Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 12, 1922, Page 10, Image 10

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Society l Engagement ,
Tb welding of Miu Myn'e
I ) e of Dow, OkL, and JatW fc.
JMUroii o( ilii ciy look iUie Ul
4turday rvemng at the home o(
lite crinr miii. Mr u4 Mr.
A. K. Jlollrrolt. the Kev. Arthur
AUck uitirtaiipg, J'ink ii4 ht,
twrttpfrf mid loir d?cuutfl the
house. Mm. Iraiik II. Wight 4i
matron of honor d Mr. Wight
ncd I lrt man. The bride wore
whi'e Broisritr over white .41m and
nmed Ophelia rofs. the young
iotitc ate t home at JJW Ifnttr
tree t.
Former Omaha Girl to Wed.
Mix M.iic McShanr, daughter of
Mr. and Mr. Ichx J. McMiaue of
New York, formerly of Omaha. ton
announced Inr ensa,nn,nt to Chris
tnphf r Wihl'er of New York. 1 hev
are to he married in June, in New
'York and will Mend ,nc uuicr in
, Lurrir.
1 V.i McSIiane. who w. here ut
winter a the suet of Mi Marun
5 Hamilton, i a K'-diMte of the S.
r ered Heart arademy and nude htr
- drlmt in Omaha.
I For Bridal Couple.
L Mr. and Mr. II. H. l'aync enter
? t.tincd at dinner Monday evening at
' the Foniem lle, hoimrini; Mr. and
iMr. John Howard I'ayne. who were
rinarrird Ut week in Chiiaso. Cov
I era were laid for I J.
- tlnmi fnnkarl Fnnit Sale.
The Mother' timid for IIoiiicIcm ;
1 Ram uill .iiniliiri a t.le of home 1
nude fcrrad. lir. cane hwi cuokie
r Saturday at Slieruwu & McConnella
; drug store. SiMeenlh and llamev
utreets. Any one wishinu to donate
home cooked (itod is requested to
v telephone Mir-n Lassie Riley,, Harney
; 1875,
Afternoon Tea.
Mr. W. R. Wood wa Ii6stes
; Tuesday at a tea for Mrs. Walter
'.. Meiisher of Philadelphia. Assuring
f. were Mr. E. I Boyer and Mr. Har-
i vey Milliken. Mrs. Flci-her is visit-
f iufr her parent, Mr. and Mrs. Bcrn-
v ard Kohu.
Concordia Dance.
1. Tlie Concordia Singing society is
Riving its anniversary dance and en
" te rtainment April lt at 8 p.
the Omaha Music home, Seventeenth
and Cass streets.
Rummage Sale,
'i St. Margaret guild of St. Barna
bas church w ilt hold a rummage sale
f en Thursday. April 13. at 2M South
i. Twenty-ninth street. The sale will be
managed by Miss Frances Perry.
Kensington to Meet.
Adah Kensington, O. E. S., will
v meet for a 1 o'clock luncheon at the
" South Side Masonic hall on Thurs
"l day, April 1.1.
I State Officers Coming for
I District Meeting.
Mrs. Edgar rcnticy of Fullcrton,
' president of the Nebraska Federation
x of Woman's Clubs Mrs. T. Lees
:7 of Lincoln, vice president; ' Mrs.
; Ralph Brown of Crete, chairman .of
applied education, will "be the guests
v of Mrs.. L. M, Lord during the Scc
t and district convention, Wednesday
and Thursday of this week at Bur-gess-Nash
Mrs. Paul Perryman of Ord, state
treasurer, will be the house guest of
Mrs. M. D. Cameron.
Among those who have donated
their cars to convey the delegates
to Swift & Co.'s plant on Thursday
are Mesdamcs L. M. Lord, Ward
Burgess, George Magney, Frank Ru
dolph, Fred Larkin, Anson Biglow,
Frank Carmichacl, H. C. Bushman,
Grant Williams, G. H. Tracy and M.
D. Cameron.
Birth Announcements.
A son, John James, was born
March 11 at St. Joseph hospital to
Dr. and Mrs. J. J. O'Hearn. Mrs.
O'Hearn was formerly Miss Claire
Jameson. ... - . ' . .
, A daughter. Helen Josephine, was
born to Mr. and Mrs. William Moran
at St, Joseph hospital Monday. Mrs.
I Moran was Miss Bridgctt Byrne.
A daughter, Jane Ann, was born
to Mr. and Mrs. R. N. De Vol at St.
Joseph' hospital, April 10. Mrs. De
Vol was formerly Miss Frances
J Mr. and Mrs. Clarke Coit returned
Tuesday from a week-end trip to
jDenve. . i
Mrs. Hallcck Rose left Sunday for
J Pittsburgh, Pa., where she will make
- a short visit.
. Mr. and Mrs. Myron Learned are
at the Willard in Washington. Tlicy
will remain a fortnight.
Mrs. Adolph Storz underwent an
operation Monday at the Stewart
hospital and is convalescing nicely.
Miss Katherine Baum left Sunday
evening for Baltimore, Md,. to visit
; her sister, Mrs. John Rouse, and
I Mr. Rouse.
Mrs. H. T. Bailev. chairmai of the
2 " Omaha branch. League of Women
J : Voters, leaves Monday for Baltimore
, to attend the national meeting of the
' league.
Miss Dorothy Collier will return
Wednesday from a few days in Lin-
coin. She expects to leave Thurs
day for Hood River, Ore., where she
wiH join her parents. "
Miss Clara Belle Plumb, who. with
her mother, has sojourned at Silver
City, la., since last September, is in
Omaha for a few days prior to a trip
v to Aberlme, Tex., for several months.
Mrs, J. I. Frenzer, who has been
spending some time with her daugh
i ter. Miss Josephine Frenzer, a stu
v dent at Ward Belmont, in Nashville,
Tenn., returned home a few days ago.
-"j - Miss Katharine McCormick," who
: went to New York two weeks ago
S . with Mrs. W. A. C Johnson, has de-
cided to spend another three weeks
there and will not be home till the
first of May.
Mrs. John L. Kennedy arrived
home Tuesday. She spent sev
f r eral weeks in the east in New YorX
; and at Atlantic City. Last Saturday
. Mrs. Kennedy and a former schoot
f, mate spent the day at their old
sthool, Dobbs Ferry, on the Hudson.
Mitt Frances Mleziva.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Mleria announce
the engagement of their daughter,
France, to Joseph Reefe, on of Mr.
and Mrs. William Reefe. of Omaha.
No date has been set for the w edding.
Doctors' Wives to Enter
tain. The Doctoii Wives club will en
teruiu for the wives of the out-of-town
doctor who will attend the
meeting of the State Medical society
in Omaha April 25, 26 and 27.
On Tuesday, April 25, there will
he a luncheon at the Blackstone fol
lowed by a motor trip about the city,
snd in the evening there will be an
Orvheuin party. For both of these
occasions the Doctors' Wives club
will act as hostess. Mrs. Adolph
Sachs has charge of the luncheon,
md Mrs. A. F, Tyler, the Orpheum
party. Wednesday afternoon from
3:30 to 5:30 thrrc w ill be a reception
given by the Faculty club and the
Doctors' Wives club at the Fon
tenetlc. The wives of all members
cf the Douglas Count Medical so
ciety are invited to participate in
these affairs, and may make reserva
tions with the chairmen. Mrs. Frank
Conlin is in charge of the reception.
Wednesday evening there will be a
banquet given by the Douglas
County society at the Fontenelle,
to which wives will be invited.
Odd greens called mistletoe and
cactus presage the sounding of a
new note in greens, while serpen
tine and verdigris are brilliant ith
exotic temperament.
A smart- new sport suit shows a
plaid skirt of yellow and beige, with
the jacket of beige. There are trim
mings on the jacket of plaid in the
form of pocket flaps, rcvers and
Problems That Perplex
Aiwwartd by
Give Vp the Man. .
Dear Miss Fairfax: I have been
going about with a man I have
known for quite a while. During
our association we grew fond of one
another. Then one day ha told me
he had recently become engaged to
another girl. I never until then
realized how much I thought of
him. I never heard from him again
until a few weeks ago. All my old
love came back again and when we
arranged to see each other again I
was very happy. We did meet then
and several times after. I know it
isn't fair to his fiancee, but I ' just
can't seem to give him up entirely.
Just the thought seems to drive
me to distraction.
Won't you give me some advice?
for perhaps you can reason more
sanely than I.
Don't go on with this, as you
value your happiness and peace of
mind. You have to respect your
self in order to have any content
ment, and that you can't do when
you're being unfair to another
woman. Moreover, though you do
feel a strong attraction for this man,
you don't admire or respect him.
Of this I'm sure. Giving him up
won't be as hard as is all this unrest
and dissatisfaction. Make a brave,
clean break. You my miss aim for
a time, but you'll find yourself out
of turmoil and misery and ready
for the finer, more beautiful things
life has in store for brave, honest
folks. Please listen to what I'm tell
ing you for it Is the truth and it
can't fail. And when you look
things straight in the face, yot're
bound to acknowledge that I'm
only telling you what you already
know deep in your soul, uooa luck
to you! ' . -
Blue Eyes Some people are more
inclined to superfluous hair ' than
others. Animal fat encourages the
growth of it; vegetable oil does not,
I don't know about the soap- you
mention.- . .
Sacrifice Against iove. ;
- Dear Miss Fairfax: I am 18 and
my friend is 20. He used to work
as clerk, but he decided to give it
up and learn a trade? Last
Christmas he bought me a , $25
friendship ring. His mother was
angry and said he must pay $15
; Just take your shoes off and then
put those weary, shoe-crinkled," ach
ing, burning, corn-pestered, bunion
tortured feet of youii in a "TIZ"
bath. Your toes will wriggle with
joy; they'll look up at you and al
most talk and then they'll take an
other dive in that "TIZ" bath.
When your feet feel like lumps of
lead all tired out just try "TIZ."
It's grand it's glorious. Your feet
will dance witl. joy; also you will
find all pain gone from corns, cal
louses and bunions.
There's nothing like "TIZ.". It's
the only remedy that draws out all
the poisonous exudations which purl
up your feet and cause foot torture.
A few cents buy a box of "TIZ" at
any drug or department store don't
wait Ah! how glad your feet get;
how comfortable your shoes feel!
My Marriage Problems
AdeU Garrison! New That ot
tom'ftt it:t
Hat Katherine a Hidden Trump
That Lillian was stirred by my
ttory I could see when after I had
reached the houe with Dicky in
hit cr trailing proteunglv after
me, anil my uppoel "breakdown'
had been exclaimed over and con
doled with, t had managed to get
her alone, without, at 1 hoped, at
tracting Dicky't attention, and re
lated to her my encounter with the
man calling himself Anton, whom I
wt ture 1 had recogniiet) at Smith.
Characteriktirally. Lillian said
nothing until I hid fmihed, but I
knew by half a dorrn little kigni.
familiar to nie, that the appearance
of Smith in thit region the oppor
tunity of watching hit movements
wat of the utmost importance to
"Katherine must hear of this."
Thee were the first words Lillian
uttered, and the roe to her feet to
summon our little friend, when I
interposed anxiously.
"Don't vou think you'd better
wait until Dicky i out of the house?
I I ought to tell you that he is
seriously objecting to my helping
in thit work, and 1 don't want to di
rect any attention of hit toward the
incident of our drive. You know
he't rather quirk, and if he should
decide to do any investigating on
hi own hook, he might discover
that Smith was here, and you
know "
"Lillian's Plan.
Her quick perceptions leaped in
stantly to the fear I was trying to
"Of course. the said. "He'd not
only spill the beans, for I want to
let thit bird, Smith, have the long
est rope a man ever played with,
but he'd be very likely to find a
knife in his short ribs. Smith's a
very bad actor. Inside of 24 hours
I'll have a couple of operatives down
here who will engage to see that the
gifted Mr. Smith doesn't make an
other tinwatched move from now till
he lands in a dungeon cell, whether
that desired goal be two days or
two years away. But until then
we'd better fix up some scheme to
chase the Dicky-bird to the city for
a couple of days. If Smith can find
time off from the errand that
brought him down here, he 11 try to
get Dicky, as he no doubt recognized
the car and you and can find out
easily where you are."
Her tone expressed the certainty
that she knew Smith's errand. I ven
tured no verbal question one just
naturally doesn't when Lillian is
considering a problem, but I sup
pose my face was one amplified in
terrogation point, for she suddenly
smiled indulgently.
Hes here to get in touch with
that other beauty the man in the
hospital who so frightened Katie.
Depend upon it, he 11 try to see him,
saving he's some friend who has
just heard of the accident that's the
reason tor Ins present disguise, and
also the reason, why Katherine must
board instead of. J 12. When he
comes to visit, we have to stay in
the house and you know how much
girls like to go out. I love him
very dearly, but on the other hand
I don't like to be tied down. They
own their own house and have an
automobile. Please tell me what I
shall do. M. S.
Perhaps the boy's mother is try
ing to teach him saving, and to
teach you at the same time that
love isn't real unless it can sacrifice
and go without. You don't have to
stay at home. There are wonderful
walks all about. And if what you
want is to help the boy toward a
fine future, giving up a few amuse
ments won't worry you much. That
$25 Christmas gift was way beyond
his means. His mother probably
worried over the demands you were
going to make and the influence
you were going to wield. Don't
blame her. Just appreciate that
she la trying to build character.
Wt n bmn'
:;' e
cur mum V
aMtfttr kn
aw " ut
mtrihttt I
tfaa't car
'emu J likm
It's the flemxr and
crispness thdt maize
mJJos Com Hakes so
joyous? delicious
You'll wish lbs bowl at your fable-seat was about
twice as big when it's "Kellogg's for the feastl"
Great big, sunny-brown corn flakes all oven-crisp
and crunchy crowding each other to spread you f
goal and true joy! You never tasted such flavor I
Pour in some fresh, cold milk or cream and-
Hart in! Well, it'll seem you can't get going speedy;
(enough to sui$ your appetite! Was there ever such
a keen appetite maker; such happy,
st.tftTf&L 1 1 round of
m&VyjTli Great to
TDAMEIJII Co more tnaa sK yur grocer
vrL..a II r llrl.m ffalr Tnaict nnnn
vOIul II KELLOGG'S Corn Flakes theyra
rl IKEa II so delicioui!
know all about thit. and be prepared
1 for hit advent. Suppose you go out
'and locate the Dicky-bird, and at
I toon at vuu're sure he't planted any-
v. nc re t uy tor a pcu, come naca
here. I'll tnake Katherine in here
in the meantime.
I departed obediently in tearch of
Dicky and found him engaged in a
romp on the lawn with Junior and
Marion which romied to continue
for tome time. 1 panted for a past
ing word or two, then went back
to Lillian'! room, where to my tur
pi is I found her alone.
"Katherine i in your mother-in-
law't room," the explained. "She
put up a warning hand a I ap
peared, and 1 taw that Mother Gra
ham wat almost asleep. She will
come here at toon a the can tlip
She cupped her chin in her palmt,
and I knew that the was taking ad
vantage of the delay to ttudy thit
new angle of her problem. And
she had lilted her head again but a
eeond or two before Kathcrinc't
light tap touuded 011 the door.
"Now tell Katherine everythiiiR
you told me, please," Lillian re
quested as we drew our chairs close
together. "You remember what I
told you about Smith in the Cat
kilN," she threw at Katherine.
"Perfectly," Katherine responded
"All right, go ahead. Madge," and
acain I repeated my talc of my road
side encounter.
"Now it's up to vou, Katrinka."
Lillian drawled. "That gentleman
i ture going to pay your patient a
visit, and you've got to watch every
look and tone. You probably won't
be able to Understand what they say,
you'll have to get what you can."
Across Katherine' expressive face
shot a queer little look, which Lil
lian did not see, and about which I
wondered. It was as if she had
some little amusing secret which
she did not intend to share with us.
British suffragist are urging the
boycotting of the Church of F.ngland
until women are admitted to the min
istry. SUtimiANN
Wardrobe Trunk
that represents the supreme
value in Trunk Building.
A Hartmann Wardrobe Trunk
Is easy to pack and does not
have to be unpacked at the
end of your trip.
, Your frocks are always ready
' to wear when you want them
as the Hartmann Wardrobe
Trunk serves as a clothes
You Are Particular
Call and see our full line of
Red X Hartmann Trunks.
We are always glad to dem
onstrate. kc, Freling &
1808 Fornam St.
Here 15 Yearn.
health-making food I
Tomorrow, serve Kellogg's! What a
appetite-applause you'll win !
start the dav rieht!
tad EOXOGG'S UAH. cava taj fr "tj
A Silly Song
The firmer lie ly honet toil
and wring ii living from the oil,
and fred Itit pig and chicken; from
mil to uu; mot every day at plow
ing corn or nuking, hay, he work
! heat the dickrn. I know tome
high fattiiiii' gem, who ay he lHk
like thirty cent, and point at Inm
and niiker. lie pay In debt ami
t4r though, and when the nation
nerd oine dough there' no one
dig up quicker. lie dor not try
to imitate like ome guy do, a fh
ion plate. In overall lie labor. And
derm thrm good enough to vttr
whenever lie goe anywhere to min
gle with hi neighbor, lie toil to
uUe hi wheat and corn and all the
fool who look with scorn upon hi
occupation, would find, if lie houlJ
rcae to plaw. and feed hit pig and
jerry cow, they toon would face
(Copyright, ll.'i )
Are You Watching What Your
Child Read?
You arc worried over the dust of
book your children read.
You have no way of finding out
how they come to get hold of tuch
Run Over Heels
Spell Danger!
LEANING ankles, run-over heels, bulRin; coun
ters are danger signals. The intricate foot struc
ture is twisted out of place by the inward or out
ward leaning of the ankles.
agance at Your
Dalrlmald extra fancy
iT -mmdl "Pretty Ior lne EUy-nue
IJfllPsy stores, and sold exclusively
by the' Buy-Rite Stores.
Every - pound guaranteed,
per lb. 39
A fresh shipment of candy direct from the fac
tory. 6,000 lbs. of Baby After Dinner Mints, 65c
value, per lb : 29f
3,000 lbs. of fresh white, fluffy Marshmallows,
pr lb. ....Kt.... 29
Fresh large Candy Easter Eggs, 3 dozen
for 33f
3,000 lbs. of fresh roasted extra fancy Jumbo
Peanuts, per lb I5g
Something new FAB. per package 12
6 lbs. of White Lily Soap Chips for... ...S3
Crystal White Soap, 10 bars for 52$
Per box of- 100 bars... $4.99
P. & G. Soap, 10 bars for....... --49t
Per box of 100 bars , $4.85
Linn's Cleaner, large package 22tf
3 packages for 59$
Johnston's Floor Wax, 85c value QQq
Liquid-Veneer, small size 24$
Medium size 47c
Also all sizes of Liquid Veneer Floor Mops.
The coffee you will eventually
buy. Don't deny yourself the
pleasure of drinking a real
coffee. It is ever fresh, be
ing vacuum packed. Per lb.,
15c: Per 3 lb- can -$1.30
Fortieth and Fornam
tfith and Dorcaa
Vinton and Rim Ms. '
ZOOS Sherman Ave.
literature, uutet you ak outright,
and 1011 bt preferred not to ak.
You know that our childrtr
think you ii c unaware of the fact
that they are devouring immoral and
irahy novel,
You have many way of know
ing what i on their mind and it
puriln you to know of a way to
(uiiuteract it
Have you ever tried drawing In
tercttmg book from the library
yourtelf and haviug thrm around in
plain light and eay of acre?
IUt you tried reading interring
book and letting it be known in
your conversion with the children,
not in a "now thia would do you
good" way, but a a matter of gen
rrl intercut?
Young perton are vrry iuirp
tible to what thry find "printed in
Anything you get out of book
and refer 10 it at fetich i eivrn much
more notice in their limited mind
than information firt-hand from the
home folk.
.u! all chldieii ami vouncr neonle
are o foolish, but mot of them.
whether you or tney admit it or
not. like to "know what the book
Cot)rt!it, ) 0
Parents' Problems
How can children best be taught
to "play fair" in garnet?
Education in good aport coniW
Leaning ankles are a common defeetj where
this condition prevails, little thought, other
than the unsightliness it gives the shoe, is man
ifested. Yet this condition if neglected will
bring on serious foot ailments which in the
course of time will affect one's physical con
dition generally.
This defect can be relieved, and in many cases
overcome, by the proper shoe correctly fitted.
Strykcr's Foot Comfort Service is based on
FOOT KNOWLEDGE our fitters Know feet
as thoroughly as they know shoes. ,
Dr. Weeks, our surgeon-chiropodist, is
in this store to advise you on your
foot troubles. There is No Charge for
Douglas Shoe Store, Inc.
117 N. 16th St., Opposite Postoffice
. "Foot Fitters?'
Butter, packed
Apple Blossom Milk, 3 tall cans for....25
12 tall cans for '. 99$
High Standard Corn, Baked Beans, Kidney
Large 35c jars of Pure Fruit Preserves, all
flavors, per Jar, 23c or 3 Jars for.... 59
Large 25c glasses of Pure Fruit Jellies, all
flavors, each ' 22
No. Vk cans of Grand Canon or Prince sliced
"or halved Peaches, Apricots or Plums in heavy
syrup, 3 cans for 99c
No. 2',2 cans of Grand Canon or Prince Pears,
White Cherries, or Peeled Apricots, In heavy
85th Are. and Leatrnnorth
21t and 8 Sta., Sooth Hida
Tha (trocar of Dandea
13th and Garfield.
4tU and L 61.. Sooth old
in putting only tht proper niiphi
en thf wih t4 win in bit or in
pUy, W't tnu.t euiouuge not pity
the i lull in defrat and applaud him
only when be win Unty, The vrry
brt thing we ran irali him i to
enjoy not win I he gri out of work
or play, but wlut he get in thnu,
No one like to to, jn it it at im.
portant to be a chrertul lowr at an
humble victor. Victory uii't the
only fun in the game.
Tkr la iimfU. ' 4 '
lkt nir Uil ( r4 tt fcWrfcktU
n4 Out u I 4mI Itw.
T 4a thla tn laa mivm ( talanita
aJr fraia ar 4rw ! if'hkl
lull ka), wat hmi nk M'f Iba
blarlhradi kriklr-h ka l"n b4
ati ill k rrtM4 kaw Ik kiwkk4
ha 4uaeinra4. Hi fclkk4.. ifm
blrkh4, M mallar hra (kr
ply 4iualtf ai4 4uwpr. laawna Ika
rl H haul an? mark katava. Hlaak
h4 art aintplr a ixutMra ( 4ul aaj
dirt n4 aarratioa frvm Ika k4r thai
farm in Ika atraa af tka akia. I'lwk'i
an4 ittatinf aula rati irniatioa. a
large pom tad 4a not eat tkaai aul altar
Ibay baraw hr4. Tka ralotilla a4r
and tka alr imply dotnlv Ik blark
tia4t o (bay h i'hl aul, Watlna lha
aoraa fraa and rlaan an4 in lhair namril
rnndnlun. Anyana treukl4 oltk Ikaaa un
llhtly klamiahaa ahotild rarlainly try Ikw
aimpla malko4.
2 Free Lectures
America 8 Greatest
Dr. D. V. Bush
Author of
Will P(ower and Success
SilS O'Clock P. M.
April 12th to 13th
Wednesday, April 12
8:15 P. M. Th Ideal Made
True by Auto-Suf (attion.
How to develop will power.
"Pike' Peak or Bust." In this
lecture, Dr. Bush runs the
whole expressional gamut of
versatility, ending with a
description of an automo
bile race. The most drama
tic presention on the Ameri
can platform. ,
Everyone Invited
rotator .
10,000 lbs. Wilson's Certified Hams and Bacon.
Bacon, 6 to 8 pounds to the strip, half or
whole strip, per lb. 354
Hams, 12 to 14 pounds to the ham, half or
whole ham, per lb .35s
Fresh . shipment today of Buy-Rite Brand
Coffee, per lb : 35
3 pounds for 95
Nlshna Valley Buy-Rite Brand Creamery But
ter, per lb 41t
Gooch's Best Flour, per 24 lb. sack ....$1.15
Per 48 lb. sack 2.00
Omar Wonder Flour, per 24 lb. sack.. 1.15
Per 48 lb. sack $2.05
Red Star, Buy-Rite Exclusive Brand Flour, per
48 lb. sack $2.55
10 pounds of C. & U. Pure Cane Sugar for 65$
Large packages of Pancake Flour, pkg. ..1Q
10 large 12'ic rolls of Toilet Paper for. .83J
10 large 20c rolls of Tissue Toilet Paper, guar
anteed 1,000 sheets to a roll $1.03
Limit of 10 rolls to a- customer.
Fortieth and Hamilton
J5th and Cumins'.
Thirty-third and Arbor
lltU and Ames
We Ve
a lot of
space in
to tell
miss it