8 B THE BEE: OMAHA, SU.NUAT. AfttlU r, IVil The Omaha Bee MOBXIKfi-EVEXINfi-SUNDAY. im ras rtni isiwa roMpAwr 5. BtVl.. MlMtUft Of THK AiSOCUTtD rati! t OT inai'aa IM r Mf I ala ' i... nTiiimii " i iiaw a r-r - AIM Auk toUl ef IM avail aWMa f Cvw Tk Ml elrHlU f Tk Onwka B far Man-k, 1922 Daily Avtri ZJ'ZXS Sunday Averag Oo THE BEE PUBLISHING COMPANY B Mtwm. o J M",'U.M, LU1IH a. rwv.. ,.. ... .ukr.W Mac mi sua r Si) w. HutvlTY. Nunr rutin ' . arr Tfl F PHONES I.rrtmt. Arumie' " AT U.ti 1000 OFFICES Ulysses Simpson Grant. ' A.nr',1 27 18.':. a man child wa. born ' .&-rs? farmer. Jcc and hi. S"1 ,fe ,ned'? ,,mc but' the name would not tnk. d ' t di to -,her ,.,e boy drooped Ilium and inserted Simpson, and g-e the "oHd a name that UI .Lnd a, long a, name, .remembered in America. Now . up. are heim taken to properly commemorate the cen e 1. anniver.rof hi. birth by arrangmg o establish memorials (or h.m m vanou. nlac .. Young Crant began early left P me morial, (or himself. One was at Resaca de la Palm., another at Monterey. Later he p i tap uite a .iiable one at Belmont, and justified hi. initial, when he wrote a note Jo hi. old classmate, Simon Bolivar Buckner. m relation to term, on which the latter might surrender Fort Donelson. Then at Shiloh he established another, and at Cornith. Vicksburg an Chat, t.nooga, finally a big one at Richmond, and the capsheaf of alt at Appomattox. Here is a veritable pyramid of military glory, topped by ' the" most magnanimous act of a conquerer. career-that provision by which Lee . men were .llowed to 'retain their horses, because they would need them when they got home. Grant', career as president Is hardly less re markable than his record as a soldier. He fell heir to the 'confusion of war confounded by the Inability of Johnson to restrain the zeal of the radicals, led by Cameron and his associates. Reconstruction wa. his task, and he accom plished it so well that his successor, Hayes, an- . .. 1 ...-.-la- una nounced on coming into omce xnai mc done. - One of Nebraska', fine soldier-citizens, John M. Thayer, had the distinction of being in Grant's confidence during this critical period, and a. a genator from Nebraska aided greatly , in..haping affairs. As the perspective lengthens the world sees better the achievement of the silent man, and appreciates more fully his work. No picture of Grant is so impressively ma jestic as that silent figure, swathed in blankets, lilting in an invalid's chair, stubbornly fighting back the Death Angel while he completed ni. memoirs, the .ale of which was to discharge : his debts, clear hi. name from a stain put on it by a dishonest business partner, and thus to leave the world a legacy it will treasure more and more as years go on. I American, have heard a lot of Thomas Jef ferson lately; it will do them no harm to look up Ulysses Simpson Grant, and absorb some of the teachings that may be drawn from his life. t , Music and Morals. The . power of music to soothe the savage breast receives a new tribute from Otto H. Kahn, wljo would like to ee a piano in every home. Thi. millionaire banker, and philanthropist, nrg- ing a municipal appropriation for the advance ment of'the arts, expressed the belief that many crimes resulted from a desire to get away from the dullness of everyday life. ' - On ,the other hand, jazz is frequently de nounced as the breeding ground of vice how would Mr. Kahn obtain jazz proof pianos guaran teed against those syncopated, hesitating shiver, of harmonious discord? The proposal for more music resolves itself into an elaboration of the theory that if people are singing or playing they will not be indulging in pastimes that are gen erally held to be more reprehensible. Something on the order of the claim that if people are al lowed to get drunk they will not resort to drugs.' Mr. Kahn went So far as to intimate the belief that a piano is better than a cop, andthat crim inals might be induced to revel in melody rather than gore. This belief is curiously analogous o that of the anarchist philosophy that mankind is naturally harmless and good, needing no laws and resorting to wrongdoing solely because of ' instincts starved and distorted by repression. Maybe music would help deter people, from crime bu,t it would have to be good music, for there re sounds emanating from sundry parlor instrument, that seem to incite to murder rather than to brotherly love. , - : More Early Marriages. The notion that . hard . economic conditions are reducing the number of early marriages in America is exploded by the figures of the last census. In fact, a significant increase is shown in the proportion of married persons among the young folks. Thus, the number of 18-year-old husbands increased from 13,321, or 1.4 per cent of the total population of that age in 1910, to 24,944, or 2.7 per cent of the corresponding Afal in 1Q?0 ' Th ffrMfpct nrr cpnfr rf ffain v.ta ... O"' 1--- o is found among men of the age of 20 and 21. At the same time tfle number of 16-year-old brides increased from 34,829, or 3.7 per cent, to 41,626, or 42 per cent. For each age from 15 to 34 without exception in the case of either sex, an increase i. shown in the proportion married, the proportion being especially notie'e- able for the younger ages. Matrimony has not gone out of style for any age group." A less pronounced increase is reported for the age. from 35 to 44, con ' .idered a. a group. The proportion of mar riage, for those over thi. limit has decreased. ' Xhj'eensui reveal, that Chicago ha. 20,089 unmarried wumrn mort t'lun 4 J yt.r. old, and J 1, 370 bachelor, ever tht time at line. Hu man naturt i curious, and probably will insist en beiicvinr that tht old maid never had chance, while th. bachelor, remained .ingle from choke. But .peaking of choice, there are l.titY) divorced men and 8.98J divorced women, Somt women, at least, have demonstrated their desire (or matrimonial freedom. Statitiic. do not go into tht caukt. of these conditions. Id!t speculation may Ukt it that many early marriage, art attributable to the fart that the tut of divorrt has made matri inony .rem lei. serious. Or it may be that mort wholesome factor, have entered. i. 58 Blackmailing Nebraska. The Bet published Saturday the fact, of the latest chapter of a campaign of blackmail directed egainst the state of Nebraska. The democratic pres. published a. fact .Utcment that the Wisconsin state budget for the current biennium i. $26,000,000; that of Texas $2J,000.000; Michigan, $17,000,000; Minnesota JI6.000.000; Iowa, $10,000,000; Misouri. $15,000, 000 and Nebraska $30,000,000. On that basi. wa. drawn a picture of Nebraska burdened by taxes greater by million, than those of neighbor ing state, of greater wealth. The extent of this misrepresentation I. shown by the fact that Nebraska', budget included every item of legislative appropriation, from tax fund. and all other sources, for twenty-seven month., whereat the auditor, of the respective states quote their own corresponding totals for twenty- four months as follows: Wisconsin, $61,000,000; Michigan, $58,000,00fc Minnesota, $26,000,000 (plus apparently certain additional items); Iowa, $10,000,000, plus unestiiuated items carried by continuous levies; Missouri, $84,000,000. Such misrepresentation hurts the fair name of Nebraska wherever it is read and believed. It serves notice abroad that Nebraska property is burdened beyond that of its neighbors; that Ne braska industry is carrying a load beyond that of competing industries in other states; that Nebraska is governed either corruptly or incom petently. It depresses land values by frightening prospective buyers. It turns population else' where to state, where taxes are falsely repre sented as being lower than in Nebraska. It dam age! Nebraska beyond calculation. The Eighth Art. Those whose, delight it is to hold that the world is growing worse can not be speaking of cooking. With this the gradual fade-out of do mestic servants may have much to do. After all, in the kitchen, as everywhere else, the best way fi get things done correctly is to do them ones sell. The members of the agricultural committee of the Chamber of Commerce recently were dined at the home of one of the leading mer chants of the city. No caterer was called in for this occasion, but the women of the house hold prepared and served the entire meal. In the governor's mansion at Lincoln Mrs. McKel vie does her own work. She has a larger house than have many other women, and there is no doubt that the development of the kitchen- tte and the improvement of household device. ha. encouraged and made possible similar sim plicity in countless homes. To cook well is an art for which the train ing given ,in high Sthool may receive a portion of credit. In the past few housewives had even heard of a balanced diet and many made no use of leftovers such a. some of the most tasty dishes now are produced from. . One reads of the visit in Omaha of the queen of Des Moines lemon pie bakers and the mouth waters at the very mention of her presence. Here is the very apex of the boasted home cooking. And for the benefit of humanity she broadcast, her prized recipe. Three thousand Iowa women competed with her, and doubtles. all of their pies were good, although some wer.e better. One considers the use that is sometime. made of this creamy confection in slapstick movie comedies and regards it as almost sacrilege. Hail to the host, of the kitchen, and may the day never come when women lose their interest in culinary composition. . It is not pretty for Senator Norn's to pull the Congressional Record on his colleague. That bothersome old book sometimes makes it awk ward for a senator to proceed. Contracts are beeing let for the Minne Lusa school, which ought to convince any of the fact that Omaha is growing. Not many moons ago that region was rasitig corn. ' General Semenoff has sensed the difference between America and Siberia as far as looting is concerned, but what would we do if Lenin or Trotzky were to come over? Italy is finding its guests a troublesome lot, but by keeping th? Russian royalists at Florence and the reds at Genoa it may pull off the confer ence in peace. . - ." s Some big land movements are noted along the Pacific coast, but take the form of slide. down the mountain sides, whjch is something else again. -t . " ' . . A woman who cart. $45,000 worth of jewels around the country in a handbag these days will get little sympathy when they are stolen. Omaha juries are willing to concede a woman all her rights. If they think she is guilty, they return a verdict to that effect. President Markham of the Illinois Central says rates must come down, and thereby alines himself with the majority. Mexico is said to be moving for recognition, but avoids the path pointed out by Secretary Hughes last spring. Several Texas graveyards have been filled for less than what can off in the house Thursday. Let Uncle Sam employ your idle dollars a savings certificate. i -buy A Dublin storehouse is no safe place for Bel fast whisky. .'' What people really want is a painless tax. . To Settle the Fussing. On behalf of the males of the species we move that the women be sriven i monopoly on all forms of jury service. New Orleans Times- Picayune, given i i -New Or The Husking Bee lis Your Day Start ltWithaLau$h AMATEUR SrORTS. garden When a man .tart, to think of hi. After waitinr all winter for .pring. He spade, up a rod of the tough back-yard tod And dreamt of his harvest poor thing; lie then plant! hit been and potatoes, Hi. carrots and calabash seeds, ; And in a kw day. he finds he ran raitt A varied assortment of weeds. lie anxiously peert at the gravel Whfro hi timk a lot of hi. doueh. Gett down on hit kneet o'er the beam and the P' . But not a green sprout do they show; He rakes and he hoes and he waters, it. tnii iiirr 'neaih milliner's hot breath. While even the chickens find awful .lirn pickin't And the cut-worm, are starving to uram. LTuvoi. Experience, they say, it a teacher icnni mt anv man deaf. But a citizen, tmug, with the gardening lug, Wilt pull the tame Bluff every year, PHILO-SOPHY. "A. a man .oweth to .hall he reap," does not apply to an amateur gardener. i I'll tilar hushes are barclv .bowing a few green buds, but the .unimer resort foldert and ecd catalogues are opening up im.cj. Straw hats are expected to bloom about June 1. Citizens begin raising umnreuai us np, , m . t'i ..... m.mm, Klt.ia mi rant raise a siraw ira uum juu ".!. - June face to face. Busy business man hasnt tune to roam the dell in search of the elusive dome-piece. Has to content himself with the hot-house variety at five smackers per. Hard pressed citizen who is .till making payment, on his coal bill might dig up his last year's bonnet, but if he is caught wear ing it before the season opens he stands a chance of having some active memoer oi me k A. crown him with a gas pipe and put him out of his misery. After all, there is no spring tonic like a flock of fishing tackle and a can ot bait, lomaip can will hold all the kinds oi oaii you t.n b-i day- - Fishing is indeed a salve To heal the sick And yet it doesn't eem to have The same old kick. There being no "R" in May, next month the t. n tii ft v ovster. we xrufi no gourmand will be unsportsmanlike enough to shoot an oyster out oi season. TODAY'S IDLE THOUGHT. It is a poor fish that is Content to drift with the current W Dr. Fast, the new Methodist pastor, ought to have no trouble in keeping tne enien rcgu.i tions. . w ru..r n folk. The leases of the Milwau kee and the Rock Island on the old U. P. station -oir. ;n Ofio vears. We have already stood ou years of it, and they say the first 100 years are the toughest. . , Yet, even a luxury Decomes a you need it. , A afe ffiiess on the weather these days is partly cloudy, probably showers. w w , a an'u man doesn't wait until a rainy day be- fore borrowing an umbrella. Sympathy often makes the gloom thicker. How to Keep Well f OK W. A, tVAM QumImm ,MU(ia fer.M aaaiU um) aa4 ,r,MtiM ml 4imm. ak wiiua la Pr. Cm hy ,,ri al Tk Km, fc aaa4 Mait ukjl la prafMr liaiiuiiaai. alMra a auaia, arM4) aavalaaa la I ilw4. Dr. gaa will aat av 4t(aaia a aacika taf fauliviauai 4imh. A44fa Mlara la al Tka Dm. Cw.Btl :t Nebraska Politics a EPI-TAFFY. ' Here lies Henry Bolingbroke Who died from lack of breath, He read an English joke And laughed himself to death. Maque. 'i It's very, very plain to me x How Henry came to choke, His sense of humor made him see The joke within the joke. ' a BOOST FOR OMAHA. ' .We have a strong recollection of a man, and kew se a woman, who Became tamous wim inc hatchet, but damfino of a single man or woman who ver achieved tame witn rnc nammci. dapl Now, all together! Three-in-One. a a . a wt,. mm, hack in itvle aeain some men , T 111... -- u will be mean enough to say that now the girls will have to wasn xneir ears hm "ic Vjenoa meatier. vt .vn without ears the eirls never seemed to have any trouble hearing a guy when he men tioned ice cream. . W W W v mnnntr i th income tax blank puzzle out of the way than up bobs the trattic regulations. .a .a a The cops will make an awful fuss And throw you in the jug, . " If you forget and park your bus F'rninst a fire plug. ..,: a a a wkn ,nu r a ffuv anklinst down the street w. rfsva'with that beatific, moon-struck ex pression on his phiz," mused the corner philoso uher. "you don't know whether he is in love or knows a place to get hootch. a a p;,. nf a feather flock together, but you seldom find raven locks with crow's feet. Our idea of an example of perfect optimism is a guy buying his first wedding ring. a a a r After all there isn't such a great deal of dif ference between automobiles. One make is as hard to dodge as another. a a a RIGHTO. I like the juicy ice cream cone, 4t satisfies my every wish, For when the tasty feast is done I do not have to wash the dish, a a a If you trust to luck for anything you are lucky if you get it " - . PERT QUERY. "Old man. if you will lend me a five I know where I can make $10." "Where would you mike the otner nvet a a a Mind is superior to matter when there is nothing the matter. Scientist chirps that a man's body contains some 54 oz. phosphorus. That ought to keep guy lit up. UNIMPORTANT ITEM. Vnorvthinr that Midas touched turned to gold, but ht never touched a share of oil stock in his life. . . WWW The man who said that marriage is a lottery is still a bachelor. v AFTER-THOUGHT: get busy and fill it out If your life is a blank FH.ILO. af HER PRIMA DONNA BABY, ily baby it IS month, old." write. Mr II. "Mha wa l.rm.t fed until alia was I month, old: than .lit w put on diluted tow's milk till alia wa .4 month, old, when 1 began to Civ a licr caraala and ess and, grad ually, vetauble. Hia al very Hide, and at 11 iutitha 1 put Iter under a doctor who I generally conceded to b Hi beat hatty doctor her. "II suva Iter nil iron tonlo for six weaK. allow Ins Her cereala, esc (I) nnely mashed vegetable, apiitach, potatoes, curt oi. aaparagu tip. tieaa, atewed telery, cooked peaches and Ilia Ilk, a tableapoon or meat Kb got along very well, but she still won t at a tiling. ttlie di'lns ten or twelv ounce. of milk dally, take an ess and two or Hire bile vt vegetable usually at eacii or the two vegetable meal. una doemi t "fin to t really fond or anything and wouldn't eat a I'll If I (linn t mux her. h la not au k, ia very activa overactive, no duubt). playful, good tmtured and ha twelve I op III, aava tot of word and Iim been walking ainco ah wa a ycur oiu. biin aieen poorly at night, and wukra at the alighteat ound during ii any. en get from thirteen to fifteen hours' sleep in twenty-four "Hue is my oiny child. I am 21 year old, and alwtiya try to do thing a they ahould done, nil la a well trained child, mind splendidly, seem to umlerHiand everything J aay to her, but she juat won't eat. hli weigh only 19 H pound net, ana 1 30 4 Inches tall. . tihe hna gained only nix ounce In the I ant alx weeks. Then, laxt week, she had an attack of tonsillitis and lust three of them. ) "What on earth ran I do? It acems a aliame that I know not what to do, and work hours cooking: her nice things to eat. and then she turn her head away without eating a bite. sometimes Kho takes six or eight lit tie bites, and once In a great while she eats a pretty good meal about twenty bites. ' I m actual y at the lunmlnsr off piace, a m so aiscouraged. Please tell me what to do to make her fat and If It works I'll make you a pretty nanoKerenier. I d like to see her eet so fat that her eyes would almost snut. She looks nice and fat when aha Is undressed, but her little arms and legs are so small. "She likes orange luice and her bowels have always been In good condition. She has never been sick except with tonsillitis recently. She nas tasted candy enough to know what it is, and would eat It (or any thing else she shouldn't haveV all day. She Is fond of bananas and raw apples. She won't eat white pota toes, and likes to eat meat, but she chews it only for a few seconds then spits it out. I read In your column of a ladv who had a 14 months' old baby simi larly afflicted, only her baby wa nor. ma In weight. You advised her to read books on nervous children that a finicky appetite is due to ner vousness, s "Now that I have stated the facta In the case. I wish to ask vou a num ber of questions: 1. Uhat are some enlifhtenlnr books on nervousness in children 1 year of age? Most book are for children from 2 years on up. "2. Is there anv chans-a In diet that you can suggest? She eat four times a day. Is there anything I can give ner to create an appetite? "8A. What should she weigh? SB. Where can I get a chart of th proper weight for height and age? . "4A. Do you answer all questions for your newspapers personally? Some of the answers are very witty, and I Just wondered if any one could really by so full of knowledge and. In additfon, have a sense of humor. "4B. If so, how do you maintain it with so many pests, such as I, bothering you all the time? But then, of course, perhaps you aren't married. Or perhaps, you may have gained the proper perspective that mature years and wisdom give, and maybe your helpmeet really helps. "5. Have you read the book, 'The Itinerary of a Breakfast,' and. If so. what do you think of it? I can't be lieve that no meat and six-minute oatmeal is really good for grownups. e. is tt not a better plan, in re ducing, to eat fruit for breakfast, and at noon eat a moderate amount of everything meats, sweets and everything: and then at night eat Just fruits?" REPLY. Of course. What your child needs is a little brother. About six of therit would cure her completely. With entire respect, she has too much "mothePr" or rather, mother care. Name her Topsy and let her "Jes' grow" for a while. She is doing flue, but will do better when she gets out of the spotlight. I expect she eats enough, and she is far safer than she would be were she as fat as a mole. 1. Clark's "Character Tralninsr of Children" tells you what to do with the youngest. You will have to trv the second hand book stores, as the first edition is exhausted and the sec ond is not ready. Continue your present plan. Five meals a day at her age is bet ter. Have you a copy of "The Right Food for the Growing Child?" 3A. . Average weight, girls 15 months, 21 pounds; average height. 30 inches. B. Write you state board of health. 4A. Yes. , B. I am muchly married. I am sorry to say I have accumulated them mature years." 5. yes, it is good. . The plan is all right provided you do not take liberties with the noon meal. - Nebraska City Prei When Ciime in ptMinf hi opinion en a ublii quaation, on in wliu-li h I'H'I'l at iniaraated and uut whbh a fwlli'l i'i 1 likely to t evolved, ilr. It. II, lliwL who I candidal for llilia.l Dtaia aanstor, ia a clear as a bit, i'piiu.nnjn ara ooiou, so It will HOC t a 14 Her what hi chief competitor for th republican nomination, lia uttered en the iqur quetunn, for Inatance Sir. Hawaii declare th Mill amendment worthy of perpetuation, Fremont Tribune; It U a id tM.ar Howard uncertain a to what lie et to fil on for rongie from HU dlatrirt, ii want in to ia coiigreM tut is balled up on hi party nukineaa, ii moutiil it coul aiart a parly of hi own that would do Ilia trlilt. but liter doe not eni ia be any great rush lo Join ii rank which make,ih outlook discouraging, Howard lis wanted lo go to congrea for a long tint. Ha l have to hurry up or old i win overtake him before an election does. Salting 'Cm Down. Mrs. H. writes: "Perhaps if Mrs. C. E. H. would try the following remedy for chilblains it would bring her relief, as it did me: "Four years ago I suffered intense ly with frost bitten feet. I tried many remediesvithout results. Finally I bathed them in hot salt water and while they were still moist I rubbed them with dry salt until the itching had eased. "From that day to this I have never had chilblains. "I very thoroughly believe in the emcacy or salt. Tumors Likciy to Grow. Mrs. H. R. writes: "1. To effect a cure, is it always necessary to re move a small fibroid tumor, or is electricity effective? 2. Do they continue to grow, or remain the same size, or do they ever go away?" , REPLY. 1. They can be cured by opera tion: also by treatment with X-rays kor radium. 1. Thev tend to crow, nut afte' change of life they may grow less rapidly than before. The Dear Departed. Host This saute has grown quite cold. Hostexs It's a posthumous dish. dear. The cook has just left Life. Grand laland Independent: A live Iv tilt I on between Hi editor of th New huie, organ of Hi lion. rtlan league, ami Mra. Marl Weekr. editor of th Norfolk Presa! and candidal or 111 Third parly laat yer for congress, over various and varying enori lo tiring pro. greaalva candliUle lino the field. hrtear Howard r-raiwhil iithuai asm and ardor for th party I aluo said lo be cooling. I.lnl Incident Ilk Hint may not. In th end. aig nify much, but ar nevertheless notable. Kearney Hub: Th Kalrbury New correctly Mate the republican situa tion regarding Hi tinted Ktutea en aiorahlp In Nebraska, wlili the con test so far between Howell and Jcf fed, both of Omaha, and "the chief ambition of each being lo beat the other I intend of to win personal liiurel." Th New concludes that if Jefferi win, the ultra Howell men will perhaps vote for th third party, candidate at the election, and If Howell ahould be clioacn a number of th Jefferi adherenta will find Hitchcock more acceptable when they cast their ballot In November." It Is unfortunate a the New ob, serves, that "Howell ha led th re publican party to defeat before." and that "Jefferi is an unknown quantity so far a state politics ia concerned." Certainly not a cheerful proapect except to th present in cumbent Senator Gilbert M. Hitch cock. Norfolk Press: Congressman Jef feri of Omaha Insist that it la "un timely to inject the liquor question Into the senatorial cam Da I en." Pos sibly, but there ar candidate who will us this question to get vote in THE LATEST IN SCHOOLS. Tax ia Ik t4 a-wi lirf Ifeft m 141 Te eie ., tf Ik falSitr, 7a a ckMi fr lh tlt a .kU Aa .ka t-l larpaukare ). 1k ar ,t( far k Ur, auiar aal vntt Tka ... kkMli k SM a4 iMl I th M.i, !" ' tir Ik rlrfe M ' MMIF, A4 ' tatfaf ika tut daar, Tktre ra ,! far Ik 41 4 a.kaa'4 lr trsa AH e.hala , n'r Ik SUM ram ; TMra aia e-h! f kudatta. arkMl f ail I '! 4h-rik Tktra atkaal Tktra ara h' I liH a Ik .4 kik , na ,' Haiti Ik Mrffa mi : Tktra ara arkaal far Ika kuliktr, fctrkir ptr s Aa .! fr Ik I'lai niiaktr, IM Ika i-k ef arkaal n mo4ia (ia ma -rmi eram4 ar n ill M. Hilt I IB Ktlt lA hA IIIMM IA a.il Ta lk n4 itn.tl ifctni a . Wa leara hw lailar rene an4 a. And ahv lha IMall ar HHNtllm,. mi Tie ktra Vll. Mr Matlndt Jnnta a,, aMui paaiairi, tnn't; An fcaw ia aran a imiui hu Ss It wan t t all tiu.bt4 and flit, "o tnanr tlilnia l ' il I'trn Maul how ih-ir MUry tl la atra. Thai I'M ho-1 aw a iiimiI 'f praO t'r" tin hool nf rund'ra data liRIN AxmiLiv th. .irat-w Omaha. Neb. wet' rommiinlllea ihnuch ilmn n"w it win not nam ineir coiial Hu. enta. Th moat I hey cmibl do would n io inrreaa Hi Mlcnlmllo content In drink by aniindiiic th VnlMeait law but even Iheu they would atrike a neuraaka stntui that would balk mem. Krlcnd Telrgritnli: l'olitlc-il ru mor I current Hint IMgar Howard has deaerted Hi third parlv and has returned to hi nrat lov. democracy. also that ha will be th democratic parly ra ndldHte for congres from th Third Nebraska diatrlci. Wausa, Gazette; Kdgar Howard who was on of th grent leaders In th third party movement I now aid to be flirting with the demo crats party for Hi nomination for congressman front th Third district We take It that Howard la not overly particular In what party band wagon he ride If It but land him in of- ce but we do admit that h will how unexpected good Judgment if cut lone from a- bunch or re former of th Bill Grern and Floyd Bollen type. Chadron Journal: A. H. Byrum formally onened hi campaign for th governorship of Nebraska. Mon day night, in omat.a. nir. uyrum wanta the elective officera of the lo t h4 of III r4 dan arta nivnt and t.a wain a leguiativej buJt iii4 vt aa vvuiiv l-gdai. v tan net ' '" hium' lhaori In re.aft ! cod but dn not hetiuie to Mf h I. a lihter, - Kearney Hubt Congrnua frria l anliiled enulrbl Ci4! for hi ra4-immn44iion to rri4nl lUrdMig IO taau a wrot-Wmaltoa, making U fining f flint l annl varaary of Alter day a pallonaJ holiday. T.W Via a.Timeai Juat why t itai ahould ien4 million and tho peapl gel madioi't aervic doe l0l ppr plain to th average eliisen. I Dnihl SfOCK & it ii ii I ii i i a a Bond Conpiny ii ii SO Patara Trual BMf Omtka. Nak. If'e Will Buy: X gaaraaanl Craamary, fit, aoa Cant. Gaa a tllarlilc. I4. SO Ntfcraaka Tira A Riikkar. 30a Dauflae Molaia. SO Nafciaaka Paar, pit. ' 20 Orakar Wilhalm. pH. 40a O. C. B. Si. gy. A Drule. ZPa faalaa A Callaikat. tS Nail A mar. lire let. 0 aSkiaaar Packiaf, pid. Lac a I Stcurlilti Orel. Stocks Bond. mm . w I rorriii uuiiua . vx-----.---------.---v 1 1 ,i l ii i ! When In Omaha STOP WITH US Hotel Conant Hotel Sanford Hotel Henshaw Our reputation of 20 yar fair dealing i back of that hotel. Guest may stop at any on of than witb tli atturanc of receiving hon tt valu and courteous tratmata Sonant Hotel Company a Sale n$ The Aftermath of THE inevitable result of such a gigantic sale as ours is a certain amount of merchandise that has been taken in part payment of goods sold during the sale. ' ' , - With the exception of these few used pianos, our stock is in splen did shape for the season. To achieve our final objective, and dispose of the instruments we took in trade as part cash, we are listing below a few piano values that will make even bargain hardened Omahans buy. The answer is that we MUST get rid of these last few pianos. $98.00 $198 Hamilton Walnut Bradford Mahogany Davis & Sons Mah. St58U Milton Oak Henderson Mahogany Wissner Walnut Lyon & Co. Walnut Hampton Mahogany Everett Ebony . Players Segerstrom Player Mahogany .... .$188.00 Angel us Player Mahogany $255.00 Angelus Player Mahogany $225.00 Conover Player Mahogany ... .$400.00 Autotone Player Mahogany ....$375.00 Werner Player Oak ......$425.00 Lagonda Player Mahogany ....$475.00 Marshall & Wendell Oak Schaeffer Mahogany Steger & Sons Oak Smith & Barnes Mah. Crown Mahogany Knabe Walnut Hallet & Davis Mah. Every instrument listed here has been thorough ly overhauled and put in fine shape. Each bears the A. Hospe Go. Guarantee. Liberal term payments will be made on these instruments. Thirty months 'to pay. The Art and Music Store 1513-15 Douglas aaaaai