Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 18, 1922, Page 10, Image 10

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Drawn for The Bee by Sidney Smith
' I tan tan
Mil I tiVttl I1L tTAUft isutsf fKAM
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All SO 0LA& tMt T VA
PoeiC A LOWt "ATvH" TnvSt
Honored With iAffairs
Honor Depirting Omahim.
Mr. iiml Mr. Grorgc A. Nclaon
' riiirrl.iiiit'l infuriii.tlly ut dimivr at
ilicir homr on I Imrxluy cvrninc m
lionor o( Mr. and Mr. 1'rrtl I'fliliiiB
ami Mr. ami Mr. Urvcy r. ela
who are leaving Onmlia lo make
their hoitirs m oilier iinniM. Mr,
and Mrs. I'rlilin? will reside in Kn
fas City, while Mr. and Mrs. lurvcy
NeNnii will make tlieir liomc in Loiik
reach, Cal. 'Hie tables and rooms
were decorated with bt. 1 atrivk col
ors and the cvrniuK was bpeut at
LriilKC hist.
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson arc leaving
ne.t Tuesday for Lour liearh, Cal..
Mr. Nilsoii' parents. Mr. and
Mrs. Frans NeUon, have spent
the winter at Lour Beach and
will not return until later in the
spring. They. too. are considering
moving to California to make their
home. Saturday Mrs. Harvey Nel
son w ill be honor guest at a bridge
( party given by Miss Mary Halier at
her home. Monday night Mr. and
. Mrs. Fred V'ehliniitf will give a din
ner party for the Nelsons.
St. Patrick Day Party.
Tuneful Irish music. St. Patrick
day favors and a happy throng made
the gala evening honoring the Irish
saint a great success tot the Brandeis
tcstauiant last night. The largest
party given was by RicharJ Smitll
who had 29 guests in a private din
ing room. Many parties of four, six
and eight were entertained. Among
the hosts were:
Vlclnr White. B. S. lllkr. V. W, Cros
run, A. F. nr.-li-. I'. A. Walklna. O. C.
Hull. K. Shorlo.k, N. f. Allen. Pr. W.
K Nm, V. O. Mcl'arthy. A. H. Krlck.
in. P. I f.yivli. .lurk HuriK'. N. H.
1'yrrrt. n. J. Ili knon, M. J. frr. F. F.
Sullivan, p. fihorlock. R. W. Hurk. Dr.
X. Jlth!". J. II. Leo, f. T. Roaenbauni,
G. W. Simons, K. . Eldrcdce, H. I..
I,lverman. J. M. Flynn, K. U Slmtre,
(.'. E. Peterunn, J. J. Mulvllle. C. Peabody,
0. H. Bolden and M. Flnnoy.
Parties for Visitors.
Mr.' and Mrs. George V. Ashton
; entertained 12 guests last evening
; at their home at bridge. The party
complimented Mr. and Mrs. W. H.
Hall of Kansas City, who arc the
: guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. A Kerr.
Friday noon Mrs. Hall was a guest
at a bridge luncheon given by Mrs.
; Franklin Stearit at her home for two
tables. , Saturday evening Mr. and
' Mrs. L. V. Knndson will give a
, bridge party at their home for 12
. guests, honoring Mr. and Mrs. Hall.
For Visitors.
Mrs. E. G. Nelson of Sioux City,
a former resident of Omaha, was
honored Friday afternoon by the L.
0. E. club at an Orpheum party. Mr.
and Mrs. Nelson arc the guests of
.Mr. and Mrs. Ray Goodrow, who
will entertain for them Saturday
evening at a high five party. Twenty
guests will be pfesent.
Actress Is Honored.
Miss Josephine Victor, headliner
at the Orpheum this week, will be
1 the guest of honor this noon at the
: College club luncheon to be held
. at the Athlcticcliib. .. "
Delta Zeta Luncheon. J
! Miss Katherine Lowry will enter-
tain, the Delta Zeta alumnae at
; luncheon at the Fontenelle at 1
; o'clock on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Wead have
taken an apartment at the Jamicson
in Los Angeles.
: Mr. and Mrs. George Flack have
moved into their new home on
Thirty-eighth street.
Miss Marie O'Connor, who under
went an operation at St. Joseph hos
pital, is much improved. -
Mrs. John McMahon of Chicago is
visiting her brother, John A.
O'Keefe, and Mrs. O'Kecfc.
Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Friest left Fri
day for Los Angeles, Cal., where
they will spend several weeks.
Mr. and Mrs.C. W. Burgess are
now in Los Angeles, having spent
most of the winter at Long Beach.
Mr. and Mrs. Millard Mahlon
Robertson will return to Omaha
next Tuesday. They have spent the
winter in Hollywood. Cal. ,
Mr. and Mr?-. Robert D. Neely
will spend this week-end in Chicago
with' Mr and Mrs. J. A. Francocur,
formerly 'of Omaha. '
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Exlcy have
given up their apartment at the
Hamilton and will move April 1 to
the Normandie, at Park avenue and
T T C tmnMl ir-Vin Iiac 1irn rnn.
fined to his apartment at the Black-
stone ,witn tnreatenea pneumonia, is
much better and expects to be out
next week. ,
Mrs. Howard Baldrige returned to
Omaha Thursday from 2ew Or
leans accompanied bv. her sister, Mrs.
William Garland. Mrs. Baldrige was
called south ten days ago by the
death of Mr. Garland.
Miss Alma J. Youngquist has left
for Caluorma to make her home in
San Diego with her sister, Mrs.
Fred Fairchild. Miss Youngquist
i a graduate nurse and has lived in
Omaha for the last six years with
Mr. and Mrs. Eric MorelL-
Miss Helen Hagedorn of South
Bend, Ind., is the charming house
guest of Dr. and Mrs. W. P. Hanejr.
Miss Hagedorn and Mrs. Haney were
classmates at St. Marys at Notre
Dame, Ind., and this is Miss Hage
dorn's first visit to Omaha. She is
a young woman of all around talents,
as she is an accomplished pianist and
singer, and also enjoys swimming
and dancing. Aesthetic dancing is
her particular" hobby, although she
has never done it in a professional
way. Miss Hagedorn was surprised
at the sensation created by her smart
Russian boots, fashioned of black kid
and gray suede, for in the east they
have become almost commonplace.
There have been parties every day
of the week for this popular guest.
Saturday noon Mrs. Thomas Dona
hue will give a luncheon at the
Athletic club in her honor, and Sat
urday evening she will 9c a guest at
the Week-End Dancing club, pre
ceded by a Dutch treat dinner of 22
at the Fontenelle. On Monday eve
ning Dr. and Mrs. J. E. Pulver will
give a theater party at the "Passing
Show" for Miss Hagedorn, and next
Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. Jack Algar
will entertain at the supper dance at
the Athletic club for her.
Gamp Fire Girls
In honor of the 10th birthday of Camp
Fire, the. glrla are having an exhibit of
their work on tha eighth floor of Bran,
deia store Friday and Saturday, March
24 and 25. All articles for display must
be taken there Thursday afternoon wWen
Camp Fire representative will be there
to receive them. Every article must be
marked with owners name and name' of
guardian so that a complete record may
be kept. The public Is cordially Invited
to attend this display and aee Just what
Camp Fire girls do.
The aecond meeting of the guardians
training claes will be held Tuesday at 7
p. m. at the University of Omaha. The
Wltonohl group will "glorify work" tying
and finishing comforta at the exhibit of
the Camp Fire Girls In honor of their
10th birthday.
The lexse group Is having a benefit per
formance at the Victoria theater. Twenty-fourth
and Fort streets, March 28 and
29. Through the efforts of Miss Wary
Louise Guy and Mrs. Colin McKenzie, a
Camp Fire film will be the added fea
ture to interest the Camp Fire Girls and
the guardian. '
The Akiyuhopi group Is collecting
clothes to send to Jew York for the Rus
sian sufferers. The Wltawentin group is
a new one in North Omaha with Mrs.
C. W. Mason as guardian. The Tallani
group at their last meeting Monday had
the. Boy Scouts Instruct them to tie 10
standard knots. Boy Scouts and Camp
Fire Girls are both connected, with the
Hirst M. E. church. .
The Waotfl group had a dinner Satur
day evening at the home of Dorothy Nel
son. Maurina and Justina Fra&er, Sylvia
Guyette and Dorothy Nelson prepared the
dinner to gain rank of firemaker. The
Tatapochon group, at .its last meeting,
practiced for an entertainment to be given
at Benson the last of the month. The'
Oececa group la planning a ceremonial
soon when most of the girla are ready
for their woodgatherere rank. -
The Owalssa Bluebirds, at their lut
meeting. Thursday, had two new mem
bers come "mto their, nest. Mary Jane
Stringer, president: Marion Brownlee, sec
retary; Dorothy Thatcher, treasurer, and
Esther Haney. reporter, were the new
officers elected.
In the Wanhanka group of Benning
ton, Neb., nine girls have taken the rank
of woodgatherer. They are: Lydia Wltte.
Bernlce Hickey, Roma Hickey, Frances
Mangold. Delphia Isham. Anita Dornack
er, Edith Gran and Mae Moores.
The Aylta group held Its annuel elec
tion Monday at the home of Ruth Rig
don when the following were elected:
Marjorie Moore, president; Ruth Rigdon,
secretary, and Margaret Carmichael, treas
urer. The Kicuwa group will take hike with
the North Omaha groups Saturday. The
Minnehaha group finished their spring
hats Monday at the home of Ruth and
Elisabeth Runhka. The girl of the Wl
oca, group worked on handkerchiefs for
the exhibit at their Wednesday meeting
at the home ot Wilms, Baktr.
Hearing to Be Held
on Baggage Ruling
Hearing will be held at Lincoln,
Monday, March 27, before the State
Railway commission on the- applica
tion recently made by the Western
Passenger association for permission
to publish a ruling providing for the
declaration of the value of baggage,
from the passenger, prior to check
ing." '
Traffic menjjf the Omaha Cham
ber of CommeYce.and other business
concerns protested the N ruling as
contrary to the state law which pre
vents railroads from limiting their
liabilities. Under the ruling a ship
per would ' not be able to recover
more than the amount previously de
clared in case his baggage were loijt
Cafe Owner's. Wife Spurns
" Alimony Decision of $2,500
Mrs. Mary Huller, 47, was granted
xjivorce from Michael Huller, 50,
wealthy Douglas street cafe owner,
by District Judge Sears yesterday,
but spurned the $2,500 alimony al
lowed by the judg Mrs. Fluller
charged that her husband had hu
miliated ' her many " times because
she lacked education.
Yellow Cab Man Buys
Tags ; Judge Frees Him
A charge of failure to pay occupa
tion license tax. for 33 Yellow taxi-
cabs was dismissed in Central police
court Friday against S. H. Helmas,
operating manager of . the Omaha
Yellow Cab company. Helmas ap
peared in court and stated that he
had purchased the tags. 1
Birth Announcements.
A son was born March 17 to Mr.
and Mrs. Arthur Hjelm, at the
Stewart hospital. - -
A son, Donald, was born March
16. at the Stewart hospital to Mr.
and Mrs. George J. Kupke.
If canned corned beef is chilled
before being removed from the can
it will slice better.
Honesty Is
Good In
Dear Miss Fairfax: I am just
another one of the countless girls
coming to you fur advice with a
problem over new. to most girls, I
believe. I am sure you will under
stand. Miss Fairfax, I am just eighteen
years of age. 1 graduated last June
from high school, and being of a
quiet, studious nature let the boys
alone while in school, so that my
experience with them lias been very
limited. I am not a flapper type,
but ant just what most people brand
as a nice girl. 1 like a good time: of
the right sort but do not believe in
dissipating. 1 am good looking, wear
nice clothes, and cherish the hope of
some day having a home of my ow'ii.
Id fact that is my greatest wish but
I am anxious to have things turn
out just right.
About three months ago I met a
young man of congenial tastes, kind
and loving and who tells me he too
wants a home since he has no one.
lie is 26 years of age; Although he
has not talked of marrying nic in
definite terms, in other words has
not proposed, yet he has hinted and
intimated very decidedly that some
day he intends to make me his wife.
He has asked me to have none oth
ers beside him and I have almost
promised. He says it was love for
me at first sight. I really care for
no one else and don't want to. But
here is the question. Wouldn't he
appreciate me much more if he knew
he would have a struggle to get me?
How can I put him on . pins and
needles without offending him too
much. This is the greatest
moment in our lives, our romance,
and I wrant to make the most of it.
We both have very serious natures,
especially he, and mother says he is
a man who will not be trifled with.
Still I feel interest will lag if he is so
crack sure that he can have me when
he wants me. Your advice will be
greatly appreciated. Another thing,
should a girl be demonstrative in
showing her love for a man or should
she let him show it all?
A man may be a little more inter
ested if he bjs to make some effort
to win the girl he loves, but dear
me, it is such a mistake for a girl to
deliberately try to irritate a man
in order to make him care for her.
Place your standards high and let his
effort be in reaching up to them.
Don't make yourself a silly, contriv
ing little fool just to be living up
to the old idea that a woman must
keep a man anxious: Struggle does
strengthen but if it isn't over some
thing worth while, you don't supp'os
it would make a man care for you, do
you? I do think women, many of
them, have the wrong idea of court
ship. They think they must aggra
vate a man, irritate him and try
him in every way to make him prove
his love. Love is certainly a 5U-50
proposition if there ever was one.
and the sooner the girl measures up
to her share of the responsibility,
and does her share toward the com
bined happiness of the partnership,
the better for both. Man loses his
respect for the woman who makes
him do things just to gratify her
You should regard it as a privilege'
to confess your love to the man w ho
loves you. Don't do it prematurely.
You will recognize the time when it
Honesty, sincerity, reliability, are
sterling qualities and they arc just
as goon m the game of love as any
where. Try them.
Qui Vive Club.
The Qui Vive club will give their
11 th and last dance of the season at
the blackEtonc Saturday evening,
There will be election of officers.
Nervous and Dizzy, Every
thing Seemed to Worry Me.
How I Got Well
nnif it mil i ii ii t iit
Larwill, Indiana. "My back was
so b3d I could not do my washing. I
I was always tired
out and had no
ambition, wasner
vous and dizzy
and everything
seemed to worry
me and I had aw
ful pains in mv
right side. I felt
badly about four
years and could
not do my work as
it should have
been done. I raw
LydiaE. Pinkham's Vegetable Com-,
pound advertised so much and it did
so many people good that I began to
take it myself. I am feeling fine now
and every one'tells me they never saw
me looking so well. I live on a farm,
do all my work, and have three little
girls to take care of. I am recom
mending this medicine' to my friends
and know it will help them if they
use it like I do." Mrs. Herbert
Long,R.R. 3,teox 7, Larwill, Indiana.
Many women keep about their work
when it is a great effort. ' They are
always tired out and have no ambi
tion. When you are in this condition
give it prompt attention.
Take LydiaE. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound, for it is especially adapt
ed to correct such troubles. -
These specials we, are offering for one week only.
Our regular prices effective next Monday. '
Specials for Week March 13 to March 18, Inclusive:
4 pounds Basko Coffee . . $ 1 .00
t large pkgs. Quaker Oats ..42c
12 cans Carolene Compound .. 90c
D cans y2-Vo. Pink Salmon . . . , .. . . 50c
Small Loaf
Large Loaf
for : ,
Curtia Tuna Fish
14-lb. can, 2 for....V.
Daxsee's Little Neck A f-
Clams 2 for ...4...,. tOC
Sardines 1 Q -
Mb. oval can IOC
Underwood Mustard 1
Sardines Can HC
Oil Sardines
10 cans ...........
Per can
Basko Pancake Flour
4-1 b. sack .
Aunt Jemima Pancake
Flour 4-lb. sack,
Berries All Kinds, in
syrup, can .....v.
Basko Milk
Large can
Campbell Soups
Can Sweet Potatoes
Large can
Ceylon or Oolong 01 Pan Fired Japan-
Jib ',4-lb. pkg
b. pkg
Christian 'Kn Jcavor Social
at Harford Memorial Tonight
A social for 'all Omaha member
of the Christian F.ndcavor society will
be' held at the Harford Memorial
church, l.othrop ami l.lcvcnth
streets, tonight. , ' .
Titus Lowe Returns
Here for Short Visit
Krv, Tim Loaf, former plor of
the I list MrtlludiM ihuiih, it III (till
al a for a hit, Since Irtving
a iew week ago to Uk avir Ids new
dunes in New Voik, Dr. I-oe lus
gained eight pound..
(lis new ilutirt art oiig -ff nlif
ty. lr. l,of . hut he i iif
k'I't, hii.y griiiiig himvlt a'iuiiitr4
unit hit new iimiuiiiit;. A g.vt e
oi slf 'U)f4 here it li t nt.t time
ItiiVUIsU , ,
Dr. Loe Ml rlrida' afirrmv.n
for Lincoln where lie will jtrradi
Sunday morning at 1,'i.ivnniv I'lum
ami in one ofdlie Lincoln thuuhrs
in the evening.
Vanilla Nut
Ice Cream
A'deleolabI taste sensation for your
wek-nd dinnm and for little h'ome
Rath rings in the evening. It's Hard
ing Spmal and mar he had at hundred
of Ice Cream dinpensariea that serve
am 4
Mum mJ mv
Cmmm oC off
9 r. sr.
oX". "r''LV Sr 1814-16-18 Farnam Street . - Mail Orders Filled
Greatest Values Are Always Had atx Omaha's Greatest Market
Those who socV to shop where fund assortments nre alnajR complete, where first
iiuallty Is always certain, where values are always the best and where senlce Is un
surpassed, will find that the Food tenter will satisfy them la eiery respect.
Fresh Young Pig
Tork Roast, per
lb. lS1
Frcsli Young Tig
Tork Loin, per
Tb. 14l2
Fresh Tig Sparc
ribs, special at,
per lb. ...11?
Fresh Dressed
Koasling Chick
ens, lb. .22':
!8-lb. sack Gooeh's
Best Flour 81.98
Steer Shoulder Steak, per lb 17Vrt 1
Steer Iiib Boil, per lb ot
Fancy, Young Veal Roast, per lb. ..1412?
Faney Young Veal Stew, per lb. .,..8'
Steer Rib Roast, boned and rolled, lb. 221s
Grocery Specials for Saturday
. 16-oz. pure Black or Red Raspberry
rreserves, per Jar 25
Per dozen $2.85
Large" jars Fancy Queen Olives 39
Imported 'Norwegian Sardines, in
pure olive oil for ........ 12J
1-lb. can Calumet Baking Powder
for 29
P. & G. Crystal White Soap, 10 bars
for 49J
Santa Clara Sweet Prunes, lb. 12C
. Don't forget our delicious coffee.
Food Center Special Coffee, 3 lbs.' "
for 98 V
Breakfast Cup Coffee, 3 lbs. ..88 '
Steer Porterhouse Steak, per lb 23?
Pure Pork Sausage, per lb 157
No. 1 Sugar Cured Bacon, lb .lG'o
Cudahy's Puritan Bacon, per lb 35
Cudahy's Turitan Hams, half or whole,
per lb .36
Cigars Just Inside the
El Dependo, Be value, S for 15e,
100 for S2.75
Girard, 10c value, 3 for 25f
80 for 84.00
George Washington Smoking',
per full lb $94
Whale Smoking', full lb. ....4Sd
Bull Durham, 10c pkg 8c
Horse Shoe, Star and Climax Chewing-,
1-lb. plug for 03 r
10 lbs. best Granu
lated Sugar 58d
Carnation or Pet
Milk, can 9
Cordb Honey,
each 20
Bar, 35
i rer box,
Strictly Fresh Country Selected
Errs. pr dozen S5o
Country Jioll, direct from farm.
nice and sweet, lb. 3Ac
tanlsh Pioneer Butter, lb.,,,30o
Rex Nut Butterine, lb '.20c
I'eanut Butter, per lb. ISc
2 lbs. .for lts
Dairy Products
Alco or Biiia Butterine, lb. !3e
Fancy Full Cream Brick Cheese,
per lb 25e
Whipping Cream, per pint ,,,.40e
Fer Jj pint 80c
Buttermilk, per.quart ....... 10c
Fer glara So
Fruits and Vegetables "
Extra fancy Wlnesap, lb Te
By box SJ.1S
Extra fancy Oranges, 176 ise. doz....17c
Fresh Garden Hpinach, a peck 3Tc
Complete line of Fancy Fruit and
Vegetables. All Knee and at right price.
Best Florida Grapefruit, 70 size, 4 for lie.
Beat Smyrna Figs, lb..' 310
1 ""!
IWe Deliver
to Any Part
a m rfiA
I oi tne uiiy
Amazing Values for Saturday and all Next Week
Grocery Stock of Washington Market
Being Closed Out at Table Supply at Far Less
Than Today's Wholesale Prices
Omaha women never would dream thnf anch valaea were poaniklc. It will pay yon
io buy In quantities. Below we qnote only few of the big startling money-saving op
portunities. Price guaranteed only while quantltlea last.
Noniis Peaches, pricots, Plums, Blackberries, Red Raspberries or
Loganberries, per can
(Pineapple, No. 2$.
sliced, can 29
Royal Ann Cher
ries or Pears.
S cans ....984
Morals Peas,
String or Wax
Beans, can 15J
Nomli Baked
Beans, per
can 10
Beans, per
can H
Pearl White Soap,
10 bars ...394
rer box 83)10
Raymond MaMne
Corn, per
can 18t
Doz 82.10
Grogan's Rips
Olives, per
pint 214
Nomls or Tellow
Stone Pre
serves, per
Jar 234
Cordova Salmon,
tall cans .104
Fruits and Vegetables.
Finest Grapefruit, 2 for
Fancy Navel Oranges, per doz.-
Royal Excelsior Dates, per pkg.
Roman Beauty Apples, per box
Finest Idaho Potatoes, per bushel
Extra Fancy Head Lettuce 154 and 204
F.xtra Fancy Spinach, per. pec K 4
New Potatoes, per lb 154
vEstra Fancy Cucumbers, each 254
Tea and Coffee.
Household Blend Coff"C
i lbs 8S4
Uulk Cocoa, finest
quality, lb 94
Bulk Cocoanut.
per lb 304
Calumet Baking Pow
der, 1 lb 274
Butter and Eggs.
Strictly Fresh Eggs.
per doz 254
New Cream Brick
Cheese, lb. ,r..s..254 '
New York Cream Mild
Cheese, lb 274
White Clover Honey
Combs 254
Iten'a Fig Bars, per lb. 204
ten's Vanilla Wafers, per lb 254
Iten's Graham, Oatmeal, Tourist Soda
Crackers, i pkgs. .....254
A close-out from the National Candy Co.
at prices that are less than the sugar costs.
Many are buying candy by the
pall and box. Such values have
not been seen in years. Finest
quality. Be here Saturday.
Sc Cocoanut Squares,
per lb
25c Hot Time Creams,
per lb.
23c Popcorn Flakes,
per lb
35c Cherry Delights,
per lb. .'
30c Fancy Mixed,
per lb
Big Meat Specials for Saturday
Lxtra Lean Pork Loin,' half or
whole, per lb 15 '-i 4
Extra Lean Pork Chops,
Per lb. 17'54
Choice Flank Steak, Ib....l7',i4
Choice Steer Round Steak,
per lb , N...19'24
Extra Fancy Veal Roast, lb. 154
Choice Steer SboulcVer Roast,
per lb 12'i4
Pot Roast, per lb 84
Rib Boiling Beef, lb 54
Morrell"s Lean Bacon, lb. .291:4
Cigars Just Inside the Door
El Dependo, So value, i for. 154
100 for 82.75
Girard, 10c value, 3 for.. ..254
SO for $4.00
George Washington Smoking.
per full lb ...894
Whale Smoking, full lb 484
Pull Durham. lOo pkg 84
Horje Shoe, Star and Climai
Chewing, 1-lb. plug for.. 634