A THE r.KK: OMAHA. SUNDAY. APRII !. W. 3-.V oes in Senate Concede Bonus Bill Will Pass 4 : Srnate Fiuance Hotly to Re. ; :ort MVuaurc in Nrar Fu ; , turc I-aixl Kftlamation ; Proviaion Doomed. Vhingtoo, April Passage ol r the tolilirr bouui bill, with only one ; change from ttie form in which it pal the hcue. ami itiiure of the hill ly I'retiikiit Harding were , conceded ycttrrday hy several of the bill', niokt dctrrmitied opponent. Two development have practically V fpt away hope of heating the mean- tire. One of these i a itatemenl by Chairman Joseph W. l-'orduey in ; a let, , to a comtfiucnt In Detroit that I resident ilardmg had totd him ' he regarded the bill patted hy the , houte ai good and that he would n'gn it if it ratned the acnate without tub .atantial modification. lit other dt rlupmtni a the' p,,, non rt.ival a..uraiue H at the rutr , If CIlCKt LUllllTCIKC i .nance ton.naitte winch now ra trie till, would fpoit ic m the iitr f. tin with jiui one tws. Tint change i the elimination of the alter native proposition with regard to land reclantaiion. There ha Uetn conidcralile Litier nio(uii to tin cection of the bill and it paed the houte, even amon come of the inot devuied friend of Ihe honu, Veitrrday't coiiceitmi hy op ponent! ( the till do not llirau that there will be nu debate whdi it comr up on the flour of the enate. On the contrary there if a group of renatort who will talk at great length .n1 who would rrort willingly to a lilihtutrr if they thought it poiiihtt to beat the bill. In dicuiing the situation todiy none of them thuughi it likely that any of the group would go that far became the utter futility t f audi a course i apparent. British Plan to t it . in. . use united states ConMiIcreii Scheme of Lloyd (Vorge to Ojifti u Mar kru With U. S. Capital for Hfncfit of Hritain. Innocent HyMaiuIcr Killed in I'olu-c-Haiiilit Itattle New York. April 8. Harry Crone, lawyer, an innocent bystander, wi killed in a pistol liiiht between pa trolinen and live men who are at Ireed to have atolen a tire from an automobile. Two of the men were arretted. :t 7f thisftafy Grand Jce f There Is a World of Meaning in This Statement The Premier has earned this proud dis tinction because of its typical Baby Grand merit. The Premier Baby Grand 58 Inches of Quality in tone, in graceful contours, in small size and attractive price, makes a wonder ful appeal to the critical music lover, the studio and conservatory. Our early Spring display of this thorough bred Small Grand is on exhibition now. Come in and see these wonderful instru ments, and remember the terms are as attractive as the" Premier itself. $650 Schmoller & Mueller Piano Company 1514-16-18 Dodge St. . . If 7 " By GEORGE R. HOLMES. ' Wellington. April 8, The highly advertised economic conference of 31 nation, which it acheduled to meet thorily in Geona, foredoomed to failure, according to the well-nigh unauimoii opinion held by oflicial of the American government, who are familiar with the event leading up to the parley, It wa laricciy (or tin reason tuai the United Stair declined to parti cipate, turning down the Italian in vitation in melt term a to leave no doubt about what America think of the conference. "I regret to inform Your Excel lency." wide Secretary of Sta'e HtiKhc. "that it ha been found im kmMc to escape the conclusion that the proponed conference i not pri marily an economic conference, a rpieiion appear to have been ex cluded from consideration without the tatitfactory determination of which the chief cause of economic disturbance must continue to oper ate. but if lather a conference of a noliticat cl. 'Irr in which the kov eminent of " le State could not iielpfullyv . ,pate. Seldom has , ropoal ol one friendly govern, cut been turned down by another in such blunt lan cuasc. Not content with merely sending: polite regrets, the United States went to the lenRtli of calling world attention to the emptines of the project and, by inference at least, stated that the whole undertaking uas masquerading unde false colors by pretending to he something it was not. Scheming and Conniving for Credit. Back of the curt American note lies a considerable background of in ternational bickering, scheming, con niving and planning, all politico-commercial in character, and aimed at re-establishing eastern Europe's abil ity to buy on credit. It was the realization that these facts formed the background for the conference that caused the United States so bluntly to decline the invitation to "sit in." To put the matter boldly, and stripped of all pretense, American of ficials consider the Genoa conference an ambitious, scheme engineered by the astute Lloyd George to open tip the vast markets of Russia and east ern Europe to British manufactured goods through some sort of a sys tem of international credits, the bur den of which would he borne by Great Britain and the United States as the only two nations in the world financially able to support such a project. British trade being some 3,000 miles nearer the markets, it would naturally dominate the field.' Italy, being dependent upon Great Britain for vitally essential coal, and being heavily in its debt, lent itself to the scheme as a natural ally. France, casting yearning eyes it self on the markets of Europe and remembering the 30,000,000,000 of francs sunk in Russia, is distrustful so much so that it plainly stipu lated that the. Genoa conference is not to attempt to deal with repara tions or change existing treaties and agreements under all of which French interests are fairly well se cured. Economic Position at Stake. The economic position of Great Britain, then, rather than the eco nomic position of the world general ly, lies in the background of the project. And while the administra tion lias only the kindliest considera tion and sympathy for the British predicament, this sympathy does not go to the extent of being willing to further British trade at the expense of-America's own somewhat stagnant industry. Nor docs it go to the ex tent of being willing to undertake till further financing for a Europe that owes us $11,000,000,000, a Eu- ope that manifests no hurry about paying, and tnat manitests little in clination lo disarm and go to work. An Open Letter to E. Buckingham ' Dear Mr. Buckingham : If you weren't such a big, husky guy, and myself such a runt, I might have addressed ydu as "Dear Buck," like everyone else does. Ever since you came to Omaha as General Manager of the Union Stock Yards you have been a good patron of The Pantorium. We are glad to hae you as one of us, Mr. Buckingham, because you are a BIG MAN both physically and mentally, and would "stand out" in any gathering or in any community and you are always well groomed. You are a public-spirited man and have done much for Omaha and Ak-Sar-Ben,'but we expect still more from you.. You have "pep" and "pride," two qualities that go far to keep one young, so cling to them, Buck, and remember we are all FOR you, as you are for us ALL. Any time you fieed your dress suit pressed quickly just call DO uglas 0963 and we will rush right out for it and have it back the minute you want it. Co-operatively yours, The indu'irUI imati"n in Ureal Uiitaiii, accord.ng to American oh term abroad and reflected in their reort lo government aurce, j l.ttle hrt of de.pmie, A in the United State, ihe end of ihe war found Britain with greatly expanded nieai! of production an J no market. Kusia in chao. German sijueeied dry, .o lar a buying ability went, and the ret of eauern Furor "broke" afforded little outlet for ihe great industrial concern of Man chester. Shrllield, 1-eed and Rir minglum. In the case pf the United State and in the case ol I'rauce the situa tion wa much the tame a far a ab sence of market wa concerned, llul there wa one vital difference both France and the United State are in truth celf-tufficient. Great Britain it not. Ifcr case in thi reipect wa eloquently pleaded in Washington few week ago by Sir Arthur Jamee Balfour in hi now famou speech urging abolition of the auhmarine. In that speech he laid emph.isi on Ihe fact that Great Britain "never hat more than even week' food" in England proper. Foreign Commerce Vital to England. Foreign commerce, trade with the ouKide, i essential to Ihe prosperity of France and the United State, but to Great Britain it i vital to her very life, fr he produce hut a fraction of the food she eat. Reluctantly Lloyd George ha been forced to turn to Kutfia, Germany and eastern Europe for Britih mar ket. The United State it rich enough to buy hut won't, because she is self-sulhciciit, producing every thing h need. Ditto I unce. A fjr RuitU and eastern Europe, thry air eager to buy but have nothing la bu n fcrpt Inflated currency of lin'e or i value. Therefore, the problem of the harassed Uoyi t.eorge evolved it self into one of finance and credit Hi e)t naturally turned westward lo the United State a Ihe only ra lion able lo thouider with Great Britain the euormou burden of world credit to get Europe back on it feet, and incidentally get Britain' faetorie back lo work. Thai Ihe talk of eerdit and finance at Gena would lead inevitably la the reparation muddle and the cancella tion of war debt American official fell ure. Not earitttf lo be ptif in Ihe position of defending Ihe policy of not cancelling war debit the United State refused to attend. Another and far deeper rraton, howcM-r, animated adminntration of licial in turning down the Genoa project. The administration feel, particu larly Charlc K. Hughes and Herbert Hoover feel, that there never will be any appreciable betterment of Europe' economic tituation until Europe disband her armiet, cea.e her petty quarrel which form the excuse for maintaining those armie, and get back to productive work. In view of thi condition oilicials of the American government do not believe that credit it what Russia and eastern Europe need, They need to disarm and go lo work, produce what they eat, balance their budget, pet their currency lo the place where it mean tomething again bctidct to much paper, and mart their factoriet. ! It is the view of American officials, ! kl. i i tiia rik if ili.iiit K-liilu!a reeds adjustment, that loo b n a lad l a been pul on Germany. They be let Lenuauvi economic recovery u incKtricably woven with the economic recovery of all Europe. an4 o long a Germany lace it m ihe mud with Ihe lcl of France on it week there can be no permanent economic betterment (or ait of I'u rone. France having expressly ttiputatrd llut it would attend the Genoa con ferrnee only if Ihe teparation auree- menu were nol mo ested. washing ton considered thai all hop of rthrf en this tcore wa dissmated. 1-ranee also refused to act the example for the rest of r.urope in the matter ol land disarmament. Without the correction of these fundamental economic principle the United Slate doe not believe Ihat the conference at Genoa can aceom. phsli any real or lasting good. It I believed probable that ome tcheme of international credit and finance will be adopted at Genoa, if for no ether reaou than that the world tatesnuu there will be unwilling lo contest themselve unable to do any thing. Hut the efheacy of anything accomplished i ctiouly questioned in Washington. Chioifo Conuniiision Set Street Car Furc at 6 CenU Chicago, April 8, After a long fight over Chicago' 8-ccnt street car fare before Ihe Illinois . Commerce commission, that body handed down a decision today fixing the fare after May I at 6 cent. There will be ex tra charge for transfer. Break in Levee Threatens Town on Illinois River Lower Part of IlcmUtowu FIoode.1 hy Buck Water HeiJenU Move to Plicei of Safety. lleardstown, III, April 8, Strain imr at ihe citv levee which torung a leak late yesterday, the Illinoit river wa expected to break through into Beardstown last night, city ollicial aid Ten btockt of Ihe lower part of the u r mntrt arlv in til iiing with back water which reached -Aitliitt 8 mchet ol the door ol ine trading hotel and Other busine house. The river i tleadily rising. Kcnidentt of the lower part of the rity received ample warning. Mayor Perrv taid. and moved to iilacet of tafety. There will be no tuiiermg. ine main ailHo.l Tmt fUllltfi tO til? citv bv Adjutant General lilack at Springfield have been pitched on high (ton nd and neighbor have accom modated many familiet driven from their home. Five hundred railroad men in n.irKtnu.n t.iiil nflf since the eonl ttrike. are engaged in the battle with the Hood. The (own !al niht was cmiplet. I urroniucd by watrr from nne to ilure let! derp, coveting JH0,ml aire of wheat laud. More than a million ane of wheat land wmiM le inundated by a bre.ik m the lure, it wa (aid. Tta. U ol the !.ituuuie k Ohio and the Wush radioad i I the state highway east wete the outv meant of entering the city oil diy land. Many boat were in use. Workmen last tiiitht weie h.inkii tewert with taudhag o hold ihe water back in evetal pail of the rity. (Iliieuts sii.l il was the In.) time in the northern United State that thi mean had been resorted I in lighting ilood. Man ami Wife ArreMeil on (iliarjjo of Murder ' Chicago, April K Mi., Veronica Long and I.oius andt, h r husband, were Liken into custody last tiiuht in connection with ihp minder ol Wil liam I'urlon, il, who w.h shot imd killed last Tiirnl.iv night a be stopped hi autoiuohilf in front of the young woman' home to call on her. Mis Long rparatcd from bee husband eight week ago and ftitumcd her maiden name, andt furniihrd an alibi for himself on the nintit of the shootiiiK. but is being held while il i checked up. I'arlon, whose wife i in I.ni Angeles, bad Mopped hit nuto in front of the house in which Miss Long w.i rooming when two turn appeared. They poke to him, and a he turned, shot him through the side. He died 15 minute later. CAS CREDIT Piwalm ir r)Stk lOWCSt II This pedestal In SO. in. high and is finished in American walnut or ma hogany. Has neatly turned base, and circu lar top ?4 95 Combination in and coal range. Has large cooking surface and four gas burners. Porcelain splasher, oven and high closet door panels. Nick el trimmed 115 75 Artistic Queen Anne dining room suite in American walnut finish. Has the new oblong table with 45x54-inch top T,hat extends to six feet. Six chairs to match with genuine leather slip seats. Complete- Full size Simmons steel oed in Vernis Martin fin--ish. , Complete with an all-iron spring 16 75 High grade carriage of fiber reed, in gray or ivory finish. Is cordu roy lined and has rubber-tired wheels 23 75 Genuine fiber reed baby carriage in gray or ivory finish. Has reversible gear and rubber-tired. Corduroy lined '36 50 Refrigerator, with top ice chamber. Is white enamel lined. Has two removable wire shelves as shown 1675 Large size cedar chest. Made of- genuine Ten nessee red cedar, and copper trimmed. Spe cial 16 4 a Artistic end table, In mahoKany or walnut fin ish. Has neatly turned Ipks and beautifully pol ished top ?575 SMBSSraa-ss.asMaMfcsass 415-17 South 16th Street bYEAR AND A HALF " f&PAY All This Week Hartman's Offer This Very Attractive Parlor Suite at an Unusually Attractive Price t mm This 3-piece overstuffed parlor suite may be had in genu ine Spanish leather or blue velour. Of high grade con struction with loose spring-filled cushion seats and wide comfortable arms. Just as illustrated. $ 225 do a-; A comfortable rocker made of genuine fiber reed, in rich baronial brown finish. Has roll side and back. An ex ceptional value ?9 75 Martha Washington sewing cabinet, in rich mahogany finish. Has three drnwers and com partment with lift cover at each end. As shown ?1275 NOW-You can buy these New Rugs at New Low Prices Solid oak dining toon suite in fumed or golden finish. Consists of heavy exten sion table and four chairs with Spanish fabricoid seats. The five pieces com plete , 9x12 Seamless Velvet Rugs. In all new effects and col ors, made of high grade ma terial, will last indefinitely. $QQ75 9x12 One -Piece Brussels Rugs. Beautiful designs. A big variety to choose from. Special $1Q85 Solid oak china closet, in fumed or golden fin ish. Has mirror at top, glass door and sides and shelves, as shown A Splendid Value-this Duofold Suite You will agree if you see it tomorrow A substantially built duofold suite, consisting of armchair, rocker and duofold. Finished in mahogany and up holstered in genuine Spanish or blue leather. Duofold can be quickly converted into full size, comfortable bed. $ 115 75 24 75 Simmons' steel crib, in white enamel or Vernis Martin finish. Has safe ty drop side and strong spring 75 Double day bed with mahogany ends. Com plete with cotton pod. Is easily made into com fortable double bed ?3875 Large size refrigerator, in golden oak finish. Has side ice chamber. White enamel lined and removable wirn shelves. 3575 Every article advertised by Hartman's is a special -value or it would not be advertised Tabinet pas ran ire. Ha four Eas bumen and lartre oven. Han plain backs, no porrHain 50 Gate lesr table in ma hogany finish. Has drop loaves. A handy table for the small apartment. 28 75 1 L