Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 20, 1922, Page 4, Image 4

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Woman Who Shot
Man in Chin Says
He Was Intruder
J)iortff It llrlJ Without
Bond Pending Kf corny of
Victim of Hcvoltrr
' Mr. Mri llullcr, 4J, divorcee,
ft in lH
Etmer MeNdly.U, Sute Iotrt. i
in M. Jo.r h l'u
niUl with a li'il
let wound in the
The divorce
admits ihe tlioi
McN.lly Tu-.
Uy mlit at li'r
hunt alow, J
(jfofr street.
Mit it Urine
hcltj without tail
tie n d i n g t h
wuunded xv.w't
Mrs. duller
lot night, c.vf Mr. M. Huller
hrr name and addie and uid ihe
had jui hot a man.
fehe said the had ordered tiim from
hrr pUre and that lat Saturday
night he broke down a door at her
bungalow. 1 uesday night, when he
appeared attain, she leaned out the
.window and tired in the d-irkncs.
The divorcee, when arrested, turned
firt to her former husband (or aid.
He ignored hrr appeal when the
itllcd hint by telephone. '
Good Will Candidates
Preparng fior Contest
' ('enUH1 from l'a Our.)
she was domiciled, there has grown
a nursing service which in not only
min itcriiiR to the needs of the peo
ple of the four cantons of the Aiaiie
.and Rheims. but it serving as a. drill
.onstration -of the possibilities of hy
giene and miming- under most advene
Body of York Man Found
Floating in River
Vdik Xrb , April 9-( Special T!e
gum.) The lifelr. body I George
Henry Jcobon, UK discovered
tlwauiig on the Blue rier near
MiCM Junction at 0 tonight,
Neighbor declare that he had been
ill and that be rie early thi morn
ait IT and went down the river, where
it i thought he accidentally slipped
in the water.
Jacobaon wa one of the pioneer
rcudenu ii this county.
.. Fire Thrcatrui Home,
I Une a Ituniue of trh
and rubbi.h at the I'rrchr, I.MS
South .seventh .treer. spread to
undcigrowiii and threatened the
tbitdirn' . home until extinguished
by member of Fire Company No. 16
at noun yesterday. Damage was
Fremont Bandits
Trade Loot for
Liquor in Omaha
itstw Youthi Plead Guilty to
Trading Stolen Property
for at Frank's
Fremont. Neb., April 19. (Special
Telegram.) Confessing that they
had traded stolen automobile tret,
hogs and chifken for moonshine
whisky at Frank' place, near
Seventh and Tierce street. Omaha,
seven young men pleaded guilty he
fore Judge I. V. Button and six
were sentenced to the state peniten
tiary. Lloyd White, a participant In the
hog stealing at the lames A. Rogers
firm, hs paroled ! Sheriff Condit,
on account of h' n and two, chil
dren at taeter. He must report to
t'ondu every two week and give
stritt account ot himel tor the rM
Th following ordered trans
ferred to the penitentiary! Fred
Pennington. 2i. and Le.lit Mc
Laughlin, 19, one to three year:
Lee Stewart, t, Hoy Churchill. 2i,
Earl Werry. 20 and Marion Uenja
nun, U to IS mouths. The band is
alleged to have robbed the Moiinith
warehouse, farmer elevator and
die farm of James A. Koger and
Chester laincs, all in and near Fre
mont The various jobs were pulled
since December 10.
They admitted to Judge Button
that they stule the merchandise and
(4rm product to swap lor boore at
Frank' place in Omaha. For tires
valued at $165, they aid they re
ceived seven gallons of whisky.
They traded two hogs valued at
$18 each on two different occasion
for four gallons.
Fifth Husband of
Woman Asks Divorce
Fremont, Neb.. April 19 (Special
Telegram.) Charging that hi wife
is suit lamemuig the lu of one
of her tour previously divorced
hutband, Neils M. Chrtatrnsen,
Northwetern railroad employe,
seks to cut tne nun rotcn in Mrs,
tdna ClirUteuten' divorce record.
The huband 4) that hi w ife is
continually harping alaiutthe excep
tional qualitie of this former spoiie
and admiu love and admiration for
the one she ha lout,
I hritenen also averts that his
wife falsely spread the rejHirt that
he had threatened to kill Iter and
that he had already prepared a grave
In which he intended to bury her.
In addition Mrs. Cbristensen
regularly took charge of her h un
hand' monthly pay check, the- peti
tion taid, and refuted to grant him
money fur tobacco. She also in-
sited that lie '' biiiell, !
Chritenen. Instead of giving tiira !
regular allowance, the pUiutilf al-j
lege that li wife 'would only dole
out a few cent in change whenever I
dv akei 1 or money.
W11N a daughter from a former!
huband. May iloore. 18. Christen-
t aim kit till -.iHknirl t. nmL
hit domestic hie miserable, allowing
tne aaugtiter to maltreat and aoue
Omaha Man I Fleeted Head
of Slate Music Teacher
I iiicuhi, April 11. ("Special,)
Karl IU Timber; of Omaha wa
elected president of the Nebraska
State Music Teachers association
at the annual meeting here. Other I
wuiicr elecied were: vice preident,
Miss Jan finder, Grand Klaud;
....... ..... t-.t h i.:.. 11 " 1
Hvififtil'iiisBuitr, utn 1111c die- j 1
Moines. Uuulu. ,
The sute conventioii in 192.1 will
be held in Omaha, the association j
Omaha Bee Good Will Nomina
tions. .
Mi Ester Brandon, 1111
North Lincolu avenue, Hastings,
Neb.; candidate of Hastings.
Mis Nau C Godfrey. 7:6
North Forty-first street, Omaha;
candidate of employes of Or
chard & Wilhelm. ...
Miss Elirabcth Pace. 738 Myn
stcr street. Council Bluffs, la.;
Candidate of a group of friends.
'.Miss Agnes Hall, Missouri Val
ley, la.; candidate of Missouri
Valley. ' .-.'
Miss Myrtle M. Wood. Wa
bash, Neb.; candidate of Wabash
Miss Gladys Taulinc Hitch
cock, 2107 Lincolu avenue, York,
Neb.; candidate of group of
friends. '
Anna McXamara, 2420 North
Forty-fifth avenue, Omaha; can
didate of employes of M. 1.
Smith & Co.-;. ' . - .1
Miss Bertie Bonham, Beaver
City, Neb., candidate of Beaver
City. ; .
Miss Lillian Schmidt, 3115
Creighton avenue, Omaha, candi
date of Harding creamery.
Miss Irene Rice, Alliance,
Neb., candidate of Alliance
Times. . ... v , . .
' circumstance. , Beginning with, one
; nurse in May, 1919, the' staff con-
. sisted in July of this year of 16
'trained and ' graduated nurses, of
. . .whom 13 are French.. -"
j The disinfecting methods used by
-"the nursing service are so valuable
. that they have been asked by the
,'dcpartmcnt government to be the of-
ficial fumigators after contagious
'and communicable disease 'in' tne vil
Mages where they work. i - v' .'
' To : extend the nursing, service,
."tnakiiur: its receipts available . to
'serve needy persons, is one of the
reasons whv the Good Will contest
; is being held. The delegates will be
-able to . witness the splendid .things
' being accomplished iu the dcirastated
! 1. Any -woman or girt above the aga
of IS. partly or wholly aerf-supportlnr.
s raaidanV. ot either Iowa or Nebraska, of
; good moral character and acceptable cdu
( catianal- atardard. la eligible.
:. All candidates must be nominated
'during the nominating period.
' ': 8. Nomination period opena Sunday,
" ' A prll 1 ; vloaea at noon, April St.
4. Nominations are made by written
t statement signifying the acceptance of
j the nominee and carrying at least two
names of responsible persons who sponsor
, the candidate aa acceptable under the
'Vutei of entry-
6. Nomination counts as ICO Qles (or
v , the nominee. ' . . '
t t. Only -one lot of 10 votes will -be
t cretllltA to any nominee under Rule S.
' . 7. Balloting begins April i7 and closes
X at noon. May IS. Ballots In the local
t bank or postmarked butore closing time
v will be accepted. ,
' f 8. One vote will be credited to- a dee-
ignated-candidate for eaeh 10 cents con
tributed toward the work of the American
Committee for Devastated Franc.
. The candidate receiving the greatest
number of votes will be declared elected
, -. by the Judges. Should more than one
; candidate be entitled to the award of the
' ; trip to France, the one receiving the
" gieatest number of-votes will be the offl-
. ', ial head of the delegation from this sec
; tion.
10, Should the total of votes reach
1S0.00S, two glr:i will be awarded the
' : trip to France and for each SO, 000 votes
. - In addition to ISO. 000 an additional girl
will be awarded the trip. -These figures
; refer to the total aumber of votes cast
for all candidates in the election and not
to the votes- of any one candidate.
11. The number of glls to be awarded
the trip will- be -determined wholly on
the- total, number of, votes cast, tu the
el--H:on.- i-- - V . vt. . - ...... ;.'
13 The-candidate receiving the great
er number of votes will be regarded as
-."srarding in 'first position, the one re
celving the next greatest number asstand
v ing in second position, and so down
through the list. Jn case of a tie for
any position each will be regarded as
holding that position. 'Winners of trips
' ' win be determined according to the sum
' ; ber of votes cast for them individually:
13. In case of inability of any winner
to take' the trip for physical or other
reason, the girl holding the next position
below her in the final tally of voting will
. be awarded her place.
1. All expenses of the elected dele--
gates will be paid from their homo town.
One of our famous en ssMwichei and
vuur choice ef a cup of coffee or a bot
tle ot Aluilte Ulix.
Offer fer Weak ef APRIL 17 te U
Active and Healthy
ae.OWitmrt.TawTi.2Sf e-w jsbie far
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7c above map shows the territory swept by the sleet storm on April 10th
$950,000 of Telephone Property
j Lost in a Night
:L But Jcomm
The 'chilly afternoon of April 10 a light rain began to fall over a
' strip nearly a hundred miles wide, from northeastern to southwestern
:' Nebraska.-" ' ' . - ";- .
As evening came on the rain began. to freeze as it fell on the tele- ;
: phone wires. Before midnight the wires in many places were coated with
ice nearly, an inch thick. Under the weight of the ice, and whipped by a.
rising wind, mile .after mile of telephone poles and wires swayed bade"
and forth and then crashed to the ground. :
, : A survey of this company's damage from the storm in Nebraska
shows the following result:
26,944 miles of wire out of service
21,200 poles broken down or destroyed ;
.71 exchanges in the storm -area
$950,000 property loss
It is a man's size job to reset over 20,000 poles, to reattach the
crossarms and wires to them and to re-establish communication over
telephone wires that if extended in a single line would reach more than
around the world. But service is being rapidly restored by the more
tHan 1,200 telephone repairmen who have been on the job constantly
since the storm. - i .
We take this opportunity to thank our customers for the splendid spirit
. . of co-operation with which you have accepted the unavoidable interruption
of telephone service to many parts of the 'state, and we want to assure you
that we are doing everything possible to hurry the reopening of communi
cation. ' If you desire to talk to any point to which service was shut off by
the storm, please , ask "Long Distance" if the lines are yet open. Every .
N hour, almost, some line is reopened.
Northwestern Bell
Telephone Company
Tat &tort d 6poctalty bhopK I
ot Dainty
that .nust bo bccd
to rietiso perfectly
the charm of their fab
tics, tho Koft beauty of
their coloring ttnd the
individual niceties of
their stylintf.
They are fashioned of
voile, ratine, crepe, do
chine, georgette, etc.,
Hand ; .
Beaded ' "
Hemstitched :
Hand Drawn
The prices for euch exquisite
creations are extremely low,
, ranging from $29.75 up. . ,
Dreu Shop Second Flor '
Oistinctiva for Their Appearance) and Endurance .
These are the very best stockings that you can get
anywhero at this price. They are of unusually
good make and in colors and effects that are most
desired. Among the famous makes are
Gotham Cold Stripe Hose and Phoenix
Beautiful hand-embroidered clocks, hand-drawn
and hand-hemstitched clocks are very attractive.1
Priced from 11.55 up.
, ;' , ; ' Hose Shop Main Floor
Values Up to $10.00
TTlVEEY hat in this after-Easter sale
i ui xiio nnisuy nais in.
. our millinery shop; The. values '
offered in this sale are very unusual, '
but as there are no two alike, we advise
an early selection.
Hair cloth,
Visca braid,
Hair braid,
Pokes, ,
; Off-the-Facc,
Etc. ' . "
. : '
.-. i
Priced, for Thursday at $4,95
THE breath of the most fragrant of. flowers,, '
treasured in bottles of beautiful design are
; here for the woman ' of fastidious taste.'
Dainty scents as lion Boudoir, UnPcaD'ambre,1
Quelflues Fleurs, La Parfum, Djer Kiss, Fiancee,
Le Temps des Licas, Paris, L O'rigan, Cypre, Jas
mine and many other delicate odors, from such
famous manufacturers as . . ...
Harriet Hub
.... bard Acer's
S. Palmer
Etc., Etc.
Toilet Goods Shop i
Main floor
You'll enjoy wearing these
THERE are a great many different styles among
these pretty house and porch dresses which
we have gathered together to make these
early spring days profitable to you. They are all
very reasonably priced and are made of splendid
quality material in the neatest possible manner.
Thursday we are featuring groups priced from
$2.00 to $2.95.
Housedress Shop Main Floor
' 4
i '