Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 09, 1922, Page 4, Image 4

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    1 A
N. M. Guard Starts
for Riot-Torn Part
of Coal District
Martial Law Declared in Gal
lup Dirtrit t of New Me xivo
Following Hrpnrt of
Strike Riot.
Wiihlniton, April 8 Secretary
Weeks today declined to tend feder
I troop Into New Mexico in re
sponse to telegram from Gov. M.
C. Mechem, who said he might need
them to preserve order in the Gallup
coil fieldi whert martial law wai de
clared yesterday at retult of dis
order, incident to the coal itrike. The
war aecretary'a telegram aent and
foado public after he had conferred
on the matter with President Hard
ing said;
"Unlets disorder develops to a
point where state authorities are un
able to preserve order, federal troops
can not be used in connection witli
the coal strike."
l III A.uxialril Vmm.
SanU 1. X. M.. April R-Marti..!
law uaii declared in tlir Ciallup coal
mining ticld yrMorday afternoon, in a
itrorlamalion iued by tiov. M. I'.
Mfclirn. H'aihin.utm troop nt AN
lufurr(iie mid Troop I) of the Na
tional (ruard at S.mU !, were or
dered to proceed at once t the Held.
The proclamation was issued on
rrnoit of an appeal from the hhrrilT
of MiKinW count v, who rrtmrlcd
a riot at Mcntmorc camp. No de
tails of the riot were gjven.
Troops Entrain.
A!!uriticrqiie, K. M., April R.
Four troop units of the New Mexi
can National Guard left here in a spe
cial train early today for Gallup, N.
M , for duty in the coal mine dis
trict where disturbances by strikers
are feared. The men are due to ar
rive at Gallup Ht noon.
Adj. (Icn. Brown, who went to
Gallup last night, has called a con
ference in Gallup for 2 o'clock this
afternoon of mine operators, mine
workers' representatives and city and
county oflicials when the governor's
proclamation of martial law will be
read and rules for its enforcement
laid down.
No further disturbance was re
ported last night. '
Receive Last Pay.
Indianapolis, Ind, April 8. Idle
coal miners of the country, starting
today and continuing next week, re
ceive their last pay, estimated at
000,000, by union oflicials and re
garded by them as a strike fund.
The big wage distribution, an im
portant factor in the miners' ability
to continue the general suspension
of work that began a week ago, on
the order of the United. Mine Work
ers of America, is for the final half
of March in all, 15 working days.
The h'g turn i several times the
total cih of tl,.e union orgsniia
llensiut'cn,il, t'n't and liKt and
comrt ti tit nuuers with an in-
definite period d idiene! ahead of
them. It is the only bite cah pay.
mrnt that will come during the sut
pesion, the union war chest not per-
muting any general strike benefits.
Conference Suspended.
New York. April i Union repre-
1 It. it II 'a at Hllfl i!-!tif alt 1 If tin the
'coal operator who have been in ses-
i.i at a waue nrgonations rum
mitiee, supcuded their conferences
today and returned to their respective
dutrtru. It wbt announced that iluy
would resume teisiont lueiday,
whin their efforts to bring about
setilrmrcnt of the strike will be re
newed, Itftlfast Woman Carried
From Burning Ruiltling
A unman, ill In bed, was carried
out a trcoud story window and down
a Uddrr to safrty during a midnight
fire on South Thirteenth street l ri
clav night.
Firemen were summoned to the
second hand store of Abraham Kcis
er, I00J.4 South Thirteenth street,
at ll:.W when flames were discovered
in the rear of the store, mounting to
the second floor.
L'pstairs Hemic Wood, who oper
ates a rooming- house, had been ill
I several months and. unable to
escape, was earned down a Udder by
Capt. Tom Caey of hook and ladder
company No. 3.
Damatie from the flames was nomi
nal. Cause of the fire is undeter
mined. County Official Kxpircs
of Wound in Election Fiplit
Albuquerque, X. M., April 8.
CeUrt I.ovalo, county commissioner
of Valencia county, died in a hos
pital here today of a bullet wound
sustained at Helm Tuesday night
following a heated election.
Lovato's brother-in-law. Santiago
T.aca. is being held at I.a Lunas
pending an investigation, lie says
a revolver he was carrying was ac
cidentally discharged.
$933,725 More
in Taxable Stock
Found by Slate
Large Amount of Stock Never
Placed on Neliraka Tax
Kolei Discovered Iy
I of foreign uuL. held by N'ebrAan ! T 1)1 ' Four CitifhV Training
jwill be pUced on the stte ta ro!e,' I)(l IUI IjIIHiU r
to Aid Mother
Mr. O.bon'e stated, which wi'l mean !
an iucrc4 in the state U fund of
ivrrat t!iouaud of dollars.
"This wilt mitigate the grief ol
property holders somewhat in that
thoe ho bv their wealth inve.ted
solely in stock will be compelled to
Py taxes en their valu," he e
Record Class Is
Lad. 12, TrlU Court He Stole
Hooka to Get Food for
Self and l'arent.
Investigation by William II.
borne, state i foniini:oner,
Nebraska holding of intangible
property will incrre f I e state tax
tund by several thousand dollars,
Mr. )boriie Mated following dis
covery of $9J5,7.1) worth of nock
In Nebraska which bad never been
placed on the state 4e role. That
amount represent lite holdings of
Nebraska stockholders in the Amer-I
iean Smelting & Keliiiing company,1
Mr. Osbarne said. j
Authorized to Investigate. j
I'ndrr a law pacil by the last
leuislature. the tali commissioner i
amhorired to inquire of all foreign
corporations the amount of stock
nrld by Nebraskant. 1 wo d.ivs ago,
Mr. Osborne trarnnl that Armour
& Co. luxe S.l.'6.000 in stocks out
siaudiiiK in this state, of which I'.lmer
M. Morsman of (maha is said to
own the largest Diocw. 3.-u snares.
().' the American Smelting and Ke
nning company stock in this state.
the family of Mrs. Maud P.arton of!
Koiiutze Memorial Church
Will Receive 211 Tumor
row and l.V Later.
Georire Dorn. associate pastor and
Omaha is the largest holder, said to' Key. F. J. Weertz, church school pas
have 1.502 harts. I tor.
Will Mitigate Grief.
Tax on intangible property in Ne
braska is oue-lil'tli that on tangib.r
property. Mr. Osborne said. Under
the state tax law regarding intangible
property several millions of dollars
Through" hi tears yesterday morn
ing Leonard Hrown, I.', confessed to
. T) ! 1 1 Juvenile Judge Sear he sold books
tO IlCLOIllirnied Mm from the public binary to
grt money with which to buy food
fur himself and his mother.
Mrs, Ktitli Hrown and her son
came to Omaha from Kansas City
and went to live at 1 10 South Twenty-sixth
street. Fver where the
mother went to get work thry ob
jected to having the child with her,
she told I lie judge.
Only Dime Left.
Finally one morning, after they eaten breakfast, they discovered
llicy had but one dime Int. Leonard
went out as u-iwl and returned
shortly aitrr with 75 cent.
"I earned it running errands,'' he
MM Iiw mother and she accepted
the money.
"I sold three book for 25 cents
each and cave the money to moth
er." be told the judge yesterday
Judge Offers Job.
Juvenile Ollicer Voshurgh, prose
cuting the ca-e. fold Judge Sears
more than 1.000 hook have been
stolen from the public library in the
last two weeks.
The Judge sent Leonard to River
view home until his mother cm grt
work, and suggested to the mother
that if everything else failed she
might get work at his daughter's
The laraet class In the history of Memorial Lutheran chun-h
will he confirmed today. I'mIiii
Siiud.iy It numbers J4I, This i
aUo the largest confirmation class in
any one church in the hi-tory of the
Lutheran church in America.
Fur II coiisenitivc years Kounte
Memorial church has had the largest
list of continuants among the Lu
theran churches in this country.
Last vear Faster continuant uttm
brred V).
Besides the-e coufirmaiit. 1J5
other person have made application
for membership and they will be re
ceived next Wcdncsdjy evening.
This will bring the total membership
to more than .I.WtO.
Kev. O. I). Baluty fs pastor. Rev.
aiiijis lor Mjiutu i.orpi
San Antonio, April a, Four citi
zens' military training ramps will he
established this summer in the
Lighth corps area, according to an
announcement issued by Lieut, t'ol.
Chae Lewis, in charge of the train-
When Your
Corns Hurt
Ends Corns and Calluses Quick
If n-mllril (rum "turf" hav nnly
mmle your fr-t murt rr unit under,
ing activities for Texas. Oklahoma,
Colorado, Arizona and New Mexico.
The Lighth corps can ps will operate
from July 27 to August Jo.
1 The ramps will be established at
Camp Travis, San Antonio, for in-
Nationally Priced
branded in ine back
. Martin Carey Dies
St. Augustine. Fla.. April 8. Mar
tin Carey, vice picsident of the
Standard Oil company, died today in
a local hospital.
famry, tat shy and arttlirrv branches!
at I ort Sill, Okl , lr infantry and
arliHeiv; at Fort Logan, Denver,
Colo, lor infantry, and at Fort lltus,
Fl Fasti, for infantry, arnlUry ant
cat ahy.
VhM3uM OsryV tfcjrf
700 (600 '495
7 ie. Art and Music Stoic
1513-15 Douglas Street
rlon'l drlr. Knr InHnnt. rnni.-tc, wr
nianrnt rr-ltrf U gunmnlrril by lh new
mi'lhort. A Iw droni of "Gctn-ll" rrmovM
nny nlil ur new, hsnl or toft corn from
any fiiot. It prel off in your finger.
I'niils nut trifle everywhere. Recom
mrmlfil l,y k rlriiKiiU. t. Lawrenre A
Co.. .Mfr.. Chieaio.
No more auea.iini and pinrhinf to cet
rid of Ihote unlhlly hlemlahe. hlack
htada. 'there U on tlntpl. and sura
way to set them cut and that ia to dia
nlva them. To do thia Juat pat about
two ounrea of ralnnila powder from your
druvKitt aprinkle a little on a hot. wet
aponse rub bnaaly over the blarkhasda
Lfor a few aernnda wash the parla and
every hlarkhead will he (one.
Pini'hlnjr and agueenna out hlackhvada
make taria porea and you rannnt Rt all
of the blarkheada out thia way while thia
aimple application of ralnnila powder and
water diitnlvea every particle of them
and leavea the akin and poret in their na
tural condition. Any drugglit will aell you
tha ealonila powder and about two ouneei
will ba all you will aver nred.
Regain the Vital
Forceof Youth
A SimpU Horn Treatment, Mara
I Available Than Gland Treatmeats
J er Bark eat! Animal Eatracls.
I Kature'a arett gift Ia' mankind ia
Korea Compound, (or iha r)uenaii ft
fiasgmi vital forre. II toit etpiie ta re.
a'uird vital nervou enn. to tha eluri
out vigor tU tha daya of youth, try herei,
I In tha privaey of your owtt home. Uratify
Ini retails ate kaoan, utaally in a fa
j hore Compound Hn tablet fitrmt la tha
I result of many yeara of .-tntifl reiear.'h.
It funiaina nu harmful druta or opiate.
It Si'ta naturally to rebuild the vital
forrea In man or woman, lo levna tha
power of youthful and lamina.
Mot widely arclaimed than I Hand Treat,
menla or hark and animal evtrarla. It
haa a powerful aelion in atrenalheninc and
renewin nerve llaauea, and to overcome
lha handicap of phvairel weakneaa, tctult
in front breaking nalura'a lawa.
horn la dlilrlhuted and luaranlied
only by the Melton l.alioiatotira, )rpt,
141, Maaaaehuaalla ft Ida , Kantat
tSa. A full treatment of tlwa wonder
vllallier aent prepaid for only S3. 00. Or,
if more convenient, aend no money pay
lha puilman 11.00 and a few eenta t- t -aia
when it arrive. Tha laboratories
auaranleo to return your money promptly
If reaulla are not entirely aallafaclnrV.
Cut ai tear out this ad aaw, aad etnd or-
dar looay.
When in OMAHA
Stop at
Bee Want Ads Produce Results.
1 1 III I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I S I I I I l"S I I I I I I I I I I I 1 1 I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I. I I I I , 1 1 , , , , , , ,!,. , ,
Toys, Ch'ddrcns Furniture,
Dab) Carriages. Complete
line on third floor.
. Jin m . miTTllilI
. Lincoln. Neb.
This institution is the only one
in tne central west witn aepareie
buildings situated in their own
grounds, yet entirely distinct, and
rendering it possible to classify
cases. The one building being fit
ted for and do voted to the treat
ment of noncontagious and nonmen
tal diseases, no others being admit
ted; the other Rest Cottage being
designed for and devoted to the
exclusive treatment of select mental
cases requiring for a time watchful
care and special nursing.
Hava ybu aeen tha modern home at
2S2I South 34th atreet. Open t to
B and 7 to 9 p. m. Sundays, I lo 1
p. m.
Completely furnlahed In an attractive
way at a moderate caat. Built by
C. G. Carlberf, fumiahad by Orchard
Wllhelro Co.
Burgess-Nash Company
"Everybody's Store"
' Our New, Victrola Department
Number two of our series of new features of real
interest to everyone. We have the exclusive sale
In Omaha of
Reducing and Developing Records
Public Demonstration in
in our Auditorium each
Ittnr.h Hour, 12 to 1
Monday - Tuesday - Friday
, April 10th, 11th, 15th '
and Saturday, April 16th, 1 to 2 p. m.
Demonstration under direction of
J. b. Mclean
. .
Burgess-Nash Auditorium Fifth Floor
'T W 17 WOlVf IT R IT A ITT I FT I T I can be accomplished economically, satisfactorily and easily at Orchard
1 nSL Ur D s U 1 ITUL & Wilhelm Co. Everything in furniture everything in floor coverings
everything in draperies, gift pieces, and traveling equipment everything for the kitchen and to those who desire we offer
terms inviting and accommodating.
are among the most interesting
dranery materials and have an
pecial appeal in the spring and sum
mer months. Their bright, cheerful
colors introduce the spirit of the great
"out-of-doors'! into your home.
Cretonnes are used for a thousand purposes
among the more important
Over Draperies
Slip Covers
Laundry Bags
OVi'm Pniwr l"Knten UP tne old 'furniture, and preserve the
kJiip KjUUVio new jrom tne wear anfi dust 0f the open-window '
season. We make a specialty of slip covers telephone us and we
will submit estimates for the work.
Of special interest is a fortunate purchase from one of the largest New York
importers, which enables us to sell 3,000 yards of Cretonne at ONE-HALF
REGULAR VALUE. Seventy.five different color effects, all select patterns,
arranged for selling at
75 per yard, March lit price $1.50
1920 price 2.S0
' 95 P" yard, March 1st price 1.75
1920 price 3.00
We show Cretonnes in a great range of color effects and prices
38 50tf 75c 95 $1.25 81.50 per yard and up.
Our Invitation
to the young people
starting out.
lo those replenishing.
We invite you to come to
thia atore.
We invite you to take aa
much of our time as you
We invite you to ask our
advice, and because of our
long years of experience
we feel competent to give
good advice others tell
us it has proved so.
We invite you to see the
thousands of new pieces in
low price Furnishings
and ' when you come we
are pleased if you buy.
Only when you are satis
fied we can serve you best.
You will like a BRUNSWICK
fot its fine tonal qualities
for its exquisite cabinet construction
--because it plays all records
BRUNSWICK, artistically designed
in mahogany or oak, nickel
trimming $100
Height 43 inches. Width 19 inches. Depth 21 inches.
Sold on Convenient Terms
To Holders of
Belgian 7l2 Bonds
$2,000,000 par amount of
Belgian 7V'2's, due 1945,
have been called for pay
ment June 1, 1922, at
115 and interest.
We have a list of the
called bonds. If you will
supply us -with the num
bers of your bonds we
shall be glad to inform
you if any of your bonds
.have been called.
OmahaTrust Company
Omaht National Bank Building
$39.75 for a Fine
A Hartmann serves you well when travel
ing, with its complete equipment, or
when at home, used as a wardrobe. It
is most conveniently arranged, having
lift cushion top, latest hangers and
clothes follower, shoe box and hat box,
interlocking bar. Splendid value for. .$39.75
Complete line of Hartmann Trunks,
821.75 to 8100.00
You will
find jut
you have
been look
ing for in
our attrac
tive display
24 Tables of
CHINA Tea Sets, Break
fast Sets, General
Services in the
most attractive
LAMPS Table, Floor, and
Bridge types of
distinctive origin
ality: carved wood,
pottery and metal
bases with silk or
parchment shades.
GLASS Buffet Sets and
Stem Ware, in am
ber and blue, irides
cent, and plain blue
and amber, the very
newest creations in
this fascinating
Our prices are the lowest, because we
are the largest dealers in Linoleum in
this section of the country. Buying in
carloads for our- wholesale and retail
departments offers advantages that
make it possible for us to quote these
low prices.
Felt Base Linoleum in attractive patterns,
q- yd ...45
Printed Linoleums, 6 ft. wide, in a va
riety of patterns and colorings, suit
able for all rooms, sq. yd 75t to SI .2S
Printed Linoleums in drop patterns, 6 'ft. wide, burlap back; a good assort
ment of designs and colorings; regular price $1.25 sq. yd. Special, sq. yd. . .75
Printed Linoleum, extra heavy quality, good patterns, large assortment, 12 ft.
wide, sq. yd 81.20
Inlaid Linoleums, 6 ft. wide; color goes clear through; desirable patterns;
'. , $1.35
About 20 patterns of heavy quality Inlaid Linoleums, suitable for all rooms,
s1- ' $1.45
Inlaid Linoleums, suitable for bathrooms and small kitchens.
Congoleum and Armstrong Linoleum Rugs, slightly damaged, ONE-HALF TO ONE
Detroit Jewel Gas Range, $45
Baked ebonite finish on all cast parts,
body made of blue finish steel, full
lined 18-inch oven, white porcelain
pan under burners, and white por
celain panel in each door a high
quality Gas Range at a very low
Price ; $45.00
Your old gas range taen in at liberal
allowance on purchase of nen range.
Herrick Refrigerators
Scientifically built to maintain a dry, cold
air circulation, which insures' preservation of
Medium size Herrick, white enamel
inside, with tinned wire shelves. .. -839.50
Complete new line on display.
jjjtsyjjj- aaaaaaaai HHaaa
-if II Sold on JU
1 . j Convenient y
A Delightful Queen Anne Bedroom Suite
In walnut or mahogany, carefully built of selected stock, with full dust
and mouseproof construction and painstaking attention to every detail
of design and finish.
Living Room Furniture
Choose from our wonderful showing of living room furni
ture. Includes both cane and overstuffed in all the newest
designs, wonderfully constructed and finished.
3-piece Cane Living Room Suite as low as $139.50
3-plece Overstuffed Loose Spring Cushion Suite in tapestry. $135.00 Chair to match
- 'j i
i i- fj
O 9
O -a I
The Vanity Dresser, with 18x
45-in. top, 18x48-in. center
"mirror and 8x35-in. side
mirrors 885.00
l" " " " , a
The Chifforettc,
with sliding tray The beautiful Bow Foot Bed,
interior $58.00 ful1 size S56.00
The Dresser, with 22x
41 -in. top and 24x28
in. mirror. . $65.00
Rocker to match 812.50
Bench to match $10.00
J.i' I: ., IMi.t..l..t'lllfMt.l:.I..Suli'ai.t ll.l'.t t..l..l..iM..l..t III I I III I I I, I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1,1 I I I III I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I. I I l I I II I . I,
- ; . . 1 '