Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 10, 1922, Page 8, Image 8

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Council Bluffs Legion Post . Calls Off Fight Show Scheduled for Tonight
Unable to Get
Opponent for
'Cowboy' Patett
Hartry Thorpe, Murphy,
O'Kffff ami Walkrr In
to ulitilute for
The Council Rlutf American Le
gion honing show sihrdulrd for the
lillttf auditorium lonighl. has been
tailed off. it wa announced ester
da v.
The liuloliiy of the legion match
maker to secure an opponent for
'I'm boy" I'adjfrtt. Dolores (Colo,
welterweight, in the main event,
tausrd the post officials In cancel
I hi show, t
"Kid" Sihlaifcr, Omaha, was
scheduled ! meet "Cowboy" in a
ID-round main event. The "Kid"
injured hi luii'l during training
Saturday afternoon and was forced
I ix t-Mni'iil bis ltnnf 4
1 lie Hindi matchmaker kept tlie
telegraph wire hot Saturday night
ind Sunday morning in an attempt
to secure an opponent for Padgett
llarvoy Thorpe aUo has an injured
hand and wa unable to eonie.
Ir.mkir Murpliv, Dcnnic O'Keefe
and Mickey Walker were unable
to jniimey to the Bluffs became of
other date.
At a result of Schlaifer't accident,
the Iowa legion post lost nearly
,'Jo'inny Ro. manager of Stan
ley Kverett. i'eoria (111.), batant,
who was scheduled to meet "Buck'
Timothy of Davenport in a 10
ronnd semiwindup, left last night
for I'eoria where he has a bout
Nourse Oils
Roll Into Lead
at State Meet
Local Bowlers' Score Game
Total of 2,979 "Bill"
Barron Leads
Total Errata.
t... Total.
Nourse OIK .!
t.orrfon Chocolate. t.'AI
P. Slelrhlor Hon S.1SS
lulled mates National Banw. ...... .
llussnnf Fords, Lincoln S,IM
Omaha National Hank 8.
titnhe foundry, Lincoln S.S2S
1 nlversal Auto Top
Omaha Elk.. No. I t.613
Doubles. '
r. Mavlan-W. Rarron 1.'S
W. VVelt-t. Winn ; l.liS
l. flerk-H. McCoy 1.1 IS
A. Jenen-.. Fletcher l.Wt
II. Hoa(-:. Ronton !.
V. 8irnne;ler-R. Nprancler, Lincoln,. 1.095
K. Buahman-W. Hatea LOSS
f. Irnrh-.. t'hristrnsen, Lincoln.. I.O-'
A. Eockr-A. Hofman 1.013
W. Barron
I'. Bonton "
II. Slctoy .-. '
H. Hoe
F.. Xnal "?
i. Kennedy '
A. Jensen ... . nM
A. Fletcher
K; Mnurer J"
1. Clark i. M
W. Rli t.
1.. Jioriaard 49
the Nourse Oils rolled into the
lead in the team events of the sev
enth annual Nebraska state bowling
tournament Saturday at the Oma
lu Alleys with a total of 2,979, a
. record score for tcam bowling in
, Omaha, ,
At Wartchow was high man on
the Oils vith-aamc total of 646.
Wartchow's game score was the
highest of the evening. He clipped
the pins for games of 214, 234 and
198. ' Gus Toman was second high
howlcr.on the Nourse squad with
594. :.:'
" Gordons Third.
.The Gordon Chocolates and their
. 2.754 score are- in) third place in the
team standings as a result of yester
dav's pin-tumbling carnival.
the Hussong Fords of Lincoln
flivvcred into fifth place in the team
events with a score of 2.654. .
In the. doubles, F. Moylan and
'"Bill" Barron head the list with a
total of 1.136. W, Watt and C. Winn
are trailing second with 1,123.
Mavlan scored games of 181,171
and 213; while "Cigar" Barron bowl
ed, games of 175, 209 and 187.
Barron High.
. Barron is high thus far in the
singles with. 624, C. Benton is sec
ond with 593 and H. McCoy third
with 580. ,
In bowling high single score, Bar
rdn dumped the sticks for scores of
184, 193 and 247. r
The third, day of the tournament
will start at 9 o'clock this morning
with a squad of doubles taking the
lane Doubles, singles and team
events will, be rolled today.
Bloomfield to Have
Ball Team This Season
Bloomfield. Neb., April 9. (Spe
cial.) At a meeting held last night
it was decided to have- a ball team
here this season and the following
'officers were elected: President, J.
B. Gossard; secretary, V. G. Lonie;
board of trustees, E. H. Mason, H.
C Dierks and C. T. Hcckt; scorer,
J. H. Gesler. The selection of cap
tain and manager will be made later.
There is a lot of good material and
- the outlook for a good team is
Questions and Answers
Copyricht. 192;.
Q. If a batter hits a homo run and
fails to touch first bast, what kind ot a
hit docs ho at?
A. Ha iVcoirrs no hit of any kind. H
Is called out for failure to touch first.
Csn a two-bagger bs msde if the
ball doss not go out of th infield ?
A. Yea. If the runner Is fast enourh
he ral(ht make It under rertaln condi
tions. , -
Q. Can a ratcher play back and take
too first ball on 'tis bound?
A. So. This h not Permitted under
ton rules.
Q. Does that team at bat have to ask
the umpire to decide a talk?
. A. No. The umpire should decide with
out being asked to.
May an amateur player be- fined?
A. No. Only profesatenal players.
Don't argue oer base hall decisions
or record. Write the Jsortlna; Edi
tor, enclosing stamped, self -ad dressed
Hats Off
We take off our
to J oik Hutch).
ton ut I Imago
(above), Hritihoptii
gulf champion, who
alter many moon
won premier honor
in a nig tournament
on tin fide of the
pond. 1 1 is mot re
ant win was trored
in the open tourna
ment of the Colum
bia Country club,
Washington, I). C.
when he showed a
card of 295. lie dis
played hi real play
ing worth on the
ftccomt day of the
tutirney. when tie
tame home with a 76
and a 72. follow inu
hi tirnt day's total
of 147 to John Far
rclls 144. The lattr
went into the last
round with a two
stroke lead on Jock,
hut failed to do bet
ter than 78. as
against the Chica
goan's 72.
The Play of Men Against Women.
I have been repeatedly asked what
I consider the number of strokes
that a first-class man golfer can
fairly give to a lady of like class
among her own sex. It is an inter
esting question and while I have
no exhaustive data on the subject,
I think I have enough to at least es
tablish a general line. .
I have not had a special oppor
tunity, to see women play, but last
summer Robert Gardner and I
played in a very interesting mixed
four-ball match with Miss Alcxa
Stirling and Miss Elaine Rosenthal,
both noted players. I think that it
was demonstrated in that match thnt
the men led the women some 15
or 16 strokes. I was curious to sec
where the extra strokes came in. It
Alliance Legion
to. Stage Fight
Alliance, Neb., April 9. (Spe
cial.) The second boxing event on
the program of the Alliance post of
the American Legion will take place
April .21 at the roof garden stadium,
when Joe (Wop) 'Flynn and
"Young" Billie Papke, Denver light
weights, meet in a 10-round bout.
' Papke won his way into the hearts
of the fans here last month when he
knocked out "Farmer" Mel Wyland
in the first round of a scheduled six
round battle, and local fistic enthu
siasts, have been clamoring to, get
him back with a really good man as
his opponent, In ."Wop'' Flynn,
fight fans say he will have a worthy
adversary, and great interest is man
ifest in the forthcoming battle. A
list of good preliminaries and a semi
windup event are also on the boxing
Omaha and Des Moines Oldest
Members of Western League
Wichita s"47 a fl 7 flT T
Om&tta ' 5 1 a 2 3 3 I 2 3 5 3 i3 5 & 17S A j j
tklahomat City 16 5 3 5
iouuecity T , gT-fgj n-gggigirsizg
Joplirt 2 4 7 6 5
St. Joseph I3I3I5I4I6I61 I I I Ifc 12 21 3 1 3 Ifll 7 bi?! 7i I Is lb I
Hutchinson 1
Lincoln 111? I II 4 5 s zrt
Denver 1 44"55 z4g 1 1 1 zzll
Topeka. 487577 3 6 "r
Pueblo 6 I5 5 5 5 SIT
Colorado Springs ? fe I T
MilwauKce 3j
Kansas city 115
Peoria ST
St.Paul J
Minneapolis I M I I M I I I I 1 I I I I 1 1 1 I I I
Return of Denver to tlje Western
league this season brings back one
of the charter members of the cir
cuit, an organization that dates back
to what is termed the beginning of
modern baseball 1900. It was in
this year the American league blos
somed out as the second major.
During the 22 seasons since then,
only two have continued the strug
gle, 'year in and year outj without
a single break. These are Omaha
and Des Moines.
Sioux City and St. Joseph of the
present personnel, also were charter
members, but Sioux City dropped
out in 1901, 1902. 1903 and for the
second half of 1917 and St. Joseph
quit from 1906 to 1909.
After starting with the Jeague,
winning the first pennant and then
three others in 1911, 1912 and 1913,
Denver w as ditched before the open
ing of the season of 1918 because of
the war. This season will be the
first for the mile-high city since
Many of the present generation
to Mr. Jock
I S 9" Mi
' ,
: -i f
( : J
is true their average drive was
shorter, but many a man with no
longer drive gets home without
many extra strokes.
On the ninth hole, I missed my
drive somewhat, and then saw the
difference. I used a mashie, and
they used a brassie, and every one
knows that an iron shot to the green
is easier and surer than a wooden
one. I think I discovered the secret
the shots are chiefly made up on
the second shot to the green.
As a rule, women do not recover as
well as men, neither do they play cut
shorn with ths same ability. If a woman
Is playing her brassie well, snd her run
up shots and "cuts' are good, the man
who gave her a half stroke a hols would
he hard put.
It Is easier to give nine strokes In H
holes, than a half on every hole, but my
rather limited experience lends me to be
lieve that a first-class man can give a first
class American woman player the half
stroke, providing always that the course
la a really tesilmt one. There are In this
country plenty of "leveling courses" where
no odds would be fair, but 1 feol that on
a stiff course like Pine Valley, one could
give ono stroke on 13 holes and win. a I
say American players, because I .do not
believe that a leading American or Ca
nadian man golfer can give a leading
British "Indy golfer" any very great odds.
The British Ipdy golfer Is a great In
stitution; .her strength, skill and industry
almost beyond belief. 1 beliove this not
withstanding the grand showing of the
American women golfers on the occasion
of Miss Cecil I.eitch's visit last-season.
The superb playing of Mrs. "Fred Letts and
Miss Marion Hollins can never be forgot
ten. In 1911 a team of American ' women
played In the British championship, at
Newcaatle, County Down, and they did
not have a chance. That same year I was
at Stoke Peges, England, where a match
was held between men and women, and
the women won. There was the custom
ary half a stroke a hole. A few years
Ister Harold Hilton played In a very fa
mous match with Miss Cecil Leitch. He
gave her half a stroke a hole and was
beaten 2 and 1. The courses played over
were Walton Heath and Sunnlngdale.
The quality of play of women on this
side of the Atlantic Is approaching the
standard of their British sisters, however.
As the game growa In popularity with
our women their standard of play Is
higher. .
(Copyright, 1922.)
Western league fans may not know
that this circuit has played ball in
19 of the leading- cities of the middle
west. M inneapolis, St. Faul, Kan
sas City, Milwaukee, now meriibers
of the American association were
Western leaguers a couple of dec
ades ago. -
Among the others who no longer
belong are Peoria, Colorado Springs,
Pueblo, Topeka, Lincoln, Hutchin
son, Joplin. -
Des Moines, a second division club
since the war, has won mode pen
nants than anv other scoring in 1905
and 1906, 1909, 1915 and 1917,
Denver is second best with its four
championship clubs.
Kansas City won two flags during
the three years it raced in this cir
cuit. In spite of its 22 attempts
Omaha has scored only twice, the
first time in 1907 and then again
The accompanying table shows
how the various clubs have fased
from year to year.
(Copyright, 15:;.)
Parsons Will
Ship Stable to
Ak-Sar-Beii Meet
.billiard woiultr, inrrt lieorge
Huron II, Shifty. C. A. Cum.!'-- .. "'I W". '
' ' . ... ...1.-.. 1...
.krjr ami M.irr ?uie
Anioiip Jtuniirr Stlirt!-
ulml fur Iah Truck.
Tijuana Men Wil -I -(Wiial i
ti ...-.1 1.. .1.. .,.1.1.. i 1 1
-i'"1' " m
I'arun, that astute western hrse
nun, and thoroughbred follow rrs who
attend the summer mertliiii at
Omaha w ill see a tine lot of .printer
carrying the pink and blue colors v(
this Montana horseman. Parson
announced today that at the conclu
sion 01 the Tijuana Hireling April J.I
he will ship Ins (Mrnivc siring to
No sialilo at the track boasts of
such combined speed as docs the
house of l'aroiiN. He has some
horse for a distance of ground, hut
most of hi raring tools are live and
si;; furlong home and the way they
ran turn on is a caution. No horse
man on the Tijuana track has had 1
more meteoric career than Parwus,
It was not long ago that 1'arsons'
colors were carried hy a singh
standard-bearer and this was a iud
named Montana flclle. She was a
very ordinary sort, but proved the
foundation of the now extensive
string w hich this owner has acquired
and which contains enough speed to
win linn nurses on any man race
track. Parsons ranks among the w in
ning owners at this meeting.
Good Winners.
Included in his string are Huron
II, Shifty, Sister Susie. Carrie Moore,
C. A. Comiskey. Duly Fashion,
Booncville, N'eg. Don Dodge and
others. Hooncvillc and Don Dodge
are his distance performers, while all
the others like a sprint. Booncville
and Don Dodge are two of the most
consistent route runners here and
have won more than their share of
the races. Huron II has the honor
of taking Motor Cop into camp and
also that clever horse Mulciber, the
latter being the winner of the $20,000
Coffroth handicap. Shifty is an ex
tremely useful filly. She is by
Iloneywood and shows a high turn
of speed at five furlongs. C. A.
Comiskey is one of the most con
sistent horses ever racing in the west.
Before purchased by Parsons this
horse won a string of races for G.
A. Getchcll and was scarcely ever
out of the money. Duly Fashion is
a horse of some whims and seems
to do his best work on a sloppy
track. Give him this kind of a course
and he will take a lot of beating.
Sister Susie is a mighty sweet mare.
She is by Galveston and during the
early part of the meeting here she
won several purses for Parsons.
There is fnot a "dead" horse in the
t'arsons string and tliey should
prove a formidable lot at Omaha.
Owner Parsons will have the ser
vices of the aggressive jockey, G.
Williams. This elongated rider is a
hustling reinsman and has the knack
of getting his mounts away from the
post in a hurry and never allowing
them to loiter.
Prdduct of West.
Parsons has devoted most of his
life to horses. He is truly a product
of the west and the range. His
daughter, Nellie Parsons, is a cham
pion exhibition and trick rider and
won signal honors at the Cheyenne
(Wyo.) Frontier Days and the Pen
dleton (Ore.) Roundup. She has
been quite a figure here in galloping
horses during their morning exercise
and it's highly likely that Omaha
fans will see the novelty of a pretty
girl giving thoroughbreds their
Horsemen at Tijuana are taking a
keen interest in the Omaha meeting,
which will be inaugurated on Tune
3. and it is expected that when the
curtain falls at the border track on
ApriL23 many owners of the better
class horses will join the vanguard
that will make the corn center their
mecca for summer racing.
Golt Facts
Worth Knowing
Copyright, 1922.
Q. Is there any penalty where a play
er's ball after being driven hits something,
bounds back and toushea himT
A. Yea, loss of ths hole In match play,
and one stroke In medal nlav. nnlesa It
happens. on the putting green, then two
Q. Is there any difference In the rules
for professionals and amateurs?
. A. Xnne. As a matter nf -tttvt. mn.t nm.
fesslonal events are played at stroke com
petition, wnne most amateur events are
played at match play, usually with a pre
liminary medal qualifying round in the
united states. Hut rules are the same for
both amateur and professional.
Q. If a player hooka or slices a ball
Into the rough very near a boundary line,
then plays a aecond ball, can he assume
a penalty for the first ball, count it as out
of bounds, and go on playing the second
A. 'n. If his opponent Is In doubt as
to whether the first went out he ran in
sist that the usual searrh of fire minutes
he made, before declaring the first ball
lost, In case it Isn't found.
Q. la it permissible to press down the
turfhear the edge of the cup, when it
appears to have been gouged or otherwise
displaced or disturbed ?
A. No. Make your 'putt, then repair
the damage.
Q. la there any rule to prevent two
players, or even more from using a aingle
bag to carry their clubs, or must each
carry his clubs or have them carried
A, No, there Is no such regulation in
the rules of golf, hut some clubs and some
public links hare been known to establish
such a rule.
If any golf rules puzzle you, write
' the sports editor of The Bee, enclos
ing stamped return envelope.
Today in Ring History
One Hundred SeTCnty-Two Years Ago.
Jack Broughton. who had held the
heavyweight title, bare knurnlea. In Eng
land. 18 years, beaten by Jack Slack In
14 minutes.
Thirty-Seven Years Age.
Joe T.annon won from llatt Cunning
ham, Boston, five rounds.
Ten Years Ago.
Frankle Burns against Chlcak Hayes,
no decision. New Tork, 19 rounds.
Young Jack O'Brien against Frank
Erne. no decision, Philadelphia." t!x
Seven Years Ago.
Frankle Callshan against Willie Brown,
no decision. Brooklyn, 10 rounds.
Five Years Ago.
Sam T.angford aaginst Jack Thompson,
no decision, Brooklyn, 10 rounds.
Four Tears Ago.
Tnung Tal Moore (Thomas Wilson
Ve) won from Johnny Ertle, Balti
more,' Md., IS round
Handless Billiard Wonder Will
Play In Exhibition Matches Here
tieufjje II, Sutton, (lie h"d't
,ua , , , , lhc tv4dfmy hil-
j bf d arr, irr plrd here
iUt it if. hut Nitnm lu not uu
1 ('fared here in
In iiiuse wii.i have nevrr luil a
c,," ' 'Sl,"' I'1-4)-
!." -..' " -"
1 i,-n,, couiu Mm la manipulate a
billiard tut. Sutton tun only dc
it. but d's it wiih such skill that he
rank a one of the leading halklme
star. At New Yoik city he made
thf world' hiishesi run of "w at IK -2
bulkline. In addition to playing bit-
Spudders Win
Out in Tenth
With Single
Local Collect Only Five
Hit Off I Misery of
Tcan Leapuc
Wichita Falls, Tex.. April 9.
(Special Telegram.) The Buffaloes
did everything in their power to
stave off the inevitable here Saturday
hut the fates were not with them and
the Wichita Falls Spudders nosed
them out in the 10th inning, 3 to 2.
That the Western leaguers wore
defeated was in no way due to Her
man, who parked one of Knadlcr's
slants in the second round with one
mau abroad and gave his mates a
one run lead until it was thrown
away bv CofTcndalftT in the eighth.
The hurling on both sides was of
the midseason variety, but Coffeu
dalTer presented the home club with
the tying run in the eighth and got
himself into a hole in the Mth that
he could not duck. He filled the
comers in this round ai(d then had
to face- a pinch l.iacr. who singled
and brought in the winning run.
The Buffaloes jumped into the
lead in the second round whrn Grif
fin singled down the third base line
with one away and touched all the
bags on Herman's drive over the
left field fence.
The Texas leaguers came back in
the same canto and counted once
after two men had been rcircd. The !
run was of the cheapest variety, but i
counted nevertheless. Miller drove
a single through tnc nox, wnicn
bounded away from Manush, and
when Griffin made a wild heave on
the return Miller romped home un
molested. The Spudders second run was a
gift. It occurred in the eighth and
two men had been retired once
again. Schmidt was hit by one of
Coffcndaffer's slants and he scored
when the same man threw wild to
first in an effort to catch him nap
ping. Coffcndaffer hit Besche in the, 10th
for a starter and the latter romped
to third when Miller singled to right.
Acting under orders, "Coffey" pass
ed Sorey, but Manager Salm sent
Frank Kitchens into hit for Schmidt
and he crashed a single inside third,
which sent Birch home with the
winning tally.
The box score:
GIsl's'n. 2b 6 0 4 0
Mac, ss 4 10 4
I-ee, If 4 0 B 0
Manush, ef 4 0 1 (I
Griffin, rf 4 13 0
Summa. rl i I H
Tanner, 2b S
O'Brien, cf 4
M'D'n'd 3b S
B'eher, lb 4
Miller, If 6
Sorey. ss 3
Schmidt, c 3
Knadler, p 2
imrr'gh, p 0
Blshoff , 0
Kitchens 1
i 2
1 o
1 is
3 2
l 1
0 0
0 0
1 0
UIHerm'n, lb 4 2 12 0
41 0'tham, 3b 4 1 3 1
0 Wilder, o 4 0 3!!
2 Newk'k, p 2 0 1 (I
(l C'ofd'r, p S002
0 Totals 37 S 27 14
Totals 37 10 30 17
Bischoff batted for Knadler in eighth.
Kitchens batted for Schmidt In tenth.
Score by Innings:
Wichita Falls HHMII1I 13
Omaha 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 02
Summary Kuns: rsescner, jiiiier,
Schmidt, Griffin, Herman. Home run;
Herman. Stolen bases: Mee, Grantham,
O'Brien. Double play: Sorey to Tanner.
Illls: Off Newkirk, 6 In 4 innings; off
Coffendaffer. 6 In 6 innings. Bases on
balls: Off Newkirk, 1: o Coffendaffer,
i struck out: Bv Knadler. 5: by Cof
fendaffer, 3; by rarough, 3. Hit by
pitched ball: 8chmidt, Bescher. Errors:
Bescher. 2; Sorey, Manuah, Griffin. Grant
ham. Time of game: 2:05. Umpire:
Lexington Wins
National Cage Title
Chicogo, April 9. Lexington,
Kentucky, won the national inter
scholastic basket ball champion
ship last night by defeating Mount
Vernon, O., 44 to 28. Rockford,
ill., finished third, and Nashville,
Tenn., fourth.
Hail at Virginia . Breaks
All Windows in Buildings
Pawnee City, Neb., April 9. -(Special
Telegram.) A hail storm passed
through Virginia, just west of here.
Every pane of glass was broken out
of the windows on the west side of
the large consolidated high school
building. Ninety-eight panes were
broken. Every glass on -the west
side of the church was broken. Some
damage was done to fruit trees.
Exhibition Games
Cincinnati, O., April 9. R. H. E,
Boston Americans 3 6 0
Cincinnati Nationals 5 7 3
Batteries: Piercy, Karr and Runt; Don
ohue and Wlngo.
Brooklyn, April 9 B. H. P
New York Americans 4 9 2
Brooklyn Nationals 0 3 2
Batteries: Mays. Bush and Srhang;
Vance, Alamaux and leberry. Miller.
New Tork. April 9. R. H E.
Chicago Americana 3 In 1
New Tork Nationals 2 6 0
Batteries: Wilkinson and Schalk: J.
Barnes, Shea, Jonnard and Snyder.
Washington, April 9. (Ten innings).
R. H. E.
Boston Nationals 2 1" 1
Wsshinglun Americana 3 9 2
Batteries: Wilson. Fillinglm snd
O'Neil; Brlllheart. Uleason and Uharrity.
St. Louis. Ad.-II 9. R. H. B.
St, I.ouis Amerirsos t, 12 1
St. I.ouis Nationals 3 12 3
Batteries: Vsnrullder and fievereid;
Doali and Ainsuiith.
I lards Suu n i an expert penman.
.4 cartoonist ( merit, an rictt nllc
Und pistol shot, play golf, diive
1 lfi& ... at ant.k un,l il.htt tlillllfr.itlfc !
j oilier eeninigly initiossible feat
1 without hands.
1 Sprart ha held the tia!tiht rail
championship for a number of years
and i a favorite wiih the l"l fans,
haling appeared here eeral tune
lhc lat lew )rars. He ha a pro
fiani of titer .'la1! fancy shot, and
vill display hi skill in that hue alter
the match game with Milton.
Stilton and Sprar are playing here
under the niaiuiimirnt of l.Ur U.
Sxar. who will alo bring Kalph
(ireeulcaf. world rhampioii pocket
billiard player, here April I').
"Cap" Adrian Anson
Hushed to Hospital
Chicago. April 9, "Cap"
.drain C. Anton, famoui old
time baseball player and captain
of the Cub's ball club, was
stricken in the street today and
rusher) to a hospital where he
was operated on for glandular
trouble. Reports from his bed
side tonight were that he was
resting well and in no serious
conditioa He will be 70 years
old on April 17.
ole Ray Will Run
Against Kansas Star
Des Moines, la., April 9. Joic
Ray of the Illinois Athletic club,
holder of several American amateur
track records, will meet Ray Watson,
formerly of the Kansas State Agri
cultural . college, in a special one
mile rae at the . Drake relay meet
here on April 29, it was announced
tonight by Athletic Director Kenneth
L WiUou of Drake university.
Ray recently defeated Watson in a
l.OllO-yard race at Kansas City.
Weissmuller Lowers
Own World's Record
Detroit. Anril 9. Johnny Weiss
muller, the Illinois Athletic club
star swimmer, clipped two-fifths of
a second off his own world's record
for the 220-yard free style in win
ning the national championship for
that distance in the Detroit Athletic
club tank Saturdav. His time was
2:17 2-5.
Carl Morris Kayoes
Japanese Wrestler
Honolulu, T. H., April 9.
(Special.) Carl Morris knocked
out Takahashi, jiu jitsuist, in less
than one and one-half minutes
in a mixed match here tonight,
Morris boxing and Takahashi
wrestling. The men are heavy
weights. '
jV In a new package that fits the pocket
A At a price that fits the pocket-book
X The same unmatched blend of
i Turkish, Virginia and Burley Tobaccos
luurssMax1 bjr
Wl eh means that If you
yos can get your aaoney
Holland Has
New Hall Club
for Flag Haee
Indian Hate ltf-li Coat of
War Paint to Start leane
St liedtile With NcU
Oklahoma City. April 0-(St.e-u'aU
It i a brand spanking new
machine which Jack Holland is
sending into the Western league
race next Wednesday.
There will be at leat"one, per
haps two new men in the outfield.
.Not a . laminar
fare is to be
found a in o n
those who will
guard the infield
Roy Allen is' the
only veteran
member of lhc
pitching staff, uu
less Kuel Love, i
rookie who
pitched a few
timet last vcar is counted, oolli
'catchers are serving their first term
w t i the Indians. l urtlicrniore.
Chief Jack has placed a new pilot
at the wheel.
In spite of this. Oklahoma City
will be among the leaders all the
Clarence Titt is the only holdover
outfielder certain of being in the
opening lineup. Eddie Moore is
shagging in George Harper's shoes
in centerfield, but he is having a
close run for the place from 1'hi!
pott, a sensational youngster whom
Secretary Jimmy Humphries dis
covered down in New Mexico last
summer. In left will be found Koxy
Middletown, a veteran purchased
from Seattle.
Oklahoma City is wll protected
on the infield bv Rav Bates at firs
and "Mike" Massey at scrond.
Mascy was a .ol2 hitler with Oma
ha last season and Bates smacked
the ball at a ..126 clip in the Pacific
coast circuit which should make him
almost certain to be among the lead
ing stickers of the Western this
year. He is all the more dangerous
because he is righthanded and drives
a Inner distance.
On the left side, however, will he
lound a pair of youngsters. In Joe
Tate, secured from Ardmore last
season. Holland believes he has the
find of the season. Tate will cover
third. Replacing Jess Runser at short
will be Tonv LaSallc, a flashy kid
taken from Denver of the Mid-West
On the form displayed last sea
son, this infield and outfield dopes
to average the .300 mark in hitting,
an offensive power Oklahoma City
did not have last season.
Back of the plate Manager Fisher
will serve regularly, and here is an
other .300 cloutcr. Jim Long is his
Ralph Ilcatly will fill the utility
role again this year. '
Ray Allen, who led the league for
the greatest number of victories last
Vrc- I
aiBTBHBsa ama .avsram ,m
021. viAiA'X Iji'q X jr . a . Ife
L-h Jfir
don't like "III" Cigarettes,
back Irom the dealer.
! season with 25. tWover "Cv" Young,
j purchased from Joplm, and William
iioiurt. nought Irom jJciroit. tor m
hackliKiie ol the pitching suit, iprra
oilieis rj to he selected trom wliat
I'tesidtut Hullaud and Manager
Kisher declare to he the greatest
bunch ol voting pitchers thry eer
have sirn, All are i-(onirri with
world ol stuff. Warden, a home
product, is leading lhc tookie pro
re. min at the pre cut time. Carter,
seemed honi Ardmore: IVrrynian,
hiMiuht from Spring!'" Id: Love, a
rookie last sr.i-on; McMiiklc from
the Miuipio ranks of Kansas I'ilv;
Mi.ih.tii, another Missouri semipro
and the oulv southpaw on the it. iff,
i constitute the hunch which is ex
pected to be c nrd for mound seiv
ice until trimming is ucmsary t
get in.ule the plater limit.
Denver Battlers Win
Over Chicago Maulers
Denver, Colo, April 9. (Special
Telegram. Denver boscrs had the
edge on Chicago lighters here to
night, the local l)s winning two
out of three lights in an all-star
card that marked the reopening of
the ring game here after to months'
Jack Doyle. Denver fcalher, give
"Society" johnny Ilogan a terrific
lacing, but the Windy City battler
managed to evade a knockout by
coverimi up ami running away. Ho-
g.oi was knocked over the ropes itr"
the first round.
George Manley, another Denver
boy, beat Stockyards Tommy Mur
phy. The Chicago scrapper was
sent down for a count early in the
fight, but Manley lacked the finish
ing punch. Eddie Welch was the
only Chicago boy to win. He heat
Tommy Commikey, Denver welter,
in the "closest fought bout. All fights
were for 10 rounds.
Fred Fulton, Minnesota "plaster
er," and Bob Roper of Chicago,
meet in a 12-round fight here April
Coin Tracksters Win
Triangular Track Meet
Coin, la., April 9. (Special.) In
a triangular track and field meet be
tween the hinh school teams of Es
sex, College Springs and Coin. Com
won first with 55 points. College
Springs second with 37 1-2 points
and Essex third with 7 1-2.
Dougherty of Coin was high point
man with 24 points, Williams of
Coin and Brown of College Springs
were second with 11 points each.
Coin won the half-mile relay oud
ollcge Springs second. Dougherty
won first in the 100-yard dash. 880
yard run and shot put, and second
m discus, 440-yard dash and high
jump. Brown won lirst in the mile
and 440-vard dash and third in the
880-yard run. Williams won first m
the broad jump and second in the
50-yard dash and pole vault.
Organize Tennis Club
Bloomfield. Neb.. April 9. (Spe
cial.) The Bloomfield Tennis cluh
has organized for the season by cli
ing C. W. Kinney as prcsidefi't and
William Lange as secretary-treasurer.
The courts will be put in shape
at once ond active play will soon
start. '
ssaim afratai asm ssssh b&
fltiree Friendly