Tin: r.cE: omaiia. tuksday. makcii m-: Classified Mvertisint Bates Use, i'eul a at da t. bn. I t, P Im r u.f, I ' lift pes (ley, tan.e. uli. pare ci" ' fr . "'tn ! S4a (ak.Sj C.if lae ! . fa... ies iilr eiibas i ill l'.t r aUlte fcaa. A, e,4.wllaeiuaS Pt' la bail! n.am'aa sn4 ptepiug Un far lbs $ CO,STii T HTI OH 4 tccail.4 l It ral!a. f- fieeer MAI! rriCB ITtti an $'" fa, ui a.d., ,,,,,, pouts M taua.-ll (Muffs,,,. , ml S WANT APi !K"flvicn t ati.atu; $. , THE BKK lit net h re.W"i b(a ! l!ia than ona . .", lneril"p an a lvertia.rn.nl rd.ia4 lor sum Id '"uwyrj itoimt roR want ad vantu Mitum H . . Mantll. edlUa , P. M. and.. Mui-ii.... P;irvili4 DE AT 1 1 T FUN E R AL NOTICES. C'MI.KT Mettle;' Mar. h J. a4 aars. Phe la .ur.iveil by h.f buabsml. lonraa A , at tllIl' Mty. S.i hi, W. Fnli' i'f llarrlsbmg, la ! laa snare. lia. II. II. Dufer of i '.iuih il Miuffa, ami Mn, M.ry F. H'hllhi"l t Honnlott. N, J ; ! brother.. ', K I imuI of irlli. Nb. unit C. T. I aHl f paella laid. N. J. Fuiieial eervlces Will ha h.M frunt Tliailev Dorian. rhepal, l uaa. , Mar. It 5, al 9 i rl... k p, m, limrin.nl Fare.t 1 ln remetery. L'l' N Hianilia, ageil 4 rasrs. Ma la aura v-e tiratilaa hta wifa ly 4 anna. J'taf.h. .I.hn. frank ami riurar; ) dauchKra, Alay, Vritl' anil lioaa, runara I Tuaailay mnrninf frnni ra ifanra, )jm Haa Ht., al .ao a. m . Ill InuiK'uUla lH.nr.l!in rhurfh a a. m Imarmant hi. Mary la('talana nmatary. h'll.AH Juaaph J. aai-.l ti vara. ! faaaa! la m'4 by !; tuna. Jraph V. K'lHarrl J.; Uauibirra, Franira anl Klolf. Kunaral Mni at raiUrn'-a. 113 i 'h i , Tu.-a.uy. 3 p. hi, Surial Tloliaitilan Nallftial 1't.iMatary. WK.r.TrtN' rM.rrniV"lniorMi Mon dv. lar'h t. al l'i m of l yaara Kuneral aarvici-a al lha faidcnfa, l!fl n.ith 4'ih XI. Tup.lv. Marrh Si. at :m(i p m. Intarm-rtt Wni Lawn e'in lry, Frti'nUa Halcom; BRINGING UP FATHER Haialnl I, . ralaHt Mffl lt JICGS AND MACUIK IN lUIJ. fACaC OF COLORS IK lilt SUNDAY DIE Drawn for The Bee by McManut tierHxntl Wit BURIAL VAULTS. AUTOMATIC aaallna' 'concraia burial t vaulia. Raranimandail and fo' aala by all laiiUng umtarlakara. Witar proof( no aieel to ruat, no wend to da ray. Inint upon lha AUTOMATIC HEAUNO VAULT mannfacturad by Omaha Ooncraia Burial Vault Co, Kit vrth "ih, FUNERAL DIRECTORS F. J. STACK & CO., Ruccaaanr to ta Vr & Katvnrr OMAHA'8 BKST. Ik bow A.M B UL A N CE J ? 2 Tblrty-tMrd and rarnam. HEAaFEY & HEAFEY, I'ndariakara and Kmbilmiri. Phona HA. !5. Of flea 231 1 Karnam. Hulse & Riepen, Punaral riraotnra. ;; Cumlnr. CROSBY-MOORE TkM1? FLORISTS. LEE LARMON fjy DO. - Douglna 8AT tT WITH FLOWERS FROM HESS aV aWOBOUA. HIS FARN'AM STRKBT. HSNPBRSOM, 1607 Farnam. JA. liiT JOHN BATH. ISO Farnam. J A. 190. LOST, FOUND AND REWARDS. PERSON finding hlark Boston bug Frl . day -vanin; may keep bun tf elculrad, hut kindly mall kayj. cyoeiac, glovas anl papara to 134 X. I3d St. and Call KB. 377K. LBFT ON SOI'TII-POrVn AI.BRTGHT CAR SATt'RPAT AFTERNOON. BOS TON PHOrn.N" PAO CONTATNTN'l oniLns n.oTHiNO. reward. MARKET 3500. LOST Fox terrier. Klark and whiw apnta. Wor harness. Ans. to nimi .of "Hardy." Rawaid. 3935 N. list St. KB. 617!. i REWARD for return of mink fur ohoker lost Sunday, Starch 56. Victor H. Rood. HA 240(1. LOST Hand hn containing J10 bill, GOe in alU'er, soino small ohnnpe, key an.'l annall black purse. MA. 0373. Reward. LOST . GOLD WRIST BRACELET WATCH WITH MONOORAM D. W. LIBERAL REWARD. WA. 0164. LOST Black purse; finder keep money as reward; return to Bea want ad counter, and no questions asked. LOST beaded ba downtown Saturday avening. Reward. r It days. AT. 6886. LOSTmI l! ins. policy, on Crosstown csr. Bertha .Tnhnann. reward. WE. 6647. LOST Between 24th and 40iti on Far nam; top cost; liberal reward. HA. 3357. I0 REWARD for rimes lost at Empress Osrden Saturday. Wehater f907. LOSTVBoston hag. Reward f or roturn to 5134 N. 23d St. KB. 778. LOST Onld mesh bag, liberal reward. Call MA. 043. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Births. Fitadelfo and Gulseppa Vacant!, 1833 North Twentieth street, boy. Andrea and Lucia Lapuisa, 2325 South Kichth street, (rlrl. Edward and Ida Henningscn, Soil South Thirteenth street, boy. Joseph and Josephine Simon, hospital, Uirl. Alfred and Edith Pattivina, hospital, "'ronv and Nettie Flatane. hospital, boy. Elijah and Susis Penn, 5305 Spaulding, bov Mark and Jeannett Havens, hospital, boe. Frana and Efflo Johnson, hospital, uirl. John and Ellen Peterson, " hospital, boy. Roy and Laura Cahow, 3721 Brown street, boy, Henry and Msry Willemyans, 604 North 1'hirtv-slsth street, boy. S. Wlllard and Ruby Stevens, 1546 NorHi E;hteenth street, boy. Charles and Mary Nelson, hospital, girl. -Ileal lia. Teresa Glacalen. 69, 1625 Grant street. Arthur Scott White. 56. hospital. Fmilv Doplta, . hospital. Matthew II. McConnell, 76. 1806 Ohio street. Marcaret Carroll. 73. 4202 South Twenty-fifth street. Brooks Eastman Rogers, 81, 2S01 'Wool worth. Dora Anna Fayman. 52. Eighteenth and Dodge. H.irry Ellwand Orr. 41, hospital. MARRIAGE LICENSES. Harry A. Fleming, over 21, OmB.hR. and Mary A. Reidy, over 21. Council Blufla. la. Bernard O. Harris. 25. Tics Moines, la., and Ollie Ilazelton. SO, Des Moines, la. Emll Stevenson. 29, Omaha, and Mary Molbery, 30. Omaha. Cecil L. Croly, 21, Omaha, and Maude L. Foss, 17. Omaha. Emil Tohler, so, Omaha, and Lois P. Griffith. 29. Omaha. Alfred F. Hanlinsr, S3, Omaha, and Oliva C. Jetmundson. 2T. Onawa. Ia. c per1sonals Carls THE SALVATION Army Industrial home aollcita your old clothing, furniture, magaaines. Wo collect. We distribute. Phone DO. 413S an dour wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new home. 1110-1112-1114 Dodge St. KATHRTN L. RILET Skin and scalp specialist. Residence work solicited. Appointment, JA. 326. tJUU puun block. AT. 1741. Office hours. 11 a. m. to :S0 p. m. BLACK dirt and fertiliser. ahes and rub bish buld. Atlantic 21. THEATRICAL historical masque costumes, for plays aad parties, at Lleben'a. Omaha ilAGNETIC baths; Violet Ray treatment with msssages. 514 S. 19th. AT. 9381. SULPHUR hatha. Swedish masaare. chi rorody. Evenings to o So. 80th St. VNDER new management. Expert mas sage. 4 N. 16th. Apt. 4L BENT vacuum cleanera. 76c HA. 1071. MASSAGE Sun, and eve, aptm. AT. 6365. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Accordion Pleating. ACCORDION, s.de, knife, box pleating covered buttons, all etyles; hemstitching, buttonholes. Write Ideal Button Pleating Co.. S0 Brown Block. Omaha. Neb. Telephone JA-1S3S. NEBR. PLEATING tons. 18" Farnam, 2d Floor. DO. a70. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Contractors. PATCH plastering, paperbanging and re- Moving, hauling ot all kinds. J A. 2:15. "TWO AM, AMO TrT WALftO'j HOT HOME. "tET WELL -ILL tT OO ArO vMT f OR Hit 'm.u ri,riT. in, fix HM aT Win UY 4M.Lf: vve' UP- I HOPE tCORO wilu Win hcv I OARUNi,. AH COWN4 OLD- WE, HAVE. "S I t)tUVCCl THREADS AMONC Jl OH.' 1 fcCtCN HAPPy V t -S? ' DArVUH- L, JXKklJ THE GUMPS ri-MJoV;': THE NEW AUNTIE Drawn for The Bee by Sidney Smith (Copyright i 15:.') I 1 ' ' i ' , I UfLIrt A w r fvutH St) 6it IM VOW AMtX- ) HatO A XOUR Wi?HtNJ? UV-ttRAPW MS AN IWVUaVnON V y ' I AvJHft L!,t,5VR at Bit Vou'PrJtvCft. Ttt NOV)- NDUk.Mo) netTTl. I m I AABBIU "THE 0L6t W f RIVCX VMIO Fo4t M To l WK-l l AuMTl lfr it TtAPWT 8ttN ) 61T AVMAS- AMD BVtVPW w 7 V foR Mt- 'TOU JUST COVtWX STAV OUt. A . -io- ( ""' W0WL& 6tT ME FOR. V- 31 W-f Wx j 3 x? ; i s RE AL i; STATKJ M R OV EO ' "-Uh & Poppleton Jul lui.l fiui a iiMttit Ma b.tl'"i.a b,'.a a. 4 I . piu a i. ..i itiini tea i I 5 a h Islll.s l 1 .aab, l4i'- M.uiilbi, lltt.t,.UI .,.. ).,, I ail l Tu Har HA' H.oft , ill klU IMi Il4i A I' vi V"li..a'" 1 1 . llusi I'nt ..ii : 'l ; t 'iotm i.. hna l II lailW.s tlanae Ja. H4 North, m "Bungalow Dream l.i,o k,i. ai.ii ii .iiu4i.aalA. i,Mi,ilief b.g llllllg I"t1 (runt , in ftra.ia.'a ait.t 1.11 m l.f ,aaa. glil aiira.rul rtmlns ." IH ' .! idil.iwa, i ! dia lead ! t .ii0 t.itvanl aun lw. fcil. ban ah. i .,al; (' b.lfwwa " rtti . la asxat laill hi full M ' ii fi.l. i n..l. al n "Ut M iia ln,-i. I HI llitf laill. A Itaal lii'n al Ilia . ll I 'lu I a. I Osborne Realty Co.. . Ivi-.e Tiii.l II ' I ) .- ' aN'orth sSidc Bargain, " ifH Mumia. ak fiuiib. lint oa'av tirai; f.i'ir i.tiia iiai f & rmmia aii.l liH i; lia l-: ! a la cai l,0" uh nl haod'a, tall Osiborne Jvcalty Co., H I'eiaia Trul libit 1'U T4Vt NOV WCN'T W4lTt. VVaVSV TWt CAtTt ANX EftrXTV4lrj- JwtT BtCAUSt I'M COMINO- ANYTWlNii "TVlAt'e? 64t Ef)ciH FOtt. WCU iwov6a for. me- kno oon'y 00 PAttt TO lT OH AN APRON ANT SO tMTO VrTOH Amo cx: tou. Mt- ANNOUNCEMENTS. Dancing Academies. Tv"k1VP'Q 'sls Farnam street. li-i-ii-il O pouglas 8440. Closi and private lessons. Ten Instructors. LEARN fio dance at Kelplne's academy, class nnd private lessons. DO, 7H60. Dentists X-Ray. DENTAL X-RATS. 60o EACH. 13 a full set 611 Securities Bldt. Detectives. Independent Detective Bureau, 304 Neville Blk. AT. 6501; night. WA. 4045; KE. 0465' RELIABLE Deteci'.v, Bureau. Railway Ex. Bldg., JA. 2056, night, KE. 3813. JAMES ALLAN. 312 Neville Blk. Evidence secured In all cases. AT lantie 1136. Dressmaking. DRESSMAKING In your home. The bast Is always cheapest. AT. 2446 evenings. Nouveau dressmaking shp. 4S3 Paxton Blk. WANTED TO BUY. I DESKS DESKS DESKS New desks, used desks bought, sold and traded. J C. Reed. 1207 Farnam. DO. 6146 WANTED A gas pump, 1 or 6 gallons. S. P. tlntenby, Wyoming, Neb. WANTED SITUATIONS. Female. WANTED, day work, any kind. MA. 4215. Laundry and Day Work. ALL kinds day work. Colored. WE. 6470. WOMAN wants day work! Web. 3214 HELP WANTED MALE. Stores and Offices. FANCY DRESSMAK1NO. AT-2017. CLEANING, tailoring suits, furs. HA. 6804. Kodak Finishing. ENLARGEMENTS, oil coloring, developing, printing. Kase Studio. 213 Neville Blk FILMS DEVELOPED FREE. The Ensign Co., 1607 Howard St. Patent Attorneys. J. W. Martin, Patent Attorney. 1712 Dodge, room 209. Also Washington, D. O. I help Inventors sell their patents. Printing. EDDY Printing Co. 813 S. 13 St. Do. 8647. BRITT Printing Co., 201 Bromley Blk. Miscellaneous Announcements. DIAMONDS "wfth to buy bsck at small profit GROSS JEWELRY CO.. Omaha. Neb.. 403 N. 1 6th St. Telephone DO. 6049. GARDENS plowed, black dirt and ferti lizer, asnes ann ruDoisn nauieu, n cellars dug. Atlantic 5721. OMAHA PILLOW COMPANY, Mattresses made over In new ticks at hal price ot new beds. 1907 Cuming. J A. 2467. BYRD NURSERIES Landscape planning a specialty. Phono for special price list. WA. 3S76. 66th and Dodge. PRESCRIPTIONS carefully compounded at the 6 Sherman & McConnell Drug stores. DR. A. C. SABIN. RECTAL DISEASES. Suite 310 Arthur Bldg., 210 S. 18th St. STEAMSHIPS to Europe. 7 lines. Joe Tribulato. Agent. J 424 S. 16th. JA 1601. E. H. BF.NNER Company, insurance. DO 8406. 437 Railway Exchange Bldg. SCREENS rewired, glazing. KE. 2701. FOR SALE. YOUNG men. over 17, desiring govern ment positions. 1130 monthly, write for free list of positions now open. J. Leon ard, (former civil service examiner, 909 Equltahle Bldg., Washington, D. C MEN wanting railway station office 'posi tions with transportation furnished, ex perience unnecessary. write quick, Baker, Supt., Ilepi. 602 Wainright, St. Louis. Professions and Trades. MONOTYPE KEYBOARD OPERATORS Experienced on tariff or catalog work. Permanent position. No labor troubles. State present position, last and pre vious positions held with length of time In each. H. R. DONNELLEY & SONS CO., J31 Plymouth St., Chicago, 111. WANTED Good blacksmith and horse shoer at once; steady work, good wages. J. V. Van Cleave, North Platte. Neb. DO you want to Increase your Income? Write the National Auto School, 2814 No. 20th St., Omaha, for catalog. WANTED FIRST-CLASS SEWER LA BORER. NO OTHKRS NEED APPLY. AT. 12ST9. 1240 S. 13th St. MEN for firemen, brakemen. beginners $150. later 1250. Railway, Box Y-1S20, Omaha Bee. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE. 11C S. 14th. Write for catalog. Salesmen and Solicitors. Salesman Linen and Art Needle . ' Work TCxeeptiomi! opportunU for Addi tional inoonie for man havinar estab lished connections with department store trade. Our housekeeping- linena are sold to the linen department, and our stamped linens to the art departments Rnd needle work shop. We prefer a man already cRrryinsr lines appealing to thse depa rtmenta, but. not conflicting. Address reply to Dorryvale Tilnert Co., Iain., 23 East 22d St., New York City. Furniture and Household Goods. Miscellaneous. TO make certain your dol , lar is doing it's full duty in buying furniture at tend a Stephenson Auc tion. 1509 Capitol Ave. GKNUINE-Spanish leather Dufold and baby carriage, almost new, WA. 6564. Pianos and Musical Instruments. GEO. A. SMITH Dealer In drums, xylo phones, etc.; Instructions, repairing; 2761 Davenport St. Phone HA. 2967. TRADE your used piano on a new play er plana Balance ss low ss $10 per month. A. HOSPE CO., 1513 Douglas. JOHN TAFF saxophone shop, repairing. Schmoller & Mueller Bldg.. 1516 Dodge. Clothing and Furs. DUNDEE WOOLEN MILLS. For sale, ft lew unclaimed, all-wool "Dundee" suits, cheap, alterations free. Northwest Cor. 16th and Harney Sts. Ft'RS remodeled, relined and cleaned. KNEETER ALASKA FUR CO., 503 S. 15th St DO. 728S. ARMY shoes. J2.90. 706 No. 16th. Typewriters and Supplies. TYPEWRITERS ADDINGMA CHINES. All MAKES bought sold, rented and repaired. Sole agents for the CORONA, Get our prices before you buy. Every ! macbine guaranteed. Central Typewriter Exc. J A. 41!. 191! Farnam. GUARANTEED typewriters. $12.50 and up. Midland Office Supply Co., 14"4 Dodge. Miscellaneous Articles. HARNESS SALE. Complete ploflr Harness. $27 per st. Concord harness, formerly ?T5, now ?4S. $tock saddles. li and up. Best team collar J5.09. I.'nes, 114-Inch by 13 feet, J5.90. Ring1 crown bridles, round reins, $S. Pweat pads, any size. 65e each. 1 Government Keats Foot Oil, & a..t $4.19. Government and officers' drees shoes, $C.90 and up. Midwest Harness Co., 701 North Ifith RL WE buy. sell safes, maka desks, show raaea. etc., Oraaba Fixture A Supply Co., S. W. Cor. 11th and Douglas. JA. 2724. THE Ktwy Omaha Nurseries offices sales jrround. lTth and Capitol Ave. Tres and shrubs at reduced prices. WE. 4153. EXPERT win? machine repairing. MICK.fc.L3. 15th nd Harney. Da 1175. I HAVK a steady position for a Kood man who can furnish ?150 cash security. Mr. Iartin, Room 417, Fonte.nelle Hotel. HELP WANTED FEMALE Stores and Offices. WANTED Young lady students to en ' roll in our courses in Stenography, Higher Accounting and General Office traininty. Day and evening classes. Tui tion payable monthly, call or write for catalog. JOworak School of Accounting, 18th and Farnam streets. LADIHS become beauty operators; good wages, private instruction. Parkvale Beauty Parlor. Mrs. Sawyer, propri ' etor. Small tuition. Call Harney 6416. Custom work. Popular prices. Household and Domestic. WANTED Girl for general house work; two in family; no laundry. Apply 606, Karbach Block. WANTED White maid for general house work. Call WA. 1435. Miscellaneous. J2.50 PER day paid one lady in each town to distribute free circulars for Econo my non-alcoholic flavoring. Permanent position. F. K. Barr Co., Chicago. HELP WANTED. Male and Female. ANY intelligent person, either sex, may earn $100 to $200 monthly corresponding for newspapers; $6 to $16 per column; all or spare time; experience unneces sary; no canvassing. Send, for particu lars. National Press Bureau, Buffalo, New Yorfc. MEN, WOMEN. IS over, wanting govern ment positions. Railway mail, postofflcA, other positions. Salary Sl.400-H.800. Experience unnecessary. Full particu lars free. Write a. W. Bobbins, Civil Service Expert, formerly with govern ment. 171 Pope Bldg., Washington, D. C. WANTED Men, ladies and ooys to learn barber trade; big demand; wages while learning; strictly modern. Call or write 1403 .Dodge St. Trt-Clty Barber College. EDUCATIONAL. DAY SCHOOL NIGHT SCHOOL Complete courses In accountancy, ma chine bookkeeping, comptometry, short hand and typewriting, railroad and wireless telegraphy, civil service and all English and commercial branches. Write, raU or phone Jackson 156S for Urgs Illustrated catalog. Address Boyles College, Boyles Bldg., Omaha. Neb. Van Sant School of Business. Day and Evening Schools. 12t Omaha National Bank Bldg. Douglas (890. BUSINESS CHANCES. ANY business sold for cash, no publicity; 10 to SO days. Northwestern Selling System. Sioux City. J4.IW0 CASH BUYS l?0 DRVli- Bl'SINKPa PHONE MARKET 4iU. Someone Found That Article You Lost Was it you that lost that pocketbook, watch, stickpin, or dog? Someone found it. In all proba bility it was a reader of The Omaha Bee, for in Omaha and Nebraska many thousands of people read The Omaha Bee. Then, too, Bee readers are Omaha's and Nebraska's best people, and they are honest. They read Bee "want" ads whenever they find an article which does not belong to them. Terhaps even now THE FINDER of that pocket book, watch, stickpin, dog, or whatever it was you lost, is searching Bee "want" ads for your ad. If you really want your LOSS back you really must insert a Bee "want" ad. Phone Atlantic 1000. ' Bee "Want" Ad Rate Are Reasonable BEE "WANT" ADS AFTER ALL ARE BEST POULTRY AND PET STOCK. CLEANED wheat screenings, $1.75 per mil pounds. . A. w, Wagner, (01 in, 16th, Jackson 1147. BrFF Rock setting eggs. Il.io per set ting: 7.50 per 100. KE. 854. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. Better Used Cars AT A Lower Price will be found at the Nebr. Oldsmobile Co., IStli and Howard. Factory Blemished Tires Retail Department. Drive up to the Sprague Tire Co., 18th and Cuming Sts. ItEAL USED CAR BARGAINS. Cash or Time.-- Buy or Sell. Fords, from $60 and up. Dodge, Buicks and others, $100 and up. Ford bodies winter tops. GOLDSTROM AUTO SALES CO.. 1318 Harney St. Central Garage. BUSINESS CHANCES. 1807 ..FARNAM 5-room apartment, com pletely modern; suitable for offices, . studios, dental or dressmaking rooms, etc., for tenants wishing home adjoin ing. T. F. Hall, 404 Railway Exchange. Douglas 7406. FOR SALE Drug store, all oak fixtures, soda fountain, fine prescription business. No paints, oils; established business. Good reasons for selling. Box 676, Grand Island, Neb. FOR RENT ROOMS. Furnished Rooms. HOTEL KEEN IS OFFERINO A FEW DESIRABLE ROOMS. WITH OR WITHOUT BATH, AT MOST ATTRACTIVE WEEKLY RATES. MANAGER WILL EE PLEASED TO SHOW THEM. OWNER ALSO OPERATING Hotel Flatiron AX EXCELLENT DOWNTOWN HOME. WELLINGTON INN. HAS A FEW DESIRABLE: ROOMS, NICELY FURNISHED, WITH OR WITHOUT BATH. FOR PERMANENT GUESTS AT ATTRACTIVE WEEKLY RATES. MR. RAMEY, THE MANAGER, WILL GLADLY SHOW THEM TO YOU. GET YOUR ROOM through The Bea furnished room di rectory. Call at office for list of choice desirable rooms In all parts of the city. A service that benefits both advertiser nnd. room seeker. FURN. rms. with priv. bath; warm, com fortable, cheerful; prices reasonable, day or wit. Hotel Hamilton. AT. 4701. HOTEL SANFORD. 19TII AND FARNAM. HOTEL HENSHAW, 16TH AND FARNAM. hpecial rates to permanent guests. CHICAGO ST., 3648 Three nicely fur nished rooms tn private home. AT. 362a. 921 S. 86TH Delightful room in lovely modern home. Garage. HA. 4731. LARGE, pleasant room, reasonable. WE. 2 41 a. CLAREMONT HOTEL 17th, near Jack-2735. UNION Hotel. $2 per week and up. Housekeeping Rooms. THE GUIDE TO the better housekeeping rooms Is the directory furnished to advertiser and room hunter. Call at Bee office for free copy containing desirable vacancies in all parts of the city. TWO furnished housekeeping rooms. Heat, electric light, $5. 2709 Dodge. Board and Rooms. MERRIAM HOTEL. For reasonable prices we serve best meals in city; convenient, pleasant home hotel. 25th and Dodge. 714 N. 19TH ST. Desirable homelike room; private dining room. AT-5560. ATTRACTIVE rm. with board for 2. walk ing distance. 325 N. 26th. JA. 2781. Bee Want Ads Are Business-Getters. FOR RENT HOUSES. Unfurnished. LADY employed will rent furnished 6- roora house on car line, reserving bed room for own use. Box B-215. $22.60 6 rms. not modern. 830 S. 19th St. Douglas 6351. FOU RENT or Sale 2716 Bristol. 7 rms: will decorate. Douglas G3S1. 627 S. 17TH AVE., EIGHT-ROOM HOUSE, PARTLY MODERN. HA. 1651. FOR RENT APTS. AND FLATS. Unfurnished. ' For Rent T'p-to-date fire-room apartment. Clse in. Reasonable rent. . H. A. Wolf Company, - - 2 Saurtdwra-Kennedy Bldg. , Atlantic J 159 FOR RENT APTS. AND FLATS, Unfurnished. 1p O room modern apartments. THE )6)DRAKB RENTAL AGENCY. 1702 Howard St. AT. 9708. JA. 2806. Peters Trust Company, WHERE OMAHA RENTS. TWO five-room apartments for rent; $22.60 and $25. 1021 H. 20th. Phone Harney 4627. DAVENPORT. 2618-24 Hildrich Apts., 2 rms. Furnished. Electric lights, steam heat. F-IVE-ROOM apartment, beautifully deco rated, an Ideal location. Call HA. 21S9. STEAM heated aparments, 4 rooms, close in. G. P. Stebbins, 1610 Chicago. FIVE-room vacant apartment for rent; walking distance. HA 7466. 4 TO 7 rooms, modern. Free rent until April 1. Esclin. Jackson 2491. BINNEY ST., 1607, 6-room unfurnished apartment. JA. 9713. NICE 6-room flat, 2225 N. 20th St. Web ster 2;4t. FOL'R-room modern brick flats at 2212 N. 21st St., $30 and :15 month. SOME bargain In used Fords; prompt delivery on new Fords. il'CAFFBSr MOTOR CO., The Handy Ford Service Station, loth and Jackson Sts. DO. $500. FORD, DODGE, BUICK, HUDSON. Motor Exchange Vo.'f "Dependable Used Cars." 2052 Farnam. . ' Doug. 8987. BUY A GUY L. SMITH USED CAR. A Salfe Investment. 26th and Farnam Sts. Phbne DO. 1970. LOOK over our list of used cars. THE AUTOMOTIVE MARKET, 2056 Farnam St. AT. 7835. WT-TTTT7T .V sporting goods AUTO ACCESSORIES. MAGNETO coil, $2.60; fan, 76c; horn, $1; tubes. 60c. Neb. Auto Parts Co., 1016 Harney, USED radiators, all makes for sale. Green- ough Radiator Repair, 2039 Farnam, TOURING car, good condition, to exchange for Overland Tire Stock. HA. 4415. FOR SALE Maxwell tuorlng car; in A-l condition. Call MA. 1677. ONE 1918 Apperson Chummy, overhauled and painted, $400. Call Harney 6750. ONE 1919 Special 6 Studebaker. Harney 6750. HOLLY, expert auto trimmer. 812 S. 24th. FARM LANDS. Nebraska Lands. WANTED TO RENT. Unfurnished Apartments and Houses. 6 OR 6-ROOM bungalow with mod ern improvements, in refined neighborhood. Will lease with op tion to buy. Address Box B-127, Omaha Bee. 5 or 6-Room Bungalow WITH MODERN IMPROVEMENTS, IN REFINED NEIGHBORHOOD. WILL LEASE WITH OPTION TO BUT. AD DRESS BOX B-127, OMAHA BEE. FIRST National Bank Bldg., 400. Apply small office for rent. ELECTRIC lighted garage. 627 N. 40th. WA. 2873. H. M. Christie, warehouse & tracfc'ge prop. F. D. WEAD AND BOWMANCtt FOR RENT Business Property. THREE story brick building 19th and Nicholas. 32.000 square feet floor space. Will rent as a whole or in part. Apply W. G. Brandt, Care Orchard-Wit-helm Co. 1S07 FARNAM Store room. 24x132, If tenant wants more room, will build two stories above, each 66x132. with light on three sides. Thomas F. Hall, 4S4 Hall way Exchange. DO. 7406. FIRST National Bank Bldg., 400. Apply very choice suite of offices. MERCANTILE STORAGE AND WARE HOUSE CO.. 11th and Jones Sts. SEVERAL Improved cattle ranches in southern Holt county and central Gar field county, Nebraska, for sale or rent. Bargain it taken at once. MAYLARD & CO., Norfolk, Neb. REAL ESTATE WANTED. WE HAVE priu tl. ail.v sold all of our houses from $5,000 down that ran bo handled from $1,000 as a first payment, balance monthly p.-iyinent, off oX our list In the last two weeks. If you have a property that tun be handled on the above basis we can assure you quick service. PAVNB INVESTMENT COMPANY. 537 Omaha Nai l Bunk Bldg. Do. 1781. rjRTTF.NTfi ReH Co- Lut wl,h UXVUXliiNlVr us for quick results. 1418 1st NaPI Bk. Bldg. JA. I6, D. ROY WOODWARD. Investments' and Insurance. .7 A 12 a 5. 503 Peters Trust Bldg. To buv or sail Omaha Real Estate see FOWLER & M'DONALD 1130 City Natl Bk. Bide;. J A ekson 142 pypL'tpmnn Writes Tornado and iJiXiXYX-J X JL Windstorm Insurance 330 Peters Trust Bldg. J A. 0- WB can sell your house, lot or farm. BROWNE TRACY, 543 Securities Bldg. AT. S350. Homes to 327 Securities Bldg. AT. 4956. Please Grove-Hibbard Co. want a nr 7-room. well located, in Dun dee. by the first; have cash. Box 121, Omaha Bee. GEO. T. PORTER & CO. Real Estate, Rentals, insurance. 105 South lSlh. AT. 299$. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE. ACREAGE WANTED. For 283 acres of good improve 1 farm well fenced, good black soil; pr.ee $75 per acre. Loan $.000; equity for 10 to 40 acres close to Omaha. J A. 2419, S19 City Nat. Hunk Bldg. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN. Dundee. DUNDEE, $8,000 Brand new home, just briny finished; easy frms. Phone .TA, SSfcO. GLOVER & SPAIN DUNDEE HOME. TOFR OWN TERMS. Any reasonable terms on this new Dundee home will be accepted. 6 rooms, full two-story, oak floors and finish, fireplace and right up-to-date. Come GLOVER & MORELL. 708 Keeline Bblg AT. SO 23. GEORGE & CO.S REALTORS. AT. 3024. Florence. NETHAWAY sells and trades. KE. 140. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. West. TWO LOTS PARMs v''rit M- A- Laron, Cen XVHiUO city, Neb., jour wantg Central for acreage tracts, farms. Wisconsin Lands. LANDOLOGY free; special number, Just out, containing many facts of clover land In Marinette county, Wisconsin. If for a home or an Investment you are thinking ot buying good farj lands, where farmers grow- rich, send at once for this special number of Landology. It Is free o'n request. Address Skid-more-Riehle Land Co.. 433 Skldmore Riehle Bldg., Marinette, Wis. Wyoming Lands. SOLDIERS 640-acre homesteads. 7-month residence. Duff: Caar.er. Wyoming. FINANCIAL. Loans. Money to Loan $30.00 to $500 , on Furniture, Pianos, Etc. Less than legal rates, monthly pay. menu. QUICK. QUIET AND CONFIDENTIAL. OMAHA LOAN CO., 606 Karbach Blork. Tel. J A, 2295. Southeast corner 15th and Douglas Sts. Real Estate Loans. WE have cash on hand to loan on Omaha residences. K. H. I.OUGEE, INC.. 538 Keeline Bldg. - MOVING AND STORAGE. "WHEN MOVING" PACKING STORING SHIPPING. Phone Jackson 0288. FIDELITY TOca . 110711 Howard St f'oi.m T none No delay on western drill ljUdlli) n.br. f.rn,,. ranches Vlntr lnu.rim.nl nv. fits, dm Nat'l Bank, OMAHA HOMES EAST NEB. FARMS. O-KEKFE REAL ESTATE CO 101S Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. Jackson S71 8. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE ' Separate locked rooms for household goods snd pianos, moving, packing aDd shipping. BEKINS OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE. 806 South 16th. DO. 416$. ESTIMATES furnished on storage and moving. Contracts taken by Job or br. Globe Van & Storage Co.. J A. 4338. AT. 0230. 620-24 North 16th St. HORSES AND VEHICLES. HARNESS AND SADDLES. We make them ourselves and sell them direct to the farmers, you get the best thst csn be made at first cost. Harness tbst sold for $93 last year, $65 now. Write for "free, catalog, ALFRFD CORNISH CO, J 219 Farnam St. '3 , flRST mortgage loans made promptly on Omaha real estate. Shopen ss Co. tteanors. a. as, pma. $100 TO $10.0QO made promptly. F. D Wead ft Bowman Co.. Weed Bldg. Stocks and Bonds. LIBERTY BONDS bought nd sold. AT. 3644. Mack's Bond House. 1421 1st Nat. J. H. MITHEN pays most for LIBERTY BONDS. $21 City Nst'L Bank Bldg. REAL ESTATE WANTED. Ust your home Buy your homa BINDER & OTIS, Real Estate. Leans, -.Rentals. J A. 1661. Charles W; Young & Son Real Katate. Rentals, Insurance. 1602 City Nat. Bk. AT. 1668. HAVE Inquiries for homes do you want to sell your property? List tt with C. A. Grimmel, Omaha Nat'l Bk. Bldg, 6-ROOM BUNGALOW, DOUBLE' GA . RAGE. PRICE $4,550. We have just listed this attractive little place and we cai, sell it on very easy terms. Has lots of frulti chicken house and garden space. House has full cement basement. Is si! modern and in excellent condition. Evenings call Mr. Rons, WA 1567. R. D. CLARK CO., REALTORS. 621-2, Securities Blag. AT 3R31. FIVE-ROOM STUCCO lilNUA LOW Located In Dundee and a bargain; strictly modern oak floors, oak finish, built-in bath tub, built-in cabinets; small payment down and balance like rent. Call evenings Doug. 6947. LEAVENWORTH HEIGHTS bungalow. Brand new; fireplace, French doors, ga rage, built-in features; 1923 model; block to car: $2,000 down, fail SCHROEDER INVESTMENT CO., JA. .1261. 14.500 $500 CASH 6 Rm. Bung., oak and enamel, good E front lot. Eve. KE. 2825 or DO. 8124. 41 DODGE; S rooms, $3,500; terms. AT. 6250. D. E. BUCK & CO. buy snd sell homes. South. Ralston Lots n?,,,tupr,8?u s:.y; payments. Phone Stewart. Ralston, 10-W. HAVK V'l. $.'' I alll furiii.h you lot !" " ' lioui ncinfitipg lo your hb aa ami l-i )u pv fr it ut a )" I'af rant, h.ir ,.,n. ihiiliv aa( ai.4 ' Ir-'i. Ii.l.. In Ulrail Hu lO'Malit pariah- Al 3. i.na; INI 7U !. M' '! I'lVK ltliV houia, t't nh, ill N iJil He.lu-a.l l.i ? IIKST lir.Hl HIVJ. I 14)4 N.u"l41. UPHint luixler !!,". a I'Simeriia; buy for ft pome. CreitJi, f Pee, JU. :00, . F.i'lll f-ltiio"l hoarli"tfil PI Pt. ;! Jlamllion, W K. 4: iit Vsctnt. " Building Lots $200 and Up S3 Down. $3 Monthly liny on, of lhe. Iia lots n'l build s leu, pot aiv noma, rlo.a to FoiifneUe Hmp laying rol JIUd , e. ho.. snd The Byron Reed Company 1417 Fainsm HI. DO. :7. I.OTM On . liU ft I.arlnmrs Ave, between ?4th Ull'l ;;th Ft. ' Will sail .n aaay p.s inenia or will build to -jour ptrter. AT. $.40. . Tf P's lot J"u wsnt, call Forbes. AT. 6"' If. 9. MAN VIM. K. Resllnr. AT. 240.1. 615 Peters Trust wldg. t-lt. 1,1'VlillL l.iVP 5, E. corner 63d and Dodge ft . 1?6 $0 fan; price $5.ooo, owner. 3310 Myr tle Ave. Phone HA IHSI. ClIoTcl; PsrkwooiJ lot. 44i3 feel, at 6551 Florence Blvd., must sell t onte. Call K B. (i4i'.Q. , iliPTH front lot, north part' I)und'. $950. ALFRED THOMAS i. SON CO.. JA. COM, . KAST from corner lot, 1', blocks from Miller Park. $450. J A. 0564. Miscellaneous. High and Sightly .Sunny and Bright Large east front, living room, sun room, east and soutli evpoure; double French doors, with beveled glass Into dining room; breakfast room, kitchen and butler's pantry: four bedrooms, large closets, tiled bath, attic, full base ment, construction of house cannot be appreciated unless seen; large .corner lot. double garage. Gallagher & Nelson, 652 Peters Trust Bldg. J A Vi'-. Choice Montclair Bungalow FIve-rnom stucco bungalow; fireplace, oak finish; white enameled bedrooms;' south front. $6.00O. owner leaving city. Osborne Realty Co., 630 Peters Trust Illdg. JA. S283 WILL BUILD AND FINANCE YOUR NEW HOME Our material and workmanship of b"t nuallty. Come and look at some of our completed houses, Very reason able coals. Bring your plans to us for estimates. HASTINGS & HEYDEN. 1614 Harney St. AT. 0060. New Bungalow Diamond ss part payment. JA. 3568. SEVEN-RM.: STEAM HEAT: DOWN -TOWN LOCATION: $600: $375 CASH. onononononononon" M g One Thousand 8 Cash Easy Payments O D o D o D o D o D o D o D o n aonoDouoDononono Kour.tze Place, 3515 N. 51th Street Six rooms, all modern. 1414 N. 83rd Street Six-room modern bungalow. 4508 Izard Street Six rooms, modern cottage. 60th and Leavenworth Streets 5-room, modern cottage. $1,000.00 makes the first pay ment, and balance paid in easy monthly payments. Evenings, call Webster 6789, or Havney 0111. s Creigh Sons & Co. Established 1868 60S Bee Bldg. . Jackson 0200 Elmwood Park Where Value Are Increasing We have a four-room home just like new inside and out Full cemented basement, dandy well and pump, three nice south front lots: plenty of room for garden and chickens. Lo cated at 6810 Mason St. $3,150. $250 cash, $82.50 per month. PAYNE & CARNABY COMPANY 516 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. JA 1018 oDODoaonooononoa The Sign of Honest Building 4 BUILT BY tw mi Dong. 74S7- Ml Electric Bldg. This Trade Mark Stands for Honest Construction Throughout It Is a Guarantee of Superior .Workmanship 1