6-A .THE HKE: OMAHA. SUNDAY. A PR Ik 0. 192.!. Applied Psychology 5 Free Lectures -hj America's Greatest Orator Dr. D. V. Bush Author of Will Power and Success 8:15 O'Clack P. M. AUDITORIUM April 8th to 13th Indus! Sunday, April 9th 8.15 P. M. Lib' Greatest Bet. Scientific thinking;. The power of the spoken word to attract and build: also its misuse to destroy ' and kill. On of the strongest and most important laws of thought to understand and prac tice. In this lecture Dr. Bush fires the most tragic presentation of all living platform orators. Inspiration and Healing Silence. What it is and how to as it. Everyone Invited ' Asocial ion to Aid Motorics Formed in State Organization, Hfl'uir ; lers at Lincoln, to Offer Information ami "VuU in'' Sen ice. - To er automobile owner throughout tie tt with Irsl ! ur, itiloritwtioii on rodd and 6r ar. loc Atinu ( ItuirK teiaur,itit. -li.rl, lujiiiinij and fishing grounds, .loiirui camps, and hi oiHrr ways. Hie Nebraska Automobile spoliation lu been incorporated, with general udiii' in Lincoln ami a branch olticr 'III Ollt.lu. fieorge t Mrfonti. Lincoln business man ainl fiiuinrr, i pirsidc tit ol the jif orgjiiijtinii: Kodiiry S. Ittmlan, j'.rtiir edui'ator ami recently a grad- tie from the l.iw department of (lie I imcity oi Kebraoka. i vice rei itrtit ami grtirul tnaiiiiKrr; Allan M. WiNon. an militant, i secretary and "auditor; Victor I'.. ilm is treas urer ami chairman of the hoard cl "dir-ctors, and W. I'. I'arriott, fx .'supreme court commissioner, ii the corporation attorney. ; Free "Pull-in" Service. ; II. I. ICrwin. Lincoln realtor, wilt 'If manager of the Omalu office, which Hill lf located in the Hotel I oiitenetlr. The association already has a turps, of JU met in the tifM, gathering information and establish ing information bureaus and agencies. Anmut membership fee in the association is $10. The association plans to establish information bu 'nam and active membership n;ciiciet, in every city and town in the slate. I ntot ination in regard to highway .conditions vi ill he distributed from j headquarters to local bureaus i radio telephone. The association will "route travelers, select and recom- mend to its members reputable deal ers and repair men, and furnish free -"pull-in" service in the case of auto "mobiles disabled or wrecked on the load. ; Guide to Be Published. - Information in regard to the prac tice of insurance companies in ad justing claims will be furnished and a reward of $HH1 paid for informa tion which contributes to the arrest 'and conviction of a thief of a mem ber's car. ; An annual volume of information for automobile owners ami drivers, , containing routes, location of infor mation bureaus, hotels, garages anj camps, known as the "Nebraska .Highway Guide," will be pubrished. l.racli member will be furnished a copy of the guide, membership card, .car emblem and three "pull-in" cards, it is announced. The association will co-operate -with local organizations in promot 'itvg establishment, improvement and maintenance of highways, camps and "other facilities used by automobilists. Mrs. J. Barrett of Sioux City ' Dies at Daughter's Home Here - Mrs. John Barrett of Sioux City, who was taken ill on a Union Pacific train on her way from California to -her home in Sioux City, died at the ,' home of her daughter, Mrs. G. F. IGorhan, .1819 Florence boulevard, Friday night. , Mrs. Barrett, who was 75, was the -widow of the late John Barrett, "pioneer Sioux City contractor. She is survived by three sons, R.' W. Barrett of Omaha, J. R.nd J. E. .".Barrett of Sioux City, and four -daughters, Mrs. G. F. Gorhan of "Omaha. Mrs. D. L. Holley of Long Beach, Cat., and Mrs. D. W. Thomp son and Mrs. J. Bruce of Sioux -City. - .Detroit Detective Chief ' Wounded in Bandit Battle i T)i.irn!( Mirli Anril R V.rlwarrl til. Fox, chief of detectives, was shot 'and perhaps fatally wounded here Jnte today, when lie engaged in a Tivnlvr Hurl with thr bandits who 'attempted to hold tip a meat shop ,wnere rox, accompanied py nis wne and daughter, was making a pur chase. The bandits escaped in an "automobile. i Absent Banker Is Elected Mayor by Writing in Name llaiiilliill St'attrfil 0cr Pat id City INiplit Before lJrrtioii Win Victory Reception Given. David City, Neb., April 8.-(Spc ci.) While he a absent in Cal ifornia, the name l Arthur J. Vy merchant and hanker, was writ ten on the ballot fur mayor in the city election. He was elected by a big majority, ii. A. Coufal and Alex Kiting were the candidates at the primary. Lou fat withdrew, leaving Filing the only candidate. The night before election handbills were scattered throughout the town, urging Wyatt' name. He was mayor in Ivlo-IVIH. A biff reception was given Wyatt when he arrived Wednesday trout the west. He was met at the train and escorted t t!ie public square, where he nude a speech. Wyatt is president of the City National bank l and president of the Butler County Bankers' asoeiatfou. Other officers elected were: City clerk. Robert Sweeniej treasurer, Arthur J. Wyatt. Frank Te'chek; engineer. S. Cling man; school board, John Lberly, and Mrs. J. I Keddy. Boy Will Escort Youth to Kearney Kx-Reform School Lad to Take Prisoner on Hia Visit. Director of Minneapolis Stmpliony Orclietra Quits Minneapolis, April 8. The resig nation ol Kmil Obcrhoffer .as direc tor of tlie Minneapolis Symphony orchestra was announced today. He had been leader of the orchestra for 19 years. Mr. Obcrhoffer expects to leave soon for Ktiropc, where he will remain a year, he announced. I. C. C. Suits Are Ordered Halted by State Body Kirt Steps Taken Towartl Getting DiruUal of In junction Making Com. mission Powerles. Lincoln. April 8. (Special Tele gram.) The Nebraska railway com mission today isjued an order dis missing all litigation in the United States court between it and the In terstate Commerce commission rela tive to the increased freight and pas enger rale order of the Interstate Commerce commission, which wi resisted by the Nebraska body. It is the first atep toward getting a,lismisal of an injunction against interference in rate cases issued against the Nebraska commission by the federal court at the aolicitation of the railroads and dismissal of an order by the Interstate Commerce commission, which held that the Ne braska commission in righting the rate increase order was guilty of attempted discrimination against interstate rates. The Nebraska commission did not make this order until the United States (upreme court in a recent de cision upheld the rate increase authorized by Interstate Commerce commission and turned down the order of the Nebraska commission, which called for a lower rate. When the injunction is dismissed it means that the Nebraska body can function in regulating state rates, the 4Ue as in farmer years, subject only to l condition tht uih regulation .1 jll iui unduly discriminate agiut nuet.ute commerce, H. ti, Taylor, chairman, fvplauifd. Lver since the injunction wa issued the Nebraska commission ha been jMwerle t handle rate question oi any description. It. n S.it. He'll Hi Mtail Man ! tr sit'idav. i lulled vii!i shoidifiius! ! would be aue.iej on sonif majur it I i . ir...,,-., I " . can I blud the mini withi clutge. it sTiiirmru i rr .nir, ; ( ( !(fru (rflir4(.j ittse s;f4U j t)5c Sr4l, n,,tii Lawrrnte to "II I Ii4 (a so o Kearney I'll) llairv ('.burr, ! whom Isw.h4IW t Kitirview borne and trmaiii nt .1.. ' .,.t,.t .1..... .1 , '"''. t"'d Judge Vats that law. te.riird if an uncle in the east would ... ,..r lwf H4, .g w .,,ll4rf- ,u tlut ken, him Lawrence l!o)len, Hi, wha was r- ii jtl.,ed to tontinue m hit ' 'ainned before Juvenile Judje ' irriit rnviioument he doiillles- Bee Want A lt Produce Results, Harry Grossman, 16. 812 North Sixteenth, has been sentenced to the State Industrial school at Kearney ! twice. Yesterday he asked Juvenile Judge Scars if he might return. The judge granted his request, hut this time Harry is to return as a guest, rather than a prisoner. Judge Sears promised to provide him with a youthful prisoner to take to the institute. "I'll sure get him there," promised Harry. 'I don't care if he is bigger than I am, he won't escape." This will be first time in the his tory of juvenile court that one youth has escorted another one to the Kearney school. Judge Sears as yet has not designated the youth Harry is to take. . f "Kearney is a good place to learn a lesson," explained Harry. "I get kind of homesick for it, too. II. V. Clark, he runs it, and he and I arc good friends. I want to see him again. It's been two years since I was there" Harry says his father is dead. He lives with his mother. Mrs. E. Gross man, at 812 North Sixteenth street. Bee Want Ads Are Business-Getters. " you love growing things, visit our store oflcnl Plant That Garden Now! Seeds, Plants, Bulbs Everything for Lawn mni Garden THE NEBRASKA SEED CO. Phone Doug. 173S 1613 Howard Street Doug. 1736 llflsP flp What Makes a House a Home? Edgar Guest Says: "It taJ(es a heap o livin to make a house a home." But, you can also do this by the simple method of using Better Wall Ppper. Possibly you do not yet realize the def inite influence frequent change of color scheme has upon your happiness and welfare. Any competent paperhanger decorater will either show our Sample Books in your home, or meet you at our showroom. If you have no regular dec orator, we will put you in touch with a reliable one. 1209-11. Harney Street Bear Wall Paper Co. Phone JA ckson 2902 Turn Off Gas w and Go Away WITH perfect' confidence in the lucceiiful result of her cooking, WITH every feeling of perfect lafety in her little home, WITH the joy of being care-free for a half day, AND WITH that extreme gratifi cation that though she ii abient she it neglecting no domeitic duty, WITH the full anurance that upon her return she will find a well cooked, steaming hot dinner ready to serve, THIS, in a nut ih til, is tbt great serv ice which is being enjoyed daity by the thousands of women u ho have in thetr kitchens the new GAS RANGES r? , III a- m ii ut ra -jT tt" The Modern Business Man so arranges his office that, if he wants to get away, the office keeps right on doing business. Madame Housewife: There's no good reason why you should 6pend so much time in the kitchen, when you can employ a Chambers Fireless Gas Range to do all the 'watching" of the meals. Commencing Monday A Great Sale Special Reduced Prices For Two Weeks Monday we launch a Great Sale on Chambers Fireless Gas Ranges. To raalte this Great Sale an overwhelming success we have decided to radically reduce our already lowered prices on these wonderful Gaa Ranges. These Low Prices are in effect for only two weeks, com mencing tomorrow. Now you can get a Chambers Gas Range for Less! Let us show you the many advantages of this wonderful household in vention Tomorrow T You Can Own a Chambers on Our Easy-Payment Plan ESTABLISHED 1855' ILTON ROGERS X JL AND SONS COMPANY Hardware " Household Utilities 1515 HARNEY ST. J It Costs LESS to Paint NOW ". The durability lasting quality and final results with paints will be greatly enhanced by the employment of skilled workmen for painting. We know how. " G. A. Steinheimer Company DEPENDABLE SERVICE . 609 Keeline Building Women of ViT 1 11 A micLcue Aoe THE critical stage of a woman's life usually comes between the years of 45 and 55, and is often beset with annnoying symptoms such as nervousness irrita bility, melancholia, heat flashes which producehead ache and dizziness, and pi sense of suffocation. Guard your health carefully, for if this period be passed , over safely, many years 01 pertect healtn may be enjoyed. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is especially adapted to help women through this crisis. It exercises a restorative in fluence, tones and strengthens the system, and assists nature in the long weeks and months covering this period. It is prepared from medicinal roots and herbs, and contains no harmful drugs or narcotics. Its value is proven by many such letters as these : Denver, Colo. "I have taken Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and I can not tell you the good it has done me. It is good for young and old and I always keep a bottle of it in the house, for I am at that time of life when it calls for it. My husband saw your ad. in the papers and said, 'You have taken everything you can think of, now I want you to take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound!' So I let him get it, and I soon felt better. 'I took about six bottles.' I keep house and do all my own work and work out by the day and feel fine now. I tell everyone about the Vegetable Compound, for so many, of my friends thought I would not get well." Mrs. R. J. Liston, 1850 West 33rd Ave., Denver, Colo. Metropolis, III. "I have taken Lydi E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and it is all it claims to be and has benefited me wonderfully. I had been sick for eight months with a trouble which confined me to my bed and was only able to be up part of the time, when I was advised by a friend, Mrs. Smith, to try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and ILiver Pills. I was so much benefited by the use of these medi cines that I was able to be up and about in two weeks. I was at the Change of Life when I began taking the medicines and I passed over that time without any trouble. Now I am hale and hearty and do all mv housework." Mrs. Emma' Ctjlveb, 705 E. 7Ux St., Metropolis, III. Letters like the above do influence women to try Lydia . PinkKam's fedetable Compound LYDIA E.PINKHAM MEDICINE CO. LYNN. MASS. s E. J. Davis tili Flrmm SI JA. MM HEAVY noiSTine AND HAULING i a I ADVERTISEMENT. Wipe Out Every RatandT..oiise Amazing New Discovery Gets Them All Not a Poison. Don't b satisfied with trapping or poisoning just a few. Exterminate the whole bunch old, young, big and little. Rats do millions of dollars' damag each year. They kill chickens, destroy grain, damag buildings and property. They ar filthy, dangerous, destructive disease terrier. A wonderful new scientific discover called Imperial Virus now enables 'you to clear your place of every rat on it. The amazing feature of it is that it is not a poison and affects rodents such as Rata, Mice, Gophers, etc., only. It I pperfectly harmless to humans, stock. poultry, pets. It can, therefore, be spread anywhere knowing it will kill only th pests you want to get. One rat affects the others and in a short time th whole colony is exterminated, root and branch. They die outside, too, hunting air and water. Special Introductory Offer. The manufacturers of this ama.lng Virus are anxious to get immediate dis tribution everywhere and are making a special offer of on big double-sited (dou ble strength) bottle of Imperial Rat Virus for SI. 00. It i. .rt.!nlu ..!(. Cf ft A . - every nousenom to exterminate every rst-5- and mouse around the place. It is backed by our guarantee to do this or your money will be refunded any time after 15 days. Vnm ). -. 1 1 C I . t . v. Ba.s ti. vui.ii. at an onenaiD e. Ale- Connell Drug Stores. If not convenient tot' obtain it from thei druggists, it wiU b mailed postpaid for 11.00 by .writing to V H. .Inn., ni.trifoit,. RSI A TIA-. I rt ... ... . ' - - . Omaha. Neb. Best Business Boosters Bee Want Ada SO.