturoa: Sho caacs, l ountara, scale. ' cash reglatera. . Of flc fixture: Peek. chlra, adding ma- ' rhlnea, dictaphone, comptometer, deak lamp, teel and wood files'. Ware . house and delivery equipment: Four Stueben lift truck with platforms. 20 4-wheel trucks. H -ton Mack truck, good condition; lV4-ton Master truck, rood condition, 1-ton ' Republic truck, V . .... r.ll . a n.K Cfr lair TOUmunn. . OARAOES built, new lumber, 1109 op. Mtcklln Lumber Wrecking Co.. i4th . ..... s. U'.ka... . ana puruen. . oi. .. WE buy- selt safe, make desks, -how-cases, etc., Omaha Fixture & Supply Co., S w Cor. .11th and Pougla. J A. 1724. EXPERT sawing, machln rPalr'nS. MICKELS. 16th and Itarney. DO. 17. WANTED TO BUY. ,DESKS DESKS DESKS New desks, used desks bought, sold and traded. J. t-. neea. i-u ri.... WANTED to buy, small-cash register In good condition. . ii , .una - .iui WE. 0US. . '. : ' ' WANTED. SITUATIONS. Male. EXP. colored man wants housecleaning. Ref. WE. f30. v . : HELP WANTED-MALE. Stores and Offices; CIVIL service has positions for yoUng men, 18 upward: J130 monthly. Experience unnecessary. For free list positions open, write J. Leonard (former civil service examiner), 90J Equitable Bldg., Profeaaions and Trades. DO you want to Increase your income? Writ th National Auto School, lilt I v. 10th St., Omaha, for catalog. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE. IIS 8. '4tn. Writ for catalog. Salesmen and Solicitors. MATURE men ol good character, aat lsfactorr references, owning car or team, wlllin to work and work ha. 1. living In southwestern Iowa or central Nebraska, can secure valuable territory, make, big money. liberal commissions and a permanent position by developing their ability to sell Black Hawk Oil company products direct to the farmers. If von mrm Interested and mean busi ness writ, at one to main office. Ce dar Falls, la. THE GUMPS urat.mA I TitiMi tlMJAMiH w rCIHittCrVtC 0 a.tTCltA fe 0ta C Temifc I tOM'f kW0J WUiT "IWC ctuLO a,c w tAMaotB eM BRINGING UP kin ;it A, (blTG TO tSO- t TOUO too WERE TO EAT BEFORE MtVb. SMITH 4$? WE CO OUT. tsHOUUO HELP WANTED-MALE. Salesmen and Solicitors. A KKW clean cut young men to Intro duce a new phonograph attachment re cently Invented. Marvelous device and quick aetlir, nothing like it on the mar ket. Kvery phmmKraph owner will be Interested. Splendid chance to connect wlih a a'lllng force In process of or ganlgatlon. Call at room . U tad build ing. YoUNO man: If you can put up a .'.0 . rath bond a western inanurnniiirer i nn offer you a permanent connection with unusUHl Income. Call 615, Hotel Fon tenelle. for appclntmenl. BOYS overall business booming. Get fust selling, big commission, repeat ordnr sideline. 8hII all general store. Clncln nstl Qversll Mfg. Co. 31. Clncln n ntl. O. Salesmen to sell paints and oils direct to farmers, commission bssis. Big "money for producers. Farmers' Paint and oil Co.. 619 Federal Reserve Bldg., Omaha. , Hotels and Restaurants. CHEF with 11.000 to invest. Box B-245. Omaha Bee. Miscellaneous. MEN WANTED ' ' We can' give a few more men steady em ployment hauling gravel i for road improvement. They must he, reliable and able to purchase a motor truck by paying ' a small cash payment, balance easily paid from earnings, besides giving you a profitable job. , Give phone , number when possible, as quick action is necessary to se cure a good job. Box Y-1860, Omaha Bee. MAN WANTED by large Chicago manu facturers, who are opening Omaha of fice and have opening for man who can qualify, 3,000 cash required dur ing term jof employment: money fullv secured, permanent work, salary $50 per week plus bonus monthly. See Mr. G. Horton, Room 312. Hotel Fonte nelle. - ANY Intelligent person, either sex, may earn $100 to 1200 monthly corresponding for newspapers;, $16 to $26 weekly in spare time: experience unnecessary: no canvassing; subjects suggested. Send for particulars. National Presa Bureau, N. Y. WANTED Experienced asphalt steam roller man for season's work out of town. Satisfactory salary to right man. Experience, record and reference re quired. Apply Bey Construction Co., Standard Oil Bldg.. WILL pay boy's tuition through business college for doing about an hour's light janitor work; no Sunday work. Call ' Douglas 7774 Monday. HELP WANTED FEMALE. Stores and Offices. STENOGRAPHER with insurance office and statistical experience preferred. State age. former connections, salary ' expected first letter. Box B-25S, Omaha Bee. AT once, assistant insurance bookkeeper; state age. former connections, saiary excepted first letter. Box B-242, Omaha Bee. Professions and Trades. TEACHERS MUST FILL AT ONCE FOLLOWING VACANCIES H. S. PRINCIPAL ($1,800), H. S. MATHEMATICS ($135 150). H. S. SCIENCE ($150-160), H. 8. HISTORY ($126-135), H. ,S. FRENCH AND LATIN ($126-150). H. S.' DOMES TIC SCIENCE ($140-1110). COACH ($160 175), MUSIC AND GIRLS' PHYSICAL TR. ($125-140), JR. H. S. MATH. ($115 125). JR. H. S. HISTORY AND CIVICS $115-125). JR. 11. S . GEOG. AND AGR. ($115-1:5), Int. GRADE, 8 PRI MARY AND 3 KINDERGARTEN TEACHERS AT ($115-125). FARGO TEACHERS' BUREAU. 415 KARBACH BLOCK. TEACHERS WANTED PRINCIPAL Must have principal Immediately, elec tion awn. MUSIC AND DRAWING TEACHER Election on receipt of applicant. .ENGLISH AND HISTORY. LATIN. HOME ECONOMICS. COMMERCIAL, MANUAL TRAINING. AGRICULTURE. PHYSICS. DOMESTIC SCIENCE, ATH LETIC COACH: TEACHERS FOR EVERY DEPARTMENT TO BE FILLED IMMEDIATELY. FARGO TEACHERS' BUREAU. 411 Karbach Block. TO ORGANIZE and manago local sales force for firm making the fastest-selling advertising specialty on the market Must put up $5no cash bond. Call Room 15. Hotel Fontenelle. for appointment. Household and Domestic COMPETENT whit girl for gen. house wk. No wash, or ironing. Good wages and home. 6in4 Dodge. Wal. 2J5J. WHITE girl, general honto work, family two. 604 So. 3th St. HA. 435. fy ' L K RCA0t: Si'tT act) ir i iout Ik frii. eiftiuv $.. tiutt wi naTT- 10T C tovft- tC OX FATHER Rvara I . a. l-altnl Ufflr CALL. ON 5 HELP WANTED-FEMALE Household and Domestic WANTKM Experienced whit girl for general housework; no washing. V. v. HOKfnrd. II A. 00S7. WANTKIJ White maid for gencrul house. work. Call At-7476 days, vv A-73Jeve, WHITE girl for general housework, on mile from car line, walnut nil, Hotels and Restaurants. WANTED Experienced cook In re, taurant; good wngea: reference re quired. Address Box 321. Ord, Neb. HELP WANTED. Male and Female. UOVKUN.MKNT positions open to men. every year. Good salary. Writ for tree list petitions. O. Bobbins, 1 71 fone Hldg., Washington, P. C. WANTED Men, ladle and ooy to learn barber trade: big demand: wage while learning: strictly modern. Call or writs 1403 Podge St. Trl-Clty Bsrber College. EDUCATIONAL. DAY SCHOOL NIGHT SCHOOL Complete couraea In accountancy, ma chine bookkeeping, compiometry, snort hand and typewriting; railroad and wireless telegraphy, civil service ana an English and commercial branches. Write, call or phone Jackson 1665 tor large illustrated catalog. Aaarcoa Boyles College, Boyles Bldg., Omaha, Neb. Van Sant School of Business. Day and Evening Schools. 220 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Douglas 680. ANNIK E. GLASGOW, voice and piano, 603 Karbaoh Blk. J A, 1081. BUSINESS CHANCES. 1807 FARNAM 6-room apartment, com pletely modern; suitable for offices, tudloa, dental or dressmaking rooms, etc.. for tenant wishing home adjoin. Ing. T. F. Hall. 434 Railway Exchange. Douglas 74U6, FOR SALE A complete blacksmith tools ready to start in business, also new small dwelling house for $000 on easy terms. Write Box Y-1864, Omaha Bee. FOR SALE Grocery and meat stores fully equipped and operating. Located In Omaha and nearby towns. Call at 715 8. 9th St. or AT. 0440. ANY business sold for cash, no publicity; 10 to 30 day Northwestern Selling System, Sioux City. FOR SALE Soft drink parlor and barber shop. 3803 u St. MA. 3652. FOR RENT-ROOMS. Furnished Rooms. HAMILTON HOTEL FIREPROOF. Farnam at 24th. Single room with private bath at $10.50 per week; for two, $12.60 per week. Two large outaide room with bath, $20 per week. A SATISFACTORY PLACE TO LIVE. PLAZA HOTEL OFFERS TO DESIRABLE GUESTS A FEW OUTSIDE ROOMS. ALL MODERN CON VENIENCES. $5 PER WEEK AND UP. HTH AND HOWARD. GET YOUR ROOM through The Bee furnished room di rectory. Call at office for list of choice desirable rooms In all parts of the city. A service that benefits both advertiser and room seeker, HOTEL 8ANFORD, 19TK AND FARNAM. HOTEL HENSHAW, 1CTH AND FARNAM Special rate to permanent guests. FURN. rms. with priv. bath: warm, com fortable, cheerful; prleea reasonable, day or wk. Hotel Hamilton. AT. 4701. ROOM Private family, walking distance: no other roomers: gentlemen preferred. References. AT. 6995.- 3024 CASS ST. Two modern front rooms, furnished or unfurnished. HA. 2372. AIRY front room for gentlemen: with or without board. 218 S. 25th SL AT. 6200. CALL WE. 0539 if you want & lovely room in private residence; good location. PLEASANT rooms, newly decorated. 1637 North 19th., Webster 0802. ONE NICH SLEEPING ROOM, 2124 DOUGLAS. DO. 6288. 1106 S. 31st St. Large room, $5 per week. ' NICELY furnished rm.; colored. WE. 1897. TWO cozy rooms, private home. HA. 740. Housekeeping Rooms. TH1 GUIDE TO th better housekeeping room Is the directory furnished to advertiser and room hunter. Call st Bee office for free copy containing desirable vacancies In all parts of the city. FARNAM ST., 3174 Attractive 2-room Apt., also housekeeping room. HA. 1621. 2709 PODGE, single housekeeping, $4; t connecting rooms, $7; modern, furnished. j T ARGE rooms, adjoining bath: water in kitchen, everything complete. KB. 2450. UNION Hotel. $2 per week and up. Board and Rooms. NICE room in modern home with ex cellent meal. Will make reasonable rate to two gentlemen. HA. 0417. NICE front room, two horn cooked meal; Ideal home for gentleman. 2019 Douglss. PLEASANT rooms, A-l meals. AT. 7110. Unfurnished Rooms. THREE upstairs rms. Light, water, heat, gaa fur. No children. 4247 Erskine St. UNFURNISHED room for light house keeping, cloco In. strictly modern, rea sonable rent. Call AT. 1250. efts? 1 J I CHEERING t MUT tkA FOR RENT-HOUSES. Unfurnished. RENT! RE N'T! DUNDEE! DUNDEE! K-riHjm, hot water heat, 3-car garage, Kxcellent locution, 2-year lease at $125. I block to car. 2 block to school. Ar range for inspection. I ike & Price, 1 City Natl. j a. :ti. FOR RENT APTS. AND FLATS. Furnished. VERY tlrairabls furnished apt., 2 rooma, kitchenette, bath and porch: eaat front; first class and reasonable. KB. 2450. 572 SOUTH 58TH ST.. 2-roora apartment first floor, strictly modem, every con venleiice. HA. 6095. FURNISHED modern cheerful 2-room apartment with 4 -room accommodations. 38.17 South 23d St. 2 OR 3 ROOMS, bath. 311 N. 26th. Unfurnished. Harold Apartment 4 rooms at 27th and Jackson. Apt. No. S, $70. Payne & Carnaby Co., 61 Omaha Nat'l Bldg. JA. 1016. Just Completed Francis apartments, 2618 Capitol Ave. 4 rooms and bath, each. Your choice. $10. D. E. Buck'& Co., 742 Omaha Nat. Bank. JA. 2000. HOWARD ST.. 2103 2-room all modern apt. close In, rent $40. E. E. AUSTIN, AT. 0785. , 1305 1st Nat. Bk. Bldg. 80TH St.. 610 South, 3-room flat, electric lights, bath, In good repair, all modern except heat: $21. RASP BROS.. 212 Keeline Bldg. AT. 0721. Peters Trust Company, WHERE OMAHA RENTS. 4-ROOM apt for rent. THE W. J. PALMER CO.. 616 Keeline Bldg. AT, S980. 3311 DEWEY AVE., 6-room modern flat. . GEO RUB F. JONES CO., Realtors. 2.12 Keeline Bldg. AT. 6635. STKAM-heated apartment, 4 rooms, close in. (j. r. STKBHINS, 1S10 Chicago. WANTED TO RENT. WANT to rent at $35 per month a five- room nouse in gooa neignoornooa tor May 1. No children. Good reference. JA. 3168 i ; AT. 8980. FOR RENT Business Property. MERCANTILE STORAGE AND WARE HOUSE CO., lltn and Jones Sts. H. M. Chrlttie, warehouse & track'ge prop. MOVING AND STORAGE. "WHEN MOVING" PACKING STORING SHIPPING Phone Jackson 0288. FIDELITY STvARNAcS 1107-11 Howard St. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE Separata locked rooma for household goods and pianos, moving, packing and shlnplng. BEKINS OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE. 806 South 16tn. DO. 4103. ESTIMATES furnished on storage and moving, contracts taken oy joo or nr. Glob Van & Storage Co., JA. 4338. AT. 0220. 520-24 North 16th St. LIVE STOCK. 22 HEAD choice milch cows, some fresh, balance close springers. Also, a few Jersey and Guernsey family cows. J. J. Bleick. Tel. WA.,4357. POULTRY AND PET STOCK. FOR SALE Two gees and gander. Call KB. 4560. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. Notice EFFECTIVE AT ONCE. WILL KEEP OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAY TO REPAIR OR REPLACE BATTERIES. Battery and Parts Co., 24H FARNAM ST. REAL USED CAR BARGAINS. Cash or Time. Buy or Sell. Forde, from $50 and up Dodge. Buicka and other. $100 and up. Ford bodies winter tops. OOLDSTROM AUTO CALKS CO., 1318 Harney St. Central Garage. 1930 BUICK roadster, 5 tires: all In good condition. Has been recently over hauled and repainted. Not a dealer. If you want the best buy on the mar ket call WA. f-334. SOME bargains In used Fords; prompt ueiivery on new oras. M'CAFFREY MOTOR CO.. Th Handy Ford Servic Station. 15th and Jackson Sts. DO. 3500. BUY A GUY L. SMITH USED CAR. A Salt Investment. 16th and Farnam 8ta Phone DO. 1170. 1921 ESSEX Touring Car, looks and run Ilk new. Owner forced to eell or trade for cheaper car. Phone Kenwood 3566. LOOK over our list of used cars. THE AUTOMOTIVE MARKET, 2066 Farnam SL AT. 7835. BRISCOE touring. $21". AT. 9585. HOLLY, expert auto trimmer. 113 8. 34th. i'm v0 1 ( trUJT OP AMD MMNBV S THAT MOOTH bHUT THE WIDOW. f mito eot- Twi rt??w h w ci citH? CU'i tuCwi wiM MOW- I WttH V0( IVCK- t SO 0t MIM VW K U1 Ot.0 tlltOWJ- M0t Xi fOWVONT f!iN TVE CHgCM. AANt MiS 100IN( ost It Sit- V0W KMOW TVC Ql fcftiOttl mcch a-ow V. TOM a.UTaw- r SEC J I CCS AND MACCIE IN FULL fA.CE Of COLORS IN THE SUNDAY BEE WELL- tiror l is WOHV AE.'M Y-t LITTLE LUNCHEON 1 ARC A LiTTLfcV 1922 av Imt Fiatu) c Scuvict. Inc.' AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. FOltD Trans, complete, 110; magnets, par set.; fly wheel. 12. Nrbraaka Auto ran Co. mis Harney Street. USED cars, worth your money, at Ne braska nidMtiobll Co.. 18tli and Howard Sis.. AT. I7M. WHTTli'T.V'1'11"1 d RAD. MAN. - WK. GUAR. 320 8. 1.1. FOIt KAI.1-1920 Dodg roadster, winter top, first-class condition. HA-0800. MAXWELL Roadster In for late Ford touring. flue condition Kenwood 3065 USED radiator, all makes for sale. Green ough Radiator Repair. 203t Farnam. FARM LANDS. TWELVE acres for rent. Good. rich. I lack sull. Suitable for gnrdenlng and chicken rnlsing. II. II, Harper, 1713 Howard St. JA. ;:.. TWENTY acres for rent. If. H. Harper, I7IJ Howard St. JA. 2&. Colorado Lands. FOR SALK 320 and 160-acre unimproved farms; price $22 't; good term to right parties: no trndo. Owner. C. C RodlbaiiKh, Lltnon, Colo. Nebraska Lands. 100 ACRES. ' 2 MILES FROM HOLDREGE Someone can obtain a real bargsln In this 100. acre farm located 2 miles from Holdregc. Neb., the county seat of Phelps county. Splendid place for stock and has always produced a good wheat yield. Hol.lrege offers advantages along educational, church and market lines that are possessed by few towns In the state. On main lino of Burling ton and -3. branches. For complete description, write F. E. Toung. trustee, Holdregc, Neb. . Close to, Omaha Farms Within 40 miles of Omaha, 1 have some rare bargains In good Improved farms. Any farmer knows what It mean to be close to a big market town like Omaha. These farm homes are near Herman, in Burt and Washington counties. Can be bought on exception ally attractive terms. Soil la the most fertile in Nebraska. All under cultivation. Improved, and are real farm homes in good neighborhood. Write E. W. Burdle, Herman, Neb. 700-Acre Ranch With Railroad Siding Here Is a dandy 700-acre ranch In central Nebraska. It contains 700 acres. 100 acres of which Is in alfalfa. A fine place for hogs and cattle. Load ing pen and railroad siding on ranch. I also have well improved all around stock farm one mile from town. For terms and particulars write E. E. Megrue. Scotia, Neb. Near County Seat T can offer exceptionally well Im proved farms and raches at attractive prices. These are within 10 miles of Holdrege. NeW, county seat of Phelp county, Neb., one of the best agricul tural counties in state. Some are all farm land, while other make an ex cellent stock proposition. R( M. Ter rlll, Holdrege, Neb. PAPMQ ft M. A, Larson, Central r XiXWYlO City, Neb., your want for acreage tracts, farms. North Dakota Lands. LAND YOU CAN PAY FOR Our new plan of selling farm homes without profit nnd under supervision of County Farm Bureau merits your in vestigation; if you are Interested In get ting a farm home, write Land Depart ment. Cass County Farm Bureau, Court House, Fargo, N. D. REAL ESTATE, INVESTMENTS 1611-13 IZARD STREET. PRICE, $4,200 A good Income producer: 2 houses an 8 and B-room. Specials all paid. Lot 44x66. Right off 16th adjoining Cum ing. .Tudgo for yourself. SUOPEN A CO.. Realtor. 234 Keeline Building. GOOD INVESTMENT. ' Store building with six living rooma and bathroom on second floor, base ment 22x70. ground 25x170, rental $612 per year; price $4,000; terms half cash. W. H. GATES, 647 Omaha Nat'l Bk. Bldg. JA. 1294. SEE F. D. Wead & D. H. Bowman. FINANCIAL. Loans. Money to Loan $30.00 to $500 on Furniture, Pianos, Etc. i.ess tnan legal rates, monthly pay ments. .QUICK. QUIET AND CONFIDENTIAL.. OMAHA LOAN CO., R10 Karbach Block. Tel. JA. 2295. Southeast corner 15th and Douglas Sis Real Estate Loans. WE have ca4t on hand to loan on Omaha residences. E. H. LOUGEE, INC.. 638 Keeline Bldg. TnrTYl T,nano No delay on western J. Xl 1U luVa.Ua Neb. farms, ranches. Kloke Investment Co., 645 Om. Nat'l Bk. OMAHA HOMES EAST NEB. FARMS. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO.. 1010 Om. Nat Bk. Bldg. Jackson 2715. FIRST mortgage loans made promptly on Omaha real ettste. fihopen & Co., Realtors. JA. 4228. 14 Keeline Bldg. $100 to 810.000 made promptly. F. D. Wead D. H. Bowman, Wead Bldg. 1 t. m m Drawn M.ntR MC t& "iMt titw ta,M KIXT TiMC SOU utT amlSM& Od A JvttCt Of tC Vat. AHt HOT 0 tMM1tN() HV ' W V ' OU LET NO VsE JUT CAJ-IE FROM TH FVKZAZ. HOTEL. WHERE WE DINED O- FINANCIAL. Stocks and Bonds. LIBERTY BONDSbought and toldL AT. $644. Mack' Bond Hume. 1421 lat Nat J H. M1THEN pay most for LIBERTY BONDS. 21 City Nat'l. Bank Bldg. REAL ESTATE WANTED. DO YOU FOLKS KNOW THAT WE HAVE SOLD tO HOUSES SINCE JANUARY I OF THIS YEAR? DON'T YOU THINK THAT WE CAN DIH PuSH OF YOl'll PROPERTY FOR YOU? CALL US UP, ANYTIME, AND WE WILL COMB OUT AND LOOK OVER WHAT YOU HAVE TO SELL IF YOU WANT SERVICE AND RE SUI.TS GET IN TOUCH WITH US. OFFICE OPEN UNTIL 9 P. M. EVERY KVENINO. AMOS GRANT COMPANY. 210 SO. 18TH ST. AT. S380. io ouy or sen urnana Heal rcstate see FOWLER & M'DONALD 1120 City Nat'l Tlk Bid 7. JA ckeon 1428 I,iit your home Buy. yotir flume, BINDER & OTIS, Real Estate, Loans, Rentals. JA. 2561 Charles W. Young & Son Ileal h. state. Rentals. Insurance. 1002 City Nat. Bk. AT. 9668. NEW homes completely flnanoed. Pay like rent. C. TV SPIER & CO.. Realtors. ot r-eters xrusl lildg. Oouglas 4867, Grove-Hibbard Co. M0,r (27 Securities Bldg. AT. 4966. Please. GRTIENlft B"ally Co- Ll VJxV U JJJlN 1U u, fot au)ek rel st with for Quick results. 1418 1st Nat'l Bk. Bldg. JA. 1W6. WANT 6 or 7-room, well located. In Dun dee, by the first; have cash. Box 121, Omaha Bee. HAVE Inquiries for home do you want to sell your property? List it with a., unmrnei, umana nat I bk. Bldg, PTP l7"i7'T,rr Writes Tornado and a- Windstorm Insurance 350 Peter Trust Bldg. JA. 0633. GEO. T. PORTER A CO. Real Estate, Rental. Insurance. 108 South 18th AT. 299f. To Buy or Sell Real Estate See . D. V. 8HOLES CO., 915 City Nat. Bank. JA. 0046. Western Real Estate Co. JA. 3607. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN Dundee. Good Dundee Homes On CUMING ST. 5-room modern bungalow; oak finish, hot water heat; lot 60x135 ft.; paving paid. Immediate possession. Good terms. Special dis- tuuiii ail casn. On CUMING ST. 6-room modern bun galow: attractive room 'with extra lava tory and toilet on second floor; garage; lot 60x135 ft.: paving paid. On UNDERWOOD AVE. 1 rooms and reception hall; quarter-sawed oak fin ish; 4 bedrooms, garage, paved alley, paving paid; lot 50x128 ft. On NORTH 61ST ST. 8 l'ooms. In cluding sun parlor and sleeping porch; strictly modern; lot 67x100 ft. Owner transferred from city. Quiclc posses sion. The above described homes are offered at reduced prices for quick aale. Range In price from $7,500 to $10,000. Must be sold, and want offer. Please do not disturb occupants, but see us If interested. An opportunity for some, one to pick -a bargain. Fowler & McDonald, Realtors.- .TA. 1421. 1120 'City 'Nat. Bank Bldg. DUNDEE, $6,300 Two-story frame house; too Jarge for present owner. Haa Uvlng room arrangment first floor; three good alzpri bedrooms and bath second floor; full basement; furnace heat;, -paved street and alley. Owner very anxious to sell. Want offer a to price and terms. $7,750 Seven rooms, four bedrooms: oak floors throughout with white enamel finish: hot water heat; floored attic; full cement basement. Easy-terms. $8,000 Brand new. just being finished; full two-story. Six rooms, tile bathroom: large living room, fireplace. Well built and nicely finished. Immediate pos session and eapy terms for good party. GLOVER & SPAIN, Jackson 2850. 918-20 City National. Dundee Brick Home Large living 100m with fireplace, sun room, east and south exposure, double French doom to dining room ;' break fast room. Ideal pantry, kitchen and Ice box room; three Jartre, sunny bed rooms and a fourth bedroom or sew ing room ; plenty of closet room; tile bath; double garage: corner lot. 302 S. 51st St. Call for price. Gallagher & Nelson, 653 Peters Trust Bldg. JA. 3382 6-RM. mod Dundee, oak trim, good con dition. $8,600. Terms. AT. 5250. Florence. NETHAWAY sell and trade. KE. 140K. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. West. 50th and Leavenworth Five rooms and bath, very complete home, large lot with fruit and shrub bery, rent altio for $l.6O0. Call Osborne Realty Co., (30 Peters Trust Bldg. JA. 2282. for The Bee by Sidney Smith l'itriMl lv:j) Ovt. OftlKJ NOW TrUNK -1 Drawn for The Bee by McManui (Coprrlghtl lOSJI .WITH tkOME, FRIENDS" REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. West. $1,000 Cash Payment Makes You Owner of New 5-Room Bungalow NVar the f'lalrrnont Addltlou; a new keliatttone bungalow of 6 rouuis; all on one floor: complete In every re apect; no money to spend bnfora you move in. Whv not own a new house? A. P. Tukey & Son, "Tukey Sold It." (120 First Nat. Hk. Bldg. JA. 4223. 321 S. 50th Avenue This 0-room frnmo house must be sold.' Owner leaving the city. Living room with fireplace on the south; din ing room and kitchen first floor; three bedrooms and bath second floor: atslr way to floored attic; finished In ma hogany and white enamel: oak floors throughout; basement , divided into laundry room and furnace room; garage. For detnll Information call George & Co., " Realtors. Atlantic 3024. Good Value Garden Space $500 cash will start you out on this fine little five-room home with 4 nice lots, located near 68th and Center Sts., 'i block to car. Evening call Mr. Campbell, WE. 6205. R. D. Clark Co., REALTORS. 621-2 Securities Bldg. AT. 3531. Price Is Right. Five-room nil modern bungalow in Clalrmont, one block from Military Ave. for only $4,500. Shown by ap pointment only. Glover & Moreii, 708 Keeline Bldg. AT. 3623. LEAVENWORTH HEIGHTS. Five rooms, strictly modern ltella stone bungalow ready for you to move Into. This is nicely decorated through out, and haa ail the built-in features. Put up $500 tonight, and In to morrow. Call Mr. Weyerman, AT. 1451 or office open until 9 p. m. AMOS GRANT COMPANY. Realtors. 210 South 18th St. 'AT. 8380. 1414 N 83D ST Six-room modern, easy payments; buy for a home. Creigh, (0$ Bee. Jack. 0200. D. E. BUCK '4 CO. buy and sell home. North. Owner Compelled to Sell Immediately. A la-rge 7-rnom two-story home on Florence Boulovard, eaat front, with an unsurpassed beatfful view. Hot water heating plant, garage, property in ex 1 cellent shape. Extra large lot 63x233. Can be handled on 12,000 down and $75 per month. Arrange for an appoint ment. Payne Investment Co., Realtors, 537 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. DO. 1880. Owner Must Sell at Once. Practically new, strictly modern, newly decorated, five-room bungalow, having built-in features too numerous to men tion; dak and white enamel finish; lo cated in a very desirable neighborhood; elofie to stores and car lines. Asking $6,500; will sacrifice for cash. Evenings. Harney, 2816. W. J. Palmer Co., Keelino Bldg. Atlantic 8980 3021 Larimore Ave. SACRIFICE SALE Five large rooms and bath, strictly modern, nice level lot on paved street, $500 takes equity, balance like rent. Osborne Realty Co., 630 Peters Trust Bldg. JA. 2282. OVERLOOKING FONTENELLE PARK. I ran sell you a fine building site ' with a beautiful view for only $100 and practically on your own terms. Even as low as $5 down and $1 a week. CaU Clark. AT. 7412: evenings. WA. 2699. OWN YOUR OWN home In West Ames Ave. district. New, strictly modern, 5-room etucco bun galow. ' It will make you a home to be proud of. Call Clark, AT. 7412; eve nings call WA. 2599. YOUR CHOICE, $760 CASH. Two good houses, north, 4120 N. 26th, 5 rooms modern; 2310 Laird, 6 rooms modern. Call me AT. 5380 or AT. 6136. VISIT model home at 2821 S. 34tb St furnished by Orchard & Wilhelm Co.. built by C. O. Carlberg. Open week day 2 to 5 and 7 to 9 p. in.: Sun., t to 6 p. m. COLORED. 6-room modern, small pay ment, ti. m. Davis. 2030 Grant St. WE 2420. South. One Genuine Bargain Wo have It: eaat of Hanscom psrk; new school, handy for South Slder; close in to town; practically new. snappy two-story, 6 rooms and sleeping porch, all In oak and birch. Price $6,500, on terms as low as $1,600 down. W know value. Arrange to see this. Call Schroeder Investment Co., i&tti and Harney s. K Cor. JA. 3261. FOUR-RdOM house and 8 large iotiT Price $3,900, $300 down and $" per month. You can raise enough garden and rhtrkena on this place to make the payments. Call JA. 2596. TEN acres, improved, with new 4-room j noufe, Karate ana cnicnen nouse. uirn, bla.k, fertile sail. Price $.ono. $300 down and $60 per month. H. 11. Har- per 1713 Howard St. JA. 2.196. FIVE acres, price $1,750. See H. H. Har TTNI I 1 I per, 1713 Howard St., JA. 2596. JREAL K 3 TATE IMPJWVEjP Souih. lO-rAUOVircOST " Tur awku.a H.ta. a t.aat. ' miM Iiai lt ..a t.11. ltti. light.: ( m.h.J fv In. I fl Mil, 11. IH III. an. luik bli-ta. Ivrin., 'au m r'l al oiti-a. t all Slaikrl Mil aii-r . (. m MH tAI.K-M.xlin uHgjIdw, ii. W ill ii-i almr uii.Ur :j I l( u.l.l iiirn ii Kill .a .r ivhi Mill HH r 1 1. 1. iiiil It ia "'l.i Ik at. 1 iiia huu. ia nw r l'h...a H.ail, 91 K.u'h : Hi M tir' XV riwtma. nimlarn; avv4 t , rt..a In ttm MMiiar nit .i0im'a. liS Iti.ulll rtihaBMijilir i m. Vacant. Hcautiful Arcadia " Court I'OHXKII MiT. tk Thia la I1. I'l.-W. rinm MiIIt fittat all in.tiuirii.iiia in Hi airt and ft" In paid W. fAIINM KUITII I'". !. far nam M i U V, nitre tur lm r4n hia on r . ltrma In I' itltlrlrl, l. fin, all alrl iiiirt.viiinla In I'n.r.l ( lit rat'h hiilDml In fating tan ha 4 i.aril' II H MANVIIIf n-jHr IT aint Llk :.i.m 'ri..t 111.1 l.'IIH fn a. ltln nf l.ailnmta At. vai full and ::th Hi Hill .all an ravuirni or will build In our aidtr. AT li4 Ralston Lota aSSl'S; rtvmenta Phnn Stewart Raialnii. .VV, "iu'NIiKK LOT Snulh nf Karnalll ll Phnna. WA 4IT. tut: IMS. Miscellaneous. Kotl t'AHII IU YM T1I1C Lncaied on rar line, within to min Utea' rid of Cllv. wlwre Vou can hate a fin garden and enli.y Hie quiet cf a inunlry home, let ua almw uu line liuut: furnaie, light and water. 13 '. J. L. HI ATT COMPANY. Pir-t Nat. Bk. Bldg. A P. Ma :,no t'AHM and then your lent money will put in a lintite of )ur iihii. W hate the Inla and can finance a iiiwt.'nt h"' for )u. A.k f"r K. It. I arte, AT. 7411 data: AT H.'.M evening. HI II. I Vol'K iWN IK 'Ml.. nuild your liou lo anil yon and on a amall pavilion! ilimn and lalance reay. Can also furnish you a lot. Call nines AT. S947. New Bungalow, $5,000 t'lvs room, easy term. JA-J66. The most (12 consign ments from homes and storage houses) and best (medium, staple and high grade) furniture ever of fered to Omaha people at AUCTION Friday and Saturday, April 21 and 22, glartint1 promptly at 1:30 p. m. The list below in clude tome of the home and a partial list of good. Furniture belonging to M. J. Pierce, from Omaha Van and Storage Co. H. C. Ridcely, 3219 Avenue C, Council Bluffs. Mt. Hayward, formerly 221 N. 32d avenue. Mrs. Cox, 3602 S. 23d street. Mrs. Crecly, 7601 N. 28th avenue. From 1329 S. 32d street, 3032 Myrtle -twenue and another lot of very fine furniture from storage. We have never had any better furniture to sell and no better quality furniture has ever been sold in Omaha at auction. Complete mahogany bedroom tji'.e, consists of poster bed, box springs and mattress, massive dresser and chif fonier ; genuine (not imitation) walnut bedroom suite; brown mahogany bed room suite; high elat dining suite in fumed oak; brass bed; Bundhar Wilton rugs, one made to order, size 12tl; many other rugs; Colby player piano, mahogany case, with rolls: very fine violin with genuine leather case: two Schubert pianos; library table lamp: piano lamp: several barrels of cut Blast and dishes: big lot of linens, including new sheets, never used; home mad quilts; five fin Sticklcy oak rockers, leather drop cushions: overstuffed rocker; Clarinda electric washer, slight ly used: five dining suite: mahogany davenport table, inlaid with maple; walnut chest of drawers; mahogany rockers: kitchen cabinets; refrigera tor; china cabinets; buffets; high oven ga range; day bed: dressers; chif foniers; smoking stands; large mirrors; hall runner; small rugs, and a large amount of other good furniture. Steph enson AUCTIONEER 1509 Capital Ave. AT. 526S One-half block of th postoflic on Capitol Avenue gaoaoaotaoBoaoaoBOj jj BUY A HOME p O 3802 North 28th St. Eight . O D rooms, modern house; hot wa- ft te heat. H o o n 8515 North 24th St. Seven- ' fl room, modern house, fine con- JJ 2 dition. 2 a o 2631 No. 20th St. Six rooms, modern house. 211 North 28th Ave. Seven rooms, modern; close-in place. o n o q rooms, modern; cioe-in piace. q O These places can be purchased Q Qfor $1,000 cash, and balance m monthly. Call evening;, Web- U O ster 789, or Harney 0111. O a a O rnnru ctuc p rr O JJ Established 1868 JJ P, huliuiu n Q 608 Bee Bldg. Jackson 0200 J 18 lonononoaononoi New Bungalow, $4,850 Clairmont District $850 Down Just completed. Has five (rood-sited rooms and bath all on one floor. Oak and white enamel finish. Oak floors throughout. Full cement basement, east front, corner lot, paved street, only two blocks from car. Possession at once. Balance payable at ISO a month. Call ua for appointment. HASTINGS & HEYDEN 1614 Harney St. ATlantic 0050 INVESTMENTS Secured short time in vestments to yield 7, 8 and 9 per cent. COMMERCIAL FINANCE CO. Room 3, Wead Building, 18th and Farnam Sts.