iHK Ufcfc.: OMAHA. .tiCKMJAl. At'rtlL vri'i. At 1 lhU . . LiveStock ! i 1 Aeneas. April tt. rtaealBf war- (.in H" bM Mui'lan .... ,;i i II l'4 4 Ml llfl.Hl llMtr .... .. I 'I1MU HM4f t.4e Thi 1. his H.,21,211 a). la. U ,. 11.41? Wk. .,. ,14.441 (win I u . . ,,:l.TM pant d t.et eaa ll.lil I ll I . 1111 tt,U Hill IS.li 11.411 It, 4.1 ii.itt tl.Citt t.d dl.iMMltlaH Af lia-ia. al Ih tnlo Hot ktmii, t.roah. N.b,, l-r P. ro April li RECCirTi-CAnLOT. Ilor.e and tUIUoihp,ali. . i. r. r. iiy W'uuD K. It S Mu. I'". Kr I I farilie , H....l ;. v. w. r , ..t.. M W l , 1 ft. P. M, O. Iiy., IS '., m. . He.. ., it , a g. Hf.. ..t.. 14 t'N ll. I, IV, .!.,.. ) ', n. I. r, Illinois t'ntr Ky.,,. f C U. W. Ily , t I f "i 'si 'i it i l .. I ii "IT T TuUt rrl'l 1)4 IWSi'WIITluN HEAD. Cattle. ( Cheep. I.4T4 14 i.'iT t;i Armour yiahr r III! Ml ISraing CO.. I."4 1.411 1 :i 1.314 1,171 an 1I4 Parkin Co 11 4l I Ml Mnrrlt rrkiiif Co Iff Co J. W. liurnhy,,.. Hwart A Co...... I.lnrnlB Hiram Wileon Veikm dan Packing I'o, , ro.. .. lis '."si s 14 177 lligstn Parking 'o l.ufdnan Hroa Myrowirh A Vail.. Mld-t IS' king Co.. P. O'lxa Ornihl racking To.. John Holb Son.. Mm. Omaha I'm. Co.. Horn, from HI. Jo lmlpendnt lunion Vin Hani.. J. H. Kulla H. M. BurrtiM Co.. W. II. ! K. O. Chrlrllo Bon lnnla I'ranrla.... Kllla A Co t'U'Uhv Broa John Harvajr 1luntlnir Oltvar. T, J. lnfhram V. CI. Krllnac K. P. Uwl ........ .1. II. Root Co.... Knarnatotk Hroa HulVvan Bros W. n. Van Bant A Co. Wort hrl mar Dafrn Othar buyer 1 1 47 1 10 ..... 27 40 I ! at ll ! o 1 11 14 US It SS IJ T IS. 1.011 It 1.071 111 Total 1.44 10.441 4,111 Cattta Rri-alpla. 7.400 hrad. Rrlpta continue rather liberal and tha market continue to develop weakness. Trad was very alow on Wednesday with prices .-.n.. .ha, u lower than Tuesday and rlaht around 16tSo lower for the h la)S nis ween. im.v. .,..ra .nd Drlma vearlloara have held up fairly well aellln around t5.00O8.ll to day but tha plainer cattle, have born the brunt of the decline. Cow atuff waa en erally ateady and th same was true oi atocker ana teeaerm. . .,... Ouotatlona on cstlle: Good to oriole .. ..... ... ..I. ann A M.VM. . neevea ii.iii..i I7.1647.I5: common to fair beeves, l." 7.11 tood to choice Vearllnaa. I7.0 75: fair to good yearlings, 17.407.85. common to fair yearlings, , 784)7.16! good to choice heifers, 17.8507.76; fair to good heifers. 18.007.26; choice to prime cows. 14J6B8.7I: good to choice cows, .& IS I ritr to good cows. I6.006.40i com mon to fair cows. l3.OO04.5Oi good I to cholc. feeders. 17.00W7.75; fair to good feeders, 16 407.00; common to fair feed era. I8.104J14.15; good to choice takers, 17 S507.76; fair to good w,,ni& 7.10; eommon to fair stackers, ' '" stock heifers, . 14.60e.00; tock cow. . ,nai 9K atftCU PI VPH. ..vuwi.rv, 1 calves, I6.5010.60j bulls, stags, etc., 13.76 . 7 nn BEEF Pr. 7 10 7 40 7 75 8 00 0 4 r.i.m.w. NO. .... V lOi... Av. 843 Pr. T 25 .7 50 .7 15 1 05 At. 1040 88 715 11X4 ..-III ..1340 ..1115' ' 10... 7. 874 8 85 "steers and heifers. 75 4. 6.12 670 T 60 11.. cows. I 10 7.. t 75 8.. 4 10 3.. 4 50 HEIFERS., 5 85 - 10.. 55 .. 1 00 BULLS. 4 60 . 1,, t 60 -CALVES. ...1145 .. .1070 ...1373 41 890 60 I 71 .1510 . .6.00 I 70 I 00 ' 242 t 10 Hois-KecelBta. 1.800 head.'' The mar ket today whll slow to open developed later steady to strong as compared with yesterday'a general market. Light hogs aold mostly from 9.610.06 with top price of 110.10. Mixed loada and butcher welshta. !.70fl10.00, packing Itijj !8.251.7I and extreme heavies 15.00 1.35. Bulk of sales waa 9.7510.00. , HOUS. No. Ay. 60. .894 H8..877 72. .257 72. .231 80. .208 Sh. 280 40. Pr. NO. Av. 67. .289 60. .273 7W.828 83. .200 sh.; Tr. 1 10 9 86 9 96 10 10 1 25 I 80 9 90 10 00 210 . 70 10 20 oha.M mnA l.amha RecelfotSt 1.700 head. Fat lambs moved readily today on good demand from local packers, prices ruling mostly l5o higher. Bulk of the offerings were wooled lambs which, moved mostly within a range of 14.8514.7S with beat handy welghta quoted at 115.00, f n Htrong weight clipped lambs cold at 112.50. No sheep were Included In today's re ceipt. Ouotatlona on sheep: Fat lambs, good to choice, 14.6016.00; fat lambs, fair to good. 14.0O14.60; clipped lambs, 111.26 813.!5; sheering lambs, 13.7514.80; feeder Iambs. 11.0018.75; cull lam be, 110.00912.00; fat yearlings, light, 112.60 13.60; fat yearlings. heavy, 19.60010.60; fat wethers, I9.0011.00; fat ewe, light, 19.0001.60; fat ewes, heavy, 11.004)9.00. FAT ItAMBB. 660 fed. 677 fed. 8T 14 50 . 436 fed. 88 14 85 ' CLIPPED LAMBS. TO It 00.; 2t fed. 87 14 80 221 fed.. 92 12 60 Chicago Livestock. Chicago, April 19. Cattle Receipts, 10,000 head; closing fairly active and Kenrrally steady on all killing classes; top yearlings, 19.00, weight, 860 pounds; top heavies. 18.90, weight, 1,421 pounds: bulk beef steers, 17.40Sf8.60; yearling heifers active, heavy fat cows stow, bulk fst she stock, 15.25 6.85; bulk bologna bulls. 84.3504.40; bulk veal calves, $7.00 7.50 to packers; stockers firm, bulk, 16.60 HiT,S6 Hogs Receipts. 11.000 head; opened strong to 10 cents higher compared with Tuesday's average; light and medium butchera up most;" closing stesdy lo I cents higher; mostly on heavies and mixed hogs; shippers bought about 1,500; hold over moderate; top 110.70 for one load enrly; practical top 110.65; bulk, 19.8689 10.55; pigs, 25 centa lower; good 100 to 130 pound average, 9.00l.60; packing sows strong to 15 cents up- , Sheep and Lambs Receipts. 1,000 head; fat lambs steady to atrong; fat sheep steady; top wooled lambs, 116.25; bulk de sireabl kinds. 114.76 15.10; top, shorn. 113.35; bulk, tl2.7613.26: Choice 100 pound shorn yearlings, 111.15; few native springs lambs. 113.0014.00; few wooled ewes. 18.00; shorn. 18.25 down, St. Louis Livestock. East St. Louis, April 19. Cattle Re ceipta, 1.000 head: beef steers and year lings uneven; generally steady to weak; best steers 18.00 for 1.194 pound averages; bulk steers, 17.25 7.76; top heifers. 18.20; weight, 601 pounds: bulk yearlings, 17.25 8.00, other classes steady; bulk beef cows, 15.00 6 6.00: bulk beef bulls, 14.50 5.00: bologna bulls, 14.25 4.50: ranners. around 13.00; bett vealera. 18.26: bulk, 37.50fil.o0; bulk stockers and feeders, 16.S07.25. Hogs Receipts. 11.000 head: steady, closed" active with good clearance; top 510.45: bulk, 10 , to 250 pound aver ages 810.35610.45; pigs and light lights. 25c higher: bulk, 120 to 240 pound aver ages. I.50 10.00; packer aowa mostly $8.75. ateady. Sheep and lambs Reoeipts, ,000 head: steady, choice Tennessee spring lambs, 16.50: medium wool ewes. IS.60. City Livestock. Kansas City. April 19. Cattle Receipt, f so head: beef steers, steady to 16c higher, beet heavies, 18.15; top mixed ysailuigs, . 18.25: calves and stockers, steady to strong; practical top vealera. 9 00: small lots up to 18.50; Interior calves. 13 0001.60. Hogs Receipts. ll.OO had: mostly weak to 6o lower; spots off more; top, 110 15: bulk 190 to S25-pound averagea. 910 00010.10; 250 to 300-pound weights. .90lo.eo; few closing sale mostly 10c lower than yesterday's; bulk of sales, JJ.604510.10: throwout sows. 15198.7; desirable stock pigs. lt.t6Slt.6. Shwp a nit Lsrnbn Receipts. 6.000 hesd: killing denies, strong to llo higher; shorn Texas wether. 18.0063.64: bulk early . sales. No. .... .... Si.... S3.... IK S tin 20 1061 1 1045 t 1163 4 1137 S 1441 5 800 8 163 S 094 1 1670 : 1 1280 4 SST Market, Omaha Grain Omli, April 19. Rectlpli of whfi. 21 can: corn, 48 on; oi, 3 cr; tyt, 1 car, to Uliiig 7i cart, wn the run it Omaha today. This compared with 50 tart lait yrar. Shipment! of 75 cart ol wheat and 54 can of corn made up tht bulk of the out movement, which rtsreaated IS-2 cart, ag-ain.t 126 can year ago. Liverpool wheat rat'let ctoed 2d to 2',ii higher, dut to fdvorable prog rest thi morning in the llcuoa con ference. Improved export demand from abroad and considerable ar ceptancei of wheat reported on over night often, alio good demand for corn for export. The Chicago future nurktt die played a itrotig undertone and an ad vancing tendency throughout moit of the eilon. but thia strength wat imt reflected in our own cash mar keti. The basil in the local market wai reduced 1c to 2c and there wai a good demand at prevailing pricei, which were ic to ic lower than yes terday. Corn wai iu fair demand at 'Ac to Ic lower. Oati sold lie lower. Rye was unchanged, with barley nominally unchanged. WHEAT. No. 1 herd wlntert 1 car. 1MJ. No. I hard winter: I rare, 11.31. No. I hard winter: 1 car 14 per rent heat damaged). 11.11; 1 car (ainullyl. 11.41, near dark; I car. amutly). 11.14. No. 4 hard wlnteri I car (emuttyl. II It. 'No. I yellow bard; 1 car (ablppera' weightel, II 11. No. I y-llow hard: 1 esr. II 10. No. 1 yellow hard: 1 car (ehlppera' weifhta). ii. lo; car (shipper1 weights), ll.lt; I cars, 11. M. . cor.v. Nj. 1 white; t car. lie. Nu. I whir: I cars, lie; 1 car, tl lie No. 1 whit: 4 cars. HHc No, 1 yellow; 1 car, 83c. No. I yellow: 1 car (ahlDDera' wtlihta). lie: It cars. Ilo. No. 1 yellow; 1 car (vary dry), lie; I car, tlo. mo. i misea: cars, sine; I cars, tie. No. 1 mind: 1 care, 10c. OAT8. I whits: 1 cars. 14Hc No. No. 4 whit: 1 car, 14 14c. RYE. 4: 9 cars. t3r. , OAKLET. sales. No. No OMAHA RECEIPT AND SHIPMENTS. (CAB LOTS.) Week A no. tt i: 4 1 1 Tear Airo. It Receipts- Today .. It ,.. 48 ,.. I ... X Wheat Corn I 0la i Rye Barley ....... Shipments Wheat Corn ......... 75 41 83 64 44 64 .11 13 4 t 1 I ota , Barley . . 1 PRIMARY RECEIPTS AND SHIPMENTS. (Bushels.) Receipts- Today. Wk. Ao. Yr. Asn. Wheat 661.000 738,000 B6I.000 482.001) 343,000 677,000 Corn 452.0OI) MS.nfii) Oats 343,000 283,000 Shipments Wheat 661,000 604,000 Corn 371,000 840.000 Oata 644,000 176,000 29I.0OO 376,000 687.000 328.000 182,000 EXPORT CLEARANCES. Buehela Today. Tear Ago. ivneat and flour 216,000 Corn 806,000 Oata 135,000 907,000 WORLD'S VISIBLE. Buahels Today. Tear Ago. Wheat 166.699.000 128.63S.OHO Corn 37.193,000 33,928,000 CHICAGO RECEIPTS. Week ' Carlots - Today. Ago. Wheat 17 70 Corn 81 78 Oata 35 66 Tear Ago. 25 110 67 KANSAS CITY RECEIPTS. Wheat 61 70 111 Corn 23 23 9 Oata 8 4 1 ST. LOUIS RECEIPTS. Whet 11 Corn Oata NORTHWESTERN Minneapolis , . 11 . 23 WHEAT .169 RECEIPTS. 113 118 95 111 Duluth 90 Winnipeg 125 134 104 Omaha Produce Furrflnhed by atate of Nebraska, partment of agriculture, bureau of keta and marketing: LIVE POULTRY. de-mar- Wholesale Wholesale Selling Pr. 10.50910.61 .25 .27 .24 .28 .25 .28 .14 .18 .22 .25 .14 .22 .19 .25 T. .66 .60 .28 .12 .32 .35 .20 lj)l .22 .31 .36 .16 .21 .22 .21 .26 ' .27 .28 .38 .21 .22 .11 .20 .36 .40 .34 .39 .27 .30 .20 .25 Buying Pr. to.ooato.4i Broiler- .... Spring i Hens, light.. Hens, heavy Cock Duck fleese ....... Stags ' DR1 20O .21 , .21. . .22 , .10 . .18 . .10 . .16 ED POt 9. 9. 0. 9. . 9. . .t..9. BOOS. .24 .24 .16 .20 .17 .20 Broiler .... Hens Springs Cocks ...... Ducks Geese Stag Select ....... No. 1 ...v.... No. 2 Crack 1 . . . i Case count, case. 8.50 1.80 BUTTER. Creamery, prints. Creamery, tub..,. Country, best..... .22 .24, Country, common .17 .19 Butter fat, sta pr .25 HAT. Upland prairie No 1... No. 2 prairie No. I pratrle ,.12.00918.00 . 10.00 ii.oo . 7.00 8.00 . 11.00 12.00 Midland prairie No. 1.. JNO. 2 prairie 9.80 10.60 No. 3 prairie .7.000 . oo No. 1 8.00 10.00 , 7.00 8.00 21.00 23.00 19.00 21.00 16.00 17.00 13.00 14.00 10.00 11.00 9.00 9.00 7.00 8.00 Lowland prairie No. 2 prairie Alfalfa, choice No. 1 standard .... No. 2 No. 1 Straw, oat . . . . Wheat FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. FRUITS. Bananas: Pound. 7 4 8c. Oranges: Size 216 and larger, 16.50 8.50; slse 260, J7.50g-8.60: size 288, 17.25 8.00; size, 324, 17.00 7.50. Lemons: Per box, 17.007.60. Grapefruit: Crate. 15.00 6.60. Apples (according to else and grade): Delicious. . 13.5094.00; Rome Beauties, 13.5092.75; Black Twig, 2.362.75; Wine sap, 13.0094.00; Arkansas Black, 12.50 4.00; Ben Davis, 12.7692.00; Newton Pip pins. 81.5093.00. Strawbarrle (crate 24 pint boxes): Crate. 13.50. Fig (24 pkgs.. 1 oi.): Per box, 12.25; bulk, per lb.. 16916c VEGETABLES. Potatoes: Netraska, Early Ohio No. 1. per cwt., 21.6091.76: Colorado and Idaho Whites, per cwt., 12.002.25; Red River Ohio No. 1, per cwt.. II. 9092.15; Oregon Netted Gems, per cwt.. 12.50. Sweet potatoes: Per bu., 11.75 2.50. Celery: Dozen. 75c2.00. Head ' Lettuce: Crates.' 14.505.00: dozen, 81.251.60; leaf lettuce, dozen, 75c 90c. Rubarb: 40-45-pound crates, I3.2S. Egg Plant: Dozen, 13.00. Onions: Red, lb.. 10tj12c; yellow, lb., 10012c: Texas crystal wax , 45-lb. crates, I. 2594.00; onion sets, lb.. 8 910c. Csullflower: Crates. 12.0092.75. Cucumbers: Dozen fancy and extra fancy, 11.75 91.15; Florida, crates of I dozen. 17.50: btskets of 2 dozen, 12.60. Carrots: Old, per lb.. 3 ml 4c. Turnips: Old. per lb.. 3mc. Beets: Old. per lb.. I14c. Cabbage: New Texas, per lb., lH$4c. Tomatoes: Crates, t.O04.50; lug 13.0093.50. Young Southern Radishea: Dozen, 40 45c. Young Southern Carrots: Dozen, 90c II. 00. . . .- Toung Southern Beets: Dozen, loc9 ll.oc. Young Southern Onions: Dozen, 15c , Toung Southern Turnips: Dozen, 10c. Spinsch: Pound, ll12c Sbsllotts: Dozen. 669 75c. Oreen Peppers: Pound. 104735c. ' Parsley: Dozen bunches, 45tr75c. Nuts: Black walnuts. Ib.. So: English walnuts, lb., 22 36c; Brazil nuts, large, washed, lb., 16 & 19c; Brazil nuls. medium. Washed, lb.. 1416c; pecan, lb., 12930c; almonds, -lb., sack lots. 38c: peanuts. Jumbo, raw, 8 $ 10c; Jumbo, roasted, 10 Financial I4i M, 1 raw. li N. 1 ruM4. II u. Hunayi la 1'iiib. p? ess 1 Matte; ir -14. a-tea bs. -r lav, : Air- MB. (. jar, s nu. I . ii e. Wki.el irte vt twof tats s ruv.: , t mu, ss; J rut. 7t Ka. t HiW, U. Kv I loiks. Nu. Loiaa, 4.. Na, a Ili.., f. h. I Hasads, sv; Jktf. Itxuada, 1,I Now I Maamde, US. No. I i'!.a. '.i Na. I tha., ,j Ma. I 4'ttuik. . Nu. , iit . i rietx 6c; ho, 1 1'uimii IllUI.'g AND (iOL "f tiidasi uiu, al4 ha , see 1 94a I ,sa salted Ka. f. bar lu. IS lb, r.a hid. Nu, I. r lb. 19 4o green hid-. N t, r- lb, I9WJ ali4 114 (lack), (ajr lb-, t tf ra sailed bull hid. N I, r Ik, l ra slt4 bull bldas, Na t par lb-. I. Her nid-st Lane, 'h, I J It; ma. diuni. asrb, I 4t, (mall, eah, taj pmif 14 glusa. aih. TMCIIM, gb pelu: tir.-n sall-4, ( I (is na woai, earn, erl; sn.sru,. Ireen sailed, sue sad wowt, estb. i. Woelt ChoU. fin n.hir bleed, ear lb, I9l4e tiiediiiin and thr-eibtb blood, par Ib, lly'lei duw and ene leuri blood, par lb, 19 911(1 burry oo, pay lb., 1 9 lie. Chicago Grain By CHARLES D. MICHAELS. Omaha liea I aaard V) Ire, Chicago. April 19, Grain market reverted their action of the previous day. They were at strong at they were weak Tuesday, closing well 'to ward the top. The net gains were t 5-8ftJ 3c on wheat, 1 5-8&1 3-Ae on corn, l-a!7.8c on oalt and 3-4( 1 1-Jc on rye. A majority of the local element wat short overnight and an unex pected advance of 2Cn2 l-4d In Liver pool led to general buying. That found offering! light. Realizing checked the bulge at time, but the undertone was strong. Foreigners were free buyers of July and Sep tember, while the seaboard took all deliveries. It wat apparent that efforts were being made to cover short May and the May-July difference widened to 17,1 -8c at last against 16c at the finish the previous day. A liberal ex port business was put through in Manitoba with sales of around 1,000,000 bushels. Some sales of new crop winters also were made. Chi cago handlers bought 165,000 bushels to come here from Mis souri river points. , World Stork Decreaaed. ' Supplies on oceun pnssugo decreased I. 480.000 bushels fur the week. World's available stocka were reduced 1.169,000 buxhels. Crop report attracted little at tention with spring whvut seeding under way In the northwest. C'ssh houses were good buyers of corn to remove .hedges . agajnat export .sales from the (onboard, The undertone was strong the greater part of the day. Ex port sales In the last two days wsre reported at 1. 600.000 bushel. Oats were 6 fleeted by. the. actlop of other grain. The trade mainly waa of a local char acter and the advance wa easily attained. Seeding I making rapid progress in pari of Illinois. Some corn Is being planted In Kansas, although weather conditions In the grain belt on the whole are un favorable. Receipts, 101 cars corn and 62 cars oats. Cash bouse were fair buyers of rye, but there waa selling on scale orders on the way up which prevented it from making a full response to the upturn In wheat. - rit Not. The Chicago wheat market Is badly overstrained and Is regarded as out of line with other markets and with Liver, pool. This keeps traders off the Ions side, but there appears to be enough who ignore these conditions to keep the marketa aollve. The strong tone of the lata private cables telling of Australian drouth and Improvement ' In the for eign crop 'conditions, as well as the bull ish forecast of the foreign supplies for the coming year, all counted In favor of holders and Induced a lot of buying. July and September are coming In for more attention and the professional are turn- 'n;orelgners have a great deal of con fidence in the future needs of wheat, from the way they are buying new crop futures. Usually they do not commence to take them, until later In the season, while this year they have boughttthem for a month past. Hardly a day has passed of lato that there has not been a good business, only S part of, which has been reported. ' Cash housea were good buyers of May corn early in the day against sales for export. Local operators are mostly so bearish that they have fought the ad vance and covered on bulges The main thing In corn is fears that May qulda tlon will carry price lower. With the aeason late and light stock of corn in country elevators, the trade may be dl s appointed at the movement thi For a good many years May corn has fold higher in May than in o'hr'.th0Bf Application waa made to the board or trade director, yesterday to have gram in cars on track made a livery on May contracts. 7',waa re ferred to the warehouse committee. CHICAGO CLOSING PRICES. J" rTi f T.O 2627. April 1. Open. I High. I Low, Close. Sa,t. Art. I Open. WhU I May 141 1.41 July 1.25 1.25 Sept 1-18 4 1.20 Rye May 1.068, July 1 99 Corn May . 60 July 63 64 Sept 66 Oat May 39 39 July 40 Sept 41 Pork I May Lard May 10.70 July 11.05 Ribs May 11.30 July 10.62 1.39 1.39 1.23 1.23 1.17 I. 06 :r98 69 69 63 6. , 36 ;36 . 39 "-39. ' 41 I 41 21.00 10.73 II. 00 11.32 10.65 " New York Cotton. New Tork, April 19. The list was un der pressure in the cotton market to day, after an early upturn. There was a gain of 10 to 20 points before enough selling appeared to check the upward movement. Sentiment waa bullishly af fected by the excellent early undertone of the securities market In the face of increased pressure and by Increased rain; In the central and eastern sections of the cotton belt. .. .. Unsettlement developed In the later trading, which was badly mixed, reflect ing confused sentiment. Profit taking bv Wall Street caused the list to lose sil of its esrly gain and drop to a level 3 to 7 points under last night. The close wss around the low. Spot market quiet, unchanged, 1S.10O for middling upland. Southern spot msrkets were: Galves ton. 17.35c, 10 points decline: New Or leans. 17c, unchanged; Savannah, 17c, un changed; Augusta. 16.81c, unchanged; Memphis, 17c. unchanged; Houston. 17.20c, 5 points decline; Little Rock, 17c, un changed. Slonx City Live Stock. Sioux City, la., April 19. Cattle Re ceipts, 6.000 head: market weak. 15c low er: fed steers and yearlings, 17.008.25 : warmed up steers and yearlings, 15.509 7.00; fat cowa and heifers, 84.0097.2a; canners, 12.504.00; veals. 15.0010.00: feeders. 25.0098.76; calves, 4.507.60; feeding cows and heifers, 13.6095.60; stofkers. I.00j7.00. Hogs Receipts. 1,000 head: market ateady, 150 lower: stags. 14.1097 00; butchcers. 19.76610.00: lights. lln.lS; heavy mixed. 19.256 t.76; heavy packer. 1S.5099.00; native pigs. 110.00; bulk at sales. 19.75910.00. ftheep Receipts, -500 . head; . market steady. - St. Joseph Live Stock. 8t. Joseph, Mo., April 19. Hogs Re ceipts. 6.500 head; market steady to 10c lower: top. 110.00; bulk. 19.85910.00. Cattle Receipts. ' 2.000 head; market stesdy; steers. 17.0098.60: cows snd heif ers. 15.OOS8.50; calves. 95.0098.50. Sheep and Lambs Receipts. 3.510 hesd; market 1091.. high-r; lambs, 114.609 15.00; ewes, 18.6899.00. winneapoll Hour. Minneapolis, Minn., April 19. Flour Unrhsngpd; shipments. 31,904 barrels.. .Bran 1121.60933.00. -. - . 1.43 1.41 1.42 i ,. 1.24 .1:25 I. 07 l.Ot 1.07 .99 . 18 . 19 ,61 '60 1 65' 8 4 - .65 17 6'- 67 I 37 27 " S7 40 39 40 42 41 '42 ... .) V'-. i 10.70 10.70 10.70 II. 05 10.96 10.95 11.30 11.22 11.30 10.62 10.57 10.67 and Industrial News of f Financial HbcKttugorklZimri. By ALEXANDER DANA NOYES. Oaiaka it (just Mir. New York. April 19.-Vhctlier because the tension at Genoa scented to have relaxed overnight, or be cause further signs of improvement in the home industrial situation out weighed political considerations, tr fur both reasons, all financial mar kets showed evidence of returning composure ' today. European ex change rates moved up nearly to Tuesday's early and highest figures. The stuck market, after an early and fractional decline, recovered most or all of the previous day't declines and the investment bond market continued both strong and active. The Iat rcasuring fact about the stock market in which business again ran far above a million shares, making the 14th consecutive million share dav in the present month wat the fact that the day's activity again converged, not on the seasoned investment shares, but on the highly speculative industrial, notably the "til stocks." While it it quite true that ttockt of thit character are always apt to move the most violent ly when the general markets tendency it either stronulv uoward or strongly downward, they are not tne traditional basis lor a sound and trustworthy movement of prices. .' I'. S. Hll Advances, United Slate steel wa In thi rgard tha main rpton: ma advance of l rolnte brought It within U of 1 per rent of par. But few ether assnd Invest- mnt shsres showed euual atrsngth; the railway a ha res in particular recovered slowly. This may have bean paruy be cause the "car loading returns,' pub lished today for the first full wek of April, showed decrees of 112.741 cr from the week preceding and were the smallest since (he first week of the year. Tins, however, had been entirety expect ed: it cause is snown ny the fart mat loadings of cosl alone depressed HS.4tS car whll loadings of general merchan dise Inoreased 4.041. Futhermor. oven this large reduction left the w-ak's total to 114,000 cars, or 24 per sent than In tha same week of 1(21. Tha current rale of the country' tel production I calculated In the midweek trade review t 75 per cent of capacity for the steel corporation and about 70 for the, Independents. This contrast with St per cent for the Industry a a whole at lh beginning of April, with II 1 to so a month ago, with a maximum of 45 last autumn and with a rat rang ing from 33 to 40 per cent In thi week of 1921. Situation Not Clear. V It will be seen from this comparison on what Mr. (Jary based bis statement of Tuesday to the steel corporation's meeting, that the business done In steel hss doubled In magniture within a year. Ii Is not altogether clear how far the present psce of expsnslon Is caused by Increasing requirements of consumer and how far by fear of curtailment In pro duction because 'of the coal strike, but actual needs are apparently the greater driving force. ; ; The Iron Age point out the "Increas ing inability of mills to make prompt deliveries." despite the enlargement of active capacity. , Even for March the output of atructural steel, In response to the nation-wide revival of building ac tivities, is now reported a having been 30 per cent above the am month's aver age In the last 10 year and the atsel corporation's chairman made the striking statement 'at Monday's meeting that ex port business "la getting back to where It was before the war." i New York Stocks Range of prices of the lcsdlng stocks furnished by Logan & Bryan, 148 Peters T,u.tild.ngkAiLBoADB . Tuesday High. Low. Close. Close. A. T & S. -F....101 100 100 100 B & 0 49 47 48 47 Can Pacific 142 140 141 142 N. T. Centra! 91 90 91 11 Ches. & Ohio 65 64 45 5 Oreat Northern... 75 . 76 75 76 Illinol Central. ...107 106 107 107 K , C. Southern... 27 ?'7t l.ehlah Valley.... 68 - Hi 48 62 Mo. Pacific 24 23 N. Y; A N.: H. . . . 23 23 24 24 "?7 75 41 77 4 90 26 23 21 77 74 41 76 45 90 Northern Paolfic. , C. & N. W Penn. R. R. Reading C. R. I. P .., Southern Pacific, Southern Railway, n vr as, T ns 75 42 77 47 91 26 76 74 41 76 45 89 14 27 24 28 28 28 V.' P." .....139 138 139 138 STEELS. Am. Car Fdry....l62 160 160 160 Allis-Chalmers 49 48 48 48 Amer. Loco. Baldwin Loco, .115 113 115 113 .117 116 116 116 . 79. 76 78 77 Beth. Steel t.,... Colo. F. & I Crucible Am. StI. Fdry... I.acka. Steel .... Midvale Steel Pressed Steel Car Ken. S. & I 31 31 SI 62 64 87 37 52 54 34 34 77 79 64' 66 31 64 37 54 36 79 62 37 63 34 77 54 J00 , i'7 41 53 67 36 19 23 62 40' 31 66 Rv. stl ...Borings.. 101 100 101 Rloss-Scheffleld .. 44 U. S. Steel 99 V.nsriium 431 42 43 97 99 41 43 uorrtuno. Anaconda .53 52 Am. S. A R. Co... 58 66 Cerro De Pasco... 36 ,38 Chili II 18 Chlno 28 28 53 67. 36 18 29 28 40 31 29 17 16 11 68 63 . 51 Cal. & Ariz Oreen Cananes.... 28 Inspiration 40 Kennecott 82 Miami 29 28 40 31 29 16 16 11 66 61 65 29 17 16 14 65 "2 64 Nevada Consolldat 17 Ray Consolidated. 16 Seneca 13 Utah .. 65 OILS. ... 63 .. 66 .. .. 19 Oener Asphalt Calif Pet .. ... Island Oil Invincible Oil... Mexican Peterol. Middle States Pacific Oil Pan-American .. Phillips .......... Pierce Oil ...... Pure Oil , Royal Dutch ... Sinclair Oil standard O. N. . Texas Co Union Oil VVhlte Oil ........ 18 18 11 ...133 129 132 129 .. 16 14 15 69 67 65 63 68 64 38 9; 34 63 67 63 37 33 62 30 ... 38 37 ... 9 9 ... 34 33 ... 62 61 ... 33 3D J. 180 ' -177 ... 47 46 ...21 20 177 H7 47 48 20 19 ... 10 10 10 10 MOTORS. ! Chandler ........76 74 W 74 I General .Motor. .. 12 ,, 12 12 12 iWIUys-Over. 8 8 8 8 i Plerce-Arrow 22 21 22 5l White Motor....... 47 46 46', 4B Studebaker 121 117 120 117 ' RUBBER AND TIRES. Fisk 17 17 17 17 40 47 18 17 63 40 32 Goodrich 41 Kelley-Sprlng. .... 48 40 46 18 17 83 41 48 18 17 65 Keystone Tlre 19 Ajax 17 V. s. Rubber. 65 INDUSTRIALS. Am. Beet Sugar.... 42 40 41 32 46 34 U. & W. 1 32 81 Am. Int. Corp.... 47 American Sumatra 26 45 45 86 34 American To!.,.. 121 120 121 121 mm i ifi . O I 0 . I . n Jtm. ri.ee Pea 4 4,, 44 4S .irairei itef,, , ii a, 4i4 j, itttMataae , , ia , ia is iui.-a.AN.. Sugar.. IIS ll'i tl II '. 1'i.Ma.ie.,, ,ai ivi oS ! t'smaa 'iav-rs.,. !, tit sat, tifl 8hM,,,a 1V 4 Ill's .ll. ltd. (if ,, 44 4SI 41 S inter. nrt.e , tat t. Am II. I.. I-I4. T ', :', s( C. . AloJM... 49 , 4S "' alar, rat , .,, . 4T C1 Int-r. M. M. .f,,, si' in, ; tl, oni. iu,,r n-l,,, IS H-t ' V,-K nurfc ... 18 II Ii T, l luui-hai g ,,,,,,, e ' s, Ta. I'ruduei ,,,, (V 9t. es Martb. I'oniu ,,..11 II 63 11 Wll.ua ('a. 41 41 41 41 Wasi. Kietirte ... SI tl sth tits Am.firs Woolen. II KH'IJ ll MlaVELLANgol Am. Caiiea oil... t 14 Am, Asu. I'beltt.. 114 JS Am. Linseed 4, US 14 iH it it 4 4a :' ! I HUB ! pit ... .... ., Iluerft Stagnate. .. 44 44 44 Ht.lra, Hauid Tr. US ll4 i;V l onllHanlal (.'.., '' 4l lal. Parkin ..... 11V 771. tit. tel. U, K .8 Si, Sl' MS 11 Cel. lira I. h Its I IS . I I nlid I'm ( National i:m... 17 S S S Inii.d yrmi 144 141 114 .... Irillsrd 'tul.aovo.no1 Itnu !, It (ki....u.. a ...A a ..." N'aiionsl 14.... 94V 91 (IS IIH Philadelphia Co... at S 1'uliinaa 114 I'uni A I. Mugsr. 4iii, H I'. H. Mugar.... 4S Retail atui-a 41 S Muperlor Hie-I.... ', ni. L. r.... lu'. ""J StilW 4S 44 S s It't a sj' 134 IMS 4 it 4I 4', 4(S 44 .... 1 :S .... 34 a. ir i nein , Total salea, 1,111,(00 thar. Money Close. !4 per cent) Tuesday eloae, suj p-r tent. Harks Tueaday rloee, ,C034Sr. France Clos. ,09J2Si Tueadsy clue, ,j:y. . ' bie.-ling Close, II 42SI Tuesday 'close, 14 42 S. New York Bonds (The Bee Is the only Omaha newspaper which publishes the of ficial dote of the New York Stock exchange bondt.) New Tork, April It. Disregarding th general rally In the stock market, to day bond dealing svaln wsre Influenced by realising for profit, thi tendency be ing especially noted In llbertlea and sev eral vt the foreign war offering. A number of domestlo rail alio gave way to selling presaure, particularly the various Mrabuard Air I. Ins Issue, Mis souri, Kansas and Texas and HI. Loui and Ban Francisco. Cosier wer Irregular, though mainly lower, th only marked exception (Jheaapeake and Ohio convertible 4 at a gain of 1 point. The day' new underwriting Included another 110,009.000 Installment of the i'aria-l.yotia-Medttorrantan railroad bonds recently offered her. It Is understood I hut several banking syndicates are forming to bid for the coming New Tork city I45.000.0o0. 4 per cent bond Issue. Total alt( (par value) aggregated 111,. 783.000, lulled Wtnles Bond. Sale (In 11.00) . High. Low Close 190 Liberty 3-... 99.60 - 99.14-- 99.20 11 Liberty 2d 4s.. 99. 4S 99.14. 99.11 14S Liberty 1st 4a 99.80 . 99.40 99.62 1921 Liberty 2nd 4e 99.66 99.1S 99.34 970 Liberty 3d 4 54s 19.78 99.32 ' 19.44 2626 Liberty 4th 4 99.88 99.60 99.72 89 Victory 4a ..100.70 100.62 100.68 42 Victory 3 ..100.04 ' 100.02 100.04 Foreign. Qorernment, State and Municipal. 40 Argentine 7s 100 100 100 27 Chinese Gov Ry 6s. 66 56 66 38 City Berne 8s . 112 112 112 24 City Bordeaux 6s.. 89 88 89 741 City Copen 6..-. 93 92 92 2 City Lyons 6a 89 88 89. 32 City Marseilles 6s.. 89 88 69 10 City R D Jan 8a. .105' 104 105 29 City S Paulo 8s. ..106 .105 106- 10 City Toklo 6s .... 73 73 73 64 City Zurich 8s ....112 112 112 3 Danish Muni 8s A. 112 111 111 129 Dept Seine 7s .... 97 96 97 11 Do Can 6s no 29.101 101 101 10 Do Can 5s 21.. ....100 99 99 l::g Du Eas Ind Cs 47.. 96 95 98 297 Du Ens lnd 6s 62.. 90 94 90 112 French Itep ss .'.,.100 106 . ins 155 French Rep 7S..103 103 103 184 Japanese 4. .... 78 76 , 78 27 King Belgium 7a.l09' 108 109 .22 King Belgium 6s. .103 103 103 76 King Denmark 6s.. 99ti 99 (9 2 King Italy 6s... 96 96 96 225. King-Nether 6s .,.'. 94 94 94 26 King Norway 8s ..112 111 112 66 King Sweden ... 102 101, 102 690 Pa Lyons Med 6s.. 84 . 83' 83 8 Rep Chile s 4ii,.106 104 104 86 Rep Uruguay Ss"'..in6 105 105 -33 Slate Queens 7s..;.109 109 ,'109 10 Stats Queen s.. 102 101 101'. 18 S R O D S 8 .-104 ..'J0! 104 25 Swiss Confed- 8s ..11611S 114 19 UKOB7I 6s 22..106 .106 106 182 UKOB7I 6S 29. .107 107 107 89 UKOB&I 6S 87. .102 101 101 102 U S Brazil 8s 108 101 107 32 U 8 Mexico 5s .... 8 67 68 '69 U 8 Mexico 4s 59 67 67 Railway and Miscellaneous Bonds. 3 Adam Exp 4 .... 78 76 68 14 Ajax Rubber 8s:. .100 100 100 18 Am Ag Ch 7s...l04 104 104 42 Am Smelt 5s 92 91 92 81 Am Sugar 6s 99 99 99 14 Am T & T CV 6s ..115 116 118 . 81 Am T & T o t 6s. . 90 90 3 Armour & Co. 4a. 90 89 23 A T ft 8 F gen 4s. 89 ., 88 8 A T ft S F ad! 4s. , 83 88 90 .89 88. 83 76 Atl Reflnln 6US..104 108 104 43 Bait ft Ohio 6a 9 98 99 23 Bait A Ohio ev 4s 83 82 i 82 18 .Bell Tel of Pa 7s.. 108 108 108 4 Braden Copper 6s. 98 96 98 2 B Edl gen 7 D...107 107 107 21 B R T 7a ct stpd. 78 78 78 I Cal OAK 6 95 94 95 t Can North s 112 111 112 43 Can Pao deb 4s... 80 79 80 10 Cent of Oa Is 99 99 99 2 Cent Leather 6s . . . 97 5 Cerro de Pasco 8s. 115 96 96 116 116 ' 42 Ches A Ohio cv 5s. 90 82 Ches ft O cv 4s. 88 65 C B A Q ref 5s A 97 110 Chi A East 111 5s.. 79 23 Chi Ot West 4s. . .. 63 2 C I A L ret 6s.... 43 14 C M A S P cv 4a. 71 90 86 97 79 62 43 70 90 88 97 79 62 43 71 . 05 87 C"t ft 8 P ret 454S 65 2 C ft N 7 ..'..107 , 7 C ft N 6 'As 108 sou 106 107 107U 108 3 Chi Rys 5s........ 80 118 C R I A P ref 4s. f 82 81 82 ( ch T we in 4s 75 60 -Chile Copper 7s ..102 74 . 75 101 102 74 Chile Copper 6s ... 89 17 Col 1 Sou ref 4s. 88 19 Con Coal Mary 6s.. 88 88 8.1 87 87 88 88 BS Consol Oas 7a ....lis 7 Cuba Can Sug de 8s 85 118 116 85 85 8 Cuba R R 7s A.102 102 102 6 Cub Amer Sug 8s.. 104 104 104 1-Del A Hud cv 6s. .'97 - 97 , 9.7 2 D & R O im 6s.,. 84 84 84 . 2 D M ft F D 4s 63 63 63; vi uet Ktn rer os ....103 72 Det Unit Ry 4s.. 82 2 Dlat Secur 5s 47 14 Du Pont D N 7s.l06 JO Duques Light 6s. . .103 67 Erie gen 4s 65 5 Erie pr lien 4a 89 ' 8 Fisk Rubber 8s ....107 102 102 81 82 47 47 104 106 102 102' 64 .65 89 89 107 107 40 Framer In de 7148.101 101 . 101 28 Oen Eleo deb 6s... 99 99 99 95 Ooody'r Tire 8s 31.103 102 102 14 Ooody'r Tire 8s 41.116 116 fl6 26 Clrd Trunk Can 7s. 111 111 111 ' 14 Ord Trunk Can 6s. 103 102 103 39 Ot Northern 7s A. .108 108 108 105 Ot North 6s B.. 97 97 97 12 H A M ref 6s A... 82 41 H & M ad.1 Ihc 6s. 60 5 III Cent 6s. .....101 8 III Cent ref 4s.;... 87 ' 81 82 59 60 100 100 86 116 99 100 76- 76 17 18 14 14 65 66 96 96 14 Indiana Steel 6s... 100 6 Inter Agric 5s. . . . 23 Int Met 4s 24 Int Met 4s ctfs 120 Int R T ref 6s.. 18 Int M M s f 6a... 76 IS 14 66 97 7 HOME BUILDERS SHARE&-$1 Each ow ATailable by Besale iu?.mPireflrrM? uSh?,rea CI""'"' mortg-ascs on new propsrtlea ' rn!.al.a by"t hl Home Bu"ders for reliable owner paylna- 7 Irom date of purchase. - , , Exempt From Normal Income Tax and Personal Taxes in Nebraska mIji"8r these shares yfeld better than an S lnvettraent where th ( owner pays ine taxes. . Semi-annual dividend without a tingle omission have beta paid on these shares for many years. Ask for Booklet Explaining- Home Builders' Flan. American Security Co. Broker Oodse at 18th at. ; Omaha, Keb. the Day t Int P.p ref I M . 66 H 11 4 It I'll IS., (IV (1 (1 is i"a t t rr 4 , en, tr 41 II ti O r A M 4a, tV 1( It IkO aw ts. ,,,,,, II (4 its 44 K-H Ti Is o 11', !' I !' k tl S it., its tiS IIS I I. A M b deb 4 14 (1 l( ( I I. at a) SI a ub 4 11 (- !' ( ,.nia i ...,,), in 11 S j Myi tt,... ' ( ( Milliard i tts tl t ! I. N r-f lSt,...r.;s l"l !; I I. A N naif 4 tlV (1 (IV 14 Ma rat aa... l aS 14 I si a T'l lal at ... , tl 91 It II Slid HI eel ev ,. 11 tl (I M si I. ref It..,, 4: 41 44 t MMPHMU ( ...,1 11 Hl It 4 K IT) adj St. 11 14 14 II 8 8 I T IM 4.,, 11 II II M l'al ref I 11,. I"t 10 l 114 tlx l'e -n 4 .... 14 4614 I SI Stunt 1'eaer la A.. 114 (6 II S Slum A I'e 11 4 IIS II , 11 41 N ll T A M Ine .. 41 4t It N T Cnlrl r.'l fa.lsaV s av 41 N V Central dab tt.Il 11 el t t'antral eon 4a. te u t l V r itiii ft sua ii ten. ii ill N T NIIAIIe I 41 11 IIS 11 S NV.VHfrt da 4 II 44 41 44 1 NT T IV r.f ,s., II 14 14 14 .W Mall far 4s era 3t 11 11 I NY Tela deb I 41.104 1l 101 It NY" Tel ttf I 41,104 11 K1V N T W A II 4.. 4t It 41 S Nor A f"U la A ... ' 19 41 :l Kite A Wra r la. .101 left 101 11 Na'l'ae pr lln 4. 84 11 11 I No HI To ref Is A tl (3 tl 17 N V l T 7 1"7 )" 11 4 or A t'al 1st 6s .. (1 S 14 H I, t ct. ,..!" let loo I tl H L ref 4s (IS II 'i tl S 11 ll IV I II t N 4s., II 10 l" 81 l'e II T 13 M (IV II tl II Pack Slot Car ..!! 101 lot 11 Pan Am PAT It.. 11 11 tl 21 I'a It K IS 1" 1"7S 101 44 Pa R R gen 6s ... ( (7 (7 11 Pa It It gen 4' .. to 10 10 10 IVa A i:at Inu 4.. 11 32 11 I Pierre Oil deb Is.. 9 11 ( I U CAUL 5 A.. tiV (IV (SV S Pro A Itefin l'....109 104 lot S Itaading gen 4 ... 11 II II IS It O f W lit 4 7t 7t 71 11 II I A I L 4t... II 10 10 S I. I M A 8 ref 4s. 17 17 17 t4 I. A 8 F ad Is.. II 11 81 11 8 I, A H F In Ss.. 41 11 41 27 1. A Y p I 4 A 14 78 11 I S I. H W 1st 4 17 77 77 SHI' f K r 811 4 11 11 81 S 8 A T A P 1st 4a.. 14 74 14 Ji4 K H A L con 4.,, 41 61 40 43 47 H It A I, adj I ... 17 II 27 11 A L ref 4 ... 44 43 41V 42 Sha Hteel Hon 8 A100 11 11 If, Mini HI rv lUs. ..1044 104S 14S 87 Hinclilr Oil ro 7s. 100 tl 99 31 Hu Pao cv 4s 11 11 tl 1 Mou Pao ref 4s 7 87 17 23 Sou Pao col tr 4s.. 12 11 12 64 Sou Ry gen 1.. t9 It tl II Sou Ry con 1 16 16 15 41 SOU Ry gen 4 47 67 47 ' s S Porto Rico Sug 7s 91 'l tl 17 Stan Oil Cal deb 7a. 1 "7 14 1" 21 Tex A Pao 1st 6s.. 15 (5 95 124 Third Av adj 5s.. 64 64 64 27 Third Av ref 4s.. 46 16 61 24 Tide Oil ( ctfs. .101 102 102 20 Toh Prod 7 99 19 9t 4 H P 1st 4 91 91 (1 10 IT P rv 4s 98 93 93 I Union Tnk Car 7.t3 l"! 103 I If 8 Realty 6s.... 95 t6 (5 4 U 8 Rubber IS. ..107 107 107 17 It 8 Rubber 6s.... 81 18 81 21 If 8 Hteel f 6.. 102 1"! 10J 4 Utah PAL Ii... II 11 11 18 Va-Caro Chem 7 18 97 91 18 Va-Caro Ch 1st 6 It 18 19 :j Virginian Ry It.,., tl 16 tl 27 Western Elec Is. ..100 100 100 . 9 W Maryland lit 4t 4 85 II 21 West Union 4t ..100 101 107 131. West'house Eleo 7s. 107 101 107 17 W A L E 4s .... 68 67 47 21 Wlc Spe Steel 7s... 99 98 18 104 Wilson A Co cf7.104 103 101 19 Wilson A Co cv 6s 92 91 91 3 Wlscon Cen gen 4s. 78 78 71 - ' Xew York Coffee. Nw Tork. ;Aorll 11. There were re actions In the market for coffee futuree hers todav. Brazilian came wer con- aidered somewhat. dtsaDPolntlng. while de velonmenta at the Genoa conference nave neen regaraea in some quarter a moai- fylng optimum over prospects tor turo nan demand, .and after onenins st a de cline of S to 13 points, prices worked off another point or two under scattered resllzing or liquidation. May aold off to 10.260 and September to 9.71e, or ahout 80 to 33 points from yesterday' higher prices. The close was within a point or two or tne lowest, showing a net decline or 7 to 16 points, sales were estimated nt nbout 03.00 bags.' May. 10 25c: July. 10.02c: September, 9.71c; October, 9.70c; December, 9.8ic January, I.SSc; March. s.nr. Snot coffee firm: Rio 7a. llo to llVio! Santos 4s. lie to, llr. Turpentine and Rosin. V Savannah. Ga.. Anril 19. Turnentlna firm. 76T77 bbls: sales, 160 bbls; re ceipts, 2934 bbl; shipments, 13 bbls; stock, 1,763 bbls;' , Rosin Firm, ''sales, '680 casks; receipts, 802 casks: shipments, 1,745 casks; stock, 66.229 casks., ' Quote: B. D. B.. 14.05 4.07 tt : O H. T... I4.7ffl4.10: 44.1294.16; M 15.10; KnnsM City Clraln. Kansas ' Cltv. Mo.. Anril 19 Caah: Wheat No. 2 hard, 11.3291.50; No. 2 red, 1.321.S6. corn No. z wn te. 55IB55t4c: No. 2 yellow, 68 59c. , Hay unrnanged. . . , Kansas City. April 19.-r-CIoe: Wheat May. 11.29; July, 11.17; September, 111.11. " ... Corn May. 55c: July. 68c: Septem ber, 61c. . t , , Chloagd Potatoes. ChlCtgo, April 19 Potatoes Dull: ' re ceipts, 47 cars: total U. 8. shipments, 666 cars; Wisconsin sacked round whites, 81.50ffil.65 cwt.: Minnesota sscked round whites, 11.4091.60 cwt.; Idaho sacked Rurala. 11.6091.70 cwt.; Canada sscked long whites, 11.75 cwt.: new stock, firm: Florida Spaulding Rose No. 1. 17.76 bbl.; jobbing price on 150-pound tack Spauld ing KOSS. 16.5V. Minneapolis Grain. Minneapolis. April 19. Cash: Wheat- No. 1 northern, 11.69 91.42 ; .May. 11.51; July, 11.40. Corn No. 3 yellow, 64c. Oats No. 3 white, 24985c. ' -. Barley 61963c. Rye No. 2. 8 999c. Flaxseed No. 1, 12.6692.69. . - Chicago Produce. Chicago. April 19. Butter Unchanged. Eggs Steady: receiots. 27.954 csaes: first. 23 9 24c; ordinary first, 229 22c; miscellaneous, 129lle; . itorage packed extras, 17c; storage packed firsts, joic... ., - ... ... 0 New York Produce. New York, April 19. Butter Firm: creamery, higher than extra, 40940c; extras, 39 c; firsts, 37 39c. wggs .Firm, fresh gathered firsts, 26 27c.:- . - Cheese Steady, 21c.-- " New York Poultry. ' New Tork. Anril 19. Live Poultry Steady; broilers. 40970c; chickens, 179 83c;. fowls, 26929c; dressed, steady and unchanged. I.ondon Honey. ' ' London, April 19. Bar Silver 85Kd per ounce: money. 2 per cent: discount rat -a short and 3-month bills, 292 per cant. . Bar Silver. ' ' New Tork. April 19. Foreign Bar Silver 70c. Mexican poller 63a. Chicago Poultry. Chicago, April 19. Poultry Alive, higher; fowls, 26c; broilers, 40950c; roost ers, 16C. Kansas City Produce. Ksnsss City, April 11. Egg, Poultry and butter Unchanged. N. Y. Curb Bond$ New trk. April IS Treaie"a Ik New lore. Car mrkt ladty ' la4M lada. Sale (in II 111 II sU l l'l" 14 Allied I'S'k I .. 4 K t Allied P.k I nft. 4 4 I Aluminum 1 II. .,! !" 1-1 1 I Aluminum 1 11. ...11 ' I I Am tat .... 11 l I Am I. A T ft ft . ft t Am TIT ll..l J f 15 Am T T T 1 14.. .11 " II Anseen Cup 1 II 11 f ! 4 Ai. Am Oil 1S..I ! IS l Armeur A t'e l,.l4 l4 14 I H.ral.ll 4 16 l6 Jet It Ha. h l-.l 1 II. .11 l"l ft 4 FUlll ! Ts II....IHS I lJ I l.na Peelfl t ...11 S HIS ! I l eal l.l 1 1(6 Id 11. I C.lum tlisph Is .. US 81 t I Consol ll af U t ..11 ' tiS I t on I T-sllle I . , , s I Ca tt Asa Is Sl..lIS !" I Cuban Tl IS.. Kmi'lr tl I r Ii I Huodrlih Tir 7 t lira nd Trunk IS 4 Hull Oil 7 1 Hand Rubber It .lets 14 S 14 .!" I"S , (is its tl .101 11 11 ,l4 l"4 11 tl tt s l"l 11 tt tt 1 tl 1 Humble oil It ....IU I Inier H T T It Inter H T l 11... ! I J Una, (a HI. ..11 et I""1 I Kent.. Copper l..ei 16 l"S l.arlad Ii 7 ... MS S tt I l.ltiby MvN'il la... ( 4 Manitoba Ta 16 14 SUrland rf 1... (1 4 Nai Avm 7 ...( I N T N H A II 4a.. 41 I'hlla Co 4 44.... 17 tii.il vi ml tS t't 14 11 tt (1 ss 14 tt. Il li 14 Phillip P ( H I"' J '! 18 Co NJ 7. !" fS it lUar Ro 1 II. ...101 ! f if .r Ho i si.. .11 ;! 1 Kh.wahe- 1 ....101 S ! t 8olvay A CI I ..l6 " It II W 8 T ll I"1S !" JIH T a.H Oil NT 7. M.101 104 e t taa Oil NT 7 11.101 14 0 t Nian Oil NT IS ..0S f JS t Sun Oil 1 I0l4j 11 !! I 5"ft t C. 7. II.. 101 IMS f II Tei. a Co 1 101 101 H lIS t TrdaVoM. 1 ! I" t To F-diion 1 101 jot J4 11 t'n Oil Prod ... .lt " II Vacuum Oil 1. jotj 1 J?J 11 Warn Hug 7. 4l...lo 0 10 t Weet Kleo 1 101 lt 1 Wlnch-atar T 11.101 101 . IIS 10 A O W I 1 11 17 17 I Char Iron I ..... ( S Cnlum Graph I ct. 36 17 Pel A Hud 6 It 14 (1 11 II tl ll 17 31 tt 11 I Kmplr OIF (.. ti S Pre Tex 1 '....101 II I U I N ll 61 I Kan O A t 1 14 101 17 1 Kinia Count 4 .. (i 21 Ll Writ 7 101 100 100 (I Mo Pao Ry ke rn No Am Kill 4s. .100 100 10 (2 (1 I 6T N Y N H A M 1(. II I (9 10 11 Sak A Co 7 lot l nimm Warner 108 104 J" S Hun Oil 1 18 95 I 16 S W B OA E 6a..., 10 Foreign Bond, 1 Ara.ntln I 22. ..100 16 100 100 40 21 It IS French OoV 4 .... 40 11 Russian IS 21 S Russian IS ctfs.. II , a b....i. Zli.. 14li 40 21 22 24 14 .a ii.. lu.. 1014k 101 V 101 IS Ars.ntln. I SB... 79 71 79 22 C SolMOrt 6 17 26 C Klberfeld a .... 1 28 Mex Oov I . 10 66 U S Mexico 4a 61 17 17 6 so 60 8 20 60 New Yerk Oenernl. . xt-a.u is irinue Steady: toft winter 'trlght. 16.609 76. Wheal opot. lirm; ro. a i.u I hard.. 11.17 i No. 1 Manitoba. 11.11. and No. I mixed durum, 11.17, c L f. track. New ' Tork. to arrive. ' Corn pot, firm) No. I yellow and No. I white, 7c, and No. 1 mixed, 78c, e. I. f. New York, all rail. Oat Spot, firm; No. I won, nsw 49e. ' . . Hay Easy; No. 1, 12t.ooej3i.en; wo. i. 128.0092( 00; No. I, 124.00921.00; ship ping. 122.00924.00 per ton. utner articles uncnanseo. New Y'ork Pryfood. New Tork. April 11. Cotton goods marketa were quieter today, with prlcea firm and tending upward on aome print cloth and sheetings. Wonted ysrns were offered st concessions. Silks and staple dress good- yere unlet. Burlapa showed little change. New York Pried Fruits. New York. April 11. Evaporated Ap ples Barely steady. l-runes yulet. Apricots Scare. Peaches Steady, Raisin Easy. London Metal. London. April It. Conner Standard. spot, 58 17s 6d; electrolytic, 164. Tin tj.ii 17 ta. Lead (21 17s 6d. Zinc 121 17t Id. Flaxseed. April 19. Flaxseed 11.629 Duluth. 2.11. Peters Pit in Trtlt Bylldla Let Us Handle Your Grain Shipments to the Omaha, Chicajro, Milwaukee, Kan- -V sas City, Sioux City or any other marketa. 9 - ".. WE SPECIALIZE i i in the careful handling of all orders for grain sal provisions for future delivery. , .' WE OPERATE J) ' offices at Omaha, Neb.; Lincoln, Neb.; Hastitig. Neb.; Chicago, III; Siout City, la.; Holdrege, Neb.;' Geneva, Neb.; Des Moines, la.; Milwaukee, Wis.; Hamburg, la., and Kansas City, Mo. WE HAVE. an up-to-date Terminal Elevator in the Omab Market with the latest facilities for handling your : shipments. Updike Grain Co. "The Reliable Consignment Home .' i OMAHA, NEBRASKA g ikain . i . - ....... ft.M IIJkB A piy. r (4 fx, Ml l Arm-ar A I'a bf.l , Ana-r Ll-r aH I'Md.er i'..ein-al.l lltftaf la, I Maluf I ill . . .....aa a.. Maiaauery-wia .t Sslleea! I l, at piir Vtii kl.a.tl Valaf aalll A Mailt llaeelU"l ,.a. , . . ... etS . . , I'Mlaa) 11 Via .......... a, a.,.,,. a Makl its k, li lirela. K, 1.01. April t -Wk.l-M., iri Jult. II IIS, t arn-zl.y. Il July. llUlli!. Oeia sly. Ii Js'r. 4. Investment MEANS putting your moaey aw.y aftly M that it y-is a Heady and aur return. II I lilia your pllal work te that II r. iv good i and ao pry of It l r kut. THERE IS SATISFACTION la knowing that year funds ar In vated In wdUrbotta (eewrlly. Ih firlt mortgage n bemae, and that they r earalng quar terly dividend at ih rU ef per anat, osnpundlg themaelvee. or regular laoM to you by cheek. Call en our officer and all them to explain our pi. ASSETS a94Ta.ooo RESERVE . . - 40IJTS BUILDING LOAM ASSOCIATION lllk ANO NARNtV tl VIARS IH OHANA MUNN St. CO. ainMln. l-.llll'Afin ILL. aclMllfie Amarlran lllut.. Waetlll.vnTON, D. C VTiiolatinb Huil'llnt. Nr.W YORK , Robert Bid., BAN rBANCISOU. CAL. Service plus for the Moderate Investor We exercise the degree ef can and tha ' same dilsjtnce in at trading te the needs of the Smaller Investor at we do in serving the rcjatrVeJy greater one. Send lor oaf "Cyrrtnt" nUNHAMt hvntmemt Saxnrititi tHaUliktd iqil 43 Exchange PUoe, NrwTrk I am AM A 6 Loans on New Residences You can now stcur buildfag loan at thit ' rt tha lowest rata in Omaha. We offer t three plans: 60-Month Installment Loan ,' 142-Month Installment Loan - 5-Year Straight Loan Cost of Loan la Nominal Your application will receive prompt ttntia. TkusT Coi ll-, ' I ' I' IS !: 44 41V'