Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 18, 1922, Page 2, Image 2

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    THK HKK: OMAHA. TL'KSDA V. AVIUU 1. 1 '.'.?.
Commission Hears
Application for
Phone Rate Boost
Only Few of Town Thit
Yn Yroeu Are Rq. !
resented When !
f ion Start. i
. Lmolu, April 17. peci!-
When the hearing on the application
of the Northwestern Hell Telephone
omptuy (or an increase in rittt
called before Hie fctate Railway tonr
mission tliii morning only a few ef
the tonnt which had filed protest
were represented. It wa expected
tint a large number would how up
before the hrjrytg was- roncludei).
the hearing today wat to inquire
into the com i id and business ie!.
tloni of the Northwestern Bell com
pany ith the American Telephone
tt Telegraph company, the parent
Bell corporation, and the Western
Electric company, its manufacturing
W. C. Lambert, corporation eoun
l for the city of Omaha: C E.
ChiMc of the t limber of Commerce
at Omaha, and Secretary Kuhn of
the Omaha Grain exchange, were
on hand, the Urgent increase being
in Omaha. W. If. Young repre
sented the Fremont Chamber of
Opens With Explanation. j
The hearing opened with an ex J
pianatory ftatemcnt ny r.. M. .Mori
man, Nebraska counsel for the
Northwestern Bell. Appearing with
him were General Counsel F. E.
Randall. Attorney A. J. McBean,
ire I'reodent (. It. I ratt and Gen
rral Commercial Superintendent
Lloyd Wilton.
Relative to the agreement between
the Northwestern Bell and the
American Telephone & Telegraph
company, under which the former
pays the latter 4 1-2 per cent of its
gross earnings in Nebraska and four
other states, Mr. Morsman said, that
in return the Northwestern gets
these things:
I. Use of telephone instruments,
which belong to the parent com
pany, on a rental basis.
2. Right to use all American
Telephone & Telegraph company
patented apparatus and devices.
3. Full use of all standard meth
ods and apparatus perfected by the
-American Telephone Si Telegraph
company through its experimental
and research work.
4. Freedom from royalties, dam
ages and litigation over patents.
5. Benefit of the parent com
pany's organization in conducting
research work.
6. Advice and assistance of all ex
perts, engineers, legal advisors and
specialist employed by the Ameri
can Telephone and Telegraph com
pany, 7. Similar advice and assistance
of financial experts.
8. Support, plans and advice in
carrying on Welfare work, compen
sation and sick and death benefits.
9. Right to Extend all of the for
gomg'iprivileges and benefits to all
connecting companies.
Western Electric Mentioned.
As to the Western Electric, Mr.
Morseman said that it acts as a
purchasing agent for the North
western Bell and the latter buys its
manufactured , product at lower
prices than they are sold to anyone
outside the Bell system. He claim
ed that the branch Bell ' companies
throughout the country cannot buy
on the open market as advantage
ously as they can- through the
Western Electric. '
F. F. Rhodes of New York, out
side planfr development engineer for
the American Telephone and Tele
graph company, was the first wit
ness. ' His testimony dealt with the
contract whereby the company col
lects 41-2 per cent of the gross
earnings of the Northwestern Bell.
E. V. Cox, supply contract auditor
for the American' Telephone and
Telegraph company, was to be ex
amined regarding the Western Elec
tric contract with, the Northwestern
Bell. ;i -
The commission was informed by
Attorney Morseman that the Amer
ican Telephone and Telegraph com
pany owns all of the stock of the
Northwestern Bell and most of the
stock of the Western Electric com
pany. It also controls the patents
used in the Bell plants throughout
the country. The original license
contract for Nebraska, he said, was
signed 'in 1882 between individuals
interested in the Nebraska Telephone
company and the parent Bell, con
cern. In .1906 the three Bell 'com
panies in Iowa, Nebraska and Min
nesota signed contracts similar to
the one now in force. ;
99, Yet He Does Day's
Work in Carpenter Shop
m r.
One of Founders of
Grand Island Dies
Grand' Island,' Neb., Aprif17. -(Special.)
Grand Island still mourns
the loss of auotiier of its founders.
Henry C. Joehnck, 86, one of the
first white settlers in the region west
of Columbus, has died. A daughter
lives in New- York and a son each
in California and Colorado.
Joehnck was born in Germany,
emigrated to America early in the
SOs and was residing at Davenport,
la. with his wife, when a colony
was organized to settle in a new
section of the Platte valley, with the
hope, as then proclaimed, of found
ing the future capital of the United
States. ' Joehnck was a member of
this tarty and his wife was the only
married woman in it. . .
Mrs. Hohn-Thomssen, sr., then a
Miss Stier, was the only other wo
man. Mrs. Thomssen; and William
Hagge, sr., the former now 89 and
the latter almost as old, are the only
two remaining of that interpdi col
ony. - Joehnck was assigned a tract of
land under government grant and
had resided ipon it ever since. His
wife died only -a few years ago. Ten
children were born to the -family
and there are many grandchildren
and great-grandchildren.
Storm Puts City in Dark
Arnold, Neb., April 17. ( Special.)
Arnold is without electric lights.
High water, as a result of the storm,
carried away a part of the dam at
the power-plant
Vs w
William CveTtU
Missing State Highway
Field Notebook Found
France May
Turn Down
Apns Pacts
Pruiri't! fur IlatllH'dtlotl tit, I, pressed for time, but would go
Na.l Trcly am! JUt Iloo. KXm hU fff,
((atUitnl tresa I'M t.
right that Mr. i:pprron tell where
he got it," said Senator fi, K.
1 he governor 4d the committee
Ninety-nine years old yesterday,
but William Evcritt, Twcntysccond
and Douglas streets, rose as soon as
it was Imht. clean
ed out the the barn
w here he keeps the
horse, then went
oh! to do a day's
work in his car
penter shop, 710
North Eighteenth
lie is the oldest
active tradesman
in Omaha.
I!y an interest
ing coincidence,
yesterday was the
birthday of Evcr
itt's youngest son,
Joseph V. Evcr
itt. who is 24.
The two cele
brated their birthdays yesterday at
the son's home in Benson Acres.
"Mother" Evcritt, who is 66, baked
a birthday cake on which she frost-
cd the numerals, "99" and "24."
"I couldn't make a cake large
enough to put on all the candles for
"Dad" alone," she said.
Before the birthday dinner, "Dad"
attended Easter services in the First
Christian church. Then ho drove
Ins old chaise out to Benson by
"Steady habits," is the answer to
how he came to live so long, "Dad"
says. "Early to bed, early to rise and
plenty of work is' my motto."
But he has no objection to the
"I go often myself. Why, I'd ride
to Council Bluffs to sec Bill Mart.
He's my favorite," he exclaimed with
the vim of a boy.
Next June 4 will be 68 years that
Evcritt has lived in this country. He
was born in England and has a sis
ter two years older than he, living
"Come and sec me next year when
I'm 100.' he sang out as the reporter
left. "I'll still be here."
Nine Young Women in
Trip-to-France Contest
(Continued From Pag On.)
this country as to the true conditions
in France, particularly in those re-
gions which bore the brunt of tho
Members of the Good Will dele
gation will be chosen by popular
vote m cities throughout the coun
try. They will be taken directly to
Fans and then to the devastated re
gions so that they may learn for
themselves the conditions and report
their finding in their home cities.
Since the close of the war, thou
sands of exiled French peasants
have been returning to the land
where their homes and farms once
stood only to find ruin and desola
tion, gas-filled soil, wrecked schools
and churches, and everywhere a
tangle of barbed wire and the
hideous aftermath of war.
1. Any woman or girl above the age
or IS, partly or wholly self-supporting,
resident of either Iowa or Nebraska, of
food moral character and acceptable edu
cational standard, la eligible.
2. All candidates must be nominated
during- the nominating period.
3. Nomination period opens Sunday,
April 16; closes at noon, April 26.
4. Nomination are made by written
statement signifying the acceptance ot
the nominee and carrying at least two
names of responsible persons who sponsor
the candidate as acceptable under the
rulea of entry.
S. Nomination count as 100 votes lor
the nominee.
6. Only one lot or 100 votes will be
credited to any nominee under Rule 6.
7. Balloting begins April 27 and closes
at noon. May 1. Ballots In the local
bank or postmarked before closing time
will be accepted.
I. On vote will be credited to a des
ignated candidate for each 10 cente con
tributed toward the work of the American
Committee for Devastated France.
. The candidate receiving the greatest
number of votes will be declared elected
by the judges. Should more than one
candidate Be entitled to tne award or tne
trip to France, the one receiving the
greatest nu.nber of votes will be the offi
cial head of the delegation from this section.
10.- Should ' The total ' of votes" reach
110,000, two girls will be awarded tho
trip to- France and for each 60,000 votes
In addition to 180.000 an additional girl
will be awarded the trip. These figures
refer to the total number of votes cast
for all candidates In the election and not
to the votes of any one candidate.
11. The number of girls to be awarded
the trip will be determined wholly on
tho total number of votes cast In the
12 The candidate receiving the great
eat number of votes will be regarded as
starding in first position, the one re
ceiving the next greatest number as stand
ing in second position, and so down
through the list. In - case ot a tie for
any position each will be regarded as
holding that position. 'Winners of trips
will be Uecerm'ned according to the num
ber of votes cast for them individually.
13. In case of inability of any winner
to take the trip for physical or other
reason, the girl holding the next position
below her in the final tally of voting will
be awarded her place.
14. All expenses of the elected dele
gates will be paid from their home town.
Humboldt Boy Scalded "
Table Rock, Neb., April 17. (Spe
cial.' Donald, 4, son of Mr. and
Mrs. P. L. Ingalls of Humboldt, was
badly scalded.'. In runnine throunh
the house he struck a pan contain
ing boiling water, suffering severe
burns on his face and neck.
Wet Snow at Beatrice
Beatrice. Xcb. April 17. (Special
Telegram.) A wet snow fell in this
section of the state following a light
fall of rain and hait early Monday
morning. The weather is cold and
heating plants are in operation in
Beatrice homes.
The Bee Leads Other Papers in
Sport News
Cole's First Objection
Is Sustained by Court
(Continue 1 From rage One.)
Mr. Shotwell said in his opening
speech. The revolver with which
the state alleges Cole shot Hahn and
cast aside 'as he was about to be
captured is also in the evidence.
Otto Lickert, veteran policeman
who captured Cole a short time af
ter, the shooting, and who since has
been promoted to a sergeant, wait
ed during the afternon to testify.
Cole originally told police he shot
Hahn after the storekeeper attacked
him, following a dispute over a loan.
The state will endeavor to show that
Hahn was carrying; coal to a stove
in the center of his store when at
tacked by Cole, Shotwell said.
The list of jurors to hear the case
follows. John E. Eggcnberg, 1723
South Eighteenth street; Guy L.
Smith, 3205 Harney street; George
L. Harris, 4910 North Twenty-fifth
street; Cyrus J. Bowman, 2525 Hick
ory street; Charles F. Mann, 2715
Brown street; Frank E. Hensman,
1902 South Forty-fifth street; P.. G.
Kolcny, 2303 South Eleventh street;
P. G. Ketchem, 3317 North Four?
teenth avenue; William W. Kelly,
416 South Twenty-eighth street;
Alonzo Farrar, Strehlow apartments;
Henry C. Riley, 1810 1-2 Farnam
street, and C. C. Frazell, 3524 North
Twenty-eighth street.
Call Cole "Attorney."
Judge Leslie gave instructions to'
jurors against "outside influences"
before adjournment last night. "At
torney" Cole, as the accused man is
now being called, returned to his
cell in the county jail.
Mr. Shotwell said he might call
between 15 and 20 witnesses in the
Iution tin $ubniaritife ami
Puieon Gat rading.
(rigkl. i:t.
Jiri. April 17. It is becoming
increasingly more evident that
America cannot expect the l reiicti
ratification of the naval pact and the
Root resolutions on submarine war
fare and poin gas. The rraon for
the French lack of Interest i becotn
ing more apparent every day. All
the other proposed signatories to the
part will reap acknowledged ad
vantages, hut for France there an
peart to be no special benefit. It
ii a rase of "no consideration."
From the bet informed circles in
Farit one it informed that unlets
other Inducements are offered,
France will not ratify, although there
need not be expected an immediate
direct statement of itt reticence.
Tremier Poincare. representing as
he does the strong French nationalist
blockt, hat washed his bauds already
of the pact. He has transmitted the
proposed treaty to the chamber of
deputies, but the transmission was
done without the endorsement of the
present French administration. When
it is recalled that the treaty is an
instrument of the Briaud govern
ment, which the present government
defeated and ousted, this lack of sup
port i hardly surprising and it is
most likely that the treaty will spend
many sleepy months jolting around
through the endless channels of the
French legislative mare and finally
get lost entirely.
Diplomatically, the horion is clear
and M. I'oincare's government can
not be embarrassed by demands from
Washington for its action, because
the present administration can truth
fully represent that the matter, hav
ing been handed on to the legislative
bodies for action, is clearly out of the
prime minister's hands.
Also the French legislature has an
excellent precedent for not ratifying
Pie measure in the action ot the
American congress concerning the
Versailles treaty.
French sentiment is fast growing
against the pact and one may expect
political expression of this sentiment
any time soon, but outspoken oppo
sition to the treaty will hardly be
sounded for the present, when France
is facing Germany's "won't pay" note
on one hand and Russia's insisting on
disarmament cry on the other, and is
sorely taxed at Genoa to maintain all
the support possible, particularly
from the direction of the only other
world nation not favoring the Genoa
Man Injured in Crash; Car
Driven by Woman Wrecked
Broken Bow, Neb., April 17.
(Special.) J. L. Tiff of Berwyn suf
fered several broken ribs and other
injuries when the car he was driv
ing was crashed into by another ma
chine. Tiff's car, was forced up a
bank and into a telephone pole.
A coupe driven by Mrs. William
Grimes of Callaway was struck by a
passing auto and demolished. Mrs.
Grimes escaped injury. The accident
happened on the state highway near
Shirt ot (iold for King.
Seagreb. April IT. The Slovaks of the
Batchka district of Jugo Slovakia, in ac
cordance with tradition, plan to present
King Alexander with . a shirt woven of
pure gold and silver threads on the oc
casion of 'his marriage to Princess Marie
ot Rumania.
Refuses to Tell.
I "I lIJ the nun who gave me the
j hook I would not tell where I got
it, providing no one accused me of
stealing it. tpperson aia.
At the fir ! hearing of the road
invrttigation miniiitie four weeks
;ik'u, I . V. Il.ninliun, engineer cm.
ployed by the state department, ap
peared and slated that while he was
supervising work on Project No, 20
in l)uugla county, he uw the con
tractor making excavations dilferent
from those called for in the field
Aked to produce the notebook,
he said he had turned it over to
Johnson's office.
Johnson said he lisd not.
Johnson Accuses Hamiltcn,
Johnson told the committee he
learned that Hamilton had mailed it
out of the state, and said that in order
to recover the notebook he delegated
a man who knew Hamilton, met him,
told Hamilton he was "sore" at
Johnson and wormed from Hamilton
the fact that Epperson & Marsh got
the book,
Johiuon also lias charged that the
cement tru-t, angered because he led
a boycott on cement until the price
fell, had, according to his informa
ton. put a man in their cmplov on
Joluioon's payroll to "get something"
on him and he said he believed Ham
ilton's charge is the result.
Johnson admitted that in Clav
county, which is governed by the old
supervisor system, with seven men
sitting on the board, there had been
a seeming unending friction between
the board and II. A. Sheets, county
engineer, and state engineers. "I
have sent six men to this job down
here in an endeavor to find someone
who could get along with some of
tne supervisors, Johnson said.
"These men had no difficulty with
any other county board.
Refutation of Costs Made.
i.ppcrson nas spoken ottcn ot a
county road constructed with a blade
grader for $137, against state roads
built in the same way at nine times
lis cost. Johnson admitted the first
work done by the county cost only
$137 a mile, but before it came up to
standard specifications which the
supervisors by contract agreed to
bring it to. the road cost $9a0 a mile.
Johnson also chargerl that when it
came to the hilly, difficult stretches
the county was waiting for the state
to supervise and build the roads. It
was not disputed.
Complaint of one supervisor was
that state engineers constantly
changed grade stakes on the road he
worked on. Johnson denied original
! stakes were changed and explained
stakes once put m had been replaced
because work wasn t ud to soecinca'
tions. However, Johnson pointed out
that ciRht miles of county contract
work done by other supervisors had
met specifications and were approved
by the state. -Johnson
declared that one county
job failed to meet specifications for;
three years. So the state last sum
mer put a gang of convicts on the
road under competent supervision
and specifications were complied '
with in four weeks.
Sidesteps Davis Query. .
Attorney General Davis asked the
board if it cared to, discontinue the.
building of state and federal- aid
highways and return to the old coun
ty system. The board declined to
go on record.
The supervisors failed to present
mm. .tfc mr.Orf.
Sale Continues Balance of the Week
Until All Stock Is Sold
One and Two Eyes
tO 6
One and Two Eyes
OTHERS 3 to S Eyes, 15c; 6 to 10 Eyes, 25c
This is the' most unusual opportunity ever offered to buy hardy peony roots.
These are all big flower varieties every shade healthy roots.
The Nebraska Seed Co.
Phone .
a report to tht lomniiitte shotting
how county road Unit hi been
spent in i tie last live yurt. John
son rd a record fl Hat finiJi
turf in t lay county ready.
Certain supervisor stated that a'l
county work was done under sprit
licaiiont ued by the slate for road
work. And they called in elate en
gineers to approve ii.
"Ye, we endeavored to comply
with every request to ro-opciaic and
ioine engineering expenses charged
against the county by our lepar.
turnt to which objection i raised is
the expense f our inspections at
your request," Johnson said.
Concluding, Jcdnisoii read a Idler
written to Governor McKrlvic by
A. C. Epperson, a brother of Charles
II. Epperson, highly recommending
Mate and federal projects in Clay
"I might say in cxpUnation that
my brother hasn't been well for
some time," Epperson replied.
The committee will go to !IoM
rege tomorrow for another open
Union Pacific to DiVinis
10 Graml Island Shopmen
Grand Island, N'eb., April 17.
'Special Telegram.)- Forty men will
asaui be dismtc temporarily from
work at the I'n'on Taeifie shops,
t artly owing to the chance in rrgula
tious cousin engines to run through
tions causing engines to run throuts
tartly because or light business. Ii
is declared by officers that the coal
.trike has nothing to do with the
Legion Auxiliary Formed
Leigh, Xeb.. April 17. (Special.)
A woman's auxiliary to the Amer
ican Legion has been organized
here with 20 charter members. Mrs
M. C. Phillips has been elected
president. Mrs. Herman llamcl. sec
retary and Mrs. 1". G. Marty, treas
Wyoming Governor
Protests Oil Lease
Clirvfin.f, 'w, April 17. tnc.
cial Telegram ) Governor Koliert
U. Carey t'Hjay entered tigorous
protest against pioih.I la (rase
Teapot Dome, ttr alj Creek (etd.
to Nnclir intrrrtts and a'L. oil
to be piped t Omaha, and other
points eat ( Wyoming. In a
telegram to A. H. Tail, secreuty
of the interior, the suic executive
"Worl has reached me that the
Department of tin Interior ha. en.
tered into or contemplates entering
into agreement for drilling of nasal
reserve No. J. known as Teapot
Home. On behalf of the ute cf
Wyoming, I desire to protest against
such agreement as I believe same it
not to best interests of state in that
it would cause overproduction of
oil from this territory, which would
seriously affect the oil industry.
Overproduction means the state of
Wyoming will res'itc lr iunH'
lor us public schools nj roads and
it will reduce the income tf the
l.oiul reclamation fund in which th
state bat considerable interest,
"I would respectfully request that
no agreement be entered into until
such time as hearing may be held,
at which hearing representatives ol
both iate and oil producers may t
Hoard Seek Alrohol Supply
for State Normal Schools
Lincoln, Neb., April 17. A reohi
lion railing upon the internal revc
nue bureau la facilitate the protur
ing cf permit that will authorize
state normal schools to purchase at
cohol for use in their laboratories',
was n.srd by the stale normal
school board Hireling here today.
The near exhaustion of the supply
at two tf the schools, obtained pri
or to prohibition and difficulty e
pcricttced by another school in ob
tainiug alcohol since the law be
came effective, led to the adoption
of the resolution, it wat stated.
Daughter of J off re
Presented to Him by
Mistake in Lincoln
Lincoln. April 17. (Special.)
Mayor Frank C. Zchiiing told a
good story today at his own ex
pense. During the reception at the honu
of Miss May Pershing and Mrs. D.
M. Butler, sisters of General Persh
ing, in honor of Marshal Joffre,
some one whispered to the mayor
to introduce a certain young woman.
The 'mayor did not know the young
woman mentioned but turned around
and seeing a young woman at his
elbow gallantly introduced her to
the famous French military hero.
It was JofTrc's own daughter.
The young woman mentioned to
Mayor Zehrung had left the room.
All Styles
All Colors
All Materials
All Sizes
(16 to 46)
Misses' Frocks
Appropriate for
Many Occasions
Distinctiveness of design and
quality of material have ever been
foremost in Thompson, Belden
fashions and these dresses for
Miss Sixteen to Twenty are no
exception to that rule.
One lovely, model is of green rosh
anara crepe combined with white
fashioned on straight, grace
ful lines and the loose jacket
There are charming Dresden
crepes in light colored patterns.
They have cldse-fitting bodices
and are becomingly trimmed with
laces and ribbons.
There is also a. blue baronet satin
frock and some in navy taffeta
each for the low price, of $25.
Third Floor
1,121,045 Army Shirts for Sale
In One Lot .
12 O'Clock Noon (Eastern Time), April 27th
, At Washington, D. C. ,
lis large lot of O. D. Flannel Army Shirts, made
of 988.215 brand new and 182,830 reclaimed
irts. is packed in bales and upon sale will be d
ered f. o. b. cars or common carrier at point
storage. Bide will be received for the entire lot
ly and the Government reserves the right to re
. any or all bids or any part thereof, .
Shirts Withdrawn From Auction
NOTE These shirts include those withdrawn from sales pre
viously advertised and are now re-offered in one lot, to be told
by sealed bid. This withdrawal includes the 675,000 shirts to
have been offered by auction at Norfolk, Va., April 19th.
V Terms of Sale
10 total deposit of total amount bid in form of cash, certified
check or Liberty Bonds at face value must accompany the bid. ,
Balance of bid and shipping instructions in Banker's Acceptance
or irrevocable letters of credit payable in not to exceed 60 days,
from date of award. Inspection of shirts is invited, as failure
to inspect will not be considered grounds for claim, or
i Send for Proposal Blanks
Proposal Blanks containing all information relative to bidding
will be sent upon application. Proposals will be signed by the
bidder inclosed in sealed envelope and marked :., "Proposal for
Sale of Shirts to Be Opened at 1Z Noon (Eastern Time), April
27th, 1922, in Room 1202, Munitions Building."
For proposal blanks and full information, write:
Office Director of Sales
Room 2515 Munitions Building. Washington, D. C.
$ffl 0)0 (PfBo son o