THE IlKlI: OMAHA. FRIDAY. MARCH 31. 1922. lurch's Attorney Omahan at Harvard n..Jl.., I...... Wins Coolidge Prize VilltlllUItd Jill Panel in Trial .t-tiuti TmWcii on Crouml fj AHvJ T)rriii?, Fol io in tiitcmf nt Mil Ly TiJcmrn. j Lo Aiat, M4fih .W, 'IV fit tit ne c( jurori in lb Irwl (f murder tl Arthur C. flarih v.i cb'; lmcd thi alernioon by Paul . Schrtick. chirr" drrne attorney, on the ground of allrd tfmpering, SchrneV !o llrd tht iibptn4 , i.iur-l i"t Uutricl Attornry Thorns. Lee WWwine, ChieJ Dtp uty William C Porn and any othrr .member of the disfrut ittoiury'i .'iff who might he able to trlt tlie court invthtnB about effort dfi)r- l to hurt brrtt made to amuin 1 opinion rf prospective jmor. ) Thi the remit of moment by Ulcjinen thit prr0ii lad que j tioncd them or th'ir tiriahbor. about tVir attitude concerning the , rase. ritrnrk truie in motion when 2 juror had Keen p,ifd ir taue. Deputy litrirt Attornry A! Krvi "ljVclcd to the motion and Judire iiidney X. Keeve denied it, declaring" he believed he with out power to dismiss Jit entire panel for the cane Mated. Scheuck was granted a roiitinnanee until tomor row afternoon o that he could pre pare affidavit making the ground of K objection to the jury a matter of record. I jr..r I L 4-' jS' mi Grimes Barber Kills Self in DesiMoines Hotel Despondent Muu Turn on ( ''.Mrninhi Kill"' Ar riMml in New York for (I rami HapiiN Munlrr. South Sidd 'Vet' Sells Blood to Help Family Man With Wife and Two Cliil drcn Gets $23 From Hos pital for Transfusion. F. W. Smith, Overseas veteran. and iti. need of money, earned $-'5 yester day hy giving a quart of blood used in a transfusion operation upon Ed lielitz, who has been in Nicholas .cenn hospital for three weeks suf fering from blood losses and an ab ctss on the leg. "Dr. A. P. Condon, surgeon, called the American Legion and asked if there was a man there who could give this amount of blood. Smith, who lives at 2216 U street with his wife and son 9, and daughter, 3, stepped forward. His blood an swered the required tesr and the transfusion was made. Smith has been supporting his family by doing odd jobs during the winter, but re cently the jobs have been scarce . and he needed money. ' Felitz's leg . was amputated yes replay afternoon after his father had arrived from Belgrade, Neb. ' -Smith was formerly a Cook at base hospital 81 in France and was over seas 10 months. Armours Stop for Lunch" Here While on Plane Trip . Ogden Armour, A. Watson Aimour and Arthur Meeker, packer magnates of Chicago, were in Oma ha yesterday stopping over for a short rest and lunch on an airplane trip of inspection of Armour plants at Omaha, Kansas City and St. Paul. They were guests of O. C. Willis, general manager of the South Omaha Armour plant, at luncheon yesterday noon. Admonished by Judge ''You mustn't do such things," ad .hionished the judge, in South Side - police court when George Miller was haled before him on a charge of hit ting Stanley Bruskis over the head with a water pitcher during an argument Wednesday night. Both men live at 5722 South Twenty-ninth street. Miller was fined $5, Bruskis was discharged. ' f Social Settlement Play The Will club of the Social settle ment presented ."A Southern Cin derella" at the South High school auditorium last night at 8:15. South Side Brevities - ORIENT COALf CERTAINLY. MA. DOTS. SOUTH OMAHA ICE COMPANY. .FOR RENT TWO UNFURNISHED RMS.. -SS09 S. !TH 6T. JO rma. not modern. ISO S. Ittk St. . Douilis 1361. ' A. O. A. R. detail attended the funeral ssYvteet for Lela D. Hall, member of Old ,Ouard Pout No. 7, O. A. R,, who died at -Grand I. lend. March 37. at the Johnson . ft Swanson Funeral horn, yesterday aft .'ornoon at S. Burial was In Forest Lawn tlmetery. VAtn Roer. SOI South Twentieth atreet, wee evicted from til. South Side hotel. 4121 South Twenty-fifth atreet, ' night, when the proprietor, ' ) Berman. caused her arrest on charges ' of Intoxication. Sh forfeited a SIS bond la South Sid. police court yesterdaa-. Veterinary Association . Holds Meeting at Cozad Cozad, Neb., March 30. (Special.) The Central Nebraska Veterinary ; association held its annual meeting in this city. A large number of 'state veterinarians were present. Nearly 500 veteran stock growers . and farmers attended. Rathenau en l'nlt4 Mates. Berlin, March SO. (By A. Dr. Wal - ter Rath-nau, minister of foreign affairs. , In speech in the relchitaf. expressed an earnest hop that th. United State, would take a hand In adjusting Germany a : financial obligations. He commented gen , .rally on America! relation, to Euro pean affairs. Deaths and Funerals ' Mathew Vandaa. 'it. realdent of Ne ' hraska hi vear. and of Omaha 13 yrs, died Wednday aft.rnoon at hi. home, 141 South Slxtwnth itreet. H. 1. aur viT4 hy hi. wlf.. four aons. Ed- ward cf Ororlll Cal.: Jamaa of Ord, . N.b.i Charle. M. and Georg. of Omaha: thr daughters. Mrs. Mary Koameta, of Ord, Mrs. Emma Dwerak of Ord, and Mrs. Anna Armstrong of Bdford. O.: on - l.rother and thre Th. body will b. taken to Or. Neb., for burial. - Mr.. Katherln. Beister, 7, who camo to Omaha from Poland iO years aso. ld at h.r home. 451J South Thirty- econd .trMt. h la survived by six - oaa John, eaptatn of Fir. Station No. . J; Joseph, South Sid. policeman; Mai. Frank. Leo and Anton, and two daugh v tra. Miss Clarm Beiater and Mrs. MarJ "Mkara. ' runeral aervieaa will b held Eatwday, Sol A. Rosenblatt. Sl A. Ro-niM.itt, Omaha student t Hartard, as attanied the Coo l..'gc pric for W22 debating hontiri. $100 in Gt-li, at the close of the Ifarvard Priitcrton debate in Cam bridge. Rosenblatt alo hold the Coo lidge gold mrditl. awarded by N ice President Coolidge to the student credited with duing the best work in tit-bating for the year. Rosenblatt, former editor of the High School f'rgii-trr. is the son of Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Rosenblatt, 4V) outh Thirty-eighth street. Mild Man" Not HUjer. Itetief. Iio)leson, r... JUr. li so gualter lown's "oilil man." unw In the llucka oounly prison, is not AUm Weaver, wanted rr th. .laying uf a ronsisSI. in the Ilavrmk muunt.nn ii years ago. fhlef of rollre FUiry Rhodes announretl tonight, .t hief IthoJes sunt he was con vinced h priunr Itoy llecox of lliniur tonnship. Illlnni. Hi Moine. la., March ,0. (Spe . cial Telegram.) Failing to recover from a period of de-pmidiiicy from which he had been suffering for six week. J. R. Dairel of Grimes la., committed suicide in u room in the (rand hotel by opening a g.i jt, His body was discovered by I-'. '. Conley, hotel proprietor, Uarrcl's identity was established by means of a autriurnt from ShifTers restau rant at Grime, fuuud in hi pocket. According to persons living in Grime, where lJarrtt maintained a barber liop, the barhrr had hern in a fit of melancholia for evcrnl week. "Memphis Kid" Arrested. Frank McFarland, alias "Memphis Kid," a member of the, I lank 1 lank ins gang said to be implicated in b.iuk robberies and car thefts in Iowa, ha-been arrested at White hall. X. V., and will be taken to Grand Rapdis. Mich., to face trial in connection with the killing of two police officers 'there. McFarland is said to be a member of a gang of five who murdered the two officers after having committed a bank rob bery at Grand Rapids, last December getting away with $12,000 in cash and currency. Dentist Robbed and Beaten. Kidnaped, robbed, beaten and left for dead. Dr. If. C. Jolms-ni, tlentist, who recently moved to Dcs Moines from Davenport, was found in an unconscious condition by po lice near the Wabash railroad tracks. Dr. Johnson was discovered by au tomobilists, who notified the police. The dentist, according to his own j story, was waiting for a itreet car I at 1 in the morning. Three men in an automobile drove alongside tf him, coveted him with their revol vers and ordered mm into tneir ma cliw, Two of the bandit .at in the back seat with the denti.f be tween them. Alter they had re lieved him of $'H in currency and his gold watch they drove to the out' skirts of the city. Fearing that the trio were planning hi death, the lnitit resisted the two men and hit the driver with hi fit oil the jaw. Dr. Johiuon said that be did mt remember any further details of where be wa taken by the sluggers. Ann Conference Result Commended liy Dr. Lowe Newark. X. ., March J0.-The ideal of rli'-drtcrminatipn and de mocracy which were among the aim ot the world war have stirred the people of Ai,i and Africa to ilirir depths, said Rev. Dr. Titu Lowe of Xrw York, recently elected rorrepcndiiig secretary of the board of foreign mission of the Methodist Fpi-copal church in an addresa here tonm lit at t lie Newark Methodist tnnfereuce. Dr. Lowe characterized the recent conference on limitation of armament and Pacific problem! a the greatest achievement in for- missions in many rriittiric. Crcle Man Files for Slate Supreme Court Nomination Crete. Xeb.. March &). (Special Telegram.) Ralph D. Urown, judgc of the Seventh judicial district, filed today from the Fourth judicial dis trict for nomination for supreme court judge. I'uder the new law, the Fourth judicial district is co-exten-fixp; with the Fourth congressional district. "River Pirate" Senteuced Detroit, March 30. F.lmer Dor rington, said by the police to have been a "river pirate," preying upon liquor smugglers on Detroit river, was sentenced in municipal court to serve from five to 15 years in pri.-on for possession of burglar's tool. Canadian authorities declared he had been cruising the river for weeks, holding up rum-runners in midstream. Woman Astumrs Pont as Assistant Secretary of C.U.&Q. Railroad Omaha Hm I s4 W ir. Chlva.o, March J(,Mr.. FiMh Jarvis Allien began her duties tester- dy a assistant secretary of the l b cago, Burlington & Quint Mr. Allien was uuanimon ed to the pot by the director and is the first woman to hold such an office, Mr. A Men if 30 and brean h-r duties with the railroad tour year ago when she became an assistant to her father, If. h. Jam, who hvlj the office assistant secretary at that time. Recently Mr. Jam wa compelled to retire on account of til ' health and Mrs. AMcn was given the j poitinn. j "I believe that to mccced," said Mr. Alden, "women must take busi- j nes seriously, leave out the feminine ( fuitm and buckle down to work. , 1 believe in womanliness always, but i not to expect special favors in the business world because you are a woman. I think that i rm tliino which has caused what little fcclins exist between men and women in the business world." Jlllill. Orlilt l.oera Ca!l. ,!,! Surlily second .ncri. i. !tMd cf I lrl id wa passed y W'ohK lum.M.. and Knife: JZtjLttt:! A,, Ml""i1 C,,miMor.r Jubus Urkm. Oitiaha iiicfcbain, bcaicl ritntrovrisv bemrrn eamtiv ' "'" ''r.'" ' " ,",1f dissrn IW-4V IflMftca 1U IMlliC a WatCll, t-..HIIIII.I.MIrr lul .l.-l-. limn ..I .'. cash, diamond stickpin and g tld , .'O r sidnu bradcJ by 1. C, stu ril rdnrl4j( j Jubiisixi, mtt in I loir I ton- I umiii:..i.iii-r I'nitt ubjected to t U(ing that the c.niimu.iuii t. i utiucr siiiuur i it mil atefl.wi and at Ml!arl. ion liy I oiiiimstititirr llie Mibiaiy road fiom Svi-1 OYenttor to make the road .' in- prtiknili were infill i0ii bu ttltrlle, of l'ie Chi. i . - ,'iaiing tnat i ' I, , ( ilv and (.oitiil) (o "i()..i0 i iur4 i circ'i.1 i IVwii. R.m.1 ill . i'TVilSs! Radiant Lump Coal (Arkans! Semi-Anthracite) We havt just retfiv ed a frcnh supply of thin (rood fuel. Telephone us if you do not know its superior qualities. Updike Lumber & Coal Co. 4500 Dodge Street 4 ii .1 ii'g one. id Itriiui dccg4tun ep. piaimeij MMijiy. 'the road t t be p.vrJ, I lf at city and ba'l at county rsprne, lire Want Ad I'loduce Result. i hiii iitttTiTr, Quickly and Easily I Convinced : Wha rsHi hat. t kprirnre list l'kiria'w ran J. f-n .ay " a la isHI ' lluw May If nt " .m ! flmc wall s a rl t"tofa'ti.r. al'INAI. ANAI.VKlit AKD Z tOMKrt.TATIoN rss-r . iMt I la Atwadtnt On. Curren & Curren I I I W..a pug. lath aa4 raaai . rhaswa. At. TMi fcl. aiaa. IIIIIMIIIIlMIIHIIrll? ROYAL MAIL-TO EUROPE Fartniglillv S.lll.f a r.iswu. "0 Shift a4 New Y.rh ' CbertNsurt HodthanipUn II smbare Infarmalio (ram any ! S. Aaent r Tlw Royal Mall Steam rsikel C. IIT W. Whli.l.n t Chkatoa 'm l I I I I I I I I I I I i i i i i i i i i i I I I I I I I I I I I I I Complete Line of Tols Shoivn the Year Around Taste is a matter of tobacco quality We state it as our hone it belief that the tobacco uird in Chesterfield are of finer quality and hence of better taitcjthan ia any other cifirttte, at the price. Liuttt & Mjtri TtUect Ct '3 CIGARETTES of Turkish and Domestic tobaccos hlsndsi Sweet Toned Schmoller & Mueller PIANOS Guaranteed for twenty-five year.,' are being told in every atata in the union and are delivered direct to you from th. factory. This gives you the saving which otherwise would go to the middleman. Freight on all instruments is prepaid. Upright!, $300 and Up Player Pianos, $450 Up Grands, $685 and Up . TERMS: Three to Five Year Time W carry at all times a complete stock of new Steinway, Steinert, Hardman. Steger ft Sons. Schomack er, Emerson, MeThail, Lindeman ft Sons, Behr Bros., Schmoller & Mueller and Premier Pianos and Columbia Grafonolas. i Should you want a Used Piano Bargain writ, us for detailed in formation on the many we hav. taken in trade on new ones. Prices $25 and up for Uprights, Grands and Player Pianos. Schmoller & Mueller 1S14-16-IS D: ft Omaha, ruiiw ww. Neb. Tear Out and Mail Name Address "I I " I I I am intareatad in a (new) I Upright, Grand, Piay.r Piano, j 1 Phonograph. i : I X 1 iew section. of iKe Dee all ire neva o.boul ine loins know. rs . Botoens Value-Giving Stort Introductory Showing This Week of New Spring Draperies The H. R. Bowen Co. are making an early display and offering of newly created drapery fabrics this week. Shoppers will find it of interest to call and see this won derful showing. Velvets and Damasks, Linens and Cretonnes, allovep patterns in rose, blue and gold, sunfast and tubfast fabrics, portieres and overdrapes. Table and Couch Covers in (apestry, damasks and re lours, double-faced Velvet Portieres in two-tone combina tion effects. . Exceptional curtain values in voiles and marquisettes, imported lace curtains and filet weaves. DAMASK Yard.. 82.98 to 88.00 VELOURS Yard.. 82.98 to 88.00 SILKS Yard. .81.15 to 85.00 SUNFASTS Yard....K9t to S85.A8 CRETONNES Yard ......... .39, to 81.75 Beautiful Patterns in Lace Curtains Beautiful new patterns in lace curtains in filet weaves, some trimmed with lace edges, others with scalloped edges, priced from $1.98 to $9.85 pair. Many new arrivals in imported lace curtains, in colors of white, ivory and ecru, from $9.85 to $25.00 pair. Many beautiful curtains in voiles and marquisette, in plain and ruffled, some hemstitched with silk in blue, rose and gold, from $1.98 to $9.00 pair. Extra large and complete assortment of Nets in Filet weaves and shadow effect, 36 to 60 inches wide, white, cream and ecru colors, for 39c to $3.98 Yard Scrim, Voile and Marquisette in plain dots, silk stripes and colored effects, in all the newest and latest patterns, at 19c to $1.35 Yard Howard St., Between loth and 16th t t i i i i i i i i i t i i i i i i a i i i i i i i t ; Visit Our To Department , a a t 'j llurdtloor s ui mm it iiiifl i ii m an vv i i i nm i i i iu ji SI.XTEE.Vni AND HOWARD STREETS A Modern Home at a Moderate Price Very attractively furnished at a very moderate cost is the new home built by C. G. Carlben? at 2S21 So. 34th St. and furnished by us. The furnishings are ' expressive of the large stock of popular medium priced furniture that we are ' now showing. House open from 2 to 5 and from 7 to 9 P. M. Sunday, 2 to 5. . Furniture 15 ""IM'l!lllllll(!!l,M!iHi!pii!nni f'tllillr Oak Nufolct Suites, 3 pieces, $65 and up -uaae in our own f actory. Think of buying a dependable Nufold, concealing a full size comfortable spring, with room for storaire of irood mattress, pillows, bedding, etc.; an arm chair and rocker with soft pad seat and back and in fumed or golden oak with Spanish fabncoid upholstery, exactly like cut, for $63. ' Other styles in fabricoid, tapestry, v.elour and leather ranging up to $245. Sample Nufolds and Duofolda Specially Priced For Quick Clearance $ 68 Fumed Oak Nufold,- Spanish fabricoid uphol stery, for . .-.i 848.00 $ 65 Waxed Golden Oak, Nufold, Spanish fabricoid upholstery, for . . . 1115 Quartered Golden Oak, polished, full length Davenport, leather 'upholstery ............... $ 68 Golden Oak Nufold, Spanish fabricoid uphol stery, for ...... t 48.00 $125 Mahogany - Pullman Duofold Bed, cane panel type, with tapestry upholstery. 69.50 $105 Louis XV Pullman Duofold Bed, in blue or mul berry velour, for- 59.00 45.00 68.00 o Rugs Visit : our large depart ment of floor coverings before making your selec tion of Rugs, Carpets or ' Linoleums. You will find all sizes and colors', marked at the .lowest prices at which good mer chandise can be- sold. A Few Values for Friday New shipment of V35 slightly imperfect standard . Axminster Rugs, in 69 size, some seamless, very-" . low in price . . .'. . . . , '.' ... . . . -$23.50 SMITH SEAMLESS PALISADE. VELVET RUGS in V. the new orientalpatterns and colors, wool surface with a rich soft luster; size 9x12, in 10 different . patterns 39.50 RAG RUGS in heavy 'gualit.llght soft colors of Grey and Rose in mixed designs, size 25x50 in., each. . . 1.95 TRAVELERS' SAMPLES These are just one-fourth the size of 9x12 rugs, 4r6x6: feet in size; make splendid rugs, each 3.75 PRINTED LINOLEUM in 6-foot widths, all on burlap back, in good patterns, formerly sold as high as " $1.25 per square yard; special per square yard . . . . .75 Stove Department DETROIT JEWEL GAS STOVE, like illustration, equipped with white enamel drip pan and broiler pan, white enamel trimmed doors, four burners and simmer burner, two-burner 16-inch by 18-inch oven, a wonderful value, sure to give satisfaction . .$61.00 Detroit Jewel Gas Stove, 4 4-inch by 18-inch elevated oven, up from .......... $49.00 Full line of moderately priced Refrigerators, up from $25.00 Housecleaning Necessities Free sample of Orchard & Vilhelm Furniture Polish. hnsons 64 -lb. Waxing Brush at the special price of $2.50 FREE 1-lb. can of John ion's Wax with each Waxing Brush. Oil Floor Mops, up from 69t? We carry a complete line of Bathroom Fixtures at moderate prices. ' Sample Simmons Da-Beds Reduced $40 Walnut finish Simmons Da-Bed with mattress. .$28.50 $30 Walnut finish Simmons Extension Da-Bed with " mattress 4 39 50 $40 Old Ivory Simmons Da-Bed with mattress. . .'. . . .28150 $48 Old Ivory Simmons Extension Da-Bed with mattress 35.00 o b Draperies w f i I W' s'l'V'i!S:iJ JJ-BSSS3AS Cretonnes 1,000 yards of Cretonne in 25 patterns, colorings and de signs especially suitable for bedrooms, exceptional val ues, per yard .38 1,500 yards of Cretonne in 30 . ' patterns, colorings and de- ; signs especially suitable for ' living rooms, dining rooms and sunrooms, exceptional values, per yard. ., 50tf , Overdrapery Materials 36-inch two-tone Madras Overdrapery Material in blue, rose, gold and mulberry, per yard ; .... $ .75 50-inch Plain Madras in blue, rose and golden brown, per yard .". . 1.00 Curtain Materials Filet Curtain Net, ivory and Egyptian, per yard $ Colored Voiles and Marquisettes, yard. . .25 .38 and Barred Voiles, fine quality curtain material, in white onlvr special price for Friday and Saturday, yard. . Exceptional values in Voile and Marquisette Curtains, per pair - ... O : 0 .50 .50 .32 1.00 Victrola I S5 j iM Ii Liberal allowance ill II mad for your old 11 1 1 ttova on purchase of I I I m new stove. Convea- I M ient term if you I wish. JLJU-JI ii iM Phonograph Department The Victrola furnishes music to . suit your every mood. The name, is a guarantee of mu sical quality. All ma terials used in making a Victrola are of one quality the best. Style No. - 280, like, illustration, 36 inches high, 34 inches wide, . 21Vi Inches deep, , beautifully designed and .finished, in Ma hogany or English Brown, at $200 : Other models 128.00 and up. sold on convenient terms. Gift Shop Beautiful new Glassware at moderate prices, suitable for wedding gifts. Spanish Luster Glass Goblets, per dozen $12.00 Iridescent Glass Goblets, per dozen $11.50 Amberosa Glass Goblets, per dozen $15.00 We also have a large assortment of art pieces, such as colognes, candy boxes and candlesticks in this attractive ware. r il ii .1 I I i ix I I i iiiirin til ii i i i i i i i ii i i 1 I I I I I I 1 .1 I i i i l l I i i I i I I l I I I l I i i I 1. 1 l I l 4 l I l I i i 'luririi V 7T