lilK m:iv: UMAIIA. RKSPAY. APRIL U. 19 mm V ( ,T. SouthOmaha If Pioneer lliIfnt l)ie Unify Alka. pUnuer ieilnt J tii Onuln. )ir4 yr slir.Uy at the f home I hit doughter, Mr. William Moore. 5iJ frumti J iity.ui Mrf, ii"r in h iiiiniut, unrrgi rrvufi Mill b held at 9 W'tdnrt. day morning? from 1 lie horn to Holy chuitli nl burial will be in J2!, Mary cemetery. South Omaha Brevities A. W. J..k la. inajtsnc. gl kind. !& lef t rata. Il.en.e pt.te. and ! tag plala fmtit tha auturuobile uf l.rsu. T1i lit l"iii Miiiii sires!, ha f.. polled la pain ti4ii4r night. 1.1 Hill, wife C i. If. Hill, fot.mga i bwiftg, pl'l. guilty U 4 ihgigs uf Illegal a.wa.,.a , lqli..r an 'I ml and a f i.M llu l.y lustful Judge Leslie ur1a), K. Usury .a fined u In MUih Omaha, roll's m1 .i.,dy nn iha rompi.inl f h,a wile, ana a.peari iiam.i Him, declaring tti.t aha na4 lo iai a poii.riiisn tu wMit him, lUsdolisj ("fcuuk. liaok ami Charles eiijil-r f Tt.Lrloo waia irii early l...av m.nnu.g at Nl.k iiran. hotel, N sue., Jh.y , f . l4, lor Wing diuhk. gUiuih id I'ieui. lull i ..inniliie. aia pr.iiaruig in entertain a n.e . r... at heir i. .i Kxnj.y vriu.a. at I nio lull, Twenty fifth and 31 stieeis, ruby rim Kill ta gitan a a door in.. it. ri i nil id ....... . faiiinman, fumul union' inua In bia loom Iha Miller hotel. Mourn iwenly- xih street iHur'Uy. 61-4 at HI. Jn-aph aii'Ha t ai uia mna. aiconliuc 10 a r"c mnruiit n. r.irrUy iy Cuunly Conmra l'Nainan 1 -i in. ghan. Deaths and Funerals 117 Nuilh Tnaiiiy-a-xnnit alrii. aii'ciai agiil rr iha IMilmi I'anrir railrnail, h roinuajr, kiii im ni tvaiinaaitay afirrnvuu ,at 1 at tha Ma.unln lampla. Tunaral aarvlraa tor Mr. hnmkr. , wira of Kuitnlnh K. hmokar, ITJ Hmiih Flfiarnih atraal, who di4 . Mw nm iiiimy at g in ma tlarman migrogational church, Tiralfih anil 'lonaa auaria, Classified Advertising Rates yi par una teeunt 1 worUa to Una) 1 dar. lo par Una par uay. I conaacullva daya. lo ft Una par day. 1 conaacullva daya 14 par Una par day, j conaefutlva day. No gda taKan for laaa than a total of Jic. Thaaa rata apply althar to tha Uiily or pundaa Ba. All advartlaama ma appaar In both morning; and ovanina dally papera for Iha ona rharga. CONTRACT RATRS ON APPLICATION. Want tdg accaptcd at tha following ot- flraa: MAIN OFFICE ITth and Farnam Sia. Couth Slda 4isa South SUh Ht Council Bluffa ..16 B,ou Bt. WANT AUS KErFIVED Bt PHONE ATLANTIC 1000, THE BEE will not ba raaponalbla for mora than ona Incorract Inaertlon of an advartiaamant ordarad for mora than ona ttma. CLOSING HOURS FOR WANT ADS. Frrnlnc Edition ,. ll:4i A. M. Morning Edition ..a P. M Bunday Edition :00 P. 11.. Saturday DEATH A FUNERAL NOTICES. TilK BI'RIAl, aarvlrni for our Inle hro thar, John l". Vlzard, will ba hald under tha auaplcar of Nauraaka lodaa No. 1, A. F. A. M., Wcdnaaday, April 12, 19J2 at 2 p.. m., from 1h Comniandary hall at tho Masonui temple, lDth and Douglaa atraata. Fnanda ar Invited. Maater jlaming will aaaembla at 1:30 P. m. to attend aarvlcea. FRANK WILCOX. Secretary. PAVTD NORTHIT. Acting: .Mauler. A'PRO John, Red 56 yeara; died April g. ila la aurvlvea beaidea nig wifa by hla mother, on daughter, Mia. Kd ward O'Hearne; two bruthera, Urneat and Lawrence, ond fSvo gjate.rg, raneral'TOeniTay artlernoon at z p. m. from tha rmfriem e; 2324 No. 61 St. Interment Weat Lawn cemetery. CH KNOWKTH Betty N.. Infant-daughter of Harold F. Cheuoweth,. April . , Funeral aervlceg 'Tueailay. 10 a. m. from tha Burket chapel, 2904 Leaven worth, k . ' - BURIAL VAULTS. AUTOMATIC eeallng concfeta . burial vaulta. Raoommanded and for gala by all leading undartakara. Water proof, no ataci to mat, no' wood to de cay. Inalat upon tha AUTOMATIC 8EALINO VAULT mannfaotured . by Omaha Conorata Burial Vault Co., (21 North 30th. ' CEMETERIES. Visit Forest Lawn. , Foraat Lawn cemetery hag a new beau ty with each changing soKson. Tha targa Vreanhouaeg are open for inapectlon every day. It Is but wisdom to aelect a plot before necessity .Compels one to do so. Offices at Cemetery (north of city llm . Its), and T:o Brandela theater. . ... . . CARD OF THANKS. WE wish to thank our many friends for . their kindness and sympathy to ug dur ing tha Illness and death ot our be loved wife and mother Mr. Henry Jen aen. Mrs. Alma HelKeson,' Mrs. Anna Hannlngaon, Henry Jensen, Harry Jen sen. " FUNERAL DIRECTORS. F.J. STACK & CO., Successor to Stack A Falconer OMAHA'S BEST. ;rRFAMBULANCProo gr Thirty-third and Farnsm. HEAPEY & HEAFEY Undertakers and Embalmers. rnone ha. o;b5. office ssn Farnam. Hulse & Riepen, Funeral flrectors. 2224' Cuming CROSBY-MOORE "TkXX FLORISTS. l.KV. T.ARMnM Douglas. Phone DO. 8244 SAY IT WITH FLOWERS FROM HESS SWOBODA. 1415 FARNAM STREET. i HENDERSON. 1507 Farnam 3& 125S. JOHN BATH. IC4 Farnam. J A. 190. MARRIAGE LICENSES. Marriage licenses were issued to the following couples: Jamea T. Jenkin. 41, Richmond, V., and Ann Hill. --S3, St.. Louis, Mo. Ralph T. T. Bissett, ' !4, Clarksville, Ark., and Florence Long, IS, Tracy, Minn. August K. Mtller.. Fontenells, Neb., and Margaret Brand, 21. Fremont, Neb. Carl A. Abramaon, 56. Omaha, and Elsie M. Ralph, 22. Council Bluffs, la. Fred Drehsen. 21, Omaha, and Tansy Large, IS. Omaha. - John Kroeger. !7. Bennington. Neb., and Edna Jahnel, IS, Kennard, Neb. Voclav Sadil, over 21, Omaha. nd Agnes Havllk, over 21. Omaha. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Births. George and Tekla Kkborg. 215 North Twenty-thiril street, girl. Milton and Margaret Andracek.. I7M South Twenty-first street, girl. Edward and Ethel Novak, hospital, girl. Stanley and Nina Gould, hospital, girl. Charles and Myrtle Jones, 621S South Thirtieth street, boy. .... t Arthur and Martha Hover, Washi ngton street, boy. Deaths. ' Robert Walter Lovelsnd. t months. 8123 North Thirty-fmirth atreet. Antonio Benniato. S3. 1020 South Twen-ty-firat street. - ... I.illle O. Weller, 34. JPsl. Cliff Harry Cox. 45, SS2 South Twenty third street. ., .... Martha L. Barrett. -74, 281 Florence bouliivard. LOST. FOUND AND REWARDS. LOST Between Irvington and Omaha, a package containina -aI's--1dreg and other artlclea. Call WA. t:9. II r-in.ial tMiio. f.r J., Condon, 11. s, , V -f-iUHhia a. ,n nr ir ani VT fjaT r inn, Smith Thlil- XJ ''"' nu. Mill lia hr,l (n.l.y , T i ' ,"n """lrv. nv. jir Tiank M Mmlin olfinalina. Tht Imv. Mho dlf'l W Hmi.l.y Mliinma: III. 1 w. ka' illnraa t . f ilililnliaiia. la aunliaU ky hla parrma and I A aialar, l.nui.a, . 'bringing up i r .'i . I'M ,OiN OOT MOOftC Vavi V av riil 1 in. n,Q;il; . ( ITAWURiCMT? THE GUMPS gj we wi o nw? Jj WtttM6 l HOW 0WVV WtOtlN( 60WM txwc OUttKl MORE VKONOtRfVUS ARRaVNEO Bt ON A.y- t 1 -f j i,Ar 16Ht T- I iTt cA? On LOST. FOUND AND REWARDS. FKL'Np una young steer. May be had fur coat uf ad a nil keep. V244. MARRIAGE LICENSES. Arthur Freeman. Omaha, 23, and KlUa beth Dolejn, Omaha. 21. I'harlea Jf. Hclnierth, Caliper. Wyo.', 3d, and Kdna A. Minn. .Milwaukee. Wis., 26. I.eRoy Francis lon:ry, Omaha. 21, and tielen Lorrune Dougherty, Omaha, . Benjamin P. Hhneldcr. Omaha, 36, and Olga Kaul, Omaha. 33. PERSONALS. IF any one knows the whereabouts of a , Mr. La Verne T. Shobe will communi cate with N. S. Nelson, Bentley. Alta., be would hear of something to his In terest, Ha la a mechanic In some garage, formerly lived in LaCombe, Al Berta, , t'wnaila. aXvatioF THE SALVATION Army Industrial home solicits your old clothing, furniture, magaxlnea. We collect. We diatrlbute. Phone DO. 4115 an dour wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new boms. 1110. 1112-1114 Dodge St KATHRTN L. RILEY Skin and scalp apeclallat. Realdenre work eollclted. Appointment, JA. 326a, I am not responsible for any debts con tracted by iny wife, Agnes Havel. JOS HAVEL. PaiOcrwi DR. N., Chiropractor,- 38 IbUU pgston block. AT. 9747. Office hours. 11 a. vn. 10 6:30 p. m. THEATRICAL hiatorical masque costumes. MAONETIC batha: Violet Fay treatment with massages. 51 4 8. ltth. AT. 381. SULPHUR baths. KwoJIah maasaae. chi ropody.- Evenings to 8. 209 S. ZOtn at. LET Slieppard do it. Sodding. Mack earth ana mun.-ning tor lawn. ivfl.Mn. EXTERT MASSAGE. ATLANTIC 9649. EXPERT maasage. 404 N. 16th. Apt. 4. KENT vacuum cleaners. 75c. HA. 1071. EXPERT maaaagei 210 N. 17th St. FISHER baths, mass. 320 Arthur Bldg. MASSAGE, Sun. and eve. aptm. At. 6365. ANNOUNCEMENTS. UT TP A TTXTfT. Hemstitch- iiuu. A Jjiiniinu ing. Cover- ed Buttons. 'JX. 6670. 1806 Farnam, 2d Floor. Contractors. RICH black decayed manure for garden or lawn. Delivered. Trices reasonable. Call WA. 6315 F-3. FLOOR laying, machine sanding. AT. 8533. LES8ARD & SON, 2021 CUMING. AT. 1632 Dancing Academies. VIWD'C! 1818 Farnam atreet. XVrjrjlT O Douglas 8440. Class and private lessons. Ten Instructors. LEARN to dance at Kelplne's academy. mr,A nrlvat. l.MOna DO. 7860. Accordion Pleating. ACCORDION, side, knife, box pleating; covered buttons, all styles; hemstitch ing, buttonholes. Write Ideal Button Pleating Co.. 308 Brown Block, Omaha, Neb. Telephone J A. 1936. Detectives. Independent Detective Bureau, 304 Neville U1K. AT. doul; ma:nt, m n., .n.ti, v,. v-,v RELIABLE Deteco Bureau. Ballway Ex. Bldg., J A. 206, nignt, im. mi, JAMES ALLAN, 313 Neville Blk. Evidence secured In all cases. Afianiio im. Dentists. DR. B. C. DEVVELL, DENTIST. 3t-Arthur Building. AT. 1368. DENTAL X-RAYS, 50 each, 13 a full set. 61 Securities Bldg., 16th and Farnam. Dressmaking. Nouveau dressmaking shp. 432 Paxton Blk. CLEAN, mend, tailor; aulta, furs. Ha. 6804. FANCY DRESSMAKING. AT 2017. Hauling. LET Shippard do it. Sodding, black earth and machine for lawn. WA.' 1214. GEN. hauling and ashes, reag. AT. 1658. Kodak Finishing. ENLARGEMENTS, oil coloring, developing printing. Kase Studro, 213 Neville Blk FILMS DEVELOPED FREE. The Ensign Co.. 1607 Howard St Patent Attorneys, J.- W. Martin, Patent Attorney. 1718 Dodge, room 209. Also Washington, D. C. I help Inventors sell their patents. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Painting and Paper Hanging. FAPERHANG1NU, painting. All kinds. Lowest prices. "Work guaranteed. F. Baxter. JA. 3023. 1ST CLASS painting and paperbanging. Douglaa 4909. FOR good paperhanging call HA. 3911. Printing. EDDT Printing Co. S13 8. 13 St. Do, 8647. BRITT Printing Co.. 201 Bromley Blk. Miscellaneous Announcements. diamonds p:r,h rit to buv back at small profit." GROSS JEWELRY CO.. Omaha, Neb., 403 N. 16th St. Telephone I'U. iiM9 OMAHA PILLOW COMPANY. Mattresses msda over in new ticKS at nai price oi new beds. 1907 Cuming. J A. 2467. PRESCRIPTIONS carefully compounded at the 3 Sherman McConnell Drug stores. DR. A. C 6ABIN. RECTAL DISEASES. Suite 810 Arthur Bldg.. 210 8. lsth St. FANCY cakes and salad dressing made to order In private1, home HA. .2045- BLACK dirt and fertiliser, asheg and rub bish hauled. Atlantic 5711. father-- if .... ttttzz I HlalrJ P, t. i aiaai tiff I'M TAKC AN iHTCS!E-T IN SViV. (IIIOM oav nee a OOVMt. TO OlVt TVt Uktt, VWwCH biNb TMt 1 Aw S mJR A HARIT- Wt W54 on 5TXitIN3 WICH A. OWt TOOT- LJSX SWVVtr' . . IX BE , VMIrft IH2a ANNOUNCEMENTS, Miscellaneous Announcements. Kl'iiS anil larpula iIihiici. AT. Dn. FOR SALE. Furniture and Household Goods. WILL sub-lease a very desirable four room apartment to party buying furnie ture. For Information call WK-64K1. Pianos and Musical Instruments. $235 Phonographs for $55 SOLD OVER 100 IN THREE WEEKS IN OMAHA. BRAND NEW THONO GRAPHS. STANDARD MAKE. BEST MACHINE MADE. MUST BE TURNED INTO CASH AT. ONCE. MUST SEE THESE WONDERFUL BARGAINS :TO APPRECIATE THEM. LESS . THAN HALF MANUFACTURING COST. Townsend Sporting Goods Company, 1309 Farnam St. HAINES upright . piano . and bench, .ma hogany finish: good condition.. Kr,, Pstn. JOHN ' TAFF. saxophone shop, repairing, Schmnller A Mueller MIdg., ISIS Dodge. GEO. A. SMITH Dealer In druma. xylo phone, etc. I Instructions, repairing; . 2761 Davenport St. Phone BA. 2967, TRADE your used piano on a new play er piano. - Balance as low as 110 per month. A. HOSPE CO., 1513 Douglas. MAHONGANY player and bench with 78 rolls of music; like new;' half price. Jackson 3066. Clothing and Furs. DUNDEE WOOLEN MILLS. For' sale, a few unclaimed, all-wool "Dundee" suits, cheap, alterations free. Northwest Cor. 15th and Harney Sts. ' FURS remodeled, rellned and cleaned. KNEETER ALASKA FUR CO.. 203 S. 16th St. DO. 7283. ARMY ahoes, 12.90. 706 No. 16th. Typewriters and Supplies. TYPEWRITERS AND' ADDING MACHINES. All MAKES bought, sold, rented and repaired. Sole agents for the CORONA. Get our pi-ices before you buy. Every machine guaranteed. Central Typewriter Exc, JA.' 412. .' 1912 Farnam.' GUARANTEED typewriters, 312.60 and up. Midland Office Supply Co., 1404 Dodge. Miscellaneous Articles. HARNESS SALE. Complete plow Harness. 327 per get. ' Concord harness, formerly 375, now 348. Stock saddles, 315 and up. Best team collar 35.00. ' - Lines, 1'4-lnch by 18 feet, 35.90. Ring crown bridles, round reins, 33. Sweat pads, any size, 55c each. . Government! Neats Foot Oil, 5 gal., 34.90. Government and officers' dress shoes, 82.90 and up. Midwest Harness Co., 706 North 16th St. GARAGES built, new lumber, 5100 up. Micklin Lumber &' Wrecking Co., 24th and Burdette Sts. Webster 6656. WE buy, sell safes, make desks, show cases, etc., Omaha Fixture & Supply Co., S. W. Cor. 11th and Douglas. JA. 2724. EXPERT sewing machine repairing. MICKELS, 15th and Harney. DO. 1973. WANTED TO BUY. DESKS DESKS DESKS New desks, used desks bought, sold and traded.' J. C. Reed. 1207 Farnam. DO. 6146. WANTED SITUATIONS. Laundry and Day Work. BUNDLE washing. Day work; WE. 5182, HELP WANTED MALE. Stores and Offices. MEN wanting railway station-office po . sitions with transportation, furnished, experience unnecessary, write quick. Baker, Supt, Dept. 603. Wainrlght, St. Louis. RAILWAY mail Clerks wanted, -3193 monthly. Examination every , where soon. Correspondence course unneces sary. Write immediately. Box 1605, Washington, D. C. YOUNG men. over 17, desiring government positions, 3130 monthly. Write for free list of positions now open. J. Leonard (former civil service examiner). 909 Equitable Bldg., Waahington, D. C. Professions and Trades. PRINTERS wanted for Denver; compe tent, first-clfws non-union men;' per manent positions. Also foreman and linotype operators, strike on. Denver Typothetae. Denver Colo. DO you want to increase your income? Write the National Auto School,. 2814 N. 20th St., Omaha, for catalog. MFN, for firemen, brakemen. beginners 1160. later 3250. Bailway. Box Y-1860, Omaha Bee. - MOLER BARBER COLLEGE, lie S. '4tB. Write for catalog. Salesmen and Solicitors. SALESMAN wanted to sell nationally ad vertised specialty to retail trade; per manent position; salary. Call Rome hotel, ask for Mr. Thill. OMAHA field open for man to wholesale our ten Items. 1144 O. Lincoln. Neb. OEM OIL BURNER CO. 1 1 ..... . in 1 1 1 rr.v 111; 1 1 i . . . . i i -wn WEDDING BELLS IffLS- LOOK AT TWS IH A tt$ClitlON Ot VXm ovi l SlT Of WlMMWlNG CUJTH Of llwtR IMPoVtb A. tUrC or TLMlVSt XUUtt;, tMItOtOtwU tM rLUH PC Lt IM tMTtUTOslU. Ait WiTrl a, txvttt nan. or AMOPJ. "tOMTVlVtX UMt.VU.VS A CA.VCAM. OT OtfaMQe V.O-fOMt. Wtrl rtTa-t 0 rtMtt-t. 4rM HCA ce MTt. o exH vesoM v wamoho XVt VttV t or MAJOtiOH, rUH TttOM k WOSSIAM COHOeJVT OT SEAL VkCt MSO Vttt iM NAwt COUCT XtAlM - l IM THE H0t. TMt U?KJt. or VVJtR wwuvp BiwvwtO HELP WANTED MALE. Salesmen and Solicitors. AN' opportunity for an experienced sales man, persevering ami a hard worker, lo represent a reliable manufacturing company In tha atate of Nebraska. Must ba over 25 years of a". Excellent chance for right man. Liberal salary and bonus, with expenses advanced. Small car an asset but not essential. In answering state age. references, psst sales experience, sddresn a phone num ber to Insure prompt Interview. Box Y-18u7, Omaha Bee. WANTED A live agency traveling man ralliag on the retail trade to handle an up-to-date line of chinaware, con sisting of dinner, sets, open stock and assortments. Can be given full time or nanaicn as sine line: sampira iikiii.. lib eral commission. Write the Majestic China Company. Behrlng, O. SALESMEN To handle popular line of bungalow aprons and porch ilresses for stat of Nebrsska and surrounding ter ritory, commission basis only. State ex perience and references. Criterion Spe- cialty Co., 20-26 West !2d St., New York. HELP WANTED FEMALE. Professions, and Trades. CALL- J. A. Toungstrom, second floor, I. O; O. F. Bldg., Doulas 7774, tor per sonal Instruction in shorthand, type writing and bookkeeping. WANTED Experienced compositor. Write or Call Evans Printing Co.. Fremont, Neh; Household and Domestic. BRIOilT reliable woman or maid, for gen . eral housework, small family, mnst be good cook, convenient kitchen, maid's rm. very pleasant, priv.. until, rm. voua HOUSEKEEPER, 35 or 40, for home with one child. No objection to one or two children. Call AT. 627, 6th Ave., Bluffs or write X67, Bee. WANTED A competent girl lor general housework, . References required. . Call HA." 3148.'. ' RELIABLE woman for ; general house work. Capable of taking charge. Web. 7038. HELP WANTED. Male and Female. MEN, WOMEN, 18, over, wanting govern ment positions; railway mail, postofflce. other positions; salary 31,400-31,500; ex perience unnecessary; full particulars free. Write G. W. Bobbins, Civil Service Expert, formerly with government. 171 Pope Bldg., Washington. D. C. WANTED Men, ladles and ooys to learn barber trade; big demand; wages while . learning; strictly modern. Call or write 1403 Dodge St. Trl-CIty Barber College. EDUCATIONAL. DAY SCHOOL NIGHT SCHOOL Complete courses in accountancy, ma chine bookkeeping, comptometry, short hand and typewriting; railroad and wireless telegraphy, civil service and all English and commercial branches. Write, call or phone Jackson 1665 tor large Illustrated catalog. Address , Boyles College, Boyles Bldg., Omaha, Neb. Van Sant School of Business. . Day and Evening Schools. 220 Omaha National Bank Bldg. ' Douglas 6890. ANNIE E. GLASGOW, voice and piano, 603 Karbach Blk. JA.. 1081. BUSINESS CHANCES. 1807 FARNAM 6-room apartment, com pletely modern; suitable for offices, studios, dental or dressmaking rooms, etc., for tenants wishing home adjoln- - Ing. T. .F. Hall, 434 Railway Exchange. Douglas 7406 FOR SALE Hotel fixtures and equipment in zii-room, new, mouern uuiei uuiiuiug. Good investment for right Party. Ros coe Lunger. Gibbon, Neb. FOR SALE A snap Best complete get of bar fixtures in eastern Colorado, at a ' sacrafice. Write P. F. Drehan, Iliff, Colorado. ANY business sold for cash, no publicity; 10 to 30 days. Northwestern Selling Svsrem. ' Sioux City. FULLY equipped garage on Lincoln high way, oood location, a. r. Liarii, iiruie, Neh. Rooming Houses. 7-RM. steam heat; downtown location. 3600 and terms. AT. 3787. . FOR RENT ROOMS. Furnished Rooms. WELLINGTON INN. HAS A FEW DESIRABLE ROOMS, NICELY FURNISHED, WITH OR WITHOUT BATH, FOR PERMANENT GUESTS AT ATTRACTIVE WEEKLY RATES. MR. BAMET, THE MANAGER, WILL, GLADLY SHOW THEM TO YOU. . Morris Apartment Hotel, 18th and Dodge Sts. Apartments consist of -living? room, .dressing room, kitchenette and bath. Weekly rental includos heat, lijtht, gas, phone and maid service. Either weekly or permanent Rijpsts. Phrne AT. 3210. HAMILTON HOTEL FIREPROOF. Farnam at 24th. Single room with private balh at 310.60 per week; for two, 812.50 per we-k. Two large outside rooms with bath, 120 per week. A SATISFACTORY PLACE TO LIVE. bee Want Ads Produce Results. dvfla m at E JICUS AND MACCIC IN ro et a PrwtA,vx ar vamowo5 com(oit or Mtt THt PCOftOOMJ INYIAL ITTtTiTV-XJtI, WtM A fcOVfc ATOP 'iMt Vl0tt- AMV It VtU COMES FOR RENT ROOMS. Furnished Rooms. t;KT YOUR ItOUM through The Bra furnished room dl-rei-iory. Call at office for list of choice desirable rooms In all parts of the city. A service that benefits both advertiser mid room seeker. LARGE south room In modern home, near Farnam car line, suitable for two. llet and cold water in room, laundry priv ileges, hoard If desired, walking die tnnce; Harney 1615. HOT Kl!TaNKORi.19"tH AND FARNAM, HOTEL HEN8HAW, 16TH AND FARNAM. Special rates to permanent guests. Fl'RN. rma. with prlv. bath; warm, com fortable, cheerful; prices reasonable, day or wk. Hotel Hamilton. AT. 4701. SLEEPING rooms. 12.60 and up, newly decorated. 1537 N 19th St. FRONT room for lady; private family; 31 week; all home privileges. WE. 4111. 513 N. 22D. Two front rooms for couple employed or two ladies. ELEGANTLY fur. large front room; West Side car line; reasonable; ref. HA-1076. UNION Hotel. 83 per week and up. Housekeeping Rooms. THIS GUIDE TO the better housekeeping rooms Is the directory furnished to advertiser and room hunter. Call at Be office for free copy containing desirable vacancies In all parts of the city. 2311 SO. 29TH Two front rooms. 2d floor; furnished for housekeeping, 34 per week. Would care for child for em ployed couple. HA. 608. 2707 Dodge One, two or three-room apartment; completely furnished; modern; 84 to 3'. 611 S. -24TH ST. Completely furnished two rooms. Telephone, bath, laundry " privileges.-AT. 7110. TWO or three furnished, housekeeping rooms, walking distance. . 223 Park Ave. HA. 1475. LIGHT housekeeping rooms, 1 blocks from Hanscom Park West Side car line; reasonable; references. Harney 1075. THREE rooms, pantry and closet, gas furnished. 1537 N, 19th St. THREE rooms, upstairs. 313 N. 28th Ave. Unfurnished Rooms. UNFURNISHED room for light house keeping, close In, strictly modern, rea sonable rent. Call AT. 3250. FOR RENT HOUSES. Unfurnished. 9-Room House and Garage On car line, suitable for two families, located 29th and Hickory, Immediate possession. Inquire r American Mortgage & Finance Co., 411 Brandeis Theater Bldg. AT. 5911. ! FOR RENT APTS. AND FLATS. Unfurnished. Apartments 3 rooms, No. 12 Nathan, 1544 Willis Ave. Winter, 360; summer, 362.60. 3 rooms with 6-room accommodation, No. 207 Turner Court. 3103 Dodge St. Winter 365, summer 360. 3 rooms, No. 19 Kintsborough, 2538 Dodge St. 66. 4 rooms. No. 8 Flo Leg, 20th and Capitol Ave. Summer 362.50.' 5 rooms. No. 7, Mildred, 49th and Dodge Sts., on IVi years' lease, 330. - 6 rooms, No. 2 Elwood, 49th Ave. and Dodge St. 3125. Peters Trust Company, "Where Omaha Rents" AT. 0544. 17th and Farnam Ste. STRICTLY modern 4-room semi-basement, close In; rent 140 per month. Athlone apartment, 26th and Douglas St. Janitor will show. Peters Tru3t Company, WHERE qfrlAHA RENTS. PLEASANT apartment, 4 rooms and bath, walking distance, janitor aervice, 855. WA. 3888. 2311 SO. 29TH. Four-room flat, 1st floor; electric , lights, sink, inside toilet, 315 per mo. HA. 6038. STEAM heated apartment, 4 rooms, close .In, G. P. STEBBINS, 1010 Chicago. FOR RENT Business Property. 1807 FARNAM Store room, 24x133. If tenant wants more room, will build two stories above, each 66x132. with light on three aides. Thomas F. Hall, 434 Rail way Exchange. Do. 7406. FOR RENT Some very choice offices, also large ornce space consisting ot 1.400 square feet, 400 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. AT. 0500. MERCANTILE STORAGE AND WARE HOUSE CO., 11th and Jones Sts. MOVING AND STORAGE. "WHEN MOVING", TACKING STORING SHIPPING Phone , Jackson 0288. FIDELITY STORAGE A VAN CO. 1107-11 Howard St. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE Separate locked rooms for household goods and pianos, moving, packing and shipping. BEKINS OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE. 806 South Ith. DO. 416.1. ESTIMATES furnished on atorage and moving. Contracts taken by Job or hr. Glohe Van K- Storage Co.. .TA. t.,4, AT. 0::0. 62-:i North ICtb it. .ViiU.Wfii; L . iMI'ey Inti,' rtTu Stavicc. Inc. 'H Drawn A TtAtv At AMD ANt MH' W HE WON"! SE A5HAMW OF WtS rtUWK- IWtYtU SACK U? WITH THE BEST OF TMteA- VUMATTHEX tD TO TViAT ROV.V. THAT UNCIE BIM 6AvE THEM A COWrtE OF vyEtkxS AGO A TEAM ROUtEC COUV-N'T t0 IN A UFE- TIME- 4V8 A FIAT AS A CAN OF OVE HORSES AND VEHICLES. HARNESS AND SAhDLES. We make them ourselves and sell them direct to Iho farmers, ou Bit the best that can be made at firM cot. Harness that sold for 35 lest year, 5'5 now. Write for free i-atalog. ALFRED CORNISH & CO.. 1210 Farnam Ht. UOItSES boarded, hired out for riding with Instructors, stalls tented and cheap storsgo for autos and trucks at 2215 Irani St. Thone day or night AT 19.'9. FOR BALK Spotted pony, buggy, harness. Well broke to rldn. 4122 Soulh 27th- St. POULTRY AND PET STOCK. CLEANED WHEAT SCREENINGS. 31 75 PER 100 POUNDS. A. V. WAGNER, 801 N. 16TH. JA. 114i. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. The Best Bargains for. the Least Money Maxwell Touring 3 95.00 Davla Touring, six, Continents motor Overland Roadster Wlllya-Knight Touring Chevrolet Touring Dort Touring Oidsmoblle "4" Touring Chandler Six Touring Rulrk Six Roadster Oidsmoblle Six Touring........ Cadillac Eight. Touring. . .' Oidsmoblle Eight, demonstrator. 1 . 115.00 , 150.00 . 165.00 . 193.0(1 . 250.00 . 285.00 . 300.00 . 600.00 . 675.00 . 850.00 1,185.00 Trucks Commerce Ton Ren Speedwagon , Oidsmoblle Economy Ton.. 475,00 675.00 675.00 LIBERAL TERMS. OPEN EVENINGS. COME IN AND SEE WHAT VALUE YOUR DOLLAR HAS WITH US. ( Nebraska . Oldsmobile Co. ISth and Howard. 'AT. 1770. ) NEW AND USED CARS ADKINS MOTOR COMPANY, Authorized Ford and . Lincoln Dealers 4911-17 So. 24th. St. AT. 4866. . MA. 0420. Used Trucks for Sale at a Bargain Three Packard three-ton trucks. One Master truck, two-ton. . One Republican with dump body. Must sell these trucks In 3 days. Young & Doherty, Tel. JA. 1571. 322 Brandeis Thea. Bldg. REAL USED CAR BARGAINS. Cash or Time. Buy or Sell, Fords, from 350 and up Dodge, Buicks and others. 3100 and up. Ford bodies winter tops. GOLDSTROM AUTO CALES CO., 1318 Harney St. Central Garage. SOME bargains In used Fords; prompt delivery on new Fords. M'CAFFREY MOTOR CO., The Handy Ford Service Station. 16th and Jackson Sts. DO. 3500. LOOK over our list of used cars. THE AUTOMOTIVE MARKET, 2056 Farnam St. ' AT. 7S3S. . BUY A GUY L. SMITH USED CAR. ' A Salfe Investment. 26th and Famam Sts. Phone DO. 1970. ELGIN, 1920 model. Newly painted, run 10,000 miles. Small car In trade. 723 South 27th St. J A. 0423. 160 ACRES clear land IV, miles from Hugo, Colo., for a Cadillac- Must be In good repair. Box B-205. Omaha Bee, FORD parts, trans., complete at 310; magnets, per set, 31.50; fly wheel, 32. Neb. Auto Part. 1016 Harney. 1920 DODGE touring car. 1st class con dition. Nebraska Storasra & Batterv Co.. 2004 Harney. WHTTlVT V Save U money on tire VVXIIXIJAJX & raa. wk. 320 S. 13. TWIN Harley-Davidson for sale cheap. DO. 6545. USED radiators, all makes for sale. Green ough Radiator Repair. 2039 Farnam. HOLLY, expert auto trimmer. 812 S. 24th. FARM LANDS. Nebraska Landtv TPAPMC! Vrlte M. A. Larson, Central ZXXWUO city. Neb., your wants for acreage tracts, farms FINANCIAL. Loans. Money to Loan $30.00 to $500 on Furniture, Pianos, Etc. Less than legal rates, monthly pay QUICK. QUIET AND CONFIDENTIAL. OMAHA LOAN CO., f"6 Karbach Block. Tel. J A. 2255. eetlhert eviCJ? lilA aaa Psuglas St. Drawn for The Bee by McManui U"('r H i:j for The Bee by Sidney Smith I Copy right 1 1922) STA.UE, tLlt- FINANCIAL. Real Estate Loans. Money to Loan No Commission We are inviting applications for farm loans, 6 per cent gcml-annual intereat; 5. 7 or 10 years, with prepayment privilege, on Improved farma In eastern Nebraska anil on well-located, modern, up-tn-dnle office, bank and mercantile buildings In Lincoln and Omaha. E. B. Stephenson, 100S Security Mutual Bldg. Lincoln, Neb. WE have cash on hand to loan on Omaha resldencea. E. H. LOUOEE. INC.. 638 Keeiine Bldg. Farm Loans V'SZSSZ Kloke Inveatment Co., 4 urn. i OMAHA HOMES-EAST NEB. FARMS. O KEl-.r K REAL r.HlAjr, 1016 dm, Nat. Bk. Bldg. Jackson 2715. FIRST morlBaite loans made promptly on Omaha real estate. Shopen & C., Realtors. J A. 42J8. 234 Keellne Bldg. 8100 to 810.000 made promptly. F. D. Wead & D. H. Bowman. Wead Bldg. Stocks and Bonds. LIBERTY BONDS bought and sold. AT. 8644. Mack'a Bond House. 1421 1st Nat. J. H. MITHEN pays mogt for LIBERTY BONDS. 921 City Nat'l. Bank Bldg. REAL ESTATE WANTED. AUCTION SALE Wanted the opportunity to explain- my system of gelling your Isnd and sub-division sale at auction. Satisfied clients in 20 different states. Paul- F. Bnckelman, Real Estate, Auc tioneer. I'aulllna, ja. List your home Buy your home Real Estate, Loans. Rentals. JA. 3661. Charles W. Young & Son Real Estate, Rentals, Insurance. 1602 City Nat. Bk. AT. 9668. To buy or sell Omaha Real Estate gee FOWLER & M'DONALD 1120 City Nat'l Bk. Bldg. JA ckaon 1423 Grove-Hibbard Co. 327 Securities Bldg. AT. 4956. Homos to HOMES. ACREAGE AND INSURANCE. H. S. MANVILLW, Realtor. AT. 2403. 615 "Peters Trust Bldg. GRUENIG uRrf!JrykLr,r.!tb 1413 1st Nat'l Bk. Bldg. J A. 1968. To Buv or Sell Real Estate See D. V. SHOLE8 CO., 915 City Nat. Bk. JA. 0046. 35 YEARS' experience selling homes. Call , mnircw ft. a1M 620 First Nat. Bk. Bldg. JA. 4223, TjTTJTr'ITirTirp Writes Tornado and lXVX.rjll Windstorm Insurance 350 Peters Trust Bldg. J A, 0633. LIST your homes for sale with us. We have the customers. ... PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY. GEO. T. PORTER CO. ' Real Estate, Rentals, Insurancs. 105 South 18th. AT. 2998. WANT 6 or 7-room, well located. In Dun dee, by the first; have cash. Box 121, Omaha Bee. HAVE Inquiries for homes do you wsnt to sell your property! List It with C. A. Qrimmel. Omaha Nat'l Bk. Bldg. Western Real Estate Co. JA. 3607. REAL ESTATE, INVESTMENTS SEE F. D. Wead & D. H. Bowman. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE. FOR EXCHANGE 330,000 first mortgage secured on 730 acres 01 la-na mat me owners expect to sell at 150 per acre. Will take an equity in a good farm or cltv property up to 825.000, balance casn. nenwao Bros., luss x-iymoum Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. FARM near Norfolk, Will trade for good implement business. Box X.-65, Omaha Bee. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN Benson. FIVE-ROOM MODERN BUNGALOW. A bargain; price. 93,000; terms; lo cated near 65th and Emmet St.. in Ben son; 5-room modern, garage and chicken house. Call-evenings, DO. 6947. Dundee. Dundee, $8,000 Brand new home. Just binfr finished; easy terma. Phone JA. 2850. Glover & Spain GEORGE & CO.S?S REALTORS. AT. 3024. Florence. NETHAWAY sells and trades. KE. 1409. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. West. 2710 Burt Street For $7,509 you , can purchaF this 10-room house, osk and pine finish, all modorn; also cottage in rear renting for $12.50. Call ua for appointment. Gallagher & Nelson, C5J r.fors Trust Bldg-. JA. 3382. AT OWNERS PRICE. Irge slxed six-room semi-bungalow in Clalrmont addition. East front. Pav ing and specials paid. Convenient terms arranged. call evenings or WA. it. RliAL ESTATKJ MPRQVKD. West 7 " Leavenworth Heights I' ;4--ti,iimi. t'bol, a ,i I'limi Mii-Iuiig4lvt latg. tiling iitoni, ,1 mug (..Hill e4 Hi It'll til! f"l'r! IHA tog iM'illlMltt'B and bithj enl tl ! fj'l l,ll'il J Leal ef i,.k fiiu.b: g.l laid !.( , niu.l rs w pe bi-p" i.'.ti. , -ii Osborne Realty Co.. P Pel era 1'niil IIMg J :M! L'LAIItMtiNT bjiia.low. St.eOdi ha buy lit lima, five tnmns, cle.a ti rer, He. etnti lot, "tl'a. 91 ituwtt tail' bi'MltuKDI.II lt HglUr.Sr t it. , I J A. 3:ei, , ;' 41 IVIIIV t rm (ml 9 !'; lenna AT U North. Buy From Owner, " ' 0921 Florence Blvd. , muni biimtaloH, all mn.UrSj. ile bath, built In fesiiuee. i-k flouts ttirnuahiilui. Ua'eg. paved sireel. ape. isla all paid 'l can eel I fistiiiea slid ile. iiiiii.ii, I hi. is a r'sl bom and inn will be at hon-e between 8 ami i oilo k Hunilnv In hw isn through: II Kim mil banol- Will ruit.iilrr late model touting far ae part . fn.t patmeiil '4ll miner, K-nnoel tlk Huii'lny nr eienliigs. " Miller Park Special :! Choice seven-mum aliicce em. bunga low, complete in every detail, riant : flreplgeg. hookraaea, .un room, Vthina enamel klt hen, three laige bedrooms ami bath; evtt latge eioseig, galeae, t ftont lot with paving all paid, line la nna of the uealeal end best le ealed homes in Una ibnue ilnrlit. Ua abow nu a re-il home; Osborne Realty Co., JA p.iera Trtisl Hl.lg J A S78I, Ideal Bungalow All oak S rooms ami brrgkfaat neok. lovely lot with shruhhetv. elaae to Holy Natneaihool. I'lpe and terms right. Gallagher & Nelson, 3 Peiera Trust Ja, J3l. Mii Lusa Special 7 Rooms Sun Room Here is a fine home. ti"wner paid la.non. 3 laiga bedrooms, tiled hath, beamed ceilings, ftreplare, bookisses, living room a' rose front; paved street; fine double garage. Terms of 11.300 cash. Price only .500. Call Mr. Tollver, at AT. 0731. HASP BltriS, 213 KKKMNK BLDG. Terms Like Rent. We can finance s home for you en ene of our beautiful sightly lots west of Miller park, near Fontenelle boulevard , and clo.e lo alorre and giiiool, Onlv a few left al pilcea from 320 to 8:. Unly a limited number can be handled on thig plan, go hurrv. The Byron Reed Co. Iio. 0297. 1613 Farnam St. 3500 CASH. Want a homo? J have lolg and will build to suit snd let you pay It back like rent, I will build on your lot It you ilclre It. AT. 3501 evenings. BRAND new 6-tuom house. Corner lot. nly 16.500 on your terms. OEORliE F. JONES CO.. DO. FIVE-ROOM home, sir.o cash. 3320 N. 63d. Reduced to I2.400. BEST & GESTRING. PO. SI 35. 1414 N. 33D ST Six-room modern, easy payments; buy for a home. Crelgh, 303 Bee. Jack. 0200. D. R. BUCK ft CO. buy and sell homes. South. S.-.00 CASH AND 340 TEH MONTH buys a 7-r. house In fair shspe with new furnace, neat Hanscom park and Field Hub. V. D. Wead T. IT. Bowman. At. 0161. Visfr model home at 2821 S. 34th St. furnished by Orchard ft Wllhelra Co.. built by C. O. Carlberg. Open week dayi 2 to 5 and 7 to 9 p. m. ; Sun.. 3 to 6 p. m. ; Vacant. FINE double corner at 62d and Farnam Sis. Price, lii.000. ALFRED THOMAS ft SON CO. 604 First Nat. Bank. JA. 0O64. WE are headquarters for vacSht lots snd acreage. BROWNE ft TRACY 54a Securities Bldg. . AT. 8360, Ralston Lots V!7o" payments. Phone 8tewart- Ralston. 10-W. . CHOICE Parkwood lot. 44x633 feet, at 6551 Florence Blvd., must sell at Once. Cnll KE. P460. ' LOTS On S. side of Larlmore Ave., between 24tb and 27th Sts. Will sell on easy payments or will build to your order. AT. 8540. DUNDEE LOT . South of Farnam on 51st; 92,350. Phone. WA. 4187. SACRIFICE lot in Minna Lusa. AT. 9686. Miscellaneous. WK have some excellent brand new 5 room modern homes that cannot be duplicated in the city foe the money, ransing in price from 34,850 to 35,500, and from SiiOO to 31,000 cash, balance less than rent Chas. W. Young & Son, 1603 City Nat. Bank. XT. 9668. Evening, HA. 6051 or AT. 0630. 1500 CASH AND $65 PER MONTH Buys a pobby 6-r. mod. home with oak finish downstairs; gsrage In rear. F. D. Wead & D. H. Bowman, At. 0161. New Bungalow Diamond as part payment. J A. 3318. lononoDonon WE NEED MORE HOUSES OE30E30 Q O a o a o a a o n o a o Especially those that can be sold on easy payments. If yours is for sale call evenings, Webster 5789, Harney 0111, or Market 1139. o Creigh Sons & Co. 2 REALTORS U o Established 1868 . Q 608 Bee Bldg. Jackson 0200 O 30aOE30E3000aOaOE30 I a I Buyers Flocking to Stephenson's That the people of Omaha and nearby towns appreciate our efforts to give them the best auction service in the U. S. is shown very clearly by the crowds attending our sales. Last week people front all classes of society were smong the bidders and several out-of-town customers placed good sized orders. It gives us new determination to make our auctions worth while attending. Tuesday and Wednesday, April 11th and 12th, we offer everything used :n a home, the larger items being: Large size Victrola, genuine ma hogany duofold upholstered in leather, very high-class fumed osk dining room set, golden oak gate leg, golden oak serving table, Shubert piano. American walnut dining room suite, mahogany floor lamp. Stand ard drophead sewing machine with mahogsny pedestsl, panel curtains, Nottingham lace curtains, etc. STEPHENSON Omaha's fastest growing auction hnuae, with the downtown locstfon. 1509 Capitol Ave. AT S26S . l f '71