Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 17, 1922, Image 1

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    The -Omaha Daily Bee
VOL. 81-NO. 260.
IMnt m l cum mtnm mm at .
m4 r, . ta a at few 11
N II fVH " M bUII It: IMIM J t K a) M
f I II tl (M tM .. l , , I-
A r mo r e d
Cars Guard
Grif f i th
JrMi Leader AidrrM .Meet
in; at Without Inter,
ruptiuii One Krpulilit-aii
Killcil Before Speech.
Dublin Reported Quiet
TW Amrtal Pee,
London, April lo. A drpkti to
tie J'rrn Atimiation from I'arrick.
on-Munnon, y Arthur (Irilhth.
guarded by armored rart and Mate
troop, today addrrnrd a crowd in
blRi without interruption.
'lhrre wa an ech.yige of firing
In I Htm opposing forte .Ihi morn
iiiff. the despatch added, and one re
publican hi killed and anoihrr re
publican and one civilian were light-
ly wuiliMirti.
Half Doen Wounded.
k) Tli Ifast, April 16, A reort reached
ftrlfast tonight that the meeting at
Sligo, addressed by Arthur Uritiith,
a nrld today. The meeting fac
tioni had instruction not to lire but
one point during the meeting a
party of Iree Hater did fire, wound
n;g about a half-dozen republicans.
These were the entire casualties.
Dublin Quiet.
Dublin. April 16. (8:50 p. m.)
At this hour there dill is no news
from Sligo. All roads are blocked
tj prevent motor traffic.
Dublin is ttier.
Weeks Orders Economy
in All Army Stations
Washington, April 16. Orders
directing all army department corps
area and commanding officers at
posts. Camps and stations to "put in
to effect the most drastic regula
tions possible to effect economy,"
were issued by Secretary Weeks.
The army personnel is advis.-l
that the appropriations which con
gress made -tor support of the army
for the fiscal year 1922, were "very
much reduced from the amounts that
v.crc estimated and the appropriation
io- the next fiscal year which con
Cross will approve will be less."
A general consolidation of de
tachments is directed for heating and
messing purposes in order to reduce
the number of buildings to be heated
and messes to be obtained. The or-
dcr also directs the consolidation of
post exchanges, and establishment
of central heating plants "to see that
only the minimum amount of coal
'.-.used to provide for the actual
comfort of those dependent " upon
such plants for heat."
Woman's Club Program
at O'Neill Completed
O'Neill. Neb, April 16. (Special.)
The pragram for the sixth district
Woman's club convention to be held
in O'Neill May 2-3-4 is about com.
pleted. The morning and aftcrnooa
sessions are business sessions. The
evenings will be devoted for the most
part to addresses with Mrs. Hudson
the speaker for Tuesday v evening,
while Mrs. Penny, state president,
and Mrs. Frater. district president,
give their addresses on Wednesday
evening. " ,
The good fellowship supper party
will be Thursday evening. Election
of officers will take place Thursday
morning. All club presidents or
their alternates are members of the
nominating committee. "
Delegates will be given assign
ment to. O'Neill homes for entertain
ment, for lodging and breakfast.
American citizen&hip is to be the
,thcmc of the convention.
Production of Coal
Shows Slight Increase
t nulling .v.i, txyt t ,v. J f
Coal production in the United
states, reduced by 75 per cent when
uners in unionized fields walked
ut April 1, is now showing a slight
increase, it was reported by the geo
logical survey. .Nonunion fields
where operations are continuity,
duced 10,720 car loads Monday,
April 10, and forged slowly ahead on
each succeeding day until Thursday,
the last day recorded, when the out
put was 11,480 efts.
The production on April 13,
though less than districts now at
work, are able to produce when de
mand is active, the survey said, was
the greatest of any single' day since
the strike began. " On April 3, pro
duction was 11,445 cars, but in the
next few days output, even in non
union fields, showed a tendency to
fall pff.
Aero Club Asked to Reopen
' Hearings in Omaha Contest
New York, April 16. Fifty avia-t-on
officials and firms petitioned
the Aero Club of America to reopen
hearings to determine the winner of
the aviation efficiency test held at
Omaha last November. F. E. White
of Tulsa. Okl.. was declared winner
by the Aero Club of Omaha, which
conducted the contest.
Upon the appeal of John M. Lar
sen, a contestant, the Aero club re
cently investigated his charges that
there was fraud in the decision and
returned a verdict stating that the
club was unbale to make an award.
ivr v 1, r e. t--
lien iuik i iuirtur uies.
i New York. April 16. Dr. Ed
ward Kelloccr. Dunham. 62. nrofp.
sor of pathology in Bellevue medi
cal college, New York university,
and widely known as a lecturer and
kuthority on bacteriology, died of
heart disease at his home. Dr. Kel
logg was a graduate of Columbia
university and Harvard medical
t i ' i
Hastings Nominates First
Trip-to-France Candid?j;,AV(ow n
Mi Hramloti Kutrrrd
a Cil)' .Nominee for Tour
Abroad Many Other
Herri rd.
The (.i.t Humiliation in The
Omaha Hce 1,mM Will lWlrl. co
oirttiiff with The Ainmcm Com
miiire jur )mtaird I-ranee, ar Saturday and Smndav.
Tmo candidate from the city of ,
I Omaha, ene front Council l!lu(l. one ,
from ioa and three more Imm
oihrr Nebraska citie have conformed i
Id the nommaiion requirements and '
their name arc carried at regular '
nominees of the content. '
A number t other Inter were rc- ;
ceived from prospective candidates j
and thrir sponsof and all indna-i
Hon point to a great increase in the J
nomination for announcement to
Due to the fait that letters arrived
jiut previous to the Eatlcr holiday.
replies will not be sent out until
Monday. All communication will,
however, receive personal attention
and any question wilt l gladly an
swered ly the Ood Wig editor in
personal letters. It U not neccary
to enclose stamp for replies. Your
litter will receive courteou busi
nei attention and we are delightcJ
to hear from you.
Hatting Send First One.
The first nomination way received
early Saturday morning placing the
name of Mis Ksler Brandon of
Hastings, Neb., in nomination. Her
residence is 1111 North Lincoln
avenue of that city.
Then followed the nomination of
Miss Nan C, Godfrey, sponsored by
employe of Orchard & Wilhclm.
Miss Elizabeth l'ace of Council
HlulTs was sponsored by a group of
friends. Her residence is 738 Myn
ster street. She is a senior at Crin
nell college and hope to use the
trip through France for further
Miss Agnes Hall came in as the
nominee of Missouri Valley. J a., and
G. 0. P. Leaders
Undecided Over
1923 Naval Bill
AH Supporters 'Requested to
Be on Hand Tuesday in
Case Record Vote Is
Washington, April ( 16. Contem
plating the decisive Vote by which
t Jiouje'j;e8lef day ecrded its, ap
proval of an 86,000 man - mavy as
recommended by President Harding
and American naval experts over
one of 67,000 men advocated by the
committee on appropriations, repub
lican leaders were undecided whether
to press the matted to a formal vote
in the Tious proper.
.The absence of definite informa
tion and 'anticipating, a demand for
a record vote, Representative Mc-
Arthur. republican. Oregon, one ot.
the leaders in the fight for the in
crease, announced that telegrams
had been sent to all supporters of
the amendment to return here Tues
day. It was generally understood that
Chairman Kelley, in charge of the
bill, would insist on a separate vote
on the amendment. Under the rules,
one-fifth of the members on the
floor would have to stand up for a
roll call in order to obtain it.
Some of the members supporting
the committee bill were doubtful
whether the vote yesterday of 177
to 130, could be changed if another
poll was taken. Mr. McArthur de
clared advocates of the amendment
were satisfied a new test would show
an even wider margin in favpr of it.
There was no accurate count as to
how the democrats divided on the
86,000 proposal. Off hand, it was
stated they split about even,, but the
democratic leaders asserted that the
party stood about 2 to 1 for the com
mittee report.
Page Morrison Appointed
'. Grocery Reporter Editor
Page Morrison,, former .Omaha
newspaperman, for the last two years
managing editor of the T. P. A. mag
azine, has returned to Omaha and is
now editor of The Grocery Reporter,
official publication of the retail gro
cers of . Omaha. Mr. Morrison has
had many years' experience in selling
retail grocers and is in close touch
with the business pulse of the middle
west. "
Broken Bow Man Gets $1,500
k for Alienation, of Affections
Broken Bow, Neb., April 16.
(Special.) Robert Anderson was
awarded $1,500 from Richard Stod
dard for alienation of his wife's af
fections by a jury in the district court
here after deliberating 10 hours.
17th and Farnam
.wX'i rom Russia
( Liter Urjiidoni -ill
North Lincoln avenue. Hailing.
Neb j candidate of Hatings.
Mi Nan C. (Godfrey. 726
North Fort-firt street, Omaha;
candidate of employe of Or
chard & Wilhelut.
Mit thahrth face. 7.18 Mvn
strr street, Council lilutU, la i
landidate of a group of friend.
Mugne Hall, Missouri Val
ley, la.; candidate of Musouri
Mrs. Carrie Ada Campbell. 71
Drake court, Omaha; , candidate
of V. V. C A, worker.
M. Myrtle M. Wood. Wa
bath. Net).; candidate of Wabash
Mi,. Gladys 1'auline Hall, 2107
Lincoln avenue, York, Neb.; can
didate of group of friends.
her friend are determined to give
a good account of that section and
see that Mit Hall it awarded one of
the trips.
Worker of the Omaha Y. W. C
A. have placed in nomination the
name of Mrs. Carrie Ada Campbell
rf 71 Urakc Court, Omaha, and the
kind words snoken in behalf of Mr.
Campbell by her sponsoring friends
warrant her in making plant for an
interesting summer vacation.
.The candidates of Wabash, Neb.,
was named in Mis Myrtle Wood,
who is a graduate of the high -school
there and State Normal school. She
has acted a rural mail carrier in
that district for four year nd her
ready smile has endeared her to the
inhabitants of that section.
.York Teacher Entered. ,
From York. Neb., came the nomi
nation of Miss Gladys Pauline Hitch-
cork, living at 2107 Lincoln avenue,
in lork. Miss Hitchcock is a typi
cal daughter of the state and has
been a teacher in the schools of York
county for the past seven year.
A letter was received trom the
friends of a "Gold Star Mother,"
(Tura to Tate Tw, fvluma Ow.)
No Retreat for
Miners, Asserts
Chief in Speech
Lewis Declares Effort to Beat
Men Back to Nonunion
Level Was Cause of
Springfield, 111., April 17. "The
miner is not responsible for the ills
f throat industry and it Js poor
industrial leadership "that" carT 'cSv
ceive industrial improvement . only
through-a debased manhood and a
pauper level of existence," said John
L. Lewis, president of the United
Mine Workers of America, in an
address delivered before the Springfield-Midday
Luncheon club. M,r.
Lewis spoke in part as follows:
"The present strike in the anthra
cite and bituminous coal industry
is the natural sequence of the organ
ized effort of the coal operators to
beat the miners backward to the
level of subsistence obtaining in the
nonunion fields. The miners will
not retreat. The -human values in
volved are of infinitely greater con
sequences than the profit margins of
the operators.
"Miner Not Responsible."
, "The miner is not responsible for
the ills of the coal industry and it
is poor industrial leadership that can
conceive industrial improvement only
through a debased manhood and a
Dauoer level of existence. Approxi
mately 5,000,000 of the population of
our nation are directly dependent on
the mining industry and it is God's
Will that the children of the mining
camps be fed, xlothed and sheltered
to the same degree as those of other
The principles at issue in this great
strike will not be compromised by
the mine workers. .The dream of the
coal operators that the mine work
ers will engage m a multiplicity of
conferences and negotiate, independ
ent district agreements will not ma
terialize. The union will not dissi
pate its strength or betray its mem
bers by such tolly, the problems
of the coal industry are national in
scope and organic in nature.
Claims Issue Is National
"When the present strike is ended
the issues must be settled in a na
tional way. Either the base must
be fixed by the 'central competitive
field in the manner heretofore cus
tomary, or a national joint confer
ence must be assembled with joint
representation of each producing
field in the bituminous coal industry.
"The competitive relationship of
each producing district would then
be considered and the interest of
each be fully protected. An agree
ment thus settled would apply in all
districts whether union or nonunion
and would be a contribution to the
stabilization of industry. Such a
plan would doubtless be met with
wails of protest from . those whose
special interests might be affected
but the logic and sound judgment
of ?uch a . plan would appeal to
thoughtful people." :
Fifteen Hundred People
Shake Hands With Harding
Washington, April 16. The stream
of visitors that has. flowed into the
White House since President Hard
ing inaugurated the practice of
holding daily receptions, reached the
high water mark Saturday when
1,500 people shook hands with the
chief executive. They filed past him
in his office at the rate of from 40
to 55 per minute.
White House officials estimated
that 7,500 people had shaken hands
with Mr. Harding during this week.
Sight seers and "students from
high schools and colleges made up
the larger groups of callers.
lA'Ves Call
So irt Dolrpate Told to
Atuwrr Yei or No ai to
Condition! of Catnic
I Resolution. .
Hf The JtwarlaM frti.
Genoa, April 16. Then Russian
delegate Mere tW to answer
definitely yet or no a to whether
they will put into practice the con
dition of the Cannes resolution and
the guarantee contained in the Lon
doit experts' report, according to
French communique issued subse
quent to the adjournment of a
lengthy meeting between the allied
leader and the Russian.
It seemed impotniblc. said the
French statement, to get anythiu?
tangible from the soviet delegates,
who astonished the allied representa
tive by demanding 50,000,000.000
gold roubles a the amount due Rus
sia because of foreign intervention.
This it two and a half time greater
than the amount the allies claim
from Russia.
Italians Not Pleated.
An Italian statement regarding the
meeting was more optimistic. It
pointed out that the subjects dit
cussed are more vast in scope than
was dreamed of when the Genoa
conference originated.
"Thi," says the statement, "it an
attempt to bring about the coexist
ence in the world of finance, econ
omy and commerce, of two opposite
regimes capitalism and commun
ism. This morning the experts were
ntniffolitic in a kingdom of figures
and in the afternoon the allied lead
ers took the discussion hack into the
kingdom of principles.'
The bolshevik delegates have been
asked to expedite the discussion as
much as possible, and the conversa
tions will be resumed as soon as pos
sible. ,
Saw Term Unnermissible. !
Rica. April 16. The executive
rnmicil of the Moscow soviet de
clares in a resolution, that the ternit
of the allied experts, presented at
Genoa, are an impermissible attempt
on the liberty, independence and sov
ereignty of the Russian people and
demands a decisive refusal by the
Russian government.
"The experts' demands arc unheard
of privileges which the Russians
themselves do not have," says the
resolution. "They are trying t put
Russia on the level of colonies,
where foreigners are masters."
Leon Trotzky, the Russian war
minister. has addressed a special or
der to the red army in the Caucasus
on the subject of M. Barthou's re
quest for the admission of the former
Georgiani" rrptiWrc'to the Gwa;'n
ference. declaring that this indicates
that European,- especially French
capital, is endeavoring to create a
route to Caucasian wealth, particu
larly Baku oil. . He points out that
such moves are generally ionuncu
by intervention, and orders the sol
diers to "be doubly watchful and
keep your powder dry.
McAdoo to Enter Race
for Presidency, Rumor
Washington, April 16. Former
President Wilson's letter repudiating
the message given to the New York
Hemnrratic dinner bv Joseph P.'
Tumultv and the 'Consequent break
between Mr. Wilson and his leng
time devoted secretary are regarded
here by some democratic leaders as
certain muicauuns umi ""' -
McAdoo is olannine to become a
candidate for the democratic presi
dential nomination in 1924.
Mr. Wilson's " repudiation of the
message to the Jefferson day ban
quet was actuated, in the opinion of
leading democrats, not because of
the wording of the message oe
livered by jSk, Tumulty as coming
from Wilson, Thut because of the im-
nression created that it was an en
dorsement for the renomination of
James M. Cox.
Mr. Wilson, his friends say, is not
for Cox for another nomination and
does lean favorably toward the
nomination; of his , son-in-law and
former secretary of the treasury.
who was runnerup to Cox at San
Francisco in 1920. Party leaders
insist that McAdoo is quietly man
euvering for the nomination next
time and that this was one of the
reasons for the recent removal of his
residence from ; New York to Cal
ifornia. '
United States Recognizes
Government of Guatemala
Washington, April 16. Recogni
tion was accorded the new govern
ment of Guatemala by the United
In recent years there has never
been any considerable period when
governments in Guatemala were not
recognized by the United "States.
That ff Manuel .Estrada Cabrera,
who ruled the country for many
years, was recognized, and when it
wasoverthrown on April 14, 1920,
the Herrerra administration which
succeeded, was recognized within a
few months.
Francisco Latour, representative
of the Orellana government in Wash
ington, would make no' statement
on the extension of recognition.
York County Treasurer
Tabulates Automobiles
York, Neb., April 15. (Special.)
F. L. Propst, county-treasurer, has a
book made up showing the owner's
name and address, make of car and
engine number of every motor ve
hicle registered in York county. In
case of transfers and refunds the
register can be changed to corres
pond and will be kept up to date, so
that at any time any officer can as
certain .fto whom any registration
number of the York county serial
number belongs to. The book will
be kept in the sheriff's office.
jJcXC. I -f -f JUST MY kWI XZ?SZ-
, RUBBERS ) &s of THIRST. -tO UmjtI
Committee on
Road Probe Is
Touring State
. ... t
Public Hearing to Be Held in
Clay Center Today Epper
son Will Show Highways '
. Said to Be Defective.
Hastings, Neb., April 16. (Spe
cial Telegram.) The committee ap
pointed by the. legislature to inves
tigate relative cost of state and coun
ty 'rofrT construction"" 'afrived"1here
this evening preparatory to entering
the reported hostile federal road ter
ritory of Clay county tomorrow.
This county, represented in the
legislature by Charles H. Epperson,
has' been a constant name on Ep
person's lips in legislative halls and
before the probe committee and it
has been pictured by Epperson as
filled with men in open arms against
the federal road plan, angered with
the personnel of the state highway
department and really to lambast the
depratment from soup to nuts when
fthe committee arrives at Clay Cen
It is at the' request of Epperson
that the committee isto visit his
county and investigate good roads
conditions there. George Johnson,
state engineer, has stated that the
opening of Epperson's constant fight
against his department was due to
the fact that the Clay couny cotm
missioners and state highway de
partment ran a state aid road direct
from Clay Center to Nelson and re
fused to detour and go through Ep
person's home town of Fairfield.
The committee will give every
man, woman and child- with idea or
a kick on road building an oppor
tunity to present them at a public
hearing' at the courthouse and also
will view the federal roads of Clay
county given such a black eye by
Epperson. Members of the commit
tee here tonight are Governor Mc
Kelvie, Representative Fred Hoff
meister, State Senators B. K. Bushee
and M. F. Rickard and Attorney
General Davis.
Epperson went to Clay Center
from Lincoln Saturday night Osten
sibly for the purpose of gathering
friends for a sally on Johnson's de
partment at the courthouse tomor
row. Epperson . has stated publicly
that no explanation given, by John
son on certain road matter would
satisfy him. Johnson is accompany
ing the committee. V ' ,
New Treasury Securities
; Largely Over-Subscribed
Washington, ApVil 16. A heavy
over-subscription of the new treas
ury issue of 31-2 per cent six
months certificates bearing the low
est government interest rate ' since
1917, was announced by Secretary
Mellon. Preliminary reports,- he
stated, indicate that the total sub
scriptions will aggregate over $300,-
000,000 for the issue, which was for
about $1 50,000,000. , "
All the federal - reserve districts,
he said, have reported over-subscrip
tions of their quota.
$60,000 School Bond Issue
Carries at Big Springs
Big Springs, Neb., April 16. (Spe
cial Telegram.) The $60,000 bonds
for a new high school carried by
seven districts for and four against.
Four districts out of the seven voted'
Three Children Drowned
When Canoe Strikes Stump
Findlay, O., April 16. Three chil
dren were drowned in th? Blanchard
river, near here, this evening, when a
ctnoe in which they Were paddling
struck a submerged stump and cap-
lzed. .
Spring Floods
icpriiM, iut i
Third Paftv to
Issue Statement
Wray Will Attempt to Explain
Switches in Candidates and ,
Different Platforms.
Lincoln, April 16. (Special.)
Third party leaders announced today
that their next attempt to square
themselves with the public in putting
Norton on their ticket as a third
party and democratic candidate for
governor and switching Arthur G.
Wray to. the candidacy for United
States, senator would' be a statement
to "be issued-short'y by"Wray-either
from York or tbrougli J. H. Edmis-
ten. third party chairman, Lincoln.
The leaders received Wrays' con
sent to prepare such a statement and
it is probable that on this statement
and the campaign plans outlined th
third party will depend to straighten
out the muddle .of Norton s candi
dacy on a personal platform agreeing
in hardly, a single plank with the
plattorm adopted by the third party
at its Orand island meeting.
Wray attended ithe meeting. Ed-
misten stated that Norton was not
present .
Four Suspects Held
; for Crete Robbery
Crete, Neb.,' April 16. (Special
Telegram.) Police here arrested two
men and turned them over to state
officers for investigation in connec
tion with the Sweeney-Lindquist
robbery rrere two weeks ago. J. D
Barr and a companion were arrested
after asking some-ooys on their ar
rival in the city, for the hotel where
that woman stopped who Svas con
nected with the store robbery.
Barr claimed to be making ar
rangements with Sheriff Greer to
furnish a $1,500 bond for the release
of Sweeney, who is now held in jail
awaiting his trial. - He-said he knew
the woman here 'by the name of
Lindquist and .that he stayed with
Sweeney in Omaha. He appears to
be well acquainted with the couple
that visited Crete, and when ques
tioned by the police as to how he
expected to furnish a $1,500 bond,
when he beat his way into Crete on
the blind baggage, he didn't have a
very good explanation. .
New York Churches to Hold
y".. Outdoor Easter Services
New York, April' 16. A remark
able, outdoor' service en Easter morn
will be held on the '-,Certral Par
mall -by the "New York Federation
of 'Churches' ; -' .." .
Trumpeters will render carols and
hundreds will join in community
singing..,. An amplifier has been in
stalled to carry the words of the
speakers. The service will open at
7 in the morning and last an hour.
Henry Van Dyke, former United
States minister to the Netherlands,
will read his poem. "God of the
Open Air." The Rev. John Mc
Neill, famous Scotch preacher, will
deliver- the Easter message of the
New York churches and Mrae.
Louise Homer will sing.
Woman Takes Poison by
Mistake ; Will Recover
Italia Allen, 2417 Capitol avenue,
swallowed poison tablets last night,
mistaking them for . headache pills.
according to a report made to police.
Police Surgeon ' Kinyoun, who
treated her, said she will recover.
' Nightly Concerts. '
A receiving set in the McCaffrey
Motor company, Fifteenth and Jack
son streets, receives musical con
certs and lectures from varices parts
of the country-tvery night beginning
at 7:30 p. m. " -
The radio editor of The i?c has
several inquiries for ' head ssi'.s.
Head of Farmers'
Council Scores
Tariff Measure
Benjamin Marsh Says Whole
Schefne Is to Permit
Manufacturers to Con
tinue Profiteering.
Omaha Bc Iail Wlrr.-
Washington, April 16. "The
tariff bill reported by tbc senate
finance committee is the worst of
the many gold bricks hajided farm
ers by" the present "administration,1
declared- Benjamin C. . Marsh,
managing director of the farmers
National, Council, ' in a statement
made public.
"If the drafters of the tariff bill
really wanted to give farmers the
same help as they do manufactured
products, the duty on wheat would
have been placed at $1 a bushel in
stead of 30 cents;, on green hides at
least 6 cents a pound instead of
cents a pound; on eggs in the shell
at least 35 cents instead of 8 cents
a dozen, and on wool 45 cents to
50" cents instead of 33 cents. Of
course, wool being a staple product
in the home state of President Har
ding (Ohio) it fared a little better.
"The whole scheme of the tariff
bill as reported in the senate is evi
dently to permit high priced manu
facturers to continue the same prof
iteering which they carried on dur
ing the war. Whatever the text of
rThe tariff bill, it is clear that the
duties levied on manufactured prod
ucts are on the American basis cost
o production, while those levied on
agricultural products are on the
basis of foreign cost of production.
Once again the farmer is forced to
be the goat fpr the profiteers.
Pope Pius to Celebrate
x Easter Day Quietly
- Rome.- April 16. (By A. P.)
fopc fius will celebrate haster
quietly, ' saying mass only in the
Mathilda chape!, to which the mem
bers of the diplomatic corps, their
families and a few intimate friends
have been invited.
Announcement was made from the
Vatican that the pope would not be
stow the benediction from the bal-i
cony ot bt. eters, as was customary
prior to 1870, when the pops cele
brated mass in St. Stephans and then
blessed, the crowds in the piazza
bwil'ca. , , ' .
The - ceremony. .Sunday will be a
pontifical mass celebrated by Cardi
nal Merry del Val, archpriest of St.
.Peters. Americans formed the
major portion of all the ceremonies
throughout . holy week, attending
services in all leading churches.
Consideration of Bonus
, . Measure Is Postponed
Washington, April 16. Because
nf the absence from Washington of
Uiairmaiv. McLumber, the meeting
of senate finance committee republi
cans," planned for Monday to con
sider procedure in the handling of
the soldiers' bonus bill, has been
postponed.. It -probably will be held
about the middle of next week.
The Weather
Iowa: Unsettled and coolel- Mon
day, showers in east ' and south;
Tuesday part cloudy, cooler in south
cast. Nebraska: Cloudy Monday, prob
ably rain and cooler in southeast;
Tuesday probably fair, warmer in
Hourly Temperatures.
a a. m r4
6 A. m 5S
7 a. m A4
a. m. ss
a. m 5(
10 a. m
11 a. m ft
It noma 39
I p. m. . . .
t p. tn . . . . ,
S p. m
4 p. m
Jl p. m. . . . ,
p. m
1 p. m
t p. m
Hot Fight
Ta riff
Bill Looms
Coiilrorrir on I'ruclirally
r!rry Slifdulp in Mr-uret
Krportfd to Senate,
Are Predicted.
Debate Opens Thursday
ttawilut Km ImiH Hlr.
V.4hiiitftun, April 16. l'r.tMC'l
duties in nearly every schedule n
the unit bill are itmUrd in ton
rcurm s which will lc citric I
the IliHir of the ciwie.
manuiuctuieri, importer .ml
number of rougre mice ! lull
rcrlrd to llie enate lat Tnr
tky indicate tint a prolonged ilciuie
I. in ptoopct't m.d that dot-n c(
aiH'iidment will be precd. !r
Late on the t'i'l i ultnhik-'l 1 1 be n
next ThurdJ.
While the r publican ca,e Irul
v iniit i'ntirr Mill not
,'utfn wiiho-it I'upoting ,,( i.ipfj
Imi.Ulioii,' i hey &diiut that t'le il
icitinn uuy lir.'oiiie such t tt.ikr
it diiticull to avoid delaying lini
action until next winter, holdier'
bonus Irgiftlation and the army and
navy appropriation bills threaten to
delay speedy pasMigc of the tariff
Summary of Situation.
A summary of the situation with
respect to the variou schedule in
the tariff bill shows:
Schedule 1, chemicals, oils and
paints extension of the present em
bargo and license control of imports
of dyer for one year, together witli
authority to the president to extend
it for one additional year if not en
tirely pleasing, either to importers
or manufacturers.
Schedule 2. arths, earthenware
and glassware Magne-ite produc
ers are hopeful of a higher rate of
duty than approved by the finance
Schedule 3. metals and manufac
tures of producers of manganese
which was (restorcd to the free list
by the finance committee will seek
to have the senate approve the duty
proposed by the house.
Seek Duty on Shingles.
Schedule 4, wood and manufac
tures of Pacific coast interests may
seek to have a duty placed on shin
gles, which were made duitable in
the house bill, but are on the free
list in the senate measure.
Schedule 5, sugar, molasses and
manufactures of The controversy
over duties on sugar will be pressed,
both by domestic beet and cane sug
ar interests who desire an increa-e
over the rate in the senate bill which
is. the .saute as. in the Fordney bill.
and also as in the emergency tariff
and by Cuban sugar interests. -
Schedule 6, tobacco and manufac
tures of California growers of to
bacco similar to the Turkish product -may
seek the restoration of the spe
cial duty proposed in the house bill.
McCormack Undergoes
Second Operation
Omaha Bra Leaned Wire.
Xew York. April 16. John Mc
Cormack suffered a relapse and to
enable him to breathe, surgeons per
formed a second operation on his
throat and opened a passage through
his swollen, abscessed tonsils.
Another crisis in his illness which
started last week and nearly brought
death Monday and Tuesday night8j,
is expected within 24 hours. ,
No attempt is to be made to re
move the noted tenor from his resi
dence to a hospital, pour nurses
and three physicians are on duty at
the bedside. -
Chinese Factions
Prepare for Battle
Tokio, April 46. The foreign of
fice here is in receipt of an official
telegram stating that the Chinese
factions are about to . open battle .
rear Peking between Generals Vu
Pei Fu and Chang Tso Lin.
Today is the expiration of the
timc'Kmit given China to answer
definitely .whether it will sign the
greement with the Japanese or not.
The vernacular pre3 here is agreed
that China will not answer. The
Japanese delegates'at Dairen are pre- -
paring to come home.
Shuhert Couple to Observe
Golden Wedding Anniversary
Stella, Neb.. April .16. (Special.)
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Curtis of
Shubert celebrated their golden wed
ding anniversary with a family din-,
ner and public reception at their .
home. Mr. Curtis is 75 and his wife
68. They were married in Indiana
and' have lived in this community
since 1878. Mr. Curtis, a retired
farmer, is in the hardware business
with his sons.
The children present at the cele
bration were: Mrs.. Ed C. Ailer,
Haddam, Kans.; Mrs. Elmer Marts
and Mrs. Marion Marts of Stella,,
and Mrs. Clyde Teare of Atkinson.
One daughter, Mrs. Harvey Young
of Flagler, Colo., was unable to at- '
tend on account of illness. Virginia
Davis of Haddam, Kan., the only
great-grandchild, was at the celebra
tion. Mexican' Troops Hold
Maneuvers on Border
P.rownsville, Tex., April 16. The
first review, maneuvers and field
eventsof Mexican troops on this'
part of the border since the begin
ning of the,Madero revolution J 2
years ago took place in Matamaros,
opposite here Saturday. The occa
sion was the visit of inspection by
Gen. Joaquin Amaro, commander of
the third division.
Americait officers commended the
training, outfyting and spirit of the
Mexican soldiers.
ssatf ' tWi' "