Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 26, 1922, SOCIETY EDITORIAL, Image 13

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5 R
Music Festival Club Calendar
ir.f, j srw. Ta last
s..i. u m r . a. j
lub Women Give
f f lit lmh Woman', flub, '
d t Vita IJorcih LpM. Mfri.
fl iKimnl tlmfj and C X Gw
iH will f.ifier-l vhkfren te.
fil J the grntr.i turnip of Ihe
tlull Monday afternoon, J oclncb, in
litre',. Na-h uiirium. undtr d-if.-iinn
f,j Jolm Mtiltt-n,
"I ! rfgrm m!J im-lui! fxrrjit
f ! "A Voj J .Vtf H." Mr, w. i:.
JU'nV, acme '" "Ronifft ami
Ja!irt," Mrs. .Won lclow and
M. Frank 1'rt: olo dance.
"Walt ISmum," Mi l)nrothjr irl.
n-rnntraiiifj ly Mr, Mary AMt
A ltbn fcrrp1 (torn "Inluis
flr," r.. I". UiiKlie ami P. J. Mc-
11-1.1. a.-. Ha frnm lf j. I.m.U
,' M, Mnl!n. Mr. Cieorii'e I'ray
lid C. A.; instrumental trio.
(The Merry Wiv- ti Wind.."
I'.rttih A. Milter, rta". Mr
.1 F. Andfr.nn. flute, and Mr. I-tl-in
Moufau Whit', violin: ex-
rrrpt (rem "King; Henry, I'.iiititli.
Xt. James, . Ilauberv; chural
mmbfM. "Through the ifnuae Give
Cilnnnifrmj I-iciit. from Mid-Sum
tnrr N k!i' T'f'am" and "Daw n't
AwaVftiing" Cririr. MrjHiiiHi (iforge
Tray. C. K. JuiR'nt. (f. J. I.imon.
I tnl I'oe, Lawrence Hoffman.
f'.race Toole Steinberg; L. M. Swind-
f. A. r. Johnston, accompamtd by
Mr. John Juarm.nn and directed
ly Mr. Toe; rne from "Hamlet."
Mr, (jrant Williams and C. A. Gear-
iih. .
Mr. O. Y. Kring is Ifader of the
rVparttiient and l'rof. Ldwin Tuls.
During the bnsinej hour preceding
the propram delegates will be fleeted
ti the Second' district convention.
The meeting will be called at 2
o'clock instead of 2:30 as usual.
Mrs. J. H. Craddock, treasurer,
requests members to pav their dues
for next year at the meeting Monday.
Garfield Parent Teachers.
Mrs. Homer Stunt will give a
itereopticon lecture on her travels
in South America at a meeting of the
Garfield Parent-Teachers association
Thursday afternoon at Garfield
ichoo!, Sixteenth and II streets.
Mrs. Frank Kandall and Miss
Aorne Brandt will have charge of
rve program and the hosttsses will
L Mesdames Charles Gow, George
j.'.'oway and H. E. Jackson.
U. S. Grant Corps.
V. S. Grant W. R. C. will hold
their monthly kensinglon at the home
of Mrs. B. O. Sweazy March 28.
One o'clock luncheon will be served.
Members whose birthdays are in
March as well as members of the G.
A. Iv will be honor guests.
5 P. E. O. Meeting.
Chapter B. T., P. E. O. will meet
Tuedav at 2:30 at the home of Mrs.
G. D. McKay, 2464 Harney. Current
events will be given.
Fish During Lent
By Loretto C. Lynch.
TSH is at its best only when it
ts fresh. Then how shall the
x nousewiie Know a iresn rsn a;
itit. inarVet'
A fresh fish has bulging eyes,
tright red gills, and the flesh along
the backbone is firm and elastic
Fish that is to be kept for a day
or longer should be placed in a pan
or dish and completely covered
with cracked ice. Fish spoils easily
and often times fish that comes into
the household in first-class condition
is allowed to spoil before it is
In some sections of the country
there is a prejudice against fish as
food. Often this is due to the fact
that it has never been attractively
fcwed. Because of the lack of con
'.fctive tissue in fish, unlike meat,
special care must be taken else it
fall into unsightly pieces during
One of the best, hotels in our
country makes a specialty of serving
"halibut au gratin." Any housewife
can imitate this delightful dish, and
if halibut is unobtainable or too ex
pensive, cod or any other white
meated fish may be substituted.
First, the slice or piece of halibut'
is tied in a piece of cheesecloth. It
is then plunged into a pot of boiling
water to which a spoonful of lemon
iuice or vinegar is added. It is
boiled until the flesh becomes white
and opaque... One or two-inch slices
require about 20 minutes.
The fish- should then be removed
... .I. ,t
rnm rnn f!TM ann ck'in ann nnnfs
arefully taken out. Wrapping it
a cloth facilitates handling and
also keeps the fish white. The. lemon
juice has a tendency to harden the
flesh of the fish.
Place the prepared fish in a bak
Insr dish and cover it with a rich
white sauce. ,For a pound of fish,
allow one measuring cup of sauce.
Rub together in a saucepan two
level tablespoons each of flour and
butter until none of the white flour
is visible. Add one cup of rich
milk. Part of the milk may be
omitted and rich cream substituted.
Cook, stirring until the sauce boils
and thickens. If it is lumpy, strain
it. . . ...
Pour the sauce over the fish in
the baking dish and cover the top
w ith a thick layer pi grated cheese.
Place in the oven and bake until
the cheese is mlted and delicately
browned. Serve in the baking dish
piping hot.
Individual baking dishes may be
used and a few grains of cayanne
or dusting of paprika introduced
intoi" the white sauce.
Canned fish. sVich as crab, lob
ster, tuna, etc., may be used in
place of the fresh fish.-
To round out a meal at which
this dish is served, one might serve
a mixed salad, rolls and butter and
a rice pudding with raisins for
Fish is less stimulating than meat
and should find its way more often to
the table than it does. There are
lotj of households that go on year
after year with meat three times
Whether w-e observe dietary laws
, for religious reasons during Lent or
r.oC we will find it beneficial to
health to have eome appetizing fish
dishes several times a week.
If, garbage is wrapped in newspa
per it will keep the can unstained
aoo ordorless.
I DmIi IWftMl mt )u r I
1114 1-MpU' HH. pMtMIU IVMtU.
t4-wl.-'.. t i-f..
Mm ti.iti-i . il tit
t mt Ma?, nil Ttimwk
(Iwti t 4 . lit
m. ' C
..i.r,t,.. l.r.ul f
, thtwrntftt H. !
tF4 l tlff.iy litf
Mr. Howard Kennedy it a
member of the publicity committee
for the May Music festival, which is
being sponsored by the Omaha Wo
man club for the benefit of the club
building fund. The concerts will be
given on the five Mondays in May
from 10 to 1 1:30 a. m. on the seventh
floor of the Etirgcss-Xash store by
an orchestra of 30 piece under di
rection of Robert Cnscaden. Local
artists, including Iiuise Jansen
Wylie, soprano; Madge West
Sutphen, violinist; Cecil Ferryman,
pianist, will assist. The Woman's
club chorti. under direction of
Henry G. tox, will be a feature of
the closing recital.
Season tickets are JS. All five
coupons may be used at any one
concert. Single admission is SI. 50. .
The ticket sale is going well, ac
cording to Mrs. Kennedy. Tickets
may be obtained from members of
the Woman's club. Mrs. A. V. Kins
ler, Mrs. C. W. Axtell. Mrs. Hester
B. Copper, Miss Irene McKnight,
Miss Louise Cotter, or at down
town music stores. Mr. L. J. Hea
ley is chairman of the ticket com
mittee. It is expected that this festival,
which is to be an annual affair, will
be one of the big social events of
the season.
Get Acquanited Club.
The Get Acquainted club meets
this evening at 7:30 o'clock at First
Unitarian church. Turner boulevard
and Harney street Mr. and Mrs.
C W". Russell will be host and host
ess. The Drozram will include a
one-act play, "The Train to Mauro,"
with Mrs. C. R. Dahlin. Donald
Priest and H. Johnson in the cast.
W ill Hetherington will play violin
solos. C. Ostcrgard. flute solos, and
Dean F. Smith will sing a group oM
songs. There will be games and
community singing. All strangers
and lonely folk are welcome.
.And yet more xqu1tt 'when pt.
Joy too exquisite to last,
James Montgomery.
tartan .tut r t.
ti.Sti MvmI ( fcauiau)
Mi.iui, t it p, in, rwtiV'.o,
KaMvtlt klaqw ( trrl-Mti.4.
t p hi . n f A. tf . '
(nitrii jmM .Mar.
p. Hi, lnl r."n tu.
mnn hi1 l"ifl, li. thsfi'
T. Sesl. H'W'f.
O ii all Mman'e luK, M !
SI.... f i't.i!r Xui.r mm. Fu'l thrl tf f
'thm r'au' if !.;) Imrti." HI
K hH. Tb Biir rrt I r(Ut I
p f.r.Mpiil,
r.rkil(r trriai Cor M.,ti.1ir, t
p n . W '. A. Tiff H.l'.r N.
((-. nl etsk n "Thmhf nt All
ies'. ' vri4 "f s-rir f m
r-vf h"i'.' "! ih t'sy'n WOTk," br
:.1r Jain'- ho iff. gis urnlrr Jil'tcr
iif tiitr..ti titiirs.
Omaha Wnmaa'a Ink "lir, I m .
Hn'(M..att u lii' "in B"n.
f.l-tto .f deir.!- in SW.oul dis'rfl
mtiiiit. f.tloa t KBWi-rn pro
tr"! ivn tjr puf'ie- iptisii'i tP'l
nM, under ditecison cf Mr. Jobs
f.eor .. (wlf W. K. r-Tu4r, t
p. m.. M'lnnrisl liall, murt houa.
Ixiufrllnw i bautauqua lrrl TuMday
vanui Willi Mra. Li.a Cuaat.l. l
Omaha Itinlneaa Woman' flub Tu
tlfy, a la t. m., V. v. c. A. Linnr and
Omaha, W. C. T. t. Tu!ey, p an .
T M. '. A room :ii. Cchovl of onuo
h.p mretinf.
Omali himoUh flub Tula. I p. m.,
naa Aiu.a 1'aicra. ; boutb 7n-ly-auia
Omaha tVuman'i Praa t luh Tuef'lay,
!!:. p. m.. lun hoa od maetlrc, buf
l.Nih tea roim.
Ssulh Omaha Woman' Club, Home fa
aomira Urimriment Tueaday, ! '! p. in.,
ith lr. Milui Halt. JT.l tou'h Taenty.
thir.l aireet. Cooker dtmonatratlos lll
be nvn.
t.xieoama leelur f'ouraa (Amrrlran.
Italian and ( Irlral Tu'aday ,4 p. m.,
Hui-hmn lolli-ge and convent ( ths
8acrrd Heart. TAIrty-aK'b. and Burt
sirens. Ot.en to the publlr.
Omaha Woman' lub. Literatur V
parunenl Tuela-, S p. m.. V. V. C. A.
lr. rharlea II. l.yttle, pastoe of first
I'nllarmn church, speaker, bubjert, "Ha
Mo.lrn laieratm Proaressed and Retro
radd aa Compared Willi Literature of
the Tasty AU club member and friend
are welcome.
Omaha Woman's Club, Fublle apcaHnf
Pepartment Tuesday, ifl:is a tn., Hur-gee.-Naeli
auditorium. I'rof. Edwin Pulls.
Instructor. Mra. O. T. Krln, leader. Mrs.
Florence Fasl-r Palmer will bav char
of proarram. Mra. Palmer w-ll iv a lac.
lure demonstration on vole culture
taught In class.
Hadaaaah Wednesday. 2:30 D. m.. Jew
ish community center. Lyno buildmf.
Mlnne-Lnaa thanlauqua I. Ircle ei
needay, 2 p. m., with Mra. A. K. i,indell,
3iif Curti. avenue.
F.nnJ. luh Wednesday evenln. St
Mary Mattdalen hail. Nineteenth and
Dodce streets. Social meeting. All trant
ers and lonely folk welcome.
Mo riljma Wednesday, t-ZQ a. m.,
with Mrs. Jame Patton, 1 North Thirty
eiithtli avenue. SuVJect. "American Mod
ern Jirama." Mrs. Arthur Wells. leader.
Klten.lon Lecture Coon Medieval His
tory Wednesday, 4 p. m.. Juchesn col
lege and Convent of the Sacred Heart.
Thirty-eUth and Burt streets. Open to
the public
Woman's Faculty Clnh. Nebraska T"nl-
versily College of Medicine Wedneedav.
1:30 p. m., with sira. irvina; tuner, sua
North Thirty-ninth street. Business
meeting; and social hour.
Omaha Woman' Club, Mnlo Depart
ment Wedneedsy. ! p. m., Y. W. C. A.
Henry Cox. director; Mrs. Mary Abbott,
leader. Program of "Water Mu.le,'' In
eharge If Mra. B. M. Anderson. Tea will
e a-rved at close of program. Open to
the public
Dundee Woman' Club Wednesday. J
p. m., with Mra. W. T. Johnson, 6011
Radium to Revitalize
to Conquer Disease
Remarkable Results Reported From Nuradium
in Energizing the System and Driving Out
Disease Where Other Methods Had
Utterly Failed.
A great many prominent people hive
been teating Nuradium, the small tablets
of radium rays caught in augar of mil.
Tli reports border upon th miraculons.
Thes small tablets are taken at intervals
through the day and not being a drug
they have none of the druggy effects of
stimulants. But soon there is a conscious
sense of elevation. With ome it is
slight degree of exhilaration. There seems
to have entered into the system a gentle
force, a new and pleasant form of stimu
lus entirely different from the flare-up of
any excitement caused by drugs, medicine
or alcohol. Pain eases ott ana stops, .nerv
ous sensations are quieted. Rapid pulse
become more normal. "Appetite is im
proved. As the effect continues it reacn
cs throughout the system, accumulations
of body wastes are broken up' and elimi
nated by stimulated nature, the blood
count of red corpuscles is greatly in
creased, hardening of arteries is prevented
old ag is halted and invalidism becomes
but a memory. There is every reason to
expect that whether it be rheumatism,
nervous exhaustion, muscular weakness,
constipation and its effect upon the sys
tem, or any of the typical diseases that
distress most people, the use of Nuradium
for a few weeks will creat such a re
markable change as to practically revitalise
the system and put it back to it youthful
days of bounding energy. It is worth a
trial. It may prove to be a greater factor
in conquering disease than we dar to
suggest. It is called Nuradium.
Be sure to ask for Nuradium in the
round package, wax sealed at ends. It
is the only one containing the radium
rays caught in sugar of milk. It is sold
by the following druggists at $1.50 per
via! of 210 tablets.
Haines Drug Co., Sberman ec MeConnell.
Beaton Drug Co, and Green' Tharmacy.
t.ike. t,ilir,.a,lr f p aa . (
Hi, ii. al!Sl 4 C4 irla ll L.f pat l
I mitii -.
t mmm'9 (he, Haas f Willi
i.atiiuwj.ili:. is a ra, r
. A I imui, lla rjWi " Mra.
i.. W it i hiw a.ll far
,1 tf.' rm
Maauaaa I tab, e Iispartaasw
-t I.-,. i, ; i- a. J i i I at
., r .. we r" M tat la
.' af jim. V:a Afd.i Kaifki,
ii.laf ef ( k an Ii(iihI, and )
I I, i., a i,i-r r H.uitf rta.
t.aefialJ raeaalTevaaa Aaaariu
YHM'a i.r a''!,. uee'4 - hmi ais
t"MI 4 It a'i a W- llemae fttoai
w I ' a' i-p't' . a lacftira sa bar
!! IW p-taifc AH'.el'', Uaajeal pea.
I l Mes aaaaa'
an M a Fiaa. Hiat. tt, la ' af
Tale raml-Teaylie- Mawlatlaa r
tar. !.. , M-ery n, Tiaa S'beal. Or
bua laril.'.
plaeMSl sllMrr rTls,
1 a rii . Tfleliv pac(t aua t 4a
S.MMfl Me, a W. Taansfi4, aqcatlatt
a eia. il ba ehareaaf aearam.
lea. IIiimm M.iy .will pa "Ouf
I la , biiHh,
Oanaha Walklag CluK cltiriUe. I
m , f.Min i4 f Ail,f H ear tin .r
Wia( rlui- l'll I Wi:y I'elnt rair.
7a" )-.., leasee.
Iaa f Hb4 TM. IU4 f bU
ivril.v. 1 I'initieea wi'b Ilea,
-4 LtUntt. jr.. SUT Wehe-at !,
t aaann, attidy ef tS lll'imit ad
trench H.Veialura
Maj. taae oadlre ( barter. Tl. A. ft.
aiutJay. : I t rn., witn We f aali
.Inbhein. ZZ Srtrh aavaateaaih atraai.
riijaiftere 'aien f,itlewa4 pr prncram.
tteiefS're will report Q iaia rnee'lri.
Sfuai, alaetiona will i by Mia
t.hel rull"". I'Upil r xiaa johaaea
Amieraon. Star east relief film will ha
hn under dttrcllen of Mra, J. f.
aatt rf Wamew Total Satun'ar.
tj p elegit, Ijnrhea fntlewad pea.
gram and buin-.a tnaettng. BrndUi
reataur',!. I'.a startba lowstt. pnn
Pal of I n . heol and a randldat for
aiaf surer. ntacdent of .-heia, pke,
W illiam M. Hush and Albert May, irtin
e. mttiiaaluDtra. will atplain rsw iartlea
board and sntlng Jiervat'on may ba
mat wltii Mra, H. t. UalUy. Wtbstsr
Valuc-Civlng Store
Special Daily
that sav money for those wb
ihop at Bowen'a.
The smaller articles of every
day use in the home can be
bought here to advantage.
Glass Bowls
In sets of five always hanriy
in the kitchen, and specially
priced at Bowen's "TQ,
at, per set 5C
Heavy copper
bottoms, large
Galvanized Wash Tubs
Large size, durable and strong
priced now,
With detachable plug and 6-ft.
cord extension. SO.95
Special, at ,
Oblong shape, large, QO
well made, only. ... JOC
It Pay to Read Bowsa'i
Small Ad
Howard St., bet. 15th and 16th
10c Bridal Wreath Shrubs 10c
Each 25 for $2.2550 for $4.00100 for $7.50 Each
MAIL ORDERS Above will be sent Parcels Post Prepaid at 15c each, $2.50 per 25, $4.40 per 50
and $3.25 per 100. Address all mail to 3341 West Broadway, Council Bluffs, la. No free deliveries
of this special will be made in Omabi, South Omaha or Council Bluffs.
, Don't Miss This Chance Only a Few at These Prices
These shrubs are nice bushy ones and are from one and one-half to two feet in height Usually they
are sold at 35c or 60c each. Only 2,000 will be sold at the above prices.
Five Convenient Stores Go to the Nearest One
Look over our line of other shrubs, trees, plants, Tines, bulbs and ' seeds. All of our prices are
very reasonable. '
208 South 24th Street
3341 West Broadway
1001 South Main Street
4707 South 24th Street
502 East Broadway
'Mourn'i Value-Giving Store:
Special Showing of Spring Draperies
Starting Monday and Continuing All Week
For quiet elegance and tone colorings in draperies our Spring showing, now displayed,
is one long to be remembered, and one from which your selection should, by all
means, be made.
Velvets and Damasks, Linens and. Cretonnes, allover patterns in rose, blue and gold,
sunfast and tubfast fabrics, portieres and overdrapes.
Table and Couch Covers in tapestry, damasks and velours, double-faced Velvet Por
tieres in two-tone combination effects.
Exceptional curtain values in voiles and marquisettes, imported lace curtains
and filet weaves.
Complete showing of Da
masks, Velours, Silks, Sun
fasts, Madras in plain and
figured, printed linens and
Per yard .. .$2.98 to $8.00
Per yard . . . $2.98 to $8.00
Per yard . . .$1.15 to $5.00
Per yard ... 59c to $5.98
Per yard ... 39c to $1.75
Extra large and complete
assortment of Nets in Filet
weaves and shadow effect,
36 to 50 inches wide, white
cream and ecru colors, for
39c to 398Yd.
Scrim, Voile and ltarqui
sette in plain dots, silk
stripes and colored effects,
in all the newest and latest
patterns, at
19c to 135 Yd.
Beautiful Patterns in Lace Curtains
Beautiful new patterns in lace curtains in filet weaves, some
trimmed with lace edges, others with scalloped edges, priced
from $1.98 to $9.85 pair.
Many new arrivals in imported lace curtains, in colors of
white, ivory and ecru, from $9.85 to $25.00 pair.
Many beautiful curtains in voiles and marquisette, in plain
and ruffled, some hemstitched with silk in blue, rose and
gold, from $1.98 to $9.00 pair.
RUG VALUES-Velvets, Tapestrie,
Brussels, Axminsters
Buying Rugs like these is acquiring art and quality in floor coverings
at a very small outlay.
Thousands of dollars worth of Rugs are offered at the H. R. Bowen Co.
as exceptional values in wide assortments.
Seamless Velvet Rugs in good selection of patterns and colors, blue,
mulberry and tanS.
Size 6x9 816.45 Size 7-6x9 19.95
9x12 Seamless Tapestry Brussels Rugs in neat allover
effects. Good values
Heavy Axminster Rugs in all the latest patterns for Spring, including
Blue Chinese, Allover Tans, Rose and other combinations of colorings.
9x12 priced at. . ..37.50 8-3x10-6 priced at 33.50
Extra heavy quality Axminster in neat patterns, a very
serviceable Rugs. Size 6-9x9
36x63 Axminsters, heavy quality in choice patterns, good
range of colors. Choice at ,
Extra heavy quality Axminster Rugs in blues, tans
and taupe colorings. Priced at
. $3.98
Complete showing of felt base floor covering in choice lino
leum patterns, such as blue and white check, tans and
taupe ground. Priced at 59c per square yard and up.
Printed Linoleum in very choice patterns for kitchen and
bathroom, very heavy quality, at 95c per square yard.
Set Cane Living Room Suite
Davenport--Rocker Arm Chair
In genuine mahogany; backs of closely woven cane; v el our upholstered;
spring cushions; spring edge; two extra pillows and d t on r a
bolster. Priced this month at only $101. J U
MAHOGANY CANE SUITES of three pieces, upholstered in mohair; two
extra pillows and bolster; formerly sold - 9IC
for $395. Priced now at LO
Lloyd Carriages
for Every Baby Need
It Pays to Read Bowen'a
Small Ads
Open a
Credit Account
With Ut
Just the carriage to tako baby
out for an airing. Body is of
reed and shown in both the gray
and ivory finishes. Ask to see
them. Priced at
$2U0 $27.50 $32.50
Extra large size Lloyd Baby
Carriages, finished in dark gray
and light green color combina
tions, qq cn
only D3a7.0U
Floor Lamps
Complete with shades in many
styles and colors, and long ex
tension cord; now offered in
three lots, priced at
$13.50 $18.95 $21
The Metropolitan
Van & Storage
Co. Move You.
kMVWWMI aWVVm,--f AVt-'ft. Wtl 1VU.. , -Lnj- r -