Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 18, 1922, Page 3, Image 3

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    Till: VUU OMAHA. Tl'KSOAV. APRIL If. lWi.
Uc of Idle U.S.
Ships Urged by
Omaha Chamber
I'ldn of Shipping Hoard to
Koivc Me reliant Marine
ii(Ioreil in llr.olution
to Congroi.
f.Torl. of the utc flip
ping board lo put into u.e all idle
gocrnmfnlownri hip to r-ctub-liih
ind maintain an American nirr
chant marine have bern rndortfd
by the (urrign trade and com
turret and the executive comminrr
ot the Omaha lhamhrr of Com.
iiirref, it Hat annotmcfd rtrrly.
Memhrrt of lhre commitUM be.
ce that pUring tlre thipi in
operation, eiatlil)ing trade rontr
from our outli Atlantic and gulf
port, tt tie one practical plait by
which the I'nitcd State can lake Iter
place among maritime nation. Hoi ti
committee alo endorsed the Jonct
merchant marine art of I9J0.
Resolution Adopted.
Tliia resolution, adopted by tlifc
conunittrri. has been forwarded l
Nebraska rrprcKfnutivr in rongrr
with urgent rcqurM that they .up
port thre mrauret:
"Believing in the nciiy of re
ettablUhing and maintaiuing an
nrriran mcrrnant marine rrvicc
to carry on our country a tore ign
trade and a an element of perfec
tion, we hereby endorte the effort
of the I'nilcd State shipping board
to put into operation government
owned hip now lying idle; the
further establishment of trade route
from our south Atlantic and gulf
port; the Jone merchant marine
act of 19J0, and the legislation now
before congress which will allow this
program to be consummated."
Meets Hearty Response.
George Carey of the Omaha Cham
ber of Commerce, whoe service
nave been loaned to the National
Merchant Marine association, an or
ganization for the furtherance of
shipping and merchant marine ac
livitie. has finished a two-weeks'
tour of big cities of the middlewest,
where he has met with a hearty
response front commercial and civic
organizations and business men.
"Shipping and merchant marine
will be one of the vital economic
problems of the middlewest when
the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence wa
terways project ha been put
through," Mr. Carey said.
"This project will make seaports
of practically all the cities on the
Great Lake and will move the mid
dle? west 1,500 miles nearer the ocean.
Because of this the middlewest,
which has always been considered
inland, is beginning to think and.
talk in maritime terms.
"Motor Row Beggars" Draw
Jail Terms in Police Court
Thm "mntor row beggars" drew
sentences ranging from 30 to 90 days
Mnnrfav for vaerancv.
Detectives announced that federal
authorities were preparing a case
against Tom Burns. F. O. Johnson,
Frank W. Collins and W. H Mar
of altering federal
,.-,;.;.c and that the same' four
were wanted in connection with the
robbery of the Bank of Staplehurst
at Staplehurst, Neb., from which
$60,000 worth of securities was sto-
The gang was arrested at the
Windsor hotel by Detectives Trapp
and Munch, after its members had
solicited large sums on pleas that
they were mutes seeking money for
Man Facing Nonsupport
Charge Wins Clemency
William E. Conley, former Fort
Crook soldier, now employed by the
Northwestern Bell Telephone com
pany haled into district court yes
terday bv his wife, Mercedes, on
charges of failing to provide fof his
three small children, was given an
other chance by District Judge
The wife, an instructor in Hawaii
an music, said that her husband had
deserted his family last July, that
the soldiers for whom he was top
sergeant collected a fund for her.
and that Conley was discharged
from the army last August. She
sajd she is now living at 2423 Cass
street, and the three children are
with their father's sister in Wyo
ming. vecupauon x ax i.uiigcs
Postponed bv Council
City council committee of the
whole placed on file yesterday an
ordinance which contained several
proposed amendments to occupation
taxes. Revised amendments will be
submitted by the commissioners at a
later date.
Restaurant men asked to have box
lunch concerns taxed. Representa
tives of companies operating oil fill
ing stations objected to a proposed
occupation tax on oil pumps. , -ir....
n-i.i -i.t.A i,. nf.
fer an amendment to reduce the ex
isting occupation tax of $200 a year
on .theaters of seating capacity of
more than 1,000 and showing motion
pictures. '
Orpbeum Summer Stock
Will Open Here May 14
Summer stock will open at the
Oroheum theater May 14.
It will be played by the J. J.
Havden coninanv of Bhockton Mass.
Manager William Byrne has re
ceived no orders yet as to when the
present vaudeville season will close
down, but it is presumed this will
close May 13. running right up to
the eve of the opening number of
summer stock.
Secretary Fred Bushcy of the local
stage hands union received orders
yesterday to hire the stage hands to
"rare for the productions of the J. J.
Havden stock company.
i -r : j r 14
11 1 n oracrs spcuutu .May if as
"opening day.
Drivers Lose Cars 30 Days
Albert Hall. 1443 South Thir
teenth street, charged with drunk
onnejs and reckless driving, and
Edward Cowger, 630 South Nine
teenth street, charged with reckless
driving, were fined $15 each in po
plice court yesterday and their cars
were ordered held lor 30 days,
Amateur Can Start
With Cheap Outfit
Cr)!al IMeetor $ti U Log
ical Apjiaratui for
Ilrgi oner.
The foremot ot a radio en
thutii.t it to por receiving set.
Then lie need advice. He want to
know what to buv fir.t. Experi
ment In radio will ! one more
than all the book on the subjects,
What to bnv depend larely on
the radio enthul4t' location with
reference to a broadcasting station.
If within 25 mile of one. be can be
gin this fascinating same with little
expense in the arqtiiition of a crystal
ct or our similar to tne prire oi
fcred by The Bee.
But Few Essentials.
The eentals of a receiving set of
Mnall wave length are: Head
phone. $5 to $15; antenna. $2; vario
coupler, $5: switch for primary, 45
cents: condener, $125: crystal de
tector, $2. The foregoing may be
purchased at practically any radio
store, though shipments will nut be
promised immediately on account of
a shortage of radio equipment. The
radio editor of The ttte will assit
in advice about purchasing and set
ting up radio outlit.
For a clearer tone in receiving,
the vacuum tube supplants the crys
tal detector hecaue of its rnitive
tiess over long dataller. The crys
tal detector, however, is the logical
type for the biginucr.
To Change Set
It i neither necesary nor advis
able to mount these instruments on
an expensive front because the wire
less experimenter will desire to
change his set and add a vacuum or
audion detector. For best results in
setting, it is advUable to follow in
structions and diagrams as outlined
in practically any book on radio.
"The A. U. C. of Radio" is perhaps
the most instructive piece ot litera
ture on the subject.
In the near future, the radio edi
tor of The Bee will describe the
changes necessary to transform the
crystal set into a regenerative set.
AERIAL Term used interchange
ably with "antenna to designate the
wire from which electric energy ts
radiated into the ether and also the
wire by which the radiated energy is
AMPLIFIER A term u?cd to
designate the means of amplifying
the electrical eifect detected. The
means may be cither a vacuum tube
or an amplifying unit.
AUDION A trade name given to
, ' one form of vacuum valve.
Anyone desiring information on ra
dio and its equipment may write to
the radio editor of The Bee.
"1 Only WUh Mothers Would U
More of Father John's Medicine."
Mothers will be interested in this
letter from Mrs. Roberson. She
says, "If all mothers would only
try Father John's Medicine they
would never be without it in the
house. In January my two boys
had the measles. After they got
up I began giving them . Father
John's Medicine. They began eat
ing better and their cough stopped.
Since then Father John's medicine
has been our standby. I only wish
mothers ..would use. more of this
medicine. They would have less
doctor's bills." (Signed) Mrs. F.
Roberson, 9 Whipple Place, Green
wich, N. Y.
Apply Zemo, the Antiseptic
Liquid Easy to Use
From any druggist for 35c, or
$1.00 for large size, get a bottle of
Zemo. When applied as directed It
effectively removes Eczema, quickly
stops itching, and heals skin troubles,
also Sores, Burns, Wounds and Chaf
ing. It penetrates, cleanser and
soothes. Zemo is a clean, depend
able and inexpensive antiseptic liquid.
Try it, as we believe nothing you
have ever used is as effective and
85-Cent Bottle (32 Doses)
Just bfcaune you start the day worried
end ttred. Miff less and arms and mus
ols, nn aching1 head, burning and bear
tnr down pains In the bark worn out
before the day begins do not think you
have to stay In that condition.
Be strong, Veil, with no stiff joint,
sore muscles, rheumatic pains, aching
back or kidney trouble caused by body
made acids.
If you suffer from bladder weakness,
with burning, scalding palna, or if you are
in and out of bed half a dozen times a
night, you will appreciate the rest, com
fort and strength this treatment should
We want to prove The Williams Treat
ment gets results in Rheumatism, Kidney
Irritation, Bladder weakness and all ail
ments caused by excessive uric acid, no
matter how chronic ,or stubborn.
If ynu send this notice with your name
and address we will give you an 85-cent
bottle (32 doses) free. Ptease send 10
cents to heln pay postage, packing, etc.,
n the Tne IT. i. a. imams .o., iept.
W-:i3. P. O. Building. ast Hampton.
Conn. Send at once and we will mail
you by parcel post one regular ss-cent
bottle, all charges prepaid. Only one
free bolt l will t-e sent to the same
person, addrezs, or family.
Rural Education
to Be Helped Much
by Wireless Phone
Jrtrnrjf I loom' uiliophuiie
fonfrrcmt committee now hope Id
irt it recommendation t nteUi into
taw by lumiurr. Cofigrrt.iiua Wliit
of Maine U (Mitiinn a till, which, if
r J by the prrut riin ot con.
srru, will give the anuieur hi
chncc t enjoy more fully the new
With trie nrw trlnc rulr. oi pre
in force, broalritinc thoulj go for.
ar with grmtrr eliittency.
The UV riittmg hcriutU brol
catting ttationt probably will be
grratly increrd. Hut they will he
thinnrd out over a larger arr. At
pretrnt tliry are clutfrrl in acw
York. Detroit, rent ml Ohio and Sin
I ranriico. Thry are Krving "ine
600. WNJ receiving et. Govern
ment official estimate an increase of
l.fioo.Ooo iii another year provided the
tervire ran be nude valuable.
At proent radio fang are about
evenly divided between city and
farm. "The real future of the radio
phone U rural education," according
to Chief Radio Inopector Terrell. "It
i going a long way to keep young
folk on the farm."
The government it now behind the
amateur. The new appropriation,
effective July I, increase 'the radio
divioion'i pending money to
$ For the lat fiscal year it
wa JHO.OOO. This mean that the
mnateur i going to ret rive special
attention from federal radio inspect
or. A plan of rural radio hrlpt U
being worked out that will be ap
plied thi dimmer. Radio fan will
be kept better informed in the new
Amateur are invited to bring their
problems to the nine radio inspect
ors. These inspector represent nine
districts with office in the following
cities: Boston, New York. Haiti
more. Savannah (after July 1). New
Orirans. San Francisco, Scattie, De
troit and Chicago.
For up-to-date sport news read
The Bee. You will find it very in
teresting. C3
It costs no more
Lionberger Tire
2220 Harney Street
Aged Churchgoer
1 Hit by Tram Car,
Dies Inslanlly
! HHircil l'. r. hum of. Pailv
Allnulaitt lit t. John,
WIU Int., Path of
John T. Jimiih. W. 411 North Twen
u l.irh meet it ha UiA lieen lo church
every day (or the lat 10 years, wat
killed rtrrday morning while on
hi way to attend service at St. John
Cailiudc church.
Smith walked In I' out of north
bound ilarney car 955 while be wa
crossing Twrjjiy.ifih street, half a
block Iroin In home.
Atway a devout Catholic. Smith'
attendance at church services be
came marked id year aito, alter the
death of hi wile, lUru at M he
was stung and able to go at will, and
neighbor bad grown accustomed to
seeing him pa every morning on
hi way to church.
"I sounded the gong violently,"
said Josrph Walker, l).'0 South
l-ourtrciith street, iitotorman, "but
Mr, Smith didn't heed il."
Ex-Policeman Freed
of Robbery Charge
Han Mortenxii. policeman in
1919, who wa held to the district
court with Joe Bcimau, charged with
robbing Thomas 1'recdman, owner
of the Talm theater, of a $1,200 dia
mond ring and $50 in cash, had hit
case nulled by the county attorney'
otiice after l-'reedman stated that he
did not care to prosecute because hi
identification was not toiiivc.
The cac of I. J. Barsky. him ex
change manager, and Harry VV.
I'rown and George M. Mongar were
also nollcd because of lack of evi
dence. l'olicc had the three men held to
the district court after Mongar and
brown are alleged to have given
police written confessions that Bark.
sy intended to pay them for
stealing his car. The county at
torney's office charged that one of
their witnesses had "failed to give
the necessary evidence."
-Kant-Slrp 0r Grooved Tread
30x3 $12.90 $2.15
30x35 14.90 $18.95 2.70
31x4 24.00 29.80 3.35
32x4 27.50 32.75 3.45
33x4 28.50 33.75 3.60
34x45 44.30 4:95
33x5 52.30 6.00
Other sizes reduced proportionately
Kelly-Springfield Tire Co.
2578 Harney Street
Omaha Distributors . Phone at Untie 1373
Shop Near Ci I v
Jailjslleid Up
Voulltful llichwiijiiifu I"'.
Safe While lVoririor ami
Customer Arc Meuaml.
Two unmasked youth staged a
downtown store holdup thi after
noon almost on the stoop of Cen
tral police station.
They escaped with f.'oj.
M. Ciilin wat alone in Iii pawn
shop and clothing store at 111
Dougla street, Its than two block
from hcadiiuartrr.
The youths, wllo, be ay, were no
more than entered.
They levelled revolver at him and
marched him to the rear of the store.
While one stood guard over him,
the other began lo ransack the place.
In a few moment Mr. and Mrs.
J. J. Curtis, Northwestern hotel,
walked in.
When no one came to wait on
Have you heard
about it?
to buy a
& Service Co.,
thuu Cuiti walked toward the
ear vl the room,
lie walked ri.l't into the muzlc
of the guard's pistol.
Iii wile stood spellbound,
Meanwhile the other ly bandit
had hutted the safe for f.'o
Hint the holdup forced the trio
iiiii a washroniii at the rear of the
room, barred the door and departed,
Onlin and Curiits broke down the
door and called police.
Oihceri swarmed all over the
place a few moment later, but they
wire just too late,
lilk City Vroiiiiiu Suffrage
ami W.CT.U. Worker Die.
Mr. Helen D. Wolcott, 85. widow
of Orvis A. Wolcott of Elk City,
JVeo., died early yesterday morning.
ine wolcott moved Irom r arming
ton. ).. la Ktb t'iiw iii Ufa. Mr.
Wolcott wa identified for many
year with the W. C. T. I', and
woman slllferaue activities Slio is
survived by two daughter, Mrs. V.
4 i :..( i i. j i i- si
. .,1,,, aiui .i r. i. i , i.ii litres
of Omaha, and two sons. M. O. Wol
ejit and Koy A. Wolcott of Akron,
Notion Day
Special Reductions on Little
Things Needed in Sewing'
and Care of the Wardrobe
Cray Jeraey Covered Drei Forma Sizes 32 to 1 1
bust. Special. l.tji!
Footform Stocking Darner They fit the foot of the
stocking. Regularly 15c. Special, 1Q
Hicka Perfect Hair Wavera For long or bobbed'
hair. They will no' cut or injure the hair. Regu
lar 23c package for 1Q
Dreaaing- Comba Superior quality with coarse ami
fine teeth. A 50c value for 35tf
Ocean Pearl Button Various sizes, per card, U
Shoo and Slipper Treea A 10c value for 72
Domestic Twill Tape 6-yard rolls, regularly 10c;
special, per roll, 5
Cubes of Headed Pins 100 to the cube; regularly
15c; special, . 7
Safety Pins A 10c card
Rickrack By the yard, 2 yards for 5
Children's. Gray Elastic Garters All sizes, pair, 102
Collingibourne's Satin Finished Basting Thread
100 yards to the spool, '2d
Para Rubber Sanitary Aprons Regularly 50c,
Venus Elastic Sanitary
sizes. Regularly 50c.
Kotex Sanitary Napkins Regularly 60c a dozen;
special, 49
Carbon Dressing Pins 300 to the paper, special, 3
Cubes of Invisible Hair Pins 50 to the cube,
Star Darning Cotton A regular 5c ball for 3
Mam Floor South
Continuing Our
After Easter Sale
Wearing Apparel
For Women
Savings of
Among the timely and
New Spring Suits at 25.00
Former Prices 29.50 to 45.00
25.00 to 30.00 Silk Frocks at 17.95
39.50 to 55.00 Silk Frocks at 35.00
55.00 to 90.00 Silk Frocks at 45.00
Second Floor West
jkk After Easter Sale
2-Clasp Kid Gloves
75c a Pair
An accumulation of odd lots of real kid,
lambskin and cape gloves in black, white and
colors. Some are slightly mussed from dis
play. All sizes, but not every
color in each size. These
gloves formerly sold from 1.50
to 2.50; per pair,
Main Floor North
for 3
Belts Medium and large
Special, 35
and Misses
20 to 50
important reductions are:
2 -Clasp
Kid Gloves
w vsm
The Last Word
in Smartness
The new Summer La
dies' Home Journal Fash
ion Quarterly is now on
sale, 25c a copy or only
10c when purchased with a