Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 12, 1922, Page 5, Image 5

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- . yuw
fhOOO Polos Hlown
I a -av- -
it in
Damage Is .Million
fyfiial Traiii Carrjitig 610
1-iiii'iiH n Isatrs fur Wrt
t Krjiair I)4inap
li Wire.
I'-muic to nlrh(Htr and trie
taH sure (rant the sturm thai
l.t.l ever a ristoo rt and north
td Omaha it e .niuaied at f I.UB.wiO,
Hio.iJ i W to report made tat nihi.
1 lie ioi m swept over an area .
lending id (iullirittiuri; (rain ftf
mum, south i itic kana UMrr.
and es.t and north to Worthing
Ion. Mnut, and Svux Kail. S, I).
Mure tlMii ,",") tKjIr arc down
anil several tmuaiii wire, hrohcu.
Ruth Supplie From Omaha.
A special tr4iu carr)inu 6ll Jine
rttn li-H or the svr.t ycterday (ol-
lotted hy a luilltuti) CI falile-,
A Sik-UmI tar of telephone ur
i!irl. loiiplr.l to the I'll'oll Pacific'
tack l.o AitRrlff limited, left Oma
t4 at 11:15 rtrrd.iv morning (or
liiaiid I.ImmJ. the I'rnirr Monday's
trct storm aica. In order to aid
.ii a ierdv rctt'i4tN'ii ol cmnniuni
iiiiuit I.K'ilinn tin tidiii ignored Hi
una sihedule. ulitih I'rriinn no lo
cal stops and unloaded trlrplione
Hiiliiitiit at strategic points alone
it route t.i W4IIHIK Not ih western
-r! Telephone company construe-
(toil truck.
A the norm area cover more
than oO.hikj .niiare mile, it will be
sonic lime lr(ote a ilelitiitc check
ran lc made of the tiutnher of poln
Hid utile of wire blown down. It II
rtiiiiated at leat 5.1 HH) poles
Hill have to lr replaced.
About 35 telephone conduction
crews. niiniheritiR 7'MI men. some of
theni from North Dakota. Iowa and
Minnesota, were ruhed in to help
repair the storm damage.
Sioux City I.os Big
Sioux City. la . Aoril 1 1. Property
lo. of front f.lXi.OtH) to $.KI.H)0 is
left in the wale of the snow norm
wh:rh Mruck Sioux City last night
and earlv today.
Telephone companies were the
heaviest sulTcrers. The Sioux City
Trie phone company place it loss in
the ritv from $5UMHI to $"5.(H0. ac
cording to J. II. Kac, vice president
and manager.
The Northwestern Hell Telephone
tompany is a heavy Miffcrer in north
west Iowa. South Dakota, southern
Minnesota and eastern Nebraska.
Firm Fighting Bankruptcy
Suit Denies Low Assets
The Monanip Drilling syndicate,
fighting a suit brought by Frank
Morris, George Camden and Sam
Jlimm, stockholders, in federal
court, to have it declared bankrupt,
fsterday introduced testimony by
.Times W. Hastings, an accountant,
showing that on May .11, 121. It
had assets of ?l.i6,86J and liabilities
tf only ?J5.J5(.
4 George T. Tortcr. president of
tompany, and Vigt;o Lyngby,
ccrefary, allege that the suit was
brought as a result of a dispute
ninone stockholders. Tjje" plain
tiffs allege that the actual assets
of the coir.p.-.nv could not be sold lor
more than $12.1)00.
Dust Storm at Bigspring
Bigspring, Neb.. April 11. (Spe
cial Telegram.) Freezing; weather,
ith high wind, dust and light snow,
prevailed here Sunday and Moncay.
At times it wa impossible to see to
a distance of lull teet for dust.
Say Ben-Gay at any drug store and
...111 M fri.K f( ,Km nrivtnat
j sffi&z-sl PARKER'S I
11 J I Rertore. Color and
K JB Bi'fsK X J Buy to C-rT and Fadod Hail
i? K.1 VSi - IT" i fl.wlat .
11 inyrvwv
I French Baume Bengue Anal-
4 f. ftt inn. kn nnlv the Baume DV
. rr-r . . . . 1
rubbing the painful area briskly ana
igoroutly until the soothing sen
sation of warmth brings quick re
lief. Keep a tube handy for Sprains.
Cuticura Complexions
Are Usually Healthy
The dally use of the Soap prevents
clogging and irritation of the pocea,
the usual cause of plmplea and
blackheads, while the Ointment
oothes and heals. Cuticura Talcum
la delicate, delightful, distingue.
Stub Sua -tell. A(Mrw:uOllnnUk
UMtM. D.U . hUMM U.IIUI" Sold rrmj
wharc. SMpBcOintmatBsndnclkksBaie.
yCsaaas Soap sfcs-as wHaoatssas.
ibBrjgP aft?
I Ernest Cahow Cited
on Alimony Complaint
Mr. Gertrude Caho. $001 l'nder
4 ivrnqe, ftlrd prtition in
trui court yesterday aAing an order
to t.u her former husband. Ernet
W. tahow, HUiknoiie hotel, vice
president of ll. Grr.t WtMtrn Com
mi. .ion company, to appear in court
and show hy ht hit laded w par
Mi- cliargei he is r"U0 in arrfars
in i tiynicut.
She was granted f 1 50 monthly
alimony when hc wis divorced June
I. iv 1 7.
Jud.a Sears U.ued an order )ci
lerdair callina Cabow to appear be
for Judge V. A. Kcdick nrat rn.lay
and show eau why he should nut
lit cited (or contempt lor not mak
ing these payments and aUo to show
raut why ht should not be require,
to furm.hed adequate seruritv to
meet accruing payments of alimony
unqrr iu original oecree.
Tolay Named for Baling
Backyard in Cleanup
Today it "backyard day" in Oma
ha's dean. up program.
Veterdav was "frontyard day."
Citient rallied in an effort to prme
up their front lawns hy rakintr away
rirad travel, cleaning the sidewalk,
platting out proi ective flower be:,
craping the gutters and Keuera"y
shining up the front portion ol tiiclt
C of C Traffic Man to Attend
Phone Hearing at Lincoln
C. . Cliilde. head of the traffic
department of the Chamber of Com
merce, will go to Lincoln next Mon
day to attend the hearing of the Ne
braska Telephone company's appli
cation before the IntcMate Com
merce commission for higher rates
ou private branch exchange lines.
This is "Clean Up and Paint Up : Week"; it's
time for applying necessary .paint on garage
and house, it's yard-cleaning time and it's house
cleaning time which makes this splendid
vacuum cleaner offer doubly interesting, the
Premier Terms
When you can enjoy the benefits of the
PREMIER vacuum cleaner on terms of $2.50
down and only $4 per month, or for but $42.50
cash,' there certainly can be no excuse for the
, back-breaking, nerve-racking hours of house
: cleaning. Y
Hoover Terms
And, too, for a limited period we offer the cele
brated HOOVER vacuum cleaner at the low
price of $65 cash, or with the unusual monthly
terms of $3.25 d6wn and then but $5 per month.
Offer Limited
Buy Yours Now
Nebraska Power Go,
Fifteenth and Farnam Street
AT Untie 3100
!mmu.ll A.tsin
wiiutiivii tiviu n
Alleged Swindle
Files t'onipIdiuU Against Two
in Money-Making Marine
County Attorney Sjhotwell filed
romplaintt yesterday again! Hilly
t-rergi and Louis S. Dochoff. al
leged exponent of "money-making
machine," charging t lie in with cou
.firing to commit grand larceny.
The complaints ct forth that on
March Jl Geergit approached Car
Toderoff and aertcd that he,
Georgia, was a tlo-c friend of the
1'nited State treasurer. Tlcough
In friend. hip lie told Toderoff he
could nurchae paper used in mak
ing money, and showed Toderoff a
sample of the paper, according to the
Georgia told Todrrolf a Iriend,
Dinhoff. was bringing a "money
making machine" to Omaha, that he
had $o,7iM toward the purchase of
it. and aked Toderoff to put up
$.!.JtW more toward the $10,000 pur
chase price of the machine, sayi the
Todtroff became supicioti and
complained to the county attorney
and to the secret service. Georgia
and Dochoif were arrested.
City to Purchase Budding
for Library in Florence
City council authorized City Com
missioner II. K. Zimman yesterday
to purchase for the city a two-story
brick building. Thirtieth and Clay
street. Florence, for a consideration
of SI.I.OtKI. Council made a tender
of $1.2.500 and Mr. Zimman reported
that owner demanded $U."0). The
building w ill be used for branch pub-
Cleaning the
"HOMES" of the A
Country jf
Buy YOURS on the
low and easy terms:
lie library, community center nd
public comfort nation,
M. F. Shafer Reported
111 in Ford Hospital
Marion P, Shafer, who with his
brother. Ward E. Shafer, If under
indictment for embenlement In con
nection with the defunct American
State Hank Building company and
M. V. Shafer & Co , is reported to be
ill at Ford hotpital.
"He'll have plenty of time to act
well though," said Judge V. C. Dor
sey, who is prosecuting indictments
returned last fall by the special
grand Jury. "V will tint be able
to start the Shafer case before the
first of June at the earliest."
Brief City Neua
TUver Not Dangerous The
westhur bureau announced yesterday
that reent rains have not broutht
iha Missouri river to dangerous
New Hurdler Market A fourth
Buehler Hroa. market Is to us open
ed at 1407 )euRlns street, according
to Harry Ingram, manager of ths
local stores.
Autos Are- Sui-d" Thres Fords,
a tndiis snd a Piudebaker sutnmo
MIs wvrs "sut" In the federsl court
yesterday. All were hearing liquor
when their occupants were srrested.
fall Federal Jurjr Ths federal
crand jurv is called to sit Monday,
Msy 1. I'nltsd Htstes Attorney Kins-
ler announced yesterday. ore man
100 cases are to he considered.
Drives While Drunk Chsrles A
Morrison. 1902 Locust street, a hus
band of only rive months, was sen
tenced to 15 days In JH yetrday
for driving sn sutomonile wnus in
Pick Barber Board A bourd of
examiners to resulat barber shops
was appointed yesterlsy by Msyor
Dalnmsn. Tne board consists ot
Elflrieily Is
thtsrnt ia Oranhs
2314 M Street
MArket 1500
Jack Hacker, I.I anion and Pr,
A. at. I'mtu,
isp fi liit Mrs. SUvnie
V'tunun ni4 ui f.r divurf sinsl
t'lay V, Vrniii, railway mail
ee(k, in ths dt-iil. t eoutt terdy,
ho smss lbs lunixiy vt her child,
iJurtald, , and siunony,
Vsnt i.iMKI Vw tciulMr A
cauinaisn tut si i S.ouo new
members la id b'in in I he near fu
BKESSKtei 6tt I
Wednesday Housefurnishing Day
Many Needed Items at Attractive Prices
Brooms, 45c
SclectcJ broom corn
Paper Cleaner
Smoky City
Clcans paper,
w o o d w oik, I
2 cans, 25c'
Galvanized Tuba
No. 1 size, 75c
No. 2 size, 85c
No. 3 size. 95c
Carpet Beatera
Made of flcxiblo wire
very specially priced.
Each, 25c
The Automatic
The health of the family de
pends upon the service that
the refrigerator gives If it
refrigerates the foodstuffs
properly, it must have free cir
culation of air.
The Automatic gives dry,
cold-air circulation all the time.
The air is not permitted to be
come "dead," so that the food
will sweat and become soft.
Experienced salesmen will
help you in the selection of a
Burfess-Nash Fourlb Floor
Men! Never Before Greater Values!
Silk Shirts $500
The Grand
Brain wearied by the
cares of the day, one finds
comfort in good music.
Let us make the piano
the center of home life,
and let us make the joy
supreme by bringing into
the home the most beau
tiful of all pianos
The Baby Grand
Visit our b e a u ti ful
showrooms and compare
values -and styles. Our
stock is most complete.
Convenient terms.
Burgess-Nash Fifth Floor
This store
ture in ths AW r.lVn. This was
tiiid4 at a rl'y meet ins held
Munday nnht.
r llcr Mailer) Thomas II
Mitnets. HdM4 U" sijins and
stuiHf in ths eiiiiiesUvmeni f
lort. sod, is ! he irifl sx-ond
inn May It, Ths furmer trial end
ed In a jury dUMsrssment.
Draws Ita His n'bH M,
ttephrns. captured by diwtls
Curtain Stretcher
6x12 size. Non
stable pina. Can bo
adjusted for smaller
Pair, $1.79
Bread Box
O'Cedar Mop
Triangular ihape
pccial Each, $1.00
Sauce Pan Sets
Three-piece set
W 't and 2 qt. size
heavy aluminum.
Set, $1.00
Rice Boiler
Large Savoy box,
15-inch, 10 in. deep.
Each, $1.50
Galvanized Pail
Two-quart size. Tans
may be used separate
ly. Cover fits either
section. Complete
12-o.uart size, with
stronjr wire bail very
special at.
Each, 29c
- Nasb Faurlh Flor
Things Needed
Garden Hose
Garden Seeds
There's such a satis
faction fh planting seeds
that are tested and that
you know will grow.
Our assortments are
complete. Priced, a
5c to 20c
Best quality
moulded hose in
cut lengths.
'a -inch size,
foot, 13c.
-inch size,
foot, 14e.
i-inch size,
foot, 16c
Wash Board
-Garden Tools
A complete line of spading
forks, rakes, hoes, floral sets
and all the other needed ar
ticles are here at moderate
Blue Grass or White
Clover Seed
First quality tested seeds.
Pound, 75c
Clothes Pins
Smooth wooden pins
48 for 19c
Burssss-Nash Fourth Floor
With brass
scrubbing face;
Wednesday's Special
Special $1.00
300 pretty school dresses for girls of 7 to 14 at
, a remarkable saving. Made of fast color gingham
in checks, plaids and plain colors. Contrasting
colored stitching and embroidery trimmed. Most
exceptional at $1.00.
No C. O. D.'a No Phone Orders No Mail Orders
No Exchanges.
Burgsss-Nash Downstairs Stora
uses no comparative prices.
)lin44y sfi.r I'red ralmtas. d'l'
live, had hen sevtrrly iiiiuikJ by
i-iniSB ihioutfti a puis aUsa tlHr
l.iirt thssin him. was riiied ;a in
his .-uurl irdy. iephns
was irli to sll siUn lyiw
writer when I'slmtas nittruted
him, poliis llrm.
Prefer m) jit I'refeieiue
is to be aiven umaha resident Is
bur in Improtsnient waik now bs-
w 1
Let the
Serve You
Unices you have seen
the "One-Minute"
Washer you can not
appreciate i t s value.
The "One-Minute" is
designed to meet the de
mand for an efficient
machine at a popular
It has so many fea
tures exclusive with the
"One-Minute." that to
appreciate them one
must attend a demon
stration. Priced
$79.50 to $128.50
Convenient terms.
Burgsts-Naili Fourth Floor
Around the House
Garden Rake
12-tooth size,
of malleable
iron ; long,
smooth handles.
Each, 59c
Spading Fork
Four tines;
strong handle.
Each, $1.00
Screen Wire
Best quality
black screen
wire, 18 to 48
inch width. Cut
Sq. ft., 3c
- W hen you see them you'll
want several at this price,
Neter before such values and per
haps not again for some time. And
just in time for Easter, too. For the
man who is seeking values, this op
portunity is timely.
( Silk Jersey Silk Crepe
1 Silk Broadcloth
In a varied assortment
of striped patterns.. The
quantity is limited. We urge
early shopping Wednesday.
Shop Maia Floor
am Dresses
They are misleading and
fi rs l lie .liy niiin. il. I'll y t'ltinmls
auiiisr Kouuky M4ied irsurdy in
snswrr to s rr'iur.l fiuni I lie ninalia
Central lU.r union,
Tit Mat Upcn li.ruin An ii's
r..ium ii iii Ntniiiwesiein ltll
1rleiluns iMini'Siik's i'lii ain'S
fur iitereaaed s-'tteduls of I sirs wilt
he held Thursday evenlns st th
eiiy council i lumber by the rVn
(suslla Improvement club.
o Values, in Our
Ruffled Curtains
$4.50 Pair
Special lot of grena
dine curtains in three
patterns. These curtains
are 38-inch width six
inches wider than the
average curtain. Made
with full ruffles. Tair,
Couch Pillows
$1.00 $2.00
Round 20x20.
Oblong 18x24.
Bolster 9x27.
Large size full pil
lows filled with pro
cessed Kapock that will
not bunch or lump.
Priced $1.00 and $2.00.
Burfsss-Nath Fourth Floor
Spring housecleaning
calls for new floor cov
ering in kitchen and
bath. We offer linole
ums in color combina
tions that are unlike any
we have shown before,
and at a price that
means considerable' sav
ing. Tile and inset tiles
in mixed colors. Printed
linoleums made from
genuine cork with bur
lap back. Inlaid
Imported Greenwich
dualities in 6-ft. width.
Priced, a square yard at
$1.15 to $3.50
Burgsss-Nash Sixth Floor
Syracuse China
Adds charm to the
dining room. It is satis
fying our own' Ameri
can china in bright and
colorful decoration. The
individuality , expressed
in the artistic shapes
makes a set of Syracuse
one of the fondest
possessions of the home.
May we not show you
this practical Syracuse
china? Service for six,
Btu'cass-Nash Fourth Floor
Fur Storage
Call Douglas 2100,
We will call for
your furs and store
them in our fire
proof, mothproof
vaults at a very
reasonable cost to
you. Do not de
lay until it is too
Burfe.i-Na.h-Third Floor
Rick-Rack Braid, bolt,
Wash Edging, bolt, 5c.
Hair Pins, pkg., 3c.
Darning Cotton, 3 balls,
Cotton Tape, 3-yard
bolt, 3c.
Machine Straps, for
every make machine,
each, 25c.
Sanitary Napkins,
doz., 35c.
Hair Rolls, each, 15c.
Cap Hair Nets, doz.,
Gold-Eyed Needles, as
sorted sizes, 25 to
Pkg.; pkg., 2i2c
Safety Pins, card, 2c.
Burftst-Nash Main Floor
often untruck