Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 12, 1922, Page 4, Image 4

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1W Citv Counril I Ex-Omaha Pilot Sets
... v ... . Reno-Frisco Record
ui r it mum iu 11.5
on Gas Prolilcm
(.'itirrns IHtMftI (her Rale
Ordiiumr ('.liiml ly
Sme to Fat or Uig
I ifit:-i., N' ft . Apiif U : priu!
IrVgrjini ) Willi ide ni i4r
n.lly aii(Mhiiic in tUe liht lr
IWffB 1 OM 0iiiny in tlie on
timrrs in liih a lower rate if lr
maiidtil I'rcmnKt ntirn Maud Ji
ilf vi'y mniul, hu.h retires
'i)iiUy inuht, "i'4rl t'te Imu" lo
the iniiiiiiiiii; lurntlirr aii'l iht two
rr l.jitle ttuy i4ve lo be Hsrtrd
ail rr M n.
Hi Imj 4 r.intny, a liraiu'h
of the iJnliriiy I tilily l o , attempt
ed to ratlro1 through mi ordinance
at 1 tie last inrfiina ot the old conn
11I whii li iiicrraM- Ilia gat rates (or
the smaller ttiiiMimrr, iuic the
lurr ga urt deme (lie benefit
a reduction, live inemhrts of llic
toumil iinod tlirir ground ami ot-(MiM-d
at iinninluiie patMge of the
jmirwj.fd otdiiunce.
I lie nrdmame mut be read before
the council on two more oeeainn
lc lore a vote may le taken. Indica
tion (loint toward an overwhelm
j 11 if defeat.
The ire company rlaiitt that the
. rtKed g4 rate will increase their
volume by lit liina the smaller eon
niincr to uc inuie ga. Then, Man
amr I.luy.l Phillip stated, the rates
rculd be reduced to a crcater evtrnt
w"ien the volume warranted a reduc
tion. The oubject of K4 rates b been
a nutti-r of contention in Fremont
for the ji4t three yearj.
In the recent election one politi
cal party put the fta rate problem
ii'io itt pl.iti'orni, but till the mai
ler remaiiM ttn-cittoil, while sas con
stutters fret and fume over the de
lay. -
Hoy Injured by Auto
r.i8riiiKS, N'eh., .April II. (Spe
cial Telegram.) The 7-year-old ton
of K. K. Britt was seriously hurt
when he attempted lo catch a ride
on a parsing automobile. Physicians
tay he i internally injured and hi
recovery is doubtful.
Pilot H. H. Wlnilow.
Reno. JCev.. April lf.-ri..t B. II.
Wintlow, driving a heavily-laden
mail plane, rt a new flight record
for the trip between Sail Francisco
and Keno yctterday by nuking the
distance in I hour and 24 minute
The old record was 1 hour and JO
minutes, lie Hew 17.000 feet high
am was aided by an HO-tnitc-an-Iiour
wind at his back. The distance i
24J miles by railroad.
B. II. Window formerly was an
Omaha air mail pilot.
Fanner Who Slrw Wife and
Children to Get New Trial
Lincoln. April II. The case of
Rudolph Kraus. Tobias (Neb.) farm
er convicted of murder and sen
tenced to life imprisonment, was re
versed and remanded for the second
time bv the state supremo court to
day. 1 raus killed In wife and two
children while they slept, claiming
that lie was commanded by voices to
take their live. He then attempted
The court held that the trial court's
instructions on the question of in
sanity were not sufficiently clear to
the jury.
Housewives will be greatly Interested in this unusual
sale of Soaps, which will be held
Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
At prices that are lower than many a day. There
are Face, Bath and Laundry Soaps, as well as several
miscellaneous articles. Every article is -
Very Specially Priced
Face Soaps
Lena Buttermilk Soap
7 each
4 for 25.
10 for 63
9 each
3 for 25
10 for 81
4 each
7 for 25
10 for 36
f 9 each '
3 lor 25
10 for 72
4 for 25
I 7c eacn
Eimi Peroxide Soap. .. . ,,j 4 for 25
Palm Olive Soap ..........
Palm Olive White Rose Soap
, -
Bocabellt Hard Water Castile....
Haskine' Herd Water Castile...............
Bocabellt Face Soap. ,, ,
Palm Royal Soap .
hp Rom .v. .
Jergen' Violet .'. .' .-..........'!
Creme Oil . . . .
, .........
Wobdbury'c Face Soap........
Lemon Face Soap. .......... ......... ... ,
, : - Bath Soaps "
Aitertee1 Both Soap.
10 for 56
10 each
3 for 25
4 lbs.,' $1.29
4 each
, 7 for 26
1(1 9 each
3 for 25 .
9 each
' 3 for 25
10 for 75
9 each
' 3 for 25
10 for 75
'. 19 each
3 for 55
4 for 25
'f 7 each
! 4 for 25
: , . - , i - ; I- 10 for -56
. . . . , ) , ,,'T , ,4 each .
One large assortment of Soaps. ............ 7 for 25
... . ' ' 10 for 36
f 9 each
Auditorium Big Bath. .................... i 3 for 25
6 for 49
9 each ,
3 for 25
6 for 49
Colgate' Big Balk. .. . . . . . , . c. ... , ...
Laundry Soaps
' Large' Size .
Pearl White Laundry Soep
ft. f 3 for '2?!
White Lily Lauadry Soap... A I 10 foif 75
iSmall Size ;.. 6 for 24
n ior aac
- Electric Spark Soap
Each, 6
6 each
10 for 49
12 for 57
f 5 for 25
10 lor 49
12 for 57
I 1 f. vj
For information regarding the big $500
prize contett, call at our Toilet Good
Shop on Main Floor.
Palm Oh've Shampoo, regular 50e ie...37 ,
Palm OKve Sharing Cream, regular 35c
' 27
Pebeco Tooth Paste. .....39.
Toilet Good Shop Main Floor
Ship Subsidy
Plan Urged by
Board Counsel
(.'oiitctnl T Detluction I'ro
U'um WouM Henrfit
Alf I'itrU of Country
Concrruf J.
Wellington. April II Iiucmic
Mould be given imtorter and ex
porter, through paa6e of the ad ji inn nirrchant marine bill to
have their good carried III American
vcel with , the rcult that ahip
onct would be aurtd full car
toes, Norman H. fteeehrr, roiuiel
for the thipping board, declared at
today's ifnion of the Joint congrrt
lional bearing on the mcamirc.
One section of the bill would per
mit any peron to deduct from hi
income taxes five per cent of ths
imioiu;t of ocean frciuht money paid
by him durinir the year for the trail.
piirtatiou of good between the
l iiited States and foreign rouiitrie
in American bottom,.
While no direct benefit would
accrue to the. ship owners under thi
provision, Mr. ilecchrr said, it wa
hioprn by priifoiittitf uf !if hgi.U-
t n tl4t i'ie ectHn wrtuia f"e
more benrfil to he OHiirr than the
reeeipt of any equal amount of
(( the Aineil. n hip owntr ran
h aMirrd of lull rargoet. hit prolw
lem i largely solved," tli wiiiie
Mid. Viateer may be the ultimate
elUit of thi provi.hHi, it tendency
certainly Mill be in thi direction."
The fat deduction provi.ion rriej
in the tiendiuu bill. Mr, Ueecber
coiiiriiiU-d, would directly benefit all
teciiout of flie country concerned,
either m tho immtrtinir or evMirnng
of j;ood. The farmer, cotton grow,
er, ctule rier, lumber producer
a veil k the mauiifactiner, . He
added, would a'l directly bcurt't in
the deduction of five per eeui front
their freight bilU.
The coiiiiuiitec were informed
that the clinuie. total cot t the
treasury under this section would nt
cxered $lt). per aniiuiu and at
prctrnt the cot would be much lev.
Lincoln ami Fremont Man
(Jet. $13.30 Tor Clipped Luinlui
Three load of clipped lamb were
brought t the meal market ye-ter-day
by' Fred Klinfc. wtcran Iamb
feeler, who hat flock near Liueolu
and I reiunut. Mr. Klink i reioic
ing over the fact that he received
around $13.50 a hundred for hit thip.
Mr. Klink cxprecd the opinion
thai vtiil. it the itrvt lo or lurre
werl Ut t4ont prodiiitwn l
hert Mill be pretty well reared up
and he -i4 t'ut be prrted to clr.u
up n feed M in tl near lutuif
by markebng all of hi t'.,t
New $12,000 Sl.o.,1 1 lie
lUiilt At Marquette, ,rl.
Aurora, Neb, April II Oprt ul I
At a !ecia rltvtioit held at Mar
quette, the proposed nhool bomta
carried by a tote of IS to M. I ht
amount to be iued I f hear, intere.t at 5 I J per cent. Thry
Mill be told at ome and the routract
let. The tfhmil board bopr to have
the new building ready for ue by
Bee Want Ad Produce Remit,
'llloomlieM l egion I'o.t
t Vi lli Celebrate l outili
lUooliilirld, Nrb . Apt it II.
vial.) 1 lie l ay Lamb pot of !
.mrii4ii I.egioit i nuking triole
in. nt tt ufc a li'iirifi of July
iflrhutuiil In IMotiiutirld, A prelmt.
uuiy mrrting lu birit dcld and the
following (Hunt iMiurd: I'lcidciH,
II. V. Uicrke: trcretiry, W. II.
Weber; trra.iiirr, A. C K. Killer;
.li4iriiuii comminee, Augut T,
Nel.ra.k7Mati Will vTit
Itirlliplaee in Cermany
ISInomtield, Neb., April II, (Spe
rial,) Jacob Peter, for many jeart
a reidrnt of Columbia tounMiip
but r the patt few eart a eitUm
II Von Suffer Iron Constipation
Read this Message Innediately!
About 90 per cent of Ilia can bo
blamed on constipation one of the
areutett enemlea of the human race!
rill and cathartic acgravate
condition in tho delicnte InteMfnal
trHt t- while afTonllng but temporary
.The aroat, natural eloanaer la
bran KBIJ)CU'S I'.HAN. cuokect
and krumblcil! If you pat bran
regularly It will civo relief per
manently! Its work is wonderful I
Physicians Imlorse tho ' uao of
Kellnirfj's Bran for eoiiHtlpatlon' bo
caiiHC it In a dcxirablo way of cor
recting constlimtlon tliroimh food.
Hmn la mituro'a food not a "rem
edy!" Do not think of Kollngg's as
you think of pills and cathartics
which never cun aftonl permanent
relief! rill and cathartics atrirra
vate already danRcrous conditions.
Kelloae'a JtiMn sweep the boweta
neturnlly. ch'umilns; and purlfylnat
l ho intent IiihI trart without Iriita
(Inn or olwonifoit ! ltealixe, mo.
Unit the rcular use nt Kelloca'a
lira n will clear up a pimply coin,
plrxlon anil It will free the breath
from dlsasreeablA Hlomiirli ndnr.
At h'UHt two inblcHpiiiinfiils should
bo entin daily, aiut us much mure aa
needed for relief of chronic cases.
KcIIiirk's Hrnn, rooked nnd kruin
bled, Is delicious served as a cereal,
or it can be sprinkled over your
favniiiu cereal, its nut-like flavor
nddlmr n diilaiitful aest to break
fast! KcllnBK'it, Hran is dcltiious in
ral.Mln bread, mulllns, pnucakes,
gravies, etc.
Start the family e.ntlni; KoIIokb's
Bran tomorrow mornina! KcIIoks's
will actuiilly build m the kiddles
Into lino robust health! Your grocer
has it.
Get Yours Started Today
Molhers,Watch Your Daughters' Health
Health If Happiness
From in urn a tin reaches the
mr of twelve until wnmanhood la
rstatiliahmiahe needs ell the care a
thoughtful mother can give.
1 he condition that the jrirl It then
ralng: through la bo eruieal, and
may have such far-reaeBliurelTecta
upon her future happine uvi
bealth.that K is aJmoat criminal for
a mother or ruardiaa to withhold
counsel or advice.
Many a woman has suffered year
of prolonged pain and misery
through having been tho victim of
though tleasneta or ignorance, on the
part of those who should have
guided her through the danger and
difficulties that beset this period.
Mothers should teach their girls
what danger cornea from standing
around with cold or wet feet, from
lifting heavy articles, and from
overworking. Do not let them over
study. If they complain of head
ache, palna in the back and lower
limbs, they need a mother!
thoughtful care and sympathy.
A Household Word in
Mother's House
write Mrs. Lynd. about Lydia C
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.
"My mother gava ma Lydia E.
Tinkham'a Vegetable Compound
when I was 14 years old for trou
bles girls often have and for loss
of weight Then after I married I
took the Vegetable Compound be
fore each child was born and always
when I felt the least run-down.
Bout my slater and sttter-ln-lavr
taka It and hava only the highest
praise for It. It haa been a house
hold word In my mother's house for
years," Mrs. Ka tii kryn Lynd,
431 Gladys Ave., Chicago, 111.
Milwaukee, Wis. "My daughter
took Lydia K-Dnkham's Vegetable
Compound as sho was so weak and
did not feel lik going to school.
She was Ilka that for a whole year
before taking your Vegetable Com
pound. 1 found a little book of
yours lo our mail-box and decided
to give her your me-lldne. She ia
now strong and well and attends
school every day. Ws recommend .
your Vegetable Compound to sll
mothers with weak daughters.
You may use this letter ss s testimonial.-Mrs.
E. Klitzny, 917
20th Ave.. Milwaukee. Wis.
"1 was always feeling tired and
sleepy, was losing in weight and
would faint at times. I had other
troubles too, that made me feel
badly. I read your little books and
heard friends talk about the good
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound had done them, so 1 have
taken it too. The results are most
satisfactory, for I have gained in
weight ami my bad symptoms are
gone. 1 recommend your Vegeta
ble Compound to all my friends and
you may make whatever use you
like of this letter." Gloria Rami
REZ, 1116 9th Ave., Tampa, Fla.
Lydia K. Pinkham's Private Text-Rook upon "Ailments
Peculiar to Women" will be sent you free upon request.
Write to the Lydia E. Pink ham Medicine Co Lynn, Massa
chusetts, This book contains val uablo information.
H"3(R7 U.S. Royal Cordis Compete
iRE are nearly 200
tire manufacturers who
would like very much to
sell your, car-owning
neighbor his next tire. This inter-
ests him but mildly.
. Price arguments are thread'
worn. Oaims and promises have
the same old ring.
; The makers of U.S.Royal Cords
. do hot claim to be exempt from
the great law of competition. But
it is their firm belief that the time
is here for a new hind.
No manufacturer and no dealer
can much longer evade the chal
lenge of progress.
The competition taking shape
today was forecast ftany years
' ago in the U.S.Policy the policy
that makes U. S. Tires, at today's
prices, the biggest money's worth
any motorist ever rode upon.
What is this new kind of compc
tition? '
It is the working for more and
more public confidence-" for
higher and higher quality-riot
still more constant public service.
The car-owner can vision
for himself the benefits of
this hind of competition.
No one welcomes
it more sincerely
than the makers
of the U. S.
Royal Cords.
!!!" "!!!i';!!ii:!if'' SiflS -''HI uTuTil " I llll I W is;'.
yrC" Mil' -"llki-iiH'-' ll': iiill l, 1 I IIiPT--!! 1 1 F
jp;i.,l,'- -jHii';";'ij,iw ii,,;i; :;ini;m -"jiiilii!'liiU- niil ,Lr 1 I IIIIJ J I IP
yiinK -iiiiH.;.;;-!!!!!!!" l:::i.:jt;i:::ji -s:i::;::Jir:U"I'B '5flli: I (III I f fnii:;
vffiiiiri-:iiM!!'- -ji!!i:i'iiiHn i!::i:;;::n!irrw- :i!: Mil - .... jg imtM i iiii I 11 Tm:
4iKiiii SI winm
.Jot, WM (nDaii M!fi4a. -4Bl!ir r I lilt: I tiki-
'"' 9
li U. S. Rsval Card Tires Wmkmih
W'L.. a. a . ram
mm Unitnri Matoe Huhhar Pnmnam L iiii
liiTL.; JJ.HIl! www 'W W wa V w IITJI UUUUUI HUIIIH UN T Ikfflii..:- -.1 :" :i I: .I1 ?.. SI ,::
uuaiirUt'i vLv a j ireiji'h iii:..-.- .v i u . . 1 1 ii; i--1'
&m. ' Tsa R.MMu ' OS.L. i n...j . ei-r.i- IIt
a. ',i sr itii:. . 'in. m mm wrz m mm am ar ar mm m m w m m mm mm m mm m -m at? bw- raBT
For the production of United States Tires
there is erected and operating the greatest
group of tire factories in the world. (
A leadership that has recorded itself
with the public The outstanding ex
ample of what faithful totality and
sound economy can do when it it .
patient enough to prove itself to a
arnole ntfrtois.
n C24 Tires
United States (M) Rubber Company
Tire Branch, 9th and Douglas Streets
.U T . . .
, Mil
i,i-:-fs i,vj . i- i.
.nPiiiii'i 1 1 '!! i ' ! li !;;-
.'iiii.'. 1 1 lt:..i..r . I: "H fi'i' 'i'::-:'.ill. .
WW-1 U:.ll 'li 1 K'V
..iti. t.n i
U:M .i iifibii.iii.i''ili :1
: I 'I
0( liloollll.cld, Hil ti.if IS bit ill-
I!ac in tlunMii). lie aWcaJy ha
rrcri.c4 li i'ii, al will nuVs
the trip l.ut il.c initlitie oi May.
Mr, Vrtfr UU (.rtiiuny ,W )rai
aso. at lle sue of 17. ami h a'ty.'
. i . . ii. . . r
(iiotiirr ming incie mow, m ,
lc t la lis g'" i or rigl'l inonih.
Itrt Want Ads r'fQurs Rnutn.
All Records
Make This Test
Before You Choose ,
Your Phonograph
Attend one of our daily demonstra
tions. Hear The Brunswick. Examine
the Ultona, pictured above. See if you
can find elsewhere the equal of Bruns
wick tone.
See if you cart find elsewhere the
convenience of playing all types of rec
ords without changing parts-without
Compare the sweetness of Bruns
wick tone with the metallic quality of
ordinary phonographs- note the amaz
ing difference.
Compare The Brunswick with' any
or all phonographs, feature by feature
and psrt by part. Then use your own
1513-15 Douglas Street
Everything in Art and Music
fl , Test of Service V tt
II "1TTHEN you meet the ' fi' r
III '"owner of a Salient A
Ban - iJLCuiiuia lji a. vuu trc mm . - .
HI pressed by his enthusiastic . I I 1 R
1.1 riMlc. frit Ki Mr II mi'.'
I f w.w.. ; . I I --'
VI TheSteohens is so nower fnlJ
... r-. y V i
so dependable, so economi- (Y
, cal,so distinctively beautirol 1
' buying judgment becomes J ; T
Your Neighbor Says:
"I have had my Stephens for one year find nine months afl4 hats
unvcu ii. ueuer man ininy tnousana miles. 1 have driven" A great
many cars in the last five venrs nnrl T sni imt,lr tn
everything into consideration, the Stephens has them all beat
mile." PAUL O. SCOTT. Pre .
Scolt Advertisins; Machine Co, Omasa, eb.
Mid-City Motor and Supply Co.
Qmtxhx. a
2216-18 Faraam St.
1000 $ 3.23
6000 12.73
1000 S 3.80 1000 BILL HEADS. 3.28
5000 . 12. SO 1000 CARDS A Oft
10000 . 22. SO 10000 20.00 1000 POST CAK0S .00
mail ORDERS PROMPTLY filled. Send for Ssmptas. We ipedsiue In Office ani
Factory Forms snd SUtlonery. Quality HIOHEST-Prtees always tns LOWEST,
Weaver-grier Press VfffWTO WZTzxrcs: