Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 02, 1922, SOCIETY EDITORIAL, Image 15

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    lllti liEK: OMAHA. SINUAY. AI'lilL t, I'lii.
J V s-t
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Benson Society
'Benton Corrc pondnt Cell Wslnut SJ.'O.-
Benton Woman's. Club,
Min Jeiiie Tonf, dfn ol the
Cilt tf Untul High, gat on f
Hie Lt programt i ih ycir Tours.
ly adeinvvn before the member of
the lien.ou Woman's dub. Mitt
loitnc't subject "John Nei
hsrdt. lis life and Work." Mrs.
M. Hcdcluud and Mr. Jotrph Har
ton were voted, Into III flub. Mr i.
C. P. Criciun and Mn. We Iker sang
duett. Ml. i Mildred Vol( gave a
piano number at (In cUt of tlx
The iirt tegular club meeting
be lirlJ Thursday, April 21.
Hie date wat dunned to give club
rnrnibrr opportunity lo attend the
.croud district convention, April IJ
ai! 14.
Luncheon With Mr. McCluer.
Mm. W. A. Wilcox, prrtident c(
the Omaha War Mother' organiza
tion, anj Mr. J-jine Shield., secre
tary, uere luncheon gurttt Friday
of Mr. II. II. McCluer. of Kanw
'. national vice president of Hie
War Mothers cl America.
Annual Election.
The antiiial electionvf ifficcrti of
'lie I'rc uliytcrian Ladies' Aid Mat held
Wednesday afternoon at the home
of Mr. R. II. Can. Officer elected
were Mn liny Marshall, president;
Mr. I". C Smith, Trot vice pres
cient; Mr. Janir Walsh, second
vice president; Mr. Thomas Cover,
secretary, and Mrs. II. C. Crooks,
j Dinner Guests.
Mryand Mrs. S. I Caple, who are
it Cute from Peru. Itid.. to their
home in Sheridan, Wyo., were Wed
nesday dinner guests at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Wyman Woodyard.
Reception at Cherry Croft.
Mrs. J. W. Welch entertained at a
formal reception at her home at
Cherry Croft Sunday afternoon
complimentary to Mrs. E. M. Ho
grese and her daughter, Mrs. K. H.
Luikhart. Mr. Luikhart Irft Tues
day for her home in Rivcrton, Wyo.
Attends Baptist Convention.
Mrs. C. II. Paris attended the spe
cial one-day session of the Nebraska
Baptist convention Thursday at
Grand Island. Judge F. W. Free
man of Colorado and Missionary
Uanna of the foreign fields were the
principal speakers. J. T. Pickard,
who was in Grand Island on busi
ness was also in attendance at the
Music Department of the B. W. C.
The double quartet of the Benson
Woman's club will sing before the
Second district convention of the
Nebraska Federation of Women's
Parent-Teacher Association.
The Benson Tareut-Teacher asso
ciation will meet Tuesday, April II
at 3 p. m. in the gymnasium of the
Rose Hill school.
Community Center.
The Bell Telephone company will
give a program for the Benson
community center Friday evening,
Anril 7. No children will be ad
mitted unless accompanied by par
ents or guardians.
Announcement Party.
ITw.lMary .Van Horn entertained
at an announcement party Saturday
evening in honor or her daughter,
Miss Maude Van Horn, whose mar
riage will take place Sunday, April
19. After an evening spent in social
umusements, refreshments were
served to 35 guests.
Presbyterian Mission Society. v
Mrs. Paul Rivett was hostess at
her home Tuesday afternoon, March
28, to the members of the Fresby
tcrian Mission society. The topics
for the study program were "For
eigners in America." and "Japan."
Mrs. Kornniesser, leader. A delight
ful luncheon was served at the close
of the program.
Early Spring Hike. -
Members of the King's Heralds of
the Methodist church are planning a
hike to Elmwood park Tuesday aft
ernoon, meeting at the church at
1:30 p. m. Cars will be furnished
those who do not care to take the
hike. Each member will furnish
bread and butter sandwiches for one
person. The committee will furnish
weinerwursts. After the lesson study
the class will enjoy the picnic.
Bake Sale.
The members of Mrs. W. H.
Reed's division of the Methodist
Ladies' Aid conducted a food sale
Saturday at the C. N. Wolfe Son's
grocery store.
Mrs. E. C. Smith Entertains.
Mrs. E. C. Smith entertained at
a . . ,
1'oclocK luncneon ai ner nomc
Friday complimentary to the newly
elected and the retiring officers of
9fc Presbyterian Ladies Aid. Alter
the luncheon the work of the past
year,was reviewed and plans for the
new year's work discussed. . :
Prettiest Mile Dinner Party.
Mrs. C. H. Hansen was hostess to
a dinner party of twelve covers
Monday at Prettiest Mile club.
Luncheon Guests.
Mrs. George Remington and Mrs.
Bert Ran were luncheon guests
Thursday at the home of Mrs. Ar
, thur Dunbar of Omaha. v
v Dinner Party.
Mr. and Mrs. E. C Smith enter
tained at dinner Thursday in honor
of Miss Edna Spears, teacher in the
South Side schools, and her mother,
Mrs. Spears, and also for Dr. and
Mrs. Wigton and children of
Pre-Easter Bazaar.
Willing, workers of the Christian
church will hold a pre-Easter bazar
April 5 and 6 in the auditorium of
the city hall. Cooked foods and
hand-made articles will be for sale.
' A musical program will be givfcn
1 and ice cream and cake will be serv
ed at 15 cents the plate on llie eve
ning of April 4.
B.. S. Chapter of the P. E. O.
Mrs. H. W. Wendland, 2708 North
Forty-fifth avenue, will be hostess
Monday to the members of the B. S.
chapter of-the P. E. O. sisterhood.
Tne subject for study is the "Novel,"
ir.. XT IT T..... r.. D o
Slgr- nils i, . .jsuti. AU19. x. J.V.
i anderhppe will lead the discussion.
- N. F. C Convention.
i The Second district convention of
he Nebraska Federation of Wo
men's clubs are planning an exccl
' Kvst program to be given April 13
ninji 14 in the Burgess-Nash au
gMtrium. Some of the features
x s Book revievt "an4 play by
Dundee Woman's club, Vocal se
lections by liure 1W Steinberg
and the lirnson Woman's dub jur.
let Talk on Ameriraniaiian, civ
Ut and I'.reiit-teaditr iMoci.twn
Wedueiday evening tinqut will
be followed by an open reception.
Mr. Penny, star president, and
other prominent club women will be
in attrudaiur.
Baptist Mission Society,
Members of the JUptiit Minion
society will be entertained Thuriday
afternoon at the home of Mn. C.
II. I ari. A'"' the letton study,
election of otiiccrt will be held.
Dr. Wills to Fill Pulpit.
Dr. John Maon Well, president
of Grand KUud college, will fill the
pulpit Sunday morning at the Ben
ton Baptut cliutili.
Mr. Richard Skaukey has been
ill during the p.t two week.
Mr. and Mr. V. L. Stirrer re
turned hunday from Iowa Fall.
Mr. Uetty ciley of Portland,
Ore . i a guest at the home of Mrt.
1. I. hosier.
Mrs. V. W. Smith, tr.. of Dalla.
S. I)., it visiting her ton. F.. A,
Smith, and Mrt. Smith.
Mist M-shcl Cook, daughter of
Mr. and Mrt. L. M. Cook, it ill at
the home of her patents.
Mr. Paul Wilcox is home from
the Clarkson hospital. Her mother,
Mrs. belle II awes, is with her.
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Ens have re
turned to Newman Grove after liav
ing visited at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. George Sowards.
Mrs. R. Burford and daughter.
r.loise are spending the spring vara
tion with relatives ami menus m
Arkansas and Missouri.
Dr. Richard Smith and wife and
daughter, who have been at the
home of Dr. Smith's mother. Mrs. T,
J Smith, left Thursday for their
uome at iiaunan. Wyo.
Mr. and Mrs. Byron W. Hart of
the Sample-Hart Motor company.
wno nave spent the past year and a
half at Phoenix, Ariz., have returned
to Omaha and are visiting Mr. and
Mrs. N. N. Galbrcath on Sixtieth
Christ Child
Confirmation will be administered
at 4 o'clock this afternoon at St. Phil-
omena church. Tea will be served
following the services to the mem
bers ot the class, at the Christ Child
The Junior American club will go
on a hike and wciner roast Tuesday
afternoon. Miss Nora Robinson will
be in charge.
Owing to the number of young
men in the various clubs who are
eager to play baseball this spring,
it has been' decided to put a Class
B and a Class C team in the City
league. A meeting of the candidates
torboth teams was held on lhurs
day evening at the center. A practice
game was scheduled for Sunday
morning at Riverview park.
..The Christ Child Juniors will give
a play entitled, "Up Caesar's Creek,"
on Friday evening at the center. The
play portrays the joys and sorrows
of a boys' club. Miss Lucille Win
ner has coached the boys for this
Miss Helen Mackin, pianist, has
arranged a program to be given at
the center Sunday afternoon, April
9. Piano solos will be given by four
of Miss Mackin's pupils, Misses II.
Francis, Mildred Soderstedt, Alice
Martin and" Mrs. Gertrude Master
son; readings by Misses Roberta
and Carrie McGill; violin solos, Mey
er Shapiro and David Robinson; pu
pils of K. E. Brill, and the Misses
Helen Henderson and Jean Elling
ton, pupils of Miss Florence Bas-'
lin Palmer will give several vocal
A baby buggy is needed at the
center. Anyone wishing to donate
a buggy is requested to call Atlan
tic 2631.
Y. W. C. A.
Sunday Open house, 10 a. m. to
8 p. m., with lenten vesper service
at 4 o'clock. Mrs. Carl R. Gray will
speak on "The Holy pirit."
Monday Supper, 5:45 -Jor Federa
tion of Clubs; followed by individual
club business meetings at 6:15, and
a talk by Miss Elizabeth Howard
on "What Is Religion." Glee club
practice at 7:30 under direction of
F. Albert Carlson. Basket ball games
at 8:15. Class in millinery, 6:30 and
personality, 7:30.
Tuesday A new class will be
started at 6:30 in sewing if 12 reg
istrations are made.
Wednesday The girl reserves of
Technical High school will entertain
their instructors at a party in the
girls' club room at 3:30. Morris
Girls' club supper, 5.30, followed by
a short business meeting and a talk
on "Care and Dressing of the Hair.'"
First lesson in the second term of
the drawing class, 7 p. m.
Thursday Girls of student and
freshman clubs of Central High
school will meet at Sixteenth and
Locust streets at 10 a. m. for a hike
around Carter, lake. Each- girl will
bring her own lunch. Busy Circle
club supper, 6:15, followed by initia
tion of new members. Beginning
cookery class, 7 p.. m. A cookery
class specializing in salads and sum
mer luncheons will be started if 12
registrations are made,
Friday Alumnae club dinner, 6:15,
followed by open forum discussion
Saturdav Storv hour at 3 n. m.W
followed by gymnasium work for
the younger girl reserves.
Activities of Women
Women in China wear warmers
under their cloaks when the weather
is cold.
Sixteen women have announced
their candidacy for the British parli
ament. In proportion to the total popula
tion Nevada has fewer women than
any state in the union.
Unemployment among women in
Great Britain has decreased more
than 33 per cent during the last six
II y. Tex Brick Exhibition an Inspira
tion to Home Builders.
joy the Ily-Tcx colouial, the oak
bark textured surface sit rich au
tumnal thadct, the beautiful dark
reds which term to change in color
ing as the mortar used shift from
plain white through each varying
tint to deep brown. Of unusual
loveliness are the guumetal shade.
A host of suggestions for the use
of each brick showti is to be ob
tained from the hand-tinted photo
graphs of Ily-Tcx homes. Some of
the best homes, institutions and
business buildings iu Omaha are
built of Ilv-'l ex, the brick of dis
tinction and charm, which wilt more
than satisfy the uust discriminating
follower of art. A brick which is
in keeping with the best architec
tural designs for English, colonial
and Dutch colonial homes.
"Smiling Through." Sung During
Picture of That Name This Week.
ONE of the most interesting
things about the picture shown
at the Strand this week, Smiling
Through" was the tinging through
out the picture the delightful song
by the same name. "Smiling
Through" is written in five keys,
C, D, E-flat, V and G, and is of
fered on sale irr the sheet music
department of the A. Hospe com
pany. 1513 Douglas, for 40c a copy.
You'll enjoy it immensely. There's
a lot ot tun in tuc following new
Lonesome Hours ......30c
Roaming 30c
Don't Leave Me Mammy 30c
I Wonder Blues 30c
Dear Old Southland.... 30c
Send postage in check when order
ing by mail.
m m m
Alluring Spanish laces in silk, a
$5 quality arc offered at $2.65. These
in blacky brown and ivory, JO inches
Taffeta Frocks Drape Wide Bat-
Wing Pieces at Either Side of the
Longwaisted Bodice
THE Ideal Button & Pleating Co.,
.Id floor Rrown blork. lfitli &
Douglas did a considerable amount
of flame colored picot edging as
finish to a navy taffeta frock of long
waisted silhouette which had wide
ly draped pieces at each side. A
shop to solve your problems of dec
orative embellishment, 'you'll find
their artistic suggestions most help
A coat dress of soft gray serge is
embroidered in blue and trimmed
with blue crepe Georgette.
The Mood of the Mode Demands
That Dame Fashion Clad Her
Dainty Ankles in Nude Hose.
THE J. T. McQuillen company,'
1512 Karnam. lias an extensive
SIXTEEN new panels of Hy.Tex TF YOU RE not acquainted, with tins in colder weailier the nobility, and laier all lollowcr of Faluon, wore
brick have been added to the 1 the exouWieneit of Darwin tulip a super-tunic or mantle the cape-coat of the pre-rnt mole. .
din.W In the hhowrooin uf the Ilv. ill showing of thee , ao vogue ua nau a more ouueu pa.i. UffUys U Heritage
Srlilw 're. lirTk company n af,; Ilainty uprii.g hlooin in the John co.i.ingly t present than the three-piece coituu.ei for
Heir W O V. buTl I ng. Four. IUiIi Flwc? Shop, Eighteenth, and women and girl introdu.c4 lh.? pr.i.g. and none hat a more attured
eem i and Paria n You will en- l'num. well worth while. The fu'urc than "the rule of three" in rrnug and summer fahiont.
hue of the smartly tailored new silk Ilats Reblocked and Trimmed Os
hose, "Wcldrest, in the fascmat- . . v,a,hm PAll,; niJ
ing nude shade, a daintv sand color. Feathers Refashioned
with a tint of rose so faint" that it HP HE Kruger Hat Shop, 303 Bark
is 4 mere suggestion. Quite the J- xer block, is a resourceful sort ol
loveliest of the season's new light
shades! Sand, gray, castor, navy,
brown, black arfd white, a complete
line of the popular "Weldrest,
known for its splendid wearing qual
ities is now offered to the feminine
The new Poiret skirt is circular
and very full and so long that the
wearer's feet are merely visible.
Beauty Shop Changes Management
With Dainty New Decorations in
Keeping With Easter Time.
THERE'S a new name on the door
of the shop formerly known as
the Drefold Beauty Shop, 1001 W.
O. W. building. It is now the
Crawford Beauty Shop, at the ser
vice of Madam Umaha with tne
same emcient start ot attendants
which has long proved such a dc-
ight. I'lione Jackson
Every Decorative Accompaniment of
the Easter Holiday in Stationery
N THE stationery department of
the Brandeis Stores there's an
unusually festive appearance, table
decorations, dainty new nut and
candy containers, bridge and 500
scores, liand-dccoratcd, lames to cor
respond, jolly little stickers which
promise surprises at tne Dreakiast
table on Easter morning, purple and
white crepe paper bandings, paper
cloths and napkins for the Easter
church bazar and school festival.
Especially interesting is tbe selec
tion offered of appropriate greeting
cards; impressive cards in subdued ri niirftl -itt- rnnv.ntmnat
greeting in engraved script, each
with a bit of decoration expressing
the joyousness of Eastertide; fanci-
fully decorated cards carrying greet
ings more uitormal; jolly little Wil-
ic N addles shakes a duckish head
for "full of cleehe brines a happy
wish from me," Cards at from
5c up.
Darwin. Tulips Wave a Queenly
Greeting to the Spring.
a place. Your hats take on a chic
newness, your furs added luster, the
. . . .
shabby marabou a fluffy loveliness
after clever: treatment here, Closed
after 2 on Saturdays'.
Quite the Best Looking Sport Skirts
Seen This Spring
A RE the new arrivals in tweeds,
homespuns and novelty weaves
on display in the sportswear depart
ment on the main floor of Orkiu
Bros., Hotel Conant building, Six
teenth and Harney. There's an ap
pealing sturdiness ahout the navy
and gold combination in a roughly
woven skirt with broad band of the
navy five inches
above the navy
fringed edge. Unique in smartness
the leather-bound button-holes on a
"wrap-around" skirt with leather
buttons. "Crepongee" is the fas
cinating crepey fabric with side pan
els bound in vivid color, the pointed
sides extending far below the hem.
A light colored skirt has a slashed
ribbon fringe of the material, the
color and effect closely resembling
buckskin. Skirts for every use
ranging in price from $7.50 to $12.50.
Sweaters to wear with these charm
ful new skirts are offered in mohair
slip-overs, $2.95 and up and in the
wool jersey tuxedoes, $7.95.
If You're Undeniably Stout.
V uw ue ut"B"lca l fcllow ol
Kalhcrine M. Wikcr
Barcley Corset Shop. 1037-
at the
8 Citv
Natl. Bank
bldg., phone At. 7049
who has made a studv of solving
corset problems for the large woman
who must slenderize her lines by
carefully fitted corsets and brassieres,
Lotdr d) JSoppk villi R)y
Lets became Petrarch and n't ,Wuc have maJe
TUae lulls and streams immortal as his fame.
Linked in melodious verse O'l'li Laura's name,
Than for thy sake, O, Nature! have t strayed
To this wild region. In the rockl) glade.
Deep at the mountain's base, the fountains (f tp
Their ceaseless gushing, till the voters leap
HEN Rome was niilrci of
lasiiiotung iiimseir a turepean enipne, the three-piece costume
ruieq uie worm pi rasinoii.
1 lie irt garment of the Gierki, Romans and the I rani ws a tunic
straight-line or slightly draped garment falling from neck to heel, con.
lined at the low wait-lme by a girdle, olien or preyioui stone. Over
Thre Three-Piece Costume Enhances
. . rrTcvA:M"
. .
W Hailv in th I.amond Sne-
. . . . .
o J i
cialty Shop, 17th and Farnam. Such
chic, such charm do their designers
to convey by artfully flared
i, draped collars, gracefully
big cuffs.
swaying cape-coatees hanging from
the shoulders. A black and gray
crepe valette has a closely pleated
skirt below its platinum gray peas
ant blouse with smocked fullness
held in place by the rounded yoke.
The sleeves, long and full, are close
ly fitted round the hand by a nar
row cuff. Unique trim on a crepe
knit frock of white is a grouped band
ing of tailor braid in black. The slip
on coat is black in the same knitted
fabric, while the character of ultra
sinartness is a large, smoked pearl
buckle which holds the ends of the
draped scarf collar. You'll adore the
"Betsyann" frocks.
New Cambridge Crepes With Hand
Blocked Borders, Imitate Nature
in Spring Loveliness.
rpHE Silk Shop, 1517 Douglas, is
showing a fascinating new
Cambridge crepe, in all shades, with
wide borders, wincn comDine suotiy
rharminc rnlnrs. Irrpsisfihlft fnr
nf snorts ctciHa anri
blouses. In the same crepe one may '
make selection of plain colors for
the spring wrap. A rarely beautiful
silk, $3.95 and $4.95; ivory with rose,
blue and gold border; strikingly
lovely beige with black and copper
border of unique designing. When
1,1 need ot silks use the bilk shop
mail order department.
j j a.
Procrastination Out of Order on
Cleaning at Easter Time
TJ) ERHAPS it's only another pair of
gloves which is needed to com
plete your costume for Easter day.
But when 50 people wait until the
last minute to scnrl "hist a oair of
gloves at once please" vou can
imagine what a problem is presented
to the manazeinent of the drv clean-
ing establishment. The Pantorium, Pany, Fourth floor, Paxton block,
16th & Jones, has the reputation Sixteenth and Farnam streets, this
for cleaning gloves in such a scienti- spring. Uniquely shaped are they,
fic manner that they're truly as good and they're quite apt to sway grace
as new, no cracking and splitting of fully on the end of a silken cord,
the kid which you may -have ex- Don't delay that Easter pleating
perienced after a first wearing of and hemstitching 1
gloves cleaned by some processes.
May I urge you to get your Easter
in at once? Call Douglas
0963 for instant delivery service.
Negligees are made with extreme-
ly wide sleeves which, in many cases,
bans longer, than the skirt,
the world, and when Charlemagne was
Pendant Earring, Necklace Cords
and Bracelets to. Match Smartett
of Spring-Time Jewels.
T HE C. B. BROWN Jewel Shop,
4 South 16th Street, is offer
ing to milady who would follow the
loveliest Of spring Stylet the fasd-
...: , i . ... ,
Aung I'riiuaiii earrings, silken penn-
atit cords and bracelets lo match, an
unusually beautiful selection with
new arrivals daily. Latent and love
liest, a suggestion to "the man in llie
case," for the gilt to the bride, is a
set of platinum, pearl and onyx tas
sel pendant earring and bracelet, the
taiels of tiny seed pearls. Note the
Hiplay in the north show window of
inexpensive novelties in this new
conceit of fashion. You'll find any
color scheme you may fancy.
Move Proves Popularity
Luncheons in Omaha
Tf"n i tti i
w.m i nonu aritv was accorueu
1 the Miller box lunches by the
r 1. - Ti , . i. i .....
yina puunc auu now mac cue
P'cn'C ,scaso 's 011 ha,ve beer.
compelled to move to much larger
quarters at 2203 Farnam, where they
huvy uiicr ucnv-dLcasciii uiu yen ijr
luncheon box service. Get the Mil
ler box lunch habit, phone Douglas
6390, they have a fleet of automobile
delivery service trucks which deliver
free of charge to any part of the
city. The box luncheons which In
clude sandwiches, pickles, potato
chips, cakes, cookies, fruit and home
made pie are sold for 25 cents each.
Easter Lilies of Unusual Perfection.
VV more than a name on a
1 1 more than a name on a
flower shop window or a decorative
embellishment for the pasteboard
flower container. It assures rare
perfection jn the development of
every flower bought in the new
flower shop in the Brandeis theater
lobby. Seventeenth and Douglas.
Order your Easter lilies now, you 11
i. r 11 i v i
be sure of unusually lovely blooms.
Gray Canton crepe and black faille
are an unusual and delightful com
bination for a suit.
When Is a Button More Than
mHK aucwrr vrtn II acrpe- is when
" " - j - -o
x it's one of the exquisitely mold-
ed little affairs -which they're mak-
ing up at the Mode Pleating com-
If you d be quite, quite up-to-the
minute, you'd surely have one of the
new silk and wool lace blouses for
sports wear. "Trcs charmant. these
ivory-tinted exquisitries. It re
quires one and one-half
$3.95 for a blouse,
yards at
'A mighty torrent from the endless shade:
A moment linger there in glassy rest.
Break en the craggy steep with foaming crest.
Then thunder through the chasm, swift and strong!
So bursts the Poet's passion from his breast,
Noiseless and Jeep and pure, ta flood erelong
The listening tracts of Time with ceaseless tides of song!
Milady'i Gloves for the Easter Cos-
tume Should Be Chosen With
Supreme Care. .
TVf TIItT ..I..... .I....,,,....... .., lin,.
I ..,v..l. - Ill r..,.l ..
v " -
.,,. .,lrtu,j n( ,1PW e,nvrA ,,, a,..
company Milady's exquisite F.aiitrr
costume. Jhe wcll-kiiown 1' remit
glove, Chateau, is the one featured;
a model to satisfy the woman of
fastidious tastes with its dainty fash
ioning, graceful lines. The U-hiit-ton
length is the moxt popular this
spring and is olTcred in mode and
beaver shades in kid or suede at
$6.50 a pair a glove to be worn
with either long or short sleeves
with equal correctness and comfort.
'Silk gloves in a complete range of
colors and styles arc shown at from
f I to $.'.75.
Your Window Hangings Exquisitely
Washed to New Beauty
THE Omaha Lace Laundry, Wal
nut 1351, washes window hang
ings of all kinds in a most expert
manner. So often one hesitates to
trust cherished laces, sheer fabrics of
artistic loveliness to the hands ot the
cleaner or laundry. But here you
w'ill find personal attention of skill
ed craftsmen directed to each hang
ing with results of marvelous
Some tailored coats appear with
out belts, and arc fringed with mon
key fur.
Permanent Wave When Scientifi
cally Done Will Last A Lifetime.
SO many question; arise at this
time of the year relative to the
permanent wave. Mr. Roberts of
the Black and White room, Burgess
Nash and Mr. Frank of the Salon de
Beatue, Hotel Fontcnelle, turn out
hundreds of exquisitely arranged
permanent waves and are authorities
on the subject of the Permanent
Wave. In the first place, the machine
used in their shops is the Nestle
Waver, the operators, Nestle oper
ators, every one of them highly
skilled in the art of waving. No,
madam, the wave will not injure the
Lair, in fact it is highly beneficial to
it. And madamoiselle need have no
hesitancy about taking the ocean
voyage, her coiffure will grow more
wavy each day spent on the water.
"Will the wave last," of a surety, if
it were not for the fact that one's
hair is constantly growing a bit the
wave would be a truly pennant fix
ture in one's life. May I submit
further questions tc these authorities
on the art of pennant waving.
An evening gown of crepe de
chine has accordion-pleated panels
inserted in its straight skirt.
Swagger, Golf and Outing Oxfords,
mnAriMl Mn.. Aff TTmii.h.I T7fT
Imported Hose of Unusual Effec
"PHE Townsend Gun company,
i.309 Farnam, is showing a line
of unusually smart golf and outing
oxfords this spring. The golf shoe
is rather wide of toe with ahlack
saddle trim, effective indeed against
the light background of smoked elk.
The heel is a low one, the sole of
Neolin, approved combination for
sports wear. The outing oxford is
slightly smaller of toe, with the
new parallel stitching, quite notice
able on its fine brown surface.
Either pair at $7.50. Imported wool
hose in the new rolled tops are of
fered at $5 a pair. The footless
wool hose for the summer traveler
and sportswoman, $3. Ralstou sports
shoes for Mnen, attractively "wear
able" in appearance are $10 a pair.
Pattern For Making Men's Shirts
Found At Last
I? you'd make shirts that are
really tailored, get one of the pat
terns made to measurement by,
Burgess, well known shirt maker.
2nd floor, Karbach block, 15th &
Douglas. You can also have the
finishing touches, tailored button
holes, initials, etc., added here. The
spring line of shirt materials is now
complete and ot unusual beauty,
Samples mailed upon request
Select A Fascinating Frock Of
Intricate Lines From Your Favor
ite French Fashion Book.
TlHE Keister School of Dressmak-
ing, 16th floor City
Bank bldg., 16th & Harney, will cut
a pattern to your measurements.
These skilled teachers
of tailoring
and dressmaking will help you in all
nf Vniir CfML-in n rmYiimb if vaii rrtv.A
.1 ir.:i
incut an uyyuiiuiiuy, luau oraers
must enclose exact
with the picture,
Five Hundred Etchings Art Gift to
the Public.
TlHE art department of the A.
Hospe company, 1513 Douglas
street, is offering to a delightful pub
lic original etchings with autographs
by leading artists absolutely free of
charge, it the pictures are framed
the department. Exquisitely etched
on parchment and satin, steel engrav
ings and carbons a limited number
will be eiven to each Derson. A
splendid opportunity for schools.
homes, studios and offices.
If You're a Wise Housewife You'll
Attend This Sale
DOWN at lluden they're stsg
ing an cxtiaotduuiy sate of
canned fiuiis and vrrtaMri, offer
ing value which thicatcii to. biing
an even laigrr crowd than that
which attended the lc l tubular
attractions Ut suuiuirr. Two car
load ot tanned itood including the
well-known Del Monte god aic of
fered at prices which in.-ure the sue
ces el the sale. "A wot J tn the
wie," thrre has beeu a shortage of
it nils and vri:eublc al the paikiitg
centers which mean that in a few
:?ln,,,l. 'J ."'". t".' b.m!
will clinili "ky high." UelciUbly
..rcnaied iiiinatMilen. aniicntst. straw-
. .. ...I . I.I . .I I I
I.i-rrir .l.n.l le oliereJ anions the
-- - -
fiuiis with gallon cans for the larger
families and boarding home. A
sale you cannot altord to mill.
The little in coat continue
to be fcatuted. It i gencially woin
with a matching sratf.
Gifts for Confirmation.
THE John Henriekson Jewel
1 shop, SiMee nth and Capitol, are
living up to their reputation of the
"Jewel Gift Shop" by offering con
fit inatioii gifts of true appropriate
ness, unusual values in rings, pearls
and watches. For boys are the stur
dy seal rings for git Is dainty pearl
mounted in plain gold rings. Watches
of well-known dependability true
timepieces for the boys, daintr
wrist watches for the girls. The
indestructible pearl suggest an es
pecially lovely gift to be woin
throughout a lifetime.
Hat Sale
Attract! Enthusiastic
A delighted crowd attended the
ale at the Botsford Hat Shop,
second floor, Neville block. Six
teenth and Harney, on Saturday.
There are still some very pretty hat
models left at $1, $3 and $ 5. Spring
hats are arriving daily in this smart
little shop which offers unusual val
ues up to $15.
Buttermilk a Food ot True Delld
ousness -
DOCTORS agree that the habit of
drinking buttermilk is a most
beneficial one, and if you've ever
tasted the buttermilk, fresh each day
at the Alamito Dairy. 26th &
Leavcnworth, you'll aeree that it is
... . . . ..
a truly delicious prescription. Re
freshing, nutritous, it is a welcome
addition to the menu at any time of
the year. Obtainable from any of
the Alamito wagons, or will be de
livered to your door upon receipt of
telephone order, Douglas 0409.
Confirmation Pictures Given Spe
cial Attention in This Studio
THE Nelson studio, 2nd floor
-1- Paxton block, 16th & Harney,
are devoting special attention just
now to confirmation pictures. Their
prices too are specially quoted to
confirmation classes. You'll find
the work in this studio excellent, a
moving picture lighting system
making possible splendid work on
cloudy days, as well as evening ap
pointments for those unable to come
during the day. Phone Douglas 4787;
When Fashion Speaks.
Black-and-white checkerboard wool
jersey makes a striking cape costume
for sports wear.
Many new models have normal
waist lines, though the low waist
line is still in favor.
The long bouffant skirt is find-
considerable favor, especially for
lormai gowns.
A frock of brown crepe maro
cain has a blouse and underskirt of
tarnished silver lace.
Shiny black cellophane roses give
the "finishing touch" to a frock of'
h,ack cashmere crepe and white chif-
ti,. ctiri. f
made so that t,)e ed .
is about six inches from the ankle
No lovlicr way to convey the
Easter message is afforded than by
means of the hand decorated parch
ment greeting folders, 35c and 50c.
The lilies white
The meadows gay
Bring joy to you
This Easter Day.
fTU!t Trademark Rrlitrel IT. S.
. fateot Olfkt. Adv.