Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 13, 1922, Page 7, Image 7

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kr I
pt!(4 to )ou both in jour courting
It Is compaitloiublt harmony
ubuh males home iane4 4
Visit lih your i(e.
v'ttrili, :
Tha Vow of Cow.
All the com i in the barn wert
imkIi tict. Thry had heard toinr
new that didn't tlrae them. Farmrr
(irrrrt was jjoing to buy a milking
'He'll nevrr ue it on me. the
Mulry Cow declared. "None of my
hmily hat ever breu milked by ma
chine; and I don't intend to be the
Her companion bad felt just a she
did. If larnier Green could have
Not for met? tbo lid whiulcowr'
epliek '
listened to the muttering and rumb
lings and murmuring he might not
have dared bring home any milking
machine. But he never dreamed that
the whole herd was against one. ' As
for his son, Johnnie and even the
hired man they had said all along
that they thought a milking machine
would be a line thing to have.
The hired man had milked cows
all hit life millions of them, so he
saidl And he told Johnnie that he
no longer found any fun in turning
out of a warm bed on a cold win
ter's morning long before daylight, to
milk cows.
Now, Johnnie Green had only
learned to milk during the summer
before. But strange to say, he had
already begun to fee! somewhat as
the hired man did. Milking was not
half the sport that it was in the be
ginning. The prcat day came at last when
the milking machine arrived. There
was an unusual . bustle in the cow
bam while it was being set up and
A Silly Song
Jim Dodge he says that drinking is
a habit we should shun, that it
brings on prematurely the sinking
. of life's sun. He says that drinking
liquor will make you beat your wife
and slumber in the potter's field
when you depart this life. Jim sure
' " lambasts the liquor; but take a tip
from me, he preaches best just after
he's been upon a- spree, and I can't
keep from thinking Jf V were irr his
shoes,' I'd either quit my ipreachih
;or lay off of the booze.
(Copyright, is::.)
luted. Since it was winter, the tows
had little rite to do but watch what
was going on and grumble. They
all felt jti t as they had when they
hrtt beard about the new machine
that is, all but tha tittle red cow.
Mho always stood next to the Muley
tow when they were in the larn.
To everybody! surprise, the lit
tie red cow announced that the wat
glad the milking machine had come.
"You're behind the timet.'' the taid
to the Muley Cow. "You prefer to
be milked by hand, the old-fathioned
way. Rut 1 like new-fangled things.
And folkt fay that milking machine
are very ttyliith this winter.
For a tew tnnmrnli th Vnlev
Cow gated, open-mouthed, at the lit
tle red cow, "You don't mean to
say," the gasped at last, at soon at
the could tpeak, "you don't mean
to tay you're going to let them hitch
that machine to you, do your
"Certainly I ami" cried the little
red cow. "If I want to be fashion
able I'm sure it's nobody else't af
The Muley Cow turned to the big
white cow, who stood listening eag
erly to every word.
"We'd better ask Farmer Green
to move ut," the Muley Cow said to
her. "This neighborhood is getting
too fashionable for us."
"Not for met" the white cow re
plied. "I quite agree with the lady
on the other side of you. And we
really ought to speak to Farmer
Green about changing our places
she and I. For it's not halt stylish
enough for us here."
When she saw how both the lit
tle red cow and the big white one felt
about the milking machine, more
than ever the Muley Cow vowed that
she would never be milked by it. No,
never I ,
Dog Hill Paragrafs
DeV llowVi, our enterprising
blacksmith, ha added a sharp raior tl.ifricwt k n4 of dir iu
the ftoiM Miiie i i rave io lust
io oi ihnu at vine in order to get
Itiein il.
On hi lt trip in. this 'k. h
it j I I in ir r tr.trlrJ to fast, he
Stripped the gear on one el the
whrrl of Miun.
Common Sense
Do You Ever Visit With Your Wife?
Too many men look upon their
homes as places to eat and sleep,
and their wives as the managers of
their homes.
The man who demands his dinner
to be ready as soon as he reaches
home in the evening, who eats as fast
as he can, grabs the evening paper
immediately afterward and takes a
rap after perusing it. sleeping in his
chair or on a couch, is not giving his
wife the companionship she has a
right to expect.
' Husband and wife should mutually
wish for a visit after supper. "
All day long the homekeeper has
been within four walls with nothing
to break the monotomy of htr every
day routine duties.
The husband usually meets new
people, has new experiences and sees
many things which add variety to his
To bring these interesting happen
ings home to your wife, to talk them
over,' provides , conversation which
your little wife would enjoy and look
torward to throughout a tiresome,
nerve-racking day. -
It was companionship which ap-
to hit barber department in the
southeast corner of the shop, and a
little later will get a bigger pair of
pliers for his dental chair.
Luke Mathcwsla says there are so
Parents' Problems
Wyoming War Fitume Hratl
id Onulu for Hank, Mertuig
Geoig! t. Abbott of Ihejennt,
chairman of the War Fiunrt roni.
miitee of Wyoming, attended ueet .
iig of directors of the Ffdeiat Be. J
tervt bank of thi di.tiivt here )!
iuJiu ftWm lri 11 . 1
irilaT, v'Wf M"H"l gf'Wt I'll
I. Hall of Lincoln: R. O. Mamell.l
N'cbr.tka l"it; V, J tui and I,
II. IVIuit, twill of Onuha.
I low can courage brtt be taught
la children?
I'lue lite emphasis on moral rather
than on physical encouragement.
Mtow that no other quality it M
roiuUnily needed in everyday life.
Children undrrtund ml ly
the great spectacular displays of
courage, o Irt them bear and read
of many audi; but make it plain to
them that the stuff of which heroes
are made it developed by constant
overcoming of small (can and dihV
Annual Rout of City Hall
Pigroni Drgun Ly Martini
Spring i in fact bat, according
to Belle M. Kyan, auittant super
iutrndent of schools.
Her martint arrived yesterday
morning. On her window ledge it a
martin houe which is occupied every
season by martins, who arrive be
tween April 10 and IS.
These birds are taid to travel from
South America to this section dur
ing the early spring. When they ar
rive at the city hall the sparrows
and pigconi are evicted by the new
Clean-Up Week for
Player Pianos
We have twelve Player
Piano formerly uaed in
our Player Piano Depart
ment and for demonstrat
ing purposes which we
have marked down to
$388.00 from their regu
lar aalea prices of
$645.00, $600.00 and
The splendid bargain com in Walnut, Mahogany and Oak and
include $10.00 worth of player rollt of your (election. The piano
you now own will be accepted as part payment and terms to suit
your convenience will gladly be arranged.
These bargains will not be on the market
very long, so we suggest that if you are at
all interested that you come in soon.
Sdmiolkr&Jllttcllcr Ptotto G
Your Meal is Cooking
while qp
Do Something Else
Put the Dinner On
In 30MinutesTurnOff the Gas
There is no good reason why you should spend so,
much time in the kitchen today, when you can em-
; ploy a Chambers Fireless Gas Range to do all of the
"watching" of meals.
You can get the meal all ready, put it on the
Chambers Range, go about youf other work or
dress for a trip to the shops, or for an afternoon out,
and when you're ready, simply turn off the gas and
go along.
The kitchen, with the meal cooking by Fireless, will
run as smoothly as if you were there, and when you
come home the meal is ready to serve.
An afternoon may be spent at tea, at the theatres,
at your club, or cleaning up the house, without the
slightest danger of neglecting the next meal, for in.
the scientifically insulated Chambers Range practi
cally all kinds of cooking may be done by Firilett,
without fuel, without your time and without attention.
Cur Com Bills
Saw the Flavor
Save Your, Time
Lessen Labor
A Great Sale!
Special Reduced Prices
Now For Limited Period
Now you can get a "Chambers' Fireless Gaa Stove for less. For two weeks,
ending April 22, we are offering this wonderful Chambers Range at prices that
are radically reduced. This great sale will mean a material saving to many
people this spring. Let us show you the many advantages of this wonderful
household invention tomorrow. Low prices liberal terms for a limited
period now!
Wilton Pogers
JLvJLand sons A V company
Hardwire Household Utilities
Yon Can Own a "Chambers"
on Our Easy Payment Plan
I f4 wtr !ik Im4 4
r,w4 If tlar frtf4r.
. pu e at ash
At. om un r Sut
Sae 7rUA iiifants invalids
tbi Original
.Avoid Imitations
t Ortaaal ra40rtak toMAM H CUmg - rWUW - IHfMUkJ
First Church of Christ, Scientist, Omaha
Announces a
Free Lecture on Christian Science
By Peter V Rom, C. S. B., of Sen Francisco, Col.,
Membor of Iho Board of Lectureship of tho
Mothor Church in Boston, Mas.
In the Church Edifice
Taty-fr4l Strt aad St. Mary's Au
Tborsday and Friday Eveoingi, April 13 and 14
At Eight O'clock
You and Your Friends Aro Cordially Invited
On the Square
Thursday's special offer
ing for tbia popular
square Is two groups of
Ladles' Hosiery priced
much less than ordinary
that combine quality and
Si'Jr. Hose, 79c Pair
A limited number of doz
en seamless silk hose,
silk boot and silk to the
knee. Colors are black,
white and brown.
Lisle Hose, 59c
Hose for everyday wear,
the usual $1.00 quality In
mostly black with just a
sprinkling of colors.
The really strong force in life is Labit Habit
dictates to us iu many forms. So it is that as
Knstcr time approaches wo look forward
rather hungrily to tho discarding of winter
apparel and renewing ourselves in the lighter
and more joyous garments that typify the
new season.
Thursday's sales and
service are fittingly
arrayed for Easter wear.
Special for Easter
Our buyer says: "Here's a
flove we usually sell at
8.50." Made in France by
Reynler, in white only. 16
button length. Because of a
change in construction, will
sell for one day at, per
pair 84.05
Habit and Thought Is Now Centered Upon
Easter Apparel
And where alterations are to be made it Is Impos
sible to lay too much emphasis upon the Impor
tance of making porehases on Thursday.
Camisoles Suits of Full Wool and Jersey
of Silk
That wond.? wearing glove
Bilk in flesh color. Made in.
attractive designs and dainti
ly trimmed with lace. The
former selling price was
?3.50. Thursday, ea. $1.95
This small lot of about 25 suits is not to be classed with
suits that ordinarily sell at this price. They are well
tailored and come In Tuxedo and tailored models. Colors
Heather Mixtures, Navy, Copen and Sand. M C Aft
Easter Special tplt.VU
Easter Suit Sale
A French Importation, a ma
terial wonderfully popular at
present With a limited sup
ply on hand we uffer the
wanted shades, 39 in. wide, ,
Thursday, per yard, 81.50
Women's Jtew Pongee
They are attractive in appear
ance, do not easily soil and
are most practical and dura- ,
ble. The models are tailored
with hemstitching In con
trasting colors and consist of
Vests, Envelopes, Step-ins
and Nightgowns. Price range,
$2.49 to $5.98
Silk and Muslin Underwear
Sections Second Floor.
Should Be the First Item in
Your, Spring Apparel
The tailoring and styles will appeal to the miss or woman
of discriminating taste. In this grouping will be found
suits of English Mixtures, Check Eponge, Scotch Tweeds,
Shepherd Checks, Natural Tweeds and . Tweed Checks.
The smart narrow belts as well as novelty pockets are in
avidence. A wide range of colorings, lnclud- (IJOC ftft
ing Rose, Tan and Heliotrope. Easter Special ePitlvU
Mignonette Dresses
(Sizes 38 to 44) Embodying the new lace stripe effects-
six styles from which to choose several models especial
ly adapted for the larger woman. Colors Navy, 1
Brown hnd Black. Easter Special
Your Easter Coat
A small lot of Polos, Double-faced Herring- CQCT AA
bone, Check Velours and Chinchillas , WWUU
New Arrivals-
Capes, Goats, Wraps
These sponsored styles and special prices will Instantly
win your approval regardless of whether your choice
is of a graceful cape, a cleverly designed wrap or a
coat with Mandarin sleeves. The materials are Val
vella, Velour, American Bolivia and Tweed effects.
Colors Blue, Sand, Brown, Black and combinations
$29.50 $35.00 $39.50
Women's and Misses Section Second Floor '
A Modart Corset will add to the
attractive appearance you will
make in your Spring outfit
This corset properly fitted, as la
done by Kilpatrick's expert cor- .
setleres, Insures that perfection
of line so essential to tbe well
groomed woman. Incidentally,
there is no extra chaige for this
expert advice and service.
Front Leveed
The daintiness of these new mod
els, their lightness, their pliancy,
their comfort the clever way in
which they are boned with a spe
cial boning that retains all its
original resiliency, will all con
tribute to your delight when you
wear a Modart
The selection of models offered
affords the opportunity of Indulg
ing In the most luxurious, or all
of the dictates of style may be
had in the less expensive male
rials at the most reasonable
$5 $7.50 $10 $22.50
Easter Millinery
Amsden Hats of Character
Hats that give that distinctive touch to your Easter ap
parel. That add to the charm of suit or dress, and
brings to the wearer the knowledge of being smartly
dressed, are combined in our showing of hats for suit or
sport wear. Individuality expressed in hats of felt, straw,
fabric and transparent materials. 1
100 Model Hats
for Easter Wear
On Sale Thursday
One hundred hats that are ex
treme in quality and combine
tbe latest style tendencies.
Smart felt hats, transparent
dress hats, sport hats and band
ed sailors in a wonderful array.
For one day
Easter Specials for Men
Silk Knit Grenadine
, Neckwear
The New College Stripe
in Neckwear-
Men' Shirt. Socki and
Other Furnishings lor Men,
for Easter
New arrivals In patent
leather, rut-out vamp,
elastlo In sides.
Patent leather with sand
color buck quarters,
at rap pattern.
Satins in new strap ef
fects. Priced at
$10 $12 $13.50
Easter Clothes
Should Be Bought
Without Delay
COATS (2 to 10 years) They
come In the softest wool and
daintiest of weaves and color
Coats (2 to 6
years), t&OO-KUM
Knitted Capes (2 to
10 years), $&00
. to 14 years) Both Tuxedo
and Slip-ons, soma with
brushed wool trimmings. All
of tbe new colorings Includ
ing Tally-Ho Red. $3.75$7.00
years) The newest of tha
new In style and colorings In
cluding one Peter Pan model.
Colors Jade, Navy, Jockey,
Fuchsia and combinations.
Easter Special, $4.75 to $9.00
fiber In the most delightfully
daring colors and combina
tions Including Persian ef
fects, Roman stripes, Orchid,
Jade and Periwinkle. Easter
Special, $9.50, $11.50, $12.00
years) Should be bought
without delay to allow time -for
alterations. Tour cholca
, of soft Canton Crepes or
Crisp Taffetas with effective
trimmings of beads, embroid
ery and color touches. East-
er Specials
$15.00 $25.00
DRESSES (Size 16) Only 12
dresses In the two groupings.
Roshanara, Canton Crepe,
, Taffeta and Tricotine com
bined with silk. Some are
uniquely embroidered and
several 2-Plece Crepe Frockt
In exquisite combinations
, one brown and canary. For
merly priced to $67.60. ,Sale
$36.50 $46.50
Suits for Easter
Sizes 14-16 Is a slogan that
is ever new! Beautifully tail
ored and silk lined suits of
Tweed or Homespun go on '
sale Thursday at prices that,
will quickly bring about a
change of ownership. Their
refreshing colorings are most
. appropriate for Easter, in
cluding Rose, Sand, Orchid,
Gray and Natural Tweed. '
Suits and Knlcker Suits, .
Easter Special, 20
Suits and 3-Piece Knlcker
Suits. Easter fl?OPT
Special $4t)
Children's and Junior Sections f
Second Floor
New Gingham
Sizes 16 to 44 Fresh dainty
dresses of Amoskeag Ging
ham. Small and medium
checks trimmed with white
and colored organdie, hem
stitching and picot 4dgings,
which gives an added charm
to some of these models.
We particularly call your at
tention to the quality and
workmanship, as well as the
style, of these attractive
dresses for home PO QQ
. and porch use $4.a0
Nurses' White
The same model and quality
that has made Kilpatrick's a
Mecca for Nurses' Uniforms.
Sizes 16 to 50. Special
House Dress and Apron
Sections Second Floor.