Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 04, 1922, Page 5, Image 5

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Mayor Dalilman
Called to Stand
in Davis Trial
lrlifif ill f of Womau
Who Claim to He Moth.
r uf Hiiu Tai
Mayor Jamrs C. Uahlmait testi
fied in foi)iiy court ytrrd4y that
de stir .Nanm V. tWiuiiif) Davis
tr I fi and always understood
that Mrs, Une Urestialuti was hit
Mrs. Itronaiiail U tUilttiiie a
share of tlir $I.V0 cUc of Davi
who was killed iiiytrriouly near
IimimI Island Ut year.
" 'S ingic,' a 1 knew hint, live!
Ittit - a Uw lliwk from nty home.'
said t lie mayor. "He ucil to brini;
me rtiiiH that I bought from lii
Uai' fatl.rr it ffctcitcl to nc
In OiimIu today lo face Mrs. Brcs
Kalian in the court room. According
lo I". J. Southard, counsel ir widow
of the slain man. Davis declare tlut
Mr. llreMialun i not the mother
.f Winnie."
Davit and Mrs. Bresnahan Are Di
vorced. Tony Datnato, father of Mike Da
tuato, mIio wat convicted of the mur
der of, i'rank I-'ogx. testified that ho
irniryi a lioue at KIJ South Twenty
'""ih street to "W ingic" and Mrs.
.irrsnnidii. mini was ijhi umi
he uas "Wingii'V uioilirr.
Oilier vtilnrs;r who testified
similarly were I. liarigtit. Will I er
Kuu and Lena Tigh.
On the Maud for almost five
hour, Mr. Itrcuahaii, who now
live in Oklahoma City, gave testi
mony to jroe Iter motherhood of
Cut Freight Kates to Sac
$.10,000 ou Sugar in Umaha
If reduced shipping rates being
sought by C. E. t'hildc, nianaycr
of the Chamber of Commerce traf
fic bureau, are obtained for Omaha
it will mean a saving of practically
$.10,(X)0 a year on sugar shipped into
Hm liiiRton, la.; shipper met with
iutrrtate commerce examiners yes
terday in an effort to have rates on
sugar into Hurlington reduced 6 1-2
cents a hundred pounds. Mr. Childc,
representing Omaha shippers, is at
tending the hearing and will tell
the examiner that the competition
in Omaha is the same and will ask
for the same reduction.
According to Mr. Childc, 700 cars
of sugar come into Omaha annually
pud the saving would amount to
about fid a car.
ocalional 1 raining Vet
Objects to Paying Board
John Barrett, 5135 Walnut street,
lias complained to government offi
cials against paying $49 a mouth
board and room at Bcllcvue voca
tional, scbol for exservice men out
of his $152.50 vocational training
''aSJ'UC.u. lie might as well just pay
carfare, to and trom the city aim
live with his family. Regulations
require that he live at Bellevue. Bar
rett suffered rheumatism, defective
sight and hearing from his service
in France w ith the 314th ammunition
train, he says.
Brief City News
mil. hut lie
the hint.
(CafMiikt. i;n
Carrying Message.
After Taddy Muakrat and hit
wife talked to her about sunstrokes,
the Muley Cow tried to keep in the
hade during the rest of the day.
Toward evening, who should come
trotting out of the wood but Tom-
imply iMn1 UU llrv Dicmuow
Following Charges
Ha saw that she couldn't quite sag
my I on When he noticed the Mul
ey Cow (as lie soon did, for the
wind told hint where she was) he
turned aside to speak to her. ( lie
inquired carefully about her health,
said that be hoped she was enjoying
the tme weather, and remarked final
ly that he was glad to met her be
cause it would save him a trip to
the farmyard. "That is" Tommy
added, "if you don't mind carrying a
message for me."
The Muley Cow had always heard
that the Fox family was terribly sly
and tricky. Still, Tommy was most
polite. Kcally, she didn't like to
sav no.
He saw that she couldn't quite sav
yes. "It doesn't matter," he told
her carelessly. "There's the little
red cow over there. I know she'll
be glad to oblige me."
That was just the thing to make
the Muley Cow want to do bis er
rand. "I'm sure I should be delighted to
accommodate you," she told Tommy
Fox. "Give mc your message. And
when I go home this evening I'll
deliver it."
"It's for the young gobbler, Tur
key Troudfoot," Tommy Fox ex
plained. "Please tell him that a
ccntleman wishes to meet him by
the stone wall tonight, as soon as it
grows dark."
"Vcrv well! said the Muley Low.
"I'll tell Turkey rroudfoot that I
saw you and I'll give him your mes
"Oh! PItase don't mention my
should not b "dosed." Treat
them externally with
Omt 17 Million Jm Uttd YtaHg
name!" Timmy Fox begged her.
"Just iy, gentleman." You tc,
it's to be a nurprWe . . . You know
everybody likei urpri"ei." ht added,
at lie grinned at the Muley Cow in
the mot innocent way,
Mie remembered that she had liked
urprie hcuelf when she wa.
vuunger. So the agreed to give Tur
key I'roudfoot the meac exactly
;. Tommy Fox had told it to her.
And be did. When milking time
came, and Johnnie Green and old
dog Spot drove the cowi home, down
the long lane that led to the barn,
tnd the Muley Cow law Turkey
rroudfoot strutting about the farm
yard, she told him lometbiug. She
told him that a slim, red gentleman
with a bushy tail and a harp noc
ivantrd to see him near the Hone
,n r nichtfall. "lie ha a
nrise for you." the Muley
The moment he heard the message
Turkey Proudfoot'a tail drooped, and
lc forgot to strut. He even shook
slightlv. as if something had fright
ened him. And then, to the Muley
Cow's astonishment, he began to
gobble at her. . 1 , .
"You ought to be ashamed rl
yourself, trying to get mc into
trouble w ith Tommy I-ox I be
The Mulev Cow was still more
amazed. She hadn't mentioned
Tommy Fox's name; and she could
n't understand how Turkey rroud
foot had guessed who the gentleman
a. Besides, she wondered why
Turkey I'roudfoot was angry. Tom
my Fox was such an agreeable per
son that she felt sure he must have
planned a very pleasant surprise.
It appeared that Turkey I'roudfoot
had quitte a different notion. It
was so different that he didn't even
dare to roost in the tree in front
of the barn that night, but crowded
right into the henhouse. The hens
made a great fuss and ordered him
KIU Cominittrf Aij;ii i
alrnif ii iti liunJ liauiuaigti j
The executive committee, uf me
nikV bond selling irg4iii4tion met
eifrdy with the $ canum ei
the campaign, to aign the JM) sales
men who hate agreed to work dur
ing the week of April 2 to idl
ing Sl.Oud.uuO worth of mortage
bonds for erection of a new flVi
club Duiitlmg at the outiift tor
ntr of I- ighteenth and Dodge streets.
Omaha Dot-tori Hrfutri Sum
to Testify in Arhurlle (ac
Because he treated Virginia b'appe
for an illiif.i in W. Dr. Charles
I', Barnes. Omaha physician, ha
been summoned by the defense to
testify in the Arbuckle trial in San
Francisco. He ha refused. Al
though he wa offered a Urge um.
he raid, "I don't want to get nnxed
up in such a ca.e."
Jtulgo Day III
District Judge L. B. Day U con
fined to his home with a severe cold.
TORMENTING, agonuuflg rheu
matic achea are quickly relieved
by Sloan'a Liniment. Apply it
freely, without rubbing and you will
feel a condoning tense of warroib and
relief. . .
Good also for rheumatism, acutica,
muscles, stiff jointi.baclcaclK.iuain
sprains and weather exposure.
Don't let pain lay you up. Keep
Sloan's Liniment handy and at the tutC
lign of an ache or pain, use it.
For forty yean, Sloan's has been the
world's pain and ache liniment. Sloan'a
Liniment couldn't keep its) many thou
sands of friends if it didn't nuke good.
Ask your neighbor.
At all druggists 35c, 70c, $1.40.
Do You Own a Peat Bog
or a Big Pine Forest?
If so the fuel question doesn't bother you.
Most folks have to consider the best and
cheapest way to heat their home3 with 'fuel
they can buy. If you are in that class, we want
you to give a thought to that quick-heating,
economical Arkansas Semi-Anthracite known
to coal buyers as
Try aome for those
cold, damp spring days.
Four Yards to Serve You
Updike Lumber & Coal Co.
4500 Dodge Street
CttlzeiiMlilp Revoked Citizenship
papers granted Hersyl Keldman
were revoked ' by District Judge
'Scars yesterdny. A. H. Bode, natural
ization examiner, having charged
they were gained by fraud.
' Xo Fires for 30 Hours No Are
i alarm was registered in Umaha dur--ing
80 hours after 1:30 Sunday
morning, according to Fire Chief
"Salter, who declared such was an un
usual condition in the cit,y for this
time of year.
" Convict 1'lcks .Toll Luther Keifr
man, who robbed District Judge Day,
was taken to state prison yesterday.
Ueisman wrote Warden Fenton he
had learned the pressing trade in the
Indiana penitentiary and asked that
he be placed at his old trade.
Open Tcarliers' Bureau J. Tt. Al
len of Kargo. N. D.. is in Omaha
lo establish a branch office of the
Fargo Teachers' bureau. He an
nounces that offices have been obtain
ed in the Karbach block and that A.
F. tiildemeister will be local mana
ger. I'ostal Rts?lits liK-rcnse March
postal receipts for the Omaha popt
offlce increased $34,511.73 over Feb
ruary, according to figures compiled
by Postmaster Charles Black. The
semi-annual sale of unclaimed pos
tal goods will be held at the north
-elde of the federal building April 10.
. GoodfcllowshiD Liunobeon Old
and new members of the Chamber
ot Commerce were welcomed yester
day noon by the goodfellowship
committee at luncheon. J. T. Dy-
sart. chairman, presided. W. W.
Head and J. D. Larson spoke. All
,past presidents of the chamber sat
at the speakers taotes.
' Suicide ; Thwarted Steve Nolan,
' 65. police character, attempted sui
cide yesterday morning by placing
"his head between two pickets of a
fence behind a grocery at Sixteenth
and Nicholas streets, and then hold
ling his feet from the ground. Tass
ershy released him and police put
:him'in jail.
Ora-nge Shipment Seized The
federal government seized yesterday
462 boxes of oranges shipped from
.the Riverside Heights Orange Grow
ers' associationa to the Californl
, Fruit Growers' exchange of Omaha,
of which O. C. Tlmmens is district
.manager. The government charges
that the oranges, were frozen.
I Faces Second Trial Floyd
Churchill will go to trial a second
time April 10 for the robbery of the
Strand theater last September when
two bandits bound the watchman,
broke open the safe and ed with
$2,000 loot. The juryin Churchill's
first trial disagreed and was dis
charged. lllirninr Tios "Alii." dean and
tpsdor of the city alligators, died
Sunday night in his coop at fire sta
tion Nn. fi. where he and eight com-
nanions had been wintering. Fred
Heitfeld. park department expert,
- uid "Alii" died of starvation be-
hn awoke too early irom ms
winter sleep and naa not Deen iea,
To Study In Europe Dr. J. VT.
n,.ncan. 30 Parte avenue: ur. vv.
w-nl.-ntt. 11 -t South Twenty-eighth
street, and Dr. Floyd S. Clarke. 5110.
Chicago street, leave Omaha Monday
to sail from New Tork April 15 for
Europe, where they will continue
itost-eraduate studies in their re
spective snecalities at London and
Vienna. Mrs. Clark viu accom
pany her husband. They expect to
latum to Omaha, et August,
The Smartest Complete Easter Outfit
m. In our store S
win oe awaroeo lo some man or woman . m
"i Absolutely Free fmm
No Purchase Necessary
On Saturday Evening, April 15th. ,
2 Ask Any Salesperson for Full Details.
New Easter Wraps J
With the most extraordinary dis
play of new wraps to greet you and all
priced in a manner that will delight
you, now is the logical time to make
selections. We'll arrange easy terms
tor you. t "'
$29. 75
All the favored fabrics all
colors all styles we'll consider
it a pleasure to show you these
Polo and Sport
Jaunty, smart styled polo and
port coats plaid backs double
face coatings tweeds and other
.favored fabrics. Buy them on our
?asy payment plan.
if :
A juiy li'iins a suit brought by
tde J, U ll'i't company Ssiul J, U
Idatt lor allrs4 to have heen
wultliel4 from a real rti deal by
Han. was diMiurged in district
ceurt ftrrJay kteq Iliail to!J ttif
court It Iu4 bfn hmovM by
one i the jurors offering to sin
me mam in m ior ur a sikci
(irJ sum ii money. The accuse
jmor's name as not divloc4 but
Judas Suul'rr ordcrej an incti
aanon. tuimrd a nnii.n lo s ith-
draw the juror, am) (JiHliargnl the
panel saotti In March Juus
Stauiicr questioned tlic juror private
I). He JciiifJ knoHing llisn,
lfniu I'ttcific Official
File Petition for l)iort'e
Notm D. liallantine, sitpctiiiteiiJ.
rut of iransporuiion ol the I'uion
IViiic system, biouKht suit yester
day for Jiorcc from Its wife, Said
Battaiitinr, cut grounds tl drrrlion
I'slUutme tt$t in bis prtitiiu
that In w ife? deserted bint lo )eis
ago, Mie is riots' livirf in lliicsgt.
lliry ie one n, 10 tear old
He aKo rbargri her with riurlty
'the niliiiiiir were tuarrted Nj
vembrr 7, lll.
Bnairgess-Naslh Comnpaimy
In the Downstairs Store
TuesdayA Remarkable Sale of
New Spring Dresses
The fact that you have a dress in mind is
I he only incentive you need to bring you to
this sale, especially when we tell you that
these dresses are beautifully fashioned ot
Canton Crepe
Crepe de Chine
Wool Jertey
Krepe Knit
Fiber Knit
New and desirable styles are made with
either long or short sleeves. There are
both light and dark shades in trimmed and
tailored models. Sizes for women and misses,
Bnrtm-Nuh Dawnstelrs Store
SUN IS tm St.
Table Oil Cloth
Good patterns in light and dark
shades; quality that will OAO
give service; per yard.
Cheviot Shirting
In the popular gray coloring,
with neat stripes; an ex
cellent quality; per yard
39-in. Dress Voiles
. A good quality Voile in both
light and dark colors; at- QQf)
tractive patterns; yard..aVv
63-in. Sheeting
"Dwlght Anchor" Sheeting in
a quality that will give
lasting service; yard,
Pillow Cases
42x36 Inch size with hemstitched
ends. Limit of six to a
customer. Each..
36-in. Cretonne
Beautiful quality in rich and ef
fective designs; moder
ately priced; yard.
Curtain Net
A fine mesh that will launder
well, and give excellent OC
service; price, per yaTd.. OO
Turkish Towels
Generous sized Towel with
neatly hemmed ends;
special price, each....
Pillow Tubing
Round thread quality, without
filling or dressing; 45-in. OQe)
width; per yard......... 0
Burcesi-Naih Downstairs' Store
Oar Third Special
Infants' Soft Sole Shoes
Infants' soft sole Shoes and ankle strap Pumps in a
great many colors and color combinations. Some of
them have slight imperfections that in no way impair
the comfort or wearing qualities. Limit of three pairs.
Sizes 0 to 4.
Pair 29C
Barfws-Nub Downstairs Store
' Special Values
Table Cloihs
Odd Cloths and Cloths that are
slightly soiled are offered at
great price reduction. All are
of excellent quality and attrac
tive design; in breakfast, lunch
eon and dinner size. Wonder
75' to 95
Burcess-Nash Downstairs Store
Boys' Suits
$885 $995
We have Just received a new
line of Boys' Spring Suits in
blue serge and all wool mix
tures. Each suit is made with
two pairs of knickerbockers
that are fully lined. Sizes
7 to 17.
Boys' Knickers
School pants. Sizes 7 to 17.
$1.25 to $1.75
Men's Spring Caps
New tweeds and ' mix
tures. All sizes.
Boys' Shirts
Neat striped patterns in
percale and madras.
Some have attached col
lars, others are in neck
band styles. All are well
made shirts. Special, 95c.
BorrcM-Kash Downstairs Store
Infants' Shoes
Pair 89c
Several hundred pairs of
infants' first step Shoes
and ankle strap Pumps,
in a great many styles
and colors. Some of
them are slightly imper
fect, others are a little
soiled, but all are good
values. Sizes 2 to 5 years.
Buivess-Nasb Downstairs Store
Cotton Knickers
Pink cotton Knickers for the
young miss; all sizes
Pair 19c
Gauze Vests
Women's sizes, light weight
cotton; priced
Each 10c
Bnisa-Nah Downstairs Store
Women's Hose .
Black cotton stockings with
double toes and heels, 9.
3 Pairs 25c
' Bnrcess-Nash Downstairs Store
Kiddies' Socks
White with fancy tops; colors
with contrasting tops, 19,
3 Pairs 50c '
Bars-ess -Nash Downstairs Store
Tuesday A Sale of
Coats and Capes
Wide flare coats, and loose swinging capes,
fashioned in a multitude of styles and colors.
Brilliant linings add a dash of color; material
of contrasting tone is effectively combined.
Made of
La Yama
On some models silk thread embroidery forms
elaborate trimming others are tailor trimmed
tan, rookie, navy and eopen. Women and misses'
sizes, 16 to 44.
Borcess-5ash Downstairs Store
A Limited Number
White voile Blouses, lace
and embroidery trimmed.
Somo of these tub Bloiif'JS
are slightly soiled, but
every one is a real bar
gain. Limit of 6 to a cus
tomer. Burgess-NmIi Dowwtlalra Sters
Tolliklesn, 3 cans for 30c
8wift Classlo Soap, 3 bars
for 10e
Swift's Cream Laundry Soap,
3 bars for 10o
Swift's Pride Soap, I bars
for 10o
No deliveries, phone calls,
C. O. P.'s or mail orders.
We reserve the right to
limit quantities.
Burffss-JiBsh Downstairs Store
Blue Serge
Yard 65c
36 inch navy blue storm serge
of good firm weave, suitable
for suits, dresses, wraps and
skirts. Priced at 65c yaTd.
Biuv-Nash Downstairs Store
Silk Poplins
Yard 95c
36-inch silk warp poplins, new
Jacquard weaves Mn sport
shades, also black, brown and
navy blue. A good wearing
quality. ,
Burcess-Nash Downstairs -Store
Chiffon Taffetas
Yard $1.79
36-inch fine Chiffon Taffetas
in brown, blue and black. A
very exceptional value when
priced at $1.79 yaTd.
Biiftres-Itash Downstairs Store
Renso Belt Corsets in me
dium and ' low bust
styles. In 'all sizes 24 to
36. Special, at only $1.95.
Burress-'ash Downstairs Store
Rick-rack Braid, a good qual
ity, an wiatns, Doit.....10o
Cotton Tape in Mack "and
white, 3 yd. bolt, 3 bolts 10o
Coata Thread, in black, white
and colors, special dozen 58c
Boxea cf Notions, a few
boxes left, to close out at,
Buttons, one big lot in every
kind and all sizes, cart,..5e
Darning Cotton, Colling
bournes fast colored, aU
colors, ball ..2o
Human Hair Nets, single
mesh, medium size, all col
ors, dozen 50
Garters, of strong elastic for
women and children, pair 10c
Barg.-Nh Downstairs Stero
Toilet Goods
Persian Pink Toilet 8oap, 5
bars for 25e
Talcum Powder,' assorted,
rose,' violet, corylopsls and
baby talcum can
Rose Blossom Glycerine
Scap, 3 bars for 2Sc
Perfume, Tooth Brushes,
Slipper Spoons, Compact
Powder (white, pink and bru
nette) choice at 10e
Bursess-Nash Downstairs Store