10 fHC BEE: OMAHA. THURSDAY. 'APRIL 20. 1922 I, 1 i Omaha Church Janitor Is Held as Bootlegger Lincoln Woman I'lrada Guilty l Naming Parly Willi Coiitrahjinl Iloozc -" Hjrn Mir Trip. Lincoln. Neb., April I1). (Special 'Irlrgram ,-Hate Mtrriff Cm Myers i. going to vt.it Omaha il Omaha IjVW violator Cr IHCU)M1 hi. lime in LJm'olii. (ius ha ju.t tdl(il tlif gatolirie I ink of lilt auto rrrpiraiory to dnv ii 8 lo Onulia in fomjattv iilt l)rnitjr I'mtrd Sutr Mrlial 'I homa Carroll onJ l-lrral I'rohi-I-iion Knlorcenifiit Officer RoUrrt Amlerton. Ibty rre Imurrly diivmir down a principal street hrre when Amlci or ratually remarked: "Thrrc'i o Oiiuli bnoilrggrr." Ihrre wa a murc k of brakes ami the three officer surrounded the car and rmrrgrd triumphant with IS marts of wlu.ky and to prisoner. 'I hry gave thnr name a Aarou Marli, JVI7 North Twenty-fir! ktrrrt, and Howard Mallhy, janitor of the Wfttmiii.icr l're.byteriau church, Omaha. lici.ie tiraham, 10.55 J aired, Lin coin, who wa arretted later, pleaded guilty la ht.miitg a parly with the lo men and drinking ( their Mure and paid a (me of f0. According to Mirriff llyrrs. the two men cunfo-ed hauling lujuor to I'tatriic Judgment- Agaiuot Omaha DiMiiifocd ly Hih Court Lincoln. April 19. (.special.) The .Nebraska supreme court over turned today a joint judgment run ning against the city of Umaha and Ernest Mochel for fti.RUO, obtained hy Sarah Johnson, widow of Mor ns Johnson. The high court dismissed the rase a to the citv on the municipality's appeal from l)ouxla county. Johnson wa killed when hi auto mobile was humped by Moschel's car and thrown into the path of an oncoming fire truck, the accident occuriug at Eighteenth and Cajj streets. The high court, in dismissing the uit against the city, aid that the driver of the fire truck was using reasonable precaution in driving. Prince Hirohito Sees First Show in Tokio Tokio, April I'i, The prince of Wales, a.riMiipjnifJ by J'lhue Krgent llirohitu anil Wfl other in prrul ri(ittt and rintfe, at tended a lecepikm at the Imperial ihratrr here Monday night, thu lirtpmg to break do n one more age old barrier between the intfcrial home and the people. J be regent never before attended a tbeairual prrlofiuanre in Tokio, and Monday mght In eat wa not barred off from the rrt of the audience, while the prince and prince.se bloexl mined wiih the renrral audience, all uupmedutrd. 1 he prime of Wale' vi.it it certain to .leave the irtirwriaf Japanese court hie hastening to dent otratuation. Tha prince leave tomorrow, lU trip including placet off the tourist track. Uoffinrbtrr Mentioned fur Congrm ia Fifth flroken How, Neb.. April 19. (Special Telegram.) Representative Fred Ifoffmrister of Imperial, a member Of the stale road Investiga tion committee, may be candidate for congres in the Filth district When the rommmittce traveled through that district Tuesday there was much talk of HotTnieister for congress, and lie admitted, he was giving the proposition consideration. Ilolfmei.ter has been a member of the legislature fr 10 year and lia lived in the imperial valley for .V) year. He practiced medicine there until a few year ago, when lit bought a ranch and began raisins hogs and cattle. ' 1 1 olTmfistcr is a democrat. Where, oh where. ! there o!aee for a broken heart? If you know, w ire Uncle Him Gump, I. D. Q. collect. y. RATS RATS RATS BurnUmUp Rat Major Will Burw-Css-C la? lb lawlrnw Intradrr BurnUmUp Will Do It OH SALE AT ALL Firtt-Clasa Drug Stores Council Bluffs Remedy Co. taaatil Blarfa, ton. Restaurant Man Shot in Row With Employe Grand J.Uud. N'r. April 19 (Special Trl'ium K. V. Kellog. in charge M the I'nwn I'acine yaid re.uursMt, wai shot in the right Hugh when an altercation arose be tween him and a recently hired night employe. The argument is said to have started over teport that eu.tomert had bn given meals free while the new attendant was on duty, The men, accodins to report, en gaged in kmfe duel, while Mrs. Kellogg is said to have obtained a revolver front their boarding car. In the tussle that ensued, il i Hated i he gun, while still in the hands oi the woman, was di.cluiged. Kellogg it in th Im.pital, Ths other man ia said to hae left for Umaha shortly after the shooting. Complete Hotel Leie. Pcatrice, Neb, April 19. (Spe cial Telegram.) At a conference of the director ( the Beatrice Hotel company and E. L. May of the May Hotel company all arrangement for the lease oi the new $JOU,000 hotel by the May company a operators were made. Actual work en Ihe structure Vill begin in about 60 day. It b coft as A - We Want to Talk to Milk Producers who are so situated that they can get their milk to Omaha In first-clasa condition. Our purchasing agent wishes to call on you at-your farm to talk over the details of our requirements. Call Roberts Sanitary Dairy HArn.y 2226 2901 Cuming Street 1 1,000 Arro Jnterel in A Ilia me Hamli Sold Alliance, Neb., April 19. (Spe cial) Cue of the latge.t real estate exchange of the year here wa re corded when Herman J. K'taii.e pur. chased the remaining one-halt inter est of the estate of himself and hi at public sale. The Kiause ranch. i which Herman J, Krause is now l c-wner, consuls of appios.imatrly .'8,isjo acres, located M unlet nrth ra.l of Alluuce, I he prue paid Mr the H.Oiaj acres belonging to the interest of John It. Krau.e was $t an acre. The Krause ranch is one of the largest in western Nebraska. BROWNING, KING & CO.- The (tare af la Taw a" II Headquarters for Full Dress Tuxedo SUITS "Coat and Trousers" Everybody wants "good looking." "perfect fitting" "Evening Clothes." A fine appearauce la tbe "whole thing.' We offer you "Dress Clothes" that are perfect Designed and carefully tailored In our own factory. Beautiful worsteds, full silk or satin lined. Made for "good lookaHaa long as you wear them. Full Dress Suits $40.00 Coat and Trousers. . Tuxedo Suits $35.00 Coats and Trousers. A size for any figure, 33 to 46. Long,' short, stout, medium and in-between. Combination Suit and Coats with one pair of trousers $67.00 "Frock Suits For Afternoon Wear" Full Dress and Tuxedo Waistcoats; Full Dress and Tuxedo Shirts. Neckwear, Hosiery, Jewelry, Hats and Gloves. '-BROWNINGKING $ CO.- 15th and Douglas Sts. Harry H. Abbott, Mgr. For the Wife and Kiddies Don't deprive them any longer of the joys, 'comforts and conveniences of a car. It means MORE HAPPINESS, BET TER HEALTH for them and wonderful times you'll have driving out' in the country, going on trips and picnics and then' think, too, of the BIG HELP a car will be to your business. wsissbs 12 Renewed Cadillacs to Select From Buicks, Hudson, Hupmobiles, Oakland, Dodges, Fords, Franklins and many other makes. All ready to drive away. THREE DAYS ONLY iksday, Friday, Satairiay Amni?M' 717.9. o a sUjVaisUi nil cj cau r-ir-1 ... .' . ' . HMHsaasnaTHsVsa.TKI ANY TERMS WHY WALK? PAY AS YOU RIDE 35: RENEWED CARS , f' - To Be Sold In Three Days A Safe Place To Buy" NO SUCH SWEEPING PRICE REDUCTIONS EVER KNOWN IN OMAHA SATISFACTION Drive the car you select five days. If at the end of that time-you are not entirely satis fied with it, bring the car back and we will gladly allow, you every dollar you have paid on it to apply on the pur chase of any renewed car in stock. Free Driving Lessons It will not take you long to learn our competent instruc tor will teach you, and teach your wife, all about running and handling the car. The Time The Place Th6 Reason Thursday rnorning at the stroke of 8 o'clock we will launch the greatest and most sensational automobile value-giving sale ever attempted with in the confines of this state. Automobiles that are accorded the highest places in public esteem will 'be sold here at prices and terms un paralleled in automobile history up to this time. REMEMBER THE PLACE FARNAM AT.26TH STREET And bear in mind that the sale starts at 8 o'clock in the morning nothing reserved no favorites all will be treated exactly alike " The, reason for this sale, its object and purpose is to convert into cash or good contracts this wonderful stock of reconditioned cars there is a car here for every purpose. BUY A CAR BUY IT NOW BUY IT HERE , No matter what terms you want to pay or how you want to pay them no matter where . you live or what your station in life may be there is a ear here at a pricjs that will be with in your means, and the terms will be arranged to suit your pleasure. This sale will live for years as the high-water mark of sales liberality. THREE DAYS ONLY THURSDAY, FRIDAY mi SATURDAY YOU KNOW US! We don't have to be intro duced. Our . reputation as sures you satisfaction. We've spent months preparing for this three-day sale putting, the cars in good running order rebuilding and renewing them. As distributors for Cadillac Motor Cars we have many used cars taken in trade cars that have accumulated and must be disposed of! So out this overflow stock goes at prices lower than ever of fered in Omaha. El OPEN NIGHTS H. HANSEN CADILLAC CO. Farnam at 26th Street Omaha, Neb. OPEN NIGHTS ITO NEED TO BUY AM worthless cheap Tires when you can buy Spr ague High Grade Tires at low prices -Yhone us before you buy "Quality Inside and Out I Ms fttviy Duty S Sprague Fabric Tirei B I lis trt' CmPre Rj I I : w with one below. Count - l$ I I Hi ne P''. A glance fx& I will convince you it ffig lPi will deliver' twice the Sw mileage. gST A Car Owner Receives No More Out of A Tire Than the Manufacturer Puts In I M "A Tire of m ' S11 'tfi SB cross section of a s 1 I standard 3i-in. fabric ffi I I tire. Notice that it con- t I I tains only FOUR plies. j I 1S It is used only for com Iff f I parison and emphasizes , fix I the size, strength and fitp I ' wearing oualities of the- Jj$t J There?s a Sprague Service Station In Your Neighborhood RETAIL SERVICE DEPaRTMENT ' at the Mill, 18th and Cuming For Free Road Service call AT lantic 3032 NOVELTY REPAIR CO.-4809 So. 24th, South Side; MA 1404 WEST LAWN GARAGE 5816 Center St.; WA 2187 AUTO INN GARAGE 2816 Leavenworth St; HA 4452 WEST FARNAM GARAGE 3527 Farnam; HA 4150 UNDERWOOD GARAGE 51st and Underwood; WA 4546 P. A. CLARK MOTOR CO. 6116 Military Ave., Benson; WA 4253 JOHN LARSON 4515 No. 30th St. MINNE LUSA GARAGE 6610 No. 30th St; KE 0409 WM. PEPERKORN GARAGE Florence; KE 0112 KING HARDWARE CO. 2109 Cuming St; JA 0840 U0ARSENESS n Swallow slowly amall piece I I rob well over the throat. 10 CENTS BUYS On. of our funmu an wnlwtck m9 Four cbik of cud of ooffa. or a bvt ll of Al.mlto tlilk. OHw Hr Wm 1 APRIL 17 la a ONLY V VAPORUQ Otmll Millimjon CWFa5 urri P U C - AB Sia