THE BEE: OMAHA. FK1UAY. AfML H. Itfr.'. 10 9 I J IsT h PL rn-vZaABY ARTHUR EEPY - TIME TAL E S THE TALE OF THE MULEY COW t IIAI'irK XXIV. tlumbui. "J tic tic m' tiitlktMB tnadiiiie ai all rra-ly to ur. "XVIiirh we rc coin to try it on lir.1?" the Imc. I nun akc4 'I nrnifr iirrrn. l rfs it to the '' r4 cow." sail Johnnie Hire n' faiher. - The luilc rrd cow gave he Mutry j'fcba hasn t the brains of a hen? j Farmer ONtn dacUrei. "low a ly limine. "Hid you hear that?" she asked. Tanner Green knows who' fashionable. lie chooses me to be first! And it's J great honor." "Nonsense !' said the Muley Cow. "He picked you because you're the smallest row on the farm. He think 'you wouldn't dare object to a milk Wig machine. Just you wait till they try it on me! I'll kick! I'll bellow! ' I'M switch my tail at them!" The little red row made no reply. Already Farmer Green and the hired man has stepped up beside her. And "''they were just about to fasten the milking machine to her when the big white cow let out a frightened bawl. "What's the matter?"' the little red cow asked her. "I was just thinking." shei stam ,:mcred, "what if they couldn't stop dim machine!" v This was an awful thought. Such -an idea had never entered the red cow's head. And the moment she heard it she no longer wanted to be fashionable. She was so alarmed , that she lashed out with both hind , eet in a most unladylike manner. And she plunged and 'roared and iJ BOWEN'S Value-Giving Store Cedar Chests We are showing a large line1 of Cedar Chests made of genuine red cedar, . have dust proof lids 'and; cedar handles. Some are cop per banded, others copper studded. All are well made and priced at $10.50. $12.50, $21.00, $24.50, $26.00, $28.50 Cedar Chests in walnut and mahogany veneer; will match with your bedroont suite, and offered at special prices. Ferns 1 e Large healthy Ferns, O'T while they last, orily, W C Rose Bushes sir b mrr SCOTT BAILEY made ouch fu (hat Famirr Urrrn the hired man Irit brr in J' gu.r. "ht hasn't t brain of a lim," Farmer Ureett declared. "hall e try the bin bite cow?" the Inrrd mail a.ked bun. No! She's s numbskull too," said Parmer Green, lie feeling somewhat cross, fur the little rri rnw had B'ven him snitrt kick. "Let's lake the old Muley. She knows something, even if she is jumper.' n'-ti ...1.-. tt . l tr. ...... f tri, wni ceuiu i iic Aiuirr vow do? She had declared to all hrr friend that she would not be milked by any new-fangled milking ma chine. But when Farme r Green (Kike so pteanantly about her, she hadn't the heart to disappoint him. So she stood still for quite a few minute. And soon she had the hon or of being the first cow in the herd to he milked in the fashionable wav. The little red row was frightfully iealous of brr. And he railed the Muley Cow "and old humbug." "You said you wouldn't let them do it." the little red cow spluttered. And here you are with the honor of being first T And you the Muley low re torted, "you said you were glad the milking mahcine bad come, But you certainly didn't act pleased when tbry odud t use it on you. Speaking of humbug I should say )uu sin one suuiseli I or once the little red cow dad nulling to say, the herd agreed that it was th first dtpu' in which .1 hadn't the m word. And to thrir surprise, esrr afterward h hitle red row yas merit and mild. ih even ct Farmer Green tmlk brr with the new machine. And there was only one thing that ever vexrJ hrr, She never could endure it to hear the word humbug. Smut-how the whole herd became gentler. At lat Farmer Iirrrn an. nuunrrd proudly, right in their hear, tug. that they were giving more n.iilf, "It's the milking machine," he told the lured man. "1 he row like if , Put the Mulry Cow knew better than that. She was too polite to say a much to Fanner Green. She wouldn't dream of disputing what he said, though she knew wel enough that lie had not guessed the secret. Being only man, he had not noticed row fashionable the cow had bee sine. And since no row ran be a fine fashionable dame if she is rude, noisy and quarrel some, they simply bad to be on their best behavior all the time. And they were especially parti cular about two nutters They ate neatly every bit of fodder that was set before them, nd gave all the milk they could in return for it. Copyright :!.( Tomorrow btm a nw t of Isllr Slot .. oilh NintSI Ivor lh h.ra. At Orel lllllo. nati4 Mwn, l.i.r a li Mlow i(h nbi nilr. Nimbi many aliiuf w'h 'iilf Hosr, Jimmv n.blil. Hilly W osdrhU'-k n. l.o loilr ih !r. As a result of new taxes on mo tor vehicles, the British government expects to derive $4(J,CKKJ.W0 a year. Dog Hill Paragrafs " By George Bingham " "4 7? Hancock spent some time by the roadside this morning trying to convince his mute that a stump in the fence corner was not going to jump out at him. A lie was passing the Gander Creek graveyard one dark night last week Jefferson Totlocks reports that both his horse and his imagination rait away with him. The Horse Doctor was summoned to the home of Clab Hancock vri terday, but after examining Clab couldn't find anything hurting him except bis conscience. Parents' Problems What course should be followed with lively little boy of 7 who mil' lairs the peculiarities of grownup neighbors not to be dtsagrreable, but because thry seem to turn so comic? Ask him if he ran be equally sue resstul in copying people's Me sjual ines, and acts as in imitating their funny ones, and show bun that only those are worthy of imitation. 1'utut out to bun the danger be runs of acquiring the very peculiarities be ridicules through the working of the psychological law of habit. Jell him that his own ways may often seem amusing to others. Veyy rarely, and with ome children, it may have a good effect to mimic them. Common Sense well as when they buy an automo bile, and they want one wha will keep hiiiucii going at a pretty god speed also, Ibey ar not going to furnish high power gasoline and the hoi snark to keen their rmplovct going, either. ihr man who wants is diaw favorable attention to himself nnit be alert, active, reliable and show in teie.t and faith and loyalty to the firm which employ hmi ohi(Si, is;t By J. J. MUNDY. Art You a Self -Starter? If you are willing to jog along In your happy, just-makr-a-hving way, that is all you ever will do. You may thing that some time something will turn up, and one of these times you will make a little stake which will carry you through the remainder of your life. Hut things don't just "turn up" of their own accord, you must do something some real work and some real thinking to make thing "turn up." It is foolish for you to think that someone is going to look you up and push you forward, if you your self are content to allow yourself to go alonz under an easy head of sttam. Employers are looking for a scli starter when they engage a man as A Silly Song By A CUCKOO BHD A woman Is lite dannlest thing that ever was invented and still, without one of their own, few men will be contented. A feller gors and gels a girl and feeds and entertains her and birr a cab to take her home berau.e a street car pains her. He goes in debt for what be wears and lives on beans and liver and spends his shekels and bis yen for fancy things to give her. And when he's spent his weekly wage on eats and syncopation and laxicab to haul her from, and to, her dad's plantation, the sweet young thing gets on her ear and says he's mean and hateful, if. having paid the evening's bills, be des not sav he's grateful. tl'wiyfi;M. I Sit V J. I. Carey, Official of U. P., Transferred to Lot Angeles J. P. Carey, superintendent of the Nebraska division of the Union Pa cific system, hat been transferred to a simitar position on the Los Angeles division, according to an an nouncement by V. M. Jeflers. gen eral manager, yrstcrday. Mr. Carey's successor ha not been named. Murmiiis Prilling Firm Ut-M UsMilsrupt ly Jury The M on amp Hulling studicate is bankrupt according to a scidist returned yesterday in federal souit by a jury alter a tril la.tmg thiee day. The sndisate of whish liroige Fortrr I president ba oil lease in the Qane field in Wyoming and contended that it aet are much more than lis liabilities. Hrisle W ho Fmiiul Unsliaiid Was Ilolilnji Now in llosjiiial Mrs, George Krlly, prostrated by the shock caused by the charge that hrr IhuImihI robbed a neighbor of W, was taken to a hpitat rs lerday by mrmbrrs of the Humane society, She i an espenani mother. No word has r come Irom her parents, who were nontied of the at Lir seveial tla ago, Mrs. Kelly is penniless. FOR A CONSTIPATED CHILD A ssmQ Jos of Dr. CaldwH's 8nsp f essste will Msg ejssitli veJUi. MOTHER, when one of the children la constipated are you going to give the first lax. ativa within reach? It la dan- Kerous to do ao. Soma have een known to rupture the Intestines of little children. Don't be beguiled by the out side sugary appearance. Look into the formula. Calomel la seldom necessary: salts, minerals, coal tar, neverl Uolike these. Dr. Caldwell'a Syrup Pepsin Is admirable for children, as it is for grown people, too. Mothers have been givioff it to children for 30 years. They know it doca not gripe, and is free from narcotics. The formula Is on every package, and you can see it is vegetable, just a com bination of Egyptian Senna and other laxative herbs with pep sin Use it yourself and you will find it la not necessary to take it every day, nor to increase the dose, and that it ia pleasant to the taste. Dottles can be had at all drug stores, and the cost ia only about cent a dose. Have no hesitanry giving it to a baby in arms. Jt is absolutely aafe. Half -Ounce Bottle Free Ft Kf MRJtlpatM, M M if yt i KM a tauiM m iSu mm wa mt wi ytm t HjiMv Tnai Bout tt my Syp Ftpun flit'S OF CHARGE H Km karuh win nmdti. Sph mm wr nan a Mhttt m O W. B CoUwrO. sis WWuafiM St., MswxtUo, UL Wnu SM IMa). a AlrofandL do.; K 3m yoTLur imaal III Wry S mOlftlffliLS IT sis Here is an opportunity for you To get a dependable income by investing from $10.00 up in the Electric Light and Power Business PREFERRED STOCK of NEBRASKA POWER COMPANY $100 Shares can now be had for $95 and dividend per share At this price each share pays 7.37 per year on your money BECAUSE the Company must grow along with the community it serves, there is a constant need for funds with which to extend its system. These funds must be raised by the sale of the Company's securities. This provides the opportunity for you to become a partner in your home town Lighting Company. Increase your income by investing your savings in this Stock. Many home folks are already Stockholders. Dividends are paid, regularly and promptly, every 3 months. Dividend Checks are mailed to Stockholders March 1, June 1, September 1, and December 1. Our Preferred Stock is a high grade investment NOT a speculation. Its strongest point is that it is SAFE. It is fully paid and non-assessable. r It is Culmulative. It is easy to sell in case you need cash. $10 down and $10 a month soon pays for a share Here ts a Real Opportunity ' It Calls for Action In addition to a mammoth cen tral power plant with ite millions of dollars worth , of e q u i pment, the Comp any has invested over half a mil s' i o n dollars in . four substations to bring its serv ice as close ar possible to the homes of its subscribers. Nebraska Power Co. A Business which of Necessity is Permanent I Sand in this, coupon It will bring you an illustrated booklet and tell how to buy the stock for $10 a, month (WITHOUT OBLIGATION) I. Nebraska Power Company 'Electric Building, Omaha, Nebraska: I Please send me booklet, "More Power to Your Money," containing (1) More Informa- I tion about Preferred Stock. (2) Details of Easv Payment Plan. f3) How to .LtAom r I Jhis Stock can be purchased at our office or through I Investment. any of our employes they're our salesmen ' Name Address I Milady (red) Rose J Bushes, choice, each. . . . It Pays to Shop at Bowen's. ffttBowen (6 Howard St., bet. 15th and 16th (l-W) uvmnrinrirr,'"'irf