Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 13, 1922, Page 4, Image 4

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    THE BKtl: OMAHA. TIllltoDAY. Al'KlL 13. W:.
Nebraska Corn
Brings Relief
to Armenians
More Than 160,000 Bu.lieU
of Maice Donated ly ThU
Stale Farmer! and
Railroad Thanked.
More than 1(4,000 Ini.hrU o(
Nebraska corn have httn M to
the Armenians, Charlei V. Viclirey.
etnersl rcrriry o( tie Near Kan
Relief, told the member o( the an
cultural committee l the Chamber
of Commerce yesterday. JU
preited hi thank to the farmer
who contributed this, and to the
railroad who hauled it free to the
ocean port.
The 5.000.000 loave of bread made
front this Nebraska corn, he 'd.
have advertised thi food in a part
of the world where it formerly veat
unknown, and will open up new mar
ket for the corn belt. Oiher tate
nearby have become interfiled in
corn criti and are inquiring about
"The orphan who are brine fed
on the charity of America, will one
day be leader of their land," Mr.
Virkrey aaid. "They are being made
self-supporting at ft a i poi
sible, although the problem of their
care will continue in a defeat
ing degree for several year. A tract
of farm land of 1 50.000 acre has
been given to relief association. The
tt actor have been put into service
and the older boys are being trained
in modern agricultural methods. The
iris are making lace and carpets,
and some of their beautiful work is
bring sold today in the shops on
Fifth avenue.
"Given 12 months of peace, the
Armenian people will be self-sup-porting,
with the exception .of the
100,000 orphans," Mr. Vickrey stated.
"Most of them have been driven
from the- district where before the
war they had prospered, and the
orphaned children are scattered in
orphanages from Jerusalem and
Sidon to Alexandropol and Constan
tinople. Continued help from Amcr
c ts needed, as many Armenians
in isolated sections are starving to
death. There are reports of can
nibalism in some of the mountainous
Two Divorce Decrees Are
Withdrawn by Divorcee
Two divorcees withdrew their de
crees yesterday and requested the
court of domestic relations to dis
miss the actions.
Mrs. Anna Rushing, who was
granted a divorce and property set
tlement from her husband, Louts
Rushing, prominent South Omaha
auto dealer, had her action dis
missed. Ethel Belleville also permitted her
husband, Albert Belleville, to return.
The divorce petition ' was f ied De
cember 5 and the decree granted
January 27.
Young Brick Finds
Mate Is Holdup Man
Mrs. oeurge Kelly,
Mr. George Kelly. 21, former
University of Washington co-ed,
learned Tuesday night that h'r hus
band, whom she had fallen in love
with at first sight, is a holdup man.
"I ran't believe it, I loved him
so." she cried. "Some of his way
were strange but 1 thought it was
my duty to trust my huband and
not ak troublesome questions."
Her husband fled Tuesday night
after robbing a neighbor, Mrs. Ulti
ma Lucke, of $4)U at the point of a
Mrs. Kelly met her husband at the
first public dance she ever attended,
she said. They were married a
month afterward.
Krighhnrs have wired to her
parents for aid. The woman is pen
niless. Police are searching for
Federal Agents Make Big
Haul of Contraband Liquor
A big haul of contraband liquor
was made hy federal agent who
raided the Budweiser soft drink sa
loon at 701 South Sixteenth street
yesterday afternoon.
Jack draMam, the proprietor, and
Harry Hendrick, bartender, were
arrested and later released under
$1,000 bond each.
This liquor was confiscated: 296
auarts of home brew, seven gallons
of whisky, two quarts of gin, two
quarts of vermouth.
. "The whisky was sold over the
bar at SO cents a drink." said U. S.
Rohrer, federal prohibition enforce
ment officer.
We Clean Oriental Rugs
Dytr, Clraiwrs, Hattera,
Ruf Cleaner
At. 034S '
2217 Faraua Stmt
a SI
-Wb iiii KtUetft Corn
ritkti? Ob, foody. Jm.
tt wv'rt reinr
KCLLOOO S aw tut;
ptt.'nm m wom't irtuml
Leave it to tbldddisoto
pickKelloggfa CornFklteo
Put a bowl of KELLOGG'S Corn Flakes and a bowl
'of imitations in front of any youngster I Then see
XELLOGG'S disappear! Trytieexperimentyourselfl
It'i great to know the difference fa corn flakes the
'difference between the genuine and the "jutt-aa-jgoods"!
Kellogg! have a wonderful flavor that would
, ' win your favor by itself but when you know that
Kellogg all-the-time crispnesst Vell they just nuke
. you glad! KeUogg'i are never tough or leathery or
hard to eat! -
Kellogg's will snap-up kiddie appe
tites something wonderful! ' And, our
word for it let the littlest have their
All just like Daddy must have his!
You'll never know how delicious
corn flakes can be until you eat
KELLOGG'S! You will know the
KELLOGG package because it is RED
and GREEN! Look for it I
zzzr s r.A n Ail
Mm mtktn ef KELLOGG'S UUMBUS ui KELLOGG'S MAN. ookW ui kmaalad
Safe and
4T,000 assets li the Occidental's record
. imr.y-.uree years.
SAFE because of careful control by conservative experienced officers: because
of state supervision; because of a reserve fund of 1400,000 and because ct
security ia first mortgages on homes,
SUCCESSFUL because our members' savings have never earned less than 6
par annum, dividends payable each January, April. July and October.
IPfiTlafo Ftetula-Pay Whon Curod
J L IIII VvSrSS mDi eireteai of treatment that eurea Was, Fistula aa4 athar
Jjal4sV iHsaases ia a short time, wttwat a stren Mrs; leal ep-
eratiaa. No Chloroform, Ether or ether ft-eaeral aaeathetia used.
A care guaranteed ta every case accepted for treatment, and no money is to be paid aatl
Tf- Write for hook oa Raetal Diseases, with names and testimonials of mora than
l- pramiaeat people wae have baea permaaently cured. -
- am. K. It, TARRY
IStara Treat BMg. (Baa BMf.) Osaeae, Nob.
1 'I
-HAS) m i
Highway Probe
to Be Reopened;
Plan State Tour
Complaints on Slate and
County Roads Will Be Heard
Friday and Saturday
at Lincoln.
Lincoln. April II. (Special)
j he bearing oi complaint against
sute ind rounlv riahway will open
again Friday and will continue until
Saturday mini.
The first hearint doted FtbruV
22 alter all complaint ready (or the
committee liad been prcenied. Upon
adjournment, the committee invited
all other with complaint to present
them when the hearing open rn
da v. April 14.
.The lirnt of next week the corn
mittce will atart on a week' tour
of certain countie in compliance
with request of county commiion
cr. who wish the date and county
road examined.
There i another purpoe in the
tour and that i to endeavor to ar
rive at the coit of certain count
road. With the exception of five
couiliie me iirsi ncanng aiscioscg
that none of the countie had kept
a lawful accounting of million ipent
for county and township road con
struction. Effort will he nude to find tome
baii to learn how much the cott of
county roads ha been as compared
with the cost of state roads, wnicn
the lcgilature, on demand of dis
satisfied taxpayers, directed the com
mittee to do.
Certain democratic candidates
have written open letters to news-
papers clurginf that the committee
was to vit every county in the UW
at cott of thousand of dollar,
when, in reatitr. only a few coun
ties will be included in the tour and
majority of those vWited will be
t the request of the county officer.
$100 Alimony Granted
Irene Johnson was tranted a di
vorce and f 100 mouthy alimony
from I. V. Jo uuon. pinomrtrut. by
Distriit Judge fer. They have
three children, (ieraldine, 16; Oar.
ice, IJ. and William, 10. Mrs, John
son tharged cruelty,
North 24th
Frank L. Keraaa,
Rely on Cuticura
To Clear Away
Skin Troubles
Value-dicing Store
Don't Forget
to be at the U. R. Rowen Co.
store or rpretentel by nome
member of the family
Thursday, April 13
s P. M.
Aa on that day and date we
shall give away
One Grand Rapids
One Garland Gas Range.
One Kitchen Cabinet.
On Room-Siae Congo
leum Rug.
Sign your ticket and get full
particular at main aiale desk.
It Pay to Raad
Bowtn's Small Ad
j Howard St.. bet. 15th aad 16tb
1 r "
JimA Thnir'A
d neu) confection
nneu Tmx
O ee cream eaaaWk ,
of bcttvn ice raao)
and catmncl Meat'
tcare-ia 1
nvie j If
Hotel Castle
When in OMAHA
Stop at "
piatfT paiiv raoM
11 L
piafcr oailv ritoM
aOta-LAND, MAtNt
The Finest and Freshest
Live Baby Lobsters
Hotel Fontenelle Favorite
Seafood Specialty
Broiled alive) and genred whole
with drawn butter and Julienne
potatoes in both restaurants at .
all hours, for
7 Be
Unsurpassed for luncheon, din
tier or after theater supper.
Hotel pontenelle
"Headquarters for Good Things to Eat"
flk Ptort of Specialty JXcps.
.... ; Important Sale oj:. : , ;
$10 and $12 Values Thursday at ,
ilf v $7.50 ?v':;
i it
Those who have put off buying their Easter
hat until this week will find that they have
been wise. ; Thursday we offer a splendid
assortment of handsome hats. at a greatly
reduced price. Those who have already got
a new Spring "bonnet" will surely want to
indulge in another when they see these at
There is a style here to suit every type In a color that
will harmonic with the new Easter suit or dress. But
remember to come early in the morning and make your
selection while the assortment is at its best. .
Tailored Sailors
A new shipment of tailored sailors in navy, brown and black
have been received for Thursday's selling and they are among
the best values we have been able to offer this season. Just
the thing to wear with the sport clothes so popular this season.
Millinary Shop Second Floor
Offering for your Easter Selection
a Special Group of
WE have selected from our regular stock a group of
dresses and priced them at only $25,00. The
variety of materials is almost unlimited and in
cludes taffeta, canton crepe, tricotine and poiret twill
in navy, black and several, are in brown. You are
certain to find just the dress that you have in
tended getting, and Thursday you can secure it
for a fraction of its real value and get it m
time for Easter.
A splendid list of sizes up to 42.
I 1 iff Dr.a. Shop Sacood Floor
I Another Group of
The popularity of our $15.00 polo coats grew to such an ex-(5-.
tent that another lot waa ordered and have arrived. Light
. J and dark shades and herringbones are in the lot for Thursday
9 at $15. Sizes up to 44.
Coat Shoo Second Floor
for the Girls, Misses
and Little Women
THE swagger line in the cut of
these . coats is one of their
most attractive features. They
are neatly tailored and mannish
in style. Made of chinchilla,
diagonal, homespun, tweed and
polaire in shades of hague; rose,
jade, reindeer, orchid, yellow
stone and tan. The entire group
is specially priced for Thursday
at $15.75.
Girla' Shop Second Floor ;"
and !
. .to Delight Milady
We -have fat your approval a
complete line oft
Three-Flower creams, powders
and perfumes.
Armand's creams, powders
and perfumes.
Djer Kiss creams, powders
and perfumes.
Coty's powder and perfume.
Harriet Hubbard Ayer's entire
line of toilet preparations.
Boncilla preparations.
Powder puffs in all sizes.
Hair pins in gold, bronze and
black, both invisible and
Sonia hair nets, single mesh,
49c a dozen.
Sonia hair nets, double mesh,
69c dozen.
First quality hair nets, 15c, or
two for 25c.
Toilet Goods Shop
Main Floor
. $2.95
IN all the new shades of
sand, grey and nude as
well as black, white,
brown, navy and Russian
calf. Some have pointed
heels, others dropstitch
. patterns, shadow stripes
and plain. Many are
pure silk to the top and
full fashioned. -
Hosiery Shop Main Floor
OF course, the baby must be dressed up for Easter
as well as mother. Here you will find every
requisite at prices that are so reasonable.
Infants' shirts, fine quality silk and wool, $1.25.
Silk and wool straight knitted bands, 39 and 59c.
Infants' cashmere hose, 39c.
Dainty, absorbent bibs, 26c to 65c.
Waterproof diapers, 3 pairs, $1.00,
Cashmere sacques, $1.25. .
Handmade organdie bonnets, $1.75.
Lawn bonnets with ruffles and ribbons, 65c
to $1.75.
Cozy down diapers, 27x27, per dozen, $1.80.
Daintv Dink crib blankets. 89c.
Soft nainsook slips, 75c to $1.95.
Practical little garments for the tiny tot Just learning to creep. Made of
delicate pink, blue or yellow Peter Pan cloth. Dainty collars, pockets and.
sashes. Ages 1 to 2 years. Priced at $1.95 each.
Infanta' Shop Second Floor
GREY and
Another delightful new
patent and grey suede
combination, charming
French welt soles, new
Spanish heels.
The bVioa which in illustrated
is of patent with double
strap of suede. Very attrac
tive shoe; priced at
Cat a shine la
the Shea Shop,
Mail sniSTS
A patent slipper for flappers is very smart with its SkA OO
strap fastened with buckle. Priced special at PJJs
Shorn Shop Main Floor "