Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 10, 1922, Page 2, Image 2

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Mellon Orders
Check of Stock in
. . Printing Bureau
All Work on Stamp and Rank
Notfi Suspended Pending
Inventory Millions of
Dollar Inolfd.
Washington, Aprd 9 Tart of the
bureau e( engraving and printing
rforganiied last week under an
execulitf order by rrfiideiit Hard
ing, removing James ! Wilmrth,
II director, nj other high of
ficials, was ordered closfd Ly i
Secretary Mellon for an imcii
lory of the fork valued at many
million! of dollar.
Mr. Mellon' order applied only
to the divisions of the bureau which
handle the paper ucd in nuking
bank note, stamps and govcrnmci.t
securities, it being explained that a
quicker and more accurate check of
the paper stork could be made by a
temporary halting of all paper work.
About l,$ft employe of the bureau
force of 6,000 Mould ordinarily bs
affected by the order, officials a!d,
but about f"0 will be used at count
er and all others having annual
leave to their credit will be given the
' benefit of it.
According to Aitant Secretary
of the Treasury Wadsworth. in
charge of the bureau, the inventory
is to be taken a a check of the
Mock on hand in the plant against
the book in inin-h the same fashion
that stock it taken by a manufac
turer for the vear.
Check of the bureau' store of
bank note, stamp, government e
rurities, paper, nlates and other sup
plies, which officials said total an
enormous amount in value, will he
begun tomorrow bv a committee ap
pointed by Mr. Mellon, represent
ing all the departments, such as the
Treasury, federal Reserve hoard
and the Totoffire department,
which have work done at the plant
and a staff of Justice ' department
agents aligned to Louis A.' Hill,
the new director, bv Attorney Gen
eral Daugherty. Mr. . Wadsworth
said he expected the count to' be
completed within a week at the out
side. Whether the result of the inven
tory will he made public, a i cus
tomary when the cash in the treas
ury is counted, has not yet been
considered, according to treasury of
ficials. The report of the Justice
department agents who arc exper
ienced in bank examining' work, it
was said at the department, will be
submitted to Director Burns of the
bureau of investigation who, in turn,
will transmit it to Mr. Daugherty,
from whom it is expected to go to
President Harding.
Farmers Buying,
Delco Firm Finds
Charles E. Wagner, Inc., Ex
ceeds March Business Quota
Named by Factory.
During the month of February
Charles . E.. Wagner, Inc., exceeded
' the quota, established by the Delco
. lighfr factory. manufacturers of
Delco lighting farm equipment,
making a record of 104 per cent.
This was considered rather impos
sible in view of the fact that all of
this equipment was sold to farm
ers and a great many salesmen
throughout this territory had con
sidered the farmer an impossible
prospect'for merchandise other than
actual necessities of life. How
ever, Mr. Wagner made the state
ment, ' at that time, that fanners
were actually in the market for a
great many Commodities and that
they were ready to buy. Mr. Wag
ner also made the assertion that his
March business would exceed the
quota by at least 40 per cent.
Figure Bear Out Prophecy.
The March figures for"the state of
Nebraska have just been returned
to Mr. Wagner from the Delco
factory and bear muie testimony
to the fact that his conclusions were
correct. During the month of March
Mr. Wagner's organization sold 150
per cent of the quota established for
Nebraska by the factory.
This according to Mr. Wagner, is
.conclusive proof that the condition
of the Nebraska farmer is materially
improved and that he is again in a
position to take up his important
.part in, the buying scheme of the
state. As an indication that money is
much freer, Mr. Wagner calls at
tention to six plants which were sold
on the time payment plan. When
these shipments arrived at their des
tination they were paid for in full
and the time payment plan was not
necessary. In each case the amount
of the purchase exceeded $600. This
indicates quite clearly that the
farmers either had the money in the
bank or were in a position to borrow
money from their bankers.
Mental Attitude Wrong.
In discussing this matter further
Mr. Wagfler declares that in a grea
majority of cases the. failure on the
part of salesmen to sell the farmer
is due to their own mental attitude
rather than to the financial condition
of the farmer.
Charles E. Wagner, Russell E.
Wagner and 10 territory salesmen
are leaving Omaha Sunday night for
Dayton, 0., to attend the annual
Delco light sales conference.
Kobe. April J. Ayaha Mru. San Fran
eiaco; Canadian Inventor. San Francisco;
Jilels Nielssn. San Franctaco; Tjileboet.
Portland. Or.
Tokohams, April I, Empress of Russia,
Vancouver; Oregon Maru. Vancouver.
Cristobal, April 1 7. Xooderdijk, San
Sydney, N. S. W., April . Roxburgh,
Portland. Ore.
Shanghai, April 7. Siberia Maru. San
Auckland, April T. Niagara, Vancou
ver. Adelaide, April T. Waitpa. San Fran
clece. New York. April S. Huron, Buenos
Kobe, April . Edmore. Seattle.
Tokohama. April 4. lyo Maru. Seattle.
Sydney. N. S. VT., April C Tahiti, San
Nv Torh. April S. Lapland. Antwerp;
Adiatir. Liverrool: Caronia. Plymouth;
Rotterdam. Rotterdam; Cambrel (trans
part). Antwerp. ,
Denhv Clamps Lid
Radio Stations for
Vahingin, Apn, 9 "N', 0, F.
is dfd politically
'hi irlr rdt. t by S''
retary Penhy slosed N. O, F.
am it t iiaL.j aifttt.a lna.'itdil
and all other naval radio nnoii
again.! political speech nuking. i
It grounded innumerable cam-,
paign pee-ht by member of ton-;
grrst pUnniiig to follow the il'i'u-'
vation of Senator I odge of Ma4
chuett, New of Indiana, and other !
by radio phone through the naval
Station. I
1. ,t.A I C,-rH tnr,''
problem of whether the naval Ma
lum tliMuM become adjunct of the
coining politiial campaign and sent
chill of regret through the receiver-
aI iIi nttrifcil fi nAlili.-un. itllA
were making connection for radio j
phone spellbinding, '
6,000 Members Is
Goal of Ak-Sar-Ben
in Coininji Drive
Campaign to Knroll KnighU
Will Start April 17
City Diudrd Into
12 Zone.
King Ak of the glorious realm of
Ak Sar-lieu is out to corral his ulc
jects in one of the biggest roundups
of his reicn.
lie will start gunning for members
April 17 with an objective of no les
than 6.0(H). As the good king gazed
over his land from his throne of
beauty in the courthouse yesterday,
be braved a sigh of hope for a record
roundup, then from his desk took out
a scroll, lie examined it studiously.
Upon it was an outline of the city
of Omaha. With a compass and
pencil King Ak divided the realm
into 12 zones, in each of which he
has appointed a major to assist him
in the roundup.
Majors Are Responsible.
"And upon each of these majors,"
spake jolly King Ak, "I will place
the responsibility of collecting $10
from as many subjects as they can
enroll as members of Ak-Sar-Bcn."
Each major is to have two cap
tains and each captain a team of six
men. King Ak explained. And for
services rendered in the roundup, the
king will be host at the spring races
at Ak-Sar-Ben field to the team that
records the largest number of mem
Lineup Decided on.
The lineuD of zones and majors is
as follows: Zone No. 1. major, W. B.
Hosford; captains, L. B. Clough and
Harry Weller; No. 2, major, J. E.
Davidson: captains. Harry I sard and
William Mickcl: No. 3. major, Ran
dall K. Brown; captains. A. F. Rasp
and John Lionberger; No. 4, major,
L. C. Jash: captains. I. I. liaslcy
and Ralph Newell; No. S, major, W.
R. Wood; captains, Charles R. Doch
erty and James Corr; No. 6, major,
C. E. Black: captains. William Bau-
nier and Horace Higgins; No. 7,
major. Charles L. baundcrs; cap
tains, W. H. Wagonseller and C. A.
Nelson: No. 8, major, Arthur f.
Guioui captains, Charles Barry and
H. O. Benford; No. 9, major, J. U.
foster; captains, Ernest U Buffet
and C. C. Johnson; No. 10, major,
Gould Dietz; captains to be appoint
ed; No. 11, major, John W. Gamble;
captains, H. T. Brisbin and Robert
Golding; Jo. 12, major, Everett
Buckingham; captains, Frank Lepin-
ski and E. E. Grimes.
South Omahans Loyal.
A resume of Ak-Sar-Ben activities
of the past few years shows that
more men living in South Omaha
were members of the organization
than in any other district in the city.
So go to it, boys, round up my
subjects for 1922 that this year may
be the most popular of my reign,"
is King Ak's order.
ilitary Campaign on
Rum Runners Planned
New York, April 9. (By A. P.)
A military campaign against rum
smugglers along the Canadian bor
der, in which armored motor cars
equipped with machine guns will be
used to combat violators of the law,
is planned by Ralph A. Day, federal
prohibition director for the state,
who made public a letter from J.
Leslie Kincaid, state adjutant gen
eral, pledging his co-operation.
The plan prepared by the adjutant
scneral provides for 37 observation
posts, one on each highway entering
New York Jrom Canada. He otter
ed to supply a machine gun for each
post, which he guaranteed would
"stop anything short of an armored
motor car." The state also would
furnish, he said, armored motor cats
for use of the prohibition forces.
Liquor of New York
Shipbuilder Unable
to Evade Arm of Law
New York. April 9. Afloat or
ashore, liquor owned by James She
wan, Brooklyn shipbuilder, seems
unable to evade the clutches of the
Three tunes at Monterey, Cal.;
Miami, Fla.. and in the port of New
York Mr. Shewan's steam yacht
Patricia, has been seized because it
carried liquor. Upon each occasion
Mr, Shewan convinced authorities
that the liquor was' his personal prop
erty and obtained its release.
Today one of Mr. Shewan's auto
mobiles driven by William Mayer
was caught in "a traffic jam near
Grand Central station and stopped
behind a tall traffic cop.
Inside the cop saw two bulging
burlap bags. He took the chauffeur
and the car to a station house. In
Y'orkville police court where he was
arraigned on a charge of illegally
transporting liquor, Mayer furnished
bond and was released pending ex
amination Monday. The bags con
tained 60 quarts of champagne and
a quantity of Cuban rum.
With a population of 250.000 in
habitants, Liberia is the most back
ward of alt the nations in adopting
the automobile. There are only eight
cars in the country.
on Use of U. S.
Political Speeche:
Some candidates taught wcte
fon.ijtiii.g a possible OS. but
Secretary )nby was said to b Ue
tennined. tit was pupaiiig to in
tut t)i4i he pol.titi.ii be d'" rd
out of the natal station and that
the order stand tor republican, dciru
ocmu and other alike,
A ft of the disappointed one
taught ufae in the rei'ecnou that
the M' bik li"ine might prefer,
after all, to see thnti (ace to fact.
Anyway, they said, they wcte not so
lire fltry wanted niDitqrf of their
utreranrr with thai wavelets front
a itt orthetra, a woman soprano,
weather reports and the prices of
chee.e and live.toik. t'be political
metre, it wa ad. would not bar.
nioiue well with market and wea
ther t r port and mutical programs.
Chairman Hull
Launches 1922
Political Drive
Democratic Leader Opens
Campaign in Speech Be
fore Jane- Jeffenon
Chili of Denver.
Denver. April 9. Cordcll Hull of
Chattanooga, Ttnn., chairman of the
democratic national commit
tee, launched the 1922 democrat!;
caninaicn in Colorado in a speech
at the Jefferson day banquet of the
Jane Jefferson club last night, lie
flayed the Harding administration,
charged the republicans with failure
to make good on conipaign pledges
and predicted a democratic victory
next November in every state and
in national politics in 1924.
Republican expenditures and taxa
tion were keys upon which Mr. Hull
plaved repeatedly.
"The country is badly out of joint
politically. economically, socially
and morally." he said.
Co-Operation Essential.
Volutins out that the war left th:
public mind confused and bewilder
ed. Mr. Hull said that in order to
brine the nation back to normal con
ditions it was all-important that each
political rarty co-operate unselfishly
in the task of restoring an euucaiei
and sound public opinion.
"Far from pursuing tins course,
he said, "but taking the direct oppo
site, reactionary republican leaders
in their selfish greed for power, as
early as 1918 formed a conspiracy to
further demoralize public tnougnt
and debauch the public mind as the
only means of discrediting the dem
ocratic administration and regaining
control of government.
Scores Leaders.
"The orcscnt-dav republican pat
ty bears no resemblance to the re
oublican party, of Lincoln, Grant
and Garfield," Mr. Hull asserted.
and besides is bankrupt in leaders,
in principles and in morals. Since
the November election of 1920. the
American people have suffered in
dustrial nanie and losses of more
than $40,000,000 losses greater than
those of all other panics combined.
As witnesses I call the millions of
idle laborers, of impoverished farm
ers and of harassed business men
in every part of the country to offer
solemn testimony to these outstand
ing facts."
Mr. Hull said the republicans nave
failed to create adequate reconstruc
tion legislation and blamed them for
filbustering from March 4, 1919, to
1921 to defeat democratic adminis
tration bills and force an extra ses
sion of congress.
Mrs. Jones May Spend
90 Days in County Jail
Mrs. Rov Jones. 123 Fourth street,
may spend 90 days in the county jail
at Council Bluffs as a result of a plea
of .guilty which she entered
to a charge of maintaining a liquor
nuisance. She was arrested in a raid
upon her home last week by Sum
ner Knox, federal agent.
The woman was fined SoOu, with
an alternative of spending 90 days
in jail. Police are seeking her hus
band, wanted on a similar charge as
a result of the raid, but cannot find
him. Unless he turns up to face the
charge and pay his wife's fine, she
must stay in jail.
300 Music Lovers Enjoy
Second Synchrona Recital
Three hundred Omaha music
lovers attended the second "Syn
chrona recital held at the Schmollcr
& Mueller Piano Co., recital room
Thursday evening. The program
was made up of Omaha artists,
who for several years have been
classed as leaders in their chosen
fields. The playing of Karl E. Tun
berg, pianist, was brilliant as were
the singing of Mrs. Lena Ellsworth
Dale and the violin solos by Mrs.,
Ernest A. Reese.'
The concerts have proved so pop
ular that others will be held each
month and local and national artists
will make up the programs, according-
to Mr. W. H. Schmoller, presi
dent of the company. The program
Thursday was as follows:
Rustle of Spring. Binding, and recorded
by Tina Lerne: Minuet in O'. Padereweki,
recorded by Paderewskl and played by
Karl 1.. Tunberg; Kashmiri Song from
Tndtan Love Lyrics by Amy Woodforde
Finden; Sonny Boy, Curran, suns; by Lena
Ellsworth- Dale with accompano: Caprice
Viennolse, Kreisler. by Mrs, Ernest A.
Reese, violinist, with accompano; Humor
esque, Dvorak, by Mrs. Ernest A. Reese,
violinist, Mrs. Martin Donlnn. cello, and
Schomacker Synchrona; Fantaiale Im
promptu, Chopin, played by Jan Ciapusso,
Schomacker Synchrona; Vissi I, Arte.
Puccini, sung by Lena Ellsworth Pale
with accompano; The Jugglers, by Mos
xkowskl and recorded by Joseph Hoffman
and the Presto from Concerto G Minor,
Mendellssohn and recorded by Strukow
Ryder. and ptayed by Karl E. Tunberg.
Earth Shock Recorded
Washington April 9. A "rather
pronounced" earthquake shock was
registered on the seismograph at
Georgetown university, the dis
tance being estimated at 3,400
miles from Washington, probably to
the south. Belief was expressed that
the disturbance may have occurred
in Mexico.
With a capacity of 25 passengers,
an all-steel motor bus has been de
signed having windows that can be
rwung out of sight to leave the sides
9pen in warm weather.
Efforts Made to
Keep Politics Out
i of Genoa Meeting
I'lil-li. Call Attention tu
Jfaluuifi Now IVrtnfatiti;;
j lltirojtc Possible Came
of I mlurt of Conference.
hr lit -iMwiainl tnH
tien.ia. April 9. How to prevent
the furthcoming economic confer
fUT front oing its proclaimed eco
nomic principle and iruui foiling into
a purely political coucUvr, prrcari
out in us possitiiiuiet and admittedly
a supreme danger, i preoccupying
the chief dclrgatc a they gather
for the opening sessions. Tin, it
i believed, Is the rock on which the
conlerence may succeed or split.
rublicistt assembled here from
many countries to observe the pro-
reeding, openly insist ttut the con
ference will fundamentally and in
eviulily be of a political nutiiie. and
not economic, pointing a proof to
the profound political jealousies now
permeating Europe and alo to the
national and racial ambitions and
problems due to dividing the con
tinent into new and smaller state.
The great majority of the dele'
gates to the economic conference
hac reached Genoa. The British
prime minister, Mr. I.loyd George,
was enthusiastically greeted upon
his arrival today, accompanied by
Ins wile and daughter.
Etery mind hrre is concentrated
on Kuia, for commercial reopen
ing of Russia may possibly
mean later recognition and formal
admission of that country into the
council of nations.
Determined to set its house in or
der if possible without the assistance
of the United Stales, the conference
is organizing for action, in the be
lief that the United Mates must
eventually ratify its main achieve
ments, if they are to prove durable,
and the influence of the American
republic, even if unvoiced at Genoa,
undoubtedly obtains as a strong psy
chological force.
Youthful Dancers
Appear in Ballet
Pupils of Pleasant Holyokc
Show to Advantage in Re
cital at Brandeis.
In the dame recital Saturday eve
ning at the Brandeis in which her
pupils appeared, Pleasant Holyoke
presented a program .which covered
a wide raiiRC of subject and style,
but which was, on the whole, well
within the ability of her pupils to in
terpret. An especially happy choice
for young performers was the car
nival ballet, in which Jane Ellis. Vir
ginia Langfciner, Frances Cunning
ham and little lla Saltzgiver ap
peared. The light, playful spirit of
the ballet was perfectly carried out.
"The Egyptian Slaves" made a
striking and effective frieze, and
Saturnalia was carried out with
Creek simplicity. 'Most delightful
was the final number, "Rondo Cap
priccioso," which entirely lived up to
its effervescent name. The effects
produced by the scarves were both
original and beautiful, and the dra
peries we're cleverly handled by the
five dancers, lima Bigelow, Jane
Ellis, Frances Ellick, Janet Nolan
and Virginia Langfelner.
"Furlana," a lively peasant dance,
was given by Janet Nolan and
Martha Dox, prettily costumed in
black and white and red.
Of the solo dances, the most ap
plauded was the "Silver Hoop," an
exceptionally charming dance fan
taisy executed with spirit by Janet
If individual honors were bestowed
they would go to Virginia Langfel
ner, who appeared in several of the
proup numbers, with Jane Ellis in
the dainty "Wooing Hour," and in an
original and acrobatic solo dance
called "Policinelle,'' where even the
grotesquerie of her steps and costume
could not hide her slim grace.
Vodicka, in brown, made a grace
ful and appealing butterfly, as sht
flitted about the stage. Ila Saltz
giver, the little soloist, was most self
possessed in her presentation of
"Bubbles," but was even more al
luring as "Petit Pierrot" in the open
ing ballet
Others who appeared in the program
were Frances Cunningham, lima Bigelow,
Margery Arnstein, Wary Vogel, Harriet
Rosenfeld. Margery Hiller, Janle Lehn
hoff, Louise Smith, "Margaret Donahue,
Mary Alice Mlthen. Jean Brownlee. Helen
Zalrlskl, Bolly Randall, Mercy Randall,
John Vogel, Mary Laura Vance, Elaine
Heavenrich, Louise Ackerman, Frances
Reeves, Chrystel Pratt, Ruth McClenl
ghan, Annzonette Nicholas, Mary John
aon, Mary George, Marjorle Stawe, Caro
lyn Rees, Louise Elwood. Catherine
Marsh. Frances Rosenfeld, Kdlth Heaven
rich, Katherine Donahue, Harriet Guild,
Mary Elizabeth Jonas, Angellne White,
June Barmettler, Eleanor Cook, Virginia
Donahue, Betty Donahue. ' i
, Following a blazed trail, an auto
mobile tourist can go from the At
lantic to the Pacific coast without
using a road map and without con
sulting a guide book.
Men Barred From Jury
Service May Carry
. Fight to High Court
Omaha Bee lased Wire.
",Fort Smith, Ark., April 9.
Twelve prominent business men of
this city, who have been "disbarred
forever" from jury service in the
Arkansas courts for acquitting an al
leged bootlegger, threaten to take
their grievance to the United, States
supreme court.
Because of the prominence of the
men, the case is attracting unusual
attention and party lines are being
closely drawn. Five of the "dis
franchised" men are presidents of
large corporations.
The acute situation has not been
helped by the rearrest of June Ma
han, the acquitted man, on charges
of drunkenness and disorderly con
duct. The police say that Mahan and
his friends staged a riotous drunken
orgy in celebration of his victory in
the court.
Charges that the presiding judge
had attempted to intimidate the jur
ors have been followed by the con
tinuance of all other liquor cases
set for this term of court. This was
done, the judge said, to show that
intimidation was not his purpose.
With the Farm Bureaus
Fullfrton Women of tin section
are receiving great benefit from the
tewing machine and dress form dem
onstration (if Id by Mit Rachel IUr.
ri. of the extension service of the
agricultuiat college. 1 itty-tliree at
tended the sewing machine and .'0
mended the dren form demonstra
tions. Ih Nance l-ounty farm Bu
reau ft deration spoutort this w ork
, and among other things sells to the
farm women the necessary material
j from a stock kept in the federation
cilice, Tweniysnt such su were
' sold during the last month.
I Livestock Directory.
Swaiu.e The Otoe County Live
lock llirtdm' association has just
issued a complete directory of its
members and the livestock within it
Egg Circle Success.
Itlair ilcndid progress is being
made in this county in co-operative
marketing. J. R. Itoouter, specialist
in marketing organization of the agri
cultural college, has helped organize
through the farmer union an egg
nntkciing circle which is getting re
sult. ' Control Animal Disease.
Heavir City. United effort on the
tart of the I'lirnas County Farm Bu
reau federation in animal disease con
trol is bringing the expected, results.
Through the organization and its
community units outbreaks of disease
ere quickly reported-and followed up.
Livestock Breeders Organize.
Red Cloud. The Webster County
Farm Bureau federation machine was
tecentlv started into motion and out
cf if came the formation of the Web
Woman Killed as
Car Strikes Auto
Without Lights
Derelict Car Moved and Hid.
den While Mrs. Samuel
Noble Was Being Rushed
to Hospital.
A woman met death in Omaha
Saturday night because an automobil-
ist left his automobile standing at the
curb without lights.
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Noble. 2546
South Ninth street, were driving
home in the rain last night, lhey
were going south on Eleventh street,
and the water on the windshield of
their coupe made vision difficult.
They were guided largely by lights
of other cars and street lamps.
At Dorcas street a car had been
parked with its lights turned out
The Noble car struck it. Mrs. Noble
was hurled against the windshield of
the coupe and her throat cut. She
died at the entrance of Sit. Joseph
When police and Noble returned
to cet the number of the derelict
car it had been moved, and though
police made search for it last night
and early, this morning they an
nounced they were without a clue.
Mrs. Noble was 26.
Business Women
Form Own 'Rotary9
Branch of Altrusa Organiza
tion Formed Belle Ryan
Is President.
Women in business will have
Omaha women in commercial
lines at an assembly in Hotel Fon
tenelle Saturday organized a branch
of the Altrusa club, similar to the
Rotary club. The following were
elected to. offices: President, Miss
Belle Ryan, assistant superintendent
of the Omaha public schools; secre
tary, Miss L". Bellman of the Cham
ber of Commerce: treasurer. Mrs.
Alice Peterson; publicity chaimman.
Miss Mary Marston, and entertain
ment chairman, Miss L. M. Mont
gomery. Ihe organization is limited strict
ly to women in the busniess world,
one from each line of work, stated
Miss Mary Davis of Indianapolis,
representative of the national organi
zation, who came to Omaha to start
this branch.
The club has for its purpose ac
tivity in public and business affairs,
"believint that the wav to progress
lies not in emphasizing the faults of
men and their failure to give proper
recognition to women in business,
but rather in arousing women to
their responsibilities so that their ac
complishments will blaze a trail for
greater things," as stated in the book
of principles of the Altrusa club.
the next meetinsr is scheduled for
April 22.
Colorado Governor
Calls Special Session
Denver. April 9. Gov. Oliver H.
Shoup issued a call for a special ses
sion of the Colorado general assem
bly to begin Tuesday, April 18. The
purposes for the call as set forth in
the official proclamation are to en
act a law to provide for the organ
ization of conservancy districts, the
purpose of the districts to be the
prevention of floods, the regulation
of stream channels, the changing,
widening, deepening of same, the
regulation of the flow of streams, the
diversion, control of, whole or in
part, the elimination of water courses
and the protection of property.
lo enact a law providing lor the
construction of tunnels through
mountain ranees for the purpose of
aiding transportation and communi
cation and to facilitate commercial
intercourse within the state."
Supreme Court Will Hear
Bread Law Appeal April 20
Lincoln, April 9. The supreme
court fixed April 20 as the date
when it will hear the appeal of the
organized bakers ot the state, repre
sented by an Omaha wholesale com
pany, from the decree of District
Judge Morning of Lincoln that the
pound loaf of bread law enacted by
the last legislature is legal.
ster County PoUnd. China Rrrrderi
association with II. W. Hamilton,
president, and Frank Linnincott. sec-
reury-treasurrr. A consignment sale
it held. A UuroC'Jersey meeder
assOiiatjon was also formed with
C , W. Jolinston. president, anej j, u
Kellogg, jr. ieeretarytreaurr,
Aid Potato Grower.
North l'latte. Farmer and bank
ers are united on a olan to put coin
tnrrciat potato growing on a greatly
increased scale in this county. The
growers have recently received as
sistance from a potato specialist of
the extension service. With the
county farm bureau federation back
ing the potato work it i expected
that both the acreage will be extend
ed mid better grading and marketing
of the crop will be followed.
Drive for Members.
Schuyler. The Colfax county farm
executive committee have appointed
W. A. Cuba of Schuyler county or
ganisation director and an active
campaign for membera is planned.
David City Festival.
David City. Five hundred and six
ty farmers of Hutler county attended
a fun festival and educational meet
at Bellwood under the auspices of
Alexis and Savannah townships. II.
D. Lute, secretary of the Nebraska
Farm Bureau federation, spoke on
f;.rm bureau work,
Sell Surplus Seed.
Dakota City. During the past
mouth the farm bureau exchange has
Letped farmer in the purchase or
sale of two carloads of hav and a
considerable quantity of seed wheat
and alfalfa.
Exminister Held
for Mail Robbery
Slays Prisoner
Man Under Arrest at Los
Angeles Kills Alleged Ac
complice Following At
tempted Jail Break.
Los Angeles, April 9. Herbert
Wilson, formerly a minister of the
gospel in Oregon and Canada, held
in the county jail pending trial for
the robbery of the mails of nearly
$1,000,000 the night of March 3, 1921.
shot and killed his alleged accom
plice, Herbert R. Cox, just after
officers had frustrated an attempted
jail break late today.
Cox, Wilson and Eddie O'Brien,
recently arrested here in connection
with a mail robbery at Toledo, O.,
more than a year ago, had made
their escape from the jail proper and
were on the "bridge of sighs," a
pasageway leading to the hall of jus
tice when deputy sheriffs closed in
on them. Then Wilson trained a
revolver upon Cox and pulled the
Officers said there had been "bad
blood" between the men since shortly
after their arrest, when Cox was said
to have made a statement to federal
officers and the- report became cur
rent he would testify for the state
at Wilson's trial.
luror Admits Taking
" J c
Bribe in Labor Trial
Omaha Bee leased TVIr.
Chicago, April 9. Announcement
was made at the state attorney s of-
iice that Henry J. bnnth, a juror in
the trial of Simon O'Donnell, labor
chief and his aides for extortion, had
confessed he was paid $1,000 to hold
out for the acquittal of the defend
ants. This acquittal led to an immediate
investigation. Smith named as the
men who paid him the bribe, Michael
Stack and Joseph Sweeney. They
were arrested and indictments have
been voted against them, charging
conspiracy. ' '
This evidence, considered the most
important so far obtained, will lead
to apprehension of "men farther up,"
according to the attorneys for the
state. -
More than $1,000,000,000 will be
expended to build new highways
and repair old ones in the United
States this year. Jobs for approx
imately 100,000 workers for an en
tire year will be made available as
a result of the construction cam
paign. This is on the basis of $1,000
per year per worker,
Slave Running Case
Cited as Precedent
in Ruling on Liquor
Hamilton, Ont., April 9. Trans
portation of liquor which was con
signed to an American buyer within
the border, was ruled a breach of
international law . by Magistrate
Jelfs, who cited a slave running case
of 1807 as precedent. He held that
because Ontario and the United
States both had laws prohibiting im
portation and sale of liquor, Her
bert G. Guess of Bridgeburg had
committed an act likely to endanger
the peace between the countries
when he arranged to ship 60 cases
of liquor to Bridgeburg for an Amer
ican buyer.
The Amedic slave case was the
basis for the verdict. In that case
an American slave runner, shipping
slaves to the United States, was
caught on the high 'seas by the
English courts ruled that because
both countries had laws against slave
importation, the man was guilty of
breaking international laws.
Guess was fined $500.
I Want to Employ Eleven People
Both Men and Women
but don't wast your timt or mine on this unless you are a hustler.
My proposition is a selling- one but there are:
no ssmplts to carry:
no prospectus to show. It. Is
-not at stock-selling- promotion scheme: .
not a house-to-house canvas.
It is just a real, live, up-to-date and honest proposal that is groin- to he
sold to the best and most progressive people in the city. Liberal commissions
and no traveling-. '
One thing- more, don't answer this ad unless you have confidence in yourself.
But if you have that quality-i-and want to make money for yourself, write.
Give a description of yourself your selling- experience. Sell yourself TO
me; then I'll be able to tell if you can aell FOR me.
Navy Department
Flans to Double
Track'' Pacific
Definite Slop. Taken tt Map
Out Most Favorable Routes
for Steamship Round
to Japan.
Hf TM Aasall4 Prsaa.
Washington, April 9 Definite
sf'ps toward "double tracking" the
North Pacific ocean to avoid dangers
of congested steanrx'iip traffic he
been taken by the hydrographlc of
fice of the Navy department. Co
operation of the Japanese. Canadians
and British naval and steamship au
thorities has been sought, it wa
learned today and data i accumulat
ing on which a decision finally would
be made possible in the near future.
The project contemplates mapping
out the moM favorable courses from
North Pacific ports on this aide to
Japan and return westbound and
eat bound traffic following prescrib
ed routes well separated front each
other, at is done in the North At
lantic to reduce the danger of col
lisions at sea.
"Ihe inrreaing traffic in the
Northern Pacific has made this
question prcs for an early solution,"
Capt. F. B. Hasett. hydrographer of
the navy and head of the hydro,
graphic office, said. "Accordingly
in September, lJl, the bydrograplf
ic office wrote to a number of the
best known mariners trading in the
Pacific between Seattle and Van
couver and the Japanese islands. It
has received responses from most
of these mariners giving their ac
tual experience, w inch in some cases
covers JO years of sea-going in those
"In all cases the mariners report
that it is very desirable to establish
such lanes due to the increasing traf
fic and to the prevalanre of fog on
the route which introduces grave
danger of collision between opposite
bound vessels.
'A summary of all reports receiv
ed has indicated that the double
steaming corridor proposed should
lie well to the north of the Great
Circle route from San Franrisco to
Yokohama, orient-bound craft keep
ing to tile northern lane and home
bound ships to the southern path
way. The arrangement was said to
provide the best probable weather
conditions as well as the aid of fa
voring currents."
Bond's Recalls
Ancient Markets
Open Display Racks and
Spacious Sales Floors Re
minder of Old Toga Shops.
Establishment of Bond's new
clothes shop at 1514 Famam street,
with its open display racks, spacious
sales floors and attractive fixtures,
recalls from ancient history the toga
shops in the market places of old
cities. A word picture of the clothes
shops of the ancients tells of pur
chasers striding through market
places and stopping at the various
open displays of silks and togas.
Everything was spread on tables of
marble or stone to attract the eye.
To one entering the new Bond's
clothes shop, the 14th of a chain of
similar stores throughout the coun
try, the huge display of snappy styles
in men's clothes strikes the eye. The
lighting arrangement, up-to-date
equipment, concealed dressing rooms,
and welcome greeting all lend a
spirit of wonder to the place.
The tallest electric sign in the city
attracts the populace to the clothes
shop. The display .windows are
modeled after new designs in the
Charles A. Bond, head of the chain
of Bond's clothes shops, was in the
city the past week to open the store.
Thefirst floor is devoted to suits;
the second floor to dress suits and
J. F. C.ulkin, formerly of Burgess
Ndsh, is the manager of the place.
Arnold Haake is assistant manager.
Bee Business Boosters, Are Busi
nessrGetters. Corns?
.. eaaBuxt
Blue jay
to your druggist
Stops Pain Instantly
The simplest way to end a corn is
Blue-jay. A touch stops the pain in
stantly. Then the corn loosens and
comes Out. Made in two forms a
colorless, clear liquid (one drop does
it!) and in extra thin plasters. Use
whichever form you prefer, plasters
or the liquid the action is the same.
Safe, gentle. Made in a world-famed
laboratory. Sold by all druggists.
jr Writm RAuer Slack.ChuiatM.DMOt.lIS
fir valuable book, "Comet Car of th FU"