THE BEK: OMAHA. TUESDAY. MARCH 21. 1922. tti ni 1 1 1 1 1 1 ii r i n mt rrri i nimrrmirn nmn1 Society t J t I I III II It I I I I II I I I 1 11 1 It I I HI I I . . I f . . . We Cultivate a Coal o Tan When Tl $hw crTerd M"l Miry Coopr lu't trauti(ul henna and silver and gold ruiUm for tier inuuil pnng dnce at the tfrsndei. April 7, Mi Cooper h'l siiions ef that Jundime e)rep hinging there fur her puiU, jut it Imng whm Mr, ,vhan lunueli apr-esred here some months ago, "Ink up the freight suggested Mr. Shaan fron, Xrw York, She did. The curtim mil not be ud. It weighs pounds m4 the freight Mould pave amounted tu $.'fA Ueing a resourceful woman, aIimj foeper u gunning mrthitig ouI ! beautiful in a hsndome tloth of I'luf, anj Myron Van I'.tunt is mak. iiif it. Mr, Muwn, hit fiicm!. nuy he glad to know, it aitractiiitf cmtider able attention in Sfvv Yark, Me mid Mim M. J)cnm will have tvo schools in the rat hi summer, one in New York (or (irotetkional work and another at Camji IVtcrboro. N. H, near the Ml)oeI school. Mm Martha (iiahain, who appeared in Omaha with Mr. Shawn this eaott. will ai.t the artM with their in. . Hruftmn. (ilady Mullen is one of MtM Cooper's pupil who will so eat to study with them. Cooper rhv lirre is kmivm at a hunch lmihawn school. The Shawns have termtly contracted with Km melt Mayer fur a three-year tour of Australia. Europe an. the l'niie'1 Stale. In Ihe meantime their new building on the fracihc coat will be constructed. College Night at Club. The t'niversity rluh in celebrating college tii'shl on "1 huroday. March The party is a "stag affair and there w ill he a number of stunts, such at Moodlets operation, dancer, alright of hand, mind reading and cry nal sating. Karh college will have it own laMe. Chairman fortlte evening'i entertainment is Virgil llaggart. and committee member are Dr. E. C. Sage, Irank Selby and Paul Griswold. Dance Social. Banner Mondaniin, No. lit, will entertain at a dance and social com plimentary to Joseph A. Findlcy, Mate manager, Tuesday evening at the Swedish auditorium. ( To Sew for Institute. George Crook Woman's Relief corps will meet. Tuesday morning at 10:J0 to sew at the Childs Saving institute. L. O. E. Club Card Party, Tuesday is guest day at the L. O. F.. club. They will give a card party .'Sat afternoon at 2 p. in. at the Elks lull. Card Party. The Community club will enter tain at a card party at Crounsc hall this evening. ' U. S. Grant Corps. U. S. Grant Woman's Relief corps will meet Tuesday, 2 p. m., in Memorial hall, court house. Personals Jin and Mrs. J. M. Gilchrist" are spending a few days in Excelsior Springs.. A daughter, Jean Marie, was born March 19 at the Stewart hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Everett Hale Burke. VMrs. Shaji Osato and little djjigb tfX Teru. arrived Monday evening frori Hollywood, Cal., where they have been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Sessue Ilayakawa. ' New York. (Special ' Correspond ence.) Last summer a tailor called O'Rossen popularized in Taris the Cray suit of rather mannish cut. A constant drizzle of these gray suits was observed for months, and the inclement weather sprca'd to New York. This spring, however, O'Ros sen repents, and his suits which have been brought over to this side have substituted tan shades for Whistlc rian rIooui. In both suits and frocks these tan shades arc swaying our spring modes, and it is in line with this tendency that we present the charming cos tume of tan. twill embroidered in yellow and green and showing un derneath its graceful sleeves an un derscction of yellow organdy. Organcfy. by the way, is doing all sorts of . chores in the new frocks and suits, and a touch of rose or red organdy docs much in behalf of the navy costume. As to navy, this re mains in ts former excellent stand ing. Indeed, its condition is slightly bettered and the spring collections are, filled with navy costumes de veloping new thoughts in trimmings. Problems That Perplex Answered by BEATRICE FAIRFAX. 'An Absurd Xotlon. Dear Miss Fairfax: My sweet heart works in an office, and I want him to give it up and do a regular H man's work, but he insists that an office Is all right, and won't give it lip. Don't you think that If he really loves me or if there is any man in him ho would, get a position outside of an office? I don't mean that he should work so very hard, but only that an office is for a girl and not a big, strong husky fellow. CAROLINE. Where did you get your absurd notion about office work? Do you mean to suggest that the oank pres idents, heads of corporations, law yers, editors and all the vast cate gory of men who do ."desk work," are doing less than a "regular man's work?" If you write seriously, it is high time that you did a little sane thinking and mnde some attempt to broaden your mind and your knowl edge of what is the world's work and who are the men who do it. Brain is always mora important to progress and civilization and alwrms will be. A woman who feels as you do is likely to disgust a man or to nut nis amouion. t . A Morbid Attitude. Dear Miss,,Fairfax: I am 20, a college student nd in love with a young laijyVhom I have known very well for over five yeaes. I know that my love Is reciprocated. , Recently I had my heart examined and the physician told me I had a weak heart, but he said that he thought a few months' rest might benefit me. This young lady has given up all of her friends and she is very de voted to me. Do you think I am Jus tified in continuing our courtship or would you advise us to separate? I t an. r.ra. M. Q Tl 11 W n TO rt fl tne right thig. ; mijl.. There is no reason why this trou ble should interfere with your hap piness. The only injustice you can BEAUTY SPECIALIST TELLSSECRET A Beauty Specialist Gives Home Made Recipe to Darken Gray Hair Mrs. M. D. Gillespie, a well known beauty specialist of Kansas City, re cently gave out the following state ment rffarriinir rav flair; .. . o . . , Anyone can prepare a simple mucure at home tha win aarwen gray hair, and make it soft and CTlr,cv Tf a l,-s1f-nif nf water add 1 ounce of bay rum, small box of V r . I Barbo Compound and one-iounn ounce of glycerine. ThAC-t inrtrA'nim ran t, mir t,est nt .nw ArtifT clnr 4t VPftf lit- " lm rr.ct Annlv trt th hair twire a .ail- -nntit tVi rlcirrl cViarte id ob tained. This will make a gray-haired person look years younger. 11 does not color the scalp, is not Wicky or greasy . and not not rub oil- do the girl is to let a morbid atti tude toward your trouble come be tween you. - You should tell her of your trouble. Be Natural. Dear'Miss Fairfax: After being introduced to a person and when at the time of leaving they say "I'm very glad I met you." and also when beingr introduced they say "I'm very glad to know you,;' what is th proper thing for me to do or say? No doubt you think I'm a green- norn or some such, and I guess I am, too: out the truth is I want to know and as a first resort I'll come to you. for you have helped me out at other times. Say. Miss Fairfax, are there any books published on how to be witty, or something in Jfhat line? Please let me know. - - DAISY. ' When people tell you they are glad to have met you, don't you feel like saying. "Thank you?" And can't you conscientiously say, "And I am very glad to have met you?" The natural thing is usually the correct thing to do or say. . . Books can't make you witty. There are books of funny stories published. write the state library commission at the state house, Lincoln. It will furnish you the names of some such books. Carrying Gossip. Dear Miss Fairfax: My cousin, a girl of 27, has. been acquainted with a very fine man a few years her senior, and sees him every evening. On account of their different nation alities it was agreed . between them to be friends and nothing else. I would like your opinion, ex pressed in your column whether she does the right thing by having this man so often in her room alone (she does not live in her father's home) and has he a right to want to see her all of her spfcre time from business without giving her a chance to mingle with her own class of people? Shall I tell her father? T. R. Don't be a talebearer. Since your cousin is a woman grown and the man for whom she cares is also of mature mind and presumably sane judgment, the artificial barrier of nationality they have tried to raise probably won't stand. If they care for each other and find each other congenial their friendship will be likely to ripen to love and to de nwnd marriage as its normal ex pression. But if they actually re gard a difference in nationality as a block to love and marriage, they are acting most unwisely in being so much together. Tour cousin must think of her good name and the gossiping tongues of folks who do not' understand. P. J.: Tou do not enclose a stamped, addressed envelope. I am sure you will devise some at tractive boxes for your social with out suggestions from me. Inte-cslcd: Call up John Laten ser & Sons regarding your questions. D.: Consult the Red Cross in your city regarding your back travel par. My Marriage Problems AdtU GarrUori'i Htm Phase of 'REVELATIONS Of A WIFE' Why Dick Lett One Point mi Won Another. Feminine pwl nj ret'iion art curiout things, almont at odd aithote charactrriitic of the maieultpe mind. I h-id been nailed almott to hero Morihip of my huiband while I had lutened to the war rtminire ncei of him.fli itid lr. MrUermoti. Hut the curinfu and the evident diMatte with whiih he met my tnthutiatttc comment when the little phyjirian had departed from the hotel tune chilled my ardor e lleetually and made me captious, unreasonable and un happy. 1 slept but fitfully In the comforta ble but itrange bed. and wakened in Ihe morning jut at the first daylight appeared beneath the window cur tains with a vayue feeling of depres iion, which deepened to poitive pet tmhncii ii I heard Dicky anoring there was no aoftening name for ii in the bed neat mine. I rose upon my elbow and looked at him prawled comfortably upon hit bark with hit mouth open. Even so good looking a chap as my hus band could not overcome such a .handicap, and I aid to myself cross ly that he looked like anything but the romantic hero ! had put upon a hrine while I liatened to the little doctor's tig. I was going along very comfort ably in a pettish inventory of the deepening lines imperceptible when he is awake and animated which the years were bringing to Dicky's face, when I chanced to Ret another salu tary glance of my biack eye and dis colored forehead in the mirror. I shuddered at the thought w hich came to me of the narrow escape I had had by awakening early. Suppose Dicky had awakened first and had inventoried my appearancel I crept out of bed noiselessly and bathed and dressed without waken ing Dicky. Years of housekeeping give one the advantage of knowing the breakfast tastes of one's" family, so with the bedroom door c!oed. I telephoned an order to the dining room for grapefruit, cereal, bacon, eggs, muffins and coffee for two. with the certainty that Dicky would approve of and enjov the meat. "Real Considerate." He called to me as I hung un the telephone, and as I opened the bed room door I saw that his morning mood matched my own, "What's the big idea?" lie demand ed crossly. "Here you are getting up in the middle of the night and waking everybody In the hotel! Do you think they'll send up a breakfast at this time in the morning?" His irritation put the match to mine. But the thought of the task I had before me put out the flame al most before it had kindled,, and I was able to smother my resentment and to answer him with disarming matter-of-factnrss. "They said they would serve it in half an hour," I returned, "so you won't have to hurry." "I won't I" Dicky draw led provok ingly. "Isn't that sweet of you? Real considerate, I call it. But if you think I'm going to get up to break fast in half an hour you've got sev eral more thinks coming, that's all. Eat my order yourself or counter mand it it's all one to me. And for goodness sake shut that door again. I'm going to sleep." I obeyed with a furtive smile, knowing that although just nov he believed every word he was "saying, yet he would appear at breakfast, nevertheless. Dicky bark and bite bear the traditional ratio, a hrsson which I learned long ago, but which cost me many bitter and unneces sary tears in the learning. "Oh, Dicky I" That he would grumble all through the meal I also felt assured by experience and,- therefore, w as agreeably surprised by his evident good humor when he ' appeared iii the sitting room just after the wait er had served the grapefruit and we were discussing it. "Have you any idea where you're going to begin to hunt , for Katie?" . "I have the address of her cousins,, the only relatives she has in this country. I am sure she isn't there, she's too active and restless not to have found work at once, but. they'll know her address, no doubt."v Why can't I go down and inter view them?" he askei "and locate Katie myself? Not that, I want to talk to her when I do find out wlrere she is." he amended hastily. "That's your job. I'd only make a botch of it. But I'd like to spare you every appearance in public with that lamp that I can, and resting here - this morning would be better for your nerves than traipsing around the for eign sections of the city." "You're awfully kind, Dicky," I said, "and very plausibe.- I think I'll accept your offer." "That's sensible," he beamed, evi- Z52SZ52525Z5ZSZSc: Makes a Family Supply or conya nemeay BUt IwUnp than ready-mad . norn wrap, sm htm uni ss. Eatllr and quickly prepared. If you combined the curative prop erties of every known "ready-made" cough remedy, you probably could not eet as much real curative power as there is in this simple home-made cough syrup, which is easily prepared in a few minutes. Get from any druggist 2'4 ouneet of Pinex. pour it into a pint bottle andfill the bottle with syrup, using either plain granulated sugar syrup, clarified molasses, honey, or corn syrup, as desired. The result is a full pint of really better cough syrup than you could buy ready-made for threetimes the money. Tastes pleas ant and never epoils. This Pinex and Syrup preparation gets right at the cause of a cough and gives almost immediate relief, lb loosens the phlegm,- stops the nasty throat tickle and heals the sore, irri tated membranes so gently and easily that it is really astonishing. A day's use will usually overcome the ordinary cough and for bronchitis, croup, hoarseness and bronchial asth ma, there- is nothing better. Pinex is a most valuable concen trated compound of genuine Norway pine extract, and has been used for generations to. break severe coughs. To avoid disappointment, ask your druggist for "2V- ounces of Pinex" with full directions, and don't accept anything else. Guaranteed to give absolute satisfaction or money promptly refunded. The Pinex Co Ft. Wayne, Ind. dently pleased with my prompt ae. quiescence. "Ann no fl.iutit you II need all your strength and nerve when you'lry to sninh Katie from the kitchen rl some ii'prr-Vet-side apartment, I can imagine the frozen face some dame is going to show you. . "Oh. Dicky!" I ejaculated in dis may, and I reiterated the eteUma linn mentally many times during thr hours that followed while I waited tensely for my husband's icturii with news of Katie. Dog Hill Paragrafs By George Bingham Mis ITulie PeUhrr linked so pale in the face this morning it was be lieved she was ill, and the doctor was called, whereupon it was discovered that she had administered an over dose of face powder. . Poke Tazley has a lot of spare lime on his handn now a he lu. a watch that he don't have to wind but twice a week. . The Depity Constable has been pursuing Kaa Barlow nearly all of this week, but has failed to over take him. as Raz, at the beginning of !'" aV 1 ' ' ' 1 the chase, let the Depity get in front of him. xmmon Sense By J. J. MUNDY. Are You a Butterfly or a Bee? In your business and social life arc you trying to be a "good fellow," or are you building a reputation as a man of real worth? - You are thinking more of being popular than of being worth while. Probably you could be a good ex ecutive in your, business, a good workman at your bench, a successful business man, if you tried as hard to be that as you do to win the applause of "the crowd." The good business man is seldom the "fine fclow." The successful business man has not the time to get mixed up in all the social events and all the clubs and what not, he is too engrossed in affiars of more moment than mere social functions. The so-called popular man is sel dom chosen for a responsible posi tion. The man who has money to invest, who is able to pay a high salary for services, is looking for a man with balance and concentration and energy in a whole-hearted busines way. He knows that late hours at eve ning affairs is bad for work the next dav. He is after a man who has energy and good spirits to puf into the bus iness, not into the play of the day.' Big business has too much at stake to employ the social favorite. (Copyright, 1922.1 New York's only women's police station :'s furnished with all the com forts to be found in a jvcll-conducted Tn addition to a lounging room, decorated in cream and white, there is a dormitory with snowy, white beds, lockers with mirrors at tached, and a row of showers. .BOWEN'S Value-Giving Slorc Vacuum Cleaners .Lighten housework and do the work better than broom, dust er and dust pan. Picking up all the dirt and lint from rugs and carpets without scatter ing dust, they are endorsed by all users. . Easy to Operate- Easy to ZF&tr own ' n f3l .. . $39.75 Vacuum Cleaners . $1 DOWN $1 PER WEEK Spring housecleaning will soon begin. Have a Vacuum Clean er in your home to do a great part of the work. - - It pays to read 0 Bowcn's Smalt Ads Howard St., bet. 15th and 16th SIEEJY-TIME TALES wV THE TALE OF PxjTHE MULEY ? COW BYARTHUIVOTT BAILEY IK j"V A V TTif i ii.rmi in. Working for a Prife. Of cii:tc Johnnie titcen was vry slow the int nme lie rnitkrd the Muley Cow. Fur a few iniuutr hi T A "he's fcoii'g ta be a good milkfl pm Pe gfl Ihe hl- ff jl," , Just then Johnnie tiierrt (tint lrMimg town bing rattanrasy in (tout ct ihe cs. He stopped in fiont cf ihe Un'tf low an j ! fiej hrf a .iei of an eaily apple one of the i i. i rpe one ( the um pice. - Mie aurpt'd Ihe gift wiili niuih pl4uie. while lier ne!hhoi on tithrr ii if. rctlftv at she num. hrd the apple. "Ihev said iioih. lug lust then. Hut anibody muld re that they wished Johnnie Green wi'ii'd let th'm base a late, too, h earm-d it," the iig white row toll the little I'd cow, later. "Mie had I" Uii.l at till al l-jt three. mur Ins ii an dour, while that boy was trying f milk her." The Mtle red sow gave a sUiiht sniif. "So doubl the apple was sour, anyhow," she ntuiteird. The Muley low couldn't help hearing what tier two neighbors were raying. And although she was a well-nutmcred person and bad a. kindly lipoiiitn, she couldn't re sit telling Iheni that the Apple was1 leet and iuicy. s "If ou had lud a Ul of it ton would agree with me.saiil the Mu ley tow, ipiiihi. i:; 1 hope he ll be' dent with me by dark.," she said, to herself. father Mnod beside, him and told him a few things that he needed to know. And then Farmer lirern went away and left Johnnie to do Ins best all clone. "Now jour chance!" the Ijtlle red cow taid t'i the Muley Cow. "Upset the boy before Farmer Green comes back!" But the Muley Cow didn't even stop chewing her cud long enough to answer. She looked so mild and contented that no one would have guessed t-he was wMiiug more than ever that she had jumped the fence and lost herself in the back pasture. It seemed to her that Johnnie never would finish milking her. "I hope he'll be done with me bv dark." she said to herself. "1 shouldn't like I; lo'e any of my night's rest. - Yet she never let anybody know that she was impatient. She stood as still as she could, only lifting a foot and stamping now and then when .some fly was loo bothersome. And she never switched her tail ex cept w hen a fly gave her an unusual ly hard, bite. To be sure, once she brought the end of her tail smack across Johnnie Greens check. But that was a mistake. Though it stung sharply, all Johnnie . Green rafd was, "So, boss! So, bossl" She was glad when Farmer Grccrt came back at last, peeped into the pail that Johnnie was clutching be tween his knees, and said, "Well, you haven't-done badly. But you'd better let me finish for ybu." So Johnnie slipped off the three legged stool and watched while his father sat down and got the rest 'of the Muley Cow's milk in no time. "Farmer Green milked eight cows while that lazy boy was puttering with you," the little red cow said to the Muley Cow. "Well, well! I suppose . Farmer Green had to learn tp milk when he was a boy," the Muley Cow replied, as she flicked a big fly off her back. "And this boy of his," she added, A Silly Song By A CUCKOO BIRD. Die cilfiidjr tleg" that spiing 1-fgint xJjy and all it e trees and hrdtf with blixun will .! be iy, I! til in my bed I hier and bug my lree nen, r.! ut M ihe liver and my siuaw 14 neeje, I filth h! the siiiU'ii and wipe wy he; the !itit inA'S me ert4n ihe M. anting ship is lost, I open up the d4t!iprr and shovel in some, thru bark t bed I camper and rrawl inw my Me. tint yonder in ihe hllmtd I hear a rut'jfl ting, while I thaw out mv giraid ) gfd. can tins by spring. Change in Meeting IMatr, The meeting of the Omaha Cul ute tluh. ili mr.iie education er tion, scheduled fr Wednesday at 1 1 :J0 t, in 41 (he lume ti Mrs, Ws!. er undrvrn Ins been thanftd t Ihe J.rtnte .( Mis. Ileittit TiKter, ,im Dasenpoit siieet. Parents' Problems ftULBRANSEN PLAYER PIANO Wationalb 'Priced iranaea in inc iwk. TV 'T T! Should a little boy of 5, an only : hild, who prefers to play alone, .be' allowed to do this? 1 luducf bun to play often with' other children. He need this com-1 .anionhip, perhaps all tltc more ! when be shuns it. At the same time the solitary child is by no means al ways Ihe one with drooping spirits. He may have a gay, enchanting fancy that plays freely only when he is by hiimrlf. It seems to me, however, lhaf it is fcettcr for Ihe child to have, during a large part of his time, the real ilesh-and blood playmates with the give-and-take and chance to exchange small sacri fices that come with such compan ionship. You can help considerably t.i overcome this shyness of your child by, w hen he is with other chit dren, joining for a while in their f lay. ' - - Dr. and Mrs. Herman von Schulte returned Monday from Orange, X, J. They have been east for two weeks, and Mrs. Yon Schulte was called home by the death of her mother, Mrs. J. W. Embury, who was suddenly taken ill with bronchitis.' Wishing woritheal that rash Use RESIIiOL Soolhinq and HeaJinq The first application stops the itchmg torture and helps to dari the angry skin 14J II 1 1 I I 700 00 '495 The Atl and Music Store 1513-15 Douglas Street TgFfTfra, TtTi ' " 0 At the fountain or at home ira cream is the treat of treats for grownups as well as chil dren. Whether at the fountain or R a delii'iBua descrt SATIN' t' creem you'll find in delightfully "different." Insist on satin. & 1 ICE CREAM COMPANY Millinery of , Character at Kilpatrick's Making their initial showing of . Spring Hats' Mr. and Mrs. Amsden solicit the critical in spection of their many friends. - The customers of this store, habited as 'they are to genuineness, will find qualities guarded, art expanded, style protected and ingeniousness rampant throughout a mar- ' ' velous and ample ' .. SPRING DISPLAY - during the present week, v I f3 Cleanliness is second nature to tnose I ' m careul workers "vno iralce possible J ' HARTMAIIN A New Hartmann Sett Record Value I mrxd) Inif fialnres that ran nut he ilnitlli'sted In any other make of trunk at any price, Patented ril(es. patented raise cushion top, heary llartiiiatin hardware, held by met, four Inrie draw ers, fino rietnnna lining, hard vulcanized fibre cov rrinc. shoe box, IS to It sarment capacity, laundry 5xi j, etc, t only does IhU track eteel In number tit features, bat It Ii built tbe Hartmann way. We are air ays rjlad to demoo trte. , STEINLE 10,1 Fat nam St. Here ia Tears. .aumuNfi .BOWEN'S. Value-Giving Store Come to the Bowen Store and hear all the late Columbia Record "Releases .As fast as new Columbia Rec ords are released they are of fered in our Grafonola Department. Here aTe the latest releases, . Come and hear them. Dance A-35S3 .Lonesome Hours; Just a Little Love Song, Eddie Elkins Orchestra. A-3554 Bow -Wow Blues; Smilin', CaliforniaKamblers A-3557 Cutie; Venetian Love Boat, Knickerbocker Orch. A-3558 Birmingham Blues; Wicked Blues, Edith Wilson . and Jazz Hounds, New Song Hits A-3552 Ka-Lu-a, Shannon Four; Lalawana Lullaby, Jones and Hare. - . A-35S6 The Sheik; Granny, Hart, Shaw and Clark. A-355S The Cuddle Up Blues; I've Got the Wonder When He's Coming Back Blues, Marion Harris. . A-3544--Uncle Josh at the Opera; Uncle Josh Buys an Automobile, Cal Steward A-3548 Vale; Sylvia, Louis Graveure. t ' A-3549 Flower Song: Simple Confession, Sibyl Fogan, A3545 Song of India; Hymn to the Sun, Eddy Brown. A-6206 Surprise Symphony; Light Cavalry Overture, rhilharmorric Orchestra. . A-6207 Angel' Seranadef Mary, Corinne Eider Kelsey A-6208 When Shall We Meet Again? By the Old Ohio Shore, Prince's Orchestra. A-6209 Blossom Time, Col. Opera Co.; Blossom Time, . . Prince's Orchestra. A-6210 O'er .Waiting Harp Strings; New Old Story, Van der Veer. 80097 Mother Machree, Chas. Hackett. Exchange Record Department Your old ' recorda oy make) r worth 23 cents toward 1h purchase price of anj Record on ur Exchange Tsble. It Pay to Shop at Boweni ' fkBowen (b Howard Su bet. 15th and 16tk