Mils. I HAVNK SpMal rt picntiitive f the lioward Corset Co. of New York, will conduct a ttemoiit.tntion tf Uohwtrd Corset In our Corsft Department Thunduy, Friday end Satur Jay, April '20, 21 and "2. Tirrf Floor North Htisinoss McnV Luncheon Kcrvctl in our Men's Grill, Tenth Floor. Appetizing food, efficient service, pleasant surrounding. Cft Per plate, UUC i. !ti.ii! , ii. j n;i ' s II U 1- Il'J I I I 1 I L-f -n. II k 4 k 4 IS 11 II u It 1 la i5J M ' ThorsdayFeatiuire Sales With in Every Department on pecial Prices Our Third Floor "Plums" for the Thrifty And tho extra iiantity of undergarments required fur spring and summer wardrobes may he secured with great advantage here on Thursday. Muslin Undergarments 69c Former Price LOO This group contains Teddies, Gowns, Petticoats and Drawers that have become somewhat soiled from dis play; embroidery and lace trimmed or tailored styles; one trip to the laundry and their original freshness is restored. A number of pink crepe do chine and satin camisoles are in cluded at this price. Muslin Undergarments 1.19 Another group of Teddies, Gowns Petticoats and Drawers, also reduced be cause they arc slightly soiled. The crepe gowns in flesh and white and petti coats with deep lace or embroidery flounces are particularly worthy of men tion; formerly 2.00; for Thursday, each, 1.19 CrepedeChinel SO Teddies JS 3.98 Values. These arc all pure silk, no deceiving powdered crepe, will be found here. Lace trimmed and tailored models. 1.50 Sateen Bloomers for $1.00 Full length Bloomers with elastic cuff at the knee black and taupe. double in navy, Silk Undergarments 2.59 Each . Teddies and Petticoats 4.95 Values. Especially fine qualities in crepe de chine Teddies and shadow proof Pet ticoats. . 2.25 Extra Size Petticoats, 1.50 Attractive new styles in" sateen or cotton taffeta with narrow ruffles or tailored flounces in all shades to match spring suits. Apron Frocks 2.95 A charming assortment of black sateen mod els, trimmed with fetching cretonnes, color- ,ful crepe apron irocks and unoieacnea mus lin styles with . cretonne decorations; some blue gingham house dresses with fitted waist and belt are included; all sizes, 36 to 40. Caps to match Apron Frocks at 69c 1.25 Aprons 59c Aprons of most every kind black ateen of fice aprons, white aprons of lawn or organdy, practical percale aprons in both light and dark colors, all very much underpriced for quick disposal. " Third Floor Center. Our Improved Third Floor VfOU WILL want t visit our new Third floor Tliurwluy, for ou that day all roads load to that beautiful floor. Crowds will be following crowds of eager men, women and children, nil anxious to tnko advantage of the special prices offered for Thursday. Many im provements have been made onlhat iloor. Our Second floor, famous throughout America as 'The lloor Henutiful" charming and. attrac tive as it is must look to its laurels, for the Third has improved in beauty anil convenient arrangement day by day. Now tho Third has como to be a subject for general and" appreci ative comment among the army of shoppers frequenting Tho llrandeis Store. For Thursday we have arranged Feature Sales on this beautiful floor with special prices In every ono of tbe clgbt departments. You will be delighted with the uliowlng or Muslin Underwear, Houho Dresses and Aprons. Knit Un derwear of the choicest grades will bo offered at prices you never expected to obtain. Pillows and Boudoulr Novelties at prices within tbe reach ot everyone will be offered in tbe Art department In tbe Infants' department you may fill the baby's wardrobe with all kinds of wearing apparel at at tractive prices. In tbe Women's and Children's Shoe section you will obtain Just the footwear you want and at the lowest prices offered this season. In the Corset department you may be fitted by our expert corsetleres in your preferred model at mod erate prices. Special prices on hair goods will be found in tbe newly arranged section devoted to those articles. Vou will :e immensely pleased with the arrangements for our new hair cutting, hair dress ing and manicure rooms on the Third floor. For this big Thursday sale extra salespeople will be on band and every possible provision for the convenience of shoppers will be made. We advise early shopping. ' J. L. Brandeis & Sons Decorative Novelties from the Art Depart ment Specially Priced Willi the whole outdoors donning its Springtime garb, the homcmakcr is stirred with a desire for fresh life and color in her indoor decorations. This pleasant task can be accomplished with success and economy in this special selling. Fluffy Taffeta Pillows 2.95 Regular Price 4.50 Choose some for the living loom, for the boudoir, for deep chairs. Their cheer ing presence acts like magic. These arc made of plain and two-tone taffeta shirred to the center and trimmed with gold braids and French flowers. In black, rose, old blue, old gold, green and combinations of blue and gold, blue and rose, and green and gold. Velour and .Tapestry Pillows, 1.95 Regular Price 3.95 . These round pillows, combinations of velour and tapestry in mulberry, blue, green, old rose and brown, are good looking and serviceable. Dainty Glass Novelties, 79c Regular Price 1.00 An assortment of powder jars, candle sticks, vases and perfume bottle, hand decorated in artistic colored glass blue, orange, gray, green and rose. A bit of charm and color, at such a small price! Third Floor West HAIR GOODS SALE You will find hair goods on sale in this department at prices lower than they have been seen anywhere in the last five years. Very Flue tirade of Human Hair Switches Natural wavy, 1-oz., 18 inches long, worth QQt 3.00. at 5701 The Same Made in three separate strangs, 22 inches long, 1- " QO oz., Thursda at x0 Genuine First Quality Natural Double Wavy Hair Switches 20 in. A QO long, 8.00 value, special at frt0 Hand Made Venr.ialed Fompadonrs Of the finest first quality hair, all shades except gray; 15.00 rt QO value, special at vO . , 1 " Hand Made Ventilated Siugie or Double Farted Front v Pieces For women with scanty hair or women who wish to eliminate the continual :ost of having their hair dyed or touched up; these pieces reg- i QO ularly sell for 35.00; special tomorrow, Xrr70 s Second Floor East. Many "Lucky Finds" for the Tots Wash Suits for Little Boys Striped combinations or dark pants with white waists in sturdy materials; a black sailor tie completes these little " OQ suits; sizes 2 to 6 years; special at JLwtU Spring Coats for Little Girls A number of different styles in black poplin, black and white check, blue serge and other materials; some have white O QfT collars and cuffs; sizes 2 to 6 years; at tdmtjU Gingham Dresses In a variety of styles and colors that wash well; most of them have daintily Q embroidered collars and cuffs; sizes 2 to 6 yrs. OOC 48c 29c White Rompers With blue and brown gingham collars and cuffs in banded knee style"; 2 to 6 yrs. Infants' Knitted Sacques Ribbon ties with a pretty pink or blue edge; Thursday at Infants' Cotton Shirts Button front and Ruben styles; also cotton and wool tab bands; just the shirt Ot for this time of the year; special at O C Infants' White Dresses and Slips Of fine nainsook with narrow lace edging at neek and sleeves; sizes QK 6 months to 1 year; special at OOC Third Floor East. Corsets and Brassieres Front Lace Corsets VA lightly boned model of pink novelty cloth with rubber insets in bust and back; designed for street or " fTP sport wear; sizes 24 to 30; specially priced at Xe I O Sport Corsets Of firm mesh materials with fancy elastic top and hose supporters to match; medium long skirt; sizes A A A izes 21 to 26; special at UU Black Satin Girdles The newest thing for young girls; they have long gaiters attached with narrow clastic inserts at the back A A A which adds comfort; small, medium and large sizes, at MellU Boyshform Bandeaux Of mesh or fancy sateen with black QQ closing only; sizes 32 to 46; specially priced at OtC Venus Bandeaux Famous for their fit; firmly made in yit various materials and styles; sizes 32 to 46; specially priced at TtOC Third Floor North. Spring Fo otwear for Women and Children Women's Kid Strap Slippers 1.3ft 312 pairs of one-strap black dress kid with round toe and Junior Louis heel. Greatly re duced because tne sizes are incomplete. Per pair, i Women 's and Children 's Buck House , Lined With Colored Felt Slipp ers Women's Sizes come in fawn buck with copen blue lining, gray buck with orchid or silver gray 1 HQ lminrv Children's Sizes in fawn buck with copen blue, orchid or old rose AQ felt lining. Sizes 81 to 2, Third Floor East Knit Underwear Wotneh'sJersey Silk Vests In bodice or regu lation tops; in flesh only; all sizes; ir regulars of 2.95 grades; special at 1.49 Women V UnionSuits Made of fine lisle and combed cotton, in flesh and white, bod ice or regulation tops; loose or tight knee, regular and extra sizes; for one day only, fjf ' Thursday at DVC Women's Lisle and Cotton Vests Lisle and combed cotton, in flesh and white, bodice o r regulation tops; regular and extra sizes; special, each, 29c 1 1 A 8 A A A4 8 2 1 m era VIM