IS A LOST. FOUND AND REWARDS. BRINGING UP FATHER ICC JIUCS AND MAGCIE IS IL'U. . PACE OF COLOM I.N .lift UNDAV HfcC k Drawn for The Be by McManui icivrikii it::i REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. SUiMaeaw reward: Central TmmW laat, pea4eta grillroom e l r.iaem a;i4- et,atd f.t . jeat!4 omM .,.' 4 . i ik' o .1 (r4 ! I (Hbli I'.'iJ t-e ki.kdl ilnL. I 60T N 6000 JOfe HWC f OU K 1 SHOUU3 POtt A OOKO N0THCRC1.L K LOT Or COMPANY TO THE BEG: OMAHA. FRIDAY. AmiL 7. 10 i Oa lllk ihi. lt.H,it,(. 4 Imm t.el-4 4 U. l-i ii4 tav. few Jie f Ibaess. 4 4. leaf. " VwanT Montclair "Addition. N4u4 fi-W II lu f ... aelei ea bl a a ,. a, tie,, I sr tl.a ! 'H a-kaat l-K-aa I'm ' M ll IXift ' f A i l le(lr'0 A. Mweeaj ttiai a4 1 1 lb Will e.11 paieaaei f oUt Ml4 10 lur aider, a r--, JJL. , . ailuol rata, al 4:4 4 I eteaui Si. I'n.. . " i.nm Tin'"! t-d . 4 fltst A. Itawk JA M T, h'4MUt1i lr Bl li THE. Ot ltOOT A COOO OCALT o there: cone oh OVCH TO 4X WiUE 7 OlNNeq.f ,1 , ( I4ang Wl full 91 in " TM, , tAV OWN- a..,. n..r.i n . ., n.fl'. '.( Hi seal alaaa. a House: i.e a .4 .lull '(:. !. .1 Dmaa 1 i ' tr 44 ..'earner Til CH tu' K'.'M gaidea; ra- a. '"'I IT U ml j r 1 . .Seslw all a oBU fa. ' rr. 1 r lm all at-i:i . i. n . r Tra'a hruan 4.. In . 411, Wi lled H"- 1 11:cul7nptices. 1 v u v. IP em k ii a a the thereabout. f Mr l a Vein T. " will Miiiwun. rat !) .v. , r.ei, nanus,, an , h. would r something la ftie la la a .-.hani. la mnii gaieg.. r.liMUlv Hied lit !. Al' PERSONALS. Ill K SALVATION Armr IMuelrUl boat ntri four old cIi.Ibib. faraiiuta. raselne. w a cnua.ii, we (i.iriauie. Ph MX 4111 dour wage will eell (all Bad tn.iwcl our Soma, lilt. 1 1 1 1-1 1 1 tod. St. KATHHTN I. MILKY Sl) snd .'4U ai-lallal. )e4'ee worn eonmed. Appointment, J A. IJt Pnalcnn rill. A. pJ.. Chlrupr.etor, Ml ja. IOUII Pails block. AT. ! Of fie kauri. It m.tal r. m- T II k" A T R I C A if hi ! orlr a I "wiae-i ua eoet u mI for plave and parties, at UW'i Omah MAiiNKTlif bath; Vlolal KaV treatment Willi maaaia 114 . Hih, AT. U'l. kiXHIH Mha1h. kwed'ea meeee.. chl. r..ri.y Kvenmge lo ti So. IQ'b, St. KXrrUT mse. 44N.Jih. Al't. (. ftKNT uin eleanei.""7o. HtJHI; MAkMATiiin. acid iv ytail. At. H. FIHMMt I the, rose, lit Arthur Mdg. Tnnouncem ENTS. ' Accordion Plejiting. A0)RrMV. aid, knlfa. hot flaallm rovararl hultana ail atriaa: namanunini. ImilnnhAlaa. Wriea Mail Hullo" A I'laailna Co.. lit nrnwn Black. Omaha. Nah. falai.hnna JA-I1 NKBR. TLEATING WSTUlt tona Farnam. M Klnor, rQ. tT. Contractors. less ar f BONn:frr MrNtiTAT-uTi Dancing Academies. WTTP'C "It Fan rnam atraal. a. Crkta o4 rrlvala laaanna. Tan tnalruetnra. LEARN ta danc at Kalplna'a ai-4aror, claaa anil rrlvata laaaona. DO. 76a. Detectives. nlpan1anl lialarilva lluraati. 31 Navllla nilAT. atfll; nlht, VA. 4"I5: KB. D4(l RKI.IABLB Dlar.a Bureau. Bal7jr F.x. Bl1-. JA. 80H. nlKht. KB. JAMEH ALLAN. 1J Nellla Blk. Kvirj'anc aaiir4 In all raaaa. AT Untie 113. Dentists X-Ray. PENTAL X-RATS. toe KACH. " ull " BeurUI Bldr Dressmaking. Kouvaau dreaamakini hp. 4S3 Paxton Blk. 8EWINO ATi" klnUii"""h"y"day. WA 1 iff. CLE AM, mand. tailor; aulta fur.. Jla. . FANry DRkJSDMAKINli AT 1"I7. Hauling. OKNV haulinic and a'hra, rcaa. AT. t(al. Kodak Finishing. ENLARGBMBNTS. oil colortnf. daaaloptnn, nrlnlln. Kaav Studio, III Navllla Blk FII.U8 DEVELOPED FREE. Tha Kiialxn Co.. 107 Howard St. Patent Attorneys. J. W. Martin, Patent Attorney. 1711 Podge, room t09. Alao Waahlngton, D. C. I help Invantora aell their patenta. "Painting and Paper Hanging. 18T CLASS painting and paperhanslng. Douglaa tot. PAINTIN, paparing. raaa. WA, UtiT? Printing. EDO TfTntlnf CO. til S, 11 St. Po. fIT. BR1TT Printing Co.. J01 Bromley Blk. Miscellaneous Announcements. DIAMONDS paMi to bu tiaak at amall profit. OJOM JEWELRT CO.. Omaha. Neb.. 401 N. lath a, laicpnone lkj. ov OMAHA, PIW-OW COMPANY, Mattreasea made av.r ln new tlcka at hal price of new keda. 107 Cuming. JA. 2487. PRESCRIPTIONS carefully compounded at 'ho S Sherman ft McConnell Drug etorea. DR. A. C. 8ABIN. RECTATj glSEASES. suite 919 Artnur piqa.. am rn FANCY, cakee and aalad drawing made to order In yrlvato nome n. BLACK dirt nd fertiliser, aahea and rub blah hauled. Atlantlo 57S1. " . RUGS and earpeta claaned. AT. I6HI. BQARP"Mj'fl'',lvt l"1""1- AT-1K5. ' ' ; FOR SALS. Pianos and Musical Instruments. OEO, A, SMiTH-DeJiler In drum.. XTlo- . pnonea, eic. iniiiui.-. .... " S7Hi Davenport St. fnone nv. ai TRADE yeur need piano on a. new play er plaa7 Balance aa Tow aa 110 pet month, a. Huprc. w.. """'-- ..vMhAn. ahnn. raaalrinBT. Bshmaller a Mueller Bldg., P4e. Clothing and Furs. DJINDfiE WOOLEN MILLS. -For aale, a few unclaimed, allwoal "Dundee" aulta. cheap, alterktlaaa free. Northweat Lor, otn ana xininwj FURS remodeled, rellned and cleaned. KNKETER ALASKA FUR CO.. ids a 18th et. do. ARMY ahoea, tl.0. 708 No. llth. icwriters and Supplies. TYPEWRITERS , ADDING MACHINES. All MAJCES bought, aold. rented and repaired. Sola agenta for tha CORONA. Oet our price, before) buy, Every macDina guarenieen, Central Typewriter Exc JA. 4JI. Ill Far"l. SEcoND-HANn And rebuilt bch ROVOH8 ADDING MACHINES. GUAR. 'ANTEBD, ATLANTUl ttlt.-B.- A, , FISHER, BUftSQUaHl APDINO MA. OUARANTiJED typeWf Hera, ljlt.t8 and up. Mldlaad Offiea Supply Co., iM pedge. MiicelUneous Articles. """HARNESS SALE. Complete plow aarnaaa. lf per .t. Concord, formerly fil, kw HI. Stock aaddlea, Hi and np, , Best team collar 15.08. Llnea, Itt'tneh by II feet, 15.18. , . Ring erewa brtdlea, round reina, ft. Sweat pada, any eiie, Ho aaeh. GovarnmeTH Neatt Foot Oil, I gal,, 14.19. Government , anil officer' dreaa ghoeg, , M t Midwest Harness Co.; JM North llth St, caaea. ato-. Omah4 Flitura upaly Ca., 8. W. car, llth aad Douglaa. JAITIj; THREE nw I enk adding maehina to ll 11.0 Irsa than retail price, u. u Pattereoa, IDS Fttiwmjr. EXPERT wiBg meehlne repairtag. MICtTRLA. .... 15th and Harney. PO- UTI. 14d-EGi tniubaior.'iii good shape, d brooder for eale. HI 144.. ONE FRESH COW. M WASHINGTON. WANTED TO BUY, DESKS DESKS DESKS New desks, used desk bought, sold and traded. 3 C. Beed, 1187 Farnana. DO. 14 WANTED SITUATIONS, Male. TLL around biackomth. 18 years' a- penanea, wi mn.n. ... TREE trimming, creee. erpantar. WA 43I. Female. XURER going to Lo Angeles Sunday via V. P. on return ticket, will assist child or Invalid. Id A. IJ44, Laundry and Day Work. DAY work; references. ISc. WE. 4004. Bee Want Ads Are Business Getters, THE GUMPS I tTllTW Mart VIHX TUATV II 4V7Z. CUJ- I CaVM HtaVfX TVtM II AU221NG AT TXE. tCCtPllON - 4 H CM, 0W VD0t)tnA. NOO n WHAT A. ORTUNA.TC WOMAN I V 4C4l6ATOUTlOJt A"1E' WANTED SITUATIONS; Laundry and Day Work. PAY work wnnlad. Good rf. Wt. oibl. HELP WANTED MALE. Professions and Trades. WANTf-'D At Caspar, ,Wya., vulcanUer; inuel be flr.t eea. Wnla giving x perlenr end releiencea to P. O. Box 1141, reaper. . . PO you want to Inoreaee yaur Incomef Write tha fictional Auto School, till No. 10th St.. Omaha, for catalog. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE, lie. 8. 1 4th. Write for catalog. Saltsman and Solicitors. VAPOOILRS for all cara, prevent car ban, lubricate valvea. Incree power. Now uaed on 17 dllfrent make cara. Omaha. Want distributor,, Omaha. very city nd county, Nebras ka. Iowa. Liberal proposition. Call I to ( p. m. ,or eddre.) Cavers, J 4 to Far nam etreet. WANTED Two mhiilou young men, permanent traveling poaitlon. Writ W. H. M'hlte, Red Osk. la. WANTED Subarrlptlon solicitor at one for rural olroulatoi. Dally Newa-Bepub- llcan. Boone.'la. . - Hotels and Restaurants. WANTED An experienced night waiter; must be dependable and net afraid to work; a good,- steady Job for the right perty. Apply In person with referenca. Brunswick Reataurent. Fremont. Neb. Boys. A OOOD offlc boy can get a good Job by applying to th City Editor of the Omaha Bee. " - HELP WANTED FEMALE Professions and Trades. CALL J. A. Youngtrom, eecond floor. I. o. u. r. uiag., JJOUIBS Mil. lor vmr ' aonal instruotlon In shorthand, typo- writing and Bookkeeping. WANTED I young lady barbera and O. K. barbershop. Casper, wyo., joii west. First St. - ' Household and Domestic, HOUSEKEEPER In family, old get! man: middle-sgect or elderly ldy that wants good home. U. H. sipa., rari Neb... ' , ' WANTED Middle aged lady housekeeperl two single men on rarmi no enjemiei to small child. John Pgulaon, Oaceola, Neo. HOUSEKEEPER wanted for mntherleas t !. U . . . . In Hums. i " v. i uiitii.n, .a.w ... first letter. Reference required, Writ -iwt. MIDDLE-AGED womn to (jo housework on farm, two In family, must epee Swedish. Otto Akeraon, Colati, Nab, WANTED White peek. Must b perienced. Referenee rqijrei, air. eT W. Nash. WA. Mil, RELIABLE girl with referena far gen eral houseworK. air., r. i weaoj, HA. 0171. EXPERIENCED whit girl for general housework, two In family, ey rsissr ences. Phone WA. Hit, Miscellaneous. WANTED Competent young women t - i. .ij. ft. A - - -.a.ll. worn aa nurana aia, ww r, ' and beard. Apply In person. , , Lord Lister Hospital llth and Pewey Ave. HELP WANTED, Male and Fgmals. MKbf. WOMEN, 11, ever, wanting govern niant positions; railway man, posinitiie, ether peeltions; salary i, 488-11, 188; e perienra unnecessary; ful particulars free. Write S. W. Bobbins, Civil Service E'spert. formerly with government, U Pop sidg.. wssnington, y. v. WANTEP Mas, ladie n aay ta laara . , . J . . L. I .l.iH.a. a.nn H.l!. learning; atyletl modern. Call or writ 1481 Dodge at, Trt-Clty prT Celiega educAtionalT DAY SCHOOL N10HT SCHOOU Conaplet eeur.e la aceouaUaey, chin aookkeeping, eomptomatry, hort hnd nd typewriting, rallrd M wlrelea telegraphy, civil (arvlca a Brglish sad commercial hranchea. Write, call er phone Jackaan llll for large lllustratet catalog. A4dra Boylei College, v Boyle jjldg,, Omaha. Neb. Va Sent School e( Bullae, Day nd Rvanlag Bohool. lit Omaha Natlaaaf Baak Bldg. (ougia .i.e. Annie e.' Glasgow, voice and piano, 181 ivarbach Blk, JA. 1811. BUSINESS CHANCES. Vsat SA bN AM l.reem aoartment. earn mederni aultabl for effieea. ti4a;o, Bonisi er htwhwihi ,va,n, at., fer tenant wlehing hem adjoin ing T. F. Hall, 434 Railway Echng, Bougies T48I. , FOR BALE A .nap Beat complete get at bar fixtures in esstern Colorado, at a aacrafiea. Writ r, UffkM, Colorado. AN businaa aold for esah, aa publicity ( 18 ta l 4y. NorthwMterm Selllsf ayiaa, Bteux uir, Rooming Houses, T-RM. steam heat; downtown leeatlaa. 1480 and terms. AT. Ii7. FOR RENT ROOMS. " Furnished llooms. GET YOUR ROOM thrauani Tha Bea furnished room fll rectory. Call at offlc for list of cholc desirable rooms In al! part of th city. A aarvice that benefit both dvertir and room aeeker. HI 1 f Fv I I i II I "II L7f ltk.ll aTM 1. I IT IN COLOBi IM THE UNPAt BEE A.U." I. Sutu. axaiv i v t SfiU tO0-V UikC TUE FOR RENT ROOMS. Furnished Rooms. HOTEL KEEN HOTEL FLAtlRON TWO DOWNTOWN OF kxfEP TIONAL MKRIT ABE OFrRINt FEW ROOMS WITH OR WITHOUT BATH TO DESIRABLE GUBST8, AT MOST ATTRACTIVE WEEKLY RATES. TIANA0ER8 WILL BE PLEASED TO BHOW THEM.' DISTINCTIVE CAFES IN .CONNEC TION. POPULAR PRICES. HAMILTON HOTEL FIREPROOF. Farnam at 14th. Single room with private bath at 110.60 per week; for two, HMO per week. Two large outald ream with bath, 120 per week. A SATISFACTORY PLACE TO MVP. CALIFORNIA St., 3S22 Front room In private home, nicely furRi.nea. a. iou. On car line. Breakfast If de.lred. TWO front rooms, nicely furql.hed, rea sonable, gentlemen preferred. ri souin J6th Ave. HOTEL SANFORD. 19TH AND FARNAM, HOTEL HENSHAW, 16TH AND FARNAM, Special rates to permanent guaata. i'URN. rma. with prlv. bath I warm, com. 1- T I . -1 U.nlllM . T" .7 fll EXTRA large south room, Ideal location, not ana coia waier in roam. v o. avenue. CLAREMONT HOTEL 17th. near Jack- aon; week rates, 18 to 10. do a73a. FARNAM ST., 2904 Nicely furnished, i.l,n mnmi. HA. 7288. I New dei;. rm., 1 045 8. 88th St, HA. 1281. UNION Hotel. 12 per week and up. Housekeeping Rooms. THE GUIDE TO tha better housekeeping roam I th directory furnlahed fa advertiser and room hunter. Call at Be affle far free copy containing drhl vepcl In all parte of the elty TWO largo front roome, kitchenette and extra large closet, everything rurnisnea, gas range, prlvata family, 40 month; also single housekeeping room. WE-8605. "ftfn Dodge One, ' two or . three-room nou.eveeping apannienif uuiiiiaier furnished; modern; M ! CHICAQQ BT 3012 J roemsr" trlfltly mederR, furnished conipiote, pnvaie blh. ) TWO orthreo rooms, modern. WE. 8415. Board and Rooms. WOOLWORTH AVE., 2703, pleasant room. nom peeking, moaern, reaaonauia, na, lt. JjlCEI.Y furnl.hed room for one or two. axeeuent poarq. dii. wnn oi. HOME footrt evening meals. -W-2tlT. Unfurnished Rooms. ONFUKNISHBD room for light house. Keeping, Plea in, firiciur muuern, fe aonabla rent. Call AT. 8260. TWO unfurnished rooms. 2633 Daven. porr. STRICTLY modem rooms, fur. or unfur. private tmiy. ner tir.- nHim. FOR RENT HOUSES. FOR RENT APTS. AND FLATS. Furnished. JyST what you want far pleasant home. cosy iwn anu ini-rwf,i immou d apt.. 4!l N, Mth, Adult. Harney aiii. S-ROOM furni.hed apt., T screened fur nished porch, May J, I months. 12J m. soiii pi., pt. . fOfi RBNT--room basement apt, two bads, good furniture. SOU California. TWO and I room, a net bth, U No; tith. Unfurnished. Peters" Trust Company, WHERE OMAHA PlSITTi, PLEAANT apartment, 4 roome and bath. WA Mil i'ttBr STEAM heated apartment, f "ronma, ' eles in. Q. P. STEBBINS, 1118 Chicago. FOB RENT 6-roqm apartment," eioellent location. per monin. ja. 111 6 MAPLE ST , dandy Urge, light, mod' in, III ywn, ,uw. MERCwVTlLB BTORAGP AND WAK nuu.n nim, wa MQ" wm w. H. M. Cbrl.t'l. wareheuae A track'gt proa. FOR RgNT-Bqrineis Property. 1187 FARNAVf Stere room, SislJl. It teaant want mora roam, will build two ataria above, each llilll, with light en three aide. Tbomaa F. Hall, 434 Rll- way Kacnanf. pa ). FOR RENT Some very choice office, also Ibrg effic apace consisting af 1.408 siju.f feet, 400 Flr.t pat' B.aJ( en. WANT to rent building for carpenter ahep, P.O. box 731. MOVING AND STORAGE. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE Separata locked room for household goods a plaaaa, anvlg. Bckf and ahipplaf. BEK1NS OMAHA VAN ADO STCTBAOaf. 184 South llth. DO, 411. ESTIMATES ruralahad aa atarasa aad mariBg, CentraeU takes ky Job ar br. uiodb Yan e. storage uo., jav eel. AT. 0210. 120-31 North Htk St. MOVINO AND STORAGE. "WHEN MOVING" PACKING STORING SHIPPING. , Phon Jackeon 82SI. FIDELITY 80xRNAGcBo 1117-11 Howard St ONLY FIVE MORK' SHOPPING DAYS Iiiaiilav Hucutritut.f "vnu a i iri-t k a, Wtft? . TV4 MJk&X.W OHTHt A BiuvJNti 0. WftMTErN - WT 0. 36-. tV,t tA Unroj(0. TtN NLA AWO TCWK, 'MAftwttt THE TVX TMH AT LEAST TWtLVt VEMlU- AatfvKUUiaa I tuAill tKTY 1 AtAft CW THtVT ' Al l-l . - . v X LktT MAM W 'THE AJ0Cl - IVHRlTWlNft-WEU, SWE CAN HAVJt ra 111 wite I u MieW. Aair fUC kiacK w.vnrnjrvni.i- rt- HORSES ANb VEHICLES. HARNESS AND SADDLES. 'VC mak them ouraelvea and cell them direct to th farmers, you git th best that ea be mad at flrat coat. Harness that aold for l laat year, III now. Writs for fraa catalog, ALFRED COBNISH A CO., llll Farnam St. UORaKS boarded, hired out fnr riding with Instructors, stall tented and cheap etorag (or autos and trunk t 211 Ird St. Phon day or night AT !95. POULTRY AND PET STOCK. CLEANED WHEAT S0AEKNINC18, II. 7 , PER 108 POUNDS. A. W. WAONER, 81 N. 1ITH. J A. 1141, FOR SALE 100. aansrle t per pslr. Frank Byera, 28th and Harrison. MA. 3801. RABBITS and shads for sale. KB 4711. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. .Fords! Fords! New end Used. . Cash and Term. We have them all prices all models, Be sure and see us before you buy. McCaffrey Motor Co.,. "Thi Handy Ford Service Station." Authorized Ford Dealers. 1 Hlh and Jackson Street. Douglaa 1(00 Open Sunday from f ta 11. . REAL USED CAR BARGAINS. Cash or Time. Buy or Sell. Ford., from ISO and up Dodge, Bulcka and others, 1100 and up. Ford bodies winter tops. GOLDSTROJt AUTO CALES CO., 1S18 Harney St. -: Central Garage. SOME bargain ill used Fords; prompt delivery on new Fords. M'CAFFREY MOTOR CO. Th Handy Ford Servic Station. !5th and Jackson St. DO. 8581. PETTER USED ' CARS AT LOWER .rKlCbB wit.!, nrj ruunu Ar -jnra NEBRASKA OLDSUOB1LE CO.', 1ITH AND HOWARD. JBtJT A W SMITH USED CAR A Salfe InvaatmenL 36th and Farnam St. Phon DO. 1178. LOOK over our list of used cars. THE AUTOMOTIVE MARKET, 2058 Farnam St. . AT.7835. MAGNETIC COIL, 12.60; fan. 75c; horn, 11.00; tubes, 50c. Neb. Auto Parts Co., ' 1016 Harney St: XTWTTTT,T V Saves U money on tiro AAA A-lJX & rad, ah. 820 g. 13. USED radiator; all makes for eel. Green- OUgh UItOr par. a raniam. HOLLY, expert auto trimmer. 118' 8. 4th. Motorcycles and Bicycles. BOY'B Admiral; pearly new. WA.. 3938j FARM LANDS. Colorado Lands. ' "" BEST BUY JN' COLORADO. 160 acres. 600; 8 mile from railroad town. Fenced. Mr.tln Invt. Co., 80 Oardner Bldg. Missouri Lands. POULTRY FARMWWell Improved 40, fruit, water, health, 785; terms. Arthur, Mountain View, Mo. Nebraska Lands. . Improved Quarter . Section " Exc.ptlonally well Improved 160 acres, about t mile from Holdreg., Neb., the csunty ' eat of Phelps county. This town 1 ene ef th beat In the (tat from a, market, educatlonjl and pro riv atandpalnt. Fin place for stock and preduea good wheat yield, For term aa tte.crlntlon writ F. B. Young, Trusts, " ' Holdrfge, Neb. Improved Farms -40 Miles From Omaha I har several farm near Herman, in Burt and Washington counties, that can b secured on attraotlv term. Th.. have th rlcheet soil tht caa be found. They ar all under cultivation, well improve snd will mak fin heme for geed farmer. Writ E. W, Burdie, Herman, Neb. 700-Acre Ranch; 788 ecrea, 108 acres In alfalfa; fin improvements; good water: wonderful placa for 'hogs and cattle; loading pea and railread siding track on ranch.' Also bava sceptlsBslly well Improved all. around, stock farm mil from town. For terms and particulars while B. E. MEGRUE, SCOTJA, NEB. Near County Seat I eaa offer fiv exceptionally well Improved farm and ranches at at tractive priree. Thee are within 10 miles of Holdree;e, Neb., county seat of Fhelrs county. Neb., ona of the beat agricultural counties in state. Soma ar all farm land, while oth ers make an excellent stork propo attion. R. iU Terril, Holdrege, Neb. 122 v iNT'b FtATVM tcavtct. Ix. 'f . ' 4T. , - iTM'm& TOl0OW! LlWt THE.rttuE - '.'tVIC' VviPaW ". mawicv iwnr- WfA - "Svif, VUUCfiMfl e .. fc iuu- orv. Q seen IWINO ON Twe vmjcwt or AM OtC A6 foil TW mm FARM LANDS. Nebraska Lands. LM UlulU . rile SI. A. Luraon. Central r ArvlYiO cMy, Neb., your wanta for arreag trade, farma. Wyoming Lands. ifid VI4UUIO 'COSl-A xnd ssaippv n00'n-J JnJ IH lll.U 1Ui' sj u.iaisaAV uo. 'OJiijoisod iuojj aaut H :(unoo u suopoos jatjanb jo aNQ FINANCIAL. Loans. Money to Loan . $30.00 to $500 on Furniture, Pianos, Etc. Lea than legal rales, monthly pay cTtVcK. QUIET AND CONFIDENTIAL. OMAHA LOAN CO., 501 Karbach Block. Tel. JA. 2S9S. Southeast corner l&tli and DouitlasBte. Real Estate Loans. WE have cash on band to loan on Omaha residences. E. H. LOITOEB. INC, 538 Keeline Bid. Farm Iansg'OT S Klok Inveetment Co.. 841 Om. Not'l Bank. OMAHA HOMES EAST NEB. FARMS. REAL ESTATE CO.. 1011 Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. Jackaon 1711. FIRST mortgage loana made promptly on umana rem eataio. nnu Realtors. JA. t trcunw lioo to 110.000 made promptly. F, D. Wend & D. H. Bowman, Wead Bldg. Stock; and Bonds. LIBERTY BONDS bought and aold. AT. 1844. Maek'a Bond House. 1421 1st Nat f, H. M1THEN paya moat for LIBERTY Iftinua. VZl city nai i. nana cms. REAL ESTATE WANTED want' six-room house , " Will psy oash for house In goed lo callty. Does not have to be In good condition, but price must be right. Glv particulars. Box D-116. Omaha Bee. List your home Buy your hom . KIN Mh K. Xr. UVIS Real Estate, Loans, Rental. J A, 5II, Charles W. Young & Son Real Estate. Rentals, Insurance, I80a City fiat. UK. AT. , HAVE Inquiries for homes do you want to sell your property T List It with c. A. Grimmei. omana nat'l Bk. Bflt. GRUENIG Xi 1418 1st Nat'l Bk. Bldg. J A. Ifll. To buy or sell .Omaha Real Eatats sea FOWLER & M'DONALD 1120 City Nat'l Bk. Bldg. JA gkaon 1121 tTT TFTT Writes Tornado and A?4XVJVi A A Windstorm Insurano 850 Peters Truat Bldg. J A. . HOMES, ACREAGE AND INSURANCE. H. S. MANVILLE. Realtor. AT. S408. 115 Peters Trust Bldg. St YEARS' experience selling hemea. Call A. P. TUKEY A SON ISO First Nat. Bk. Bldg. JA. 4221. "nrn t pnnTBTli aV fiO. Real Estate. Rental. Imuran'. ' 106 South llih. AT' ' LIST your homes for" eale with u. W have the customers. - ' PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANf. Grove-HibbardCoTr ' 32T Seeuritlea Bldg. AT. 4951. Plaaae, WANT ' or, well ocate4,'ln Pun. dee, by the first; bav gash. Bog JUL Omaha Bee, Western Real Estate Co. J A. 1607. REAL ESTATE. INVESTMENTS SEE F. D. Wead t j), H. Bowman. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE. WILL trade 8800 equity in Benson hem fnr good 1921 Ford touring and om boot. Call Walnut 2000, veninge.. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN Dundee. $7,250 EASY. TERMS . s v ' A brand hew bungalow, f rooms, very attractive; large roonia. tils bath. $8,000 . ' Six rooms, two-story, Just being fin ished; large living room, fireplace, til bath. 11,758 cash. $11,000 -. I rooms; sleepil porch, den. larg living room, fireplace; extra well built; desirable location. ' $15,000 Very sttractive home! detirabl cor per; larg living room arrangement; fireplace. Three bedrooms, drawing room and sleeping perc h I vapor heat. Two-ear garage. Real value. . , GLOVER & SPAIN, Realtors. Jackson 2150. 911-80 City National. Good Dundee Home 8 rooms, W Btortr-n and attic, strictly modern; frame construction,- briclf fuuiitiatlen; bruk lireplact. built-in bookcaB, ittraotiva sun roam and lee ate g porch; corner Jot; convenient ti svnortl and car I!tv Owner .avliiir city. Quick possession. Trice $10, a 00; reonabi" term. Fowler & McDonald, . Realtors. . ' Jackaon 1 28. 1U0 City Nat. Bk. Bldg. Drawn for .IM a eaaa. I THt "WAT Ukl& TttAA TAtW t wtN .Voy'Rt OOlNtj MittL- THAT TWtM tAJ00t A46tT- t REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN. Dundee. 2-YEAR l.KASti, (126 A MONTH ' EIGHT-ROOM irlitly modern Dundee heme; two-car garage; corner lot, 0Oxl40; ona block to car, two block to (chonl; wonderful home. ,IA. 3 4 1 . FIKE A PRICE, 111 City Nat. Bank. GEORGE & REAL' TORS. AT. 1024. Florence. NETHAWAY eel la and trade. KB. 1400. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. West Let Us Build for You IN EDGEWOOD. W have several excellent building sites In this beautiful addition on which ue can build to your order on easy terms. Let us hnw you the lots snd plans aultabl to your requirements. Eve nings call grant Benson. WA. 1680. A GOOD NAME IN THE BUILDING GAME. Benson & Carmichael, Hi Paxton Block. AT- 1648. A Dog Gone Good Home and a Bargain Five-room, ell modern home; living room, dining room, Kitchen, 2 bedrooms . pnd bath pn first floor; floored attic; . full cement ba'sement. It' a real homo nd bargain at 14,000, with terms. . Evenings phone Mr. Shaver, KE. 3768, or Mr. Metcalfe. WA. 2776, Equitable Trust Co., 1 f, W, Metcalfe, Mgr. Real Estate Department t SI 3 Psugla Street. ' AT. 1941. (3LIFTON HILL BAtiUAIN I3.S60. " Fiv rooms, garage, 500 down. This C place ought to eel) on aight. Listed yesterday for less than" cost. Corner, 60x180, paving paid. Fiv rooms, all on one floor, modern except heat, part ce . ment basement, bc'dc foundation, near - new Clifton Hill school pnd car line, 'PhoBo Up, Hudspn, WA, HH tonight, An opportunity. 6EAVEY HUDSON COMPANY, 328-229 Clly Nat'l AT. 1061; Leavenworth Heights , Five-room, eaH and while enamel fin ish bungalow; 'strictly modern; now under construction. Only have en left. Pries only 16, 250, eesy term. Must be seen to ha appreciated. , Call WA. HIS. J'. i FOR SALE OR WILL TRAPP. - Equity in beautiful 6-reom Pun dee bungalow; on paved Itreet pear 2 car lines. -Owner l.avlrig eity. WIU take a good lot s first payment. ... DON'r MISS THIS. TOM COLLINS. WA. 8127. 8-Rm. for Two Families Modern, well-bqllt end good looking; near car, schools, etc; psving paid. , Pric. 14,75811.108 rash. Eve. AT.H14. Home Realty Co., 1019-28 W. O. W.i Bldg. AT. lilt. , WEST FARNAM. About 12. a dandy l-R, med. home, J500 .cash, ba.. paymenta. Better s.e this baraaln. Gibbons-Steel, 410 Peters Trust. DO. &604.- , LEAVENWORTH HEIGHTS. Something dlffersnt. Masslvs new six room onrflnor bungalow. Immediate possession. 11,680 will handle this. Cell evenings, Harney 0222; days, Jackson " ' ' : ' - - NEAR 1ITH AVE. AND 1ZABD. I-ROOM, all mod. hame; goed repair ga- rage; lot, 60138. Price, 13,690, about ft50 cash. RASP BROS., Realtors, ' . Keeline Bldg. AT. 8721. - ' AT OWNERS" PRICE. . LARGE slaed six room eeml-bungaew In Clalrmont addition. East front. Pav ln and speelals paid. Convenient term arranged, Call vpiflgi a Sunday, Wa-0204. I-ROOM, modern Kouse, near Harney car -line; corner lot; 13,600. Owner will take Ford car as part payment. W. H. GATES. : 147 Omaha Nat'l- Bank Bldg. ' JA. 12f. 'DODGE. I rma. med. $3,100;' Af-"MM. North, JUST listed fi-room modern bungalow, living room with built-in baokcasea, . dinintf with a buffet, pombinatlon bed reem and aunfo'om. Kitchen, bath and extra bedroom en tha first floor. Full cemented basement, everything com plete, goad attic. I. orated on I-aurel avenua with to dandy lots on paved street, raving nearly paid, close to far, close to Miller park and close to Miliar Park school. House newly dee arated inside and out, up to the fmn ute. Vacant and can give possession at once. Price fMOfl, $1,866 down and balance monthly. This is a beautiful hma and element lecatten, and in first elasa peighbnrHeod, Payne Investment Co., 687 Omaha Nat'l Bk. Bldg. Dougla 1710. SIX-ROOM MODERN COTTAGE FOR 15,000. . ' Located at SfioiSherman avenue, an extra, well built house, good sued rooms, having brick fireplace, corner lot, 66x ?. . ' i - ',' W. H. GATES, 847 Omaha Nat. Hk. Bldg. JA K4. 1414 N. 83D ST Six-room modern, asy paymenta; buy for a home. Crelgh. 401 Bee. Jack. 0200. ' D. E. BUCK, A CO. buy and ell home. m The Bee by Sidney Smith tCopyrlghti !:: UMAT MAKE - .THtRE WVTTA 6IU I'KrJOW WM WOULOKY OUrP AT TWfc CMAHC6-At S0Mi . op TMWE. HAWntt. oJt XviAT wWETo, TVb4 TVltV OV HAT NtDt OVT TWICE" A NtMe TO AdAcC BOTMENTJl THLVt 601N6T0 uitr4 " REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. North. NORTH Two-story all modern houe; oak down, whlio enaincb up, living room, dining room, reception hall, den, kitchen, Ice box room and butler' pantry, down. atRlra; 4 bedroome with large oinaat In each room, linen cloaot and bath up. aialra; larg alllc, full basament, fruit rnoni, real bin; houaa la In iplendld condition) i block to car Una; con. venient to l.othron achool, Sacreif Heart school and churches; south front, paved street, 1-car garage; lot Is 47128, with alley In rear. Prii 17.800. , World Realty Co., Sun Theater Blr'g. pp. H42. New 5-Room Bungalow NEAR 38TII AND GRAND AVE. This is a dandy home, trams con struction, with Isrg living room serosa front, dining room and kitchen flrat floor. Two largo bedroom and bath second floor. Oak floora throaghout. Oak finish flrat floor; built-in book cases, cupboards, clothes chut, t. Fin light basement, fully cemented. South front, paving paid. Handy ta car, srhool and stores. Bettor sea (hi. now, as this kind don't last long. Call Mr. Campbell, WE. 6205, evenings. . R, D. CLARK COMPANY, Realtors. Atlantlo 36.11. 421-3 Securities Bldg. Two-Story Homes Brand New At 16th and Emmet we hav Just completed three six-room home that are the last word in modern construc tion. Best of oak floora throughout. Rooms are all large and very well ar ranged. This is a handy location and very desirable place to live. Prlc 6,600. Reasonable terms. First buyer may hav cholc of three. Evening call Mr. Mueller, KE. t 2871, , George F. Jones Co., Realtors 283 Keeline Bldg. PO. 6635. . Strictly Modern S-ROOM BUNGALOW J 84,800 8509. CASH buy It, Good as new; fiv nlc room and bath; beautifully decorated; oak floors; nice attic; full cement bs.ement with graded entrance, floor slrain and alnk; large, level lot; good Ford ga rage; handy to car and Fort St. car , line. Sea It today. Possession on short notice, owner leaving city. Phon D. E. Buck & Co., 748 Omaha Ngt'l Bk. Bldg. ' JA.' 2000. Evngs.i Perro, WE 0833 or Buck, KB 2834 Terms Like Rent W can finance a, hom for you on on of our beautiful sightly lot west of . Millar park, near Fontanel! boulevard and close to .tores and school. Only a few left at price from 1260 ta 1296. . Only a limited number ean be handled von thl plan, o huri-v. The Byron Reed Co., BO. 0297. 1612 Farnm St. 14,688. A bungalow with everything In It, ev.a to a fireplace, "Well located and ean be purchased with terms of 11,300 down and 60 a month. .. AMOS GRANT COMPANY, REALTORS, ' . DO.. 1818. 218 8. llth. Ground Floor. 7" ' LESS THaAN 12,600. For f 800 eash down and 125 per month w will aell you a ftve.reom ham with garage en a corner lot, Houa ha elec tric light and water, room to finish off additional bedroom and bath. A great snap, Phon us now for appointment, R. F, CLARY CO., 34th and Ames, KB. D17S. 1400 CASH. Go look at 3T Hamilton St. ' You will find a 6-room hiae with plumbing, fas, a eorner 1st 60x127; paving ell paid. ,ook thl houa over without disturbing th occupant pnd then come to the offie. AMPS GRANT COMPANY, REALTORS. DO. 8386. 310 8. 18th, Ground Floor. BBAUTIFU&. MINNE LITSA. Classy, brand new, kellaaton bun. (alow with five extra larg rooms; several special features; all aak and enamel fin1. h. Let us ahow you thl before you buy. H RASP BROS., Owners, 212 Keelin Bldg. ' FIVE-ROOM BUNGALOW ft, 00. Al modern, one block to Ame Ave. car, about 1768 ca.h down, blnc 140 per mopth. , R. F. CLARY CO., llth and Ame Ave. KB, 8176. CAN BUILD YOtfR NEW HOME. Small payment down, balance Ilk rent. Have your rent money mak pay, meat. Built to auit you. Can alao fiirnnh you lot. Call evening., DO. 684T. -. ' 508 CASH," ' -w Am atarting to build a neat (-room bungalow near Miller park. Will sell, completely modern, for 1500 cash and 147.66 per month. E. R. Carse. DO. 7413 days. FIVE-ROOM home, IS66 cash. 8J20 N. 13d. Reduced to 13.400. . BEST OE STRING, DO. 1181. South. Field Club Hero It la! A lot bargain la. thla district. 44-foot front on 36th Ave. north of Pacific. Fine view. For quick sale. $1.35". D. V. Sholes Co., 91 City Nat. Bank Bldg, JA. 8048. FOR HALE tiis-roora bouaa aa South nth, 12,060, 1800 ca.h, balance month ly. W. II. Hatteroth. ettorney, 421 Peters Trust Bldg. AT. fll. VISIT model homo at 2821 S. 34th St, furnlahed by Orchard A WHhelm Co., built by C. O. Carlberg. Open rjek dv S to I and 7 to f p. m.; Sun., 1 To i p. m. n ivaioiuu avvw meet .".i wr eefmeole fkn ; "s'si.. J CltOKi""perkw " t so vet I t ell K, . aJANf fiaMrer o. i, blcb fraa Miller Perk. . J A. wit Misccllaneoui, Bafgafn Homes Twice Below Tar .,n -;avr, ,r;,,,,:v a ':: nu In Mnatrlairt Ian loiM im ara riant: dim kilrh.H on "' 'l"'; "'J In "akl lw dandv bedtoom . aarond fiear; oak floe'a. while eaam'l finish: dandy lt .s on rd '!: gar "d rive. Il.l'f blnr HianihlV , ..t-V.r.(m, two tary " AOiier I'ailt diatrlcf. lt llS touni. sun room, dlpm and hilrhen an tha first bout In f.aiurea; oak fintan sen r. air floor; IHr lh .aa aecona lioar. i'i" snuih front nt. r ravin alil. lia'ase nd tlrlv. Term can b rranad. II 0 rtia-toom modern bunsi. n ( ' rooms end halh n the lrt floor; flnuh.1 in aak, and an tha aesondt built -la faeturas; flieplare, book.-es, remiol baeemeii. ftuud h.ater: east front lot as boulevard: all ! del paid; (araga and drv. llandl on reeai.nabl terms. It.ll Keven-room, full tw.etry houa., located near HanMom park; 1ar living room, aim room, dining room and kitchen, flrat floor, finished In oak. thre bedrooms and sleeping pnrrh aa second floor, llh osk ( floor and whit enamel flnlaht N remeni luiinint, iurnar. , corner lot, paved treet all rouno; an pav. a sjaraga. rm cah. balane monthly. If.lfJ 00 A eeven-rnom eeml-bungalow! lara living room with flraplae and bookcaaee; dlnlnf room with) buffet; sun room, kitchen - with featurea: oak flnl.h and floor, first floor, Pcond floor g bedrooms, til bath, he. tub. ' Maaement at.tlonary tuba; gar. I and drive. 11,880 ca.h, b.l anr ik rent 117,108.88 Seven-room. full two-.torv, strictly modern hou.e located In th, vary ereent f Dundee; thre large room, namely liv ing room, dining room, kitchen . with built-in featureai oak fin- . lah and oak floor! four bad- -room and hath on aecond , floor,, til bath: dak finer, tin- lahed In while nmet. Ce mented bsaeinent. furnchst, double aara and drive. paved treet. all paid. rill sell or 4la on r.aaon.nie term count for caah. Payne Investment Co., 137 Om. Nst, Bsnk Bldg. PO. 1760. 1134 MIAMI ST. 8 room modern, oak trim and floor below, whit enamel ahovs; full baaement; hot water heat: aplendld eolith front lot, Clo.e ta car and achoole; a real home at a very low prle nf $4,760, 11.600 eash. Terma on balance, W hav a 8-room hom n.r 82i and Mason St., an paved etreet and rim to ear. Thl Is a reel home. Prire 14.650. $1,600 caah. . . On No. 41. t Ht . an extra good I room hmoi splendid furnace and base, ment. etc.. lights; good well. Price $3,160, $1,000 cash. W have a splendid list of Dundee homes rsnglng In price from $7,000 to $20,000. If you are looking for a Dun dee hom It will pay you to a u ba rer you buv. , Chas. W. Young & Son, 1161 City Nat Bank. AT llll. Ev , HA 6061 or AT 0638. Income Investment. Four 3 -room located near Park Ave. and Leavenworth. Income $17 per mopth. $4,008 cash. Balance in payments. American Mortgage & ' ' Finance Co., 411 Brandeia Theater Bldg. AT. Ifll. ,., WILL BUILTJ -... '' ' AND FINANCE i' ' ' 1 - YOUR NEW HOMO Our material and werkman.hlp of best quality. Come and look at esme of our completed Very rea. en able costs. Bring your pla'ni ta ua (or estimates, I HASTINGS A HEYDEN. 1614 Hrnay St. , AT. 0060. ' New Bungalow Diamond a part payment. JA. llll, aaonoaoEaonoaoiaociQ Buy One of These Places 1414 North Slrd Street Dandy (-room, modern bungalow, an rariine. Kaey payment. 1615 North 24th Street Choir 7. room, modern Kouptx Plae hom. In excellent, repair. Ter.n if you wieh. 170 North 14th Street Five- roem bungalow. Owner leaving th eity, Terms can h r- raiged. o D o g e D s o a 8 8 o ! O The. ar good places moderate nn,. at a Eveninga call Hrney 111, vreo.ter piay. Creigh Sons tSc Company EsUblUheel 186S Jackie 0200 60S B Bldf , aoooaotaoaonocyocj, aajaaassBBi w ejaasaaxe aj aaxaBaasai a) aaaal (Home Furnishings . -": ' . I I- . -' Your Qwp Price . Friday and Saturday, April 7, and 8, we offer to the highest I bidder furnishings of every description from fourteen eon--signrnents. Thesfe goods must ti he sold-raise cash are the ( owners' instructions, and you will profit by it. It eontains such items as: I I I Pining, living, kitchen and bed- ) room furniture, .talking machine., I pianos, amall musical instrument., I drrssrs. chiffonier., bras and iron' I beds, pillows, bedding, it all kind., china cabinet, leather ? chain, davenports, duofoul, book- 1 case., deaka, couche., rugs, sewing machines, nfrigerators, gas and I coal range, alaetrio vacuum clean- era. eurtsin., alominum war, pice tuns, in fact everything from the basement to th attic. Start J:9 I p. m. I Stephenson J 1SOS Capital Avau4. a-balf black east af the poatoifka aa Capitel Aveiu. vT, S26I. I r in- .;, iw V'.;f. t s t 1 t v 6 t f