Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 20, 1922, Page 7, Image 7

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Dogs, Cows and
Horses in Heaven,
Conaji Dbylc Says
DrilMi Fictionul More Ex
plicit Thin Roman With
lilymn Fields or Indian
Happy Hunting C round.
New York, April 19. That little
question, "What l hravrn like?"
was aiitwrrcd with muili aturanc
by Sir Arthur Couan Doyle. Dritiili
matter of fiction, before many tlio-i-
tiiiiu rioiii m larnrgic nau jcicr
The antwer he cave U that it it
a place of "fulfilled ideal.." lie
un a bit more explicit than the Ro
man with hit L1yian field and the
Indiau with hit happy hunting
ground, lie made it a happy home,
a nappy barnyard, a nappy dairy
urm. arnnri or wnat you win. c
cording to him, heaven it inhabited
by harmoniotta pcrtoim, dogs, cowl
and nhcep and contain! building.
He did not tay whether it hat etevau
erl road or beauty parlor, but he
did lay that men who died at 80 be
came JO and happy and that all
women became beautiful.
All at Happy Ace.
The creator of Sherlock Jlohnci,
regarded by many a the greatet
detective in literature, (aid he had
received report direct from heaven.
Jlc aid hi oti had appeared to him
and aid he had ccu .Christ. . lie
aid he had received other new.
Children, he said, grew to happy
maturity. In fact, hi ttudy of 36
ear, he said, convinced him that
all was love and happiness. The
New Testament, he said, is "saturat
ed with spiritualism from cover to
cover." lie conirared the healing
work of Christ with work done by
spiritualistic mediums. He said he
knew there was happiness beyond
the grave, because so many people
smiled as they died.
He was not very friendly toward
theology which he characterized as
"from the devil and not from
Christ." lie said the just and kind
ly person was met after death by
spirit friends, whose welcome was
far beyond any that earth can give.
"The bad man's spirit," he declar
rd, "finds itself in utter. solitude, a
terrible solitude that drives him in
upon himself."
It appeared from his talk that no
dog wagged a friendly tail at such
a one, no cat rubbed against his
trouser legs, no horse called aloud
to him for oats, no child laughed wiib
him, nothing wanted to associate
with him. Sir Arthur seemed to re
gard such a condition as hell enough
for any one.- o
Body of Beatrice War
I . Hero Arrives at Hoboken
Beatrice, Neb., April 19. (Special
Telegram.) The body of Allen
Rorabaugh, Beatrice boy, who was
killed in action in France, has ar
rived in Hoboken, N. J., according
to a telegram received here yester
' rlaj-from the War department. Mrs.
Sarah Rorabaugh, the mother, who
died in 1920, had five sons in the
war. Young : Rorabaugh enlisted
when he was 17." The body will be
brought here for burial, and Amer
ican Legion will hold a military fu-jieral.
Wireless Exhibit
Opens in Detroit
Latest Development and Do
vim Shown Six States
Take Part
Detroit, Mich., April R-A radio
show for the middle wett, the first
to le held in this part of the country,
opened here today and will continue
during the coming week. In addition
to delegation from Detroit and other
Michigan ciiie. group representing
radio dub in Ohio. Indiana. Illinois,
New York and WUroiiim had an
nounced their intentio of attending
the expokition.
Exhibits showing the latest devel
opments and devices in radio work
were in place when the show wa
opened by Mayor James Couzens of
Detroit. The mayor, standing in the
radiophone broad-casting station of
the Detroit News, delivered an ad
dress that formally opened the week't
The exhibits offered the public rep
resent all phases of the radio iuduf
try, the product ranging front con
tact points to complete receiving sets.
As a unique feature an exhibition of
radio products of amateurs with an
inventive turn of mind is on display.
Addresses by radio experts will be
given during the week, the talks
broadcast in some instances.
High-powered receiving sets will
he used at the show to catch from
the air talks and concerts broadcast
from various stations throughout the
country. AH persons attending the
exposition will have the opportunity
to hear these programs.
Each day will be devoted to a cer
tain class of radio enthusiasts, includ
ing farmers, social service workers,
educators, amateurs and business
The government weather bureau at
Chicago will broadcast weather re
port beginning today so as to ade
quately protect shippers and avia
tors in all part of the country. The
broadcating will take place at It a.
in, and to.Ju p, m. daily.
An outfit that will receive radio
telegraph menage will alo rereive
radiophone menage. No change
whatever are requited.
of either telephone or telegraph com
munications through the ether, so
that they may be received by a num
ber of stations simultattcontly.
CAPACITY: A term used chiefly
in connection with condener. A
condenser store up electricity, the
amount of which depend uton its
capacity. Capacities are measured in
farad. Since the farad is much too
small for practical radio ue. the unit
generally employed i the micro-farad
(in. f. d.) or one-millionth of a farad.
D. E. Norfolk, Nsb.-O (I). How
high and hour long may an amateur
aerial be to comply with the law?
(2) Can I receive mulc with frW.
meter tuning coil, crystal detector of
the uaiena type and a fixed con
denier, from Omaha stations? I
thmk your wirtlc page hat the
A. (I). The sky is the limit In
height and your own property in
length, However, M to W fret high
and IW long, including lead-in, is
sufficient far receiving: (2) A crystal
detector set wilt (tartly reeeivt from
more than 40 mile. Thank you.
L. H, Hastings, Nb,-Q. What
two sues of wire are Lest for loose
A. Use No. 22 cotton-eovered
wire on primary and No. 32 silk
covered on secondary.
Safe iiirniiTStd invalids
.Aiotd imitations
ur -iSubiUtutu
r !. la4 m4 Ormu cSildrta t Rich allk. miM crtia utn la
TM OHttaal rt4.Drtab For AS An W CHt-WmriiUm
smaat tm.m
It smells good
By a fortunate purchase from a manufac
turer who needed cash we are able to of
fer to the people of Omaha and vicinity,
a brand new, full size, 88-note, fully guar
anteed Player Piano complete with
bench, scarf and rolls and in assorted
woods at the unheard of price, of
' Everything
" - In '
, Art .
., Music , f.
Caab or
2513 Douglas Street.
Uprights and Grands,
all makes, at $4.00 per '
month and up.
Sehaoller & Mueller
Datsi. 1X29 v. Dwi.isu
On of our ftmmit ttf MM-lrtm tni
rr rbntc of rup at oulfc or Pol
II of Altmli tint.
OISjt (k WnS Willi 17 to 8
AU Sis
Bee Want Ads
are the
Best Buainess Boosters
Cooking Hints
For Every
Housewife '
How to "lighten" bread flour
to use for cakes, pastry, etc,
IT is not necessary to purchase
both a bread and a pastry flour.
By using quarter cup of Kings
ford's Corn Starch to three-quarter
cup of any good flour the percentage
of gluten is decreased and the starch
content increased so that home prepared flour will make a
lighter and finer grained cake.
If your recipe calls for 4 eggs to 1 quart of milk use 3 eggs, and for
the egg omitted use half tablespoonful of Kingsford's Corn Starch.
For smoother, glossier gravies and sauces use a dessert spoonful
of Kingsford's Corn Starch, instead of a tablespoonful of wheat flour.
Forlighter.flaklerbisCTjits, pie CTUst8aidmuffirw,makeyourpastry flour
with one-fourth cup of Kingsford's to three-fourths cup wheat flour.
A little Kingsford's Corn Starch dusted on top of cakes before
icing prevents the frosting from running off.
A quarter teaspoonful of Kingsford's put into each of your salt
ahakers will keep the salt from caking.
FREEi Aik your grocer or write Cora Products Sale
Co., Sth and Jacktoa Street, Omaha, Neb., for beautiful
folder of the new Kingtford Corn Starch recipe.
fc e"3' t u sirs, rin
Days More
Next Saturday Ends
'This Great Sale of
We will hold
Chamber Ranges
Pnrahascc? during
this sale for
future delivery.
Actual cooking
in our window
Every day see
her baking bread
with 15 minutes' gas.
All Prices Greatly Reduced
Very Liberal Terms
Now-for Only 3 More Days
THIS Great Sale of the famous CHAMBERS
Fireless Gas Ranges has been an overwhelming
success. Many Omaha housewives have taken
advantage of this exceptional opportunity of
putting a CHAMBERS Fireless Gas Range inf
their home FOR LESS. You have only 3 days
left to secure your CHAMBERS Range at the
radically reduced prices. Come in tomorrow with
out fail!
Don't Miss This Remarkable
Opportunity, Comein'Tomorrow
Hardware nd Household Utilities
Nebraska Power
Offers Shares Of Its
Preferred Stock
$100.00 Shares cqn be had for $95.00 and dividend per Share
" TjIVIDENDS are paid on these shares
every three months, on .March
( , first, June first, September first, Decem
ber first. At the present' price, dividends
amount to Tlz on every dollar invested.
F you would like to become a partner
in this company you can do so by
investing your savings in its stock one
of the safest and most desirable invest
ments obtainable.
These prominent local citizens are among the Company's Directors:
Jos. Barker,
Vice-Pres., Foster-Barker Co., Omaha
George Brandeis, t
Pres., J. L. Brandeis & Sons, Omaha
Ward M. Burgess. n
President,- Burgess-Nash Co., Omaha
Thomas B. Coleman,
Asst. Manager, Omaha Branch, Pitts
burgh Plate Glass Co.,' Omaha
A. B. Currie,
Manager, A. B. Currie Co., Omaha
Gould Dietz,
Treasurer, C. N. Dietz Lumber Co.,
J. E. Davidson,
Vice-President and General Manager,
Nebraska Power Co., Omaha
W. W. Head,
President, Omaha National Bank,
Omaha i
G. W. Holdrege,
, General Manager, C, B. & Q. R. R.,
Ford E. Hovey,
President, Stock Yards Nat. Bank,"
Omaha '
W. S. Robertson,
Asst General Manager, Nebraska
Power Co., Omaha
S. E. Schweitzer,
Sec'y and Treas., Nebraska Power
Co., Omaha ,
Glen C Wharton,
Pres., Kirkendall Shoe Co., Omaha
Electric Bldg., Omaha, Neb.
Please send me illustrated booklet, containing
' (1) More Information About Your Preferred Stock,
I (2) Details of Easy Payment Plan, (3) How to
I Judge an Investment.
1 N'am'e
2-A I
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