) T THE UEE: OMAHA. TITS DAY, AMU, 11. 1922. Norton ill Race for Governor; Wray Drops Qut Farm Bureau Head, Under Democratic Standard, Ad min He AUo h Third Tarty Candidate Lincoln, April 10. (Special.) J. S. Norton, pre aident of the , Ne brika Farm federation, today filed ti democratic candidate for gov ernof. Norton admitted lie U entering the race on agreement' with third party iraaera to Become the third party c4iiainaiF tor governor aio. J. II. F.ditmten. third party chair nun. nated Norton petition, for the nomination would be cnt out for signature! today, Norton Noncommittal "If Arthur C. Wray become the third party nominee for t'nited Slates senator and liilhert M. Mitch- cock becomea the democratic nomi nee for I'nited Elates senator, whom will you support." Norton was asked. "i refuse to rros brMgcs before I come to them," he replied. "Will you support both demo cratic and 'third party platform?" he was aske . "I must read them over carefully before I make a statement." Then he announced he was pro ' paring a statement which would be issued tomorrow. Resignation from Bureau. Norton today resigned as president of the Nebraska Farm federation. Norton'i filing follows closely on the hecli of an announcement made yesterday by Arthur G. Wray that he would withdraw as third party candidate for governor and become third party candidate for United States senator with the understand ing that Norton run for governor. 102 Conf ilrmed at Grand Island Church Grand Island, Neb., April 10. , CSpecial.) The largest confirmation class ever joining a Nebraska church of the General Synod with exception of the one at Kountzc Memorial in Omaha, was taken into St Pauls English Lutheran church here. It was divided into two sections, owing to the fact that the congregation has outgrow the church seating capacity. There were 102 in the class and 20 more were taken into mem bership by letter. The pastor, Kev. C. B. Harmon, called to the congregation from the church of Our Redeemer, Omaha, a -ear ago last October, has increased ihe membership hy 248," his first con firmation cbsa a year ago number ing 76. and ortters being taken in by letter. v . The congregation has just voted to remodel and enlarge the present ftructure at an expense of $12,000, work upon which will begin at once, !1 plans later on to ouua an en if'tW new edifice at a cost of from $75,000 to $100,000. The congrega tion is said to be the second largest of the General Synod in the state, ranking next to the Kountze Memorial. The Dancins Master By RUBY If. AY RES. tCasrna-kii HIM Applause to Be Banned at Educational Club Meeting A ban on applause is the order is sued by Miss Belle Ryan, president of the Nebraska Women's Educa tional club, for the annual joint meeting of that organization and the Nebraska Schoolmasters' club in Lincoln May 19. " sThe reason is that four candidates for the sOte superintendence of schools are to be present as honor guests, and the astute Miss Ryan de sires to avoid its becoming known which candidates the organizations favor. , " Candidates are Miss Martha Pow ell, principal of Long school, Oma ha; E. Ruth Pyrtle of Lincoln, John M Matzen. present incumbent, and I Principal Taylor of ..Temple High school, Lincoln. ' . Bids to Be Opened on New Aurora .Christian Church Aurora, Nob., April 10. (Special.) The Congregation of the Christian church voted unanimously to call for bids on the new church and begin work immediately as soon as the contract is let. The new structure will be built on the -basement in which services have been conducted Um I.. 1ft var Tf ie tfmatpri 'v&that $30,000 wi"lf be needed to com-1 plete and furnish the building. A large sum already is available, the church having started its building , fund four years ago. De Molay Order Chapter Is Organized at Sidney ! Sidney, Neb., April 10 (Special.) A chapter of the Order of De Mo lay for boys was instituted in Sidney by officers of the chapter from Al liance, assisted by Zoro D. Clark of Omaha. The chapter membership is . 51 and Leon Fine, ranking Scottish Rite Mason of Sidney, will be the "dad" of the chapter. Road Conditions Fnraltbtf T the Omaha Auto Clnb. Lincoln Mshway. east: Hoada good: de tour Just tha other aide of Council Bluffs: Marahalltown roada fair: Cedar Rapid, report, roada In bad condition. Richland cutoff! Roada muddy. 0. L. D. hlirhway: Roada fair to food. ; Lincoln hlctiway. west: Roada muddy; ralnfnc hard at Fremont: roada fair every place except Grand Island; roada reported muddy there. Cornhuaker highway: Roada fair. f Street road: Fair. 8. T. A. road: Fair: muddy in stretches. George 'Washington highway: Roads ood. ... Black Hills trail: Roada muddy in at retches. Omaha-Toneka highway: Roada muddy. 1. O. A. ehortline: Roada fair. Rluetraas road: Roads fair. Custer Battlefield highway: Roads muddy In stretches through Iowa: South Dakota roada paasacle except Black Hills ."district: snow and rain reported there and Yoads lmpassabla for fsw days. King of trails, south: Roada muddy; raining hard. - Rlver-to-Rlrer road1: Very muddy; rain lag hard. White Fols road: Fair; muddy (a stretches. Weather reported cloudy at every point, with rain at a good many points both east an west. Predictions for continued cloudiness; Klnr of Trails, north: Roade flr:rough la stretches north of Missouri Valley. t Sural. VJIsaawtb Teaum, swale? girl, la ! ! bar (Mr ewMelwe. Ikr lake ar kali. ae feale ItswaJr ik assairas laaaat baa h4i, kwMwl, iMk a4 laa aaaaat ahrtkea Ike Mlw staaua sw, Ihe aalr let Ik ajaiaaaiac isaa laltaej axr Kami kse la rat fcatstaa. sba UIM, ilk mm surfs. Is) iaark b la 4aaa. tMlsaaata'a rWalissa Sell b Ikal he la aaa Iwsmi Ikal ke le HarrM, aa ikal aka as stat Is) aart bias aaala. oka gas lk rlts. kketa baa 141 itsa Iraal baa a abaaallr Ikal aka last aaat. fal agrewa la Isw'k ber la staaaa. kk inf aa racial? Ikal He4awia bsassiia. law o ark, aarara la lake ekeraje at kef. M taraaar. a asallkr sws. la la aas Ihe kill. rllaa. blb kaa Uarb auk rsraisr. lbs barka la ga la Mealaaae aaeiie' baasa, aka kae fasawail Haaaa allk fat aa4 dUrateve aka la la lata all bias. MaOaata aaaasaw rails la krtag Ika girl basaa. aaj ga aa lik Ika aiaryi IC'aaliaaael fraaa jraalaeaay.) The next itw days were the uiu happiest Klualteth had ever spent Kvervthini teemed burdeu. every- thing an fffiort; even dancing, which he adored, seemed to have lost it joy. The sound of a waltz tune brought alt foolish tears to her eyes; he loneed with all Iter soul to be bark with Royston. .She could not get ued to the erra tic ways of the house; there was nothing regular in its management, Mme. brnrstis had a t rench houe keeper who adnrcd her. and who thought cverylhiiiff the did and said perfection, and they were both thor ough itohcmians ami muddlers. Meals were a.t the oddest times and at any times, oine mornings ma- dame would take it into her head to rise at 6 And make Kliabeth do the same in order to practice before breakfast, and at other times she never appeared till late in the day. "ou think I am inal. chf she said to Elizabeth once. "Pouft What would you? I do as I like, that is all." But she made Elizabeth work; she would allow no half-measures, no fancy dancing, only the dreary mo notony of physical exercise, Swed ish drill and interminable ground work. "ou wish to run before you can walk." she accused the girl once angrily. "Mr. Koyston, we have you to thank for this, hey? But, no! You go back. You learn again, one sten at a time. like a leetfc baby, or you learn nosinu at all from me." 1 here were times when Llizabcth could have thrown herself down and wept; times when she felt shj could have struck Mine. Senestis in sheer exasperation; times when she was so tired that sleep seemed the only desirable thing in the world, and yet, in spite of it all. she knew she was progressing; knew that Royston had been right when he called the French woman a marvel. All sorts of (Juecr people came and went in the house; madame seemed to know almost everyone in London, or so Elizabeth thought. There were titled people and dandified men: beautifully dressed women, and women with more paint on their fares than they had clothes on their backs: rough, common sort of men yho argued about money with Mme. Senestis and with whom she usually succeeded in getting her own way; hut-sometimes she would come in to Elizabeth raving angrily, her mop of hair on end, a bright spot of color in the dead white of her face. Then she would storm up and down the room and talk at a tre mendous' rate in her own language, throwing- her arms wildly about her head and calling upon heaven to wit ness that she would be ruined before she would consent to lower her fees. "I must live! What would you?" she would say and glare at Elizabeth with her queer eyes till the girl felt as if she pefsonaly were responsible for whatever had annoyed madame. Neil Farmer had not been to the house again, and Elizabeth had al most forgotten him when one morn ing, a morning when madame had risen at 6, she came to Elizabeth all smiles. "Today, we have a. little treat to day," she said. "Mistaire Farmer so kind! So rich! He take us out to lunch." Elizabeth flushed; she did not want to go, but was afraid to say so. She had been with madame nearly three weeks jiow, and never once had she been allowed out alone. Either madame herself or the old French housekeeper always accompanied her. , The girl had bitterly Tesented Applied Psychology 3 Free Lectures -by '. America' 8 Greatest Orator Dr. D.V. Bush Author of Will Power and Success ' 8:15 O'CIock P. M. AUDITORIUM April 11th to 13th Inclusive Tuesday, April 11th 7:45 P. M. Tha Law of Vi bration and Its Use. There is no more important law in the realm of mental science . than the law of vibration. This lecture is invaluable to anyone -who is seeking to solve the problems of ill health, vocation, prosperity and success. 8:30 P. M. Man's Worst Enemy. The unseen world. Everyone Invited lit t first, but now it no lunger ! a.aaSklaal ft IMlllHS) Koyston had i4 she would soon get ied to the new mode of living, and she supposed that what li all doing. Two da s after her arrival she had written to him; a short. rej little vote, very school girlish note, in which she told him that she quite well, but tint my happy, and working lurd, Hut no answer had rome, and it was not possible for hliabcth to know that her letter had never been sent; that nisdaine had seen to whom it wit addressed, shrugged her shoulders and eu sinned it to the waste paper basket. Koyaton did not enter at all into her scheme of thins. The same fate bctcll the only let ter Elizabeth wrote to Netta, and she imagined that they had not been answered became Royston and Net U had no more time to waste over l.rr. And the fact nude her rliun the more to Mine. Senestis, and she be gan to grow almost fond of the J-reneli woman. "She's alt 1 have in the world." F.lifaheth was always reminding her self. "1 must like hcrl I just mustl" Mie workea couecicuuousiy ana did her utmost to plcae, but the sift had koiic out of life. Even the many new frocks which madame had chosen for .her only awakened a passing, enthusiasm. Al though she did not realize it, she nan only willed to wear pretty clothes so that Koyston might see her as he saw the other women of the world, and now that he was no longer with her it mattered very little what she wore. But today madame was unusually particular about Elizabeth's toilet; she kept coming into the room when the girl was dressing and complain ing and criticising. "You are too pale, too trite. Where are your roses, ma petite?" sne coiisinrrcu L-naucui mr moment with her head on one sine. and then went off like a whirlwind to her own rooms, returning with some rouge. When Elizabeth ob jected she stamped a high-heeled shoe at her. "And who is the mis tress, 1 ask you?" she demanded. "Is it you, or is it I? Very well; then you do as I tell you." She put a little color into the girl s cheeks and seemed well pleased with the result. Ah, now! Jlistaire Farmer he recognize his country rose, is it not.'; she said, nodding her head vigorously. Elizabeth glanced at herself in the glass and quickly turned away again. W hat would rat Royston think it he saw her? she wondered. (Continued In The Bra Tomorrow.) Three Men, Who Admit Store Robbery, Jailed at McCook McCook. Neb.. April 10. (Spe cial.) Stanley Christianson, Chester Miles and Bernard Carrier were brought to McCook and placed in the county jailt having confessed to stealing merchandise worth many hundred dollars were stolen from a store at Shipply. Christianson and Carrier arc single young men, Miles has a wife and baby. The trio came from Kansas, just south of Lebanon, this county. Butler Champs at Bit in Race for Governor Onuluit About Hrady to File Candidacy Would Add Zest to Thorny Demo (ratio Situation. The announcement that J. X. Nor ton of Polk will be a gubernatorial Candidate on democratic and pro grrive tickets at the July primaries has had reaction on I). 8. Duller, city commissioner, who already lias hem mentioned in connection with ihe democratic contest for the noin inatioii. "It is beginning to look as if ! will get into the race for nomination for governor," aaid Mr. Hutler yes terday. "The situation is clearing. Norton's status would not affect my decision one way or the other." The eonimijoner added that he would like to know whether Theo dore CMcrmau of Merrick intended to file. s. "Hut. on second thought. I don't know whether Overmans candidacy would deter sue from tiling," he aid. "The fact of the matter is. that I am waiting to hear from peti tions which are being circulated from me out in the state. A com mittee of Lincoln men called last Saturday to ask for my decision." It is generally known that there is b friendly understanding between Charles w, Hrvan of Lincoln and Mr. Butter, and it is also believed that if Mr. Butler should get into the race he would add a little rest to the democratic situation which already is beset with political tares and thorns. Officers Unexcited Over Mail Robbery Council Bluffs is all worked up over the prospect of another Bur lington mail train robbery. But Burlington railroad officials refuse to get excited over the dis covery that a mail car on their line had been looted somewhere between Omaha and Chicago. Parcel post packages consigned to points west were stolen, it was said, rostoffice Inspector Glenn of the Bluffs declared the loot would not total more than $5(10. Postofficc Inspector Coble of Omaha said he hasn't even been no tified of the case and W. N. Stamp er, chief special agent for the Bur lington in Omaha, did not start to work onthe case until yesterday afternoon? Complaint Drawn Against Former Head of Schools Lincoln, April 10. Formal com plaints against Rhue Green, former superintendent of Pilger schools, on the charge of debauching five male students and depraving their morals, have been drawn by Assistant At torney General Dort and sent to County Attorney V. P. Cowan at Stanton, at the lattcr's request. The complaints are to be filed in the ccunty court before Judge Louis pern, it was stated. "aK,.. U-k An Announcement of Interest .to the Omaha Public Another Buehler Bros. - CASH Market Will Open Wednesday, April 12th 1407 Douglas Street The opening of this newest Buehler Bros. Market will provide many Omaha people, who have heretofore found our other three markets inconvenient for them, with the opportunity to avail themselves of Buehler Bros. ' remark able values. : ' This location has been thoroughly renovated and repainted and placed in the finest sanitary condition, which is an un varying policy of the Buehler Bros. Markets. It will offer Buehler Bros, unequalled values in meatg and provisions and will also carry a-full line of quality gro ceries at economy prices. You will jvant to become ac quainted with this new market. Watch for Opening Announcement Special Offerings Wednesday Omaha Railroad Detective Dies J. ( Yiaril Lvritnl U. 1. tu ial Apfitt for 10 Year. J. C. Virard. IS, 2JI7 North Twenty.eiond street, fr more than .'0 years employed as a special agent for the L'uiou 1'aciiic railroad in Unuiia, ami a resident of tin's city since IMS, died at a local hospital Sunday following a long illness, Mr. Vlnard was born in Man chester, kugland. He came to America when but a small boy with his parents, who settled at ktniMloii. Wis. J. C. Vmard. , ,.w yrars ago his health begun to f.iil and he was comK-lled to reinn his position. Mr. izarj u survived ny Ins widow. Mr. Alice iard; their son, Carl, and a siter, Mrs. David I'arrott of Albion, Neb. Funeral service will be held Wed nesday at 2 at the Mamiic temple, Nineteenth and Douglas streets. Services will be in charge of Nc I raska todiic No. 1, A. 1'. and A. Ma, of which Mr. Vitard was a mem ber, assisted by Kev. Albert Kuhn. Ilurial will be in the mausoleum at West Lawn cemetery. ttllltlltilMttttMtltltttltltllttttltlllttttMltttlltnMltltttltlitllMIMItltt'ttMllttllMllttttttiMtlltMtttttt.lMMIItllttlltltttttril MM,,,; I f IKE Mft'i!.IM.0S Hfl8B Easter Op portunities il jMr The Uraktman UNDERSTUDYtothe conductor, and his most valuable aide, the Brakeman is one of the out standing figures among the Mm Who Make A Railroad. In immaculate uniform he calls the stations on the fast passenger train ; in dungarees and cap you see him atop a swaying car on the fast freight. The Brakeman s job is one of hazard and hard work; yet Great Western Brakemen never fail to find time for courtesy. THE TWIN CITT LIMITED Imtbs Omtba dail? at 7:30 P. M.. rrinnl St. Paul 7:95 A. M. and Minne apolis 8:35 A. M Rochester. Minne sota Iby connecting train I, 8:.10 A. M. ' Special club car serving- lunches at all hours. Information, reservation!, tc, from t ' MARSHALL B. CRAIQ General Agent, Pattengir Dept. 1418 rirat National Bank Bldg. Telephone J A ckson 0260 CHICAGO GMT WESTERN JlnJ.71nt7r a Tteu) confection -anew treat ; arj ice cream sanimich., ol Saiin. tee cream ' and caramel sutfar ' wafers J 'ICS CREAM COMJUAV J 1,000 Fiber Silk Sweaters In New Styles and Colors Worth $5 to 7.50 3.95 Sizes 34to46 Lip Stick Red, Canna, Mohawk, Orchid, Periwinkle, Jade, Brown, Navy, Black There are tuxedo and slip-over styles in dozens of plain and fancy weaves with new and unusual collar innovations. Second Floor Center Attractive Hats for Easter Priced at 10.00 Fine straws, Milan hemps, hair cloth and silks effectively trimmed with an abundance of flow ers. There is a beauty , of shape, a richness of material and a quality of workmanship in these hats that is rarely offered at this price. Second Floor East. Two-Tone Sport Oxfords For Women Matching the feature color of the Spring wardrobe beige these two toned oxfords have won Instant popularity. Those in champagne color of Smoked Elk with tan "saddle" across the in- r7 ETA step, cupped rubber sole and spring heel are priced at Third Floor East Silk Scarfs They're all the rage and a very pret ty one it is. The charm of the spring coat or tweed suit is immeasurably en hanced by one of these bright colored scarfs. In Roman stripes or plain sport shades. Special at, A. to : ". ; Main Floor East. 1 98 to 6.50 Silk and Fiber Hose Semi-fashioned hosiery with mercerized tops and reinforced heels and toes j in the wanted shades, including tan, brown and black. , " OK Per pair, J. MU Basement Arcade ' Easter Gift Novelties Smart Handbags Attractively priced. Collegian Girdles Of narrow tu-tone ribbon, in every color; made to1 order " 1.98 io 2.98" - Main Floor North. ' Boys' Blue Serge Suits Good looking 'Norfolk styles, made of all wool blue serge, with full lined knickers. Sizes 6 to 17 years. . Specially priced at 8.00 Basement Arcade Trimmed Hats Numerous modes for street and sport wear offer many charm ing possibilities in the choice of a shape to becomingly top the spring costume. yj AP Priced, t.VO Basement East potions for Pre-Easter Sewing ,T. & F. Coats' Six-Cord Thread 6 spools 25$ Imported Sewing Seedles 25 needles to the package 2Mi Foot Form Stocking Darners 15c value, 10 J Singer Sewing Machine OH 15c bottle, 10c Paper Shopping Bags A 10c bag for 7 Cnbes of HeadedTMns 73 Safety Pins A 10c card for 3 Elastic Remnants to 1-yd. remnants, 103 J. & P. Coats' Mercerised Darning Cotton A regular 15c spool for 10J Children's Gray Elastic Hose Supporters All sizes, at 10$ Star and 0. '. T. Crochet Cotton 3 balls 253 Stocking Feet for Silk Stockings Prac tical and easy to sew on. 25$ Twill Tape 3-yard bolt 2'4$ Rlrkrack Braid Colors black and white. By the yard, 2 yards for 5$ Wash Edgings Fast colors, regularly 15c, special, at 9$ Bom per Braids For trimming rompers, wash suits and dresses. A 25c bolt for 19$ WearcTer and Presto Bnbber Pants for Babies Specially priced at 25$ Dr. Parker's Sopporter Waists for Boys and Girls Each t 49$ Cushion Collar Bands All sizes. A 12 He value, special,' at 5$ Xothtex Garment Bags Moth and dust proof bags for storing winter garments. 26x55 inches. Specially priced 69$ Main Floor South i ! 'tlllllllllllllillllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllHiilllllUllimilllllllUllllllllliillllllllliiiM