Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 26, 1922, Image 1

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    The Omaha Sunday Bee
VOL. 5I-NO. 41.
M W TIM liCtM laKIW St
f, 0, tl.ew A-l tt Ik .
Hall II H'II Us . Hi '. UM. l 4i .
D.Ium k am it tMH (itil, ft . till '
Merging of
I a i 1 w a y s
IntcrMaltf Commerce Body i
Har View on Coniolida
lion of S)trmi Ne xt
Need Seen by Cummins
OmabD Ilea UJ Mir.
Wellington, March 25. With
Senator Cum mini of Iowa aucriing
that the consolidation of the rail
fiaiU into a few great systems n
all can avert eventual govern
ment ownership ami operation of the
t'.intportation linen, unusual impor
t.HK'c attaches to the proceedings
I rrl.niiiiiK to till! question which
v ill bein before the Interstate
l'i"tiuiercc commission next month.
The commission will hear the
slews of railroad official and others
on the various consolidation schemes
which have heen proposed to carry
out the following provision of the
transportation aitot 1920:
"A commission shall, as soon as
I r.ulicalile, prepare and adopt apian
tr the consolidation of the railway
properties of the continental United
Mates into a limited number of sys
tems. In the division of such rail
v ays Into such systems under such
plan, competition shall be preserved
as fully as possible and wherever
v practicable the existing routes and
channels of trade and commerce
shall he maintained.
Provides Uniform Rates.
"Subject to the foregoing require
ments, the several systems shall he
so arranged that the cost of trans
portation as between competitive sys
tems and as related to the value of
the properties through which the
service is rendered shall be the same,
so far as practicable, so that the
systems can employ uniform rates in
the movement of competitive traffic
and under efficient management earn
substantially the same rate of return,
upon the value of their respective
railway properties."
Senator Cummins, one of the
authors of the transportation act and
an acknowledged authority on rail
way questions, said that there arc
some of our railroad companies that
never can re maintained until the
process of consolidation is consum
mated. "I predict," said the senator, "that
if wc do not succeed in carrying out
the principle of consolidation, which
has already gone forward in a very
, .satisfactory way, it will presently
ii.-gin to appear to all the .people of
'i:w country that-there is just one
other solution that is government
own-Hhip and operation. If we don't
consolidate the lines government
ownership and operation is the only
recourse open to the American peo
ple and I want it to be understood
that I am unaUcrably opposed to
government ownership and opera
tion of our railroads.
No Competition Now.
'The American railroad problem
will never be finally solved unless all
'.lie railroads are consolidated into
comparatively few systems, say IS
or 20, and competitive in their char
acter. I might add that there is no
competition in the railroad world and
ought to be none except the compe
tition of good service, the competi
tion which renders one railway prop
erty more attractive to a shipper than
another, or one railway passenger
train more attractive to a traveler
than another.
"When that is done we can fix
rates so that the lowest schedules
that will sustain these properties as
s whole may be established..
"There are now pending before
congress, and especially in the sen
ate, a great many bills which have
for their purpose the modification of
ihe transportation act of 1920 in vital
respects. The farm organizations
;nd the farmers have my deepest
sympathy because I know' the hard-
(Turn to rage Two. Column Two.)
Coast Guard Cutters
Search for Bandits
Wealthy Mother Combs I
Bowery for Missing Boy!
Woman Searches Slums in Vain Quest for Lost Son,
Heir to Millions Another Woman to Start on
Tour of West in Attempt to Find Lad,
Separated From Her Four Years Ago.
Pioneer Is
Dead Here
We're Almost Persuaded to Walk Out, Too
Tort Angeles, Wash., March 25.
The coast guard cutters Snohomish
and Areata today joined in the search
for the bandits who yesterday entered
the Scquim State bank at Scquim,
and escaped with $22,000 in cash and
bonds. The Snohomish was dis
patched to Discovery bay and the
Areata to Port Townsend, on the
theory that the men are on Quimper
peninsula, near Port Townsend.
Rex Mclnnes, special deputy
sheriff, who early today was wounded
in a pistol fight with three men be
lieved to have been the Sequim ban
dits, when he attempted to stop them
at a railroad trestle near Maynard,
w as said to be only slightly hurt. In
their hurried escape from Mclnnes
the men dropped some of their loot,
including several of the stolen bonds.
Former "Glucose King"
Dies at Home in Chicago
Chicago, March 25. Charles Pope,
once known as "the glucose king,"
and for years a multimillionaire, died
at his home after a twov weeks'
Mr. Pope attracted considerable
attention in 1914 when he sold his
beet sugar refining plants at Geneva
and Venice, III., to the Corn Products
Refining company at Argo, 111., for
S3.000.000. Floriculture was his
Mrs. Whitelaw Reid Party
Passes Through City Today
A special coach, carrying Mrs.
Whitelaw Reid, wife of the former
United States ambassador to Eng,
land, and her party, will pass through
Omaha from the west at 4:50 p. m.
Sunday. Mrs. Reid wintered in California.
I The AuwUM I'm.
New York, March 25, A mother,
cultured and refined, with a!l the
mourcri of linmeiue wealth, today
vainly combed the drk, ill-smelling
ltowery for her lot ion, heir to
At the same time another mother,
worn by ill health and hard work,
put together her few threadbare
clothes and with firm confidence,
prepared to journey into the west
to find her missing bov.
The firnt mother, Mrs. Graham
Dufiicld of Chicago, has almost lost
her faith. For eight days he lias
hunted. Today she visited the haunts
of the wrecks who have failed in
te battle of life and dropped out of
ight into the cauldron known as the
IJowery. But she failed.
The second mother; Mrs. Mary
Whittaker of Henry street, is su
preme in her confidence. Her boy Is
somewhere in the west and tomorrow
or Tuesday, in accordance with her
announcement earlier in the week,
she will leave New York in a cheap
little motor car which she bought
with her savings, carrying everything
she owns, and ready to back her
faith against the hardships of the
Mother Near Breakdown.
Mrs. Duffield, whose son, Gordon,
17, rebelled against school life in
riainfield, .V. j.. and fled to the
flowery, let her prttn be known
on her arrival. The boy reiponded
with telephone calls. Hut always, af
ter telling her he would come to sc
her, failed. Tonight hii mother ap
peared on the vere of a breakdow n
and feared approaching illne would
force her to return home tomorrow.
She picked tip her search today at
the point left off list night, when a
telephone call from her ton was trac
ed to a drug store on l'irt avenue.
Frail, still youthful in appearance,
depite the worry she has experienc
ed, she entered squalid rooming
houses, rubbing shoulders with un
kempt dangerous men. She never
Searches Bowery.
She mingled with the broken dere
lict of Howery life, asking if any one
had seen a boy dressed in a faded
blue suit.
At one restaurant she was told that
a boy answering the description of
Gordon had washed dimes there
up to yesterday. At a squalid 25
cent a bed rooming house, not more
than two blocks distant, she was in
formed that a youth who might have
been Gordon had slept there up to
last night.
At another restaurant a sleeping
hahitue roused himself enough to
tel1 the mother that "a kid like that
guy was down to the Cooper Union."
(Turn to Page Two. Col urn a Ono.
Army Physicians
Hope to Prolong
Lives of Officers
Orders Issued to Treat Any
''Focal Infections" Found
During Spring Examina
tions of Personnel.
Washington, March 25. Army
doctors are hopeful that a "very ap
preciable prolongation of life" among
regular army officers will result from
steps being taken as a result of the
annual physical execution of the al
lied commissioner personnel. Under
special instructions issued by Sur
geon General Ireland when the Jan
uary physical examinations began,
efforts . are being made to treat
"definitely any focal infections (ac
cessed teeth, diseased tonsils, defect
ed sincess) or conditions which may
be responsible for chronic degenera
tive changes."
The removal of such underlying
causes," Gen. Ireland said, in a mem
orandum to Maj. Gen. Harbord,
deputy chief of staff, "may result in
return to a normal condition and very
appreciable prolongation of life. '
The memorandum pointed out that
the annual examiners were under
taken 14 years ago, primarily with a
view to eliminating those officers.
found incapaciated, but that of re
cent years the value of the work to
ward "health preservation" had been
stressed. As a part of this develop
ment, "a very thorough investigation
of the medical records of all com
missioned officers of the army" is in
contemplation. Gen. Ireland said,
'with the object of determining cor
rective abnormal conditions which
might have a bearing on life expect
ancy." Determination of "the in
fluence of the world war on
physique" and also the effect of trop
ical service in the army on health
would be a part of this study, he
Eight Drowned When
Motorboat Upsets
Scjuth Bend, Ind.,' March 25!
Eight persons, including two scout
masters and six members of ,a South
Bend Boy Scout troop, were reported
drowned at Magician lake near Do-
wagiac, Mich., this afternoon, when
the motorboat in which they were
riding capsized.
Included in the eight were Joseph
Taylor, head of the local Boy Scout
troops, and his son, Joseph, jr. t
3 Wounded in Gun Fight ,
as Philly Thieves Surprised
Philadelphia, March 25. An em
ploye of a postoffice garage, a night
watchman and an alleged robber
were wounded seriously early today
in three pistol fights with three rob
bers in West Philadelphia.
The shootincs occurred after the
robbers were surprised trying to
force an entrance to the rectory of
St. Francis De Sales Catholic church
by George Sloan, private watchman.
A hail of bullets was let loose on the
watchman, who fell wounded.
The robbers took refuge near the
postoffice garage, where four garage
employes engaged them.
Are you
reading Bee
They are
' 17th and Farnam'
ATIantic 1000
Rival Irish Heads
to Meet in London
to Discuss Riots
Griffith, Dugan and Collins
Expected to Confer in Lon
don With Craig and
British Officials.
Dublin, March 25. Arthur Grif
fith, president of the Dail Eireann,
and Eamon J. Dugan, minister of
home affairs in the dail cabinet, are
planning to go to London Monday
in response to the British govern
ment's invitation to a conference on
the unsettled situation in Ireland.
London.' March 25. (By A. P.)
Michael Collins, head of the pro
visional Irish free state government,
was reported as preparing to leave
Dublin for Loudon today in response
to the imperial government's invita
tion to a discussion of the situation
growing out of the recent grave
events in Ireland.
Nothing had been heard from Sir
James Craig, Ulster premier who
was also requested to come, except
the statement over night that he had
not yet received the government s
message. It was assumed however,
that he would be on hand for '.he
conference which it is hoped will
bring forth some means of restoring
Should the Ulster government ac
cept the invitation to the conference,
it- is expected the conference will
meet here on Tuesday.
Express Horror.
The invitation asked the heads of
the two Irish governments to' bring
with them such colleagues as they
might deem necessary, parties to
the discussions.
The morning newspapers comment
at length on the situation, especially
expressing horror at the murder in
Belfast of five members of the family
of Owen MacMahon. They term
the tragedy the worst massacre in
Ireland since Dublin gunmen slaugh
tered' 14 British officers there in No
vember, 1920.
Latest reports from Belfast say
the crime has profoundly shocked
the conscience of every decent ele
ment of the city, and it is feared
more murders will occur as reprisal.
Meanwhile nothing has been learned,
so far as known here, which will
identify the murderers.
Blame Northern Government.
Some of the newspapers which in
no wise condone the outrages com
mitted by southern extremists and
contend that the n6rth has given
much provocation, roundly denounce
the continuance of violence in Bel
fast. They are disposed to hold the
northern government responsible to
a great extent for having, as they
say, failed to exercise sufficient
repressive measures.
Belfast, March 25. (By A. P.)
Premier Sir James Craig today re
ceived a telegram from Winston
Spencer Churchill, imperial secre
tary for the colonies, inviting him
to a conference in London on the
Irish situation. The premier replied
that the message' would receive the
earnest consideration of the north
ern government and that a further
reply would be sent shortly.
The Ulster cabinet has been sum
moned to meet Monday for other
business, and it is understood Sec
retary Churchill's invitation will be
considered at that time.
Gunmen were again busy today.
Three men ambushed John Beres
ford, a Protestant and an employe
of a morning newspaper. He was
wounded twice.
Lahor Officials Approve
Ford Five-Day Week Plan
Washington, March 25. Action of
the Ford Motor company inaugu
ration in its plant of a five-day week
was, generally approved today by
American Federation of Labor offi
cials. "Mr. Ford will find the intro
duction of his new plan the five-day
week," said Samuel Gompers, presi
dent of the federation, "as beneficial
per man and in the aggregate as he
found the introduction of the eight-
hour day, both as to quality of out-
Dul and as to quantity.
John Cmghton. ' aha Phil
unlhro1 ,.. 'usinesi
Had Been 111 Long Time
John I) Creighton, 76, pioneer
Omaha huities man and philan
thropist, resident of this city for more
than half a century, is dead at hit
home, 404 North Twentieth street,
following an illness of several
Mr. Creighton became ill from
bver-exertioit while working on his
ranch in the western part of the
state late last fall and had been con
fined to hi home since that time. At
times he was expected to recover,
but for the last few weeks he grad
ually had grown weaker.
Came Here in 60s.
John D. Crcighton was one of N'e
braska'i best
known citizens,
lie was born near
Springfield, O., in
1845 and came to
Nebraska in the
00s, when the
state was still a
t e rritory. M r .
Creighton en
gaged in the cat-
I f"T? I bus'""5 with ms
I I I u n c le, Edward,
11 1 I 1 with the lat-
ter's brother, the
John D. Creighton late Count John
A. C r e i g h ton,
founded Crcighton university.
He was married at Springfield, O.,
to Miss LHen Hennessey, whom nc
brought to Omaha as a bride in
1872. Mrs. Crcighton died in 1914.
While known principally as a busi
ness man in his capacity of director
of the First National bank of Oma
ha, Mr. Creighton's love for horses
attracted widespread attention. Foi
a time he and his son, Charles,
owned and managed one of the most
famous race horse breeding farms at
Lexington, Ky. The farm was sold
a few years ago, but Mr. Creighton
kept up his interest in horses.
Executor of Count's WilL
John D. Creighton was one of the
executors of the late Count Creigh
ton's will, handling about $4,500,000.
The latter died in Omaha, his home,
February 7, 1907, after having gained
fame as a philanthropist. One of hts
most notable gifts was '$1,250,000
provided for in his will for Creighton
university. Count Crcighton made
many other donations and was the
builder of Creighton college of med
icine. John D. Creighton is survived by
his son, Charles H., ' proprietor of
Creighton garage, Seventeenth and
Davenport streets, and three daugh
ters, Mrs. Charles C. Allison, widow
of Dr. Charles Allison; Mrs. John M.
Daugherty and Mrs. F. A. Nash.
There are also several grandchildren
and great-grandchildren.
Language Case Goes
to U. S. Supreme Court
Lincoln, March 25. (Specials
Robert Meyer, head of a parochial
school in Hamilton county, will find
out from the United States supreme
court whether or not he can be pre
vented legally from teaching Ger
man in his school.
His attorneys were allowed a writ
of error today by the state supreme
court, permitting appeal of the case
to the supreme tribunal of the nation.
Meyer was fined $25 by the district
court of Hamilton county for teach
ing German, contrary to the original
anti-foreign act of the state. He did
this by extending the "recess pe
riod" and teaching the forbidden
language during that time.
The supreme court upheld the fine.
Foreign language communities in
23 states, having similar cases pend
ing in the state courts, will concen
trate on the Meyer case as a test in
the United States supreme court.
Reporter Testifies
in Trial of Arbuckle
San Francisco, March 25. Roscoe
C. (Fatty) Arbuckle refused to dis
rncc tVio mm rf thp death of Miss
Virgina Rappe, motion picture ac
tress, warden wooiara, a reporter
for the Los Angeles Times, testified
in the third trial of a manslaughter
charge against Arbuckle growing out
of the actress death. Woolard said
he interviewed Arbuckle in Los An
geles when word was received from
San Francisco that Miss Rappe 'Trad
succumbed, supposedly as the result
of injuries received at a - party in
which Arbuckle was host.
In argument over the admissibil
ity of Woolard's testimony, the de
fense notified the court that it would
place Arbuckle on the stand. He did
not testify in his second trial.
Confederate Veterans to
Honor Memory of Grant
Washington, March 25. Dr. W.
C. Galloway, Wilmington, N. C,
commander of the Army of North
ern Virginia, Sons of Confederate
Veterans, has notified Adjutant
Frank F. Conway that he will take
part in the dedication of the Grant
memorial here April 27.
"It seems to me," wrote Dr. Gal
loway, "the time will be auspicious
for the Sons to exhibit to the world
that all animosities of the war are
healed and forever buried; that we
know how to honor a great soldier,
whether from the north or south, and
that we particularly desire to express
by our presence that we respect and
hallow the memory of one who was
generous and gracious to a worthy
foe." . .
of Air Boat
Died in Sea
j Pilot Pirlrd I'p hy Steamer
After Cling' 'S t M'rrtlage
Many llour in Heavy
Market Reports
Are Broadcasted
Daily by State
Three Hundred Stations in
Nehraska Furnished News
Four Times Each
. Week Day.
Lincoln, March 25. (Special.)
Market reports- sent out daily from
the university and agricultural col
lege radio stations are received by
300 wireless stations in Nebraska,
Leo Stuhr, secretary of agriculture,
declared today.
Information received over a leased
telegraph wire at the state house is
broadcasted four times a day, first
by spark and then by radiophone.
The reports are sent in English and
any amateur operator within range
of 150 to 200 miles of Lincoln should
be able to hear the messages distinctly.
Heard in Montana.
Stuhr asserted that under favorable
atmospheric conditions they have
been heard at distances of from 600
to 700 miles. An operator in Mon
tana reported yesterday that he heard
both the spark and the voice message
distinctly at his station.
Each weekday the bureau of mar
kets at the state house phones the
early livestock reports to the depart
ment of electrical engineering, Uni
versity of Nebraska, and from 10:10
to 10:20 they are sent out on a wave
length of 375 meters.
. Closing Prices Sent.
So farmers may get marks quota
tions on livestock in time to ship their
stock the same day, Stuhr recently
has installed a 12:20 to 12:30 service
which sends broadcast the closing
livestock and products markets,
through another station, using a wave
length of 200 meters.
In the afternoon lrom 4 to 4:ia
the bureau phones the closing grain
and livestock markets to the 'physics
department of the Nebraska Wesley
an university and from there they are
broadcasted. In additon to this
service the Anderson Radio station
at Wahoo disseminates the closing
markets at 8:15 in the evening.
The Big Features of
Omaha Teachers Go to School
After School Page .
"For the Live Boya of Omaha"
Page .
Dot GuanU Errant Baby Pane 7.
Hunkers to Debate With South Da
kota and Iowa Page 10.
Society and News for Women
Pages 1 to 6.
Shopping With Polly ' Page 6.
"MUlieent," Blue Ribbon Short Story
by Iuls Weltenkorn Page 7.
"The Wanted Man," Serial by Harris
Dickson ' Page 8.
"Building the Irish Free 8tate." by
Frederick Palmer Page 9.
Editorial Comment , Page 10.
Amusements Pages, 11, It and 1.1.
Music News Page 13.
"From Monaco to Athens,, by Hen
rietta M. Rees . Page 13.
"Happyland," an Hone of Treasure
for the Children Page 14.
Sports News and Features
Pages 1, t and S.
Of Especial Interest to Motorists
Page 4.
Real Estate and Homo Builders' '
News Page 6.
"The Harried Life of Helen and
Wrren" rage 6.
Want Ads Page 7, A and .
Markets and Financial Psge 10.
Ghost" Has Machine
Shoots Stones High in
Air, Letter Explains
to Make Rock Showers
Chico, Cal., March 25. Confes
sion of responsibility for the rock
showers which for nearly five
weeks have mystified residents, is
contained in ."a letter signed
"Ghost," received by the authori
ties, said by them to merit some
The letter stated that "Ghost",
planned to remain in Chico sev
eral days, but had decided to quit
operations when announcement
was made that airplanes were com
ing to seek the rock thrower.
"I have a little invention where
by I can shoot near the mark at
600 yards," the letter stated. "I
elevate the rocks most of the time
to about 200 yards. That is the
reason they appear to come
straight down.
"Tell the colored lady that she
is mistaken," it continued, refer
ring to a negro woman's alleged
spiritualistic explanation of rock
showers. "She did not know any
more about that than you did, and
that was nothing. Also that fel
low Jones (a psychic investigator)
from Frisco. I was standing by
him when he was introduced to
city officials.
"I may drop a few rocks today
as a farewell token."
Hitchcock Attacks
Validity of Pact
Washington, March 25 Validity
of the senate's ratification of . the
four-power Pacific treaty was chal
lenged in the senate today by Sena
tor Hitchcock of Nebraska, ranking
democratic member of the senate
foreign relations committee, but was
defended as vigorously by . Senator
Lodge of Massachusetts, republican
leader, and Senator Lenroot, repub
lican, Wisconsin. '
By failing to act yesterday on the
"declaration" relating to . domestic
questions of the delegates who
signed the four-power pact, Senator
Hitchcock said the senate had not
complied with legal technicalities for
ratification of the entire treaty. . He
contended and 'Mr. Lodge' denied
that the declaration was a part. of
the four-power measure. Senator
Lodge, however, said he would offer
a resolution later to have the senate
ratify the declaration.
Lenine May Be Unahle
to Attend Genoa Meeting
Berlin; March 25. (By., A. P.)
Christian Rakovsky, president of the
Ukraine republic, who will be a
member of the Russian soviet dele
gation at the Genoa conference, has
arrived in Berlin to complete ar
rangements For the soviet delega
tion. He said it was impossible to
know at present whether . Premier
Lenine can go to Genoa.
"That-depends on- the advice of his
doctors," he added. "Lenine wants to
go but it may be because of his illr
health that he will be forced to re
main in Russia."
He declared. the date of the bol
shevist delegation's departure for
Genoa would depend largely on the
conference at Riga, between the
soviet delegates and representatives
of the Baltic states and Poland in an
effort to agree on a common attitude.
As yet, he said, the Baltic states had
not agreed to this conference.'-
Sunday School Convention
Geneva, Neb., March' 25. (Spe
cial.) The Fillmore county Sunday
school convention will, be held - in
the Methodist church ' at Geneva,
April 1 and 2.
Wife Breaks Down
Over Suicide Here
of Green Bay Man
Suffers Nervous Collapse
When Told Husband, Prom
inent Merchant, Had
Shot Self to Death.
Green .Bay, Wis., March 25.
(Special Telegram.) Mrs. Harry M.
Chase suffered a nervous breakdown
here today when the news was re
ceived of the death of her husband,
who was found dead of a self inflict
ed bullet wound in a hotel in Oma
ha. '
Mr. Chase, 36, a prominent mer
chant of Green Bay, left home about
a week ago, ostensibly on a buying
trip. He was not heard from again
until the news came of the finding
of the body in Omaha.
Showed Mental Trouble.
v According to intimate friends.
Chase had exhibited indications of
mental trouble periodically. This
was not the first time he had left
home without notice. He had been
troubled with a bone growth in the
head and had undergone two opera
tions in the last year, it is said.
Treatment failed to cure him and he
suffered intense headaches.
Had Served in War.
Chase served as an expert electri
cian in the navy in the war, crossing
to France several times. When he
entered the service he left without
notice and his wife did not know he
was in the service until a month lat
er, friends of the family say. Be
sides the widow there are two
daughters, 8 and 10 years old."
Chase's father is expected to leave
Menominee, Wis., tonight for Omaha.
Townley to Quit as
Nonpartisan Head
i, '"
Fargo, N. D.; March 2S.-(By A.
P.) A. C. Townley today announced
that he would present his resignation
as president of the National Non
partisan league to the state meeting
of the Minnesota organization in
llinneapolis, March 31.
Fargo, N. D., March 25. Lynn J.
Frazier, former governor of North
Dakota, was endorsed as a candidate
for United States senator, over' A. J.
Gronna, former United States sena
tor, by the state converftion of the
Nonpartisan league here today.
' ' The convention in accordance with
its rules elected a new state execu
tive committee as follows:
Walter Welford, Pembina; W. J.
Church, Benson; Stephen Terhorst,
Ward county; A.- A. Nattingly, Wil
liston, representing labor, and Mrs.
Fisher, vice president of the State
League of Women's Clubs.
Gage County Women Favor
Wage Cuts for Teachers
Beatrice, Neb., March 25. (Spe
cial Telegram.) Meeting to protest
against school taxes, mothers of Gage
county school boards, voted in favor
of a motion suggesting a cut of 20
per cent in the salaries of school
The Weather
- Forecast.
Sunday fair and somewhat colder.
Hourly Temperatures.
5 . rn At 1 p. m 4t
6 a. m 40 t p. m 44
t ft. m 3H t p. Dl 4A
X m. m 37 4 p. m 4H
9 . m 31 6 p. m 411
10 a. m s p. m 44
11 a. m. ..S 7 a. m 41
12 noon ...........41 III, a. 41
I Two of Victims Women
Miami. F!j., March 25.-Two ot
I the women passengers of the living
I boat, MU Miami, which left here
Wednesday lor tue imani 01 uimini
tnd was forced down in the open tea
by a broken propeller, dird of ex
posure and two other passenger
crared by exposure jumped over
board into the sea. according to the
s'ory told by Robert Moore, pilot of
the crait, to members of the crew ot
the steamer William Green which
rescued hint last night from the.
wrecked hulk of the boat.
The fifth passenger, a man whose
name as well as those of the others
Moore could not give, slipped quiet
ly into the sea early vrsterday alter
I aving become exhausted from cling
ing to the craft. Passengers aboard
the Miss Miami when it left here
were Mr. and Mrs. August Iiulte. and
Mr and Mrs. Lawrence li. Smith, all
of Kansas City, and Mrs. J. II. Dick
ron of Memphis.
The subchaser, 154, arrived in port
shortly after 10 o'clock today after
having transferred the delirious pilot
from the steamer William Green
which picked him up. He was rushed
to a hospital.
Jump Overboard.
According to his disconnected
story told during intervals when he
was rational, two women died in his
arms from exhaustion, two of the
passengers became panic stricken
and jumped overboard to th;ir
deaths, and the remaining male pas
sengcr finally slipped quietly into
the watery grave Friday morning as
a result of sheer exhaustion.
The incoherent story of the acci
dent as told to the members of the
crew by the pilot before he lapsed
into a semi-conscious condition, is
to the effect that shortly after the
Miss Miami left this port last
Wednesday morning a broken pro
peller forced her down and she rode
the waves in safety, drifting north
ward in the gulf stream.
Hull Begins to Leak.
Nothing happened until Thursday
morning when the hull of the flier
began to leak. Men and women pas
sengers took turns at the pumps until
all became exhausted and one of the
women on Thursday night jumped
overboard. A man whom he thought
was her husband, leaped after her
and both disappeared, never to be
seen again. The fate of the man and
woman depressed the other two
women and they fainted away but
were supported by Pilot Moore for
seven and a- half hours, when they
died in the arms of the pilot and he
gently dropped their bodies into the
water which had now claimed four
This left only Pilot Moore 'and
August Bulte, vice president of the
Larabee Flour Mills corporation of
Kansas City, who took turns man
(Turn to Page Two, Colnmn Fixe.)
Klan Sends Warning
to Alliance Bank
Alliance, Neb., March 25. (Spe
cial.) "Cut out your graft K. K.
These were the words of a warn
ing notice found pasted on the front
e'eor of the First State bank here.
The notice was found by a man
whose name is withheld by , tlie ,
authorities and who removed the
notice under instructions of a bank
official to whom he had telephoned
regarding the finding of the notice. '
The words were neatlyeprinted with
black pencil on a sheet of white
writing paper, and pasted on the door
with mucilage. Bank officials are
inclined to regard the incident as the
work of youngsters who wanted to
stir up some excitement, or possibly
of some one who wished to injure
the bank.
A Ku Klux Klan was organized in
Alliance several months ago and Is
said to have a membership of more
than 100. This is the first incident
of the Klan's activities here to date.
Bank officials said they would pay
no attention to the incident.
Fiance of Miss McCorniick 5
Planning to Visit U. S.
Zurich, Switzerland, March 25.
(By A. P.) Max Oser, the Swiss
riding master and fiance of Matilde
McCormick, daughter of Harold F.
McCormick, Chicago, has sold his,
stable to a brother officer in the'
Swiss army and is preparing to leave
Zurich within a few days, ostensibly
to visit relatives in western Switzer
land. Oser personally refused to give
further information concerning his
purposed movements, but neighbors
asserted that -he would sail for the
United States early in April to spend
Easter with his bride-to-be, and be
presented to the McCormick and
Rockefeller families.
The neighbors of Oser also said
he would take with him to the United
States a member of the Mangold
family, one daughter of which is now
Miss McCormick's companion.
Madison Banker Has Narrow
Escape in Auto Wreck
Madison, Neb., March 25. (Spe
cial.) W. E. Taylor, cashier of State
Bank of Madison, accompanied by
his wife, Mrs. Willard Jones and
Mrs. Edna Prince had a narrow es
cape when his automobile was struck
by a freight train at Norfolk. The
engine struck the car near the front
wheels, turned it over on the side,
pushed it 25 feet and stopped within
a few feet of the' tattle guard. No
one was hurt.