Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 20, 1922, Page 2, Image 2

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CimwI l..,:u! Atr "Nothing Remarbble "
Found bv State
Announces Lady Astor
No bijtii uf T.rjfl l)i.orrfl, j
Ufiummtir Mrmlirr S) ;
V.Uhtu atUfie. Willi
CroVfii IS". Nb, At-ril 19
ilrikl Tritium Kniait.
ive rr! lI'Miiin-inc. IfiuiMrat.
uirI mriiibrr tl he I'.ruWtt ttow
i'ommrrcul eluli dc pM "
irt ood r4 lit'liin in Nelr
. into Male. 1 h in lor'
rem made dnurr K'n tut
ttitir iol itnut'itaiioti coiiiiiiiUf!
y the- C"tiwl tMh
Tul'y ? i!rnvcr.nic juilitiriaii
:ivt written to uif 'ie
v-rtig4ii'n tirli-i tul tol me I
l4 iiti t.'M'riuny to uuVt ttU
Imt political ciit4l out t( my !
pointinfnt on tli cmniiiiUfr. the
doctor iJ. "I tliii'lc loo inuih I
Neliriik. the utf I live in', to -Uy
politics with a Uilot ol civilu.ti.m
o imiortt a K'Xd xomU. I ill
not Mp in mnkinK Rood roads a
Volitirnl ie NrbraiU rolitici.
Prict Not Excmive.
Truthiully I Marled out on this
iRvcttiRstion with an ilea that we
vere faying too ttmch money for
yool road and perhap we would
lind ome Rrit. An the invetiR4
lion progre.ed and I learned that
ebraWa a paying lea (or fed
rrat aid mail than any adjoining
Half, that Ncbraka would cet Jo
in (rjrral aid where it kcnt one
dollar before the program i. com
pleted, I changed my mind."
"The federal aid tax i dii.tributed
proportionately to the wealth of the
county and a a result we Ktt more
toadt for money invested than any
of the big eastern ttr and o far
t haven't found a tingle thing that
would indicate any graft in the good
roadi department of this state."
Improvement Shown.
The committee reached here at
noon after driving over federal aid
reads and county road from Kear
ney. The committee saw federal
aid projects entailing from 25 to 30
feet fills in the never ending hills
of this section and witnessed a
straight, wide, even 25 foot road built
n many instances over virgin soil
o supplant old winding hilly roads
maintained under the old county
system. In littfi'atn county, tliccom
mittee enjoyed a ride on a miniature
figure eight, climbing one hill only
o shoot down into another on coun
ty roads.
George Johnson, state engineer,
was presented with a resolution by
the Uuffalo and Sherman county
boards today asking that a federal
aid road be built on a road which
the county had just finished a blade
grader job.
Welcome at Broken Bow.
Thirty ears of Broken pow and
Custer county citizens met the com
mittee at the Luffalo-Custer county
line and escorted it over federal aid
roads to Brokcu r Bow. Governor
McKelvie, Attorney General Davis
and all riicniberof the committee
?poke. Emerson Purcell, Broken
Bow editor, was toastmaster.
Purcell stated that Custer county
was proud and satisfied with its
federal aid and state roads and as
serted the satisfaction was the re
sult of the fine feeling between J.
A. Vansant, county highway com
missioner, the county board and the
slate engineers.
Loup City Next.
The committee will drive to Loup
City .tomorrow where another open
hearing on road troubles will be
heard at the request of certain Sher
man county citizens.
Friday the committee ' returns to
Lincoln to continue the hearing.
The committee, as well as George
Johnson, state engineer, wants
everyone' with a complaint to reg
ister it either Friday or Saturday at
Lincoln so it can be investigated be
fore adjournment.
At Litchfield 200 citizens stopped
the Committee aud requested the
governor to speak to the school chil
dren. The party was late, and a
speech was impossible.
Cole Refuses to Take
Witness Stand at Trial
.' (Continued From Pace One-)
noon. He failed to establish an alibi
and he brought out some testimony
damaging to his own side. He called
Charles Benson, employe of the Gil
insky Fruit Co., to the stand and,
after some questioning, elicited the
information that he, Cole, had sought
to borrow $5 or $10 from Benson
the. very morning that Harry Hahn
was shot and not more than an hour
before the shooting. This was plain
ly a point for the prosecution. I
He. also interrogated Emily Rouff
ncr.of the police bertillon depart
ment, regarding a photograph of his
right :hand. This photograph showed
a blood blister on the right index
ringer. He offered no testimony as
to how the blister was caused.
- Defendant Appears Worried.
From Nathan Goldman, proprie
tor of the Overland hotel, and Sam
Tretiak, proprietor of the Windsor
hotel, he drew testimony that he was
never drunk or quarrelsome while
he was a guest at these hotels.
Goldman said Cole registered under
the name of "C. P. Evans."
' Cole seemed nervous and worried
during the afternoon. He seemed
to feel that his case was not strong.
However, once, when Judge Leslie
remonstrated at his manner of ques
tioning B. F. Raines, Windsor hotel,
Cole said:
"Haven't I the right to examine
witnesses? The state brought many
witnesses who admitted they know
nothing about the case now being
But that was as far as he went.
The jury, if it finds him guilty, can
return anv one of these four ver
dicts: First degree murder, electric
chair; first degree murder, life im
prisonment; second degree murder;
Nebraska School of Music
Dean Resigns to Go to Chicago
Lincoln. . April 19. (Special.)
Sidney Silber of the University
School of Music announced that he
had resigned to accept the position
as dean of the Sherwood School
U wltiw4 r fe "'
Eiitimuff tf d'H'u k( in
im.t to women all om th world.
Aner that ahe it gviinf to Virginia,
whrrf hf N'icy Laiitfhorne,
and thru to Washing: ton and Chi.
mo mid one or to wtkrr place,
le lore returning lumie to her etui
em! and her tub in paili.nititt.
Without Tract of Accent,
speaking it I irginian does, w!ili.
out trace i t acrent. Lady
Atur id he was "till an unreeon
itrtictej aontherner,"
, "And w hen I benr Pii ioiue
thing liapp'n. he added
lUr children the dfnbed as
'moiiff el thr t e-( o u r t h Amer
American.' At to women' place in the world.
he aaid those of her e were jut
individual a men.
"One can't uy women do thi, and
women do that." he remarked, "be
canoe they don't do thing alike any than men."
The clothes nearly all women arc
wearing nowadavs arc unfortunate
from hrr point of view, Lady Ator
"Running About Half-Naked."
"Nothing lets the e down like
niiiiiinit about half-naked." she went
on. "I here it no ue of talking about
equality if we only ue our liberty
to show our liidcouMios. Last nt'iiht
1 wore a dre.s I have used tiuce
19IK. If you keep your eye on your
body all the time you can't keep it
on vour soul."
"How about the flappers and their
uniform?"' she repeated. "Their
clot In are unfortunate but that is
their mother's fault. The firt thing
women ought to teach their children
is obedience."
In running for re-election to her
place in parliament next autumn,
Lady Astor said she would not say
one plank in her platform would be
exactly dry, liut certainly it would
not be wet.
"Help! Help!"
One of the largest groups of re
porters and photographers that ever
swarmed about a steamer down the
bay surrounded Lady Astor.
"Help! Help! Get my huband, get
my husband!" she cried. Some one
fetched the viscount in a jiffy and
they were taken to the boat deck for
Lady Astor took hold of the vis
count's arm, winked and said:
"Married, though happy."
Thfit ktgm the hiufiiew with
tii ulti'tut topic prohibition,
As to M.rget,
"I dan't beUett t I he L'rituU
papers y about pnhitii'ton in thu
Country," .he Mid,
"Margoi Ajuh'i iewf As re
C4ri! I could tell sou a
I vi things but I won't. I 'U not
guirg to disctt'i Mrs. Aqutli or any
tihrr iiidmdutti. Ait I en v it
that ! it no nn'ie a pitl terage
hngluh woman than the it a typical
miage American woman. I might
fay she it unuue and I would nut
U far wrong"
Tax Reduction Clubs
Plan of Third Party
Lincoln, April l tSpecIal )
f ormation of "tan-reduction" iob
alt over Nebraska to fryutlire and
mke effective the popular demand
for pruning down governmental ex
pcinliturct notional, ttale and local
It to be undertaken under aupictt
of the third farty organization,
State Chairman Ldmiiuten an
nounced. Comity cluli will' be organized
first, Kdmintten said, and afterward
the movement will be carried into
the cities, villas and precincts.
Although the third party it taking
the lead, membership will be open
to all ciiuciu. The club thciiuelve
will he nonpartisan. No candidate
will be supported who do not pledge
themselves to lower taxrt.
Kearney Saltation .Army $100 With Tag Day
Kearney, Neb,, prit 19. (Spe
cial.) In a Salvation Army tag day
drive, conducted by the V. V. C. A.
Girl Keservcs aud Husines Wo
men's club, nearly $4(K) was raided.
The army finances have been exceed
ingly low for several month pa.-t,
the officers contributing their pay
towards ministering to those in ac
tual want. In all probability another
drive will be made In the near future,
possibly in the form of a community
Morrill County Attorney
Files for Slat Office
Lincoln. April 19. Kenneth W.
McDonald, county attorney of Mor
rill county, filed with the secretary
of state today as candidate for at
torney general. Mr. McDonald,
whose home is at Bridgeport, made
his filing in person. Mr. McDonald
was assisted by the attorney gen
eral last year in an ouster case
against W. Y. Dyson, then sheriff
of Morrill county.
Contracts for
j Arlmcklc Films
Arc Canceled
Will lid) Issue ltfinetit
Telling I'lana Three New
I'itturri Have Never
Hern Shown.
New York, April 19. Cnct!Iiio!t
of all contracts for the showing of
f.Inu in which Rofoe (Fatty) Ar
buckle appears wa announced lat
mght by Will Jl. Hays, head of the
motion picture producer' aociation,
1 hi section, he said, affected nearly
lU.ouO contract.
"After consultation with Nicholas
Schenck, representing Joseph
Scheuck, the produrer and Adolph
Zukor aud Mr. Laky, of the Tain
out I'Uyert-Laiky corporation, the
distributor." Mr. Hays' statement
said, "I wilt state at my request thrv
hae canceled all showings and all
bookings of the Arbuckle films. They
do this that the whole matter may
have the conidciation that its im
poitance warrants, and the action is
taken notwithstanding the fact that
they had nearly lU.otX) contracts in
force (or the Arbuckle pictures."
When Mr. Zukor was asked if the
action of the producers' association
had removed Arbuckle definitely
(mm the liit of screen stars, he re
plied: "We timp'y left the matter in the
hand of Mr. Hays. It is up to him
to decide in the future whether it
will be proper to reintroduce the
Arbuckle pictures
Mr. Zukor said recently that three
Arbuckle feature comedies bad been
completed before the arrest of the
comedian on charges growing out
of the death of Miss Virginia Kappe.
The producer announced shortly
after A r buckle's acquittal that one
of the films would be released as a
"test" of public opinion.
Underwood Farmer Gets
Top Price for Load of Steers
The top price for steers of $8J5
a hundred was received at the Oma
ha stockyards by I'etcr Hondo of
I'ndr-rwooil. la., for 3') head of well
finished Shorthorns, averaging 1.4 1 J
pounds. He said the cattle were
bought here last October a feeders
and showed i gain of AW pounds
since put in the feed lots.
Lincoln Business Men
Engage in Fisticuffs
I, Dr. A. I, Smith was fined ft and
co.t in poiue rourt here, when be
admitted 'taking a mah' at O, J,
Ire, prominent Lincoln buwc
Nnith, who it a prominent Lin
coln phytlcian, recently was divorc
ed l,v lterllia lviiarh Smith in
i Omaha. I re i welt known in I'ui
vcrniy of Ncbraka affairs, where
j he has taken a prominent part in the
aiuiuiu work.
Dr, Jntiili told Judge W'hituiorc
that Fee nearlv ran liim duwn In hit
automobile while Smith was driving
in the south part of the city. The
..i : . . : t i . .....
l"ijritiii ctiiiici ice wa nnvin
lit an excessive rate of Deed an
following the near colluion, Smith
said he followed l ee to secure Im
liumbrr. Alter raeinor a fciv blocks
Smith said Fee clambered out of his
automobile aud ued some profane
language, telling mm tnat it was un
necessary to follow that he would
present his card.
wie df!rg4i already lave pw
tcud to the toMercm leaders.
Furthermore, Dr. Walter liath.
enau, ioriurr tiernun nuuikter, main
tains the conversations with Huttn
were not ecrt a he says J'rime
Mim. tt r Lloyd licorge of tlreat
Uriuin wa notified lat week,
through another member of the lint
ih delegation that the Germans
"could rot agree to the program
contained in the report of the allied
exptris and were forced to negotiate
with Kui direct,"
Dr. Rathenau declared to the A
sociated l'rr Ut nglit that the
(ermau delegation came to the
Cieuoa conference with the best in
tentions in the world, but found it
self confronted with a situation
where the al'.rt wrie about to force
Germany to accept an agreement be-
iwten them aitq Kutia without even
toiuulung Germany whoe not
vital mutest were at stake.
The coutultative comiuittr of
prominent eapert ba made a
lengthy report on currency to the
conference with a series of recom
mendation largely endorsing thoe
of the London cpcrt, looking to
the amelioration of world condition.
In addition to recommending the
summoning of an international tnon
etary convention the rommltiee sug
gests that the United States Cham
ber of Commerce appoint represent
lives of finance and commerce to
meet those of European countries
and also Japan and . the exporting
count! ie pf oiiHi Amenta to ''
(ermine what common action u ad to tev ivc and maintain in
ternational connuercr.
Germans I'leauJ,
The Gemuns were p'a-fd with
tfce section of the report regarding
Germany which states that the bur
den to be placed on the German na
tion should not be so great a to de
stroy us power of ptoduiiion and
declares that Gtrmany'a reparations
should be cMrndrd orr long pe
riods so as not to endanger its Mau
ra! stability,
It wrs understood the report
would be cotuidetrd at the meeting
today of the uluoiumimoii on currency.
Sliortlioni From Wintide
Bring (ood Price on Market
A cotikientnent of cattle number-
' lug 3D lirad and averaging 1,5
pounds, brought to the Omaha
market by George Farren of Win
idc, were sold for $3 a hundred.
The cattle were all high-bred Short
horns of hi own raining and .feed
ing. Mr. tarren also had a ship
ment of yearlings with the same
consignment that brought $7.85 a
Breakup of Genoa
Conference Averted
(Coiitiaurd From fnf Out.)
Russia on the very question which
they had undertaken to consider in
loyal conjunction with reprcscnta
lives of the other nations."
Whether Germany will continue at
the conference is problematical, but
its delegates are drafting a reply to
the note ot censure and it is thought
that, while protesting their debar
ment from the commission's dealing
with Kussian affairs, they will rc
Denmark Protests.
Their reply is expected to make
the point that only the full confer
ence has power to bar them, and in
this they are supported by the neu
tral nations, headed by Denmark,
Is it costing you too much to live?
This is
April 20th to April 27th mark
Good HousakMping Wiek
condactd for th purpose
of cryttallliing tha mad for
bttur home making and tha
plaasnraa and savings which
will result tharafrom.
The cost of living has shown practically no decline during the past year. The
necessity for making a given income do more than its normal share still con
tinues. It is still necessary to buy expertly, to economize while increasing com
forts. You can do it. That is why Good Housekeeping Week is being celebrated
throughout the United States. Good Housekeeping is helping this great campaign
along because it believes that a wiser and saner living, a more carefully directed
household, means a greater and more prosperous
nation. Will you introduce us to a friend? tell
a friend about Good Housekeeping?
Summer Hat
f V
American Furniture
If you ara thinking of furnishing or
raarranging your boma you owa it
to youraalf to study tha delightful
possibilitiat of Amarican furniture.
Tha subjact is attract! vaty traatadin
a simple lesson in home decorating.
In May Good Housekeeping.
TV a frimi abmt
Cud Httuthifing
Summer hats ara gay and lively.
You will find dozens of them for
formal and informal wear described
and illustrated with just tha right
not of authority ,
- in May Cttd Htusiketpini
Should Women Propose?
And if women do propose, can they still retain their own self
respect as well as the man's? An absorbing problem handled
ingeniously and most entertainingly in Arthur Crabb's story
"The Super-Woman" i My GuJ Homtkeeping (
linen dress
Good Housekeeping Institute
without charge
Famous Good Housekeeping Institute con
ducted by Good Housekeeping Magazine under
the direction of experts is at your disposal
through the magazine and by direct personal
service. Good Housekeeping Week is being cel
ebrated from April 20th to 27th. To signalize
it, Good Housekeeping is offering you without
charge a membership in Good Housekeeping
Institute whereby you are entitled to all its
services. Send in the coupon found on page
183 of May Good Housekeeping for your
membership card and the pamphlet "Can you
Save on a Modest Income?"
Emergency Meals
You will never ba embarrassed by a
lack of food in tha house if you take
tha worthwhile hint contained in
"Tha Emergency Shelf"
in May Cttd Houieketping
The newest
May Good Housekeeping con
tains stories by tha following
well-known authors:
William J. Locke
Conbigsby Dawson
Peter Clarke MaeFarlane
Arthur Crabb
' James Hopper
"Emma-Lindsay Sqnler
Jay Gelzer
And 57 big additional features
in the same issue.
Summer Lingerie
You can make this
charming linen dress
for only $6.03 by fol
lowing the lesson in
home dressmaking in
May Good House
keeping. Same lesson
contains directions for
making georgette
frock and a one piece dresa with
matching cape.
Tell a friend attut
Gttd Htutekeeping
Nora Mullane's beauty article deals
with the subtle' and successful use
of perfume
in May Gnd Housekeeping
What ara vitamines? What is the
best way to take them? See Dr.
Harvey W. Wiley's authoritative
in May Gttd Housekeeping
Can you save on a
modest income?
Thia helpful pamphlet is sent to all
new members of Good Houaekeeping
Institute. See page 183 of
May Gsed Housekeeping
The Season's Fashions
The summer mode of the Parisienne may as well
be your mode. In May Good Housekeeping
you will find the newest hats, suits, frocks with
matching capes or coats, brilliant colors alter
nating with black and white, evening gowns, and
lingerie. And there are pages of -dresses which
Good Housekeeping will buy for you from New
York's most famous shops as well as many that
may be had right in your own town.
Sports Clothes
Sports clothes this year are a little more conventional in
line but daring in color. You will find soma of tha newest
in May Good Housekeeping
AH sorts of beautiful summer
lingerie with the added touch ,
of hand embroidery and lace.
Just one of the many fashion
in May Gttd Housekeeping
Are you going to
A helpful solution to your
building problems in Harold
D. Eberlein's informative ar
ticle "Stucco and Stone"
in May Gttd Housekeeping
Vacation problem
An ideal summer vacation;
complete, easy and inexpensive
in May Good Housekeeping
for May get your copy today
Exclusive Gowns
For the women vho
require larger sizes.
Smart attractive mod
els especially design
ed for the more ma
ture woman arc the
newest contributions
to the Ready-to-Wear
Canton, Koshnara
and Cambridge crepes
made on new fashion
able lines are shown
in brown, navy, or
black, with lovely
trimmings of embroid
eries and beads.
$49.50 to $98.50
Third Floor
Sonia Hairnets
The single mesh for
50c a dozen.
The double mesh
for 65c a dozen.
The New In
Under Vests
Cotton vests in round
neck or bodice style,
35c to 75c.
Lisle vests, 75c to $1.
Mercerized vests,
from 85c to $1.40.
Silk knit vests, $2.50
to $4.00.
Jersey silk vests, $1.95
to $5.00.
Second Floor
It s a Charming Mode
That Favors Capes
and Wrappy Effects
And that charming mode is right here
and now, for at Thompson, Belden's
you will find the most delightful capes
and wraps imaginable.
Lovely models in Poiret twill, marvella,
gerona and canton crepe each with
the favorite canton crepe or crepe de
chine lining in a self-tone or contrasting
shade. There are blacks, navy, browns,
henna and blues for prices that range
$49.50 to $98.50
I Idol HIM HIoi UTh
PKIU tni U Seal IS I Slid 30 1 Sni (0
IWraypay Tret;njWniriWtippri
ltt $10 $100 $200 , $500
2nd 5 SO 100 250
3rd 3 25 SO 12S
4th 1 10 20 75
5th 1 5 15 25
6th 1 5 10 15
7th 1 5 10 15
8th 1 5 10 IS
9th 1 5 10 15
10th I S 10 15
How Many Objects in This Picture Begin With "S"
Trv this nuzzle. It's heana nf fnn. Se hnw manv
objects in this picture you can name that begin with
letter "S," like sailor, ship, etc. Get the whole family
together. See how quickly the list grows. Anyone can compete.
Try it. You might win the big $500 prize ! The time to start is now.
Make your list grow while others are thinking of getting started.
HOW TO WIN THE $500.00
You need buy nothing in order to aria a
firue. but if you get SO or 60 name on your
iit you ought to try for the big $500 priie.
To qualify for the $500 prue tend u 60
Hitlctiu oai wrappen with your aolution.
(Petrolene wrapper, count a. two each. Elec
tric Spark and Omaha Family count aa one.)
To qualify for the $300 prize end m 30
wrapper for the $100 prize send 15. for the
$10 prize send none. You'll buy that much
oap in tha next couple of month anyway, to
why not qualify?
Thia puule will intereit every member of
the family. It', great fun and you'll be aur
priaed how faat the li.t grows. Work together
and see if you can win the $500. Someone is
going to wia it and t might as well be you.
Your chances are good if you get right at it.
Be sure to qualify for a big prue. Everyone
knows and like Ha.kina' aoap. And every
one UKi so many bara of .oap a month that
it wil I be easy to buy a little ahead and qualify
for the $500 prize.
Nearly every housewife knows
the name "Haalrins" oa otp
meana One quality Petrolene n the
famous "Big Pound Bar." It gives
you more aoap for your money than
any other. Omaha Family and Elec
tric Spark are smaller in size but mat as high u quality You will
find them mild to the amn and a great enemy to aire They are
considered everywhere among the finest laundry aoap made. It very
grocer in CAnsha sells Ha.kms' soap Buy from your grocer and
don't fail to send ua his name with vour solution.
HASKINS BR0S.& CO., Omaha. Mebr
I. Aayeo nsy submit aa
answer, exeapt our mployeB. and
their relattve.
. rt aaluuoa eentainlaf th
tartest and Dearest correct list of
vtaible obfeetz Appearing la th
pussle picture staruog with "8"
will win first prise second largest,
leeoad nnse- etc.
t Vm only words touad In th
Webster, dictionary lo not use
eypbenatad- obeoleta loreicn ori
lingular or plural oi asm. name,
but do not uar both, tee word,
of the emesDe!l!nz but ones, even
(hough iher have ad kflerent nwam
iDf. AooblscreasbeDsaiedoiilv
oeee. but an? vutbls part of so
object can also be named
Writ oa one de of paper
?n,iT- '"IB " words numer
ically. Pl nan end address at
toDoteath page. Alao place your
jJJJ2lJenIIW a4 ddress on the
. AH (Mutton) win receive
same sonstdersuoa recardlea of
whether wrapper, an tent in.
0. Oupuesw prises win be
given in cans ot tie. On It one
nrlw will b awarded to oMbouse-
Allsotauoas must be msl led
not later ibtn April 20 IK.
Winner, will oe announced id trie
paper May 14. 1812. Coouwuots
acre to aeeept ae final and eno
clueive the deelaiona of the three
'ndeoendent 'udzca,
oi Music of Chicago.