Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 16, 1922, SOCIETY EDITORIAL, Image 17

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Society Notes and Personals
AfUiri (or Miii Brn4t.
Mix Ahiuii; Campbell wat hott
fti Siiurt) afternoon at thrr I.
bits ( bridge, comilitnenlary lo
Min Winifred Brandt, hot wt4
J.n lo Jamci llunniVfr will take
plrt next 'Hnf4y evening at AH
Saints, Mi Campbell's ether iuet
ere the Me.damet Lester kl"p,
Hyrne Mollliqiiikl, Iterberl N'gtlr,
T, M, Futtell, lite Mitset timsie
Reiner. Dormhjr lavsinuah, Wiiii.
lied Smith, Dorothy llimilr, Mar
gort Tari.1 and Mildred .
naturday exriitng George
ami lawreme X.tCaaue, who are
twe pf the groomsmen, entertained
I he wedding P-riy at tlie lirandet
Monday evening Mist Winifred
Smiilt and Mis iJ.roihy Cavanaugh
are entertaining at j'icnic tupner
fur the wedding party, and Tuesday
evening, lielore the rehearsal, Mr,
anil Mrs, V. C. lirandt wit Rive the
bridal dinnce at the Mrandeis.
For New York Guests.
Mr, and Mm. Martin Saxe and
Mi, Prairie I'axton will leave this
evening (or their home in New York.
They have spent the week with Mr.
and Mil. Luther Kounte. Ye.ter.
t!ay noun Mr. fcaxe wa honor
i;uet at a luncheon given by Mri.
A. U Keed. followed by bridge,
(.'overt were laid fe eight. Lat
evening Mr. and Mr. Charlet T.
Kounte entertained eight gueiU at
dinner, followed by a theater party
it the World (or Mr. and Mra. Saxe.
Mra. A. B. McConnell returned
Saturday from several momln in
Mr. and Mri. Kenneth Norton
have left for (irand Inland, where
they are to make their home.
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Burgess are
planning to build a home noon on
Fifty-first street, south of Kamam.
Miss Katharine Dickey of Kansas
City will arrive Tuesday to be the
guest of Miss Dorothy Belt for a
few weeks.
Mrs. Henry M. Simpson left Fri
day for California, where she will
spend six weeks with her son, Har
old Simpson.
Mrs. J. F. Slate and daughter, Dor
othy, have arrived to spend several
weeks with Mrs. Slate's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. A. Wolf.
Miss Florence Rhoades and Miss
Mary Rosevear will motor down to
Lincoln Monday to attend the music
convention, returning home on
Thursday. ' -
Mrs. E. D. Myers and Miss Esther
Myers returned Saturday from the
orient, where they have been for the
past two months. They are at the
Mr. and Mrs. William T. Burns of
New Yoik City are expected to ar
rive next month in Omaha to reside
here permanently. Mrs. Burns was
formerly Miss Margery Beckett..
JP 'T I . . 1." " . 1 1 ll "1 1
lurs. ourucue rvirKcnuau win
leave tins evening tor Sewicklcy, ra.,
for a visit with her parents, Mr, and
Mrs. Samuel Cooper. She will be
gone for several weeks,".' and : her
mother will return with her, ',
Mrs. Charles F. Crowley is spend
ing Easter with her son in Washing
ton, Edward Crowley, who is a mid
shipman at Annapolis. Before her
return Mrs. Crowley will stop at
Ashville, and also in Pittsburgh and
Mrs. F. B, Hochstetlcr and son,
Myron Hochstetler, are ' in Ogden,
. Utah, where they were railed by the
death of Mrs. Hochstetler's older
sister, Mrs. George Tolmie. Mrs.
' Tolmie was struck by an automobile
and died two hours after. Her hus
band, who was with her at the time,
was unhurt
Problems That Perplex
Answered by
In Pursuit of Style.
Dear Miss Fairfax: We are a
group of girls that reside in a very
mail town: thus we do not know all
we would like to concerning the real
ly up-to-the-minute styles.
First, we have been reading about
fiber ailk scarfs. May they be worn
with dresa auita or must they be
worn with sport tweeds only?
Second Are the colored hose,
such as nude, grey and periwinkle
being worn much, and are they worn
wfun QdrK nulla t Autu, wuai oilier
shades are worn besides the ones
Just mentioned? '
Third and last. The anklet, is It
true that only one is worn and only
with strap pumps? We suppose they
would only be worn for dress oc
casions, princlply dances. Are we
correct? We hope we have not been
- much trouble to you. Thanking you
kindly, we are, CURIOUS.
The pretty . silk scarfs may be
worn with any kind of tailored suit.
The colored hose, are being worn
considerably and with dark as well
as light suits. The rose taupe
(sometimes called nude) are proba
bly roost popular. The anklet is for
evening wear. They come in pairs.
They are not worn extensively here.
Just Me Some girls ' are . just
naturally more popular than others.
The best way for you to offset your
' chum's popularity Is not by being
jealous or her, out ty aeveioping
your own personality. Interest your
self in other people and the things
thev are doing. Make yourseir ac
complished in something, music.
athletics, good literature, or any
thing else worth while tn which you
have a natural aptitude. A good cir
culation earned through exercise
and careful diet. Omit the candy
you are eating. Better see a doctor
about the underweight. Twenty-
flve pounds Is rather serious and you
should take early steps to add to
your avoirdupois.
There Is no harm so far as I can
see in dancing at Camp Fire meet
ings. Dancing is one means of ex
pression and a very beautiful one, I
think. A good actress must have
besuty of voice and carriage, she
lust have good imagination, deep
appreciation of the meaning of the
thing she is trying to present: she
must hsve personality and that
elusive, tnexplainable thing, talent
Tour writing Is very good.
Madeline: I cannot publish your
letter nor answer your questlona be.
cause It would amount to advertis
ing for the concern about which you
inquire. Write to them directly for
Btrxfit Ball (or Orphaasct,
Mi. Mjry f!eck it directing tlif
tiikrt sale for M. James Orphanage
brneiit u.l eddy evening at
the City Auditorium. A I ird tour,
ing ear i inning the priiet which
will be given away, ()!on' rie.
tra of .M pieces will (4rni.i1 the
Mri, Crocker llosuta,
Mrs. S, W, Crotler rnterts'netl at
luncheon Friday for Mrs. W. I,
I andou of Minnrapulii, and Mr. P.
I, Sir i of Norlolk. the guest of Mr.
I I-', l.dfii. Mr. returned
Saturday It her home, Mra, Landon
arrived Ihur.dav (or a short,
Lafayette. Club,
The IaU)d'e Dancing club will
give a dame Wednesday evening at
the H lack .tone. Lufruininnit will
be provided hy the Harmony Four
and by Mit iviau Marsh, who will
iTo. E. Tarty.
Ihe 1- U. K. wi't entertain at a
rard party in the Llk clubrooint
the evening of 'lhursday, April 20,
and Uo Tuesday afternoon, April
18, (or member and friend..
Church Dinner.
There will be a chicken dinner and
Fatter tale given by the guild of
St. Andrew rliurch at Forty-teroud
and Hamilton at 0:30 Wednesday,
April 19. "
Liberty Chapter to S;w.
Liberty chapter, O. K. S., will sew
at the Masonic Home (or Boyt Fri
day from 2 to 5. All member wel
come. Loyal Club.
The Loyal club of St. Rose parith
will give a dance Tuesdav evening
at the German Home, 4J06 South
Thirteenth ttreetr
Contralto Soloist
A song group by Harriet Clark
Helgren, contralto, will be a feature
of the Sacred concert to be given
Tuesday evening, April 18, at Our
Lady of Lourdcs church, Thirty-second
avenue and Francis street, by
the church choir,'Irma Swift Ober
reuter, director, and Juanita Finch,
organist. Mrs. Helgren will sing
.rity, U Savior. by Alelfandro
Stradella. and .He Was Despised."
from "The Messiah," Handel. She will
be accompanied by Miss Adelyn
Other soloists who will appear on
the program, are: Mrs. Irma Swift
Oberreuter, soprano; Mrs. Ernest
Reese, violin; Harry Disbrow, bari
tone; George Saltzgiver, tenor;
Joseph Walley, baritone.
and Happiness
Shoes that irritate end by making
a woman herself Irritable. You've
met and done business with irri
table women you know their un
consciously reduced chances of
achieving success and happiness.
Escape that irritation which im
pulsively produce's short answers,
and causes people to form a wrong
impression of you. Every Cantilever
Shoe is made, like your own foot,
with a flexible arch, and with a na
tural inner sole line, also with the
trim rounded toe and the lower heel
in style today. ,
A stiff shank crampa the free
action of your foot Your ligaments
and muscles all exercise as they
need to exercise. Your circulation
improves; your vigor and endur
ance are increased; you feel better,
and, naturally, you look better,
Cantilever comfort might well be
yours in place of the irritations of
ordinary shoes. Cantilevers prevent
and correct fallen arches. They
will add to your health and good
spirits; by treeing you of unneces
sary irritations, they will help you
to a larger measure of success and
happiness. .
All guess work eliminated in fit
ting your shoes now. We have just
installed an X-Ray machine and
every shoe is now fitted by X-Ray
without extra charge to you.
Sizes S to 11, Widths AAAA to EE
For Men and Women.
Sold la Omaha Only by
MoTed to Few Location,
KOS Howard St.
Opposite Y. W. C. A. Bid.
Write (or Free Booklet.
Dance Chairman
r leUU 1
Mri. Robert I. Gilinore I chair
man of the committee in charge of
the benefit danre to be given hy the
Benevolent and Patriotic Order of
Doet Saturday evening, April 20, in
the Elks club room.
Mr. Gilmore wa formerly Mist
Leonie Gempeler of Berne, Switzer
land, hiving come to this country
fve years ago. She graduated from
Betlevtie college at I.auaiinr, Swit
zerland, and studied two years at
the University of 1'arit. Mr. Gil
more ii a member of the Delta l'hi
Sigma sorority. '
It is hoped that the proceeds from
the affair will be enough to meet the
pledge of $-1X), which the B.T. O.
Doe made recently (or working
girls. Mrs. Harold Landeryoii i as
sistant chairman. Mrs. K. E. Stan
field has charge of the musir, and
Mrs. James Craddock it directing the
ticket tale.
Birth Announcements.
A son was born April IS to Mr.
and Mrs. Edward M. Strauss at the
l'axton Memorial hospital.
Announcement is made of the
birth of a son, Charles Redfield. jr.,
to Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Gardipce
of Sacramento, Cal. ' Mr. Gardipce
formerly lived in Omaha.
A daughter, Frances Evelyn, was
born to Mr. and Mrs. George W.
Johnson, April 14. at the Methodist
Episcopal hospital. Mrs. Johnson
was Miss Inez Treiber before her
the Mark of a
There tie tome )oung tuinet
men whot manner at a toriiial dm
per party would be irreproachable,
who manner 1 at luncheon are, to
tay the leait, rather abbreviated.
The (act is, elaborate service and
leisure ate conductive to good table
manners, and it it only the person
who ha an innate me manner
who ran eat a daintily and at grace
fully at quick lunch counter or at a
cafeteria where one mu firtt collect
one' entire luncheon (or one't telf.
i at a well appointed ana we.l
lerved dinner table.
In a certain large private, school a
tct( service cafeteria wat installed
not long ago for the convenience of
the pupils of the school. And before
long the parenli of thee children
were complaining that all their chil
dren's table manner! were deteriorat
ing. "Jack, why dout you wait to have
thing paed to you?" one mother
reproved her yjuug sou when he
leached (or bread, butter, tail and
pepper, without waiting (or thote
thing to be pasted.
"Well, if we didn't reach (or them
at trhool we'd never get them," Jack
explained. "The other boys never
pa things to you. there's tuch a
racket they wouldn't hear you ask
dr them, and the tooner we get
through eating the longer we have
to play beforj recest it over."
1 he mother also found out that
Ihe usual way of serving milk was in
a half-pint bottle with a ttraw.
Hence young Jack developed a dit
inclination to drink fluids at home.
He taid it took lest time to tuck milk
through a ttraw.
Quick lunch service of this tort ti
apt 10 have a bad effect on any one'
manners. In the timplest meal
served at home in leisure and quiet
ness there it opportunity and need
for more attention to table manners
and indeed if we all acquired the
manner of the quick lunch place, eat
ing would soon become a process of
feeding. We would cat hastily and
our digestions would suffer and the
whole process would be robbed of
most of its pleasurable associations.
In one way good manners at the
crowded lunch room are more in de
mand than anywhere eUe, for there
the young business man or woman
have to eat at crowed tables where
they cannot but observe and be an
noyed by the bad manners of others
For this reason you should be just
as particular about putting your
theories ot good tame manners into
practice at tuch a place as anywhere
Bee Want Ads Ate Business-Getters.
''llllllitlllnlllll.tllt-illiti'tlHll:,.',.',! riiiitiiili.Miitiiiii'tiiii,ii'iiirtiiiiiihiiiHiHnllir'iliili'lliliilillliliilllliiliiliiliiliiliiliiliilrliillHiiliill'li.t,
There Is No Gift
j for, the Bride
that compares with the Dowry Chest of
Sterling Silver Flatware, from the dainty
Oyster Forks to the At ter-Dinner Coffee
Spoons. Twelve of each.
Dinner is where you entertain your dearest
friends. The Bride cannot receive a gift
that will ever , compare with the Chest of
Silver from her Mother on her wedding
day. Our Silver Department is the largest
in the West. v .
Our stock of Kirk Baltimore Sterling is
large. We also have Dominic & Hoff
Marie Antoinette pattern, and a very won-'
derful display of Sterling in Hollow Ware.
Sterling Silver is the Ideal Wedding Gift.
C. B. Brown Company
Diamond Merchants Jewelers, Silversmiths ,
16th and Farnam I
' ei
A Piano for Sister!
Saxophone for Brother!
Grands The most wonderful
Uprights Saxophone built to-
Player, day-asy to blow
. . ;. . ' . easy to learn easy to
A visit to our store wil n.,
prove to you that we or 0n 0ur te s
have the best and sell Select yours now from
at the most reasonable complete stock.
prices. Come in and let
us demonstrate for your
15th and Harney
DOuglas 1973
Hash Ei
MLViduaUzQd Comiing
' For Every Type of Woman a carefully designed type of corset fitted to bring out her particular
charm and to minimize the possible defects to which her figure is subject.
Models in every style, developed of lovely material suitable for different
needs and times of day are here for her selection.
COMFORT, the first consider
ation in corseting, the prime
factor in selecting a garment,
has been developed to a super
lative degree in our corsets. Not
an atom of style has been sacri
ficed to achieve the result. Grace
ful, yielding, supporting in just
the right places, fitting superbly,
our high-grade corsets have be
come the favorites of well
dressed women.
The Corset for Discriminating Women
It is as yet impossible to create a model more exquisite in fabric,
more beautiful in line and more perfect in workmanship than the
various makes of corsets we have here for your selection.
Gossard Ringo Belt
R. & G. Corset
: Bien Julie Lily of France
Franco Mme. Binner Francette
- Only an experienced cor
setiere can help a woman to
select a model for her own
type of figure. Our corset
ieres are proficient and with
their suggestions combined
with our stock . of corsets,
which is complete at all
times, a perfect model for
your figure may be selected.
Burcess-Nuh Cemt Shop
Second Floor
The woman of fashion
who knows she must have a
firm, smooth contour in
these days of low top cor
sets and figure-revealing
gowns, depends on bras
sieres to give her the correct
figure lines. Every style of
bandeaus and bust girdles
are here for your selection.
Offerings in
Newest Silk?
Marinette Crepe
Soft, clinging crepe of
a weight heavier than
crepe de chine. New an3
staple shades. Yd., $2.95
Printed Crepe de Chine
Dainty patterns on
white . ground. Favored
for dresses and -lingerie.
40-in. -width. Yd., $2.49
New Silks at $1.95 Yard
36-inch Gingham Checked
40-inch Crepe de Chine.
36-inch Taffetas, plain
and changeable.
40-inch Satin Charmeuse.
36-inch Printed Foulards.
40-inch Radium Silks.
BurftM-Nuh Second Floor
Sport Silks
Since the vogue for
sports has spread so
alarmingly, the silkj have
complied rather than lose
favor. Among the best of
these : -
Velette, for wraps) suits, and
Silk Pearl, white, tan, gray.
Moire Faille, sand, navy, and
My Queen, white and black
and white.
Paisley Crepe and Ieaa Crepe
in the newer Spring shades.
Burgei-Nh Second Floor
Monday Special,
One Cent
Dozens and dozens of notion needs1 at a
price that does not cover the factory cost.
Inside Skirt Belting,
30 in. to piece, lc.
Wash Edging, fast
colors, bolt, lc.
Steel Crofhet Hooks,
each, lc.
Silk Soutache Braid,
6-yd. bolt, lc.
Buttons, plain and
fancy, card, lc.
Shoe Laces, all colors,
each, lc.
Safety Pins, all sizes,
card, lc.
J. & P. Coats Crochet
Cotton, white only,
spool, lc.
Corset Laces, ea., lc.
Underwear Buttons,
dozen, lc.
Cotton Tape, 3-yard
bolts, each, lc.
No Phone Orders
No C. O. D.'t
Wire Hair Pint,
2 pkgs., lc.
Pearl Buckles, for,
dress, etc., ea., lc.
Elastic Remnants, for.
garters, piece, lc. -Dress
Clasps, black
and white, doz., lc.
Hemstitched Braids,
bolt, lc.
Girls' Circle Combs,
. each, lc.
Hooks and Eyes,
card, lc.
Patent Leather Belts,
all sizes, each, lc.
Non-Elastic Webbing,
black, yard, lc.
Steel Knitting
Needles, each, lc.
No Mail Orders .
No Exchanges
Burgess-Nub Red Arrow Booth Downstairs Store
Union Suits
Fine cotton suits splen
didly tailored and well
reinforced. Made low
'neck, without sleeve and
knee length. Good values.
Sizes 4, 5, 6, '65c.
Sizes' 7, 8, 9, 75c.
Sizes 46, 48, 50, 75c.
Burgsss-Nash Main Fleer
Lisle Hosiery
Imported lisle hose in a
clear, fine chiffon weight
have become popular for
street and sports wear.
There are either plain,
lace 'and cloxed styles in
black, brown, grey , and
white. 'Priced at, a pair,
$1.00 and $2.00. .
Burfesa-Nash Main Floor
Silk Hosiery
We have just received
another shipment of silk
hose that includes more
of the remarkable stock
ings we are able to sell at
$1.00. These are woven
of good, serviceable silk
in black, brown, and
white. Monday only,
pair, $1.00.
Burgcst-Nasti- Main Fleer
This Store does not use comparative pricesthey are misleading and often untrue
.C M