Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 21, 1922, Page 2, Image 2

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    TIIK -BEK: OMAHA. ' TUESDAY. MARCH 21. 1922.
FeiUon Pleads to
Keep Convicts on
State Road Work
CKalltngri Private Contrar-s
Health and Morale for
Lincoln, March 20 iiirvi-D
A pin for working cumin on the
ratili ihii summer u mad? public
today by Warden W. T, Fenian.
Tlf wardrn challenged, tbe ute.
n,ent rrportfif to have tome from
ontrtctor ntou to gobble up ait
the kiak' ioi'1 work to tbe Iff it
that free labor ci.ntracu will be
t reaper than cotivkt labor fnifci.
Ilonewr, dollar nj emu
hotildn't be roniirlered in tbe
opinion of Warden Frntmi. 1 be
tonvirt road ramp i a braltli and
morale building establishment far
tbe nini which, in opinion, will,
in the restoration of manhood to
the eonvicti, be tin economic savin
to the public worth much more than
the dollars, anil cents involved for
the time being.
Advocate Free Labor.
George E. Johnson, Mate engineer,
announced week that due to the
drop in wajrea he bclkved contrac
tor! could build road cheaper thi
Mjmmer with free labor than with
convict tabor.
The overhead in ceding prisoners
and cuardi, borne by the Mate,
added to the $1.12 1-2 paid convicts
lor labor last summer, would. John
son believe;, amount to more than
'ontram made with men employing
tree labor,
"That certainly will be a blow to
(be morale of thi instituliony" the
warden said. "We are willing: to
do anything practicable to continue
road building as it is a paying prop
osition for the state both from an
eqonomic and manbuilding stand
point. "Convict gang have worked on
state roadi two years now. The
tirst year there were a few escape
but last year not a nan escaped,
"Then under the -present law a
man who works on the roads Rets
an extra day on his time for every
day he is in the camp. That Is in
addition to the 75 rents per day he
received for bis labor. The stas
obtained 37 1-2 ccts a day for the
labor of each man.
Say Story Ill-Founded.
"The story that with our new
shirt factory there will be no men
available for the road camp this
summer is ill-founded. Today, the
penitentiary population is 575 and
it will remain at about the same
figure all summer.
"We need 100 men here to do
chores around the institution, 250
will be employed in the shirt fac
tory and lOu in the furniture factory.
This leaves 100 men available for
the road camp. Last year there
were 55 men on road gangs.
"The department of public worts
must feed the men and we clothe
them from the 37 1-2 . cents a day
which comes out of their wages.
There were two guards at each ot
the three camps last summer who
received $100 a month. At the most
I don't see how convict labor will
cost more than $2 a day. I don't
believe there is any labor that could
be obtained so cheaply.
"The yelping about competition
isn't necessary because of the rela
tively small amount of competition
the convicts afford. I hope the
contractors, for the small amount of
profit ' they may receive by getting
convict labor abolished, will retain
sufficient of the milk of human kind
ness to help the state in rehabilitat
ing these men, who need that 75
cents a day and need the fresh air
and the extra time it gives them on
their sentences."
Water-Logged Frisco Ship
Is Abandoned Off Mexico
San Francisco, March 20.
Abandonment of the Sarr Francisco
bound steam schooner Fairhaven,
waterlogged off the southwestern
coast of Mexico near Manranillo,
state f Colima, was described in a
radio message received here by the
marine department of the chamber
of commerce. The message said the
crew had been picked up by the
steamship Katrina Luckenbach and
landed at Manranillo. The cause of
the accident was not given.
The Fairhaven, owned 'by J. E.
Davenport of San Francisco, was
on its way north from Punta Arenas.
Costa Rica. It became waterlogged,
according to the wireless, at latitude
19.40 north, longitude 103.50 west.
The Fairhaven had a tonnage of
1087.; It was built in 1908.
Arrest Boxer at Beatrice
. on Statutory Complaint
Beatrice, Neb., 'March. 20. (Spe
cial Telegram.) Johnny Fife, wrest
ler and boxer, was arrested near
Diller on a statutory charge pre
ferred by Rose Vynck. Fife was
arraigned before Judge Ellis and
pleaded not guilty. His case was
set for hearing April 5, and in de
fault of $750 bond he was remanded
to the county jail.
' T Care a Cold In One nr.
TVs Luilln BBOMO QCIN1NS Uttleti. Ths
twain tern tss sifn.iur. of I. W. Grore. (Be
saw ion BBOMO.) 30a Adr.
War Medals May Not
Save Hero From Prison
Value-Cfving Store
Our Repair Dept.
"in charge of an efficient fore
nan and having several capa
ble mechanics working under
his personal supervision, will
repair your furniture and
make it like new again. Our
charges are nominal, our work
the best, and, if you'll phone,
we will eall, get the pieces and
deliver them to yon in the
least possible time.
It pays to read
Bowea't Small Ads
Mewari St., fcet. lata aad 16th
Joe Shanley.
Once ji.urd hy the distinguished
service cro-s and cruix de guerre
lie won in France from going to the
penitentiary on charges of stealing
an automobile belonging to Robert
O'Dtll. October 24, Joe Shanley.
who police lay confessed he Mole
the car to support his wife, a former
7icgfctd Follies actress, again faces
the prison gates, this time on charges
of violating his parole by leaving the
lie was arrested in Indianapolis,
according to 1'robation Officer
Moses P. O'Brien, and is now held
in Lincoln on a grand larceny
charge. Shanley claims to have once
jockeyed for William Vanderbiit.
All U. S. Troops Ordered to
Leave Rhine ly July 1
Washington, March 20. Orders
directing the return to the United
States by July 1 of all American
troops now on the Rhine were issued
today by Secretary Weeks.
The order includes the return by
the end of the fiscal year of the en
tire force of approximately 2,000 men
excepted from the previous order of
several weeks ago, under which the
homeward movement of the majority
of the American Rhine contingent is
now in progress.
The action of thi War department
was merely a continuation of policy
previously announced for withdraw
ing the American forces from the
Rhine territory as early as possible.
Mr. Weeks said. It was indicated
that the status of army legislation in
congress in 'no way influenced the
department's decision and also that
the controversy over payment ' by
Germany for the maintenance of the
Rhineland troops was not involved.
They come
to stay
The trying out of Heinz
Baked Beans for the
first time is quite an
eVent in the home. Be
cause Heinz Baked
Beans always come to
stay. So appetizing, so
good, so satisfying.
with Tomato Sauce
hP,.....I . I' '
iTJiuiu: viv'ui
in Chicago l ams
: Charge of Murder
j Woman Art-tufil hy lUs Mfiu.
I hrr ut Allfpril ,(!rimit;l
flart" f Frt Youth to
Ut flriiniiiabf
( bingo. Mr'H '' - 'I ir,.ufc''.i ti e
arrrit f tw ly um the wither
of one of thff't, the !ii c May le
I'eveJ thry lu4 hrukrn tip thi? most
unusual and tmwrtipulous group of
criminals in the ,ity. The ltoy.
Charles tulr r, 19, and I'r4t-k Jtr,
I, were ItitJ with MmJri's tiiullicr
in connection with crime unpins
ftoin larceny, irjmnidt aaiiti tut a
imue woman, to inrdr. Mr.
halfr wji dciUrrd by the polue
to be a female paifin, wIim directed
the vice activities tt the youth jnul
l&rcca tnem into a bfc tu crime.
Shot to Death,
Some time ago Mr. Shadrr, the
woman's husband, wn found shot
to death in his home, a tjte pitol
by bis side, a few da mio. Mar
garet Sliatlcr. 1, .sishr of Chaitr.
was found bot to death with the
atne hu by hrr ide; M.irearef
mother said the girl killed bersell
when the was refused pirntision !
marry I.ce. the boy arrested with
Miadrr and In -mutinr. i a
mulatto and the. Miaders are v. bite.
Lee, fitting in his cell today, ("Id I
the police, thev said, that Margaret j
had met her death through Iier re-
- A?
Uric Acid
85-Cent Bottle FREE
' (32 doses)
.Tust because you tart the day worrIM
nd tired, stiff les aad arms and raua
clea. &a aching head, burning and bearing
down pains in the back worn oat before
tbe day befins do not think you have
to stay In that condition.
Get well! Be free from stiff Join.t,
or muscles, rheumatic pains, aching
bark, kidney or bladder troubles Start
If you suffer from bladder . weakness
with burning, scalding pains, or it you
art In and out of bed half a doien times
at night, you -will appreciate the reat.
comfort and strength this treatment gives.
Wa will glva you for your own us on
SS-cent bottle (3! doses) FREE to con
vince you Ths Williams Treatment con
Quers kidney and bladder troubles, rheu
matism and all oher ailments, no matter
how chronic or stubborn when caused by
azcessivs uric arid.
Send this notice with your tetter to
The Dr. D. A. Williams Co., Dept. W-617.
P. O. Block, East Hampton. Conn. Please
send tan cents to help pay part cost of
IMMtags, packing, etc. W" will mall to
vou by Parcel Post, delivery Pld. a regu
lar -nt bfttle of Th Williams Treat
ment til DOSES, without obligation or
expense. Only one bottle to the same ad- (
drci-s or family. Established IS!:. ' j
(tit! to tbey Mrs, SltJef"e orders
tiut he join ttie pihere ta their
trim activities.
lie mi, i 8o4 (irltbat wi
whs he it dead. Said Me,
She didn't kill hmelf. She wat
turkred, Le 'lit wn to niir
ry tne, si they said. She jurt want
t'4 ti he good,"
-Voo Poo" Woman.
I re ws flimted by tbe po'ke a
yiKB that Mr, jhader made him
an. I Charles become rrimiiuts. He
ttild i iif police hf thought the was a
uw d'o woman" att thut hs wai
atrairt to dieohey.
"She wat gn'mg to put a iprll over
lite it I ilnhit ol.ey her. ai1
In (lie hadir home ibe utire
toun.i more dun j'j,j wortli ol
goods which thry said had brrn
rtoleti. There wai enough to stock
a f.tir iieJ denartinrnt lire.
'J be two hoys igned eonfeIon,
tup police i4Ut, thr they, bad r om
initted more than J00 bnreUrirs. -
Policy Body of U.M. W.
Called to Strike Meet
Washington, farch 2C The grn
eial policy committee rf the United
Mine Workers of America was
called today to meet Friday in Qcve
land to formulate a policy to be
followed by the bituminous mincri
wlicn work is expended April 1,
The call was lusued by John L.
Lewis, international president, and
announced bcre today.
Find Mett of Gruln Growers
to Ojifn in Chicago TucHtlay
C'hiciKO, March 20. The first an
nual meeting of the United States
(rain (irowerd, Inc., which opens
here Tuesday, open to .the
public, it was announced yesterday.
jlIdlMH U DiMMTb, tiwr in a trap
fit 7 ! Jiepmie in the oKie of Cicoiks
I'ays 81,000 Fine
Sujifriur Man Gnctt Drat!c
- Penalty for Viulatin ,
(lame Laws.
Liiuuln, March 2d. (Special.)
The state's heaviet lirie for break'
ng the came laws wa inipo-ed by
District Judge K. D, Rrown at Nel
ion last week on William A. Thorl.
ton, a resident of Superior. Thort
ton ws fined $1,000 and costs for
i Kortrr. tte and ttanio war
den, learuc that the bide were o!J
' i. ....... ., I'-i..,, r ..I 1 1... u..i
tt Hvloit and returned today with
I .1.. l: i .
Ilir iikici..
j Sun l.uHir. piopririor of a hard
. fin piviv m e mitv
and cost for trapping an oppos
timii. itl J rank Kred, Superior
piHilliiiil prtjprictor, t out n
build on five counts ihaicin hint
wj;li breaking the" migratory bird
t'thrr fnie atrrd a a retult of
. .. i' . ...... .ii
Ji 'itiiir in ivncnirr a oime lonow;
ti.lltrt A. Smith, Wrt Tomi. $13
and co. tixlmig without a license
l-f-lie Mann, I'lillerton, $15 in
nii. hontiitd witlimii a license
Charles Wickmait, 1'iorce, $IS ant
cot. hiiutiiiit without a license, $
d costs hiintiiiif after dik; fl5J' ad f i-. k.Hug Cur .lu.!,; jjcr. )
4 io.ts, kiliii ij tin ..? ihuk; Jlci.jnMH I'orlltit, irrc. 1 5 i jwi, J
m VuiiDfioh, JVice, IS am' ItMntiitif wutintit lic-ii. H
cosij, liiintiiiu wiihoiit a ictne, SIS
and tost, huuiintr alter djik, fljd
fo.t. hui.tiiM j:i,i U.k.
fust. ll!i( i,f il4..
J " Mil ",j
Dr. Bur horn's Chiropractic
Health Service
Colds, headaches, backaches, lumbago,
rheumatism, nervousness, neuritis and
throat troubles respond to Chiropractic
a well as liver, stomach and kidney
Office adjustments are 12 for $10.00
or 30 for $25.00. Hours 9 a. m. to 8
p. m. House calls made when unable to
come to the office.
My Council Bluffs office is located in
the Wickham block with Drs. Ruberg
& Ruberg in charge. X-Ray laboratory
in both offices.
414-28 Securities B!dg. Cor. 16th and Farriara
DOuglas S347
$lralfoti (tttotljes
Totally Different and Better
Style it predominant in our
offering of Stratford mod
els for spring. And it is
style that is always a little
ahead of the others a lit
tle different but not con
spicuous. You'll like Strat
ford style because it's
"Totally Different and
Better." I
$25 to $50
Cable sm
1809 Far nam ftratfora detJjii,
. rr-s dli
When you press the electric button or turn;
the switch, then that instant -we manu
facture the electricity for you. .
There is no waiting, for as you demand
electricity, so is it manufactured!. .
As buttons are pressed and switches
turned, the millions of dollars' worth of
machinery at our plant swing into action;
coal is fed to the huge boilers; steam is
made and "Big Joe" and the other turbo
generators grind out' the electric current.
Electricity is not stored, awaiting your
use. It must be manufactured as you need
it. Therefore it is more than a commodity.
It's a Service
Under the new cent rate this SERV
ICE is sold cheeper -in Omaha than in
practically any other city in the United
States. - .
Nebraska Power Go.
I 1 ' I I
Fashion Is Lavish In Her
Use of Lace This Spring
Novelty laces, embroideries, beaded anil
spangled novelties arc now being shown.
Exquisite allovers and flouncings to fashion
the ultra-smart frock, hand embroidered net
bandings with edges to match, colorful trim
mings for sport apparel, fine ratine bandings
and edges, together with hosts of others,
make this new spring showing particularly
Main Floor
"Cloudy and Rain
Are your kiddies pre
pared for this -springtime
event? If not,
Thompson-Belden's are
ready to help you out
with their rainy-day ap
parel. Capes in tan, red or
navy, sizes 2 to 12
years, for $2.75.
Coats in tan or navy
are shown in sizes 2 to
14 years. Priced $5.00
and $7.95.
Val Lace
V al lace bandings, galloons
and edges in matched pal'
terns, 2 to 3 inches wide,
are special for 22c a yard.
-Navy blue rain
are priced 85c.
Children's Section
Second Floor
The Castle
Specially designed for
Irene Castle, comes in
a "printed" McCall
pattern, which though,
simple in fashion, in
cludes many new style
Pattern Section
1 Second Floor
"St. Louis Limited" leaves Omaha via Wabash at 5:46 p. m. Ar
rives St. Louis 7:55 a. m. Standard Sleeping Cars and Frea lUdlin-
ing Chair Cars and Cafe-Dining Car. v
Tickets and Eeservations at Ticket Office, 1416 Dodge St,
or H. C. Shields, Division Passenger Agent, .
1909 Harney St. Phone Jackson 0710. ;
All Fat People
Should Know This
Fat neople owe a debt of srratUude to
the author of the now famous Marmola
Prescription, and am still more indebted
for the reduction this harmless, effective
obesity remedy to tablet form. Marmola
Prescription Tablets can be obtained at nil
drusr stores the world over at the reason
able price of one dollar for a case, or you
can secure them direct on receipt of price
from the Marmola Co., 4613 woodward
Ave., Detroit, Mich. This now leaves no
excuse for dieting- or violent exercise for
the reduction ot the overfat body to
Ws mild, vegetable lasstlvn to
relieve Constipation and Bili
ousness and keep the digestive ant
ttminativefunctiODS normal.
,7 ivUWtf far or
tojdfcSBE&k -in wars
1 le.loir5iSS?C Mvcirt I
CWpsoffTheOW Bloci
Kw m tUNiN?R' W
fl aliiV One-third the refu- 1 I
1 3Vcla?-J lar dose. Msds of II
1 fly same ineredients. M M
1 then csndy coated. I I
1 For children and adults. f I
S Sherman li MrCiuiiirU Pruc Stores
ie cood roR coi.De
Mrn-Tho-Ktp Com. f tonp.
Druriristii viv fre umul for this eoupos
; Open Shop v
Plenty of Good Job ' 5
$1.02c per hour' : ,: - -
Higher Wages for '
Competent Foremen ; Y1
Permanent Employment;
Competent Men'
218 N. CLARK ST.
Do the right thing and be sure of peedy
relief. Often chest colds and sore throat
go over night if you use
. Better than a mustard plaster, does the
work and does it faster will not blister
30c 60c yellow box.
Keep Bowels Open
A freshly brewed cop ot Celery Kln ever
night drives out poisonous waste. Tone up liver,
brighten dull eyes hsnish sallow skin. SOcti
pkg. Brew some to-night for the whole family.
For Sale by Five Sherman
& McConnell Drug Store
When in Need of Anything
Use, a Bee Want Ad
Cuticura Soap
The Healthy
Shaving Soap
CtrtioBraSAepttwnawftbeatBQf. BrcrTwlMreSe.
Pfatiah-Pay When Cured
A mild srstem ef treatmnt that cares Piles. Fistula mmd
Rectal Digests is a short time, without a severe snreVei asw
erstioa. No Chloroform. Ethsr or ether a-tBeral aasathetia aaad.
euarantsed in try ease accepted for treatment, and no moaer Is to ae paid
Write for book oa Rectal Diseases, with Barnes and testimoniala et more
proa-inert people who have been permanently cured.
OK. C K. TARRY Sanaterwm, fetera TnulBida (Bee Bhtf ) Osaka. Mek.
. II