Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 09, 1922, Page 8, Image 8

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Failure to Join
Rusiiicvs Slump
JWnier (JovrriHtr Cm (
Ohio l'ri Gmtimiaiire of
(!aniiiii lit MAe
1'. S. Mi'hiImt.
Itr lk w.Mir4 rr.a.
NViv V oik. 8 - Dimilv at
tributing imr prcx'iit if jy 'lniiiiM
lvrfity" to !ir (4ilitt -f the I'niti'J
Sutrs in jin the Irrfuiip .( iMiinii,
(.iriiirr (ov. James M l Oliio,
lit pit a'Mrt I'cif inititfit. urunl
'iiluiti it'iiri nf i !if 4ii!'rfijn to luve
tliii i-uumry fil lhi li'4j!kic.
Ill irMir.s t 4 liu'li before the
N.itu.iul Iti'iiinct.itu' iln'i an. I was
I'M tif h: rV HlMl.' tmrr.iturs silll'C
Ills Ullll.l KM a. , ilrlllm r4tu ramli-
l,tt fur the wr'l lit v in IVjil.
sntin. Out "a title stirvrvt con
Jilidn at V4!iiiiKtiii, lie find littli
jirniniil lur Mpe i.( 4 sulile im
f.rti v." Mr. t'tis ilntjic t. "tjiat the
mri.ik,r .f tin avenue com
mttimv lirltrve thru i soiiirtliiiis
r'tn.illy wrong V4hiiiK!in and
. that it cumm-h thii'flv of a nf
!'ilrrliin. There is no captain of
lt" lli."
ilr. Cn .1. ii audirnre
"while tlirre is isnii-lt regret tlirnuKli
ut lltf rotititry mrr the aimlc. vav
in wltirli tilings lire !rif imik. it i not
fr in rritii ii the president nf the
I nitcd Stales."
Keeping Hit Contract,
"lie in simply leeping his cnnlrait
vhh the people." Mr. Cox said. "Me
vvai open ami fi .ink In expre-MiiK hi
liiiinn a lo what the function of
llie executive i. 'I'he ramp.VKti waged
I'V hi party was l.irgdy directed
iyViut the iillrt-i auto.-r.itic policies
i;f Mr. U'iUon. In making the (lis
tinrtioii u hiili Imtli he anil hi-, party
Made as between what had lirett, and
.what was to he in this regard, the
republican ratididale .peiil'ually
prriniisfd vvlut he would do. He has
lept his faith, lie doubtless believe
Us performance i in precise liar'
, jnon'v with what he aci-npted as a
Jiiardate adopted hy 7,MM,tHHi plural
ity." ; Declaring that the republican ad
ministration in its attitude toward in
ternational eo-oprration is permitting
"this republic to remain in the world
View a selfish, greedy people,
trapped to our money bafts and unaf-
. fected hv the distress of others, the
lormcr deniocratie standard bearer
. said "These intolerable conditions
rannot endure."
Says Principles Right.
.'. "Policies opposed to the general
' Velfaie," the speaker said, "and to
pur moral, religious and economic
i .tenets, must yield to the controlling
' Jvvill of an intelligent people.
"As we gather tonight as dis
ciples of the freed ot Jefferson,
Jackson and Wilson, let us resolve
to hold the line. Ho great cause was
ever won in single baMlc. Our
! prinieples are right, and they must
and will prevail."
'( "In America's failure to express a
(mandate for international co-operation
at the polls in 19J0," the former
' 'Ohio governor declared, "we witness
'.the spectacle of suffrage expression
; without regard to the interests of
'.humanity. There was not enough
.thought of the future and what was
1o be done for the common good.
' There was too much thought of the
; past and punishment, for fancied
"In the calm review of history,
the period and events in question will
be referred to as the 'madness of
,, Outlines Work of League.
Most of Mr. Cox's address was
devoted to giving an outline of what
'. has been accomplished by trie
."league of nations.
He quotes Mr. Harding as having
said in many speeches:
1 "We 'can safely submit our Inter
ests to the opinion of an international
i.'court of justice without yielding our
i 'national rights or sovereignty."
Governor Cox pointed out that
John Basset Moore of this country
iiAvas elected a member of that court,
ibut that our government has no con
nection with it, although it could
,! become a member of the court with
JjOut joining the league of nations.
: "Other countries," Mr. Cox said,
v "have agreed to submit their dis
putes but Uncle Sam is still a her
mit. The court, against which no
iinan has raised his voice, is rejected
j;by our government because the
league of nations had a hand in its
ibeginning and retains a certain ad
ministration relation to it. The
i league is the thing that affrights,
tit disturbs the even tenor of the ad-
ministration as a hobgoblin disturbes
,;ia sleeping child. It matters not
','what the international project is,
;nor the issues it possesses, it is
-'tabooed if the league of nations has
anything to do with it.
;! "This is not statesmanship; it Is
;; National Expense Is
;i Problem for Madden
' (Continued from Page One.)
above decks, the system of measure
ment in vogue deprived the govern
' ment of a considerable revenue in
tolls about : $2,000,000 a year, Mr,
Madden figured.
; Further investigation disclosed
that under the existing law prcscrib-
. ing the tolls and method of measure
ment it is not possible to apply the
canal charges to cargoes above
decks. Mr. Madden introduced a bill
to cure this defect in the law and is
; endeavoring to procure its passage
"at this session of congress. The bill
is being fought by the Pacific coast
lumber interests.
; After Printing Costs.
It is costing entirely too much
money to print currency, bonds and
' stamps at the bureau of engraving
and printing, according to Mr. Mad-
" den. The big item of waste, he
asserts, results from the method of
operation of the power presses. He
: 'pointed out that a more efficient
' method of operation would save the
government ?760,000 a year, but a
provision of the law bars theway
to immediate adoption of the more
economical system. '
Mr. Madden then introduced a
bill to authorize the secretary of the
treasury to change the method of
operation of the power presses and
tl'.H committee on printing has ap-
V ' Jlr Vs
i wmm
Mr. and Mrs. S
I'eilar Rapids, la,. April 8. (Spe
cial Tliirt-iie M settlers of this
community were present at the cele
bration of the 50th wedding anni
versary nf Mr. and Mr. S.V. Sun at the home of their daugh
ter, Mrs. l S. Miller. The time was
kpeut reviewing the pioneer days.
Ilitih Mr. i and Mrs. Sunderland
were horn in Ohio and in their early
proved the measure, which will be
rcMtrtcd lo the house shortly.
Another source of waste Mr. Mad
den found in the bonded warehouses
for liquors. I'nder the law a gov
ernment force of gangers must be
maintained in any warehouse, even
if only a few thousand gallons of
liquor arc stored therein. Mr.
Madden worked out a plan of con
solidation of the bonded warehouses
which will enable the government
lo reduce the number of gauges and
storekeepers at least 900 and save
more tfcan $1,000,000 a year. This
change was incorporated in the
Treasury department appropriation
bill. i
Failure Stirs London .
Financial Circles
(Continued From Faga On.)
old-fashioned provincial towns, that
they were too proper and did not
have enough punch for London the-ater-gocrt
of today.
Mrs. D'Oylycarte, who inherited
the stajTe rights of these operas from
her husband, was induced to gamble
on a London revival with the re
sult that the Gilbert and Sullivan
performances have been the most
popular and profitable entertain
ment in London for several months.
Night after night long ques of
enthusiasts have waited outside the
tl'.eater for the doors to open. The
season closes tonight and the audi
ence will not know what opera it
is going to see until the curtain goes
up. The public has been asked to
vote for the most popular opera
for the final night and the result
of the vote has been kept secret, al
though speculation favors "The Mi
kado." Testimonial for Singer.
A 'popular testimoial was pre-
T T ra A ( rf iliA irntnenil einivni Man fir
Lytton, the only member of the
original company who still plays
leading roles.
Another gamble in another field
of art has been the revival of another
extinct, volcano Bret Harte. A
London publisher took a speculative
chance on a popular edition of
Harte's1 early stories and the pub
lisher found that the public rates
them alongside of today's best sell
ers, although the enterprise was
launched with misgivings.
Irish to Police Palestine.
Irishmen as policemen are famil
iar to Ainericaus, but Irishmen to
police Jews and Arabs in Palestine
are an unforseen development of the
rearranged postwar world.
General Judor, addressing a par
ade of Royal Irish constabulary be
ing paid eff in Dublin, where he
commanded all the Irish forcer for
two years, announced that he was
taking charge of the new police
force in Palestine and that he was
glad to say 300 members of the R.
I. C. were joining this new force.
Decides for Husband.
Judge McCardle has declared the
time has come when the burdens of
husbands and the rights of shop
keepers in the matter of "debts in
curred by wives should be definitely
stated. A dressmaker sued an earl
for eight dresses a countess had
bought before a recent divorce ac
tion. The judge decided in favor of
the earl, saying his allowance 10 nis
If you are aick and want to Get Well
and Keep Well, write for literature that
tells How and Why this almoit unknown
and wonderful new element bringi re
lief to so many sufferers from Consti
pation, Rheumatism, Sciatica, Gout, Neu
ritis, Neuralgia, Nervous Prostration,
High Blopd Pressure and diseases of the
Stomach, Heart, Lungs, Liver, Kidneys
and other ailments. You wear Segnen's
Radio-Active Solar Pad day and night,
receiving the Radio-Active Rays continu
ously into your system, causing a healthy
circulation, overcoming sluggishness,
throwing off Impurities and restoring the
tissues and nerves to a normal condition
and the next thing you know you are
getting well.
Sold on a test proposition. You are
thoroughly satisfied it is helping you be
fore the appliance is yours. Nothing
to do but wear it. No trouble or expense,
and the most wonderful fact about the
appliance is that it is sold so reasonable
that It is within the reach of all, both
rich and poor.
No matter how bad yeur ailment, or
how long standing, we will be pleased
to have yon try it at eur risk. For full
information write today not tomorrow.
Radium Appliance Co., 2(8 Bradbury Bldz
Los Angeles. Cal.
50 Years
m . mt i l ' .mm Jfi m
tud ii
"v7f .
, W. Sunderland.
life moved to northeast Missouri,
where they were married. In 1WU
they came to Cedar Rapids, where
tin v have resided since.
fhey have four children, Mrs. Mill
er, V. II. Sunderland, Columbus,
Neb., and Dr. E. Sunderland of 1-os
Angeles, Cal. They have seven
vraudchildren and one great-graud-chi.d.
wife, nearly 4,000 pounds, was a
fourth of hi income.
Rev. Miss Rotden Sails.
Great Rritain's. foremost woman
preacher. Miss Maude Rotden, sailed
today on the steamer Cedric Jor an
extended American tour.
Blizzard in Alberta
Calgary, Alberta, April 8. An
April blizzard, declared to be the
most intense in years, today gripped
Alberta from Red Deer in the north
to the American boundary on the
south, east into Saskatchewan as far
as Swift Current, and west beyond
Hanff into I'ritish Columbia, l-'rom
four to six inches of heavy wet snow
had fallen up to noon, hut despite its
weight, the snow was reported drift
ing in many places.
run pfe: omaha. wnday. aprii. w.
Defense Lawyer
Placed on Stand
in Arlmckle Case
CliM Coumrl for Film Star
C.1M Vitnrti Iy Pros,
fcution Qunlionrd
About DqioMtioni.
5.n Km'icUco. April I The ap
pearance on the Hand e( Gavin Mc
Nih, rhirf fouiurl far the defne,
as a ptofiuiion witness, nd the
opening of the niuin cac ( the 'de
fense, marked lodjy'i eian t( the
third Irwl of the innUughier charge
aRain.t Koc V. tl;ny) Arlmckle.
McNiib ibf nt niindedly loU Ibe
witness stand wilhout being orn,
mid when told t lUnd up for the
oath, captained that he wa ued to
cjuniiiiiui: witnre and not in being
questioned at a witness himself.
McNab testified regarding the .ob
taining of certain defense depositions
hy Albert Sabath, Chkagn attorney,
the prosecution desiring to know hw
they came intu hit possession, Jle
testified that the whole matter was
handled by eastern agents of the de
fense. Charles II. Brcnnan, associate
defense counsel, also testified regard
ing the depositions.
The session also was marked by the
closing of the prosecution rebuttal
case, the right being reserved to call
three more minor witnesses. The de
fense thereupon announced that it
would open its sur-rebmtal, and
called Henry Marker, San FrancUeo.
and formerly of Chicago, a its first
witness. The prosecution held, how
ever, that Marker's testimony should
properly have gone into the defense
main case, and the court thereupon
asked that the main case be reopened.
Marker testified that he frequently
kept company with Miss Virginia
Kappe in 1V10. 1911 and 191 2, and that
the girl was taken ill in his presence
on numerous occasions. This illness,
according to the defense, displayed
a chronic ailment which resulted in
Miss Rappe's death rather than the
attack on the girl which is attributed
to Arbucklc by the prosecution.
Two women, witnesses of the de
fense, were subpoenaed lo appear be
fore the county grand jury Monday
night in connection with their testi
mony which prosecution witnesses
have denied.
Democrats Enter Nominee
for Congress in Sixth
Lincoln, April 8. (Special Tele
gram.) Tom W, Lanigan, Greeley,
filed today as democratic nominee
for congress in the Sixth district.
Moses T. Kincaid is the republican
nominee in that district and Charles
W. Beats third party nominee.
f V '. v ,
ou can take my word For it
. - A w as as
rY i vl ' l "N
n a 1 I Hi T3aaw
Veteran 'Omaha
Engineer Dies
Cnrgf Mt(,uadt t Throttle
tf I'tiioii IVific Loruiiio
lit en for 36 Year.
For 36 ers, Gemce MrQuade.
JJrjl SiHiih i?urtrenili street, held
the throttle (if iron steeds as tliry
passed o'rr the western prairie on
I'limn I'atific trail,
Thursday niuht
He iiirj nt M'h' home at
t Point, Velt.,
w here he had hern
under a thyi
cian's tare lor
taraii lor tuc
V Ai (4 air. McOude
was one ! me
het known train-
vVai, II men in the wesl.
V-! II Hi. body ha been
brought lo ( 'mall i
for funeral ser
vices next Mon
day inoniinc; at 10
George McQuadc.1", , ";'
church, Four
teenth and CasteU
lar streets. Huiial will he in Holy
Sepulchre rciuctray.
Mr. McQuade was 55 and is sur
vived by his widow; two sons,
Thomas McCjuade. 2781 South Thir
teenth street, and George McCjuade,
2.V18 South Fourteenth street; and
one brother, Thomas nf Chicago.
York Launches Campaign '
for Chihlrcii. KeMtrt
York. Neb.. April .-( Special.)
York launched a drive for a hoys'
and girls', camp in the city to be es
tablished permanently as a recrea
tion resort for the children of this
continuity. A committee has been
looking at a number of sites avail
able, and if a lease is obtained a
building of modern structure will be
erected. This is the first proposi
tion of its kind to be promoted in
this section. The boys and girls of
this county have been attending
camps in Crete and Columbus.
Th Hotel Castle Cafe and Cafeteria is again under the manage
ment of Mr. Alfred Jones, the man who operated this establishment
for tha first five years after its opening. As caterers and owners
of Hill Crest, the Alfred Jones family has established a reputation
for uneacelled cooking and attentive service.
Sundays and Holidays The Famous Hill Crest Chicken Dinner
at $1.25 plate. Starting; Monday, April 10 A Special Popular
Priced Noon Luncheon will be searved from 11 a. m. to 2 p. in.
at 35c. Table de Hote Dinner from 5:30 to 8 p. m. at 50c.
Phone JA cksen 3051 Hotel Castle Cafe & Cafeteria
this is REAL Coffee!"
ke planter bf&s:
' us- rr .
Coffee is as im
portant an item to my country as wheat
is in jour United States.
" You people know the kinds of wkeat
and grades. I know the man$ kinds of
coffees and their various grades. Some
coffees cost as low as nine cents per
pound because of their poor grade and
little value as a drink. Others cost :
'as high as fort9
green. These tetter
more because they are richer and better.
"Coffees to you may look alike but to me tkere '
are the little kard imperfect coffees and tkere are
, all gradations of grades and tke man$ types each
witk its characteristic coffee flavor of deliciousness
and fragrance. .
"An expert may pick the grades of green coffee
but it takes a real expert with the knowledge of
'what makes a perfect drink to blend the better
varieties of coffee for your breakfast cup.
"Ohe Coffee Delicious"
Koasled In Omaha
Naval Bill Reported
Carries $233,224,000
(t Miiau4 ymsn rs 0 I
strapping of 1$ other capital ship
of the prcdiadnaught type,
MS'vud, hy Irfjmg tip surplus de
strom built during the war r
convoy purpose and not required In
ronnrtun with the 18 luttlrhfp
fieri alluwrd under the treaty.
"Third, hy eliminating tiom the
lit of naval vessel ta he kepi in
commisaMu, mine .'54 vessels of a
nondescript character of little or no
inihuiy value, including eagle boats,
submarine ih&srrs, lugs, yachts,
motor boat and miacrllaucou trait
o( small tonnage by the scote.
Dcadwood Eliminated.
"If all of thcf bundled of small
vessel, built or puked up during the
war l meet a special need, are t he
retained in the service and kept In
full commission, lens (if millions of
dollars will be required for thrir
maintenance, repair and personnel.
No greater service can be pertormrd
for the navy at this lime than to
cut nut all this vast accumula'.ion of
dradwood. It docs not contribute a
featlur's weight to the national de
fense. In fact, it constitute a mill
stone around the neck of the navy.
"We are providing in ibis bill stil
ficicnt personnel lo keep in full com
mission 10J destroyers, or all that
the Navy department requested to
he kept in full commission. The bal
ance of the destroyers are military
aet of great value. They are to be
put out of commission, but kept in
first-class condition. This policy
will save the enormous expense of
personnel, fuel oil, repairs and up
keep of this great fleet of surplus
"It will he interesting to the conn
try to know that Great Mritain has
provided in her estimates for the
coming year for but 98,500 officers,
enlisted men, marines and students in
training schools and naval academies.
This number also includes about
.1,000 men in the coast guard service,
while our coast guard i under the
Treasury department. It does not,
however, include personnel for avia
tion, while the hill reported makes
provision for 2,700 men for aviation.
cents per pound
coffees are worth
It ought al he tsid tM the lniih
I'sMi'e d nt include about 7-O'W
oiturr. men and bov. maintained hy
the dominion governments, prin
cipally hv Austiaba."
f 16,000,000 (or Furl
e.teury !eiihv' oiiginal esti
mate mllrd for n,i.xl enlisted men
and 6,tnHl Hppirniite, Mrcaiue cd the
heavy enlisted cut the committee le'.l
the olMier pcionm-liuc and stall
about where U was. Viih the
rluuinatKiii of reserves now on
aiiive duty, and counting 2"0 new from he naval academy, the
ot.i will be o,.t,v.
The navy got nearly all il asked
in revised estimate f s fuel, the bill
Carrying $Io.IHKI.iksI,
The committee estimated it would
ro.l $ I SO.INKl.iHH .i complete the bat
thship Wasluuntoii and West Vir
giuia, and two ol the battleship cruis
ers as airplane carriets.
We Stock EverJ
Way of Music;
Thia i cl
Goods Pepd
are on the
muHt make
Prices on
duced for i
of any pari
in oil
Term of Lessons Free
Note The
Ukclelca . . . $2.50 and up
Banjo Ukc . .$8.00 and up
Guitars $15 and up
Tenor Banjos, $18 and up
Banjos $15 and up
Drum Outfit. .$78 and up
Parcel Post Paid on
Bring your band instruments
Our Repair Department is not n
It is part of our service
7 ' V ;
mm mm
I I I ''tllf m I ! "ti 1 ft 1 1 a- r(4
I I a 1 ma h 1 . V HI ' ' ',H -v
II II 1 1 I II I I II Mil I l I till III I I I I U 'IMIIdl , " ,.
The b'li pftn'fl'
petted tppropiU
bill shall be applxj
pletion o( Sill i
lion, not affected
atious commii
ment, that t'J
Navy departs
had irirrcmc
it was souk
"Miit the
he added,
requested I
ran watery
Snith An
been pi
The i
den a i
to you.