15 THE EEE: OMAHA. SATURDAY. AIT.1L 15. 1922. Drawn for The Bee by McNUnui SEAL K8TATK U1PR0Vtn ClatsifteJ AiiuUmi Bitot IN ft li.( r.u.t 4 in liael 4y ! mii ha rf.r, a ..Mut, 4 t NM t! r 4a, t rll 4 III ,r l.i.a - ). 4 ......wiit 4.) .1. l i lt f H' l" it)tf ! lUy M b4aJ.IT . Ail 4trtiaK . I ' ' I. -.CbNK 4 ... 4,l t I f IN .M t !.. CUM'' fAT" ?! BRINGING UP FATHER ilt4 I'. . f IMIH ti t JICU AND MAGGIE IN fi t I. fAoe Or iOLOlU IN IHt UNUAV tC 8I!toin .Mi. ViOW.TOOA.f ! tAvTUKOV. L. Family AtvumnnHlaliun $Irl'i)0($tl.'iU Caili iililly M4c frt ! ti f4. .( far -I 'k.l I'.il ! lt4f.UIIK.MI. ..,., Kt- i' Home Healty Co., At Mil fi ll (M.-'l t"4? t' frt.ll, fllll Bl.l.l l . ..I -i 4 lrl. w.it i.l.. liaar ; t .alinior, Ma - ...LI 1 1,. . mm, Odbornv Kcalty Co., .14 IVia, Tru.l Mil J A k 'H fJf. I'ltli f;' 'la.ia'. i.i."iImi I- h ..l.kf. a iimiii. alililiy MtLHtiM itj. fiHr 11 IW t4tr4 t.l, wit M'a 14 r. Mill al ..r !,. llh f I . ill lr, Li I hi tr.iii(, .ll iu:, n f rf.Aitv '. ?4tti h4 Aii .i. Kiwoi4 1' M.AH ,IH A ! I.II.KH. ill" rMHM bvUjC.'MW III fill tMli.j.il, 4-1 till baMlliallt ah. I II. ...In lllKU4H ui, Mr l.i ..iiii.i HA.!' Mil IK, ;i) Kn-linx Hlf At. ''. lilUlM' nam i-ruuni i."i. miutr H'H amy I too. 011 " l"na i.KilHOII r. J'INIM ii'. I" '. W AM Klil"!!" i 1 iul''i il ilalli A llrlvi.lrl II.Mgl.l. al a .a. f I l. biof roil I .11 hi, il. 1 4 1 fTi uTit Hi i'-iiwi Hio.1.rn, ' t yitiiii buy far Sit Crritn. Jtcta. J. minnL ia i'vt " " l " N I. i'r, .i"i 4 'I it i,. I' a li-ai. In. Call tniii al, ttAKI lill". rl? t.rl.n Ml.l AT, ::!. (uf Trix ONUY Va0K, I tAUFA OA.Y.I IX VVC TO HAHCi Al I I l- i i'V II. at ,i .( i t lb (Mif t f . -.. MAIM -'i K.....rtH . rim . Hulk) '' . ..... .. . wik , tl.i( ll IIIUIU,. , ...I ! "I, want al" hw'hu.1) hi i mums at.ajtio Till! M.: it ....bt to' ),C, ifcali ..II iMFIiiH Ml .1-.rit.n-iii fur piui lb. Itnt O.nHNil Morn ffR'WAST At' 1 liln ellil.,. ,11 81 . at Mmnia :.i'ima. , t. t, hun.l.r f-.tiiiun. ., .., .1 P. M. Maii4 DEATH & FUNEKAX. NOTICES. it i.i nM'rr i. i r i4 ' te'AfltL VlrX C0HCR.4HT OS C sSmI It ! aurii4 tv hi '"". Mr. ni Mi. Win M. Lwrau.ll. lour .c..(h.r Mid J tiii", I'.i.r end lh.Mai i.iks. ill., A. II. J.. e. 4 U4 W', M.-. r'iiil Mutd.y morning from i n mi. in ci Jutiii nun h al I i m l.iHrnr.iu Hl r-apul. h.r torn Jill Nil I" II if .l.ih.ai,.. 4l 14, a. I ... 4 ttiimih 31 !.. at h.r , i..id'm 3 ftouihj ITlti III r-..d It survived by I ', Ki4 ' i hi', lixurn-i "f )"ui, i.ua f I'almll tt. runt rf i.niah. T'i .I me hi !. MIm t arn 4 !. John I' l'II.M H. unrA r trt Mn1. lit f, w- m li.iin i.nn tun-ril bui. Inicmul L.utrl Mill rm.lif. JAUkW'Mi I.Tu. I.r..v.l tf I...UH V., I'll i mrn4 I4 h'r hu.i .li.l ht hr iiioihi-f. Mr. I'.Ji Hum. r,,M, .n. lntlir, ll'ry Kgmiiii; on .i.e. Mi. -I. . Mulif, Nronll, l. lrvl.M "Hi'ty iiion t 4 arlorli f. ..hi Jthn A. lUiillrtiitn nior"ir. Ii. n nl in mil f i M Aw. til. T"rvTiAI in- fr KMinii-l Allr mil h iutt4'. J ! i . family rili, ! VtHi ht, ln lorifoni 1'1'VKiit llfli rnilr, nbbl I Mhll lfllrlllli. i CARD OF THANKS. MC wi.b in ihmik nur many Mn4 ir(n1 nt nrlghKira. Knihi n1 L4ir of Nrriirliy Nn. II;.', (or Ih.lr kindYia and ytnpathy hnwn duiln lh 4. mil of our' h.hv4 faiheri alo for Ih many baaullfal floral offerlu. T. F. Inrtr. r . i BURIAL VAULTS. AUTOMATIC wallna- eonrral burUt aulla. Rromm.n1d a"4 for l tiy all loim( un4riakr. ' Wtr Proof, no il to rui. no J l ty. IniiM upon th AUTOMATIC KKAT.INU VAl LT manufa. turad by Umalt i?oncrt Iturlal Vault Co., CIO Nnrtli 3oih. CEMETERIES. Visit Forest Lawn. Frt I. n rnili7 hai a my !, v with rai K chaiiKliif iwnon. Th lara ItrMiihiiuM ar,opn fqr In.pactlon very lay. It la 'but wisdom to auleet llul lror nrcatty compel on to 4o o. iifflcn bt Cnitry luorth of city lim its), and 7i0 BrandeM theat.r. . . FUNERAL. DIRECTORS. F. J. STACK & CO., ; Ruccaaor to ' , Plui lt Kalrnnar , j, ' OMAHA'S BKSP; 3. mio w AM B U L AN C E?,F V f Thlrtji-thlrd and Farnam. j HEAFEY & HEAEEY I'n4rtakr4 and Emhlmr. , rhnn HA. I5. Offlo Sill Farnam. ' Hulse & Riepen, v ., Finrral Dlrr-ctorir. 2fi4 C'umlnt. ' crcWyoore FLORISTS. LEE LARMON ,uVAt SXt IT "WITH FI.OVVKRtt FROM KK & 8WOBODA, 141. FARNAM STREET. I,, HENDEKaON'.lliO? j.'iAarn, JA,.Mi, JOHN BATH, 1804 Farnam. , J A. 1906. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. ; i Blrlhd, ' 1 Pater and "Anna Casey, 13:8 South Elev enth atreat.. boy. . . -.'. Ailam nd.CfUonne.Koj)esky, 121.8 Boutb Thivty-alxth atret. boy. .I.iiwph and' Ruby pik., !?- Grace trt't. girl. ' ,' "0" i "r Anton and Margaret Benalt, R.'i. Y: NArthu'rltnil 'r-Ua Hobb. 1908 South fourth afreet, girl. . , Vital and Margaretta- Coupal. 4737 North Fortieth street, girl. ' Joaoph and Mary Daiovlch, 8621 South Thirty-third avemKy gtrl. 'L,... ui Elwood and Carrla ilathewa, 2009 Cnl- Olarty.' obert.;: 2323 SoutK Thirty-third atreet. boy. Uoaths. . ...... Jamta Bradford, 7 J. 288S'Van 'r';,. Joph Ullea Meagher. 70,. 717 feouth Nineteenth street. -- , '. , . , " Peter Stenman, 3. -hospital. ' -Johan Nelson Keyaor, b, hospital. Dan R. Smith. 36. hospital. . Hasltall B. Hal). H. 2230 Cuming street. LOST. FOUND AND REWARDS. LOST About 25-anrt valuable keys, Sun day, on -L'lst si., Between u n a. aw phone MA-lli3B. unM rei". LOST By needy- person.- 6. ' between Watson a 'TLumbef Co; and S 4th and N. DO. 7626. WH1TB poud-le dog. Reward. yVli. 1388. PERSONALS. TJIK SALVATION Army Industrial hom ollclt your old clothing. furnltur, inagaalnes. W collect. We distribute. Phou DO. 4185 an dour wagon will calL Call " and Inspect our Bew bom. 1110. U1MUI Dodg St i-a.jV--. .- tr 1 Sib AMlfUlT Skin and acalp apeclallst. Realdenc Kbrk . aollrlted. Appoliltment. JA. 326. PoT.lor.n DR. A. N., Chiropractor, 308 LjarlSOll Tvtnn hiork. AT. 9747. if Office hours. 11 a. m. to 6:30 p. JIAiiNETIO baths; Violet Ray treatment with massages. 614 S. 19th. AT. 9381. TH BATRICAL historical masque costumea. for plays and parties, al riepen s, jmn... SULPHUR baths. Swedish message, chl ropody. Evenings to 8. tQ9 S. 20th St. LET Sheppard do It. Sodding, tlaek earth and muicning tor iawn. . j-.. NEWSBOYS Something hew; free sample; uneensored News, Los Angeles. Cal. FISHER buth, mass., manicuring. 320 Arthur Bid. - KX.PERT MASSAGE. ATLANTIC 9549. EXPERT massage. 404 N. 18th. Apt. RENT vacuum cleaners. 78c HA. 1071, EXPERT massage. 310 N. 17th St. SIASSAGE. Sun. and v. aptm. At. H88. ANNOUNCEMENTS. rfiT TT T7 A rrTXTr Hemstitch- ina. Cover ed Button. ISO Farnam, 2d Floor. DO. f"0. Contractors. RICH black decayed manor for garden nr lawn. Delivered. Pries reasonable. Call WA. 63i CARPENTER .and contractor,-general re pair work, - Call C.A.-Heaton. HA. 7187. FURNACE AND TIN WORK.. WA. 297L F 1.QOR laying, machioe w'PfcEilj i'ESSARD A SON. 50il CUMING. AT. 1638 Dancing Academies. VTP'PU'Q 1818 Farnam atreet. X.rjl-Ji O Douglaa 8440. Clas sd private lesson Ten Instructors. XjEARN to tfanc at Kelpine' acadtmy. class and private leasona DO. 7868. Accordion Pleating. ACCORDION, side, knife, box pleating; rovered buttons, all styles; hemstitch in buttonholes. Writ Iilal Button ' . -n TlMn Rl1. nmah. J-irav... - ----- Neb. leiepnoiig Detectives. V InoeDendent Detective Bureau. 304 Neville mAT- aW night. WA, 4145; KK. 046 SELIABLB Detec.!-. Bureau Railway Ex. Bldg.. JA. "ia" jlMES ALLAN, Sl N.vlll. BIV. E"-nc secured In all case. AT Untie 1186. Dentists. DR. a C, DKWELU. PENTIT. 1 k,ihnr TillMin'. T- 1S. CENTAL X-RATS. 8 each. 88 full set. THE GUMPS-- ttKTO CHVS TO COfct TO VANS UOTtV. t?0 WtVX CAS tXPUAIN CVWXTMIH6 tWE NAXT VHCt. voa LOOK TrBtL wutvt ANNOUNCEMENTS. Dressmaking;. lHKSS.MAKINii. (uarntc4 and lfaou- ahia. w A. iw, Nouveau 4rMinaklnc hp. Ail Paiton Blk. C'l.KA.V. innil."lulliirrull. furT Ha. i0. Hauling. UBV. liauhtiK and abrs, raa. AT. Sniill. Kodak Finishing, KNLARGB11KNTS, oil coloring davalopln. lirlntlnx. Ka.a Studio, til Ncvlll Blk FILMS DEVELOPED FKEB. Th Enalan Co.. 1H07 Howard 8t. Patent Attorneys. J. W. Martin, Patent Attorney, 1718 Dodg, room 809. Also Washington, 1. C. I help Inventors sell their patents. .. Painting and Paper Hanging. 1ST CLASS painting and paperbanglng. Txiuglm 4909. ' PAPER, paint.' clean, plaster. DO. 8357. PAPERING, painting: low price. JA. 3028. Printing. EDDY Printing Co. 813 8. 18 8U Do. 8647. BRITT i Printing Co., 801 Bromley Blk. Miscellaneous Announcements. DIAMONDS price , with privilege o buv back at email profit. GROSS JEWELRY CO.. Omaha, Neb., 402 N. 16th fit. . Telephone DO. 5049. OMAHA PILLOW COMPANY. Mattreasea - made ever, in new ticks at half prlca ox . new beds, 1907 Cuming. JA, 2467. Miscellaneous Announcements. FCi.L DRESS suits ami Tuxedos for rent. - JA..S123. .1.09 No. 16th St., J. Feldman. PRESCRIPTIONS carefully compounded at the 6 Sherman A McConneli Drug store. DR. A. C. 8ABIN, -RECTAL DISEASES. Suite 810 Arthur Bldg., zio a. tin bi. RUGS and carpets cleaned. AT. 9668. FOR SALE. Furniture and Household Goods. Brass Bed, Dressers, -duofolds. library tables. - etc. Our en- tire salesroom is stacked high with furniture from medium and luxuriously ! furnished' homes to be sold to the high est bidder. Saturday, April 15. starting promptly 1:30 p. m. No standing up ? necessary, plenty of seats. GAS range and white Hoosier cabinet, cheap. WA. 5346. v , . HIGHCHA1R, lady' desk, rocker, din - ing table, chairs, piano: 8616 Charle. Pianos and Musical Instruments. HALLER, & DAVIS upright piano and bench. Good condition, 890. Call AT. 9687. ' . . JOHN TAFF saxophone shop, repairing, Schmoller 6 Mueller Hldg.. 1518 Dodg. GEO. A. SMITH Dealer In drum, xylo phone, etc.; instruction, repairing; " " 2761 Davenport St. Phone HA. 2967. TRADE your used piano on new play- r piano. Balance s low a 110 per month. A. HOSPB CO., 1618 Douglaa. Clothing and Furs. DUNDEE WOOLEN MILLS. , For sale, a few unclaimed, all-wool "Dundee" suits, cheap, alterations free Northwest Cor. 15th and Harnoy St. FURS remodeled, relined and cleaned. KNEETER ALASKA , FUR CO., 80S S. 16th St. DO, 7388. ARMY shoe. 82.90. 706 No. 16th. Typewriters and Supplies. - TYPEWRITERS " AND ADDING MACHINES. ' All MAKES bought, sold, rented and repaired. Sole agents for the CORONA. Get our prices before you ( buy. Every machine guaranteed. Central Typewriter Exc., J A. 412. 1913 Farnam. GUARANTEED typewriters, 812.60 and up. Midland Office Supply Co., 1404 Dodge. Miscellaneous Articles. FOR SALE Wholesale stock of tools, -material, jewelry, also safes and fix ture ot K. B. Griffith, wholesale jew- ' eler. Omaha. Neb. . This sale for tne purpose of settling the estate of K. B. Griffith, deceased. For information ' communicate with J. M. Macfarland, ad ministrator and attorney, 608 Omaha National Bank Bldg.. Omaha, Neb. AT-8858. Sewing Machines, Linens, curtains, Haviland China dinner set, rugs, ' gas ranges, vacuum sweepers, .nirtains. etc., at the big Saturday auc tion. 15"9 Capitol Ave conducted by Frank B. Stephenson. FOR SALE One Isko electric refrigerat ing machine No. SO. Complete with motor and automatic control In perfect . working order. Used t months. Price 8150. O. H. Kroeger, Seward, Neb. HJARAGES built.- new lumber, 3100 up. Micklln Lamoer b avrecaing w. io ana Buraene pis. rwgr WE buy, sell aafe. make desk, show cases, etc., Omah. Flxtur & Supply Co.. 8 W. Cor. 11th and Douglas. JA. 2724. EXPERT sewing machine repairing. MICKELS. ISth and Harney. DO. 1973. FOR SALE Used pipelesa furnace, 24 inch pet, excellent condition. DO. '3. WANTED TO BUY. WANTED A second 'hand, double troke. dean ell pump, witn eapacuy 01 env gallons per minute against a total head of Jv feet, for use in a casing well. Villas Clerk. North Loup. Neb. DESKS DESKS DESKS New desks, used dasks bought, sold and traded. J, C Reed. 1207 Farnam. DO. 14. Vll a KB IT II lOUIIM LM THE 1DA1 0EB "MC j TOW CA AA VJl. ,ua r eiaa. m A 1 U? WANTED SITUATIONS. Laundry and Day Work. DAY work, bundle waahinx. Itcf. Web ter H04. HELP WANTED-MALE. Stores and Offices. WANTED Clerk, cashiers, bookkeepers. who desire t. prepare for high gra.lo office position lo enroll 111 our ruies In buslnra administration. Office management. Recounting and C. P. A. imlmnir. Write for latsloguo or can Dwnrsk School of Accounting, 18th and Farnam Sts. Professions and Trades. "PERINTENDENT WANTED ' Must have superintendent of school for city of 3.000 population ror scnooi year, 1922-1923. Election April is. FARGO TEACHERS' BUREAU, 412 KARBACH BLOCK. WANTED COMPETENT BANK MAN WITH MORE THAN THREW YEARS' CITY EXPERIENCE. - BOX B-233, OMAHA BEE. DO you want to increase your Income? write the National auio ocnooi, .N. 20th St., Omaha, for catalog. WANTED Pattern maker experienced in wood and metal pattern" maxing. nieaoy work. Address Box 9, Clarinna. ia. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE, lie 8. Mth. Write for catalog. Salesmen and Solicitors. HIGH CLASS EXPERIENCED SALES REPRESENTATIVES EITHER LADIES OR GENTLEMEN ARE OFFERED EXCEPTIONAL OP PORTUNITY BY MANUFACTURER OF NON-COMPETITIVE PATENTED FORD ACCESSORY. SELLING TO DEALERS. COMMISSION BASIS. MUST DRIVE FORD TO DEMONSTRATE. SEE MR. HARRIS. ROOM 631 HOTEL CASTLE, THURSDAY AND FRIDAY EVENING FROM 7 TO 9. . OPPORTUNITY for experienced salesman. Persevering and hard worker to repre sent a reliable manufacturing company In this state, must be over 25 year of age. Excellent chance for right man. Liberal salary, expenses and bonus, Small car an asset but not essential. Cull R. E. Hinds, Room 121 Fontenelle Hotel, for interview. SALESMAN Old established corporation, manufacturing line of staple specialties, paying liberal salary, commission and .- bonus, also expenses, has vacancies for four high class, experienced traveling salesmen, 28 to 60. If you can qualify, see Mr. Johansen, Room 709, Hotel Conant. 1 SALESMEN Reliable salesmen calling on drug and grocery trade in NebrasKa. High grade specialties as side line. References required. Address 423 Arthur Bldg., Omaha. WANTED House to house solicitors, in the city and outside territory .to ell Venus toilet preparations; 100 per cent commission, venus Mtg. Co., f22 Military Avenue. WA. 0332. Agents and Canvassers. COUNTY agents wanted for the Economy circulation pump lor Ford cars, lc .you are not making -from 35 to- 320 a day, come to 318 S. 10th St., and see dem onstration and be. convinced. Write for terms for counties. MESSMORE & CAREY, 318 S. 10th St. ' Hotels and Restaurants. WANTED--Experlenced -ceok In res- taurant; good wages; references re quired." Address Box 321, Ord, Neb. , Miscellaneous. WANTED Meat cutter and grocery clerk, small western Nebraska town, alngle preferred, steady - job. - Call at the Carlton Hotel, April 18. A. K. Toden hoft. ' - - WANTE1 An experienced granite letter ed Write Box 442. North Flatte, neb. HELP WANTED FEMALE. Stores and Offices. WANTED Young ladies to enroll in our day or evening classes in stenography, higher accounting and business adminis tration. By our method you will succeed. We secure positions for our graduates. Call or write for catalogue. Dwark School . ot Accounting, second floor. W'ead Bldg., 18th and Farnam streets. Professions and Trades. CALL J. A. Youngstrom, 'second floor. L O, O. F. Bldg., Woulas 7774, ror per sonal instruction in shorthand, type writing and bookkeeping. Saleswomen and Solicitors. WANTED Sales and demonstrator. Oma ha department store, experienced, give phone number. Address, don't call, Room 6-S Fontenelle, for interview. Household and Domestic. EXPERIENCED white girl for general housework. Two. In family. Reference required. 1921 , Binney St. Telephone V K. CB43. WHITE girl for general housework, small family, good wages, nice room. Call at once. Har. 3.131. Miscellaneous. WANTED Competent librarian. State experience. Address Miss Daisy bpick ard. Secretary Library Board, Fremont, Nebr. HELP WANTED. -Male and Female. TEACHERS WANTED . Must fill following -vacancies imme diately. Domestic Science. Commercial, Engli.-h. Physic and Chemistry, su perintendent. FARGO TEACHKRS- BUREAU KU2 KARBACH BLOCK ttI fEr"' IT uP The Wound Is Invisible That Love's Keen Arrow HfcjUT f FORE tHt ViWiHi;. TWE NNOON'S tkV H TVt f9 rt tUE MAtt SOMt NOT ONE VioHO 0 LOVE - B0CVEMtTtP- WT AUWCiMT- Mt.le HELP WANTED. Male and Female. WANTED Men, ladle n! ooya to learn barber trade; big demand; wage whll learning; trlctly modern. Call or writ 1403 Dodg St. Trl-Clty Barber College. EDUCATIONAL. DAY SCHOOL NIGHT SCHOOL. Complete course In accountancy, ma chine bookkeeping, comptometry, ehort huiid' and typewriting; railroad and wireless telegraphy, civil service and all English and commercial branches. Write, call or phone Jackson 1565 lor large Illustrated catnlng. Address -Boyles College, Hoy lea Bldg., omarta, ,Nel. Van Sant School of Business. Day and Evening Schools. 220 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Douglas 6890. ANNIE E. GLASGOW, voice and piano, 503 Karbach Blk. J A. 1081. PRIVATE teacher. AT-1869. Call evenings. BUSINESS CHANCES. Large Corporation Offers you an uniisuut opportunity to start business in 'jWIt own, town. Thia ireuiiires no previous experience, but man must be honest and reliable, and able to take financial interest, according to the scale on which he desires to oper ate the business. This ia nn excel lent opening and tf. interested call 09 or wriio our special reproHeniacive, jvir, J. T. Barry, at the Baltimore hotel, Kansas Ciiy, Mo. Good Investment Frame store building, living room above. Rental J62 yearly. 1'rice, 34,000. W. H. Gates. 617 Omaha National Bank. JA. 12?4. 1807 FARNAM 5-room apartment, com pletely modern; suitable for offices. studio, dental or dressmaking rooms, etc., for tenants wishing home adjoin ing. T. F. Hall, 434 Railway Exchange. Douglas 74U6. - .nr, H.lnlr. T.ihprnl discount available at once. Account poor health. - Box Y-1859, Omaha, rwen. FOR SALE Hotel fixtures and equipment in 23-room, new, modern hotel building Good investment for right party. Ros- coe hunger, uiouon, neu. A XIV t.,,l.,AM anlH In, f..h nn nubllcitV ; 10 to 30 days Northwestern Selling system, sioux uiiy. FULLY equipped garags on Lincoln high way. GOOQ lOCailOU, A. f LiaiA, joiuwi Neb. FOR RENT ROOMS. Furnished Rooms. HOTEL KEEN HOTEL FLATIRON, TWO DOWNTOWN HOTELS OF EXCEPTIONAL MERIT ARE OFFER- . . -K,.-,,, ,-ia WTTIT WITH. OUT BATH, TO DESIRABLE GUESTS AT MOST ATlKAUnVL w jivl. , RATES. MAflAUt.no PLEASED TO SHOW THEM. DISTINCTIVE CAFES IN CONNEC TION. 1'UfULAK rnil.-c.e'. HAMILTON HOTEL v FIREPROOF. -C..nnn. af "111, Single room with private bath at gio.bu per ween; lor mu, ij.,. Two large outside rooms with bath. 320 per week. A SATISFACTORY PLACE TO LIVE. GET YOUR ROOM through The Bee furnished room di rectory. Call at office for list of choice desirable rooms In all part of the city. A service that benefits both advertiser and room seeker. NICE south room in modern home, ideal location, not ana coia water, wa.m.a distance. Board if desired. Call HA. 1615 HOTEL HENOHAW, xsin. ami c axii.aju. Special rate to permanent g-uesia. FURN. rm. with priv. bath; warm, com fortable, cneeriui; prices re-aa'iuiiuie, ua. . . . . , 1 1 . .... A n A7A1 or WK. noiei jiamnwM. a a. FURNISHED ROOM, near car line. 33.60 U weeK. a3o j-inaney ot. we,, aov. , SUNROOM in apartment, near Creighton liege on Ha.-ney car line, a i. ioaa. UNUSUALLY nice room, also sleeping porch, private mime, c. UNION Hotel. 32 per week and, up. Housekeeping Rooms. TH", GUIDE TO the better housekeeping rooms Is the directory furnished to advertiser and room hunter. Call at Bee office for free copy containing desirable vacancies in all parts oi xne cuy. 611 S. 24TH ST. Completely furnished two rooms. Teiepnone, Datn, jauuury privileges. Al. iim. n TiinnlT rTa,npnnm f ni-n i sh ell Ottm- plete, 36. . 8 rooms first floor, 39. Modern. THREE rooms, pantry and closet, gas furnished. 1537 N. 19tn Ht. TWO or three rooms, modern. WE. 241a. Board and Rooms. 33D ST., 1335 S. Nicely furnished room for some on that will enjoy nome cook Ind and av ral borne; exclusive district, near car. Harney 0417. TWENTY-FOURTH ST., 3111 S. Clean rooms, good board: reasonable, ai. zagn. Unfurnished Rooms. UNFURNISHED room for light house keeping, close In, strictly modern, rea sonable rent. Call AT. 2250. FOR RENT HOUSES. Unfurnished. NEW s-room bungalow, modern. 3524 S. 27th St. Se Thomas Geary, 3916 8. 25th St, UY TWt UST Mmim I v Ukj 1. k Wl tsoiviC aAV -rue rrtuMXttV- I 6V1 TO THE HOTtV. WnU tONO ATTt, niumuni" HAVr.H i yjimk of Sat? o A, Or FOOO Smct- I FOR RENT APTS. AND FLATS. Furnished. COMPLETELY FURNISHED S. 3 and 4-room apartments. Private bath or shower. Walking .distance. Brown Apts., 508 N. 21t St. AT 7449. TWO and- three-room apartment, every thing furnished; no objection to small children; Is and 312. 647 S. 24th Ave. CALIFORNIA ST.. 2021 Cony furniKhed 3 room apartment; 2-room apartment, AT. 1641. ' ONE-ROOM with kitchenette and closet, furn!hed complete for housckccplag. AT. . TEL. Harney 669s 3 rooms, prlvalo home, everything furnished, 360. Couple only. SWEETWOOD Ave., 410 Two large mis. and kitchenette. Apt., modern; close-In. FURNISHED modern 2-room apartment for rent. Inquire 3837 South 23d St. 408 N. 22IV 2-room, modern, nicely furnished apt. Unfurnished, Choice Apartments' Four rooms In tho Harold. 27th and Jackson, only $70. Payne & Carnaby Co., 616 Omaha Nat. Bldg. JA. 1016. PACIFIC ST., 1016 Modern 3-room apartment, furnished or unfurnished. Douglas 6761. Peters Tru3t Company, WHERE OMAHA RENT8. STEAM heated apartment, 4 rooms, close In. G. P. STEBBINS, 1610 Chicago. 321 N. 2 3D 4-room and bath, modern front apartment. FOR RENT Business Property, 1807 FARNAM Store room, 24x132. If tenant wants more room, will build two stories above, each 66x132, with light on three sides. Thomas F. Hall, 434 Rail way Exchange DO. 7406. FOR RENT Some very choice office, also large office space consisting of 1.400 square feet, 400 First Nat'l Bank mag. at, 0500. MERCANTILE STORAGE AND WARE HOUSE CO., 11th and Jones Sts. H. M, Christie, warehouse & track'ge prop. MOVING AND STORAGE. "WHEN MOVING" PACKING STORING SHIPPING ' Phone Jackson 0288. 7 .. FIDELITY STvARNAca 1107-11 Howard St. PIHEPROOF WAREHOUSE Separate locked rooms for. household goods and pianos, moving, packing and shipping. BEKJN8 OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE. 806 south 16tn. 1JU. nod, ESTIMATES furnished on storage and moving. Contract taken by Job or nr. Globe Van & Storage Co., J A. 4338. at. - 0220. 620-24 North 16th St. HORSES AND VEHICLES. HORSES boarded, hired out for riding with Instructors, stalls rented and cheap storage ' for autos and trucks at 2215 Lsard St Phone day or night AT 1959. POULTRY AND PET STOCK. ROLf.BR birds for Easter gift. WA. 1674. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. "Follow the Crowds." So many people are buying new Oldsmobile Fours that our stock - of used cars changes daily. We intend to help you own an auto mobile. , Maxwell touring.... ... 95 Davis six touring, Continental motor 135 - Overland roadster. ......... t . 150 : "Willys-Knight touring 165 Chevrolet touring.... 195 Dort touring... 250 . Oldsmobile four touring 25 ' r Chandler six touring.., 300 Oldsmobile eight touring....- 4SS i Buick six Roadster 600 ' Oldsmobile six touring 675 Cadillac eight touring ,. 850 Oldsmobile eight demon strator ..1,185 TRUCKS. . Commerce ton... 475 Rpo spefd wagon....... 67S Oldsmobile Economy, . 1-ton. . . 675 LIBERAL TERMS. Open evenings and Sundays. Cone in and see what value your dollar has with us. Nebraska Oldsmobile Co., Howard at ISth. AT.' 1770. FORD parts, trans., complete at 310; magnets, per set. 1.50; riy wheel, 32. Neb. Auto Part, 1016 Harney. FOR SALE 1920 Dodge roadster, winter top, tirst-flass condition. HA-0800. MAXWELL Roatlster In fine condition for late Ford touring. Kenwood 806. USED radiator, ail make for sale. Green- ough Radiator Repair. 2039 Farnam. WHITELY T"TB l LOOK over our list of used car. THE AUTOMOTIVE .MARKET, 2056 Farnam St. AT. 7(38. HOLLY, tvptrt auto trimmer. 813 8. 24th. If Makes Drawn rtr luTn NCTT ttTORH I RIOKT- HMC WASHY "WE KWO A SNOMfaH SOU SMOUL WAMt risvv rWovrrMf)tU OW AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. REAL USED CAK BARGAINS. Cash or Time. Buy or Sell, Fordu, from 850 and up Dodge, Buick end other, 1100 and up. Ford bodies winter tops. liOLDSTROM AUTO CALF.S CO.. 1 3 1 8 Harney St. Central Garage. SOME bargain in used Fords; prompt delivery on new Fords. M'CAFFREY MOTOR CO.. The Handy Ford Sorvlc Station. y.th and Jackson Bt. DO. 3500. 1-TUN FORD TIMX'K, ENCLOSED CA1I. REVERSIBLE BED FOR ALL PUR POSES. FINE CONDITION. 1050 EL LISON AVE OAKLAND Six touring car; goud tires: 6 wire wheels. Just painted and ready for your vacation to the mountains. Call DO. 5239. BUY A GUY L. 8MITH USED CAR. A 8aife Investment. 26th end Farnam St. Phone DO. 1970. USED cars, worth your money, at Ne braska Oldsmobile Co., 18th and Howard Sts. AT. 1770. 1921 ESSEX Touring Car. looks and run Ilk new. Owner forced to sell or trade tor cheaper car. Phone Kenwood 3556. Repairing and Painting. NOTICE EFFECTIVE AT ONCE. WILL KEEP OPEN EVENINGS AND SUN DAYS TO REPAIR OR REPLACE BAT TERIES. U. S. L. BATTERIES. BAT TERY & PARTS CO.. 2416 FAUNAM. FARM LANDS. Nebraska Lands. Near County Seat I can offer exceptionally "well improved farms and ranches at at tractive prices. These are within 10 miles of Holdrege, Neb., county seat of Phelps county. Neb., one of the best agricultural counties in state. Some are all farm land, while others make an excellent stock proposition. R. M. Terrill, iioiarege. web. FAPMQ , rlte M. A. Larson. Central i ill.illkl City, Neb., your wants for acreage tracts, farm. North Dakota Lands. LAND YOU CAN PAY FOR Our new plan of selling farm homes without profit and under supervision of County Farm . Bureau merits your In vestigation; ir you are Interested in get ting a farm home, write Land Depart mmt, Cass County Farm Bureau, Court t-touse, x'argo, w. u. FINANCIAL. Loans. Money to Loan $30.00 to $500 on Furniture, Pianos, Etc, Less than legal rates, monthly pay ments. QUICK, QUIET AND CONFIDENTIAL. OMAHA LOAN CO., 506 Karbach Block. Tel. JA,' 2295. Southeast corner 15th and Douglas Sts. Real Estate Loans. FUNDS FOR CITY LOANS No delay, better rates on Omaha or Council Bluffs city property, 6-year optional loans. Make applications from 1 to 3 p. m. 605 Keellne Bldg., Oma ha. Council Bluffs office, 34 Pearl St. Tel. 101. ,T. R. DAY & COMPANY. WB have cah on hand to loan on Omaha residences. ' .- B. H. LOUGEB. INC., v- 538 Keellne Bldg, TPnrm T.nnrte No delay on weste r ax ill AJUallO Neb. . farms, ranchi em Neb. farms, ranches. Kloke Investment Co., 845 Om. Nat'l Bk; OMAHA HOMES EAST NEB. FARMS. O KEE-FE REAL PjSTATE CO., 1016 Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. Jackson 2718. FIRST mortgage loans made promptly on Omaha real estate, snopen & uo.. Realtors. JA. 4228. 234 Keellne Bldg. 8100 to 310.000 made promptly. F. D. Wead & D. H. Bowman, weaa Blag. Stocks and Bonds. LIBERTY BONDS bought and old. AT, 3644. Mack's Bond House. 1421 1st NsL J. H. MITHEN pays molt for LIBERTY BONDS. 921 City Nst 1. Bang Bldg. REAL ESTATE WANTED. AUCTION SALE Wanted the opportunity to explain my system of selling your land and sub-dlvlsion Bale at auction. Satisfied clients in 20 different states. Paul F. Bockelman, Real Estate, Auc tioneer. Paullina. la. List your borne Buy your nora BINDER & OTIS, Real Estate, Loans. Rentals. JA. 2561. Charles W. Young & Son Real Estate. Rentals, Insurance. 1602 City Nat. Bk. AT. 9668. To buy or sell Omaha Real Estate see FOWLER & M DONALD 1120 City Nat'l Bk Bldg. JA ckson 1426 fiRTTENTfr Real,y Co- Llst wllD 1418 1st Nat'l Bk. Bidg. J A. 1966. C. T. SPIER & CO.B"gomLot. REALTORS. DO. 4857. Grove-Hibbard Co. Home To 327 Secnritl"- Bldg. AT. 4956. WANT 6 or 7-room, well located. In Dun dee, by the first; bav cash. Box 121. Omaha Bee. HAVE inquiries for home do you want to sell your property T List It with C. A. Grimmel. Omaha Nat'l Bk. Bldg. 35 YEARS' exp'-rienec Helling home. Call A. P. Tl KEY, A bON. 629 First Nat'l Bk. Bldg. -WA. tZZi. i I A I Is 3 MA UxiX- VS a81 i l' vY0 a OCK I !) PVNfkMktE IT( tXjtOUOVKiMT TO J for The Bee by Sidney Smith (Copyrlihti ItiU tucftvrvlttau tJ'.reiMt OUT ALU ITS ALL KiR th bist-- THODuHT 0 CO IMS. gVtVTO UUt Linnrc- cab & ujuu r MdVC aMlN int MAblt. aJR LikVlC UlVrUttlA Tf TWT OWK. MOMt fiUVUOVm, REAL ESTATE WANTED. PTRlVFTT Write Tornado and JDilVXVi-i 1 1 windstorm insurance S5B Peter Trust Bldg. JA. 0843. GEO. T. PORTER CO. Reel Estate, Rentals, Insurant. 105 South IH'll AT. 8996. Western Real Estate Co. J A. 30UT. REAL ESTATE, INVESTMENTS SEE F. D. Wead & 1. II. Bowman. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE, DUNDEE CORNER. 90x133, paving raid; east front; ex cellent location, will exchange on good Dundee home. Call J A. S419. 813 City Nat 1 Bank Hldg. I Ait.lL tt.Hr ioriom, hmu iu, av" . Implement busines. Box X-65. Omaha REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN Dundee. Dundee - Six-Room, Frame Owner leaving the ctty and must sell this ft-room houtso; 3 rooms first floor; tf bedrooms and bath second floor; stair way, to floored attic. Finished In mahogany and white enamel. Oak floors throughout. Hasmient divided into launnry room and furnace? room; garage. Vor price and location, call George & Co., REALTORS. AT. 3024. DUNDEE, .$15,000 Attractive stucco homo, south front, cornor lot; large rooms, first floor; 3 bedrooms, sleeping porch, dressing room ana batu, second floor; oak lioors, oak and white enamel finish; 2-car ga- '"GLOVER & SPAIN, Realtor. 918-20 City Nat'l. JA. 2850. SEEING I believing that the Dundee IIUIIIB A Will UO HI.U IU O.IUW JfUU l well-built and worth the money. JA-3382. Florence. NETHAWAY sells and trades. KE. 1409. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. West. Leavenworth Heights Bungalow, $5,250 . Now building, five fine rooms, attic and well cemented basement; oak floors; -well built, well arranged and well locat ed, on paved street; close to car; easy terms. Evenings call'Grant Benson, WA. 1580. A GOOD NAME IN THE BUILDING GAME. Benson & Carmichael, 642 Paxton Blk. AT., 3540. Montclair Semi-Bungalow i .. ' ... -, . Five fine rooms, living room, dining room and kitchen on first floor; two dandy bedrooms and bath second floorj oak enamel and birch mahogany fin ish; excellent location on Lincoln boule vard; special taxes all paid; priced t sell; reasonable terms. Call Grant Ben son, evenings, WA. 1580. - Benson & Carmichael, 642 Paxton Blk.' AT. 3540. Save Your Money A Montclair seven-room residence on the high part of this district with dou ble garage and detached lot Can save you real money here If sold aulck. Call Schroeder Investment Co., 15th and Harney. , JA, S261. HAVE YOU A VACANT LOT? X will take it as first payment on a 5-room strictly modern stucco bungalow In Dundee, 2 year old. - Paved street close to car. AT. 3501; evenings, AT. 7412 days. Mr. Carse. AT OWNERS PRICE. Large sized six-room semi-bungalow In Clalrmnnt addition. East front. Pav ing and specials paid. Convenient term arranged. Call evenings or Sunday. WA. 0204 North. Owner Leaving City In Miller Park district, close to car linn, ptores and boulevard; a dandy oak finished home of 7 rooms, living room across front, dining room, musio room, kitchen with combination stairway, pan try and rear vestibule on first floor; 3 bedrooms, bath and sleeping porch on second floor: nir attic, full basement. gas heater, floor, drain,1 separate coal and fruit room; large lot, 60x150; splen did ishade trees: $6,7u0. Will discount for equity in cash. Charles W. Martin & Co., REALTORS. 727 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. AT. 0187. THE GREEN GRASS GROWS ALL AROUND. This practically new S-roem bunga low near Prettiest Mile. Oak floors snd finish; full basement. HA. 4415. H. W. VOT.LAND. 710 Peters Trust Bldg. AT. JKKiS. D. E. BUCK . CO. buy and soil homes. IK Id M. II I1n.11. J.. caili. i.l li..i. . In -.i"l. lirHr Hr.hTIIIMI l' tin South. Special Bargain Must Be Sold Field Club Bargain II fi rat fronl on J'nh A. norili of l'a Kir. Tina il lira In nil a4 aiibl ly with beauuiul lw ! ta.i uri l.mklu hoiilriai.t ami paik. fan b boudit al a pru-a May bvluw aniltilne Ira in Ihla lirnliboilnK..!. It 1 a l.at bail tn. D. V. Sholes Co.. IS fit Nal'l Bk, lU.ln. J a. ". Want a Real Bargain? Ilan.i-iini Park ili.liut bou nf l( room, alilrliy iii.hI.tii. oak fiui.li an first floor, i Iron! nn pv.il air.et and paved alley; lan a aia. Only 3.6ta; half ca.il, Only I1, block Suulh of Jl.n.rom .'stk. W. FARNAM SMITH CO. tSS Farnam M. J A. Vl7iTio7lcr"hotiie t 331 K. ii St. furnished hv Orchard & Wilhelin Co.. built by C G. C.rlborg. Open week day S lo S ami T in p. m.i Sun- lo 8 P. in. 30TH OAK M i-riii. mod., ok Irim. bung ; good condition. 86.:50. 11,004 cash. CHAS. E. BKI.MAV AT M... Vacant. LOTS On 8. (UI nf lJirlinnra Ave., betwatn nth and S'.Ui Sis. Will sell on easy payment or will build to your order. AT. 5540. FINE duiihlo corner at (24 and Farncra St. I'lice 3ii.ei"l. ALFRED THOMAS & SON CO.. 6 04 First Nsfl Hunk. JA. QQ63. 350 tiuWN. i per month. Si flno building lot, near Deaf Institute. II. 8. MANVIL1.K. Realtor. AT. 2403. 615 I'.ter Truat Bldg. Ralston Lots nVV.'n!" paymmta. Phone Stewrt. RaUton. 10-W. DUNDEE LOT South nf Farnam on 51st; 82,350, Phone. WA. 4187. FINE corner lot In Dundee, 80x100. Paving paid. At a bargain. KB. 046i. - - Acreage. 1.12 Acres, West Dodge Price 31,550; 3128 rash, balnnce 612.80 monthly. vOnly nine blo-k west of Fair acres. Remember the greatest advance In Omaha real estate the past five year has beeu" out West Pndge. The Byron Reed Co., DO. 0297. 161! Farnsm St. Miscellaneous. Home Specials " Strictly modern, 7-room home; tarn for 3 cars; .big lot. paved and paid; close to car and school. Price, 32,500, terms. Extra good 8-ronm, modern, noar 321 Mason; big lot, paved and paid. Trie 34,65081,000 cash. We hav several splendid S-r6om, modern homes that can be handled with S00 fl.OOo cash. Chas. W. Young & Son, 1603 City Nat'l P.mk. AT. 9608. Eve: HA. 5061. AT. 0630. Here Is Your Chance To own a brand new 6-room modern home on easy terms and monthly pay ments. Will build on your lot if you can pay $500 cash. Has modern con veniences, oak floors and oak finish In two rooms. Bookcases, window seat nun niLViirii uriuiiiri, iuuiumu, sill nn 34,000. Call Mr. Campbell, WA. 5704 evenings or JA. 2428 day. WILL BUILD AND FINANCE YOUR NEW HOME. Our material and workmanship of best quality. Come and look at some of our completed houses. Very reason able costs. Bring your plans to us for ' estimates. HASTINGS & HEYDEN. 1614 Harney St. AT. 0050. ; New Bungalow, $5,000 Five room, easy terms. JA-3566. ON YOUR LOT We will build a home for you and finance it completely. All you need is a lot clear. We have many attractive building plans or we will use yours. If you have no lot we have many to choose from. Von can not beat our proposition. Talk this over with us at once. C. T. SPIER & CO. Realtors 304 Peter Trust Bldg. DOuglaa 4857 sa A Big Chance for the Right Man We want some re liable firm or per son to handle our . Windmills in your locality. The Mill, ere mad in 8 10 and 12-foot sizes. Nothing better on the market. For particulars writ Breyer Bros., Whiting & Co. WAUPUN, WISCONSIN The Home of High CUt Windmill. .MiWV, U aVJVaV tYf a a fSWi 1 If XV .1 ecuriiira jaiu..