HIE BEE: OMAHA. THURSDAY. APRIL 20. 102:. Society Kutnty.O'MtlUy. Tit marriage ol Mit Grac rt'Mallfy. daughter of Mr. au4 Mr. Walter O'XUllcr Cnrr, Vo. nd Luent Kinney of itn city look plat at 6 oYWnlt Wednesday evening l I'ritr church. Father J. F. Xlctrliy onicialed. 1 lit attendant v.r Mut Marguerite Doyle of Grand Kapid. Mich., and Dr. Jerome Lyon. Among the but of ton guest fr thg wedding art Mr. and Mr. W. t. Kinney, parenli of th (room. Mark and Wallace Kinney, all of Shrlby, Neb.. Mix llorctict MeC'aflrrty of O'Neill. Neb. and Mi-. AHi-e O'Connor of Sioun City, I. The roiiplt be at home after May I t tlit Helen apartments. ihcrman-Holbrook. A very pretty wedding was solemn ued Tuetdjy morning at Our I ady of Lourdei church whrn Mitt Alice Holbrook. daughter of Mr. and Mr. W. M. llolbrook. became the bride of John Sherman of Racine, Vi. Rev. Sirplien Duwd officiated. . The bnde wore a gown of white erepe and a veil of tulle and real Uce. She carried a shower bou quet of tiride't ro.e and lilie of the valley. . Mm Olive Holbrook, the bride'a only attendant, wore a frock of orchid crepe de chine with hat to match, and carried Killarnry rose. Martin llolbrook wa best nun. . Mr. and Mr. Sherman have gone on a outhern trip, after which they will reiide in Racine. Wit. Among the guest from out of the city were: Mr. and Mr. C. F. Net of Sioux City. Mr. firorge Holbrook of McCook, Neb.; Mr. A. C Mut ton and little on. Bobby, of Elrctra, Tex. Mi Elinor O'Toole and. Mr. Carlton tang tolo and Mi&s Juanita Finch wa organist. Grimee-Rhoade. The marriage of Miss Wilina Rhoadei, daughter of Mr. J. D. Dutcher, and Charle E. Grime, ion of Mr. O. M. Gutzmer, took place April 7 at the Dutcher home. Dr. Frank G. Smith officiated. Mis Jes sie Rhoadei and Dewey Kelson were the attendant. The couple will re side at 5400 Center street. Helen Hussie Entertains. Miss Helen Hussie entertained at dinner Wednesday evening at the Athletic club in honor of Miss Marion Hamilton and her fiance, George E. Hamilton, of Washington, D. C. The other gueMs included Mr. and Mrs. John J. Hanighen. jr. Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Hamilton, jr., and Dr. Robert Shrock. Mr. Lovell Leaves. Mr. Wallace D. Lovell of Cain bridge, Mass., who has been in Omaha to attend the marriage of her son, Philip Lovell, and Helen Smith, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Crittenden Smith, which took place Tuesday, left Wednesday evening for her home. Mrs. Smith enter tained informally at luncheon Wed nesday for Mrs. Lovell. For Geraldine Hess. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Peters enter tained at a buffet supper Wednes day evening, at their home in honor of Mis Geraldine Hess and her fiance, Douglas Peters. There were '30 guests. Citizenship Classes. Free citizenship classes for men and women will be held at the city hall on Tuesday and Thursday even ings from 8 until 9 o'clock, under direction of E. F. Redolph. Personals . Mrs. F. A. Brogan leaves next week for a trip to California Dr. L. R. Sattler leaves Saturday to fpend several days in Chicago. A son was born Tuesday at St. Joseph hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Everett Darling. J. Clark Coit, T. L. Davis and M. G. Colpetzer are at the Elms hotel, Excelsior Springs. ' A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Byrne at St. Joseph hos pital, Wednesday. " Among Omahans at Excelsior Springs this week are Mrs. C. M. Stegher, G. C. Baker, E. L. Burke and M. L. Cohn. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dean of Hol drege, Neb., who have been spending the past two weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Don Voss, left Tuesday for their home. Four Year Old Betty Lee Jenkins 1 Cr. 1 Little Betty Lee is the 4-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Jenkins. Both Mr. and Mrs. Jenkins are graduates of the University of Nebraska, class of 1904. Mrs. Jen kins was Miss Rua Shrnpard of Lin coln before her marriage. Betty Lee is their only child. Jlcr great est delight, according to her mother, is in dancing. She has not yet been a student of this graceful art, but will be in another year. Brushes and combs are best wash ed in strong ammonia water. For the bristles it should be cold. Insist uron the original Corn -'they're wonderful Kelloee's Rakes "Say, Mat!, I Aee uw Han't Aav any bitaa whila wa'ra aat- if Kallott'a Cam Flak mm, 'mum tika Ktllogt'a ee mmeh that tha Hah will gat awat" Kellogg flavor and Kellogg crispness are so different that there can be no comparison be tween Kellogg's Corn Flakes and imitations. Little folks quickly say, "Get Kellogg's, Mother please' because Kellogg's are never tough or leathery or hard to eat ! Kellogg's are always so delicious that big bowls quickly dis appear and eager little mouths appeal for more! And big folks appreciate the superiority of Kellogg's because their flavor is so inviting. Kellogg's are wonderful! Insist upon Kellogg's the kind in the RED and GREEN box that bears the signature of W. K. Kellogg, originator of Kellogg's Corn Flakes. NONE ARE GENUINE WITHOUT IT! 9, TOASTED CORfi FLAKE? f . I SSI ff 1 CORN TliAICEO .. t s Aba aukm f KUL0CCS UtUXBUB aa KELLOGG'S BEAN. cfcW kr-aU4 BUEHLER BROS. Omaha 's Leading Cash Markets All Orders Delivered Free $5.00 or More Our New Market and Grocery 1407 Douglas Street 212 North 16th Street 2408 Cuming Street 4903 South 24th Street j Special j Choice j Special Leaf t I Rib Boiling A Breakfast I Lard 1 f Beef if Bacon 1 V lOJcV 14c A 18c J Extra Special for Thursday and Friday Sale Choice Beef Pot Roast 10 Choice Fresh Spareribs '10 Choice Lean Pork Chops 20 Choice Round Steak 16 Choice Shoulder Steak - He Choice Corned Beef 12 (i? FISH DEPT. Choice Fresh Halibut, or whole. -19 Choice Fresh Halibut Steak. J 22 Fresh Catfish ........... . 28 Choice Salmon, i2 or whole fish. . -15 Choice Salmon Steak .18 Evergood Liberty Nut, Special at 18c Problems That Perplex BEATRICE FAIRFAX. I U Tua HimMoo. Per Mim ir(! I m a youn man tf II n4 hv Man otkina In a Ue (u tha tat (our year with a irt with whom I hv b rum friend. I hat Urnl to ov i hi clrl. but 414 not have th nrv to br. But on day I pi4 up my miii-1 an4 tol4 hr. but h mi4 tdt ht thy all oy.' Wht is your tpinii t a ir liko thiT CONSTANT HBAUKK.1 ta muat ba quit a vmn.M ah? Hut then aha nmy hv thonaltt uu wnra only apoottnit hr. You , lhr ouaht to b ft Hula preliminary work, aurli aa an Invitation hra an4 lhr, befuro you Jump at hr out of a clear buln hour 10 dsclara your burnlnj pmIoh. Duu't QuniUon lllm. 'Dear MIm Fairfax: I am In lov with ft fellow but do not know whether or not ha lovea me. A4 vie me aa lo how to find out with out akln Mm, or how to win hi lovo. A NX IOt8." Anklnr hlin woul4 bo H woret rourea you t-ould pursue. II would hav to y at leaet that h liked you, anl you would bo no further advanced. A youna man'a action tieue.lt prova hi heartfelt devotion. Ha would prefer Vour eoclety to other airln, and he would. In all probability, ahow you many other llttlo unmlatakabl attention. It lit Clcanllneaa la th moat Important feature In tha car of per- THE most complete stock of Colum bia Records in the city. Mail Orders Filled Rialto Music Shop 1416 Douglas St. Rialto Theater Bldj. MOWEWS. V clue-Giving Store Prepare Now Without proper care and refrigeration during the hot months of sum mer, food becomes un wholesome and is wasted. J I nam Bowen Quality Refrigerators . will cut down your sum mer's ice bill, and keep your food sweet and wholesome. Constructed on scientific lines either full enamel or metal Jined, they are excep tional values at our low prices of $11 $18.50 $34.50 Sao our dUplay of living room furniture. It will intere.it you, the how tag i one of the bet we hare ever made. .. Columbia (pink) and Ophelia (yellow) Roae Bushes, y choice, each Ferns Large healthy Ferns, while they last, only. ....... .27 It pay to read Bowen' Small Ait Howard St, Bet. 15th and 16tb plrinf feet. Not nly tnut on ei reteo ectremo clenlinir4 in the rare of tha feet but in l tie attHkinae and hoe a wed. Tb fl mut be bathnd daily and ato tll khould be thuns'd very d4y. Si .r cent aoiution tf aluminum rhlorid In dieult4 water i a um rmedy. Apply for three ntfltia, then week. Or duet with powdered alum or baWinn od, puttina aoitie In th HOikini and hoe daily, Another remedy for pereptrallnn la to w.t the ft niaht and ntrn Inc In lukewarm wdter anl raetile oap; rirtea well and dry. Then au ply freely of tha following KiluHon: Alcohol, on ittt: aalliyllo aJ, two drama. Cold feet ara cauaed front poor circulation. Foot and ankle er. ctaea. alo watkitia-. will trtatly help to atitiiutaia tho t'irt'uuiiitn. A cold luit(e or a pong bath la al.o good, tut Ihl thould ba fallowed by a vigoroua rubbing with ft Turkish towel. 7oi Tha man of i hnracler. am bmon and aturdy ptiiniil U tint of i en what women lerm th Ideal lover. The hurd -working. Mraliiht-for. ward, "good t'ttlaett" l aotterally pretty well occupied with th bui- ne of making a living and place! for himwif tu th world. i he ...n t much rhauc to etudy the gentl art of lota making. He doean't etudy the way turn ft rompliment or ft heart Th man who ha reaper! for wo men and himoalf cant fel that It la worth while to pend hie day Mu.tying method of attmulaling emotion. He un'l eb?ed by ft de. 'ire t f4 hla own anny or 10 ftp peal to hie Jd4 appetite. Tho worthwhile man like folk. II want friendship from th world, lie demand reaped, lie la simple and honeat and direct in hi dealing. When an earnest, ambitious, fine, principled man who I devoted lo hi mother and itr meet women, ha approaihe them gimply, honest. 1 and a frankly a ha dcala with wen, tiirl might do writ to remember thia. It la likely lo help them In their ludgmeiiia of the aturdy de pemlabl soul who doesn't mak prrtiy speeches, but would probably Umka wonderful husband. Tho Meal (oyer la generally going nowhere but on to th neat love, lie Uu't the rlfht man. II doesn't want to be. He wanta to be all ihitia to all woman, neter anything to one. Dramatic Club. St. Julius Dramatic club will pre vent a coined y Thuridav evening al CreiKhlon auditorium. Proceeds will be given lo Si. John' High tchool. Plant a Nasturtium Window Box K.I I( you with 19 plant a window lo ilut will requite Idilg cr ti.e nasturuum. The climbing variety mtVr an cvrllenl window box. Them art thrifty and can bt grown hi ctimion, maroon, orange, white, rotorith, gorgrou color. They bloom irom June lo iot Do not us rifb, soil, as ih leave grow w proiutcly ihey are apt to cover tht flowers. Xobb'' niurtmm are good (or wmKw Itoxe. Th eJ should germinate In Irom 8 to IS day. Jean True. txn TU! 1 1 I IT IXUJa-UIJ Convenience in Selection of Columbia Records Our booths on Main Floor to tho left of entrance afford an Ideal Record Shop. , 415-17 South 16th St. jTTTTl TTTTI'tTT 1 I I I M I I I I I I -I ! I I TTTTTT l"TTt't"' rrrrrrm I USE BEE WANT ADS-THEY BRING RESULTS TT ar - 9 Now on Sale DANCE RECORDS Dar Old Southland. Foi-Trot. i . The Columbian A" Virginia Blue. Fox-Trot The Columbian J 75c Sh'saMan Job. Fox-Trot. Frank Weslphal) and Ma Rainbo Orchestra A-357 1 If You Know. Fox-Trot. Frank Westphal 75c and His Rainbo Orchestra) Angel Child. Fox-Trot. The Columbians) A-358B Angel Child. AUoltonf 75c Lov Day. Fox-Trot. Paul Biese's Orchestra I . Llttlo Thought. Fox-Trot. 7S. Paul Biese's Orchestral 'ag Song of India. Fox-Trot. Eddie Elkins' Orchestra A-3669 To Wild Rom. Fox-Trot. 75c Eddie Elkins' Orchestra LoIaLo. Fox-Trot. Ray Miller and Mis) Orchestra A-3563 Doo Dah Blue. Fox-Trot. Ray Miller and 75c . I His Orchestra, California. Fox-Trot. Knickerbocker Orchestras .3573 An Old Faahlonod Ctrl. Fox-Trot. ' I 75. Knickerbocker Orchestra) f tha Shadow. Intro. "Southern Memo-1 .... nea. Medley Walts, frxneis Vance Orchestra r v Out of tho Shadow, riea." Medley Waltz Rio NlghU. Waltz. Prince's Dance Orchestra ) 75c When the floor doesn't count . Put on that dance number let it go full tilt, and the floor can be the best in the world or the stubble grass, of a Western lawn it won't make any difference. For, oh, how that music can make your feet go! They won't take time off to rest. Popular orchestras, that dancing couples flock to dance to, make their records exclusively for Columbia. On the New Process Columbia Record every note the boys play is . reproduced so clearly that you might think they were right there. If you want to know what folks are taking to in dance music, follow the crowd and you will see them going in the doors of Columbia Dealers and walking out with a large bundle of dance records under their arms. They know that Columbia has the newest and best tunes there are to dance to. Join the trail of Columbia fans and keep up with the music they are dancing to now. Hear the new rec ords at any Columbia shop and see how hard it is to make your feet behave. Angal Child. Angel Child. Fox-Trot. Virginia BIum. Carolina Rolling Ston. ShVaMine, All Mino! Hat Hat Hat SONG HITS AlJolson) A.ZSti The Columbians) 75c Van & Schenck) A-3577 Van & Schenck) 75c Frank Crumil ) A-3573 ; Frank Crumitj 75c You Can Have Every Light on Broadway) (Give Me That Little Light at Home). . A-3574 ' , Billy Jones 75c Tim After Tim. Edwin Dale) 3575 Alabamy Mammy. Hart and Shaw ) . Pick M Up and Lay M Down (In Dear Old -iti' Dixieland). Vernon Dalhart) loc Don't Leave M Mammy. Indiana Lullaby. Hart and Shaw) A-3564 Jones and Hare) 75c OPERA AND CONCERT Kaahmiri Song from "Indian Love Lyrics." ) . ,-62 " Louis Graveure) if zZr Mother o' Mine. . . LouisGraMureJ lvU O Sol Mio (My Sunahine). ) 49983 ; V - , , Rosa andrCarmela PonseUe J $2.00 On Sweetly Solemn Thought. 1. ,. Cyrena Van Gordon rtl Z' I Lov to Tell th Story. Cyrena Van Gordon $1.00 Some o These Day. Heab'n. ' Ashtr and Rodeheam) A -3559 Asher and Rodeheaver) 75c Cansonotta. INSTRUMENTAL Op. 6. Violin Solo. ' ) 4969 Toscha Seidell $1.50 Sweet Evening Star from 'Tannhauaer." ' 43 . 'Cello Solo. 9 Pablo Casals) $1.50 Malden'e WUh (Chant Polonaia) in G Major. Piano Solo. Josef Hofmann Butterfly Spinning Song. Piano Solo. Josef Hofmann) Itle of Paradu. Waltz. 1. ,UA Ferera, Franchini and Green lAI3-5'0 A-6211 $1.50 New Columbia Records are released on the tenth and twentieth of each month. Broad ' way's latest hits are ready for you today.' COLUMBIA GRAPHOPHONE COMPANY New York