Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 22, 1922, Image 1

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The Omaha Daily Bee
VOL. 51-NO. 233.
f. (im A4 at n t tin.
Cllt till (r of i',rcs('ent k Urged to Proclaim
Mall II t.on Bill) .4 . II; lilu, IM allfti Ht 4l .
O.lfM IM 41 MM il IHOI Pall, ft ..U, Ml), I,
Tax Waste
Is Problem
(Juotiuit Sol Height of Leici
lut IIW People Are to
tft Mot for Their
Could Save on Purchases
"Little else i required to carrv
a state to the highest degree of af
fluence from the lowct harbarim.
Imt peace, easy t:txc anil a toler
able administration of justice; all
the ret being brought about by the
iinttiral course of tilings." So wrote
Adam Smith, tunny years ago.
r.ay taxes 11 a turning ingredi
ent in Nebraska. While it can not
be taid that the Mate is clipping back
. into barbarism, it is well to remem
ber the conclusion of the Queen of
Hearts in "Alice in Wonderland,"
that it takes a lot of running to
Maud still to keen from backsliding.
A point, however, that is frequently
overlooked is that those taxes which
make living easier 6r increase the
productive power of the people arc
a benefit rather than a burden.
The question then is not entirely
the height of taxation, but what
the people get for their money, an J
how waste can be reduced so that
they will get more. '
Budget System Will Help.
With public feeling on taxation
what it is, the legislature that will
meet next January undoubtedly will
scan state expenditures closely. The
budget system will result in better
information, although this budget
will be drawn up by the retiring
governor and that the incoming exec
utive will have only 15 days to go
over it seems unwise. It is tinder
stood now that 19 cents out of each
dollar collected in taxes for 1921
went to the state, and the rest to
local divisions of government. This
19 cents was apportioned as follows:
F.ducation. 5 cents; penal, charitable
and reformatory institutions, 3 cents;
roads, bridges and paving, 3 cents;
general state government, 4 cents;
state capitol building fund, 2 cents,
fund soldier relief, 2 cents.
One possible source of economy
might be sought in the purchase of
supplies. At present each normal
school buys separately, the univer
sity also, and the hoard of control.
All other state purchases are group
ed under a state purchasing agent
in the finance department. The least
that is needed is a central clearing
house through which all orders
would go. some to be grouped for
the benefit of wholesale prices. - A
standardization of supplies and the
. establishment of a central ware
house would seem to offer further
Movement Started Nationally.
Secretary of Commerce Hoover
has started a movement of this sort
nationally. By developing a set of
standards, goods could be made and
bought at lower cost. The board
of control with 17 state institutions
under its care, has a tremendous
(Turn to Pacw Taw. Column One.)
Arl)or Day Golden Anniversary
Congressman Jefferis Suggests a Nation-Wide
Observance, With Fitting Ceremonies on April
22, of Festival Originating in Nebraska.
Wellington. March Jt. (Special
Telegram,) The 5tli annivcriory
of Arbor dy, which Ncbrk v ill
observe with fining ceremonie
April 22. ttiygotcd to Congressman
Jrffcrt that the preident ought to
make the golden anniversary a nation-
ide event by issuing pro.
cUmmiou calling attention to the
plendid achievement tn the way of
reforestation that have followed Ne
braska' lead and iugneting that a
tree be planted where il will do
the moot good.
Appreciating v. hat Arbor day lias
done for Nebraska and being a lover
of the great outdoors, Congressman
Jeiferi today ent a letter to Prei
dent Harding recalling the early his
tory of Arbor day, which t now
more or less observed in all the
states, and claiming that a day given
over to tree planting was distinctly
a Nebraska product.
Origin of Arbor Day Recalled.
In reciting the genesis of Arbor
t'ay. Representative Jefferis, in his
litter says: ,
"At an annual meeting of the Ne
braska -state board of agriculture
held in Lincoln, January 4, 1872.
the Honorable J. Sterling Morton of
Nebraska City introduced a resolu
tion, which was unanimously
adopted, setting April 10, 1872. as a'
day set apart and consecrated to
tree planting and the name Arbor
dav was adopted.
''Tho agriculture board, appreciat
ing the need for forestation in Ne
braska, at that time offered a special
premium of $100 to the agricultural
society of the county in Nebraska,
which, to quote from the resolution,
shall, upon that day, plant properly I
lie Urgent number of tree, km! a
farm library i( $25 worth of books
to that person who, on that dav, shall
plant properly in Ncbra.ka the
greatest number of tree.
"Hubert W. Furnas, then governor
of Nebraska. In hi interesting book,
entitled 'Arbor Day." state: 'The
newspapers of the state were geuer
tui, and kept Arbor day well before
the people. The reu!t was that over
a million trees were planted in Ne
braka on the firt Arbor day. April
10, IH7J. The Nebraska legislature
in 1885 designated April 22 as Arbor
day and it has since been observed
in our state on that day.
Urges Proclamation.
"In iew of the pressing need for
reforestation - throughout the entire
nation it has seemed to me most
fitting that the golden annivtrsarv
of the firt Arbor day be proclaimed
by the president of the United
States. Such a proclamation would
merit cordial response from trie
various governor of the states, an it
the result would be mot hrnrficaf.
"Arbor dav is now celebrated In
all states, as well as in Hawaii
snd I'orto Rico, Although the exact
date is not uniform it generally falls
late in April or early in May in the
northern states, while in the south
ern states the day is observed as
early as December. In some of the
states it is a legal holiday, while in
most it is a school holiday, observed
by the children with appropriate ex
ercises. "A. proclamation on this golden
anniversary would, as I have before
stated, have a stimulating effect on
reforestation throughout the nation
and I shall certainly appreciate your
consideration to this end."
Gustafson l If We Have to Have a Strike-Breaker
Pleads fe
ill" .
iraii jdii ,
Revolt Starts in
House Over Annv
and Navy Budget
Military 'Affairs Committee
Charges Concentration of
Power in Appropria
tions Body.
House Will Vote
on Soldier Bonus
Bill Thursday
Nonpartisan League
Secretary Resigns
Lincoln, Mrrch 21. (Special.)
Richard Miller,' secretary of the Non
partisan league, has resigned, accord
ing to announcement by C. A. Sor
enson, attorney for. the league. .
Actor Refuses to Pose
as Lincoln for Movies
Soringfield, 111., March 21. Frank
McGlynn, actor, who plays the part
of Abraham Lincoln in John Drink
water's play of the same name, to
day rci'used to be filmed on the
sireets of Springfield and in the old
Lincoln homestead dressed as the
martyred president.
McGlynn. notified the Chamber of
Commerce that his respect for Lin
coln was too great to carry the im
personation into the streets and the
courthouse or Lincoln's old home.
The actcr appears here in Drink
water's play tonight and movie men
were waiting to film him in Lin
coln's old haunts.
Council of Nations Will
Meet in Paris on Friday
Geneva, March 21. The council
of nations has been called to meet
for a brief session in Paris on Fri
day of this, week, it was announced
today. The meeting has been called
at the request of Great Britain and
France, who have presented for dis
cussion four questions: The league's
relations with the Genoa conference;
the, possible participation of the
league's technical staffs in prepara
tion for the Genoa meeting; the
problem of Russian refugees and
the nomination of additional mem
bers of the league's commission for
the reduction of armaments.
Judge Denies Prosecution
Arbuckle Juror Challenge
San Francisco. March 21. Judge
Harold Louderback denied today the
prosecution's motion to be allowed
to chalienajt peremptorily Juror Ed
ward V. Brown in the third man
slaughter trial of Roscoe C. (Fatty)
Arbuckle. The jury was sworn in
last week. The motion was made
yesterday prior to the selection of a
second alternate juror on the ground
that Brown was hostile to the dis
trict attorney. .
3 Children Die in Fire
Eldorado, Ark, March 21. Three
children were burned to death in
their home here last night when a
fire started from a broken gas pipe.
They are Edith, Byssie and Tressie
Bagget Their mother and two
brogthers were badly burned. No
other children escaped. The family
had been quarantined on account of
measles. ;
. . Omaha Be Lotted Wfiw.
Washington. March 21. Open re
volt broke an the house today, ove
the growing concentration of power
in the hands ot the small army ana
little navy," appropriations commit
tee as manifested by its apparent de
termination to reduce the nation to
its prewar condition of unprepared
ness. .... ' '
Although the insurgents, under the
leadership of Representative Kahn of
California, chairman of the military
affairs committee, met defeat in the
opening skirmish, the prediction was
generally made that much more se
rious rebellion " could be expected in
the near future.
Budget System Changes.
Under, the provisions of the-budget
system the jurisdiction over all
appropriations including those for
the army and navy was lodged in
the appropriations committee. There
was considerable grumbling over
this radical deoarture from the time
honored practice of the house, par
ticularly by members of the military
and naval committees, but the rec
ognized necessity for rigid economy
induced those who were dissatisfied
to acquiesce in the new procedure.
When, however, the appropriation
committee, disregarding the urgent
recommendations of the president
and the War department, reported
the army bill, arbitrarily cutting the
size of the army to 115,000 enlisted
men, the dissatisfaction was revived.
Representative Kahn and others took
the position that the appropriations
committee was usurping legislative
functions which the house has never
intended it should have.
Charge Power Usurped.
They pointed out that the appro
priations committee was attempting
to write into the general supply bills
all sort? of legislative measures deal
ing with questions of general policy
which should come under the juris
diction of other committees of the
Mr. Kahn undertoow to test the
general legislating powers of the ap
propriations committee . under the
rules today. He was defeated, but
he sowed the seeds of insurrection
which may in time reach the pro
portions of the "parlous days" of
1909-10, when the concentration of
vast powers . in . the hands of the
speaker led to the spectacular revolt
against "Cannonism. ' .
Crude Oil Advances
Dallas. Tex.. March 21. An ad
vance of 25 cents in Mexia crude
oil was announced by the Magnolia
Petroleum company, effective March
21. The former price was $1.25 a
of people
The Bee
J 7th and Faraam
ATlantic 1000
Leaders Confident of Passing
Measure Under Suspension
of the Rules Debate Is
Omaha B Leaiml Wire.
Washington, March 21. A definite
program for the passage of the
soldiers' bonus bill on Thursday,
under a suspension of the rules, was
announced today by republican lead
ers of the house.
The rules committee will meet to
morrow to report out a special rule
making Thursday suspension day.
This will permit the bill to be called
up under a suspension of the rules
without opportunity for amendment.
A two-thirds vote .will be necessary
on the motion to suspend the rules
and pass the bill. Four hours of de
bate will be allowed and the entire
matter disposed of in a single day.
Gillett Satisfied.
Speaker Gillett indicated that he
was satisfied with this' program and
would grant recognition under a
motion to suspend the rules, follow
ing the adoption of the proposed spe
cial rule. The speaker remarked that
after reading the report submitted)
by democratic members of the vays
and means committee proposing the
restoration of the excess profits tare
and higher surtaxes, he believed it to
be just as well that no opportunity
should be given to amend the bill
on the floor.
' The special rule making Thursday
suspension day will require a ma-"
jority vote. No difficulty is anticipat
ed either in the ' adoption of the
special rule or in mustering a two
thirds vote on the motion to sus
pend the rules and pass the bjll.
Sentiment for the soldiers' bonus
bill is so overwhelming in the house
that comparatively few votes are ex
pected against the measure. Prob
ably a majority of the democrats
will vote for it.
Confident of Passage.
President Harding's attitude . on
the bonus bill docs not appear to
disturb the house leaders greatly.
Notwithstanding various reports that
the president might veto the bill if
passed in its present form, the house
leaders insist that he never has told
them so. They take the position that
the bill in its present form comes as
close to meeting the president's ob
jections as any bonus bill can. They
are flatly opposed to either of the
two alternatives emphasized by the
president, namely, financing the
measure through a sales tax or In
definitely postponing ail bonus legis
lation. The sentiment in the house is such
that in case the president should
veto the bill it probably would be
promptly passed over his veto.
Whether a two-thirds vote for the
passage of the bill over the presi
denfs veto could be obtained in the
senate is more doubtful.
Fordney Tariff Rates
on Sugar Are Approved
Washington. March 21. Sugar
raftes in the Fordney tariff bill on
the basis of $1.00 a hundred pounds
for Cuban raw. were approved to
day by the reoublican members of
the senate finance committee after"
a prolonged fight. The vote was
reported as five to four.
. The Fordney rates were accepted
s a compromise'. Senator Smoot of
Utah, the ranking majority member,
contended for. a rate of $2 a hun
dred on Cuban raw. the duty asked
for by American beet sugar Inter
ests. Helvey Epstma6ter Quits.
Helrer. NU, March 21. (Spe
cial.) Postmaster Frank Day has
resigned his position. Mayme Welch,
his deputy, has been designated act
ing postmaster until an examination
can be called to fill the vacancy,
Program of Organizing Com.
miitee of U. S. Grower,
Inc., Strewed at Open
Pooling Is Big Question
t liicaeo, March 21. The baie
principle of the committee of 17.
which outlined the plan under which
the I'tiited States Grain Growers,
Inc.. was formed, should be retained
in the future conduct of the organiza
tions, nlncer of the grain grower
ertrd today iit opening the firt
annual convention.
Moth President C. II. Gustafson
and Secretary Frank M. Myers
rced that the grain growerf
should follow the program prepared
!v the orpntiiiiing committee, while
Mr. Gustaison, in his welcoming ad
dress, told the delegates' that "what
oit do at this meeting will either
make or break the organization."
Would Avoid Dictation,
While declaring that the grain
grower bad ample work to do with
out "trying to become associated
with other co-operative organizations
which would try to dictate its poli
cies," the president a'sertcd that the
best form of co-operation would con
sist "of working 'separately on the
details and problems that concern us
differently and then working whole
heartedly together on those problems
that are of mutual concern."
The nearly 60 delegates attending
the convention have the authority to
cat a total of 4 1 .730 votes, repre
senting the membership on January
17 of this year. Since that time, Mr.
Guftafson said, the membership has
increased to more than 50,000.
The voting strength of the states
reprcrcnted follow: Colorado, 804;
Illinois. 10.251: Indiana, 4.405: Iowa.
3.449: Kansas. 949: Michigan. 1: Min
nesota, 1.225: Missouri, 4,041; Ne
braska. 8.146; Xorth Dakota, 5.520;
Ohio. 1: Oklahoma and Texas, 2,6 J9;
South Dakota, 339.
Sessions Largely Routine.
Today's sessions largely were
largely taken up with organization
work and with the routine reports
of committees, with most of the im
portant questions to come before the
gathering remaining to be threshed
out tomorrow.
Among question? on which lively
discussion wa3 anticipated was the
pooling issue, but there was no in
dication in what form this would
come before the ( convention. The
president's address, in which it was
urged that the organization follow
out its original program, was taken
as indicating opposition to any move
toward pooling or co-operation with
other marketing agencies based upon
the 100 per cent pool.
A bright picture of the future of
the co-operative marketing agency
was painted in the reports of offi
cers and directors witn rresmcnt
Gustafson announcing it was hoped
to announce soon that it was ready
to receive grain from members. With
more than 50.000 growers and farm
ers elevators signed, it was stated
that 500,000,000 bushels of grain w-ere
under contract for a five-year period:
Attempt Made to Kill
Chinese Envoy at Pans
Paris. March 21. An attempt was
made today to assassinate Mr. Chen
Lu. Chinese minister to France. Four
shots were fired at him by a Chinese
youth, none of which,--- how
ever, took effect. Mr. Tsan-Gow, a
Chinese engineer, who was accom
panying the minister, was wounded
in the head.
The ministers assailant who sur
rendered shortly after the shooting,
is a student who gave his name as
Lee-Ho-Ling. He was disgruntled
with the attitude of the minister to
ward the Chinese in Paris, which he
complained of as unkind.
The attack took place as Mr.
Chen-Lu was driving in his automo
v I ss ar - m
Youth Charged
With Murder of
Lady Alice White
Pale-Faced, Inoffensive Look
ing Pantry Boy Accused of
Slaying in London
Hotel. - -;- -
London, March 21.-
Henry Ja-
t the hotel
11,500 Gallons of "Gas" Lost
at Geneva as Pipe Breaks
Geneva, Neb., March 21. (Spe
cial.) Because of a broken pipe
connecting one tank with another at
the new filling station here, 11,500
gallons of gasoline leaked into the
ground. The loss was discovered by
Charles J. Warner, owner ot the sta
tion. The tanks had been placed
under ground, oneholding 17,000 gal
lons and two small ones, 5,000 gal
lons each. The large one auto
matically supplies the others. The
supposition is that the settling of the
large tank while the small ones re
mained stationary was responsible
for the snapping of the pipe.
Auction of Soviet Furs
Is Halted by Injunction
Lcipsic, March 21. The civil court
of Leipsic today halted the auction
of a large consignment of furs, pelts
and hides for the account of the Rus
sian soviet government on an in
junction obtained by the Russian
Trading company of Copenhagen
which claims to be owners of the
goods stored here for the account of
the Moscow government.
This was the second consignment
of furs shipped from Russia for the
soviet government's' credit, the pro
ceeds of which were supposed to ap
ply on purchases made by the soviet
government in Germany.
Former Vermont Senator
Marries American in Rome
Rome, March 21. The wedding
of Henry F. Hollis, former United
States senator from Vermont, to
Miss Ann White Hobbs of Con
cord, Mass., took place here today
Richard Washburn . Child, ths
American ambassador, and James
Phelan, former" senator from Cali
fornia, acted as witnesses. ,
cobi, IV. pantry hoy
where Lady Alice White was in
jured fatally last Monday night, was
arraigned in police court .today;
charged with murder.
He is alleged to have confessed to
striking Lady White with a hammer.
She was found unconscious, in her
room Tuesday morning and died the
next day. Her skull was fractured.
Lady White was the widow of Sir
Edward White, late chairman of the
London county council, and was be
tween 5U and OU years old. in a
lucid 'moment, after her injury, she
declared a burglar had entered her
room and struck her.
Inoffensive in Appearance.
Jacobi is a pale-faced youth; quiet
and inoffensive in appearance. He
had been employed in the hotel only
a few days prior to the murder. His
work consisted principally of wash
ing crockery and cleaning plale. In
his spare time, he said, he read a
number of cheap novels, mainly of
the detective type.
Since the death of his mother, 13
years ago, he had mainly been cared
for by his grandmother, a frail little
old lady who lives in the east part of
London. Hi$ father is employed as
a bar man.
No evidence was revealed in court
to indicate the reason for Jacobi's
act. The detective who arreted him
testified, and then the youth offered
to pick out from the number of the
hammers brought into court the one
with which Lady White was killed.
He picked up one, saying he recog
nized it by a dent which he ob
served while washing the blood
from it. He was remanded for one
McLaughlin Taking Poll
on Soldiers' Bonus Bill
Washington, March 21. (Special
Telegram.) Congressman M. O.
McLaughlin of the York (Neb.) dis
trict, while having a decided leaning
toward an adjusted . compensation
till for the ex-service men of the
world war, decided last week to get
an expression from his constituents
of the fourth district as to how they
stood on the much-discussed bonus
bill. At random he sent out 400
letters to business men, farmers, la
borers, professional men, public of
ficeholders, judges of the district
courts, lawyers, doctors and news
paper publishers, asking them
whether they were m favor pf a
cash bonus for able-bodied ex-scrv-ice
Church Woman Is Denied
Injunction From Ouster
Xew York, March 21. The peti
tion of Walter Fairchild, attorney
for Mrs. Augusta- E. Stetson, formerly-a
leading figure in the First
Church of Christ, scientist, for an in
junction restraining the trustees of
f 1 . . i A- 1
uiai uuuy iium ousting ncr ironi
membership, was denied by Su
preme Court Justice Joseph A. New
burger. N. Y. Debutante Wed in Paris
New York. March 21. The secret
marriage in Paris of Miss Margaret
A. Train, New York debutante who
went to France to study art, and
Reginald Embree of Boston, an
other art student, was announced in
a cablegram received here today.
Pact With Britain
Denied by Hughes
Hopes to See "No Further Re
flections on Veracity of
American Delegates."
Washington, March 21. Presenta
tion in the senate- today of a letter
from-- Secretary Hughes denying
flatly tint any secret agreement ex
ists for future British-American co
operation led today to another effort
by opponents of the four-power
treaty to send it back to committee.
The effort brought on a warm de
bate. The secretary's letter, characteriz
ing suggestions of such an agree
ment as "absolutely false," was laid
before the senate by Senator Lodge,
the republican leader and a member
of the anils delegation, who at the
same time put into the record a tele
gram from Paul D. Cravath, the
New York attorney, denying the ac
curacy of a statement on the same
subject attributed to him by Senator
Borah, republican, Idaho.
Reiterating a denial made in a for
mer communication that any secret
agreements existed with other pow
ers in connection with the arms con
ference, Mr. Hughes wrote m today s
letter that he hoped to see no "fur
ther reflections upon the veracity
and honor" of the American dele
gates. The charge of a secret agreement
was described as outrageous and un
thinkable. It was further declared
inconceivable that the American gov
ernment should invite Japan to a con
ference and, then be perfidious enough
to turn arOund and make a secret
agreement antagonistic to her.
Lloyd George to Ask
Vote of Confidence
London, March 21. (By A. P.)
Prime Minister Lloyd . George will
resume his" place in the house of
commons April 3 and will immedi
ately ask for-a vote on the govern
ment's policy regarding the Genoa
economic conference, Austen Cham
berlain, the government leader, an
nounced in the house this afternoon.
Mr. Chamberlain, added that the
government intended to put a mo
tion clearly, 'raising the question as
to whether' it possessed the confi
dence of - the house. "The whole
house will recognize," he said, "that
it would be impossible for us to ask
the premier, to go to Genoa if there
were any doubt about his authority."
Foreign Stockholders Are
Barred From Union Oil Co.
San Francisco, March 20. Stock
holders of the Union Oil company
of California by a vote of 285,000
shares out of the 500,000 comprising
the total capital stock, have ratified
a plan to form a holding company
by wihch the properties of the cor
poration will be held under-American
control, it was announced today by
Thomas A." Hayes, general manager'
of the company.
The holding company . will be
organized within the next 10 days,
he said, and all foreigners will be
barred as workng dnrectors.
Telechrometer System Will
Be Used on Everett Phones
Olympia, Wash.. March 21. The
department of public works gave
authority today to the Puget Sound
Telephone company to establish a
new schedule of telephone rates in
Everett, Wash., effective April 1. for
60 days to test the efficiency of the
telechrometer. an instrument where
by the patron is charged according
to the amount of times he uses his
Dr. Wiedfeldt
Named German
Envoy to U. S.
. - .
To Fill Post Vacant Since
1917 When Bernstorff Left
"Washington Is Leading
Berlin, March 21. (By A. P.)
Di Otto Ludwig Wiedfeldt has been
appointed German ambassador to this
United States.
Dr. Wiedfeldt will fill the post
which has been vacan since Febru
ary, 1917, when Count Johann Hein
rich von Bernstorff left Washington,
prior to the declaration of war be
tween the United States and Ger
many. Knotty Problem..
Since the resumption of normal re
lations betwen the two countries the
question of naming a new ambarsa
dor has been one of the knottiest
problems confronting the German
government. In addition to diplo
matic experience, it was necessary
that the incumbent be wealthy as
the exceedingly low value of the
German mark will' place him in a
financial disadvantage in the Amer
ican capital.
Berlin dispatches to The Asso
ciated Press for the last few days
have forecast the appointment of Dr.
Wiedfeldt, who is 50 years old and
one of the foremost German indus
trialists and economists. He is re
ported to have been released from
his position at the head of the di
rectorate of the great Krupp works
so that he might accept the post.
Experienced Diplomat.
Dr. Wiedfeldt is reputed to be one
of the wealthiest Germans of the
present day. He is an experienced
diplomat, having for years occupied
important position- in the German
home office. He also spent about
three years in the far east as con
sulting expert to the Japanese gov
ernment in connection with the or
ganization of its railway system.
Iowa Women Wish to Know
If They May Run for Senate
Des Moines la.. March 21. (By
A.. P.) Attorney Gen. Ben J. Gib
son is in receipt of a letter today
formally requesting Biim to supply
information concerning the status ot
women as candidates for the state
senate. Tlje letter was written by
Mrs. Florence P. Pierce.-state chair
man of the"Towa league of women
Mrs. Pierce, in her letter, states
that considerable interest has been
aroused as to women's chances to
become candidates for the upper
house of the Iowa legislature.
It was first learned last week that
the state constitution may permit
women to become candidates for- the
state senate. It specifically excludes
women from becoming members of
the house of representatives in that
it provides only for the seating of
"male" citizens.
The Weather
Wednesday i-air; rising tern
Hourly Temperatures.
C a. m
a. m
1 a. m
8 a. mi
a. m
1 a. m.
.. .s
l . -.,
p. m..
S a. at..
4 p. m..
5 p. m..
4 P. nt.,
7 p. m..
I p. at..
. .3
. .a
. .i
. .s
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Highest Tuesday.
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Rapid C'ilT
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Coal Strike
is Ordered
In All Mines
j iNifjieiiMiMi nf Work Order!
at Miiliiiplit, Man-It .11
j I'ird Time All .Mine Or
drml Mini Pom n.
:600,000 Mm Affected
ImlMiMiHt'ik. Intl., Mm i'Ii Jl.
' SuspriiHon ui work by all union
foal niinm at midnight March 2-1
j wi ordrrrtl today by otfirrr of the
I'nited Mine Workrrn of America,
the call hriiig the tiisf tvrr inetl
fur boili bituminous and wnthrcie
worker to walk out siuiult.inrmitily.
.Si hundred thousand nirn will h
afectrd by the order, it wa rt i
mated oit'icully. The siipois!s,
the order piuvitltd, will continue un
til Mopped by union officials.
The order, which was sent to the
3.0IM local unions, directed the min
er to give the operators their full
t co-oprratiou in the piotecttoi'
of mine property and counseled
against ioii-nrr and violation of the
law. In addition to aiferting ail
union miners in the I'nited State,
the order also directed approximate
ly 6,'5ll union men in western Can
ada to join in the walkout, but did
not apply to 14.W0 miiurs in Nova'
First in History.
N'evrr before in the history of.
the industry has a suspension
or strike order called for cessation
of work by all union miners in the
United State. In the rast, wage
contracts in the bituminous and an
thracite fields have not expired at
the same time, but a complete tie un
in union fields wa connidered dur
ing the great anthracite strike in
1902. A sympathetic strike by the
bituminous miners at that time wa
rejected by the union's convention, it
being argued that the soft coul
workers were bound by a contract.
The issuance of the call came with
the recent strike vote of soft col
miners not completely tabulated, but
it was said oficially' that the vor'c
of the union's board of tellers had
progressed to such a point as o
show every field voting overwhelm
ingly in favor of a suspension. In
dications were that nine-tenths or
the miners favored the walkout.
Cessation of the suspension in
whole or part, is left to the unions
policy committee, composed of more
than 100 union officials, which will
meet in Cleveland on Friday to con-
sidcr plans for conducting the strike.
Outstanding among the questions to
be considered by the committee is
that of negotiating single wage
agreements. A division within tiie
committee on this question seems
certain, with indications that a ma
jority will oppose the single state
Operators Are Blamed.
The suspension order, which aid
blame for the walkout in the soit
coal fields rested with the operators
for refusing to negotiate a new con
tract with the union, and with the
failure to reach a new agreement
'with the hard coal operators, was
mailed by office employes at the
union's headquarters here in the
absence of officials. The procedure,
however, had previously been ar
ranged by officials and the release of
the call which was dated yesterday,
was directed by officers, who are
(Turn o Pane Two, Column Six.)
Hearing on Mileage
Book Bill Is Op ened
Washington, March 21. (Special
Telegram.) At the hearing before
the interstate and foreign commerce
committee of the house today on the
interchangeable 'mileage book bill,
which has the backing of the travel
ing salesmen of America, 4,500 mem
bers making Jsebraska their head
quarters, Senator . Poindexter of
Washington and Representative Jul
ius Kahfi of California presented ar
guments in favor of the bill. E.--Congrespman
John Ksch, a member
ji rnc interstate Commerce com
mission, appeared against the meas
ure, which he pronounced unconsti
tutional. Representatives Jefferis
and .McLaughlin, who are friendlv
to the bill, were present at the hear
ing Avhich will be completed tomor
row. Forty representatives of the
national council of Traveling
.-alesiiien of America, accompanied
by Floor Leader Mondell and Rep
resentative McLaughlin of Nebraska,
had a conference with President
yarding today in the interest of leg
lElalion affecting the traveling men,
and judging from the pleasant ex
pressions on the faces of those who
met the president there was no doubt
as to his sympathies.
Viscountess Astor Urges
Change in Old British Law
London, March 21. (By A. P.).
Viscountess Astor today introduced
a bill in the house of commons de
signed to amend the old British law
concerning the presumption of coer
cion in case of offenses committed
by married women.
Introduction of the bill arose from
the recent case of a prominent fo
ciety woman. Mrs. Owen Peel, who
was acquitted in connection with
bettintr fraud in which lir Uiihnit
Capt. Peel, was sentenced to one year
imprisonment. Her acquittal was;
by virtue of an old law of Saxon
times, on which the judge ruled that
as the offense was committed in the
preseuce of her husband and there
fore presumably under his coercion
he had no option but to acquit her.
Endicott Gets Electricity.
F.ndicott, Neb, March 21. (Spe
cial.) Endicott now ha electric
lights for the firs,t time. The cur
rent comes from the municioaj olant
at Fairburv.
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